How To Pass Master Reports (fields!OrderId) Value To A Subreport As A Parameter Value

May 11, 2008

How to pass master reports (fields!OrderId) value to a subreport as a parameter value.

if i right click the subreport control on the main report layout, i do see parameters tab, under that would like to pass the (fields!orderID).

Thanks for the info.

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Pass Parameter To Subreport Reportname

Apr 19, 2007

Good day,

Is there any way one can pass a paramter to the subreport reportname box? I want to open a specific report based on selection criteria in the main report but cannot seem to find a way to pass a variable to the reportname of the subreport.

Please can someone help me?

Thanks in advance

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Parameter Passing From Master To Subreport

Dec 9, 2005

Is it possible to pass a multi-value parameter from a master report to one or more subreports? If so, how?

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Gurus, Is It Possible To Pass A DateTime Parameter To A Subreport

Feb 27, 2007

Is it possible to pass a DateTime parameter from a master report to a subreport. I have managed to pass a string, but when i pass a DateTime parameter some error regarding its type is thrown. Please point me in the correct direction. Many Thanks.

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A Subreport Which Aslo Has Another Subreport In A Master Report

Mar 17, 2008

Can we include a subreport which aslo has another subreport in a master report? (assuming all three reports have parameters too)


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Parameter Fields Get Unselected On Reports Under My Subscriptions

Sep 11, 2007

Under My Subscriptions I have a report that runs daily. This report allows me to select certain items from a dropdown in parameter fields or select all. Some days the report fails and I get the follow error: The subscription contains parameter values that are not valid. When I click Edit to review, the parameter field is blank and my selections have been unselected. This report has several parameter fields but only only one or two of the parameter fields are blank, the others are ok.

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How To Pass Parameters To Subreport

Dec 26, 2007

Hi Gurus,
I want to pass 0 value to all subreport parameters in the beginning when main report is run. This is because i dont want subreport query to run.

when user clicks on '+' in main report, i want to pass the parameter values so that the subreport will run with correct parameters for that particular main report row.

My purpose of doing this is to achieve speed with subreport

Thanks a lot in advance.


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Reporting Services :: Multi-value Parameter Not Passing In Subreport Parameter List

Jul 29, 2015

I have two report , first is main report which is matrix and have one parameter User_ids which is multi value selection and my second report is basic chart of user_wise performance.

Now, my main report (matrix ) works fine for Multiple selection of users and i have putted one textbox on main report chart which has action properties set for chart report, when user click on chart button it must goes to chart with user selected in main report. Now , i have used expression for parameter to send it like ..

=join(parameter!user_id!value,",") which pass selected value to chart 

And when I am selecting single user it passing that value to chart parameter list but , when it is more than one user it errors with conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '121,128' to data type int. But my chart also works when passing 121,128 in user parameter in preview of report .

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Pass Subreport Calculation Value To The Main Report

Apr 21, 2008

I need to share the result of a calculation from a subreport to the main report


I need to group data from a secondary dataset the same and the primary dataset.

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Passing Parameters From Master Report To SubReport

May 16, 2007

I have two subreports on one master report who's parameters @ReportDate would be set to the same date each time the report is run. When i run the master report i get an error for each report that tells me that one or more parameters required to run the report have not been specified. How do i pass the parameter i want to use in both reports from the master report through to the subreports.

Thanks again!

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How To Pass Pass The Parameter In SQL Command In SSIS Package

Jul 31, 2006


   We already used Oracle Datasatage Server the following Query statement for Source and there is parameter maping in the SQl Statement . How can achive in SSIS the Folowing Querystatment?


Query 1: (source View Query)
REPORT_DATE = (select max(report_date) from V_RDP_GOLD_PRICE where source_system_id = 'RM' )


Query 2: (look up )


report_date = TO_DATE(:2,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')  AND


please anyone give the sample control flow  and how to pass the parameter?


Thanks & regards



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Cannot Pass Params (data Type System.guid) To Subreport?

Feb 19, 2007

Hello experts,

I am trying to create a report including a subreport in VS.2003 Reporting services. The subreport itself runs properly, if I give it a parameter, but when I try to run the main (parent) report, I get the obvious message Subreport could not be shown.

The output windows returns a message:

The value expression used in textbox €˜AccountID€™ returned a data type that is not valid.

The AccountID field is a system.guid. I tried to "cast" it as a text, but I got another error message that the system.guid cannot be explicitly converted.

Does anyone know how to get around this?

