How To Make Escape Characters In Varchar

Jan 5, 2007

I am trying to use this:

INSERT INTO BizNames ( [Key], [Name] ) VALUES ( 0, 'Bob's Lumber' );

The apostrophe embedded in the name value is giving me headaches. I tried using double-quotes and [] to delineate the value but then I get complaints that a "Name" is not allowed in this context.

How do you turn the embedded characters into an escape character so they can be ignored by SQL Server and passed into the table field.

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Escape Characters

Sep 6, 2005

What should one pass as a field value into a table in the insertstatement if the value contained a percentage symbol (%) or theasterisk symbol (*), since both of these have special wildcardmeanings. What if I want to pass the special meanings and pass them asliterals? Is there any escape character that I must use? I am usingADO.NET v1.1 of the framework with VB.NET. The database is MicrosoftSQL Server 2000.

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Escape Characters

Sep 26, 2006


I need to insert this command into a table, but I can't because.

insert XXX

set column1 = isnull(Title,'') +

case when (case when title is null then 1 else 0 end) = 1 then '' else ' ' end

+ isnull(Last_name,'') +

case when (case when First_name is null then 1 else 0 end) = 1 then '' else ' ' end

+ isnull(First_name,'') +

case when (case when Middle_initial is null then 1 else 0 end)= 1 then '' else ' ' +

isnull(Middle_initial,'') END

I don't know how to use escape sequence, I need insert just once


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Escape Characters

Sep 26, 2006


I need to insert this command into a table, but I can't because.

insert XXX

set column1 = isnull(Title,'') +

case when (case when title is null then 1 else 0 end) = 1 then '' else ' ' end

+ isnull(Last_name,'') +

case when (case when First_name is null then 1 else 0 end) = 1 then '' else ' ' end

+ isnull(First_name,'') +

case when (case when Middle_initial is null then 1 else 0 end)= 1 then '' else ' ' +

isnull(Middle_initial,'') END

I don't know how to use escape sequence, I need insert just once


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Sqlcmd And Escape Characters

Nov 22, 2007

The command below runs fine from within Management Studioexec sp_MSforeachtable @command1="exec sp_spaceused '?' "However, I'd like to run it via sqlcmd. I've tried variouscombinations of escaping the doulbe and single quotes but withoutsuccess.sqlcmd -E -Q "sp_MSforeachtable @command1="exec sp_spaceused '?'""Sqlcmd: 'exec sp_spaceused '?'""': Unexpected argument. Enter '-?'for help.Any ideas?Thanks,M

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How To Get Only The Characters From The Particular Varchar

Mar 13, 2008

I have a varchar(10) field in one of the sql2005 table. most of the data will be in the format of
like above values i am storing into the column. Now i want to use only the value which is inside the brackets { }. Values inside the brackets are not fixed length but allways we use the brackets.
Please let me know if you have any idea.
I tried using the right(value,4).,.. but this is only for the fixed size. but like i said my situation is different length.please let me know if you have any idea.

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Varchar Only Up To 256 Characters?

Jul 23, 2005

When I run the code below, SELECT LEN(@mytext) prints 300 as expected.Yet SELECT @mytext only prints the first 256 characters.Isn't varchar supposed to have up to 8000? Is there something from thediscrete math class I am forgetting here? Sorry, that was over 10 yearsago.DECLARE @mytext varchar(500)SELECT @mytext = '1111111111'select @mytext = @mytext + '2222222222'select @mytext = @mytext + '3333333333'select @mytext = @mytext + '4444444444'select @mytext = @mytext + '5555555555'select @mytext = @mytext + '6666666666'select @mytext = @mytext + '7777777777'select @mytext = @mytext + '8888888888'select @mytext = @mytext + '9999999999'select @mytext = @mytext + '0000000000'select @mytext = @mytext + '1111111111'select @mytext = @mytext + '2222222222'select @mytext = @mytext + '3333333333'select @mytext = @mytext + '4444444444'select @mytext = @mytext + '5555555555'select @mytext = @mytext + '6666666666'select @mytext = @mytext + '7777777777'select @mytext = @mytext + '8888888888'select @mytext = @mytext + '9999999999'select @mytext = @mytext + '0000000000'select @mytext = @mytext + '1111111111'select @mytext = @mytext + '2222222222'select @mytext = @mytext + '3333333333'select @mytext = @mytext + '444444444'select @mytext = @mytext + '5555555555'select @mytext = @mytext + '6666666666'select @mytext = @mytext + '7777777777'select @mytext = @mytext + '8888888888'select @mytext = @mytext + '9999999999'select @mytext = @mytext + '0000000000'SELECT LEN(@mytext)SELECT @mytext*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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VARCHAR(MAX) Only Contains 8000 Characters?

Nov 25, 2007


I had a VARCHAR(MAX) parameter declared in my stored procedure and trying to concatenat single column from a table which has~500 rows into a string and keep in this variable, if i am not mistaken, i read that the VARCHAR(MAX) actually can hold up to 2GB of data, so it make me confuse why the variable which i declared as MAX size, can only hold up 8000 characters, any idea?


