How To Modify Schema At Run-time - My Code Or SQL Server?

Mar 27, 2007

Hi Smart Folks,

My SQL Server-based app will require generating a few tables at run-time, and, possibly, a new small database. Again, this is at run-time. Any advice on this? Should I build the functionality from the app, having my code generate all of the commands on the db to create what I need, or should I rely on SQL Server functionality (Scripts? SPs?) to do so. I am sure there is trade-off in one appraoch versus the other - I could use a tour of the trade-offs.

Thanks all!



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SQL Server Schema Issue With Design Time Controls

Mar 9, 2007

Hello, we have some tables and views that are not assigned to the standard schema of dbo.Whenever I try to use a design time control and/or SQLDataSource connection control, it does not like objects other than those using the dbo. schema.Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?For example, her are a couple of views:dbo.vwCustomersdbo.vwCustomerDetailsord.vwOrdersord.vwOrderDetailsthe views with dbo.* I have no problem with.the views with ord. it tells me the view(s) do not exist.Thanks in advance! 

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Apr 3, 2007

Pls check my code for the stored procedure which i created for the companydetails including companyid P.K. Not Null int(4),companyname Not Null varchar (20),address varchar(30) where companyid is the primary key and it should be autogenerate.I also want that it should check if the name exits or not.It should also check that the field is entered and not kept null.If it's null then should return the error message.I want to write the queries select,insert,update and delete in the single stored procedure.How can i differ all the query individually in a stored procedure.The select and insert query are done on the button click event whereas the update,delete queries are performed in the gridview link event. Pls help me and modify my code accordingly with ur suggestions who know
the stored procedure very well.First read what i want then give reply.waiting for the reply and with corrections.The coding is perfomed in sql server 2005 and with C# 2005, 1 ALTER PROCEDURE CompanyStoredProcedure2 @uspcompanyid int,3 @uspcompanyname varchar(20),4 @uspaddress1 varchar(30), 5 @frmErrorMessage as varchar(256) OUTPUT,6 @RETURNVALUE as int OUTPUT,7 @RETURNID as int OUTPUT8 AS9 declare
10 @companyid int,11 @companyname varchar(20),12 @address1 varchar(30) 13 14 BEGIN15 16 begin17 Select @RETURNVALUE = -918 RETURN -919 end20 21 begin22 Select @frmErrorMessage = 'The Operation Mode Has Not Been Specified'
23 return -924 end25 26 27 28 begin 29 --validation...
30 if (@uspcompanyname is Null or @uspcompanyname = '')31 begin32 Select @RETURNVALUE = -933 select @frmErrorMessage = 'Company Name is empty'
34 return -935 end 36
37 if exists (select companyid from companymaster 38 where upper(companyname) = upper(cast(@uspcompanyname as varchar(20))))39 begin40 select @companyid = companyid from companymaster 41 where upper(companyname)=upper(cast(@uspcompanyname as varchar(20) ) )42 end43 else 44 45 select @companyname= cast (@uspcompanynameas varchar(20))46 select @address1= cast(@uspaddress1 as varchar(30))47 select @companyid = isnull(max(companyid),0) + 1 from companymaster48 49 IF exists(SELECT * from companymaster where companyname=@companyname)50 begin51 Select @frmErrorMessage = 'Record With Company Name ' 52 + @companyname + ' is Already Exisiting For The Company Name ' 53 return -954 end 55 56 -- the following codes inserts
57 begin transaction58 INSERT INTO companymaster59 ( companyname, address1)60 VALUES (@companyname,@address1)61 commit transaction62 63 select @RETURNVALUE = 064 select @RETURNID = @companyid65 66 end67 68 69 -- the following codes edit/updates
70 begin71 UPDATE companymaster 72 SET companyname=@companyname,73 address1=@address1 74 WHERE companyid =cast(@uspcompanyid as int)75 76 select @RETURNVALUE = 077 select @RETURNID = cast(@uspcompanyid as int)78 end79 -- the following codes delete
80 begin81 DELETE companymaster WHERE (companyid = @companyid)82 end 83 84 END 85
  Pls help me and modify my code accordingly with ur suggestions who know the stored procedure very well.First read what i want then give reply.  

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How To Modify This Code So That It Also Tests For NULL

Aug 2, 2004

I'm trying to extend the usage of the code below. This method returns a variable of type SQLParameter and what I want is to accomodate even a check for a null in the parameter. This is a code which I got from one of my co-workers who isn't anymore working here. Any help would be appreciated. I do not want to throw an exception here when a field's type doesn't fall into one of the categories below. The method where this methos is called is the first part of my below code. Any help would be appreciated.

