How To Hide A Table In Sql Reporting

Oct 9, 2007

Hello Does any one tell me how to hide a table of the SqlReporting tool if there is no record found in the DB?

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Reporting Services :: Blank Space When Hide Table

Jan 4, 2011

When I hide a table based on an expression it leaves a blank space. How do you get rid of the blank space?

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Reporting Services :: Hide A Field When Another One Is Toggle?

May 8, 2015

I am creating a report with a Matrix and this report contain a collapse Matrix which it toggle from a certain field.

Now I am having two issue:First issue is that when I set visibility to hide and that the matrix can be toggle by a field is leaving a very unaesthetic  space between rows.

The second problem is that when I toggle the field I would like another part of the report to hide.

Does it exists anything that would allow me to define an expression I can use in the visibility that I Can use to make disappear this part of the report when the + has been toggle and make it appear back when the - has been toggle?

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How To Hide URL When Display Reports In Reporting Services

Jul 26, 2007

Hi ,

How can I hide the URL information when I open a report, some with parameters and some do not have
parameters. Is there anyway or properties in RS that I can set to have it hide all the important information,
like datasource, credentials, parameters, and display the report like a aspx page instead?

Or does this need to have special programming to make this happen? and if so, what do I need to do?

thanks very much

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Reporting Services :: Hide Blank Row With Multi-value Parameter

Jul 20, 2015

I have a Multivalue parameter with 4 available values and have 4 columns in the report that correspond to each of these values.I apply column visibility to each of the 4 columns with the following expression (the number changes for each column

=IIF(InStr("," & Join(Parameters!KPINAME.Value,",")& ",",",1,")>0),False,True)

What I want to do is that if I select a KPI and the Column value is NULL then to hide the row.Obviously if you select multiple KPIs and only 1 of the columns has null value then I wouldn't want the Row hidden.

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Reporting Services :: How To Hide Page Number In SSRS

May 16, 2015

How to hide page number based on tablix availability?

I would like to hide all page number once a specific tablix has data!!

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Reporting Services :: Expression To Hide A Rectangle With 2 Charts

Oct 20, 2015

I have 2 reports in a single report

Report 1: This report has a tablix and a pie chart which displays member counts for genders.Dataset is written such that the gender names are always displayed in the tablix even when the count is Zero for Female and Male

Report 2: This report has a tablix and a pie chart which displays member counts for category Age.Dataset is written such that the age category names are always displayed in the tablix even when the count is Zero for age categories

Both Report 1 and Report 2 are place in separate rectangles and then these 2 rectangles are place in one single rectangle.Now I want to hide this main rectangle with an expression.

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Reporting Services :: Hide (Name) Of Text Box Properties From CSV Export?

Oct 15, 2015

From Text Box Properties/Visibility/Show or Hide Based on an Expression, I have the following:

=iif(fields!Data.value is nothing or fields!Data.value ="", true, false)

I am trying to remove the first line from the CSV export file as shown here:

Here is the TBP view:

The expression I have does not hide the Name of the Text Box. Or, I could be in the wrong area.

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Reporting Services :: Show / Hide Multiple Columns In SSRS

Nov 3, 2015

I have a parameter "time frame" which contains two value- 6 months ,12 months an 18 months which shows data of 6 months , 12 months and 18 months.

In my ssrs report i have 18 columns :


The first six months will be displayed in each case.

But when i choose 6 months i just want to display first six months only.when i choose 12 months  i want to be displayed first 12 months columns only and for 18 months all the columns,.

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Reporting Services :: ReportViewer 2010 / How To Hide PDF In Export Option

Oct 19, 2011

how should i hide pdf in export option in reportviewer

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Reporting Services :: Hide Group Footer On Page Break

Sep 29, 2015

I have a group in my report that contains an empty footer row to get a better visibility. Because the row has a frame it should be hidden if its the last row on the page. How can I manage that?

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Reporting Services :: Hide SSRS Report Address Bar In JavaScript Window

Aug 2, 2015

I need to hide the address bar in the SSRS report pop-up using the JavaScript. I tried using below property

="javascript:void('https://dev/PWA/ProjectBICenter/_vti_bin/reportserver?https://dev/PWA/ProjectBICenter/Report Library/ProjectStatusReport.rdl&rv:Paramode=Hidden&rc:Toolbar=False&rv:HeaderArea=None&vuidProjectUID=Fields!ProjectUID.Value','_blank','location=no,toolbar=no,left=100,top=100,height=600,width=800'))"

What I am missing using this property?

