How To Pass Results Of A SQL FOR XML Query To An XML Task?
Aug 15, 2006
How do I pass the results of a sql 'FOR XML' query to an XML Task? I tried using a user variable of type string. In my Exec SQL Task on the General tab I set the ResultType to XML. Then on the Result Set tab I map it (Result 0) to my user variable (string). Then in the XML Task I use that variable as the Source. However, it fails in the Exec Sql Task with error
"End tag 'CustomJob秱孒秱怈пField' does not match the start tag 'CustomJobField'
It looks like some extraneous chars are getting inserted into my tags?
I also tried setting the ResultType to SingleRow but that failed with error:
"The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::ForXmlResult" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object. ".
Any ideas? Thanks.
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Sep 14, 2007
In sql mgt studio, I can save the query results to a file. How would I do this in an SSIS package?
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Aug 10, 2006
In the XML Task if you set the OperationType to XSLT, how do you pass arguments to the Transform like you would in .Net by using the XsltArgumentList class? Thanks.
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Dec 22, 2006
I am trying to execute an SQL task in a ForEach container that is the table name for a select statment I want to execute (table name is passed from a rowset created before the ForEach container).
ForEach Container is looping correctly (I've used a watch to make sure each of the table names in the previous rowset are being passed correctly). I want to use the table name to execute the following query:
Select count(*) as TableRowCount from MyLinkedServer...?
(with ? as the table name)
Problem I am having is that the SQL Task Editor keeps placing a space between the last period and the parameter and then telling me it cannot parse the SQL.
I tried:
Declare @SQL varchar(255)
Set @SQL = 'Select count(*) as TableRowCount from MyLinkedServer...' + ?
Same error as above. My parameter is varTableName
If I used the Declare and hardcode the table name (i.e. MyLinkedServer...MyTable), and it works fine. Just doesn't seem to want to allow the table name as a parameter...
Thoughts, ideas??? Am very new to SQL 2005 but did the above with DTS... Thank you for any assistance...
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Feb 19, 2008
I am new to SSIS so I'm sure this is easy to do but I can't seem to figure it out. I created a SQL task that creates a result set. I would like to loop through each result of the result set and insert it into another table.
I'm not sure how to map the result set as input to the second SQL task that will do the insert. I can put the variable in the parameter mapping but I don't know what the SQL should look like to insert this into my table. Each row of the result set has five columns. Normally I have something that looks like INSERT...Values(?,?,?,?,?) but because my input parameter is just one result set object this doesn't work.
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Feb 13, 2007
How can I pass a variable to a DataReader in a DataFlow task?
My SqlCommand for the DataReader is:
SELECT CustName, CustCode FROM Customers WHERE CustCode = '?'
The DataFlow task is nested in a ForEach loop. I confirmed that the variable is changing with each loop by using a ScriptTaks and a message box. However, the DataReader SqlCommand does not seem to be updating.
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Mar 21, 2007
I want to pass a dataset to my .net script task as an object. I know how to declare an Obect variable and map the result set of my Execute SQL task to the Object variable lets say tbl1. Then on the Advanced Menu of .Net Script task I input tbl1 as my ReadOnlyVariable. But once in the design view of the .Net Script I am unable to get and work with every row of the my tbl1 variable.
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Jul 18, 2007
I have a DTS package of SQL server 2000 which has two "Execute SQL Task", which gets maximum ID (call it maxID1) from table1 in mysql and maximum ID (call it maxID2) from table 2 in sql server. Those 2 as global variables passes into a data flow which grabs all data from mysql's table1 with its ID > maxID2 and ID <= maxID1 and insert into SQL server table3. This package is working so far.
My question is how to achieve the same thing in SSIS? I created two "Execute SQL Task", which will get maxID1 and maxID2, and one "Data Flow Task". But how to pass those 2 parameters into that "Data Flow Task" without using "Script Task"?
Anyone could help? Thanks!
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Apr 1, 2007
hi, like, if i need to do delete some items with the id = 10000 then also need to update on the remaining items on the with the same idthen i will need to go through all the records to fetch the items with the same id right? so, is there something that i can use to hold those records so that i can do the delete and update just on those records and don't need to query twice? or is there a way to do that in one go ?thanks in advance!
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May 19, 2008
Exist any way to pass custom user and password info to the Send Mail task using the connection string property?
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Sep 28, 2006
Hi all--I am writing a DTS package looking to back up all databases in sequence from a specific instance of SQL Server. I am calling CDOSYS in a stored procedure from to send email upon failure. I have two types of SQL tasks I am writing into the DTS package:
1. backup database <database> to disk = '<drive>:<path>.bak' with init
2. Upon failure of a particular database to back up to file, execute the following SQL task:
declare @srvname varchar(128),
@db_name varchar(128),
@msg nvarchar(4000)
SELECT @srvname = @@servername
select @db_name = db_name()
set @msg = 'Hi--check your database backups. The ' + @db_name + ' database backup on ' + @srvname + ' has failed.