Part 1

private void AddCommandParameters(SqlCommand Comm, string sProcName, ArrayList aParams)
string sSQL = "sp_helptext @objname = '" + sProcName + "'";
SqlDataReader dr = this.GetDataReader(sSQL);
int i = 0;

//When at the closing paren of the stored procedure's variable
//declaration, quit adding parameters.
if(dr[0].ToString().Trim() == ")")
//When at the closing paren of the stored procedure's variable
//declaration, do nothing and skip to next record.
else if(dr[0].ToString().Trim() == "(")
//Add all the parameters listed in the stored procedure's variable
string [] sParamDef = dr[0].ToString().Trim().Split(Convert.ToChar(" "));
int cs = sParamDef.Length;
string st = sParamDef[0].ToString().Trim();
SQLParameter s = GetSQLParameter(sParamDef[0].ToString().Trim());
Comm.Parameters.Add(sParamDef[0], s.Type, s.Size);
Comm.Parameters[sParamDef[0]].Value = aParams[i];
throw(new Exception("Stored Procedure: " + sProcName + " NOT FOUND."));

Method being called

private SQLParameter GetSQLParameter(string sVarTypeDec)
SQLParameter oParameter;

if(sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("varchar") >= 0)
int iOpen = sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("(");
int iClose = sVarTypeDec.IndexOf(")");
int iSize = Convert.ToInt16(sVarTypeDec.Substring(iOpen + 1, iClose - iOpen - 1));
oParameter = new SQLParameter(SqlDbType.VarChar, iSize);
else if(sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("char") >= 0)
int iOpen = sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("(");
int iClose = sVarTypeDec.IndexOf(")");
int iSize = Convert.ToInt16(sVarTypeDec.Substring(iOpen + 1, iClose - iOpen - 1));
oParameter = new SQLParameter(SqlDbType.Char, iSize);
else if(sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("smalldatetime") >= 0)
int iSize = 4;
oParameter = new SQLParameter(SqlDbType.SmallDateTime, iSize);
else if(sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("datetime") >= 0)
int iSize = 8;
oParameter = new SQLParameter(SqlDbType.DateTime, iSize);
else if(sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("float") >= 0)
int iSize = 8;
oParameter = new SQLParameter(SqlDbType.Float, iSize);
else if(sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("real") >= 0)
int iSize = 4;
oParameter = new SQLParameter(SqlDbType.Real, iSize);
else if(sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("smallmoney") >= 0)
int iSize = 4;
oParameter = new SQLParameter(SqlDbType.SmallMoney, iSize);
else if(sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("money") >= 0)
int iSize = 8;
oParameter = new SQLParameter(SqlDbType.Money, iSize);
else if(sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("bit") >= 0)
int iSize = 1;
oParameter = new SQLParameter(SqlDbType.Bit, iSize);
else if(sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("tinyint") >= 0)
int iSize = 1;
oParameter = new SQLParameter(SqlDbType.TinyInt, iSize);
else if(sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("smallint") >= 0)
int iSize = 2;
oParameter = new SQLParameter(SqlDbType.SmallInt, iSize);
else if(sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("bigint") >= 0)
int iSize = 8;
oParameter = new SQLParameter(SqlDbType.BigInt, iSize);
else if(sVarTypeDec.IndexOf("int") >= 0)
int iSize = 4;
oParameter = new SQLParameter(SqlDbType.Int, iSize);
throw(new Exception("Parameter type not supported."));

return oParameter;


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Modify Report Elements At Run Time

Apr 18, 2007

I have a report that is embedded in a .net 2.0 web form. It works. I would like to be able to modify some of the elements in the report as the web form loads. I have tried the following code that did NOT work:

Dim myImage1 As New Image

myImage1 = Me.ReportViewer1.FindControl("Image1")

myImage1.ImageUrl = "Images/small_info_logo.jpg"

Does anyone know of a site that has some godo examples and object models on how to do this?



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Make Sql Function To Modify Data Like Sql Procedure To Improve Code Structure And Readability.

Aug 27, 2007

Now Sql Function can not modify data as Sql Procedure like other database, it's very troublesome at most case!
in most case, Sql Function is used to improve code structure then it can be maintanced easy! BUT only because it can not modify data, there are 2 troublesome way:

1. Make all callers in the path from Sql Functions to Sql Procedure. and the coder will cry, the code will become very
confusional , and very difficult to maintance.