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Reporting Services :: SSRS - How To Hide Columns Based On Drill Down Level

Sep 10, 2015

I thought the built in expression Level() would show me be drill down level. I can't see to get that to work. I'd like to determine my drill down level so I can hide columns based on that.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Hide Tablix Based On Parameter Input

Oct 19, 2015

I have 2 tables in my report, a multi value parameter (tp_title) is passed to the report. I am trying to hide the first tablix with this expression in the visiblity option of the tablix properties.

=IIF(Parameters!tp_Title.value = "Financial Years" or Parameters!tp_Title.value="ALL", False,True )

I get the error: The Hidden expression for the tablix ‘Tablix1’ contains an error: Overload resolution failed because no Public '=' can be called with these arguments:
    'Public Shared Operator =(a As String, b As String) As Boolean':
        Argument matching parameter 'a' cannot convert from 'Object()' to 'String'.

When I render the report. How the tablix  can be made invisible based on the parameter?

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Reporting Services :: Auto-hide Of SSSRS Parameter Window After Input

Apr 23, 2015

Can we do the auto hide of parameter window in ssrs as soon as user select the input and click on view report  and once the data comes, that parameter window should hide automatically.

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Reporting Services :: RDLC Report - Hide Labels In Graph Chart

Oct 25, 2015

I developed a rdlc report. I have a graph chart. Sometimes the value of a label can =0. If the value =0 I want to hide the labelname.  However, I also have dummy values =0. This is so that I can have spaces between the bars. The dummy values labels isn't shown in the graph. This works great. I need to add to the expression that if the name of the label isn't dummy but the value =0 to hide the labelname.

The data from sql:

Expression in graph under chart data->category groups->category group properties->label:
=Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.SWITCH(Fields!LabelName.Value = "aTotalForRetire", "Retirement", Fields!LabelName.Value = "cTotalForRelatives", "Relatives", Fields!LabelName.Value = "eTotalForDisability",

The result is below. I want to hide the label relatives as in this example the value=0. It will not always be the case. How can I do that?

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Reporting Services :: How To Hide Zero Values In Ssrs Stacked Chart Data Labels

Aug 9, 2015

I am using the below expression for hidding the zero data labels in ssrs chart.=IIF(Fields!Name.Value=0,False,True). But this expression is working for some other charts. It is not wrking for only charts. I could not find the solution for that. How to hide the zero values.

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Reporting Services :: How To Hide Data While Exporting Report In Excel In SSRS 2012

Jun 16, 2015

I have a report with three subreport, i want to hide data of subreport while exporting reporting in to excel. I have used this function  (=IFF Globals! Render foramt.IsInteractive,False,True) but didnt work.

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Reporting Services :: How To Hide / Unhide Result In Excel Sheet By Using SSRS Report

May 6, 2015

I have report which has 5 columns. User want to export report file in Excel format. when  exported report then by default 2 columns will be hidden in excel and user can unhide columns after export in excel.I did column hide on report level and show in result set in excel sheet by using Global render format. 

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Hide Table View

Oct 14, 1999


How can I hide all the system tables so that only user tables show in table view.

Thank you very much!


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Hide Rows In A Table

Oct 19, 2007

hi, i have a table that returns all rows. But i need to hide the rows having the "Order"= false.But i don't wanna do it by querying in the dataset, i just wanna hide these rows."Order" is a column in my table. Does anyone know how this can be done?
Thank you

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To Hide Dynamically A Table

Feb 17, 2008


i'm a newbie reporting services developer (first experience) and i have this problem that i'm trying to explain you by steps:

1 i link the report to a stored procedure to know if a user is enabled to watch or not the results table

2 if the user not enable to watch i'll write on the report "user not enable..." and so i hide the result table it possible to do this?

