How To Maintain Transaction Between Two Databases?

Apr 9, 2007

Hi All,

Pandon me for asking such question, I am still a beginner to ASP.NET.

I have a project that require me to do single operation that is suppose to update two databases, wonder how do I maintain transaction between these two databases? Please advise, thank you!

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How To Maintain Transaction Order For Perpetual Inventory

Feb 9, 2008


I would appreciate If any one could help me in this matter.

problem is : how to maintain perpetual inventory transaction table order in batch mode updation ?.

I have designed a table to hold all inventory transactions. The table order is perfectly maintained in online system of updation. But if I go with batch updation then the order of the transaction is collapsing. For example consider the following table design. (note I used auto number to maintain the order).

version used : SQL Server 2000 with service pack updates.


1 Receipts 2 01/01/2000 xxxxx1 2 2.0
2. Issue 1 01/01/2000 yyyyy1 1
3 Receipts 3 02/01/2000 xxxxx2 4 3.0
4 Issue 2 02/01/2000 yyyyy2 1

the above is well in online mode. But in batch mode if i update issue 2 before receipts 3 then i am getting order like below

1 Receipts 2 01/01/2000 xxxxx1 2 2.0
2. Issue 1 01/01/2000 yyyyy1 1
3 Issue 2 02/01/2000 yyyyy2 1
4 Receipts 3 02/01/2000 xxxxx2 4 3.0

ofcourse if the order collapse means costing can not be accurate. so please any one could help me to solve this problem. because many software packages are not posting in sequence if we choose in batch mode.

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SQL 2012 :: Approximate Hours Per Month To Monitor And Maintain Health Of Databases?

Jul 8, 2014

Based on the description below on average how many hours a month would it take to monitor and maintain the MSSQL Server databases?

Description of IT infrastructure.All Windows Servers and MSSQL Servers are up to date on patches and best practices.

Corporate site with 3 remote sites.

All remote sites have one DC and one MSSQL Server.

The corporate site has one MSSQL Server.

Replication is performed between the remote MSSQL databases and the corporate office MSSQL database.

There is no in-house DBA. All DBA services will have to be outsourced. I am trying to determine what is reasonable in budgeting for time involved for this service.

There is one project written in MS Access using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) with the backend residing on these database.

The question is on average approximately how many hours a month would it take to monitor and maintain the health of the MSSQL Servers database by a MSSQL DBA. The DBA will not have to create any user reporting, queries, etc. Just maintain the existing MSSQL Servers database.

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Transaction Across 2 Databases?

Jul 23, 2005

Is it possible to wrap a transaction across 2 database? For example:BEGIN TRANSACTION.... alter something in Database_1.... alter something in Database_2COMMIT TRANSACTIONor if there is any error:ROLLBACK TRANSACTION

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Separate Databases For High/low Transaction Volumes?

Jun 23, 2006

I have an existing database with approx 500,000 rows and accessed by afew hundred users per day creating approx 1,000 new records per dayplus typical reporting - relatively low volume stuff for SQL Server.I'm about to add a process that will be importing data daily fromlegacy databases and summarizing it for reporting purposes, integratingit with the existing database. This volume of data will be considerablyhigher, perhaps 100,000+ rows per day, which will be deleted once ithas been summarized and the results written to some intermediatetables.Is there any concern about mixing different levels of volume within onedatabase? As I'll be creating lots of rows daily and then deleting themI was wondering about fragmentation, transaction logging etc. andwhether having this processing in a separate database from the mainapplication would be 'better'.

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Data/Transaction Log Files For Two Databases Have Same File Name

Jul 20, 2005

We have two db's. One live and one test.When I right click on the live one in SQL Enterprise Manager andselect properties -> Data Files ->File Name is LIVE.MDFLocation is F:DataLIVE.MDFWhen I right click on the test one in SQL Enterprise Manager andselect properties -> Data Files ->File Name is LIVE.MDFLocation is F:DataTEST.MDFSame thing applies to Transaction log files too.My concern is File Name is same in both the above cases even thoughthe location is different. What are the consequences of this.Thanks for your helpGVV

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DB Engine :: Transaction Log Backup On AlwaysOn Databases

Jun 26, 2015

I am using alwayson on my SQL 2012 databases. I am using ola hallengren scripts for backing up databases. Full & diff db backups work fine, but the log is not getting backed up. The tran log backup job doesn't error out too. Trying to figure out what I may be missing?

