How To Open And See The MSSQL SERVER Tables In My Computer ?
Nov 9, 2004
Hallo everyone
Now I have to analyse so many Software systems that my company is using and I have to extract the Datamodels behind these systems.
One of these systems is developed with a MSSQL server backend. Now I have to open this server tables and see the table structures and data directly how we see in Access.
Please help me by telling the way to open this database.
any help is very much appreciated.
Hi,I'm using sql server 2005 express edition. I have created a database using sql server management studio express edition. Now I'm trying to connect it in visual studio 2005. It show following error. An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connections to SQL 5erver 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact under the server's default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections, (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40- Could not open a connection to SQL Server) I have enables named pipes from Sql services configuration manager.
I’m having the fallowing error when I try to open/access a linked server Error: Error 7302: Could not create an instance of OLE DB provider 'MSOLAP.2'. OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: CoCreate of DSO for MSOLAP.2 returned 0x80004005].
I have already tried to create the server using SEM and also with SQL syntax in ISQLW. Code: EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server='LINKED_OLAP', @srvproduct='', @provider='MSOLAP.2', @datasrc='MyServerName.MyDomain’, @catalog='MyDataBase'
I’m allowed to create the linked server but I can’t use it.
Please bare with me as I do not have much knowledge in this area with MSSQL.
I have installed MSSQL 2000 Developer and I have setup a database which I am able to connect to and work fine with from the actual server MSSQL is installed on.
The problem comes in when i try to connect to that same database from a different remote server. It will not connect to the DB from this remote server but I know all the connection information is correct so its something on the MSSQL DB server causing this and not on this remote server.
Someone I know has had this problem and has fixed it but they wont tell me how. All I know is they said something about manually opening the ports on the MSSQL server and he also said when you set it to dynamicly determine the port that MSSQL is listening on it errored out. however if you set it staticly to 1433 it worked fine.
Ive also installed SP4 in attempt to fix this but no luck with that either. And I can also get the same exact remote server to connect to completely different DB server without issues.
If anyone can please help walk me through this I would be greatly appreciate and I am also willing to pay some money if it will make my life easier.
Hi all, I'm new to .NET and VB2008 and trying to write my first database application. It runs fine on my development PC (Vista) but I decided to publish/install an early beta to my daughters XP computer and am getting an error reading: Unable to open database.
The CD drive on that pc has been giving us trouble so I deployed to a subdirectory on the dev pc and moved those files to a thumbdrive, copied to the same subdirectory on client pc and installed from there. I've installed it more than once, trying different paths for the installed version hoping that was the issue but have hit a wall. Can anybody help?
Does enabling/disabling Data Execution Prevention have a performanceimpact on SQL 2000 or SQL 2005?For SQL best performance - how should I configure for:Processor Scheduling:Programs or Background servicesMemory Usage:Programs or System Cache
hi im using ms sql server 2000 with the enterprise manager i want to make a relationship between to tables. let say first table has 2 column: ID, RegionName the other hase 3 column: ID, employeeName, RegionName. i want that while im trying to add new record from the enterprise manager to the second table, when i will try to assign value for the RegionName i will get a combobox with all the RegionName that the first table contains. thanks a lot
I am currently work on mssql 6.5. On my workstation, I have mssql 6.5 cient software.
However, I would like to install mssql 7.0 server on my nt workstation and work with it to become familiar with 7.0. Can I install mssql 7.0 server on my nt workstation? Can mssql 6.5 client coexist with mssql 7.0 on the same machine if they are in different directories?
I created a linked server to a DB2 database and I can pull data fine, but when I try to insert/update/delete it tells me "SQL0471N Invocation of routine "SYSIBM.SQLTABLES" failed due to reason "00E7900C"" when trying: DELETE FROM DB2LinkedServer..SPACENAME.TABLENAME
I believe I need to send a clear string to DB2 that doesn't get compiled on the sql server side. Is there something like openquery that I can use for DML statements in SQL Server?
Is there a way in SQL 2005 Express Edition to import/export data from another MSSQL Server? Something similar to the right click/ import table functionality of MSSQL2000.
I've read similar threads which all recommend using MS Access but there has to be a better way, right?
Hi All, When i try to open tables under any database i get an error message that says " An unexpected error happened during this operation. [Query] Query designer encountered a Query error: Unspecified error". I uninstalled the Client from my desktop and reinstalled the client.When i try the same operation on the server where the SQL server is installed, i get the same error message. I have sp2 installed.Would it help if i install sp3?