Thank you very much.


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Reporting Services :: How To Pass Processed Value From Subreport To Main Report

Nov 27, 2015

I have a main report and 2 sub reports. I would like to pass the total Premium Paid from 2nd Sub report , and Total Bonus received from 3rd Sub report back to main report.

My scenario is actualy much more complicated than what i had attached below, which i cannot join the query for the 3 different reports together. But for demo purpose, i created the following sample scenario.

My main report is to display the sales summary by person by location.

A person may have more than 1 account number, and each account number is entitly for bonuses. As illustrated below.

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Subreports: Parameter Value Dropdown Shows Sum And Count Fields But Not The Actual Data Fields.

Jan 28, 2008

I have just started using SQL Server reporting services and am stuck with creating subreports.

I have a added a sub report to the main report. When I right click on the sub report, go to properties -> Parameters, and click on the dropdown for Parameter Value, I see all Sum and Count fields but not the data fields.

For example, In the dropdownlist for the Parameter value, I see Sum(Fields!TASK_ID.Value, "AppTest"), Count(Fields!TASK_NAME.Value, "CammpTest") but not Fields!TASK_NAME.Value, Fields!TASK_ID.Value which are the fields retrieved from the dataset assigned to the subreport.

When I manually change the parameter value to Fields!TASK_ID.Value, and try to preview the report, I get Error: Subreport could not be shown. I have no idea what the underlying issue is but am guessing that it's because the field - Fields!TASK_ID.Value is not in the dropdown but am trying to link the main report and sub report with this field.

Am I missing something here? Any help is appreciated.


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Use Parameter To Select Subreport

Feb 26, 2008

I'm not sure if parameters is the correct solution, but it's all I can think of.
I'm trying to use a "template" report with a graphic logo and some other standard layout to provide all my subreports with the same look. On the "default" subreport, I intend to have links to the other subreports, but I can't find a way to dynamically change the subreport shown by the Subreport item.

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Subreport Parameter Issue

Jul 18, 2007

When inserting a subreport into the main report, the subreport parameters are not listed for selection in the subreport object property page. If I add the parameter names manually, the params are not properly passed to the subreport and I get a runtime error (Internal error, see log).
So I'm not able to link the subreport properly. Any Idea?

Both (local) reports reside in a DLL in the same namespace, which is not the default namespace.

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Adding A New Parameter To A Subreport

Jun 4, 2007

Each time we add a new parameter to a subreport and we link the main report's fields to be the value's to the parameters for the subreport, we get an error message stating that the parameter for the subreport has not been specified. If we physically REBOOT the computer and then reload the project, the error seems to clear up.

Is this a bug in Reporting Services or is there some other explaination.

Thanks for the information.

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Passing DateTime Parameter To Subreport (Error)

Feb 21, 2007

Hi guys,

I have managed to pass a string parameter form the main report to the subreport with no problems, but when i try and use the same method to pass a datetime type, i am issued with the following error messase:

"[rsErrorExecutingSubreport] An error occurred while executing the subreport €˜SubReportName€™: The value provided for the report parameter 'MasterDate' is not valid for its type."

I cant see why it work for strings, but not for datetime. Any suggestions will be very much appreciated

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Passing Multi-Valued Parameter To Subreport

Mar 9, 2007

I have a multi-valued parameter that I want to pass to a subreport. The values are 11, 12, 13, and 14.

So here's what I've done:

1. For the properties of the clickable field of the first report, I have gone to the Navigation tab and chosen the subreport in the "jump to report" pulldown.

2. Then I clicked on the Parameters button and added a parameter name for the multi-valued parameter I am trying to send. For the Parameter value, I have tried 11,12,13,14. I have also tried =Split(11,12,13,14)

3. On the subreport, I create a report parameter with the same name, data type is string, multi-value is checked, and the available values pulldown is populated by a query.

So I run the first report and click on the link that brings me to the subreport, but all the subreport shows is the results for 11, not 12, 13, and 14.

How can I get the second report to understand that I want it to show all the records related to 11, 12, 13, and 14? If I bypass the first report and simply use the drop-down to choose 11, 12, 13, and 14 in the subreport, it works fine. I just can't seem to figure out how to correctly have the first report tell the subreport that it wants 11, 12, 13, and 14.

Thanks in advance for any advice!


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How To Pass Parameters To Sub Reports?

May 8, 2008

how do u pass parameters to a subreport.... i tried doin it but got an error msg sayin "Sub report cannot be displayed"
any solution????

