I have a Chart with one series as values.
The chart is good and I can see the series label in the corner.
I can hide it by uncheck the "show legend.
Now I added another value to my chart and got another series label.
Is there a way to hide only one label?
If I use =" " in the "series label" of that data then the label its self is hidden but the label mark is still visible.
I encountered a very strange problem again. Why the time series displayed on the chart are so strange? The Key time column I chose for my time series algorithm is cal_month(e.g 199001...), but why the date displayed on the time series chart is like :05/06/2448? (it should be like 199001..?) What is that data? And where exactly did it come from? What is the exact cause of this?
Hope it is clear for your help.
I am really confused on this and thanks a lot for your kind advices and help and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
I've got a bar chart which shows has a month category, incident data value, and a OccuranceDescription series.
So in january I might have three bars, feb one bar, three in march...seems if theres no series data to show then the place where the bar would have been is just blank...so if I have 12 occurances the bars are REALLY thin seperated by nothing but blank space on either side.
Is there a way for it to auto-scale if theres no other series data in that month?
Is there a way to adjust the orientation of the grouping labels (x-axis) of a bar chart in a report. So instead of displaying the grouping label text horizontally I want to display the text vertically? Is there any way to access the chart object and code this in the report from properties ->code tab? Any suggestions?
I have a Stacked Column graph and when we set the Position of the Point Label to be "Top Center", the Point Label always stays in the center of that particular Bar.
On a easier, basic Bar chart, the Point Label setting works correctly.
Has anyone else had a similar issue or know if this is a known issue ?
I have pie chart. In this i have to display the category group name , count as a data label. In this both category name and count should be in seperate line and should be in centre allignment. But for it is not centre allignment. In series label properties i am using this expression,=Fields!Group.Value & VbCrLf & Count(Fields!Countvalue.Value).I am geeting new line. But not in center allignment.
In my Chart I have to keep the angel of the category field fix to 90 degree. When I do this the format of the Label does not look quite right.
I expect Below : I can work Out dd and mm positions ..what I am concerned about the date direction because of which its not quite readable. I have tried many format in label format but it is not giving expected result.
I have created range bar chart and I am not able to achieve the following tasks.
1. Change X-axis Label Format to Quarter:
I have x-axis with dates and y axis of project groups. I have changed x-axis interval type = month and interval=3.
Set the Maximum = Max(ProjectEndDate) and Minimum = Min(ProjectStartDate).
Now my chart showing 3 months x-axis interval dates in mm/dd/yyyy format. I want to change this interval date format to Quarter. The problem is LabelsFormat property is not recognize the "=Q or q or quarter" and also not accepting the expressions. How can I achieve this?
2. Placing series side by side when it is not overlapping
I want to place the same group series side by side only when the previous project end date is less than next project start date, otherwise place the next project to next row. How can I achieve this?
I have a chart with series that needs conditional colour for three conditions. One condition must be transparent. I have tried the various IFF or SWITCH expressions below and some work fine in SSDT but when I deploy them to the browser the formatting is lost. This simple IFF expression works. The series is transparent as required both in SSDT (Visual Studio BIDS) and IE11 and Firefox browsers but I need two other conditions.
Both of the expressions below work in SSDT (Visual Studio BIDS) as expected but when deployed to the browser none of this formatting is rendered and all series are in blues even the ‘transparent’ series. No red at all.
I have tried deleting various files RDL and DATA. I have tried uploading the file from report manager in IE and I have tried editing the file in report manager.
I developed a rdlc report. I have a graph chart. Sometimes the value of a label can =0. If the value =0 I want to hide the labelname. However, I also have dummy values =0. This is so that I can have spaces between the bars. The dummy values labels isn't shown in the graph. This works great. I need to add to the expression that if the name of the label isn't dummy but the value =0 to hide the labelname.
The data from sql: Expression in graph under chart data->category groups->category group properties->label: =Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.SWITCH(Fields!LabelName.Value = "aTotalForRetire", "Retirement", Fields!LabelName.Value = "cTotalForRelatives", "Relatives", Fields!LabelName.Value = "eTotalForDisability", "Disability")
The result is below. I want to hide the label relatives as in this example the value=0. It will not always be the case. How can I do that?
I am using the below expression for hidding the zero data labels in ssrs chart.=IIF(Fields!Name.Value=0,False,True). But this expression is working for some other charts. It is not wrking for only charts. I could not find the solution for that. How to hide the zero values.
I'm a relative newcomer to Power View. I've been playing with charts and have been struggling to combine both line and bar on the same chart. It would appear this functionality is not available. Considering this is basic functionality when it comes to charting, how to achieve this....
When I export the report in excel format the chart is displayed as picture. I want it to be displayed as editable chart.Does Office Writer work in this situation and did anyone use Office Writer to accomplish same type of problem.Is there any other method or product we can use instead of the office writer.
