How To Handle Multiple Column Conversions

Jan 26, 2006

I have multiple columns in a table that I only want to convert if they are not null or of the proper type. I don't really want to redirect the whole row if one of the conversions fails, rather I would just not want to do the cast or set it to another value. In this scenario is it better to use a custom script or multiple tasks? The multiple tasks seems like a lot of overhead for processing the same data. Just curious how others handle this scenario as it seems as though it has come up quite often on our current project? Thanks for the assistance.


PS: Is it possible to embed evaluation statements along with conversion statements in a task expression? e.g. (len(trim([Column1])) > 0) substring([Column1], 1, 4)

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Sum Column Values After Conversions

Apr 11, 2014

I have this query where I do certain conversions and on top of this how can I sum the column values.

'$ '+ Replace(CONVERT(varchar,CAST(Total_Amount AS money),1) ,'.00','') as Total_Amount,
'$ '+ Replace(CONVERT(varchar,CAST(Monthly_Amount As money),1),'.00','') as Monthly_Amount,

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Derived Column - Date Conversions?!?

May 1, 2007

It was my understanding earlier that -- it is mandatory to have a Derived Column for a DATE String in a Flat File
to be loaded properly into a table with "datetime" column type

However, i tried running my package with the Input Column as "DT_STR" and the Destination on the table is DATETIME.

Looks like the process went on fine.. Am i missing something here?

My Date Format from the source looks like -- "DD-MON-YY"


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Need A Way To Handle Multiple Selections

Oct 31, 2007

I have a webform that lists all items (codes) on the left and selected items (codes) on the right. A user selects an item on the left and clicks a button to move it to the right side. An update changes the bit from 0 to 1. This uses the bit column in the table to determine what is listed on the left (0) or right (1) sides.
Then I can filter in my stored procedure on the bit column WHERE (dbo.tblCodes.CodeSelect = 1)
My problem with this is that if two or more users are doing this process on different sessions, they can trip over each others selections.
I'm hoping someone has a suggestion on how I might avoid the users having this problem.

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How To Handle Multiple Files

Feb 19, 2008


I have a situation where every morning files are downloaded from an ftp site.

Problem is, I don't know beforehand how many files there will be. Usually it's one or two, but might be more. All files need to be loaded in the database.

How can I account for there multiple files, whose number I do not know beforehand? That is, in the file connection manager, how do I tell it which files to load?


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How To Handle Database Transaction Within Multiple Web Forms?

Dec 12, 2007

I have a 2.0 web application. In one of the modules I have following scenario. In the UI there are 3 pages to take the input from the user. On the 1st page, we are inserting data in the master table and with the same we are beginning new sql transaction with the isolation level READ UNCOMMITTED. so that uncommited master table data can be read.  Master table has also has 4 detail tables. Then the user is navigated to 2nd and then to 3rd page where the user can enter multiple records in the detail tables. And only after finishing on the 3rd page, the transaction is commited.
I want to ask that is it the right way of doing this kind of functionality?
And is there any other way of doing this?

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Best Way To Handle Data Connections For Multiple Users And Executions.

May 3, 2008

 basically, is it inefficient to open and close a data connection everytime data needs to be retrieved or is there a way for a user to use the same conenction over multiple pages orfor multiple users to share one global data connection I just wanted to know this before I built a site where data could be constantly being pulled or put into the database.It would be easier to just keep opening and closing the connection since it just means pasting in the small chunk of code I use to do that where I need it. I hear speak of connections sometimes not closing etc and wonder if that is an issue then if you are opening and closing too many of them. I am using SqlConnection SqlCommand and SqlDatareader , my code works, just wondering if my approach lacked scalability before I find out too late and have to rewrite everything . Jim 

View 11 Replies View Related

How To Handle Connection String When Using Tables From Multiple Databases?

Mar 10, 2004

I have a query that involves tables from 2 different databases. Using the query analyzer I can construct my query and it works great. Now I am trying to implement the query into my code and I am confused about I handle the connection string(s) since I am now using 2 different databases.

