How To Move MSDE SQL Data To SQL Express

Nov 30, 2006

I have a 3 workstation peer to peer network with everything running Windows XP Pro. I need to replace the machine that hosts my SQL MSDE server. I have built a new system and all software is installed except the MSDE. I use a proprietary product called Time Matters for my law practice that uses the SQL server. Since I might want to run Vista eventually (not right now) I thought that I would try to migrate the MSDE to SQL Express. I assume that Time Matters will run on SQL Express. Can someone please give me some help on how to proceed. I'm thinking that I will install the SQL Express server on the new machine and then somehow migrate the database over to the new machine and shut down the old unit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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We Use Merge Replication And Want To Move From MSDE To Express - Advice?

Apr 3, 2007


Our current environment is: SQL Server 2000 backend; XP/Windows 2000 clients with MSDE loaded; a Microsoft Access 2002 app using DSN to connect to the local MSDE database; Merge replication which is a job within the MSDE engine that we execute in VBA code using the following DMO code:

' Find the Job name to execute

lngJobCount = oServer.JobServer.Jobs.Count

lngJobIndex = 1

blFoundJob = False

While lngJobIndex <= lngJobCount And blFoundJob = False

strJobName = oServer.JobServer.Jobs.Item(lngJobIndex).Name

Me.lstJobs.AddItem strJobName, 0

If InStr(1, strJobName, "LEXData", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then

If InStr(1, strJobName, strServerName, vbTextCompare) Then

blFoundJob = True

End If

End If

lngJobIndex = lngJobIndex + 1


' Execute the job

If blFoundJib Then

Set oServer1 = New SQLDMO.SQLServer

With oServer1

.LoginSecure = True

.Connect strServerName

End With

Set oJob = oServer1.JobServer.Jobs(strJobName)

End If

We are now planning a move to a SQL Server 2005 backend and Express edition on the clients and the app would remain as Access 2002. Any pointers to documents that will be useful would be appreciated but I have a couple of specific questions as well.

1) As I understand it we can load Express side by side with MSDE so we will probably go down that path and load the data from MSDE into an Express version of the database. Once that's done we will create a DSN pointing to the new database and name it the same as the DSN which is currently used for the MSDE database. If we do this will our Access app simply work as before (ignoring replication)?

2) When we have our app happily running against a DSN that points to an Express database would we expect our existing DMO code (as above) to work, e.g. find a particular job in a list jobs and executes it? I can see that the replication job itself may have to be rejigged for Server 2005.

TIA - Peter

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Upgrade MSDE To SQL Express Former Data Hidden New Data Visible

Dec 27, 2006

After my upgrade from MSDE SP 4 to SQL express (backup and restore) my application will not see the data any more.

If I use my application (VB Dot.NET 1.x ; DB= SQL Express) to add new data (rows) this new rows are visible.

Both old and new datas are seen in SQL management studio express.

If i add rows with the SQL management studio express the appliction will not see this rows.

In both cases I connect with sa - account. (Administrator even doesn't work). I search for any restrictions on row basis but i wonder why the management tool display all rows.

Any ideas!

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Move MSDE 2000 To The SQL Server 2005 Enterise

Aug 1, 2007

I need to move the SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE) database and all jobs to the SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition.
- May I detach and attach the DB in my case?
- Where is the procedure to move the jobs from MSDE to SQL Server

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Move Data Between The SQL Compact Edition And SQL Express Edition, Is This Possible??

Nov 14, 2007

Hello everybody,

Wrote before but did not go any answer , try again.

I have two question about SQL compact edition (SQLCE) (.sdf) and SQL Express edition (SQLED) (.mdf).

I have been testing SQLED and have many tables and data in it.

I want know to test SQLCD and hopefully be able to communicate with the SQLED.
For this reason I was wondering the following:

1. IIs it possible to move all the tables and it constratints into the SQLCE from the SQED ?

2. Another possibility I was thinking about was to use some tables in the SQLED in the SQLCE and move data between these two databases through RDA .

However, does this two versions aloud this kind of communciation...between them....?

Thanks in forehand,


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Move Or Upgrade MSDE To Sql Server 2000 Server

Oct 26, 2006

We have 3 MSDE databases (3 seperate servers) which we need to make into one Sql 2000 server (new server). How is this done? Can't find anything clear about this.