Thanks--SQL Server';
SELECT @srvname, @db_name, @msg
(Many thanks to Whitney Weaver and SQL_Menace for help with sections of this code)
Upon success of #1 and/or #2, go on to the next database, repeating cycle of the SQL tasks above for the next database in the task. For example, this logic goes like:
1. Back up master database; if fails, send email in SQL task; if either task is successful, goto database #2;
2. Back up model database; ...<etc>.
My problem is the current database set in @db_name. I apparently need to reset this variable for each database that gets backed up, and I can't seem to get these set as values to be passed from SQL Task #1 to SQL Task #2. Any suggestions on how I might achieve this?
- Jonathan
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Feb 12, 2008
Hello. I currently have a website that has a table on one webpage. When a record is clicked, the primary key of that record is transfered in the query string to another page and fed into an sql statement. In this case its selecting a project on the first page, and displaying all the scripts for that project on another page. I also have an additional dropdownlist on the second page that i use to filter the scripts by an attribute called 'testdomain'. At present this works to an extent. When i click a project, i am navigated to the scripts page which is empty except for the dropdownlist. i then select a 'testdomain' from the dropdownlist and the page populates with scripts (formview) for the particular test domain. what i would like is for all the scripts to be displayed using the formview in the first instance when the user arrives at the second page. from there, they can then filter the scripts using the dropdownlist.
My current SQL statement is as follows.
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [TestScript] WHERE (([ProjectID] = @ProjectID) AND ([TestDomain] = @TestDomain))"
So what is happening is when testdomain = a null value, it does not select any scripts. Is there a way i can achieve the behaivour of the page as i outlined above? Any help would be appreciated.
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Jan 15, 2008
Dear All!
I use a "Execute SQL Task" to call a Stored Procedure. My Stored Procedure have an input parameter with type: ntext. And in "Execute SQL Task", I set variable in Parameter Mapping as following:
Variable Name: User::xmlDocument (this variable is a String to store xml data)
Direction: Input
ParameterName: 0
When length of "User::xmlDocument" is too large then error is happen but on the contrary, "Execute SQL Task" run successfully.
So, Can you show me how to pass large data into stored procedure using "Execute SQL Task"?
I am looking forward to hearing from you
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Nov 27, 2007
Hi All,
I have One package that it contains one Execute SQL task in that i have placed a Stored procedure .
Now i want to pass values to Stored procedure parameters from a databse table by dynamically .For this i am trying to use " Script task "
How can i pass that table column values to that stores procedure thru using Script Task?
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Oct 2, 2006
I have a ForEachLoop parent pkg that reads thru the file system of dtsx to be executed.
I would like to pass CLI parms to the command itself (dtexec). I'm not looking at passing values to the child pkgs but rather additional command line values such as:
/CONFIGFILE "C:myconfig.dtsConfig.
In my expression builder for the PackageName I added the additional string but during the execution, the reference to my dtsconfig is ignored without any errors and the child pkg runs using the default values provided at design time.
@[User::PackageToRun] + " /CONFIGFILE C:\myconfig.dtsConfig ".
How does one add additional CL values during the runtime for Execute Package Task?
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Nov 3, 2015
Got a powershell script to split a large XML file to split in smaller chunks. I have Execute ProcessTask in SSIS with:
Executable: %windir%system32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe
argument: -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -command ". 'C:WorkspacesSplitToytPMFile.ps1'"
I need to pass File Name as parameter to the PS script. I tried using the StandardInputVariable but it doesn't work.
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Mar 11, 2008
How do i use the foreach loop container and pass each file found according to a specified pattern to a Flat File Source in a Data Flow Task Object so i can operate on each file found in the foreach loop object instead of having to specify a static file name
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Sep 15, 2006
Hi All, we got a problem that I hope you guys can help us with.
We are trying to extract data from a SQL database in XML format to a variable (string) using an 'Execute SQL Task'
In the task we are using an ADO.NET connection to the database which is fine and via direct input we are using this query.
FOR XML path('customer'), root('CRMData'), ELEMENTS XSINIL
In SSMS this is fine and returns an ok (to my eyes anyway!) XML resultset.
<CRMData xmlns:xsi="">
<addressline2 xsi:nil="true" />
<addressline3 xsi:nil="true" />
However the SSIS task (running exactly the same query) is returning
<CRMData xmlns:xsi="">
<addressline2 xsi:nil="true" />
<addressline3 xsi:nil="true" />
I setup the query as a stored procedure and changed the SSIS accordingly. Running the sp from within SSMS was fine but the task still returned the wierd results.