Can anybody help?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Cannot Handle Multiple Threads Same Time

Jul 24, 2012

we are queirying an stored procedure multiple times same time,from our application. In this case, few processes executing successfully and few getting failed with error "50000 error executing the stored procedure" and if we run thesame process again its getting executed sucessfully.Does the MySQL cannot handle multiple threads same time?

View 9 Replies View Related

Best Way To Handle Populating Column?

Jul 2, 2014

Have two tables: table1 and table2

Working with two main columns in both tables: D_ID and C_ID.

Table1 has D_ID populated and C_ID is not.

Table2 is a cross reference table with both D_ID and C_ID values within.

Looking for best way to populate C_ID in table1 from C_ID values in table2 where table1.D_ID = table2.D_ID.

There are too many values to do a case in stored procedure which has been my best practice. Trying to up my game with using SSIS 2012 as well.

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How To Handle Multiple Result Sets Return From Stored Procedure

Aug 22, 2007

Hi all,

I want to know how to handle multiple result sets return from Stored Procedure? I know one way is to insert the result sets into the table, but the limitation is the result sets must have the same data structure. If the result sets have different data structure, how can I handle it.


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Can The SQL 2005 Install Upgrade From SQL 2000 Handle Multiple Instances?

Aug 7, 2006

Can the SQL 2005 install upgrade from SQL 2000 handle multiple instances?

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How To Handle 1 To Many Column Insert In Sql Server

Nov 19, 2007

   I have a table Called Actcodes and has 2 columns Name and Description...
 And i want to insert the data from this table called PlanDBF to ActCode..
and this my insert statement...
 INSERT INTO Statements..AscActCodes

 each actcode and its description is gonna be different and so i am not sure how to do this 1 - many column insert.
Any help will be appreciated.

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Can SSRS 2005 Handle Stored Procedures Or SQL Subqueries That Rreturn Rowsets Based On Multiple SQL Updates?

Nov 8, 2006


I have a stored procedure that creates a temporary table, and then populates it using an INSERT and then a series of UPDATE statements. The procedure then returns the temporary table which will contain data in all of its columns.

When I call this procedure from SSRS 2005, the rowset returned contains data in only those columns that are populated by the INSERT statement. The columns that are set via the UPDATE statements are all empty. I read (in the Hitchhikers Guide to Reporting Services) that SSRS will only process the first rowset in a stored procedure that generates multiple rowsets. Is this true? Is this why SSRS does not retrieve data for the columns that are populated by the UPDATE statements?

Here is the stored procedure:


-- File: sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange.sql
-- Desc: Returns EDP program and related channel (i.e., provider) information from the IPTV Data warehouse.
-- Note that some of that data used by this procedure are obtained from the RMS_EPG database
-- which is created by an application (loadEPG) that loads the EPG data from a GLF format XML file.
-- Auth: H Hunsaker
-- Date: 11/07/2006

-- Example invocation
-- EXEC dbo.sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange ...

-- Arguments/Parameters:

-- Parameter Name Type Description
-- 3. StartDate datetime First date of reporting period
-- 4. EndDate datetime Last date of reporting period
-- TerseMode bit Return all columns? (1 = no, 0 = yes)
-- 5. AsXML bit Resultset format (0 = standard, 1 = XML)
-- 6. Debug bit Debug mode (0 = off, 1 = on). Currently disabled

IF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange') IS NOT NULL
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange
@StartDate datetime = NULL,
@EndDate datetime = NULL,
@TerseMode bit = 0,
@AsXML bit = 0,
@Debug bit = 0
-- Notes: Much of the program content (roles, flags, etc.) that we want is not stored in the IPTV data warehouse.
-- So I am going to the RMS_EPG database to obtain that information.
-- We will have to ensure that the 2 databases are generated at the same or a matching time
-- in order to to ensure that all programID values in the data warehouse can be located in the RMS_EPG database.