I need to create a chart with the following features
1) Bar chart that has data for 3 years (3 series) 2) Line chart that has the same data as per the above points on the bar chart but this is a running total. (3 series) 3) These data points are for the 12 months 4) there should be a secondary axis for the cumulative one
i don't know weather is it possible or not..but Can any One tell's me How can i refresh the Chart Values.. acutally what's happening..
i have two Chart in a reprot .. One is Main Category and other one is SubCategory... acutally what i want.. in Main Category chart sum of Quantities of Subcategory values comes in bar or any other format.. and when i click on Main chart any bar it's refresh the other chart and return the result of subcategory under that main category in details...
i don't know is this possible .. acutally i m very new in reproting.. infact that's my first report.. so i want to do this.. if any article or any help anyone can provide me..
Hi, I am not getting Mining Accuracy Chart and Min ing Model Prediction Plz tel me how to do.And how to use the filter input data used to generate the lift chart and select predictable mining model columns to show in the lift chart
i have to display some of my SQL data on a webpage, and i don't want to use the gridview and all his "friends". all i want is to display some values out of the sqlDataSource on my webpage.is it possible? and if so, then how can i do it?thanks in advance.
I have a Report that has a document map Label in the Report which I need to remove. However as the report has over 50 text-boxes I am having difficulty locating it. I have had a look at the XML but that does not seem to indicate the offending text box. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi,Just a little question...Is it possible to link a SqlDataSource to a label without using a repeater or a formview?I just want to select one column from a single row in a single table and sending the value to a label.The code would be something like this :<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT name FROM Page WHERE idPage = 1"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="1" Name="idPage" Type="Int32" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("name") %>'></asp:Label> So, what can I add in the label properties or in the codefile to make this work if it is possible ?Or am I obliged to "hard code" it in c# with an SqlConnection, a SqlCommand and a SqlDataReader ?Thanks in advance...
I am trying to select info from a database (MS-SQL) and show that whit a label. And don’t really get every thing to work. So I am glad for that help I can get.
A SQL Server 2005 stored procedure expects a parameter UserID depending upon which it retrieves the no. of records & OrderIDs corresponding to the UserID from a DB table (note that OrderID & UserID are two of the columns in the DB table). So for e.g. consider a user whose UserID=6 & the DB table has 3 records where UserID=6. In other words, there are 3 OrderID records of the user whose UserID=6, say, OrderID=8, OrderID=17 & OrderID=29. The stored procedure will finally return 2 columns - the OrderCount (which is 3 for UserID=6) & the OrderID (which will be 8, 17 & 29 for UserID=6). This is the stored procedure:ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.OrderCount @UserID intASDECLARE @OrderCount intSET @OrderCount = (SELECT COUNT(OrderID) FROM NETOrders WHERE UserID= @UserID)SELECT @OrderCount AS OrderCount, OrderIDFROMNETOrdersWHEREUserID = @UserIDIn a VB class file, I am invoking the stored procedure in a function named GetOrderCount which returns a SqlDataReader back to the calling ASPX page. I want the ASPX page to display the 3 OrderIDs of UserID=6 in a Label control. Unlike the DataBinding controls like DataList, DataGrid, Repeater controls, the Label control will not automatically loop through the recordset. So I tried to accomplish this using a For....Next loopDim i As IntegerDim sqlReader As SqlDataReaderiUserID = Request.Cookies("UserID").Value'ShopCart is the name of the class in the VB class fileboShopCart = New ShopCartsqlReader = boShopCart.GetOrderCount(iUserID)While (sqlReader.Read) If (sqlReader.GetValue(0) > 1) Then pnlLinks.Visible = True For i = 1 To sqlReader.GetValue(0) lblLinks.Text = sqlReader.GetValue(1)(i) Next i Else pnlLinks.Visible = False End IfEnd WhileBut this generates the following error:No default member found for type 'Integer'.pointing to the linelblLinks.Text = sqlReader.GetValue(1)(i)in the above shown ASPX code. Can someone please correct me & suggest how do I loop through the recordset so that I can display the records in a Label control?
This is my SQLDataSource for my gridview <asp:SQLDataSource ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Pubs %>" id="sqlProducts" Runat="Server" SelectCommand=' "Select * from adressen INNER JOIN Adressoort ON adressen.AD_ID = Adressoort.AD_ID where " & lblsql.Text ' ></asp:SQLDataSource> the label is something like : adressoort.AD_soort = '3' or adressoort.AD_soort = '1' I keep on getting the error sever tag not well formed
Hi all,I would like to do something I thought was simple but I can't seem to figure it out. I would like to bind the Text properties to two labels to the columns in an SqlDataSource, much the same as you can bind a listbox to a SqlDataSource.Is this possible?The reason why I'm trying it this way is because I originally used an OleDB connection and datareader, but it doesn't seem to work on our service providers server (keeps saying that it can't find the database) even though it works on the four other server's I've tried. It definitely connects to the database when I use the SqlDataSource on a listbox control, but it fails when I use the same connection string with the OleDB connection.Is this the best way to go about it, or should I persist with finding the OleDB/datareader (the service provider has been no help at all). Thanks.
Hi all. I have a label on my page and I want to bind it to a field in a table. The catch is that I want to bind it to the last row in the table. I think I can use the custom binding, but I don't know how to bind to the last row. Any Suggestions ? p.s. The page is tied to an SqlDataSource that retrieves the data from the above table. Thanks in advance.