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Can I Make The Size Of The Field Greater Than 1023 Characters?

Dec 17, 2001

is there any way i can make a field in a table accomodate more than 1023 charcters? i used the 'varchar' datatype and used a length of 2500, but still, I can't fill up a field with more than 1023 characters. Is there any way to change it?
Also, is there any way to used a symbol or special character in a field? Can SQL server identify such a character? like the alpha or beta symbol...

Thank you...

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How To Make A Varchar 14 Len By Adding Leading 0's

Apr 22, 2008

Hi All,

I have a table called Table1 which has a field called ProductID (nvarchar type). The records are numeric, and each record may have different length of characters. The maximum length of character is 13. The records are like this


As you can see it has records of different length.
In my SELECT a) first I want to make the ProductID length of 13 characters by adding leading zero's, if lenght of characters is already 13 then I will not add any leading zeros. b) Once all records have a length of 13 character then I want to put a dash "-" after first 8 characters. This way the final lenght of characters would be 14. I want to do a) & b) in one single SELECT statement.

So my final output for above example would be,

Any quick help would be highly appreciated.



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Make A Check Constraint That States First 3 Characters Of CustomerID Field

May 5, 2015

I have a table where i have to make a check constraint that states the first 3 characters of the customerid field must be the first 3 characters of the company name I am so lost I looked everywhere.

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VARCHAR Field Limited To 1024 Characters

Jul 28, 2005

Hello all,I have a field defined as VARCHAR(8000) yet it only accepts a maximum of 1024 characters. Does anyone know how I can save 8000 characters in a single field?Thanks,Bill.

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Varchar Absolute Max Length Of 1024 Characters. Why?

Oct 1, 2000

Hi all,
I have a strange situation. I have a field in the database that has to be a string type field of around 4000 characters.

So naturally I setup the field as
type: varchar
length: 4000

However when I try to put any text in this field I find that I can put no more than 1023 characters of ascii text in there.

To check if this was a max record length prob I setup a test table with only 2 fields:
ID: int, PK, Identity
longVarchar: varchar, 4000

and tried to put some ascii text into the field called longVarchar. Again the most I could put in was 1023 characters!

Thinking that it could just be that SQL svr box that was wacky, I tried it on another one with the same result.

I have tried using other field types (nvarchar, char) and have found that they all could only hold 1023 characters max, no matter what how high I defined the size of the field.

Try it out yourselves and see if you get the same result. Any useful suggestions would really be appreciated.

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Display Over 256 Characters For VARCHAR(3500) Field

Jan 12, 2006

Hopefully, someone can help me.
I am working with a database that contains multiple fields within the tables that are being used for Clinical notes. The fields are defined as VARCHAR(3500). But when I try to extract data (either through Query Analyzer or Crystal Reports), only the first 256 characters are displayed. I ran a query to give me the length of the maximum entry size which returned 2722 characters, yet only 256 are displayed.

How do I go about extracting ALL of the data from this field? Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Tansact SQL - Linefeed Characters In Varchar Columns

May 22, 2008

This is obviously a radical idea but some actually DO want to store linefeeds in varchar columns.

In MySQL I can escape difficult characters for example

INSERT INTO sometable(address) VALUES("23 SomeRoad

Does anyone know how to do this in Transact SQL?

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Make SQL Server Distinguish Between Uppercase And Lowercase Characters In A Stored Procedure?

May 10, 2007

I would like SQL Server 2000 to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters, but only within a single stored procedure. Also, at the end of the sp, I want the original collation to be restored. How will I implement this in my sp?

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How SQL Server Deals With On The Occasion If I Imput Unicode Characters Into A Varchar Column?

Jan 16, 2007

Hi all,

I want to know how SQL Server deals with it if I imput unicode characters into a varchar column? Will it truncate or do something else?


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Using A Varchar Versus A Nvarchar Causes Hungarian Characters To Be Displayed Incorrectly On The Webpage.

Jul 10, 2006

I have a hungarian character which looks like a lower case o with two single quotes on top of it --> Å‘

I have this character stored in two table the datatype of the column where this is stored at is varchar in one table and nvarchar in the other. When I try to view the field in enterprise manager the character appears as it should in the 2 tables, but when I use a jsp page deployed on weblogic to look at this character the one stored in the column of type varchar displays perfectly, but the table in which the column is nvarchar the character on the jsp page appears as a Q instead.

Any inputs on how to correct this issue will be much appreciated. Any changes to the character set on the html / jsp pages has no affect on the result.



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Convert Field From VarChar To Int With Speical Characters In Field

Aug 29, 2007


I have a table with a column that is currently a varchar(50), but I want to convert it into an int. When I try to just change the type in design mode I get an error that conversion cannot proceed. When I look at the field it appears some of the entries have special characters appended at the end, I see a box after the value.

How can I remove all speical characters and then convert that field to an int?

Also I tried the following query which did not work as well, same error about conversion.

UPDATE myTable SET field = CAST(field AS int)

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How Can I Store Over 16000 Characters To Sql Table Field With Language Specific Characters?