2. Divide the Sql Function into a thin CLR wrapper to call a Sql Procedure, can only use another connection, BUT can not be in the same transaction context And the code is ugly and slow.

You should not give limitation to Sql Function, should just limit the using context of Sql Function!

The sql code is more difficult to read and maintance than norm code(C#), then the improving code structure and readability should be one of your most important task, that's why microsoft!

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How To Modify Trigger To Show Time Stamp.

Jun 24, 2004

Down below is my tables.
If I want to add time stamp in log_old_val table.
what value in log_old_val and cone in trigger have to be modified?


************************************************** *****

--main table
> create table test (manufacturer varchar(500), score int)
> insert into test values('Toyota', 1 )
> insert into test values('Toyota', 2)
> --logging table
> create table log_old_val(manufacturer varchar(500), score int, operation
> varchar(10))
> --trigger to log old value into log_old_val table.
> create trigger tr_man on test
> for update,delete
> as
> if @@rowcount = 0
> return
> if exists (select * from inserted)
> if exists (select * from deleted)
> insert into log_old_val
> select manufacturer,score, 'update' from deleted
> if exists (select * from deleted)
> if not exists (select * from inserted)
> insert into log_old_val
> select manufacturer,score, 'delete' from deleted
> go

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Dec 29, 2006

There are some 55 members in the arrival year level of the time dimension (1995 - 2055).
I am trying to find a way to restrict the number of years returned by this mdx query to the current year - 5. Any help will be appreciated.

WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption]
MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterValue]
MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterLevel]


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SQL Schema And Managed Code (SQL-CLR)

Nov 20, 2006

I have a SQL Server project in Visual Studio 2005 which deploys an assembly to SQL Server 2005 containing various stored procedures user defined functions.  Is there any way to tell Visual Studio to drop/create the stored procedures in a schema other than dbo? 
ie:  User.ChangePassword instead of dbo.ChangePassword.

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Set Default Schema In Code - Possible?

Sep 27, 2007

==SQL Server 2005 SP2==Is it possible to set the default schema in code?I know that, for a particular DB user, I can set the default schemastatically in Mgmt Studio. However, I want to do this dynamicallyin source code.I am using JDBC if that matters.Any help appreciated.TIAaj

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Get Trigger Schema Within CLR Code

Apr 21, 2006


I am trying to get the schema in which the trigger is created within the CLR code.

1)create a new schema MySchema.

2) created a table MySchema.MyTable

3) created the assembly and trigger ( create trigger MySchema.MyTrigger on MySchema.MyTable..... ) Trigger writes to another table MySchema.MyLog.

Code works fine if I hardcode Myschema.MyLog in the CLR but fails when I say just MyLog.

So how do dynamically get the trigger's schema name ?

Thanks for your help.


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Tricky Schema Question - Dimension Can Split And Combine Over Time

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I'm working on the schema for a database that must represent data about stock& bond funds over time. My connundrum is that, for any of several dimensionfields, including the fund name itself, the dimension may be represented indifferent ways over time, and may split or combine from one period to thenext.When querying from the database for an arbitrary time period, I need the datato be rolled up to the smallest extent possible so that apples can be comparedto apples. For instance, if the North America region becomes 2 regions, USAand Canada, and I query a time period that spans the period in which thissplit occurred, I should roll up USA and Canada and for records in the periodthat has both, and I should call the result something like "(NorthAmerica)(USA/Canada)" in the output. The client specifies that the dimensionoutput must represent all dimensions that went into the input.Of course, I have to account for more complex possibilities as well, e.g.Fund-A splits into Fund-B and Fund-C, then Fund-C merges into Fund-D producing(Fund-A/Fund-D)(Fund-B/Fund-C/Fund-D)(Fund-B/Fund-D)I can think of several ways to handle this issue, and they're allextraordinarily complex and ugly. Any suggestions?Thanks,- Steve Jorgensen

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Sep 24, 2001


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Time-series SQL Code.

