How To Keep The Toggle Columns Function When I Render A Tabular Report To An Excel Format?
Apr 15, 2008
Hi all,
Currently, I am using the SSRS 2005 and try to toggle the report columns similar to Excel's column grouping function. Users can expand "+" / collapse "-" the columns in the render excel report. It works fine when I excute the tabular report in the web yet the toggle function is missing when I render the report to an Excel report. I am not sure the toggle function will only work for the row items or both as the excel report can keep the toggle function for the row items. Please help.
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Sep 19, 2007
There is any way to put a name to each sheet when using Render Format to Excel file?
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Feb 26, 2008
I'm not sure if this can be done. There are some threads that say yes and some that say no.
If my report's detail section is hidden unless toggled by group2 is there a way to retain the collapsed entries as collapsed when the report is exp[orted to excel?
Right now when I export to excel the report is all expanded. An export to pdf looks fine but I need to in excel.
I tried this and I must have done something wrong cause it did not work.
My orginal report rows are:
Table header
In details I have the visibilty as hidden, toggle item as group2_item.
I did try creating group3 and set it as the the above thread said.
I'm operating SSRS2000 with SP4.
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Mar 5, 2007
I am trying to export a report into a format whiich I will then allow the user to make some final editions to prior to printing. Apparently LocalReport>Render does not support word format, however is supports others, what is the best format for me to export a report out into in order to then allow the user to edit it prior to printing, Ideally I would have just liked to lauch ms word and allow the user to edit the report if disired prior ro printing, but if I first export to .mhtml it seems to mess the column widths of the report up when opened in word..
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Sep 30, 2015
I know that SSRS default rendering formats is HTML. is there anyway we can change this behaviour to render in XM format for specific reports.
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Jun 1, 2006
I am wondering if anyone knows how to change the sheet names in Excel when exporting a report from Reporting Services 2005. In other words, I have a report with approximately 5 page breaks built in. When I render the report to Excel, it creates the 5 sheets as I expect, but it names them "Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3" etc... Is there a way to specify the name of the sheets? I am currently using a different table in my report for each sheet, but I am open to structuring this differently if needed.
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Jul 31, 2015
Can we build a report like the one shown above . Basically the columns will be on vertical columns and values of the columns will be next to it ? I know there is matirx control but it is  for multiple columns .
In business objects we have separate control for this but in ssrs we have 1 table control and another matrix control. I think i need to modify matrix control to achieve it...
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Jun 16, 2006
Hello Expert!
I need help to I translate this data...
Table "LeaveDetail"
StaffNo | StartDate | EndDate | LeaveType |
1 | 23/04/2006 | 26/04/2006 | AL |
2 | 24/04/2006 | 25/04/2006 | MC |
3 | 26/04/2006 | 27/04/2006 | EL |
1 | 30/04/2006 | 02/05/2006 | EL |
Into this format...
StaffNo |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |30 |01 |02 |03 |04..
1 |AL |AL |AL |AL | | ... |EL |EL |EL |
2 | |MC |MC | | |
3 | | | |EL |EL |
Date From e.g. 23/04/2006 to 23/05/2006
Using only query statement...
Is this possible??
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Nov 11, 2007
I'm using SSRS to generate reports. i have many columns data to be displayed.while converting the data into Excel and PDF the data, header, and footer are not displaying proper format. what are all the properties to be set for that.
Could any one help in this regard.
Thanks for your help..
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Jul 25, 2007
I have been combing the Internet trying to find a way to use the SOAP API
(ReportExecution2005) web service to render a report to HTML4.0 format with
toggle items. From what I have read, the new web services should provide
ASP.NET server-side postbacks from the toggle item images, but so far I have
seen only the same behavior as was in RS 2000, which was that the toggle item
images pointed back to the ReportServer address. The following is the device
info settings that i have used to get the images to show up on the aspx page:
If I switch the HTMFragment to True I don't get any toggle item images to
render on the page but the report still shows up, and when I actually set the
StreamRoot paramter to something like this
"http://[server]/[virtualdirectory]/GetImage.aspx?reportpath=[path]&streamid=" to render the toggle item images, I get a http 400 : Bad Request error page.