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Transaction Support Across Tasks Accessing Two Different Databases

Apr 7, 2008

I am trying to determine if it is possible to add transaction support for a SSIS package. Here are the basic tasks:

Read New/Updated records from SQL Server
Update changed records in Access
Insert new records into Access
Update new records in SQL Server with Access key assigned on insert in previous step
Reset dirty_flag

I would like to wrap a transaction around this. If the package fails in the task that updates sql server with the Access key, the next time it runs, it duplicates the new records in Access because it did not finish the process. Is it possible to have a transaction wrap this entire process so I can undo the inserts to Access if I fail any subsequent tasks?



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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Separate Transaction Log Files For Multiple Databases?

May 15, 2015

We have multiple databases on a single instance in an OLTP environment. I have my data files on a separate SAN LUN from my transaction log files (and a few NDFs split out onto additional LUNs). I was wondering if there is a performance benefit to putting each LDF file on its own LUN? Or at least my few busiest LDFs?

We are currently on 2012, but I'm having to put together specs for a 2014 installation and need to answer this question without having an environment in which I can benchmark different setups. I just want to hear whether or not others have done this (why or why not?).

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Msdb Maintain?!

Nov 15, 2006

hi expertsss..
my msdb database is like 2gb big.. to me is really big.. so is there a way to maintain that? and how. ..
also.. my disk level fragment are bad on one of my drive (some datafiles in there and msdb is there too). is there any 3rd party tool i can use to do the defragment and set schedule ? please help thanks~

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How To Maintain Database Concurrence?

Apr 17, 2004

My application uses sql for performing operation. something like conncetion.execute(query). so there is only conncetion object no recordset object or something like that .

i want to run multiple instence of my application so i want to maintain integrety of data. and i am looking for solution through sql for locking mechanism. so concurrent data access dont currept data.

I hope you have uderstand my requirement.

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Maintain A Sql Data Base

Aug 15, 2005

Sebastian Garibaldi writes "Hi I'm Sebastian from Argentina, and i have a problem with a SQL data base. I receive error from data base of broken index and consistency errors. I set the fill factor with the information from the books online, i put 70 in tables that have a lot of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE but it works for two o tree days.

I now that i must make some maintain in the database but which tools i shuld use?

here i paste an error from dbcc checktable:

Server: Msg 8964, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 981108969. The text, ntext, or image node at page (1:949979), slot 52, text ID 57535781339136 is not referenced.
Server: Msg 8964, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 981108969. The text, ntext, or image node at page (1:949979), slot 53, text ID 57535782191104 is not referenced.
DBCC results for 'FCRMVI'.
There are 108460 rows in 17430 pages for object 'FCRMVI'.
CHECKTABLE found 0 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in table 'FCRMVI' (object ID 981108969).
repair_allow_data_loss is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKTABLE (ArleiProd.dbo.FCRMVI ).

thanks, and sorry my english."

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Using Code To Maintain Relationships Across Tables.

May 17, 2002

Can anyone give me an idea like, what percentage of organizations use 'code' to maintain the parent-child relations on their tables than
having FK constraints thru the db model? Because,all the companies that I worked with used 'code' to control the relationships across the tables(not the PK/FKs.!!)

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Maintain Jobs, View Logs

Mar 13, 2006

I have a user who needs to check whether 2 jobs have run on a SQL Server 2000 instance, and be able to view logs.

Is there a way of doing this, and not allowing them access to anything else?

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HELP! Synchronize Db And Maintain Foriegn Key Relations?