Feb 19, 2008

In my application I must store over 16000 character in a sql table field . When I split into more than 1 field it gives "unclosed quotation mark" message.
How can I store over 16000 characters to sql table field (only one field) with language specific characters?

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Dec 26, 2007

 SELECT     ID, Firstname, LastnameFROM         Table_1WHERE     (Firstname LIKE '2-%%' ESCAPE '-')
why statement above correct work but statement down correct do not work.
 SELECT     ID, Firstname, LastnameFROM         Table_1WHERE     (Firstname LIKE '2-%' ESCAPE '-')
by mohsen

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Dec 27, 2007

SELECT ID, Firstname, Lastname FROM Table_1
 WHERE (Firstname LIKE '2-%%' ESCAPE '-')                                                             
2       2%                  mohsen
 why statement above correct work but statement down correct do not work.                       table
                                                                                                                                    ID          FIRSTNAME    LASTNAME     
SELECT ID, Firstname, Lastname FROM Table_1                                                             1             mohsen         nafisi
   WHERE (Firstname LIKE '2-%' ESCAPE '-')                                                                   2               2%              mohsen
                                                                                                                                     3              25467          89
NULL    NULL          NULL

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Dec 28, 2007

explain ESCAPE clause in LIKE clause with example.
no MSDN and Link.
by mohsen

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Dec 28, 2007

explain ESCAPE clause in LIKE clause with example.

by mohsen

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Way To Escape From CURSOR

May 3, 2002

I am probably a bit of dumb programmer but I am trying to get away from using cursors in my SQL stored procedures. I probably have my VB program code set in my mind but what is the alternative of doing something like this in T-SQL:

do while not recordset.eof
if condition is ok then
update blah blah blah set something = recordset("field")
end if

Can someone give me an example in T-SQl which can achieve the same thing? (Apart from calling SQL stored procedure using ADO within VB?)


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Nov 9, 2004

Hi Ya'll,

I tried searching for "escape character", "quotes", etc, but they didn't work.

I'm having troubling inserting data into my tables, if they have an apostrophe or double quotes. I know that MySQL's escape character is "", but I tried it for MS SQL and it didn't work. HOW DO I INSERT DATA INTO MY DB THAT HAS AN APOSTROPHE OR DOUBLE QUOTE? Thanks.

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Escape Sequence

Sep 1, 2004

I have a question with this query -
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column1 = 'T_C_%';

This query returns rows where column1 = "T_Care", "T_CRP" etc etc, whereas I was expecting only rows where column1 = "T_C_Tail", "T_C_Head"

However, when I use an escape character(/), the results are more in the lines of the expected results.

Can somebody explain this?
cheers/- Pradeep

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Escape Single Qoute '

Jun 25, 2007

Is there a way to escape single quotes ' in a  sql statement that uses a sql data source that is automated? I know you can do it with a string manip and replacing them with double single quotes. I am just looking for a simple way.  Thanks Adam 

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Escape Sequence In SQL - Urgent

Feb 25, 2002


Could any one please tell me what escape sequence can be used to display the data in the next line in sql


select 'abc ??? def'



John Jayaseelan

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Escape Single Quotes

Dec 4, 2007


I want to pass a query to SQL Server 2005 through the table adapter query.

Some of the variables with have single quotes e.g. He's

I know with PHP/MySQL Addslashes() is used.

What is the alternative for C#?


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How Can I Escape Special Charater....

Aug 29, 2007

here is the query

DECLARE @NENTITY varchar (100); SET @NENTITY = 'HouseDimension';

DECLARE @FLAGVAR nvarchar (10); SET @FLAGVAR = 'Y';



SET @SQL1 = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @NENTITY + ' WHERE ' + @NENTITY + '.' + @NFLAG + ' = ' + @FLAGVAR


OUTPUT: SELECT * FROM HouseDimension WHERE HouseDimension.HouseLastUpdateFlag = Y

where as I need an output with Y in single quotes ('Y')
because when I run this query its gives me an error invalid colunm name Y. I tried to use escape sequence but of no use..

Any suggestion please?

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Separate Lowercase Characters From Uppercase Characters

Mar 5, 2008

Hi everybody,
I would like to know if there is any property in sql2000 database to separate lowercase characters from uppercase characters. I mean not to take the values €˜child€™ and €˜Child€™ as to be the same. We are transferring our ingres database into sqlserver. In ingres we have these values but we consider them as different values. Can we have it in sqlserver too?


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Export Data To Csv: Escape New Lines?

Aug 3, 2004

I need to convert from mssqlto Postgres and I need to export all MS-SQL table data to a CSV or TXT file (one file per table)

Presumably, all data per row (of a table) must be in one line.
Then when you copy to another database, a new line of data means a new row in the table.

However, MS SQL is exporting a large varchar text field as multiple lines. The data itself is many lines, so exporting it causes the data for one row to fall onto many lines.

My question: How do I escape new lines? When MS SQL exports the data, I want to replace all NEW LINES / carriage returns by /n or by <br> tag (since the data will be for web use).

(pls note I am not actually handling the ms sql database, so any response would be greatly appreciated as I advise the person in charge of the mssql db accordingly).

Thanks a lot!

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