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Move Databas From Express To Sql 2000

Jul 25, 2007

 I have created i webpage whos has a logged in system which is cretead in VS 2005 with the function ASP.NET configuration.
And know will i move all databas to i a MSSQL 2000 there i only can have one databas, And know i have ASP.NET logged in Databas and one site databas.
I just wondering if its possible to make i virtual connection with MSSQL 2000? If not somebody has some idés for me?
I hope you can understand me. 

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How To: Move A Datbase From Express To Server?

Mar 10, 2006

Thanks for reviewing my question.  I would like to know how do you bring a database from SQL Express into a SQL 2005 server?  I didn't find a way to import the SQLExpress (.mdf) file.
Many Thanks

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How Do I Move My Tables From Sqlserver Express To Sqlserver2000?

Nov 3, 2006

is there a way i can auto generate create table scripts or import the table structures into sql server 2000?

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How To Move Database Schema From SQL Express To SQL2005

Jan 18, 2007

Hi. I need to move database schema (tables definiton with relations without data) form SQL Express to SQL 2005. Is there any easy way to do it? I'll be grateful for your help. Pawel

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0x80040E21 Error Trying To Move From Access To Sql Express

Mar 23, 2006

I am tearing my hair out. I have tried upgrading form access to sql express. I have built the database and written all of my stored procedures. I think I am having problems with connecting to the server. I am storing my connection in the web.config. I am trying to open the datbase and add populate a reader, but i keep getting the error:
Exception Details:
 System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: No error message available, result code: DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED(0x80040E21).
Any help would be much appreciated. Code below:
 <add name="SQLProducts" connectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=(local)SQLExpress;Database=laptopsqlexpress.ALLBUTYOUDB;Integrated Security=yes;"/>
Function GetCategoryProductNav(ByVal strCategoryID As String) As OleDbDataReader
 Dim objReader As OleDbDataReader
 Dim objCmd As New OleDbCommand("spGetCatProductNav", objConn)
 objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
 Dim objParam As OleDbParameter
 objParam = New OleDbParameter("@CategoryID", OleDbType.Integer)
 objParam.Value = strCategoryID
  objReader = objCmd.ExecuteReader
 Catch ex As Exception
 Throw ex
 End Try
 Return objReader
End Function

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Help Me Understand How To Move The Express Database To Live

Mar 23, 2006

im using the the login controls with
when i test locally everything works great, its see the ASPNETDB.MDF file, checks the login info and passes the user on to the next page.However when i move the application to the live server it fails, it cant find the datasource that contains users/password etc. here is there error:An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) So im missing something here, im used to connecting directly to a remote SQL database and accessing the info from there.
Can someone point me in the right direction? Can the MDF file not be used off the server itself without SQL express installed? Do i need to migrate those tables into a real SQL database?Thanks,Sean

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Move Table In Sql Server Management Studio 2005 Express

Feb 7, 2007

I have two databases in sql server management studio and I want to move tables from one into another.  Is this possible?  and how?  Thanks

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MSDE -&> Express

Sep 14, 2006

Are there any concerns for upgrading from MSDE to Express? Anything that has to be done to the database itself?

I will be uninstalling MSDE completely so I can reuse the instance name to minimize issues with other programs already setup for it. This means that I will be installing Express, basically, clean on the machine. What I am worried about is anything that needs to happen to the db itself, changing compatability levels and such.

Thank you in advance for any help.

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What Should I Use? SQL Express Or MSDE

Mar 21, 2006


 Hi ....I am a developer and building an enterprise level application for general purpose. I need to include a database in that. I am working in Visual Studio .NET 2003 having Framwork 1.1 installed. Now what should I do? is it necessary to have visual studio .NET 2005 and Framwork 2.0 to work with SQL Server Express? can any one help?


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MSDE &&amp; SQL Express Use?

Oct 30, 2006

I know this may have been asked in the past, and I've tried to search the forum, but didn't find any clear responses.

The question is about MSDE and SQL Express being "Free".

Can MSDE or SQL Server express be used for the backend DB for an application for a private (for profit) company? A COTS that we are planning to puchase can work with either commercial version of SQL server or MSDE / Express. Any input would be appreciated.