Jul 23, 2005

I am trying to write a stored proc the calculates a moving average overthree periods. In the following example, I need to stratify the data bypersonID and RecordID in the #Temp table, but I am not sure how to doit. Right now I am restricting the data I use to build my time series bypersonID and I get the results I want *by PersonID*. If I can figure outhow stratify by personID so I don't have to use this restriction, I'msure I can extend it to the RecordID.Create Table #Temp(tmpID int identity,DetailID int,RecordID int,AdminDate Datetime,AdminTime datetime,Status tinyint,--decimal(9,2),Location varchar(100),PersonID char(9),PatientName varchar(100),DOB Datetime,Drug varchar(100),Sort varchar(10))--populate with data by personIDinsert into#Temp(DetailID,RecordID,AdminDate,AdminTime,Status ,Location,PersonID,PatientName,DOB,Drug,Sort)Select MD.PatMedOrderDetailID, MD.PatMedOrderID, M.Date as AdminDate,Case M.Time When 'A' then '8:00:00 AM' When 'N' then '12:00:00 AM' When'P' then '4:00:00 AM'When 'H' then '8:00:00 PM' else M.Time End as Admintime,100*M.Status, P.Location,P.PersonID, P.Name as PatientName, P.DOB,D.GenericName + ' (' + D.TradeName + ') ' +D.Strength,Left(P.Location,3)From PatMedOrderDetail MD Inner Join PatMedOrder MO on MD.PatMedOrderID= MO.PatMedOrderIDinner Join PatMedPass M on MD.PatMedOrderDetailID =M.PatMedOrderDetailIDinner join Patient P on M.PersonID = P.PersonIDinner join Drugs D on MO.DrugID = D.DrugIDWhere P.PersonID = '000126230'Order by P.PersonID,MD.patMedorderID, M.Date, M.TimeSelect * from #Temp -- to view entire set--returns relevant rowsSelect Derived.RefusalRate,T.* from #Temp T inner join(select t1.tmpID, avg(t2.Status) as RefusalRatefrom #Temp t1 cross join #Temp t2WHERE t1.tmpID>=3 AND t1.tmpID BETWEEN t2.tmpID AND t2.tmpID+2group by T1.tmpIDhaving avg(t2.Status)< 100) as Derived on T.tmpID = Derived.tmpIDDrop Table #Temp*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object When Retrieving Data/Schema In Design Time

Oct 11, 2006

Hi There,This is related to a ms access database but since I use the SqlDataSource control I thought I should post here.I have a project that I was working on with this ms access db and using sql controls, everything was working just finesince one day I started getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" messages when I try to designa query or retrieve a schema,  nothing works at design time anymore but at runtime everything is perfect, its a lotof work for me now to create columns,schemas and everything manually, I've tried reinstalling visualstudio, ado componentsbut nothing seems to fix it, did this ever happen to any of you guys?any tip is really appreciated  thanks a lot 

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Help With Converting Code: VB Code In SQL Server 2000-&&>Visual Studio BI 2005

Jul 27, 2006

Hi all--I'm trying to convert a function which I inherited from a SQL Server 2000 DTS package to something usable in an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005. Given the original code here:
Function Main()
on error resume next
dim cn, i, rs, sSQL
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;Server=<server_name>;Database=<db_name>;User ID=<sysadmin_user>;Password=<password>"
set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set rs = DTSGlobalVariables("SQLstring").value

for i = 1 to rs.RecordCount
sSQL = rs.Fields(0).value
cn.Execute sSQL, , 128 'adExecuteNoRecords option for faster execution

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

End Function

This code was originally programmed in the SQL Server ActiveX Task type in a DTS package designed to take an open-ended number of SQL statements generated by another task as input, then execute each SQL statement sequentially. Upon this code's success, move on to the next step. (Of course, there was no additional documentation with this code. :-)

Based on other postings, I attempted to push this code into a Visual Studio BI 2005 Script Task with the following change:

public Sub Main()


Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Class

I get the following error when I attempt to compile this:

Error 30209: Option Strict On requires all variable declarations to have an 'As' clause.

I am new to Visual Basic, so I'm on a learning curve here. From what I know of this script:
- The variables here violate the new Option Strict On requirement in VS 2005 to declare what type of object your variable is supposed to use.

- I need to explicitly declare each object, unless I turn off the Option Strict On (which didn't seem recommended, based on what I read).

Given this statement:

dim cn, i, rs, sSQL

I'm looking at "i" as type Integer; rs and sSQL are open-ended arrays, but can't quite figure out how to read the code here:

Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

cn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;Server=<server_name>;Database=<db_name>;User ID=<sysadmin_user>;Password=<password>"

set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

This code seems to create an instance of a COM component, then pass provider information and create the recordset being passed in by the previous task, but am not sure whether this syntax is correct for VS 2005 or what data type declaration to make here. Any ideas/help on how to rewrite this code would be greatly appreciated!

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The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' Requires A Database Schema Compatible With Schema Version '1'.

