How To Merge Table Vertically

May 31, 2007


I have two tables with 250 columns each and I have a common column between the two. I need to merge them vertically to make it a bigger table. I mean I need a table with 500 columns. Both the tables have same no. of rows. I am lost on how to go about it. Any help would be really great.

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Merge Cells Vertically

Jan 3, 2007

Any way to merge cells vertically in SSRS 2005? I know w can do it horizontally by right clik, then select "merge cells". How about vertically? Thanks.

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Display Query Result Vertically

Mar 27, 2008


I have a query to run, but the data in the tables are stored horizontally. I want the query to output the result vertically.

e.g. if row 1 contains the following data:

Then i want it to output as follows:

hope I'm clear, and would appreciate if someone could help me.


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Store Data Horizontally Or Vertically?

Nov 11, 2005

My project is to automate testing of Stored Proceduresof type SELECT (at least for now).I want to create a table where each stored procedure'sinput parameter values are entered and in another tablethe expected result value(s) are entered when executedagainst a sample database containing manually enteredand verified data.My current problem is that the stored procedures' inputparameters range from none to 50 parameters (ok nowthat I think of it maybe this SP with 50 parameters is anINSERT SP; regardless let's assume I have SPs thatrequire 10-20-30+ parameters).My other problem is each stored procedures' returnedresult could fall into any of these four categories:- 1 row, 1 column- 1 row, many columns- many rows, 1 column- many rows, many columnsSo far I thought about 3 ways of storing the data:1- 1 large table with 50 columns that can hold variousnumber of input parameter values. Similar type of table forholding the output result for the four categories above.2- 1 small table holding one value per row. All kinds of joinswith other tables to indicate which SP and which column thevalue belongs to...3- 1 individual table per stored procedure, this way the numberof columns in the table would match exactly the number of inputparameters.Obviously the above 3 categories could apply both for the inputand output data.Now I'm still in research mode and I haven't decided on any choiceyet. And I know each approach has serious consequences; let's justsay they are all with some limitations.Has anyone dealt with this scenario before? This is the first time Ineed a table to hold various types of returned data.Just to give some numbers: possibly a few thousand SPs and verylikely each SP would have more than one test scenario.What would you suggest?Thank you

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Printing Column Contents Vertically

Jun 15, 2007

Hi All,

I would like to print a report that is 64x64 matrix. I want the columns to be narrow and the headings for the columns to be vertical like is possible in excel. The text for the heading fields also comes from a stored procedure.

I have hunted and pecked around but I cannot seem to find an option that sets the orientation of the text for a text box to vertical.

Is there one?

If not, does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can make these column headings vertical and nicely fomatted all the time? Again, looking for the same effect as in excel.


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Query Editor: How To Display Individual Row Vertically

Nov 20, 2006

In query editor I displayed a single row from a table. The row is so long that I need to scroll horizontally back and forth to check out it's fields. Using t-sql (or otherwise) can I display the row like this: (vertically)

Field Name 1: < data value 1>

Field Name 2: < data value 2>

Field Name 3: < data value 3>

Field Name 4: < data value 4>




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Rotate Text To Flow Vertically Instead Of Horizontally

Aug 23, 2007

Is it possible in the SSRS Report Designer to rotate a textbox to run vertically, or simply to rotate the text in a textbox ? I have only seen this done within axes lables of charts, but not text boxes.

Thanks in advance,

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Transact SQL :: Left Join Returns Too Many Rows Vertically

Jun 18, 2015

I have a query that based 2 tables. I wrote a query with a left join on the base table but the result set returns multiple rows for each occurrence in the second table because of the left join. I want but to return all records  from on table A and only matching records from table B which id but I would wan tit to keep return them vertically as the because it make it difficult to read when put in a spreadsheet. It want it to return the values horizontally so the rows are not increasing for each occurrence on table b.

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Reporting Services :: How To Repeat Matrix Vertically When Grouped By Column

May 18, 2015

I am using ssrs 2012 using sql server 2012. I have grouped by project name in the header now it is repeating horizontally i need to repeat it by vertically using project name  grouped by column.

I need this like below :

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Reporting Services :: Generate Data Vertically In Group By According To Dates?

Apr 27, 2015

I have a table in which records are inserted daily and with them i am storing the dates also. Now in SSRS i need to show the data for one week . The format should be like :

<style type="text/css">
.tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;}
.tg td{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;padding:10px 9px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;}
.tg th{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;padding:10px 9px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;}

[Code] ....

In above example Business Name , Phase, Activity will repeat lonely but its work description will be generated in next section according to that business name and that date. How to achieve this task ? I have referred : [URL] ....