-- Debug code for testing
-- DECLARE @StartDate datetime
-- DECLARE @EndDate datetime
-- DECLARE @TerseMode bit

--SET @StartDate = NULL
--SET @EndDate = NULL
--SET @TerseMode = 1


CREATE TABLE #programWatched
--IPTV device ID
tdeviceId uniqueidentifier NULL,
taccountId uniqueidentifier NULL,

-- Basic program information
tprogram int NULL, -- programID from EPG XML, needed to access program data in the RMS_EPG db.
tprogramId uniqueidentifier NULL, -- programID generated by IPTV
tprogramTitle varchar(150) NULL,
tprogramEpisodeTitle varchar(100) NULL,
tprogramDescription varchar(500) NULL,

toriginDateTime datetime NULL,
tduration bigint NULL,
tprogramType nvarchar(100) NULL,
tchannelCallName nvarchar(20) NULL,

programMPAARating varchar(50) NULL,
programVCHIPRating varchar(50) NULL,
programMPAARatingVal smallint NULL,
programVChipRatingVal smallint NULL,

-- Categories
programGenre varchar(50) NULL,
programCategory1 varchar(50) NULL,
programCategory2 varchar(50) NULL,
programCategory3 varchar(50) NULL,
programCategory4 varchar(50) NULL,

-- Roles
programActor1FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor1LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor1 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor2FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor2LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor2 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor3FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor3LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor3 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor4FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor4LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor4 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor5FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor5LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor5 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor6FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor6LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor6 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor7FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor7LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor7 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor8FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor8LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor8 varchar(100) NULL,

programDirectorFirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programDirectorLastName varchar(50) NULL,
programDirector varchar(100) NULL,

programWriterFirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programWriterLastName varchar(50) NULL,
programWriter varchar(100) NULL,

programProducerFirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programProducerLastName varchar(50) NULL,
programProducer varchar(100) NULL,

-- Flags
ClosedCaption bit NULL,
InStereo bit NULL,
Repeats bit NULL,
New bit NULL,
Live bit NULL,
Taped bit NULL,
Subtitled bit NULL,
ThreeD bit NULL,
Letterbox bit NULL,
Dolby bit NULL,

FlagOrdinalValue smallint NULL,

-- Channel
tchannelId int NULL,

callLetters varchar(20) NULL,
displayName varchar(50) NULL,
type varchar(50) NULL,
networkAffiliation varchar(50) NULL

-- I store the program watching data in a temp table because
-- data from the VIL and the Sandbox that were used to test this procedure were either incomplete or invalid.
-- Use of a temp table with a series of updates allow me more control over the result set.

INSERT INTO #programWatched (

SELECT pw.DeviceID,
pw.originTime AS 'When Watched',
pw.Duration AS 'Duration Seconds',

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 -- program flag values default to zero, as we do not want NULL values.

FROM DW_EventClientProgramWatched pw
WHERE programID IS NOT NULL AND programID != '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -- These values should not occur, but they did in the test system
AND originTime BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
INSERT INTO #programWatched (

SELECT pw.DeviceID,
pw.originTime AS 'When Watched',
pw.Duration AS 'Duration Seconds',

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 -- program flag values default to zero, as we do not want NULL values.

FROM DW_EventClientProgramWatched pw
WHERE programID IS NOT NULL AND programID != '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -- These values should not occur, but they did in the test system

-- AccountId/SubscriberId
UPDATE #programWatched
SET taccountId = (SELECT accountId
FROM DW_BRDB_bm_device d
WHERE d.deviceId = tdeviceId)

-- program (this is the integer program ID stored in the EPG XML, not to be confused with the IPTV programId)
-- a program can occur on multiple channels, so we filter channels where scheduleTime <= originTime <= scheculeTime + durationSecs
UPDATE #programWatched
SET tchannelCallName = (SELECT TOP 1 channelCallName
WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND toriginDateTime BETWEEN scheduleTime AND DATEADD(s, epg.durationSecs, epg.scheduleTime))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET tprogram = (SELECT TOP 1 program FROM DW_EPG EPG WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND tchannelCallName = channelCallName),
tprogramTitle = (SELECT TOP 1 programTitle FROM DW_EPG EPG WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND tchannelCallName = channelCallName),
tprogramEpisodeTitle = (SELECT TOP 1 programEpisodeTitle FROM DW_EPG EPG WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND tchannelCallName = channelCallName),
tprogramType = (SELECT TOP 1 programType FROM DW_EPG EPG WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND tchannelCallName = channelCallName)