Thank you,

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MSDE ---&&> SQL Express

Mar 9, 2007

We have a product on the market, with 100k or so installs that use MSDE as its database (desktop application in .net). Our number 1 complaint is massive installation problems with MSDE.

Now, we are stuck a bit - first, we need to release a Vista Compatible version - which means no MSDE. We also need to migrate users from MSDE to SQL Express, with no data loss (we deal with financial information, and people tend to have zero tolerance for data loss here).

So, I have large scale reservations for two reasons - first, Microsoft's track record in supporting and making MSDE in the past has not been stellar.

With that said - are the multiple installation failure issues fixed in SQL Express? Did MS make the effort to get SQL Express to install on Win2k/XP/Vista improved? Are their benchmark figures out there regarding SQL Express install failure rates?

Additionally, can I get some information regarding MSDE to SQL Express upgrades done during for existing customers?


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Reporting Services :: Print Data With Blank Space And Move To Continue Data To Next Page

May 15, 2015

I am using SQL Server report 2008/2012 (SSRS) and my report viewer contains body content with 3 Row groups.
While printing the report,  data print with blank space and move to continue data to next page. 

Departure flight : 70 rows
First Page            : 42 rows printed
Second Page      : 23  rows printed  [ Supposed to be print 28 ,  if the total count of records more than 23 and less than 42 then the page print only 23 records ]
Third Page           : 5 rows printed

Departure flight : 42  rows
First Page            : 42  rows printed [Report max. record allowed to print 42 rows so if total record is 42 then print perfectly ]

Departure flight : 26 rows
First Page            : 23 rows printed [Supposed to be print 26, if the total count of records more than 23 and less than 42 then the page print only 23 records ]
Second Page      : 3 rows printed

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Move Text Data (not A File) Into An Image Data Type

Mar 11, 2008

The ERP manufacturer used an image data type to store large text data fields. I am trying to move these data types from one database to another database using either Sql Queries or MS Access. I can cast them as an 8000 char varchar to read them directly but have no luck importing into these image data fields.

Access and Crystal are not able to read these fields directly.

Any suggestions? Most information about these fields has to do with loading files but I am just moving data.



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Compatibility Between Sql Express And MSDE

Jan 11, 2007

I need to know if I will run into problems with sql express on a sql 2000 server. I get the impression that my isp is using 200 server just by lookng at the connection string. Is there a addin I could use if needed I seen a post mentioning the publishing wizard cpt but not much after is it released yet. and then there is the web data admnistrator for msde will that work with sql express.One other question can I reinstall sql and change the authentication process from windows to user name and password.

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MSDE To SQL Server Express

Feb 25, 2006

Hi - I have an MSDE database running on my server - I'd like to port my 1.1 app to asp.net2, and make use of SQL 2005 Express.How do I transfer my data from an MSDE database to SQL Server Express, keeping intact all of my unique ID fields, indexes, and SPs (I don't have any functions or views)Thanks for any help,Mark

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Mar 7, 2008

Not sure where to poswt this but I have a question. Is it possible to downgrade a remote SQL instance (the RTC database for LCS 2005 EE) to MSDE / SQL EXPRESS running on the LCS node?

I have two LCS2005EE pools side by side in the same account domain. The company recently went through a split where a part of our operation was spun off to another company. We're trying to figure out a way to leave them a working LCS but cut our hosted server count. What I came up with was basically 3 or 4 possible scenarios:

Leave only two servers (LCS and SQL.)
Try to move and run two instances on new production equipment
Try to downgrade the remote RTC instance into MSDE / SQL EXPRESS and leave one server.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Joe H. Wise

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MSDE Db Backup To SQL Express

Oct 1, 2007

Hi everyone!

We are trying to restore a database backup created o MSDE 2000 server to SQL Express 2005.
The collation settings of both SQL Express and MSDE are the same: Turkish_CI_AS

The problem is that the log of restore operation has some warnings like:

Processed 344 pages for database 'MYDB', file 'MYDB_Data' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'MYDB', file 'MYDB_Log' on file 1.
Converting database 'MYDB' from version 539 to the current version 611.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 539 to version 551.