Can someone please provide some information or sample code on how to render
an HTML4.0 report using the SQL 2005 Reporting Services web service and
getting the toggle item images to render as well as work correctly.
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Oct 1, 2014
I am currently exporting scheduled report in excel format via SSRS subscription and the report is getting deposited in 97-2003 (.xls)format. I am using SQL Server 2008 R2 version
Now i need to export the report in .XLSX format. What i need todo to upgrade the exporting excel version (i.e .XLS to .XLSX format ) as .XLXS version is only available from Excel 2007 and later version.
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Apr 9, 2008
I am facing an issue, while exporting report to excel.
I have a report where some legends are being displayed on coversheet using matrix. The contents are fetched from backend.Some of legends have got too much of text while others don't have much.In matrix properties, I checked can increase/decrease to accommodate changes. When report runs in report viewer it shows correctly i.e. it adjusts its width according to contents but when same report is exported to Excel it doesn't happen so. The size of cell is not increasing dynamically, depending upon the data. User needs to expand the cell in order to view the data.
So, is there any option by which, we can implement data wrap functionality for matrix, when report is downloaded in excel format.
Your suggestion will be of great help.
Thanks & Regards,
Kiran Kirdat
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Jan 12, 2007
I need to toggle visibility of group of columns in reporting services report, just like we can do for rows. I know that individual fields can be hidden, but i need to hide/show complete column.
Thanks in anticipation.
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Apr 3, 2007
I need to call an excell function, xIRR, from my report.
How can I do that?
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May 29, 2006
Hi All,
For developing a report I'm using SQL Server 2000 with SP4 & MS Visual Studio .Net 2003. After expoting a report in excel format file, the size of the excel file is so much big that while openning the report file it seemed to be hanged the PC.
Is there any way to reduce the size of the excel in reporting services?
Uttam Kr. Dhar
Medi Assist India Pvt. Ltd.
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Nov 5, 2015
I already have a row visibility on the details group which is toggled by the Sum(Case_Load) Text box.
What I would now like to do is some columns to the right where the field is part of the details group but the column is only visible when it is toggled by the Sum(Case_Load) Text box.
I keep getting the message that "Toggle items must be text boxes that share the same scope as the hidden item or are in a scope that contains the hidden item, and cannot be contained within the current report item unless current grouping scope has a Parent"
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Nov 21, 2006
We are using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services and looking to render our reports to Microsoft Word format. We€™ve searched around and haven€™t really found any useful information on how to do this.
Is Microsoft planning on releasing a Word rendering extension? If so, when?
Has anyone written a custom rendering extension for Word? Or, does anyone know how to write a custom rendering extension for Word?
We need either a Microsoft solution that€™s already built-in to Reporting Services or a solid, free solution. We are not in the market of buying a third-party product like OfficeWriter.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Apr 30, 2008
I'm using visual studio 2005 with .NET 2.0 SP1.
Under a report server project, I created a table and used it to display a dataset drawn from a database (SQL Server 2005). And I set the "NoRows" property of this table to something like: "= "Customer: " & Parameters!CustomerID.Value & " does not exist in database.". I deployed the report on a report server, run it and exported to Excel. If there were no data returned, the Excel will display the non-exist message as designed. But if I export the same report again without re-run the report, the message will disappear. Looks like a bug?
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Sep 28, 2007
I have five rows in a group header.
The top row is a true header row with details that will always be there and will always be visible.
The bottom four rows have their Visibility.Hidden property set to 'TRUE'.
All four of the bottom rows are assigned the same Visibility.ToggleItem.
Of the four bottom rows, any or all of them may not have data at any one time.
I want to find a way of allowing the rows to toggle from hidden to visible, but if one or all of the rows have a field item whose value is 0 then that row must remain invisible regardless of whether it is toggled.
I am still working on this puzzle, but if someone can provide me with an easy solution while I struggle, I would greatly appreciate it.
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Dec 20, 2006
I am using 'SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service' in my project. I am using sub-reports in many cases. Whenever I export such reports containing sub-reports to 'Excel' format which is the major client requirement in our project, the exported excel file shows 'Subreports within table/matrix cells are ignored.'