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How To Make Subreport Visible Based On Parameter Condition?

Aug 29, 2007


I have a subreport added to the main report and I want to make this report visible only when the parameter value is met.

Ex, I have a parameter CustName in the main report and want to show the subreport when the custName = xxxxx. There reports are parameter driven not data driven reports.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Passing Parameter To Subreport Based On User Action.

Sep 12, 2007

I have a main report and a subreport. Subreport is not at row level but is at report level. The sub report has a parameter that needs to be passed from mainreport. However, the subreport's parameter should be set and the subreport should be refreshed when the user clicks on a row in mainreport. Can I use drill-through / navigation feature in any way to build this functionality?

Any help will be most appreciated.

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Links That Pass Parameters To Other Reports?

Dec 27, 2007

How do you create a link on one report to run another report passing a parameter (or two).

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Reporting Services :: Field Value Not Passing To A Parameter In Drill Through Subreport

Sep 6, 2015

I have two reports 'Product Details' and 'Sales by Product'

When i click on 'Product ID' field in 'Product Details' report, It has to drill through to 'Sales by Product' which has a parameter 'Product ID' in it. 

I have written the following javascript

="javascript:void('http://servername/Rportserver/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=%2fTestDrillThru%2fSales+By+Product&rs:Command=Render&ChildProductID="& Fields!ProductID.Value &"','_blank',',resizable=1,width=1600,height=800,left=50'))"

When i drill through, field value is not passing to 'child product id' in sales by product. I have to give the value again in child report.

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Pass Fields As Array To Custom Function?

May 23, 2007

I created a custom function that accepts an array of strings as a input. I need to pass several fields from the dataset to this function as an array. How can I do this?

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How To Pass Multiple Parameters Across Reports In SSRS

Apr 25, 2008


I am working on SSRS. I need to open a new report from one report when user clicks on some

particular summarized count link.

It is a sort of drilled down report. I am not getting how to pass the respective Ids (more

than one) to the next report when user clicks on the summarized link in the 1st report.

These ids I want to use as a parameter (multiple) in the 2nd report to dump the rows from

the database.

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Sub: How To Pass Multiple Parameters Across Reports In SSRS

Apr 25, 2008


I am working on SSRS. I need to open a new report from one report when user clicks on some

particular summarized count link.

It is a sort of drilled down report. I am not getting how to pass the respective Ids (more

than one) to the next report when user clicks on the summarized link in the 1st report.

These ids I want to use as a parameter (multiple) in the 2nd report to dump the rows from

the database.

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How Do I Pass Through DT_TEXT Fields In Fuzzy Lookup Transformation

Nov 14, 2007

Hello Experts,

In my Data Flow Task I have a Fuzzy Lookup transformation. In the Columns tab of the Fuzzy Lookup Transformation Editor, if I attempt to select a field for pass through that is a DT_TEXT data type, I get the error:

Validation error. Data Flow Task: Fuzzy Lookup [3532]: The data type of column 'event_list' is not supported.Package.dtsx

BOL says, "Only input columns with the DT_WSTR and DT_STR data types can be used in fuzzy matching...." But I'm not doing fuzzy matching on the DT_TEXT column, I'm just trying to pass it through to the transformation's output. BOL doesn't say anything about this data type being incompatible with passing through to the output.

Any thoughts on how I may workaround this issue? I was thinking I would need to perform the lookup on a subset of the columns without the DT_TEXT field and then merge the data back together at the end. But, if there's a setting or some other way, please let me know.

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Crystal Reports And ODBC Getting Access Denied On Pass Thru

Jul 27, 2006


Environment - Windows 2003 standard server SP1, SQL 2000 SP4 (installed mixed mode)

Goal: To have Crystal reports run via odbc dsn using windows authentication.

Big Honkin' Problem: I should say that if the users are local admins on this server then the windows authentication works just great, if not a local admin then it doesn't work. SQL gives an error access denied. (this shows in the logs btw.. to the end user crystal displays a generic database error) Since windows authentication failed, I then decided to use the dbo and switch to SQL auth. This dbo did not have a password and everything ran great. Then the IT dept. asked me to give the user a password, so I did. Then everytime Crystal opened, a window would appear asking the user to type the database , user and password. In Windows everytime this was done the crystal control files would change ownership to whomever entered the information making the report useless to any other user until I manually went into the file properties and changed it back. I develop these reports thru an VPN connection and on my desktop I said phooey on re-entering the password 50 zillion times while developing so I opened the dsn and put the PWD line in and it ran great. So we figured why not put this on the server - the password does not pass thru to SQL, even as admin user. The final problem that came up in relation to this is that I then created another user in SQL with no password so the reports would run. I developed a report that takes the current user credentials and passes it to the report via dde link. On my machine running over the VPN and launching the database program (GoldMine) over the WAN the report did everything it was suppose to. I high-fived myself and installed it on the server where the users would launch it and the dang thing wont pass the credentials over to the report.