-- Rating (otained from programValues, can also be obtained from programFlags)
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programMPAARating = (SELECT TOP 1 programValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programValue pv
WHERE tprogram = pv.programID AND pv.programValueTypeId = 9)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programMPAARatingVal = CASE programMPAARating
WHEN 'PG-13' THEN 30
WHEN 'NC-17' THEN 50

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programVChipRating = (SELECT TOP 1 programValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programValue pv
WHERE tprogram = pv.programID AND pv.programValueTypeId = 8)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programVChipRatingVal = CASE programVChipRating
WHEN 'TV-14' THEN 45

-- Genre
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programGenre = (SELECT TOP 1 programCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType psct ON psct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programCategoryType pct ON pct.programCategoryTypeId = psct.programCategoryTypeId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID)

-- Categories
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programCategory1 = (SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType pct ON pct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programCategory2 = (SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType pct ON pct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID AND programSubCategoryTypeValue NOT IN (programCategory1))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programCategory3 = (SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType pct ON pct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID AND programSubCategoryTypeValue NOT IN (programCategory1, programCategory2))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programCategory4 = (SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType pct ON pct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID AND programSubCategoryTypeValue NOT IN (programCategory1, programCategory2, programCategory3))

-- Roles
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programDirectorFirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 2)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programDirectorLastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 2)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programDirector = programDirectorLastName + ' , ' + programDirectorFirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programWriterFirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 7)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programWriterLastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 7)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programWriter = programWriterLastName + ' , ' + programWriterFirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programProducerFirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 6)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programProducerLastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 6)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programProducer = programProducerLastName + ' , ' + programProducerFirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor1FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1)
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor1LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor1 = programActor1LastName + ' , ' + programActor1FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor2FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor2LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor2 = programActor2LastName + ' , ' + programActor2FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor3FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor3LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor3 = programActor3LastName + ' , ' + programActor3FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor4FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor4LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor4 = programActor4LastName + ' , ' + programActor4FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor5FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor5LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor5 = programActor5LastName + ' , ' + programActor5FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor6FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor6LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor6 = programActor6LastName + ' , ' + programActor6FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor7FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor6FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor6LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor7LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor6FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor6LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor7 = programActor7LastName + ' , ' + programActor7FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor8FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor6FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor6LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor7FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor7LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor8LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor6FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor6LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor7FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor7LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor8 = programActor8LastName + ' , ' + programActor8FirstName

-- Channel (provider) Call Letters, Display Name and Type
-- Is this correct? Should we get the channelId from the schedule table?
-- Is this efficient? View execution plan

UPDATE #programWatched
SET tchannelId = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelId
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET callLetters = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelCallLetters
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram and s.channelId = tchannelId)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET displayName = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelDisplayName
JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram and s.channelId = tchannelId)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET type = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelType
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram and s.channelId = tchannelId)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET networkAffiliation = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelNetworkAffiliation
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram and s.channelId = tchannelId)

IF @TerseMode = 0
FROM #programWatched
ORDER BY toriginDateTime
-- Get only Genre, title, show date/time, rating, call letters
SELECT tDeviceId, tprogramTitle, tprogramEpisodeTitle, programGenre, toriginDateTime, programMPAARating, programVCHIPRating, tchannelCallName
FROM #programWatched
ORDER BY toriginDateTime

DROP TABLE #programWatched




I also tried a query that populates some of its columns via subqueries. The query works fine when executed by the SQL Sevrer Query Analyzer,
meaning that all columns contain values, but when executed from SSRS, the columns that are poulated by the subqueries are empty, and only the columns that are not set by subqueries contain values:


PW.originTime AS 'When Watched',
PW.Duration AS 'Duration Seconds',

(SELECT TOP 1 programTitle FROM DW_EPG WHERE DW_EPG.programId = PW.programId AND PW.originTime BETWEEN DW_EPG.scheduleTime
AND DATEADD(second, durationSecs, DW_EPG.scheduleTime)) AS Title,

(SELECT TOP 1 program FROM DW_EPG WHERE DW_EPG.programId = PW.programId AND PW.originTime BETWEEN DW_EPG.scheduleTime AND
DATEADD(second, durationSecs, DW_EPG.scheduleTime)) As program,

(SELECT TOP 1 programCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory PC
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType PSCT ON psct.programSubCategoryTypeId = PC.programCategoryId
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programCategoryType PCT ON PCT.programCategoryTypeId = PSCT.programCategoryTypeId
WHERE PC.programID = (SELECT TOP 1 program FROM DW_EPG WHERE DW_EPG.programId = PW.programId AND PW.originTime BETWEEN
DW_EPG.scheduleTime AND DATEADD(second, durationSecs, DW_EPG.scheduleTime))) AS Genre,

(SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory PC
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType PSCT ON psct.programSubCategoryTypeId = PC.programCategoryId
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programCategoryType PCT ON PCT.programCategoryTypeId = PSCT.programCategoryTypeId
WHERE PC.programID = (SELECT TOP 1 program FROM DW_EPG WHERE DW_EPG.programId = PW.programId AND PW.originTime
BETWEEN DW_EPG.scheduleTime AND DATEADD(second, durationSecs, DW_EPG.scheduleTime))) AS Category

FROM DW_EventClientProgramWatched PW
ORDER BY DeviceId, programId, originTime


Any help is appreciated

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SQL Server 2012 :: Best Way To Handle Like Percentage On Column Too Large For Index

Sep 18, 2015

We have a table to 100M rows and up until now we were fine with an non clustered index a varchar(4000) because we never went above 900 bytes (yes it is a bad design).We have the need to support international character sets now so the column was updated to nvarchar(4000) and now we have data past the 900 byte limit.

The data is long, seems useless but is needed by the business and they need to be able to search "where bigcolumn like 'test%'". With an index, even with a huge amount of data, it was 'fast'. Now of course without an index it is unusable. The wildcard is always at the end of the search. I made a full text index on the column and basic queries such as: select * from ourtable where contains(bigcolumn, 'AReallyLongStringofTextHere') works fine unless there is a space in the data. We loose thousands of returned rows because of spaces in the data.

I have tried select * from ourtable where contains(bigcolumn, '"AReallyLongStringofTextHere that includes spaces"') but not all of the data is returned. I get 112 rows with the contains statement. The table scanning statement of "select * from ourtable where bigcolumn like 'AReallyLongStringofTextHere that includes spaces%' returns 1939 rows.I understand that a full text index is breaking the long string up since it contains spaces. Is there a way to retain the entire string as 1 index entry or is there a way to fix my query to return all of the rows?

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How Do I Handle REPLACE A Particuler Matched String Within An NTEXT Column In SQL Server?

Mar 27, 2008

I recently was confronted with a problem where a piece of text that was included in many NTEXT column values in a table needed to be replaced with another piece of text. You can't issue normal REPLACE statements against NTEXT columns, so this seemed to be a bit of a challenge €” issuing a REPLACE() against a TEXT or NTEXT column in SQL Server yields error

I tried following

UPDATE CaseTypeDefs SET definition = replace(LTRIM(RTRIM(definition)), '<![CDATA[sp_YOTAssetAdditionalOffences 0, ArgParamHearingsId, ArgParamLanguage, ArgParamReferralId]]>', '<![CDATA[sp_YOTAssetAdditionalOffences 0, ArgParamHearingsId, ArgParamLanguage]]>')

But this is producing following error

Server: Msg 8116, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Argument data type ntext is invalid for argument 1 of replace function.