Can anybody tell me the solution for this? If not possible in reporting service then is there any other way to get data in excel format?
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Jul 26, 2007
I've got a SQL Reporting Server 2000 SP2 report that takes 3 parameters. FromDT, ToDT, and LocationCD. The first two parameters are free form text fields that expect a date. The last one is a drop down box. For some reason, when I'm viewing the report through the standard reports folder on the report server I have to click the "View Report" button two times to get the report to render. Clicking it just once, doesn't seem to do anything. The report is a line graph.
There are default values in the FromDT and ToDT parameter fields.
Anyone have any ideas what would be causing the need for the second click?
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May 7, 2008
I have built a report using the Report Model but want to be able to collapse rows as is possible with the Toggle and Hidden attributes in normal reports. Can this be done?
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May 26, 2006
A simple tabular Report Builder report was written to feed another system that requires quoted CSV. I have two issues when exported:
1) I can't get control over the exported column names. Currently, they are exported as "FIELDNAME_Value".
When I try to change the column headings in the designer, it has no effect on the exported column names
When I create a New Field and specify my desired column name (e.g., COMPANY), the export appears as COMPANY_Value.
How do I control these names for the CSV export?
2) The spec calls for quoted text. In my export, only values with special characters are quoted.
Thanks in advance.
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Jul 16, 2015
I am working with SSAS Tabular. I have a stand alone table with 60 columns and contains 120K records. Table size is 250MB. And trying to build a tabular report out of it and it is taking longer and throwing exception, screenshot attached.
It might be cross-join issues, as workaround created a dummy measure and using in report. But it working for 10-20 k records and beyond throwing same exception. I have 8 GB RAM and 100 GB free disk space.
Customer wanted it in SSAS Tabular...
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Nov 10, 2015
I have a Tabular data model and I'm returning a measure that counts employees (each row is an employee) and then a calculated column in the model that gets SeniorityInMonths.
So if an employee was hired exactly 1 year ago, they would have 12 in this column.
I want to group these into bins, but the Group option is grayed out.
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Aug 6, 2007
Hello Microsoft or Forum Members:
This seems like a simple Microsoft Based Reporting System 101 feature...But I can not find out how to do it (among other things that seem like it should work with Microsoft rendering to Microsoft).
How do I make the SSRS 2005 Header for the Report print on each of the pages in excel once it is rendered from SSRS?
All I want is an answer by MSFT that says "YES" it can be done and how or "No" it is not currently available.
I noticed I am not the only one with this type of simple question:
(see this unanswered post)
Thank You guys!
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Jun 16, 2015
how to combine measures and fields coming from an analytical model (tabular) along with some Excel calculations. Basically I want to provide users with a simple report (to be displayed in SharePoint Excel services) containing charts and slicers. The data comes from a tabular model, and most of the calculations are in the model as well.However there is some little tweaking that must be done. For example I might need additional calculated columns, but I don't feel the need to modify the tabular model for that. I was wondering if I could do this within Excel as well -- but without having to bring all the data through a pivot table, then manipulate it and then show it on the report. So to be clear I do not want any pivot tables lying around, even if on a hidden sheet.
I noticed that when selecting a pivot chart in Excel, at the ribbon menu under "PIVOTCHART TOOLS"/"ANALYSE" there is a group of buttons named "Calculations". One of them is named OLAP Tools.Is it fair to assume that these options will allow me to create new measures at the Excel side, without affecting my tabular model?
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Oct 5, 2007
Hello All,
I have a report which throwing this error:
Cannot read the next data row for the data set ALERTSBYSERVERS. (rsErrorReadingNextDataRow) Get Online Help
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime
This report can be viewed on the Visual Studio, but is not rendering it on the Reporting console. Any ideas??
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Sep 18, 2007
Can anybody tell me if it's possible to set a report to render directly to PDF please. I've found stuff on how to do it via a url but that's not how we want to do it.