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Reporting Services :: Merging Of Two Cells Vertically In SSRS 2012

Oct 5, 2015

I am new in SSRS 2012.I have created a rdl,in this rdl, am having a row group.In this report, other two columns has multiple rows and some rows having data and some other rows doesn't have data.So I want to create rows when the row of that particular column has any data or need to merge vertically with the  row having data and row don't have data of particular column along with the Common Row Group Data

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How To Merge Table

May 31, 2008

Hi, I have 4 tables,

create tbl_Header (Rec_ID int)
create tbl_Header_Details (Rec_ID int, type_id int, desc varchar(20))
create tbl_type (type_id int)
create tbl_series (type_id int, series_id int)

tbl_Header links to header details by Rec_ID, which is 1 to many
tbl_Header_Details link to tbl_type by type_id, which is 1 to many tbl_type link to tbl_series by type_id, which is 1 to many

how to merge these tables to create a tmp table with only distinct record on rec_id, and generate new column based on the number of series_id it has. Rec_id should not have repeated.

Please help!

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Table Merge Question

Oct 8, 2007

I have to identical tables (one with system settings and one with user settings).  I want to combine both tables into one to display to the browser but need both separate in the database.  How do i "merge" the two tables in a query?
 Any ideas?
 Thanks in advance!

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Duplicated ID Merge In A Table

Oct 9, 2007

I am currently working to solve this problem that i am facing.
I just cant' get my desired solution to my problem.
As per below is the current db view.
emp_id skill level years remarks
2541EXCEL BAIK1<null>

how do i get this repeated emp_id to have a view of..

emp_id skill level
years remarks
1,1,1,1 <null>,<null>,<null>,<null>

i just can't seem to get this comin up.. please kind advise
thanks all!

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Merge Two Rows In The Same Table

Jul 23, 2005

I want to create a stored procedure that will merge columns from tworows that contain duplicated contacts.I have can easily identify the duplicates and extract the UniqueIDs asparameters, but I can't figure out how to construct the actual updateSQL.@KeeperID int,@DupeID intUpdate ContactsSETa.Info1 = LEFT(TRIM(IsNull(a.info1,'') + ' ' IsNull(b.Info1,''))255),a.Info2 = LEFT(TRIM(IsNull(a.info2,'') + ' ' IsNull(b.Info2,'')),255),etc, etc...FROM(here's what I can't figure out)Contacts a ID = @KeeperIDContacts b ID = @DupeID

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[ms Sql] How To Add New Table To Merge Replication ?

Jul 13, 2007

Hi,How to add new table to merge replication ?When I do this in Enterpriise Manager i got an error:Server: Msg 2758, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_addmergearticle,Line 466RAISERROR could not locate entry for error 20085 in sysmessages.What is wrong ?Thank for any helpLuk

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Merge 2 Columns From The Same Table

Sep 19, 2006

Hi *,

I have a table with 2 columns A1 and Firm. A1 holds "dirty data" and there are no NULL values. Firm holds "clean data" for some of the rows in A1 but not for all. So there are quite a few NULL values in this column. I want to replace the value in A1 if there is any data in Firm (value <> NULL).

Rigth now, I solve this issue with a simple VB.NET script:
Public Class ScriptMain Inherits UserComponent Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer) ' If Row.Firm_IsNull Then Row.Standard = Row.A1 Else Row.Standard = Row.Firm End If ' End SubEnd Class

Any ideas how to solve this issue without custome code?


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Jan 9, 2008

Hello from a SSIS newbe,

last week I started with my first SSIS package where I merge data from two databases by the merge join transformation.
My left table looks like:

My right table looks like:


I expect the same result for a left or a inner join on rightId because ther must be a valid rightId:

Now my problem: A column was added to the left table that I do not use in this task. The join do not work on all data rows insered after altering the table. So I get for a left join

Has anybody seen this problem and is workaround known?

Greetings Eric

PS: Sorry for my name. I was to tiered to look for a free name for hours.

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Soft Delete In Table, Why Merge Agent Report Hards Delete On Table ?

Feb 1, 2007

Hi seniors

there are two tables involve in replication let say table1 and replicated table is also rep.table1.

we are not deleting records physically in table1 so only a bit in table1 has true when u want to delete a record but the strange thing is that replication agaent report that this is hard delete operation on table1 so download and report hard delete operation and delete the record in replicated table which is very crucial.

plz let me know where am i wrong and how i put it into right way.

there is no triggers on published tables and noother trigger is created on published table.


Ahmad Drshen

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How To Add New Column In Table : Merge Replication

Sep 27, 2007


I have a table used in Merge Replication. If i add a new column in that table it gives me an error for tables in which either this table is a key or this table has key from other tables "Error validating the default for column 'rowguid'." Also for views i'm getting an error
"View 'dbo.vw_TestCaseBasic': indexes and schema binding will be removed."