For Example: I want to replace string <![CDATA[sp_YOTAssetAdditionalOffences 0, ArgParamHearingsId, ArgParamLanguage]]> with <![CDATA[sp_YOTAssetAdditionalOffences 0, ArgParamHearingsId, ArgParamLanguage, ArgParamReferralId]]> in NTEXT column values in a table.

Need help, how to do it?.

Thanks In Advance

Anil Kumar Dwivedi

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About Date Conversions

Feb 19, 2008

 Hi All,    I struck by a issue, In a table(tblMemberPayments) i had two columns one is to hold (month) as CHAR and other one is to hold (year)  as INT. Now i need to implement search for this table based on the dates given , I mean i need to get the records from this table in between any two dates given by the user (Eg : feb 2007 to feb 2008). While retriving i am unable to type cast the things as required for the above case. I am getting an error unable to convert varchar to datetime while using CONVERT FUNCTION the same thing a raises while using DATEDIFF FUNCTION  .help me if any one knows the solution . here are the couple of ways i tried    1) 'CONVERT(varchar(10),(tblMemberPayments.ExpirationMonth + tblMemberPayments.Expirationyear),1) between CONVERT(varchar(10),''feb 2007'',1)       AND CONVERT(varchar(10),''feb 2008'',1)'  Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Apr' to data type int. 2)'datediff(m,Cast(tblMemberPayments.ExpirationMonth + tblMemberPayments.ExpirationMonthint as datetime), ''Feb 2008'') >= 0 and datediff(m, cast(tblMemberPayments.ExpirationMonth + tblMemberPayments.ExpirationMonthint as datetime), ''Feb 2007'') <= 0'   Thanks & Regards,   Sudheer.Y    

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Jul 25, 2007


declere @d varchar(10)
declare @t varchar(10)

set @d=convert(varchar,'7/25/2007 10:10:53',101)
set @d=convert(varchar,'7/25/2007 10:10:53',108)

it returns as

but @t should be equal to 10:10:53

what's wrong in the conversions

Malathi Rao

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Datetime Conversions

Dec 6, 2007

In my DB I have strings which are all 8 characters long and all pass the isDate == 1 thing so everything row can be converted into a date.

When I run a select convert(datetime, value) it gives me an error saying that it's unable to convert datetime from string. However when I insert everything into a temp table and run each row individually, it converts fine.

Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong? I've checked the date settings on SQL 2005 SP2 and the host itself and everything seems correct. I've been stuck on this all day and any help is very much appreciated.

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How To Merge Multiple Rows One Column Data Into A Single Row With Multiple Columns

Mar 3, 2008

Please can anyone help me for the following?

I want to merge multiple rows (eg. 3rows) into a single row with multip columns.

for eg:

Date Shift Reading
01-MAR-08 1 879.880
01-MAR-08 2 854.858
01-MAR-08 3 833.836
02-MAR-08 1 809.810
02-MAR-08 2 785.784
02-MAR-08 3 761.760

i want output for the above as:

Date Shift1 Shift2 Shift3
01-MAR-08 879.880 854.858 833.836
02-MAR-08 809.810 785.784 761.760
Please help me.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Update Multiple Column With Multiple Condition

Feb 25, 2015

I need to update multiple columns in a table with multiple condition.

For example, this is my Query

update Table1
set weight= d.weight,
(select * from table2)d
where table1.state=d.state and
table1.month=d.month and

If table matches all the three column (State,month,year), it should update only weight column and if it matches(state ,year) it should update only the stateweight column and if it matches(year) it should update only the overallweight column

I can't write an update query for each condition separately because its a huge select

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Multiple Columns With Different Values OR Single Column With Multiple Criteria?

Aug 22, 2007


I have multiple columns in a Single Table and i want to search values in different columns. My table structure is

col1 (identity PK)
col2 (varchar(max))
col3 (varchar(max))

I have created a single FULLTEXT on col2 & col3.
suppose i want to search col2='engine' and col3='toyota' i write query as








Every thing works well if database is small. But now i have 20 million records in my database. Taking an exmaple there are 5million record with col2='engine' and only 1 record with col3='toyota', it take substantial time to find 1 record.