This is completely unexpected and giving us headaches. It doesn't even look like well-formed XML to my eyes and won't display in IE without showing problems! Where are the eroneous /'s and ROOT nodes coming from?
I can't imagine we are the only people to have run into this and I'm sure we aren't doing something quite right - just stuck as to what we're doing wrong.
Hopefully I've provided enough info. If not just ask.
Thanks for any and all input
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Aug 7, 2007
I'm trying to use an execute SQL task with a simple select to get results and scan them.
I have to create a variable for each column to get results? or may i create something like a resultset variable?
Does this task return only one row and i have to loop manually? (maybe on al script task..) or can i get all returned data on a result set to be the input for next step?
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Dec 19, 2007
Hi All,
I'm currently using an Execute SQL Task to return XML data from a query into an SSIS string variable. In my FOR XML clause in SQL I'm specifying a certain name for my root tag, called "Accounts". This works great in Management Studio, however, the Execute SQL Task appends a <ROOT> and </ROOT> tag to the start and end of the string, so now it looks like:
<ROOT><Accounts>...all my elements...</Accounts></ROOT>
I'd like to remove the ROOT tags so that the <Accounts> tags are actually the root for this doc. What would be the best way to remove the ROOT tags from the SSIS string variable?
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Oct 22, 2007
I'm trying to use the XML Task XPath operation for the first time but having some problems. I'm using the following settings:
Source type: File connection
SaveOperationResult: True (file destination)
SecondOperandType: Direct Input
PutResultInOneNode: False
XPathOperation: Values
The XML file I'm testing has the following stucture:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<BackupDataSet xmlns="">
When I set the SecondOperand to /* the output is a concatenated text string of DeviceID and UserID values. I'm trying to get just the DeviceID but perhaps my understanding of XPath syntax is wrong. I've tried setting the SecondOperand to the following:
All of these return no results. What am I doing wrong?
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Jul 22, 2015
I have a table with email addresses and CC_Flag.
Email | CC_Flag
xxxx 0
yyyy 1
zzzz 1
Using Task SQL, I am trying to pass these email addresses to two separate variables - To_field, Cc_field on basis of the CC_Flag..Is it possible to fill two variables from a single SQl Task,.
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Oct 13, 2015
I've got a select as follows:
select computer, count(*) as MissedCount from WInUpdates_Neededreq
group by computer
I need to make a join onto another table but don't want to lose the coutn(*) as MissedCount.
How can I join to another table and still keep the count form the original table. I want ot join to tblogons.workstationname and return computer from the original query...
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Jun 13, 2006
Is it possible to skip all steps following the script task results (Step 1) in a For Each container. I am iterating thru all the files in a For Each container and parsing a few lines of the file and based on the result I want to force the For Each loop to get to the next file instead of executing the next steps. Is it possible to force the for each loop to get the to the next file if the test criteria in the very first step (Script Task) fails. Any inputs will be much appreciated.
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May 28, 2008
ok can someone tell me why i get two different answers for the same query. (looking for last day of month for a given date)
SELECT DATEADD(ms, - 3, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m, 0, CAST('12/20/2006' AS datetime)) + 1, 0)) AS Expr1
FROM testsupplierSCNCR
I am getting the result of 01/01/2007
but in query analizer I get the result of
Why the different dates
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Nov 2, 2006
I'm importing a large csv file two different ways - one with Bulk Import Task and the other way with the Data Flow Task (flat file source -> OLE DB destination).
With the Bulk Import Task I'm putting all the csv rows in one column. With the Data Flow Task I'm mapping each csv value to it's own column in the SQL table.
I used two different flat file sources and got the following:
Flat file 1: Bulk Import Task = 12,649,499 rows; Data Flow Task = 4,215,817 rows
Flat file 2: Bulk Import Task = 3,403,254 rows; Data Flow Task = 1,134,359 rows
Anyone have any guess as to why this is happening?
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Jan 19, 2008
I am calling one SSIS package from another using the Execute Package Task.
I also need to pass a parameter to the called SSIS package.
Can I do this? If yes, how? If no, then what will be the work-around for this?