If i proceed further i get an error and m not able to add the column.
"It is invalid to drop the default constraint on the rowguid column that is used by merge replication.
The schema change failed during execution of an internal replication procedure. For corrective action, see the other error messages that accompany this error message.
The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted."

Is there any solution for the same?

Ruchir Jain

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Merge 2005 - A Row From This Table Will Go To Only One Subscription

Jul 31, 2007

Hello everyone.

We've been using replication since a while now and I just discovered that some user are not getting all the data they should. Let me explain the way the whole thing is configured for us.

We have a few tables that are replicated using the Merge process with filtering on the data using SUSER_SNAME() function. My users are salesrep using Laptop and they are synchronizing on demand. The merge process is configured so that a row will go to only one subscription --> Each rep has their owns customers and related tables informations.

I noticed that some users do not have locally all data (from their customers) from some tables while they should. I didn't checked in details but it is possible that these users are new reps replacing other staff that left the company. Is it possible that the data they do not receive is marked as to be previous reps owner because the replication is set as "A row from this table will go to only one subscription" ? The new rep uses the same laptop, therefore the exactly same computer name, only the username changes.

Because of this, now I'm having a bunch of conflicts when replicating because we're generating some ID based on existing data when the user enter new records in some tables; since the data is not sitting locally for them, the ID generated is not the proper one and we now have two identical ID (one on the server and one locally) which cause the conflicts to occurs.

Any helps would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Adding Table In Merge Replication(urgent)

Dec 31, 2001

Hi everbody,

Anybody tell me how to add new table in merge replication using Enterprise manager or T-sql.

Thanks in advance

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Cannot Drop A Table On Two Servers After Merge Replication

Oct 3, 2001


I tried with success to replicate a table_test_repl from my local server to an other server.

I used only one table for testing.

After that, i can't drop the 2 tables a_test_repl (on my local server and the other : I've got a message 'cannot drop the table because it is published for replication'

What can I do? I need absolutely to drop these tables to keep a clean model
and I can't drop the database and try again.

Thanks to your answers

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Addition Of Columns In Table, Which One Use In Merge Replication.

Nov 29, 2004

Dear all participants,

I manage complete online system for two locations, connected via dialup lease line. I have to used merge replication for the same data should be at both locations. It is working fine, I don’t like disturbe it but current requirement is addition of two column in one table which one as also use in merge replication.

How I can add aforesaid columns in table x, column name c1 numeric , c2 character?

What is impact on replication?

Let me know step by step.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks R.Mall

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Perform A Query That Will Merge Contents Of Various Table

Aug 27, 2012

I am trying to perform a query in SQL that will merge the contents of various table, using search criteria to narrow down the results. All of the tables have the exact same fields, and the search criteria is the same for all of them. What I am looking for is the most efficient way to perform this. I am using SQL stored procedures, and passing the results into my code. Note that in my real-world scenario there are more than three tables.

1) Merge all the tables into one and then perform the search criteria:
(SELECT a, b, c FROM Table1
SELECT a, b, c FROM Table2

2) Perform the search criteria on each table and merge the results

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Consistency Error On Merge Table Index

May 30, 2007

I'm getting the following error on our merge contents table in one of our DBs:

Msg 8952, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Database 'ks241', index 'MSmerge_contents.nc3MSmerge_contents' (ID 1950682047) (index ID 3). Extra or invalid key for the keys:
Msg 8956, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Index row (1:1893:42) with values (partchangegen = NULL and tablenick = 17665001 and rowguid = AEAE7256-F571-478E-B2B4-D142B47C38C1) points to the data row identified by ().
Msg 8952, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Database 'ks241', index 'MSmerge_contents.nc3MSmerge_contents' (ID 1950682047) (index ID 3). Extra or invalid key for the keys:
Msg 8956, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Index row (1:1893:66) with values (partchangegen = NULL and tablenick = 17665001 and rowguid = B94F1591-33B0-4625-A269-DB9B8B05BCCE) points to the data row identified by ().
CHECKTABLE found 0 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in table 'MSmerge_contents' (object ID 1950682047).
repair_fast is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKTABLE (ks241.dbo.MSmerge_contents ).

There are no other corruption issues on the server that I can find. I do not believe there are any current hardware issues, though I am not on site.

What would be the best way to resolve this? Is recreating or defrag/rebuild the index an option, here? Or can I just run a repair on this? Since it's a merge table, I'm a little gun shy, having limited experience with replication.


"Believe in those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who say they have found it." -Andre Gide

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How To Add A Missing Index To A Table In Merge Replication?