Sep 27, 2007

Locally I develop in SQL server 2005 enterprise. Recently I recreated my db on the server of my hosting company (in sql server 2005 express).I basically recreated the tables and copied the data in it.I now receive the following error when I hit the DB:The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a
database schema compatible with schema version '1'.  However, the
current database schema is not compatible with this version.  You may
need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe
(available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the
provider to a newer version.I heard something about running aspnet_regsql.exe, but I dont have that access to the DB. Also I dont know if this command does anything more than creating the membership tables and filling it with some default data...Any other solutions/thought on what this can be?Thanks!

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How To Modify The Length Of A Column In Sql Server 6.5

Jul 21, 2004

how to modify the length of a column In sql server 6.5

from varchar(10) to varchar(20)

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Modify ALIAS SQL Server Name With SQL 2005

Oct 30, 2006


I would like create/modify/update the alias SQL server name on the SQL 2005 version.

I had a database mirroring on one base, and when the primary server fail, i would like my secondary alias become as the primary. I need this because of the application whom use my SQL server.

I tried with

sp_dropserver <old_name>
sp_addserver <new_name>, local

But this way doesn't work...

Anyone got an idea to change alias SQL server in transact?

Thanks for your help!!!

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Transferring Objects Form Schema A To Schema B In One Shot....!

May 27, 2008

I have 35+ tables and 15+ stored procedures with SchemaA, now I want to transfer them to SchemaB.

I know how to do one by one...!

alter schema SchemaB transfer

but it will take long time...!


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Start Date Question: How To Modify It In SQL Server

Oct 12, 2000


I got a DATE question here... In Oracle, all dates are based upon a fixed point in time. So internally a specific date is stored as a REAL number (which is something like the number of seconds from that specific date onwards).

How can I change that start date upon which all dates in Oracle are based?

SQL Server 7 has something similar. How can I change the start date for SQL Server?


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Permission To Modify Stored Procedures In SERVER

May 8, 2015

finding all users that have permission to modify stored procedures in SQL SERVER.

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Modify SSIS Package Saved On Server

May 10, 2006

I have saved an SSIS pacakage on my sql server. I am able to see and run the package through Integrations services. My question is, is there a way to edit the package through Management studio?



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SQL Server 2008 :: ALTER Database To Modify Log File

Jun 25, 2015

We are running into the following error while changing a column data type from nvarchar (1200) to varchar(8000)
"Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2, Line 1

Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.TBL1 '.'PK_CL_ID' in database 'Client01' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.

The statement has been terminated."

Now tried to change the filegrowth of the log file to unlimited

MODIFY FILE ( NAME = Client01_log, MAXSIZE = unlimited);

The query executes without error but I do not see the auto growth as unrestricted. It's still 2GB

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SQL Server 2014 :: Alter Database Modify Log File

Nov 6, 2015

I can run this command to make changes for 1 DB USE [master]


Is it possible to create a script which changes log file size to let's say 100MB for all DBs in all servers instead of running the above command by logging into each server? We have about 200 servers and close to 3000 DBs.

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Error Trying To Modify Column With SQL Server Express 2005

Mar 6, 2008

I am tearing my hair out with this!!

I have created a DB and up until yesterday I have been using SQL commands to add/remove tables, columns, constraints etc. However today when I attempt to modify the datatype of a column using

alter table Person modify Gender nchar(2)

I get this error

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

Incorrect syntax near 'modify'.

I can still add colums but get the same error if I try to drop them and I can amend the tables in any way via the Design view so I don't think it's permission related.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.

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SQL Server Setup Failed To Modify Security Permissions

Feb 19, 2007

Last night at home on my 64 bit Vista machine, I encountered the same error 29506 that said that the management studio express could not be installed.  I looked up the error message and below is what I received.  I also installed the 64 bit .net framework which installed just fine before trying to install the SSSME.

I followed the instructions below but this did not seem to make a difference.  However, I did not reboot after applying new permissions.  I have installed this software a few times now on 32 bit machines for both XP and RC1 Vista, and have not had a problem.  Last night, I did use the 64 bit version.  Also, there is no data file yet because after the install it rolls back, so I gave myself Full permissions on the SQL server directory which should include all sub directories, right?  Thanks, Teri
Error 29506.
SQL Server Setup failed to modify security permissions on file Drive:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.xMSSQLData for user SYSTEM. To proceed, verify that the account and domain running SQL Server Setup exist, that the account running SQL Server Setup has administrator privileges, and that exists on the destination drive.