I was thinking this i can address this issue if i merge both columns in a Single column, but i cannot figure out what format i save it in single column that i can use query to extract correct information.
for e.g.;
i was thinking to concatinate both fields like
col4= ABengineBA + ABBToyotaBBA
and in search i use




Result = 1 row

But it don't work in following scenario
col4= ABengineBA + ABBCorola ToyotaBBA






Result=0 Row
Any idea how i can write second query to get result?

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Century Date Conversions

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I'm trying to load date fields into SQLServer using DTS, but theformat of the raw data is the number of days since 1 Jan 1900. How doI convert this to a useful format, is there a standard conversionroutine?ThanksTim

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Data Type Conversions

Sep 25, 2006

What are the pros/cons of datatype conversions using the advanced properties of the source adapters or transformation components themselves vs. using the data conversion transformation? Sometimes I am able to do all the conversions I need using the advanced properties rather than use a data conversion component, but didn't know if this was considered bad practice, or has some other impact that isn't immediately apparent.



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String To Date Conversions

Apr 6, 2006

Having some trouble converting strings to dates. I am using a .dtsx package and have figured out how to use a derived column to convert the string to a new string which is a valid date. The problem is now converting the column data type to date. I insert a new data conversion step to convert the vchar field to date, then when it runs it fails on this step. Error is

The conversion returned status value 2 and status text "The value could
not be converted because of a potential loss of data."

If I leave out the data conversion step and run the package, then manually change the data type to date it warns with the same message, but if I accept it converts correctly.


Here is my derived column code

REPLACE(SUBSTRING([Data Conversion 1].START_OF_EXECUTION,1,10) + " " +
RIGHT([Data Conversion 1].START_OF_EXECUTION,8),".",":")

Please Help

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Transact SQL :: To Show Multiple Column In Multiple Rows

Aug 14, 2015

I have the following  database structure

Stock        Depth41     Depth12    Depth34
AAA            1              2              1
BBB             2            2               4

How can I show  Each Depth column as seperate row

AAA          1
AAA          2
AAA          1  as follows

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Parameter Conversions Question From SQL Server

Mar 22, 2004

I have a question regarding a casting error I recieve when I explictly assign a value to a value in a stored procedure.......
The value pstrLoginName is a public string defined in a code module
The stored procedure is NVARCHAR Datatypes.....

Here is the Stored Procedure

CREATE procedure dbo.Appt_GetPermissions_NET
@LoginName nvarchar(15),
@Password NvarChar(15),
@DeleteScan bit Output


UserName = @LoginName
UserPassword = @Password


Here is my error

Specified cast is not valid
Line 194: cmdsql.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Line 195:
Line 196: parmLogin = cmdsql.Parameters.Add("@LoginName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15).Value = pstrLoginName
Line 197: parmPassword = cmdsql.Parameters.Add("@LoginPassword", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15).Value = pstrLoginPassword
Line 198: parmDelete = cmdsql.Parameters.Add("@DeleteScan", SqlDbType.Bit)

my vb .net code to execute this

Public Sub ObtainPermission()

'get the needed data
Dim consql As New SqlConnection("Server=myserver;database=APPOINTMENTS;uid=webtest;pwd=webtest")
Dim cmdsql As New SqlCommand
Dim parmLogin As SqlParameter
Dim parmPassword As SqlParameter
Dim parmDelete As SqlParameter

cmdsql = New SqlCommand("Appt_GetPermissions_NET", consql)
cmdsql.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

parmLogin = cmdsql.Parameters.Add("@LoginName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15).Value = pstrLoginName <----error occurs here

parmPassword = cmdsql.Parameters.Add("@LoginPassword", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15).Value = pstrLoginPassword <---I'm sure it will happen here then
parmDelete = cmdsql.Parameters.Add("@DeleteScan", SqlDbType.Bit)
parmDelete.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output


'obtain rights

pstrPermissions = cmdsql.Parameters("@DeleteScan").Value

End Sub

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SQL Data Type Conversions And DataRows