Warning: The index "myt_idx01" on "dbo"."myt" may be impacted by the
collation upgrade. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE.
Warning: The index "PK_BankLDef" on
"dbo"."BankLDef" may be impacted by the collation
Warning: The index "AgreeHist_idx1" on
"dbo"."AgreeHist" may be impacted by the collation upgrade.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 551 to version 552.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 552 to version 553.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 553 to version 554.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 554 to version 589.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 589 to version 590.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 590 to version 593.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 593 to version 597.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 597 to version 604.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 604 to version 605.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 605 to version 606.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 606 to version 607.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 607 to version 608.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 608 to version 609.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 609 to version 610.
Database 'MYDB' running the upgrade step from version 610 to version 611.

RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 345 pages in 0.420 seconds
(6.712 MB/sec).

What is the severity of this warnings? Is there a way to make them disappear?
Thanks in Advance.


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Use Msde Instead Of SQL Server 2005 Express...

Nov 9, 2005

I posted previously about concerns of using SQL Server 2005 Express in a shared hosting environment that is running SQL Server 2000.  While I've received no responses I'm beginning to assume that an .mdf file created by mssql 2005 cannot be attached to mssql 2000.  So I have a few questions...How do I set Visual Studio to create the aspnetdb file using an instance of msde instead of sql server express 2005?  I've already tried changing the Instance name under Tools...Options...Database Tools...Data Connections to my msde instance but when I create a new site and use the the website configuration tool a sql 2005 db is still created in the App_Data folder.Do I need to uninstall 2005 express?  Manually create and place a new .mdf file in the App_Data folder?

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SQL Server Express Edition Vs MSDE

Dec 15, 2005

I have heard that machines running applications with embedded MSDEfrequently experience conflicts between the MSDE apps and otherapplications such as BackupExec. What can anyone tell me about this?And if this is true, does/will the new SQL Server Express Editionbehave better?

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SQL Slow From MSDE 2000 To SQL Express

Feb 2, 2007

I posted this in one of the VB forums but I'm starting to think itmight be more appropriate to have it here, since it really seems to bea SQL server (MSDE/Express 2005) problem:Hey, all, I have a problem with queries against a SQL server instancethat I just found and is causing me fits. I hope someone can pointmein the right direction, please. TIA.Basically, I got a Vista OS machine to test my VB6 app on it as someof my clients will be switching over in the coming months. I went toa local Circuit City during early business hours in the middle of theweek and I installed my application on each of 5 PC's on the newVistaOS (Tuesday, when it was released). I had read that MSDE 2000, whichI normally use as my DB is not supported on Vista so I had downloadedand was using SQL Express 2005. Each system had at least a 1.9 GHzdual core processor and 1 GB of RAM. One process in my program findsrecords in one table that do not match records in another table andthen reports those un-matched entries. On my development machine(laptop with 1 GB of RAM, XP Pro SP2, MSDE 2000 (current SP), 2 GHzCentrino (IIRC)) the process takes less than 30 seconds consistently.On each of those 5 systems at Circuit City the process took 5 minutes(on each of 3 HP machines, a1700n, a1720n, a1730n, and 11 minutes oneach of two Gateway systems (the model numbers of which I forget atthe moment). Each of these computers should be much faster than mylaptop, and some had twice the RAM, and all had SATA or SATA IIdrivesinstead of my piddly 5400 laptop drive, I would have thought they'dall be faster but were abysmally slow.So, seeing a huge difference in the time, and to try to keep thisshort and sweet, I fired up another computer I have, running XP SP2,on 512 MB RAM, AMD Athlon 2300+. First I loaded MSDE 2000 and myapplication and ran the process. < 30 seconds on each of multipleruns. Second, I unloaded MSDE 2000 and installed SQL Express 2005andmoved the DB to it (sp_attach_db) which caused some upgrading(messages reported in OSQL about update/upgrade). When it was done Irebooted, to be sure, and the ran the program and the process again.On the same data, on the same computer, the process took 7-9 minutesconsistently on each of several runs. This makes this part of theapplication unusable, and even the simple stuff like grabbing asinglerecord from the DB (maybe 5 columns of no more than 500 bytes total)is noticeably slower on the SQL Express 2005 than on MSDE 2000.So, the problem seems to be with my interaction with the DB. I amusing ADO 2.8 in VB 6 (SP 6). I use DSN-less connections with aconnection string like: Driver={SQL Server};server=(local)caredata;database=caredata;Uid=sa; Pwd=<password>I use the RecordsSet Object to open the data similar to this:oRS.OpenstrSQL$, oCN, adOpenKeysetafter the oCN object has had the connection string set and the objectis opened.Considering that the same computer, against the same data, with thesame program, takes about 14 times (or more) longer to run, then ithas to be either that SQL Express 2005 is slow OR that my program isinteracting with it in an incorrect manner.Can someone point me in the right direction, please?Thank you.--HCSo, the problem isn't Vista