I know there is not much to SQL security - it's either SQL or mixed mode. I have it on mixed mode and I know for fact it runs because Goldmine runs. I have to have some sort of security 'thang' in Windows 2003 somewhere that doesn't allow the passord to move and SQL only sees a blank password.

If any body can give me any help - I would so greatly appreciate it.


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How To Pass Cube Values For Directly Accessing Reports From A URL

Feb 19, 2008


Actually we have multiple Sub Reports which we want to open from the Main Report. Initially when i used "Jump To Report" property it worked fine but in the browser the Main Report used to get refreshed everytime i had to Go Back to Main Report from Sub Report.
Second solution which i want to try is using "Jump To URL" property.
Some Details:
I have multiple parameters in the report.
My parameters are getting data from a Cube.
Parameters can have Multiple Vaue selected at a time.
I want to pass all the values to the URL.

Parameter1 is DimCountryCountry
can have values such as:
[Dim Country].[Country].[All]
[Dim Country].[Country].&[India]
[Dim Country].[Country].&[Germany]

Parameter2 is DimCountryState
can have values such as:
[Dim Country].[State].[All]
[Dim Country].[State].&[Delhi]
[Dim Country].[State].[Punjab]

Now i want to create a URL using these values,since each parameter should be separated by "&"(ampersand) my URL looks like one below.
Following URL Works fine:
javascript:void('(http://MyReportServer/ReportServer/Pages/Report.aspx?/MyReports/Project1/Country+Data&rcarameters=false&DimCountryCountry=[Dim Country].[Country].[All]&DimCountryState=[Dim Country].[State].[All]'))

as long as there is no "&" in the Parameter Value the URL works fine.
But when i try to insert values other than "[All]" it starts failing because "[Dim Country].[Country].&[India]" contains "&", which gives error due to ambiguity, (whether this "&" is a parameter separater or is it a part of parameter value)

So i found a solution for that, which is to replace "&" with "%26" escape sequence characters.This works fine as long as we specify this escape sequence in address bar. i.e if we directly paste the following URL in the address bar it will work.
http://MyReportServer/ReportServer/Pages/Report.aspx?/MyReports/Project1/Country+Data&rcarameters=false&DimCountryCountry=[Dim Country].[Country].%26[India]&DimCountryState=[Dim Country].[State].%26[Delhi]

but if we put this URL in the Javascript, it doesnot work, because the WIndow.Open function automatically replaces the
"%26" characters with "&", which we know gives ambiguity error.

Please let me know if you have any suggesiton for it. Anyway any better solution for my problem.


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Reporting Services :: Master Detail Reports On Same Page

Mar 3, 2014

I have a master detail reports in one page. Master report displays all the products and details report shows their orders... What I want is, when user clicks on products graph its detail graph show the orders of that particular record on the same page. Both reports would remain visible on the same page side by side.

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How Can I Pass A Parameter To Use In An IN

Oct 31, 2007

I'm trying to pass a comma delimited list of numbers to a parameter to use in an IN of my Where clause.
        Dim MySqlParamSelected As New SqlParameter("@Selected", SqlDbType.Int)        Cmd.Parameters.Add(MySqlParamSelected)        MySqlParamSelected.Value = Session("intSelected")
 WHERE tblSelected.Selected_ID IN (@Selected)
It will work if I only pass it one number (e.g. 78), but when I pass it more than one (e.g. 78,79) it fails.
Here is the error:
Msg 119, Level 15, State 1, Line 4Must pass parameter number 7 and subsequent parameters as '@name = value'. After the form '@name = value' has been used, all subsequent parameters must be passed in the form '@name = value'.
Does anyone know how I can correctly pass multiple numbers to use in my IN?

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Pass Parameter To SP

Jan 29, 2008

How do i pass a parameter to a stored proc using this command:   
object SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar (SqlConnection connection, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
let's say that my parameter name is @ID and the value is IDval ..

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