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 25, 2008
I am trying to do the following. I am capturing the logged in username from Windows Authentication then stripping the domain name using the following codeProtected Sub SqlDataSource1_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs) Handles SqlDataSource1.Selecting Dim Bareusername e.Command.Parameters("@strusername").Value = My.User.Name Bareusername = My.User.Name.Replace("MyDomain", "") e.Command.Parameters("@LoginName").Value = Bareusername End Sub I use the derived value as the where clause in a select query Select * from Master Where AccountName = @LoginName. This allows a user to only see their own information in DetailsView1. This is working as desired. I have another column in the Master table named ID. This ID is the key that I need to reference to allow users to see and edit data in other tables. So I would like to be able to do something like Select ID from Master where AccountName = @LoginName and be able to pass this value to a Select statement against another table(Awards) for a DetailsView2 on the same page. Alternatively the value that I am trying to query is in the first row of DetailsView1. Is it possible to access the value in that field and pass it in the query for DetailsView2? This would be simpler if possible.I am not sure how to go about this and would appreciate any guidance that you could provide. I have found a lot on the web regarding this based on a selected value but not through the method that I am trying to use. Thanks in advance,Ken
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Dec 13, 2000
I have the following function that is run when a person
enters a value, "Cell", in an access form. I am trying to
execute the pass through query in SQL Server but i keep
getting the following message:
"The microsoft jet database engine cannot find the input
table or query 'CellDefs'. Make sure it exists and its name
is spelt correctly."
There is nothing wrong with the table name.
I cant understand what the problem is ?????
Can anyone tell me how to execute a query that passes
a parameter from access to Sql server.
Public Function GetData(Cell As String)
Dim dbsCurrent As Database
Dim qd1 As QueryDef
Dim SQL As String
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb
Set qd1 = dbsCurrent.CreateQueryDef("")
With qd1
SQL = ""
SQL = SQL + "INSERT INTO TableX SELECT A.Name AS CellCode, C.FinderNumber"
SQL = SQL + "A.CellDef_id = B.CellDef_id) INNER JOIN Finders AS C ON "
SQL = SQL + "B.Finders_id = C.Finders_id "
SQL = SQL + "WHERE A.Name LIKE '" & Cell & "' "
SQL = SQL + "ORDER BY C.FinderNumber"
.ReturnsRecords = False
.ODBCTimeout = 2400
dbsCurrent.Execute (SQL)
End With
End Function
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Oct 3, 2004
suppose i get date from MSsql how do i pass that to dos command is there a way so i can maipulate date and pass on to dos command to run at certain time
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Jan 2, 2008
I would like to call this stored procedure, but I am unable to passparameters to the @Start and @End.Is thier a way to pass parameters to a pass through query from MSAccess?SELECT COUNT(dbo.tblPersActionHistory.PersActionID) AS [Total Ct],[dbo].fn_FindStartPayPeriod(dbo.tblPersActionHistory.Pe rsActionID, 2)AS [Signed PP]FROM dbo.tblPersActionLog INNER JOINdbo.tblPersActionHistory ONdbo.tblPersActionLog.PersActionID =dbo.tblPersActionHistory.PersActionIDWHERE (dbo.tblPersActionLog.StatusID BETWEEN 4 AND 7) AND(dbo.tblPersActionLog.Rejected = 0) AND(dbo.tblPersActionLog.IsPayAction = 0) AND(dbo.tblPersActionHistory.ActionTypeID = 5) AND(dbo.fn_IsParACorrection(dbo.tblPersActionHistory. PersActionID) = 0)AND([dbo].fn_ParNotException(dbo.tblPersActionHistory.PersA ctionID) = 1)AND (dbo.tblPersActionHistory.ItemDTG >= @StartDate) AND(dbo.tblPersActionHistory.ItemDTG <= @EndDate)GROUP BY[dbo].fn_FindStartPayPeriod(dbo.tblPersActionHistory.Pe rsActionID, 2)
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Jul 13, 2015
I'm executing Oracle procedure, which has three OUTPUT parameters and returns results in table type variable. i should not use ODBC, MSDAORA providers to call the procedure. So I'm planning to using Oracle OLEDB provider. I'm able to execute the procedure successfully, but when i do check (while dr.Read()) its not returning any records. But I know as per stored procedure results, it should return 66 records.
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim QSQL As String
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Sep 22, 2015
-- The 3rd query uses an incorrect column name in a sub-query and succeeds but rows are incorrectly qualified. This is very DANGEROUS!!!
-- The issue exists is in 2008 R2, 2012 and 2014 and is "By Design"
set nocount on
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#t1') IS NOT NULL drop table #t1
if object_id('tempdb.dbo
This succeeds when the invalid column name is a valid column name in the outer query. So in this situation the sub-query would fail when run by itself but succeed with an incorrectly applied filter when run as a sub-query. The danger here is that if a SQL Server user runs DML in a production database with such a sub-query which then the results are likely not the expected results with potentially unintended actions applied against the data. how many SQL Server users have had incorrectly applied DML or incorrect query results and don't even know it....?
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