Jan 30, 2007

I have to synchronize 2 databases hourly but am having difficulty maintaining foreign key relations. These tables use auto-increment columns as primary keys, with child records in other tables related with foreign keys. I can't change the way the local software uses primary or foreign keys as it is hardcoded in the local app. (microsoft retail management system)..(however the web-remote app is easily customized). I am using CDB synchronizer to sync the two databases because the remote one is mysql.

Example tables layout:
Items table has auto-increment primary key 'id'
TransactionEntry table has its own auto-increment primary key 'id' and a foreign key 'item_id'

Example of how remote and local database foreign key relations are incorrect after sync using CDB synchronizer:
8:00am -first installation of database-'item' tables auto-increment 'id' columns match with id last record value of '6'

locally the following products are added:

11001 short sleeve t---gets added with primary key in 'item' table 'id' of '7'

11002 long sleeve t----gets added with primary key in 'item' table 'id' '8'

remotely the following products are added:

21001 hipster jeans- --gets added with primary key in 'item' table 'id' of '7'

31001 overalls---gets added with primary key in 'item' table 'id' '8'

remotely someone orders TransactionEntry table records sale of "item_id" of '7', but after synch with our local server,

product with "item_id" of '7' is "short sleeve t".

9:00 -synch takes place...item_id foreign key isn't accurate because of independent auto-increment values..

whenever a product is ordered, the TransactionEntry table will record the product's ID column thats available in it's own local copy... after synch, the 'item_id' field will not match the 'Item' table id field and the data about the transaction's product is lost.

I have read of solutions involving staging/temporary tables to cascade update foreign keys before synching into main database, but hopefully there is a more elegant solution for this. If this is only way, will it be reliable? foreign key mix-match seems like could cause havoc.

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SQL 2012 :: Use TFS To Maintain Versions Of Objects

Oct 23, 2015

I would like to maintain version control of the all the sql objects (sp, view , tables ) and maintain source code versions control. Any way to use TFS to maintain versions of sql objects. Also the folder structure when using TFS.

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Error 8525: Distributed Transaction Completed. Either Enlist This Session In A New Transaction Or The NULL Transaction.

May 31, 2008

Hi All

I'm getting this when executing the code below. Going from W2K/SQL2k SP4 to XP/SQL2k SP4 over a dial-up link.

If I take away the begin tran and commit it works, but of course, if one statement fails I want a rollback. I'm executing this from a Delphi app, but I get the same from Qry Analyser.

I've tried both with and without the Set XACT . . ., and also tried with Set Implicit_Transactions off.

Begin distributed Tran
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 and DONE = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
update OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=;User ID=*****;Password=****').TRANSFERSTN.TSADMIN.FIXED
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1

It's got me stumped, so any ideas gratefully received.Thx

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Maintain A Consistent DB Connection Through Application Lifecycle

Nov 10, 2006

Hey everyone, I'm new to .NET and I've recently inheirited a rather large and busy website.  I was asked to add a testimonials section on each page that will randomly pull a testimonial out of the db.  This is fine, however, I'm getting random errors about the DB connection either being closed or connecting.  Here is the code for the testimonials class: 1 public SqlDataReader GetTestimonials(ref SqlDataReader reader, int iCatID, string sLanguageType)2 {3 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("sp_DVX_Testimonials_Fetch", Connection);4 cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;5
6 cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Cat_ID", iCatID));7 cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LanguageType", sLanguageType));8
9 reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();10
11 return reader;12 } I know this isn't the best way to do this (especially for each page[this site averages about 1000 hits a day]), so I was wondering was--is there a way to maintain a single DB connection that's set up in the Application_Start that will maintain the connection so I don't have to worry about this error.  If not, does anyone and any ideas as to what would help? Thanks in advance! 