Note A SQL Server service pack refers to SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and later service packs.
This problem occurs because one or more data files exist that do not have the required permissions. By default, the Full Control permission of the Administrators group is granted to the data file when you create a database. If the permission of this group is removed from the data file, the SQL Server 2005 service pack setup will fail.
To resolve this problem, grant the Full Control permission to the Administrators group on all data files and on the Data folder. To grant the Full Control permission to the data files, follow these steps:

Locate the folder that contains the data files. By default, these files are located in the following folder:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData

Right-click the data file that has no required permissions for the Administrators group, and then click Properties.

If the Administrators group is not in the Group or user names list, click Add, type Administrators, and then click OK.

Click Administrators in the Group or user names list, and then click to select the Allow check box for the Full Control item in the Permissions for Administrators list.Note If the files in the Data folder have an orphan owner, you have to take ownership of the files and then grant the Full Control permission to the files. We recommend that you do not change the default permissions for the data files.

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Database Schema Compatible With Schema Version '1'

Apr 12, 2008

Hello everybody!I'm using ASP.NET  3.5,  MSSQL 2005I  bought virtual web hosting .On new user registrations i have an error =(The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '1'.  However, the current database schema is not compatible with this version.  You may need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe (available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the provider to a newer version. On my virtual machine it work fine but on web hosting i have an error =(What can you propose to me?

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Moving Data From One DB Schema To Another DB Schema Using SSIS

May 8, 2007


I would like to use SSIS tool to move the data from one database schema to another database schema.

For example:

Source table has

1. UserName (varchar 20) (no null)

2. Email (varchar 50) (can be null)

Destination table has

1. UserID (uniqueidentifier - GUID)

2. UserName (varchar 50) (no null)

3. EmailAddress (nvarchar 50) (can be null)

4. DateTime


1. What controls do I use in my Data Flow to make data move between databases with different data types and include new value in UserID as a new GUID and DateTime as a date (GETDATE)?

OLE DB Source, OLE DB Destination, Data Converson and .....

How do I insert Guid and Date at the same time?

2. I have many tables to do data moving. Any sugestions? How do I architect my project? If I create many data flows for each table - it will look complicated.

Please give me some advices here.


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Does Anyone Know How To Modify Table Structure In Sql Server Management Console(2005)? Thanks

Jun 16, 2005

does anyone know how to modify table structure in sql server management console(2005)? thanks

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Modify Size For Datafile Clarification

Mar 25, 2014

From BOL, I see these remarks with respect to the MODIFY FILE subcommand (my underline added):

Initializing Files
By default, data and log files are initialized by filling the files with zeros when you perform one of the following operations:

Create a database

Add files to an existing database

Increase the size of an existing file

Restore a database or filegroup

Which leads me to believe that expanding the size of a datafile will also wipe out (my definition of 'initialize') any existing data within that file.

I may be misunderstanding 'initialize', because when I tested it out, I found this wasn't the case - my table data written to the file was still there after a resize.

Need to clarify to what degree I'd be taking a risk by increasing the file size on a datafile which already has data in it.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Modify ORDER BY Clause At Runtime Using Parameter

Jun 4, 2015

the code below works (this is only a quick dumbed down version of the actual code, it might not work 100% for all cases). Is it at all possible to exploit the functions that were added to SSQL since v. 2005 to simplify this code ?

In SSRS, a parameter allows the user to create a list of invoices (from CRM) to be ordered in any of the following ways the user prefers:

'Document Date (most recent date first)'
'Document Number (highest number first)'
'Document Date (most recent first) and Number'
'Document Number (lowest number first)'

The invoices have a (supposedly) sequential identity-generated number. However Accounting may want to set a different date than the creation date on some invoices. So there is no way the invoice numbers will be in the same sequence as the invoice dates.

So I just created the "sorting fields" - they appear as junk in the output dataset (just do not drop them in the SSRS tablix - they have to be part of the SELECT statement to be usable in the ORDER BY clause.

The code is:

DECLARE @ls_OrderBy varchar(80)
--'Document Number (highest number first)'
--'Customer and Document Date (most recent date first)'
--'Customer and Document Number (highest number first)'
--'Document Date (most recent first) and Number'


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Error In Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio Trying To Modify Tables Or Columns

May 21, 2008

I get the error below when trying to modify a table or colum with MSSMS.  I can expad out the tree and look at the columns, but I can't change them, view the data in them, or create new ones.
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote) (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040110 (CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION)) (Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlTools.VSIntegration)
 I resintallelled .NET Framework, recommended from another post.  I am using .NET 3.5 BETA Frame work, ans SQL Server 2005 V

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