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Backing Up SQL Server MSDE And Express

Jun 4, 2007

We are attempting to backup using a maintenance plan a database to a network share.

The backup job works within a domain but fails within a workgroup?

Any thoughts?


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MSDE 2000 And SQL Express On Same Server

Jan 15, 2008

I have an application that is already installed on a Win2k3 Server using SQL Express 2005. I have another application that wants to use MSDE 2000 (already tried using SQL Express 2005, but it won't install). My question is, can both of these be installed on the same server and running at the same time without any problems? Thanks!

- Adam

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Can SQL Express 2005 &&amp; MSDE Reside On The Same Box?

May 11, 2007

Is the installation of MSDE and SQL Express 2005 on the same computer a supported configuration?

Many thanks

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Migrate DB From MSDE To Sql Server 2005 Express

Oct 18, 2005

Hi - is it possible to migrate to SQL Server 2005 Express from MSDE - and still use ASP.Net 1.1?  Or will Express only work with ASP.Net 2.0?My MSDE database has simple SPs (no functions), and straight forward tables - can I just use DTS from Enterprise Manager to transfer this from MSDE to SQL Express, or create a backup, and import that into SQL Express 2005?Also, there was a sort of Enterprise Manager available for SQL Server 2005 Express at one point - does anyone know where to find that?Thanks for any pointers/help.Mark

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Msde Vs Express Edition & Transactional Publisher

Sep 18, 2006

In topic, it is stated that SQL-DMO can be used to make msde publisher for transactional replication.
But in topic, Rishi said that "No Express Edition cant act as Publisher".
I am not clear about the difference btw msde and express.
Why msde can be publisher for transactional replication by SQL-DMO and why express edition can not be?
Thank you so much...

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Detaching DB From MSDE And Attaching To SQL Express Using SQLDMO.

Dec 19, 2007


I wanted to to detach a DB say MyDB from MSDE and wanted to attach it to SQL Express.
It could able to Detach the DB from MSDE,but attachment to SQL 2005 is failing. When I verified MSDE Instance through Managment studio "MyDB" wasnot there ; means it got detached.I couldnt find the DB in SQL 2005. When I tried manually through command prompt I was able to attach "MyDB" to SQL2005.
Please help me out!!
Here is the code which I have written.


pSQLServer->SetLoginSecure (TRUE);
//Connect to MSDE First
if SUCCEEDED(hr = pSQLServer->Connect (szDbServer, szUserName, szPassword))

pSQLServer->DetachDB(DB,lpszResult); //Detach the DB
pSQLServer->DisConnect(); //Disconnect MSDE
LPBSTR lpszResult2 = NULL;
long lNumDB;
//Connect to SQL 2005
if SUCCEEDED(hr = pSQLServer->Connect (szSQLExpDbServer, szUserName, szPassword))
//LPCOLESTR lpo = A2COLE(sTemp);
//sTemp.operator LPCTSTR
pSQLServer->GetDatabaseCount (&lNumDB);
SQLDMO_LPCSTR files = OLESTR("C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLData\MyDB.mdf,C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\MyDB_log.ldf");
pSQLServer->AttachDB(DB,files,lpszResult2); // Attach the DB to SQL 2005

pSQLServer->DisConnect(); // Disconnect SQL 2005}

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Is It Possible To Get MSDE &&amp; SQL Server 2005 Express Run On The Same Machine?

Dec 27, 2006

Hi guys,

I'm just wondering if the MSDE & SQL Server 2005 Express can run on the same machine(winxp) without conflicts. Because I need both the reporting services & the publication functionality of replication.

Thanks in advance.

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