Thanks in advance for any information

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Hide Table Header In Csv Output

Mar 20, 2008


I am trying to create a csv file without the field header information. First, I hid the table header row, then each column header separately, then removed the table header alltogether, but when I print to a CSV file the field headers still show up. This file is going to be use as input to another application and they do not want the header information.

What I get now:

1,3/1/08, 25.00

What I want:

1,3/1/08, 25.00

Thanks for any help,


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How To Hide A Row Of Table Which Is Part Of The Header

Jun 5, 2007

I want to hide a row n all pages except the first page , is there a way for doing this,

The haeder has totally 5 rows, But i want to hide only the 4th row, that too I want it in the first page and not the rest of the pages

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Hide A Field In Column Without Removing It From Table

Aug 21, 2014

I need an SQL statement that will hide a field in a column without removing it from the table.

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How Can I Hide A Table Column Based On A Group ?

Jul 12, 2007

I am using Reporting Services 2000. If you find out that Reporting Services 2005 would resolve this issue, please lemme know also. But I want to mention that I would prefer a way to fix this without changing Reporting Services versions.

I have a table that has a group on ProductTypes. This group is set to PageBreak at end.
What I need to do is to conditionally hide an entire column based on the current group's ProductType.

Page 1 = Product 1 = Column 1 is visible
Page 1 = Product 1 = Column 2 is visible
Page 2 = Product 2 = Column 1 is hidden
Page 2 = Product 2 = Column 1 is visible

Can you help me figure this one out ? I've tried everything I found on the net, especially everything on this page :

Thank you in advance.

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Reporting Services Report / Chart / Dynamically Hide-Unhide DataFields In A Chart

Mar 26, 2007

Hello All,

I have a reporting services report in the form of a chart. I have two datafields on the chart.

I need to be able to dynamically hide one datafield and view the chart for the other one and vice versa.

How do I do this ?

Any help would be appreciated..


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Reporting Services :: Hide / Unhide A Parameter Based On Another Parameter?

Oct 18, 2015

I am using reporting services 2012, Can we make visibility of report parameter dynamic, ie can we make parameter visible or hide on certain condition or its visibility depends on other parameters Is this feature  available in any other updated version of ssrs? 

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SQL Security :: How To Hide Some Text Or Table In MS Outlook Message

Sep 6, 2015

I'm using Outlook 2010

My goal: I want to hide some text or table from inside the email message body. I don't want to attach a file with a table neither I want copy/paste it. I'd like to put that Excel table inside the message but the table is quite big.

Before I used Lotus Notes and it had the option to fold of hide some text from user. User could open when it wants but it will not take the space.

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Hide/Show Table Based On Parameter Selection!!!???

Apr 28, 2008

I'd like to hide/show a table based on selected parameters. In the current setup I have a matrix and two tables underneath that need to be displayed from time to time. First of I use a multi-value parameter called "Lieferart". Depending on the parameter I have set the visibility of the two tables with the following expression:

=iif(Parameters!lieferart.Value(0) like "Nagel%", False, True)

This expression doesn't work though, any ideas??? I am also unsure about what I have to do If multiple values from the parameter list are selected as Parameters!lieferart.value(0) doesn't necessarily need to have a label like "Nagel" included...

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Reporting Services :: Grouping A Table Inside A Table Cell - SSRS Report

Jun 10, 2015

I have a report where in I want to show each record on a separate page.

So, to achieve that I took a single cell from table control, expanded it and used all the controls in that single cell. This looks nice so far.

Now, I also have to show a  sub grid on each record. So I took a table control and added on the same single cell and tried to add a parent group to the table row.

When I preview, it throws this error.

"The tablix has a detail member with inner members. Detail members can only contain static inner members."

What am I doing wrong? How can I achieve table grouping inside a table cell?

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Reporting A Table With Two Columns From Another Table

Mar 20, 2006

I have a table A, with two ID columns. In a report both ID colums shouldbe shown with the actual value stored in a second table, BThe problem is, both IDs need to be looked up in B, but are not in thesame row.How do I do this in an efficient way? A sub select?Thanks,--John MexIT: page: programmer available: Customers:

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Hide Row When The Sum Is Only In 1 Row

Nov 14, 2007


I whant to hide this


This fields have 4 group and i whant to sum only group added just over 1 line as sub group

I do not speak English well, so it does not lead bad


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