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How To Maintain Users Permission And Access Level

Mar 9, 2007

Hi guys,
We have a scenario where there are about 50 tables in our database and we want to build an intranet web application for users to with the office to access those tables.
Users ability to access tables falls into diferent category:

Some users can NOT view some tables at all
Some users can ONLY view some tables but not insert/update any field
Some users can view and also insert/update some tables (in the same time they might not have view(select) permision on some other tables)
Now, what is the right way to implement this.
I say we have to have a Role, RolePermission, User, UserPermission inside our database to implement this (something which would look like the Roles and Users inside MSSQL) and we only have one user for our Database (MachineName/ASPUSER) to access the database and all the tables within
My colleague says NO, instead of creating all these tables and implement this, we add every user of our application as a Database user inside MSSQL in the Databse Users.
All the web application I have seen so far, DNN, CommunityServer, ... the have tables to implement all these and they don't add users inside the MSSQL.
Now which way is the way to go with, and what problem might we fall into if we use SQL users, is this possible at all. How can I convince him that we have to make and use our own tables to manage this.
 Thanks for any help,Mehdi

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How Can I Use SELECT DISTINCT And Maintain The Original Order

Apr 26, 2007

Say I have a result set with two fields numbers and letters.

1 A3 A1 B2 B

 The result set is ordered by the letters column. How can I select the distinct numbers from the result set but maintain the current order? When I tryselect distinct Number from MyResultSet

it will reorder the new result set by the Number field and return


 However, I'd like maintain the Letter order and return


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SQL 2012 :: Maintain Indexes When AlwaysON Is In Place

Aug 4, 2015

I have a new cluster (2 sync, 2 async) with about 50 databases going from 1 to 200gb ( all of the objects are compressed).That at sql server 2012, sp1 CU7.I have several drives for logs with 200gb of space in there...I am having issues at rebuilding indexes on this env, ie, I have a table with the clustered index heavily fragmented (~80%), and the table has about 60gb of data, uncompressed that should be about 160gb.

The index rebuild is creating a log file big enough as to consume all the space that I have for logs, and that is only 1 table, so for sure my old process to maintain indexes (ola.hallengren code) won't work on this scenario.

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Restore Data But Maintain Replication Settings?

Jun 17, 2008

We are setting up the clients' database with transactional replication that allows the subscriber to send updates by pull subscriptions.

The plan is to create a second database so the users can keep working on the original database while we get the replication set up and working. Once we feel confident that the replication is working on the second database, the plan was to backup the old one, then detach it, and then restore the new database with the latest data from the old one. My question is whether this would preserve all the replication configurations that we set up? Since the replication adds a column to each table what would happen to that column? Or what is an alternative, which would allow us to set up the replication without disturbing the user's work, and then implement the replication with the latest data?

I am also wondering how to set the synchronization to happen once daily? I do not see where I can set that. I only see options for continuous vs on demand. Does on demand mean I can somehow schedule with an external program to run once a day?

Thanks for your patience, and I hope my questions make sense.

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Possible To Maintain Barcode On Exported Excel Sheet

Sep 17, 2012

I am trying to encode the barcode on the reporting service using SQL server 2005, they told me it is possible to maintain the barcode on exported excel sheet, however, I did not find the barcode on it, only squre black image.

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How Can I Maintain Timestamp Column In Replication Environment

May 27, 2008

Hi Friends

I have transactional replication,
The publisher DB contains table call Courser with timestamp column, this column values are unique for the publisher DB

The subscriber DB also contains same copy of data in publisher DB Course table, but the timestamp column values are different.

So my problem is how can I keep this two tables (Course) identically, (same timestamp column vales in both table)

NOTE: Publisher and Subscriber DB reside under two different SQL server instance

Thanks and regards
IndikaD (Virtusa cop SL)

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SSIS, Distributed Transaction Completed. Either Enlist This Session In A New Transaction Or The NULL Transaction.

Feb 22, 2007

I have a design a SSIS Package for ETL Process. In my package i have to read the data from the tables and then insert into the another table of same structure.

for reading the data i have write the Dynamic TSQL based on some condition and based on that it is using 25 different function to populate the data into different 25 column. Tsql returning correct data and is working fine in Enterprise manager. But in my SSIS package it show me time out ERROR.