Jul 23, 2005

One of the table that is in a merge replication somehow is missing anindex. Strangely, only the table in one of the subscriber of the mergereplication is missing the index; another subscriber and the publisherof the merge replication don't have this problem.How should I add the missing index back to that table? My understandingis that making structural change on a table that is inmerge-replication is different from making change on a table that isnot merge-replicated. For example, when we need to add a column into atable that is being merge-replicated, we must add the column bychanging the attributes in the properties of the published article(table) instead of simply using CREATE INDEX command. I am wonderingwhether there is a similar restriction on adding an index onto a tablethat is merge replicated.I have already added the index back to the table anyway. I am askinghere just in case doing this may get me into a problem later on.Thanks in advance for any info.Jay Chan

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Table Design Considerations For Merge Replication?

Oct 31, 2006

Can someone point me to a resource for Table Design Considerations for Merge Replication? I have an ASP.Net/SQL2K5 app that I need to run on disconnected machines, then allow dfor data sync through merge replication. I assume that the first step is getting my tables indexed in a replication friendlt manner?

Many Thanks to anyone who can point me in the right direction!

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Table Schema Changes Not Being Propagated - Merge Replication

Dec 9, 2005


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Problem With Conflict Table For Merge Replication

Sep 3, 2007


I faced with strange problem.
From time to time, during syncronization I get the following errors at the subscriber:

ERROR: -2147200992

SOURCE: Merge Replication Provider

TEXT: The merge process could not store conflict information for article 'Products'. Check the publication properties to determine where conflicts records are stored. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.

ERROR: 2812

TEXT: Could not find stored procedure 'MSmerge_cft_sp_49D28CEAFF8A4ACC5C5462B5027D4E4D'.

ERROR: -2147199481

SOURCE: Merge Replication Provider

TEXT: The Merge Agent was unable to update information about the last synchronization at the Subscriber. Ensure that the subscription exists at the Subscriber, and restart the Merge Agent.

After I refresh the snaphot at the publisher, these errors disappear and the syncronization is completed without any problem. And I can sync easy again week or two..

What is the problem?
What is the right solution?

Yep, I can continue to refresh the snapshot each time when the error appears, but..
maybe there is another approach?

Thanks in advance!


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Increase Columns Width Of Merge Replicated Table

Dec 29, 2004

We are using merge replication and it is working fine. We are looking for increase in on numeric column 10,5 instead of 7,2. How I can do it?

Any suggession highly appreciated by us.


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SQL 2012 :: Table Partitioning - Switch Out / Merge Range

Mar 6, 2014

If the partitioning MERGE command attempts to drop historic data at the wrong boundary point then data movement between file groups may be necessary before or during the next index rebuild. The script below creates 2 test tables, one using a range right function and the other using range left. The partitioning key is a number between 0 - 59, an empty partition is maintained at the start and end of ranges, 4 partitions contain data in the ranges between 0-14, 15-29, 30-44, 45-59. Data in the lowest range (0 - 14) is switched out and a merge command is run, edit the script to try the different merge boundaries, edit the variables at the start to suit runtime environment 'Data Drive' & 'Log Drive' paths.Variables are redeclared but commented out at the start of code blocks to allow stepping through if desired.

-- PartitionLabSetup_20140330.sql - TAKES ABOUT 1 MINUTE TO EXECUTE
-- Creates a test database (workspace)
-- Adds file groups and files
-- Creates partition functions and schema's
-- Creates and populates 2 partitioned tables (PartitionedRight & PartitionedLeft)

[Code] ....

The T-SQL code below illustrates one of the problems caused by MERGE at the wrong boundary point. File Group 3 of the Range Right table is empty according to the data space views, it cannot be dropped though. File Group 2 contains data according to the views but you are allowed to drop it's file.

USE workspace;
DROP TABLE dbo.PartitionedRightOut;

USE master;
REMOVE FILE PartitionedRight_f3 ;
--Msg 5042, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
--The file 'PartitionedRight_f3 ' cannot be removed because it is not empty.

REMOVE FILE PartitionedRight_f2 ;

-- Works surprisingly although contains data according to system views.

If the wrong boundary point is used then the system 'Data Space' views show where the data should be (FG2), not where it actually still is (FG3). You can't tell if data movement between file groups is pending and the file group files are not protected from deletion by the OS.

I'm not sure this is worth raising a connect item for but it would be useful knowing where data physically resided after a MERGE RANGE and before an INDEX REBUILD, the data space views reflect the logical rather than the physical location if a data movement is pending.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: MERGE Insert Not Working Into Target Table

Mar 16, 2014

I am trying to insert new records into the target table, if no records exist in the source table. I am passing user specific values for insert, but it does not insert any values, nor does it throw any errors. The insert needs to occur in the LOAN_GROUP_INFO table, i.e. the target table.


[Code] .....

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