Iam reading this forum from some time but its my first post here
Today i found by accictend this really nice PDF poster with SQL 2005 internal System Tables and thought that maybe someone here will be interested having it.
Poster is really huge, just like db schema on it ;)
But ok no more words, just grab it from here if You want
Regards, Tom
PS. 1. If You can't read PDF after download with FireFox (like me) turn off pdf plugin and then download starts normally 2. If someone from admins think that its not good forum for this post pleas move it to somewhere that it best fits.
we can´t open most of the sql server tables from our Access project any more, which has to be related to collation or extended property problems.
trying to open any table will result in the information "The stored procedure has been executed but did not return any records" after the first try and later on nothing will happen any more; tables won´t open.
basically this started to happen after recreating the sql database due to resolution 1 in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 318989: collation of the server is Latin1_General_CI_AS collation of the old database was SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, which led to the error described in the article. collation of the new database is set to <Database Standard>, now i have the problems described above.
anybody some good help on that?
ps: we can´t really rebuild the user database all the time, because we got flight data in about 4 billion records in there, so we will need anything quick and easy... thanks
I'm new to programing things, i'm on my own with MCAD/MCSD Amid Calani, i came to the point were i can"t go any further: i have VS enteprise architect,but i have only instece of SQL server,recently i downloaded SQLExpress , what should i do to connect SQL server to my computer, just because i'm new to to it looks stupid but maybe someone can HELP me with this. HELP, HEL,SOS,SOS...:eek:
I installed sql server on my PC, and when I look at the Programs I dofind sql server, but when I click on that I get "configuration tools".I don't see anything that says "enterprise manager" for instance. Howcan I find it so I can make a shortcut to it?Thanks
I will moving my SQL Server to another server. The plan is to stop SQL Server copy database file to a temp netwokr location, Switch off this server. Configure the new server with the same name and IP, install SQL to the same paths and service pack to the same level (SQL 2000 sp3). Then start and stop the SQL server. Once stop I will then copy the old database file over the new ones.
I know in general this works as I have doen this many times before expect this time round there is a replicaiton database which is new, I am expecting this will work the same but has any one else tried this before?
Hi All I have Computer is setuped SQL Server 2000 and SQL server 2005 when I restore SQL Server 2005 it's OK but when it's not OK when I restore in SQL Server 2000. The Error as follows:
Hi everyone,Is there a system stored procedure or another way that I can retrievethe current date and time of the SQL Server computer?Any info would be appreciated...Thanks in advance,Dan
I am still trying to figure some last issues before installing sql 2005 standard edition. vista issues, sql 2005 sql sp2 etc My question is simple actually, It is about configuring administrative accounts on my computer. I wish to use configure the administrative account? I wish to use a third party in deploying sql reporting services Do I need to set up a local account in report manager? the article in setting up reporting services in vista uses domain/instance name or computer name/instance name how do I do correctly set this up? I will be using july 2007 dvd for sp2 ( I believe) is their any article explaining the steps in sql sp2 some people seem to have trouble in the restore step.....Thanks I just want to be prepared....can I install cd's without the use of the internet....
i am having some issues..hopefully someone can help me..i just finished my database class...we had to install sql server 2005...i am running windows xp home...when i went to install sql...there was one error that i was was about the iis function, which i know that it won't work with the home edition...i finished the install, without the iis, so i can try to work on some things for class...i also had to install northwinds and that the class is over, i want to get rid of it all...i tried to follow somewhat of the uninstall process but now i am getting problems...i can't figure out how to uninstall the northwinds and keeps saying that it is being used by another person or program and it won't let me uninstall....can someone what me through the uninstall process of both the northwinds, pubs, and all of sql server 2005...i don't know much about computers....thanks you so much for helping in advanced... crystal
Hi All!!! In my Computer has MS SQL Server 2000(with default Instance) and now I Install MS SQL server 2005(with Instance name: SQL2005 ). Now I want to write Web Application to connect to the both databases (SQL Server 2000 and MS SQL Server 2005), How to Add connection string in my web.config to do it. Help me ??? Thanks & Regards,
Hi expertsI use a sqlserver on a local computer. i want to access the sqlserver from other computers on the network using the VWD. When trying to connect to the database i get the error:"An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)" I enabled the TCP/IP and the Named Pipes protocols on the server and still the same error. Thanks
Will SQL Server 2005 developer edition and Visual Web Developer Express work on the same machine? One reviewer of SQL Server 2005 developer edition on stated won't work on the same machine? Is this true?