I have increase and decrease the time to catch the error but it is still there i have tried to set 0 for commandout Properties.

if i'm using the 0 for commandtime out then i'm getting the Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction.


Failed to open a fastload rowset for "[dbo].[P@@#$%$%%%]". Check that the object exists in the database.

Please help me it's very urgent.

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To Maintain Two Different Connections For Different Servers In ASP.Net Application(sql Server And Oracle)

Oct 10, 2007

I am working in ASP.NET 2.0 and using sql server 2000 as backend . In my application i need to insert/update to oracle database table lying on different server. Please let me know how can i maintain two different connecttions to different databases lying on different servers..... 

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To Maintain Two Different Connections For Different Servers In ASP.Net Application(sql Server And Oracle)

Oct 10, 2007

I am working in ASP.NET 2.0 and using sql server 2000 as backend . In my
application i need to insert/update to oracle database table lying on
different server. Please let me know how can i maintain two different
connecttions to different databases lying on different servers.....

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Running Back Up Logs To A Different Server To Maintain A Copy

Dec 28, 1998

I am going to use the backup and restore function to copy data from one server to the other server. We would like to keep the servers in sink at this point (not instantaneously but update the server say once a day) and I would like to do this by using the back up transaction logs. I have tried to back up from individual transaction logs but in also seems to restore the full database also. The database is roughly 6 gig and transaction logs are about 25- 50 meg. I really do not want to have to restore the database every time.

I know I could set up replication but this has been more of a pain administering this on a daily basis. I would like to do a schedule and forget type of thing. This is going to be done on 6.5.

Any suggestions would be helpful



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Maintain Leading Zeros When Exporting To .csv Using SQL Server 2000 DTS

Jan 13, 2008

I am trying to export the result of a select into a .csv file using SQL Server 2000 DTS. The data for varchar fields has leading zeroes in the database, which is very much required in the csv file.

But, the .csv file trims the leading zeroes. How do we force to maintain the same data as in source?

I had used Text File Destination Connection as the destination, with the below options
File Extension: .csv
File Format: Delimited
File Type: ANSI
Text Qualifier: Double Quotes ("")
Row Delimiter: {CR}{LF}
Column Delimiter: comma

Source Data: 0123
Target Data (Requirement): 0123

The data in .csv: 123 (This is the issue)

When I open this file in a Text Editor, I do see the data in double quotes..."0123".

Thanks in advance.

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Recovery :: Maintain Transnational Consistency Of Data Across Both Servers

Sep 15, 2015

I have two production servers in the same data center. I need to ensure that database remains available if a catastrophic server failure or a disk failure occurs. I need to maintain transactional consistency of the data across both servers. I need to achieve these goals without manual intervention. I was suggested to use this optionTwo servers configured on the same subnet. SQL Server Availability Group configured in Synchronous-Commit Availability Mode<<<<But I think the correct answer should be Two servers configured in Windows Failover Cluster in the same data center SQL Server configured as a clustered instance<<<<

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Do I Need Admin Access On My Computer To Run Or Maintain An SSIS Package?

Oct 26, 2006

Do I need admin access on my computer to Run or manage an SSIS Package?

if i dont have admin access on my computer, what functionality of SSIS i cannot use?

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Creating Table Trigger To Maintain FuzzyLookup Index

Apr 2, 2007


I've created initial indexes for my table for the fuzzylookup process. I clicked on "Maintained index" but I don't see any triggers created on the reference table.

Do I create the triggers to maintain indexes myself?

Does anybody know how to create these triggers in terms of schema_name, Data_Modification_Statements etc.?

Would it be "Alter index <index name> REBUILD command?

Appreciate the help.


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DB Engine :: Maintain All Activity Logs In Particular Database Or Server?

Nov 5, 2015

I am using SQL Server 2012. I Want To Maintain all Type Logs In Particulars database or server. I want to track all Query Which Execute in Particulars Database. and all other activity?

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