Sep 20, 2005

Hi all,I have a DataRow that I'm attempting to insert into SQL.  The row has an item I"ll refer to as row["AbsorbtionDeficiency"].  I'm filling this data row from a ODBC connection to a propriatary database.  Now I want to insert this data into SQL where the same row data type is "money".I'm not to familiar with the different data types, but the long and short of it is this.  When I build my SQL Insert statement, sometimes this value is blank, sometimes it's 0, and sometimes it will have a dollar amount(no formating  just the numeric).  How to I get this data out of the row in a format that SQL understands... Since I'm creating a  SQL string the datatype of the row I assume doesn't matter, so I"m doing a .ToString() when I build the statement.Do I need to do a CAST('0' AS MONEY) to each line that is money type?  Or is there an easier way?I would insert the code, but it's a pretty masive statement and I don't think it's really needed yet.ThanksJosh

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Sp_executesql Max 10 Data Type Conversions?

Apr 4, 2008

I can't get sp_executesql to accept more than 10 converted parameters in one execution. A stored procedure loops through a table variable that presents up to 100 parameters and their named data types. I've tried selecting into sql_variant and nvarchar variables and converting them to the named data type in the loop.
sp_executesql is outside the loop.
For the first 10 parameters sp_executesql recognizes the data type conversions of the variables that hold the parameter values, but then it fails to accept the conversions of the 11th and subsequent variables. Is there a limit to the number of conversions that sp_executesql can cope with?

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Import From Access - Datatype Conversions

Jul 6, 2006

I have to do a lot of inporting from Access files.  Is there a place where I can change the default datatype conversion for Access Text from nvarchar to varchar?



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Date Format Conversions In SSIS

Oct 11, 2006


I am quite new to SSIS and have been given the task of importing some data from a text file into the database. The data contains dates which are in the American format of mm/dd/yyyy. I need them in the datadase in the format of dd mon yy.

I realise I could load it and do a SQL task to convert once it is in the database but ideally i would like this data transformed before it is loaded into the tables.

any suggestions will be gratefully recieved.

Best regards

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Error Log Peppered With --&&> 'The Conversation Handle Is Missing. Specify A Conversation Handle.'

Dec 3, 2007


I'm using service broker and keep getting errors in the log even though everythig is working as expected

SQL Server 2005
Two databases
Two end points - 1 in each database
Two stored procedures:
SP1 is activated when a message enters the sending queue. it insert a new row in a table
SP2 is activated when a response is sent from the receiving queue. it cleans up the sending queue.

I have a table with an update trigger
In that trigger, if the updted row meets a certain condition a dialogue is created and a message is sent to the sending queue.
I know that SP1 and SP2 are behaving properly because i get the expected result.
Sp1 is inserteding the expected data in the table
SP2 is cleaning up the sending queue.

In the Sql Server log however i'm getting errors on both of the stored procs.
error #1
The activated proc <SP 1 Name> running on queue Applications.dbo.ffreceiverQueue output the following: 'The conversation handle is missing. Specify a conversation handle.'

error #2
The activated proc <SP 2 Name> running on queue ADAPT_APP.dbo.ffsenderQueue output the following: 'The conversation handle is missing. Specify a conversation handle.'

I would appreceiate anybody's help into why i'm getting this. have i set up the stored procs in correctly?

i can provide code of the stored procs if that helps.


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Importing A Csv Into Sql Server, Problems With Field Conversions

Nov 13, 2004

I'm importing a csv file into sql server and everything is working fine however here are my problems.

The csv file fields contain some money fields and even though my db column type is money the dts package console complains that my data type from the csv is of type string 'for the money value' and cannot be inserted into the db field because they don't match. I changed the db field to nvarchar and hey presto it works fine. Problem is that this is no good because the data in the db is no longer a money value and therefore I cannot query the way I should.

So basically how do i map my csv to pass its values as the right types instead of just string values. If this was in c# i could just assign the parameter types accordingly but I'm not sure how to with sqlservers dts package.

Any help!!!!!

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