Thanks in advance
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Mar 12, 2007
I've got a complex report with many subreports that is running on a reporting services 2005 machine with sp2 installed. The report was working well, producing a 2800 page report in under 10 minutes. I made a change to an expression in a table's column header and one change to the detail and the report stopped working. It would just hang for hours with no messages in the logs.
I tried to simplify what the report server had to do by removing the sum's to the database side's stored proc but that didn't work. I finally managed to get the report to work by removing a totals section to a subreport. I've also had the same hanging condition occur when I merged some columns in the table. I also found a workaround for this problem.
Is anyone else finding problems like this? They don't seem to be code related.
Is there a limit to how complex a report can be in reporting services or the PDF rendering part of the process?
Thanks for any info
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May 15, 2008
Is there a way to dynamically feed the Text of the Column titles into a report at run-time in Reporting Services?
In Access I could use DLookup to pull YTD Dates (e.g. "05/2008") from another view that kept track of the settings for the year being processed (Curr Year, Prior Year, Prior Year II, YTD I, YTD II, and etc. for each Year's data. YTD I and YTD II would read like '07/2008' and '09/2008'. The YTD II value could change as the next month's data became available ('10/2008'). As we switched from year to year (2007, 2008, etc.) all I had to do was update the [tbl Status Flags] table for the next year and all my many reports would reflect the correct headers for the periods in the data. The period could be switched back to prior years at any time by the user in order to view past data. When the year was changed the report headers would have to reflect that. The status flags table would give the setting for each year. Using hard coded titles was too confusing for the user and changing the titles manually was not feasible.
We have moved to SQL Server 2005 and Reporting Services 2005. Besides losing the ability to Change the Data at the top of every page as the Dept, VP Name, Director and etc. changed I also seem to have lost this dynamic column headers ability. I have found a cumbersome workaround for the data at the top of the page, but the only thing I have come up for the columns is to try to create queried parameters to feed those titles (they will be the same throught the report) and to fill those parameters with the queried defaults. I haven't tried it successfully yet, but so far it's looking like that is not how the defaults work.
Hopefully someone out there has a solution. I'd appreciate any help I can get.
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May 7, 2015
I have a very small SSAS database with around 35 Mb. I opened it on Excel 32 bits and started dragging fields to a pivot table and it started failing with memory errors. The behavior on the SSAS server was that memory started growing very fast until 8 GB (vm memory total) and then the error is reported in excel.
What might be the issue in such a small database? I would understand in a big database, but not on this one.
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Feb 21, 2007
I seem to be unable to pass parameters from a VB .Net application to Reporting Services.
Before I added the parameters to the query, I got all the rows back. So I know the application is basically working. Now that I have added the parameters, I get nothing.
I thought the SetExecutionParameters function would help, but my syntax is wrong and it fails.
I would appreciate any hint as to what step I am missing.
Report setup:
Name Value
@Report =Parameters!Report.Value
@Corp =Parameters!Corp.Value
@Dept =Parameters!Dept.Value
Query conditions
WHERE Report = 'BudgetVarianceSummary'
AND PeriodEnd = CONVERT(DateTime,CONVERT(char,GETDATE()- DATEPART(day,GETDATE()),112))
AND Report = @Report
AND Corp = @Corp
AND Dept = @Dept
VB Code snippet:
Dim reportPath As String = "/FinancialReports/BudgetVarianceSummary"
Dim format As String = "PDF"
' Prepare report parameter.
Dim parameters(3) As ParameterValue
parameters(0) = New ParameterValue()
parameters(0).Name = "Report"
parameters(0).Value = "BudgetVarianceSummary"
parameters(1) = New ParameterValue()
parameters(1).Name = "Corp"
parameters(1).Value = "10"
parameters(2) = New ParameterValue()
parameters(2).Name = "Dept"
parameters(2).Value = "7255"
Dim execInfo As New ExecutionInfo
Dim execHeader As New ExecutionHeader()
Dim SessionId As String
Dim extension As String = ""
rs.ExecutionHeaderValue = execHeader
execInfo = rs.LoadReport(reportPath, historyID)
'This line of code fails
'rs.SetExecutionParameters(parameters, "en-us")
result = rs.Render(format, devInfo, extension, encoding, mimeType, warnings, streamIDs)
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