How To Pass String Into Sqldatssource Selectcommand?
Mar 13, 2007
Help! I'm trying to figure out how to pass a string variable to my sqldatasource's "selectcommand" attribute. I'm trying to construct my SQL dynamically to adjust some things. My code is something like this,
What's the best way to get the contents of my selectCommandVar variable into the SelectCommand attribute of my sqldatasource? The above syntax doesn't work and I've tried several permutations that do not work either. The examples of sqldatasource I keep finding have the SQL statement hardcoded in the <asp:sqldatasource> section, which won't work for me. HELP!
Hey,I've inherited a project from my office and am stuck.I'm trying to take input from multiple souces (DropDownLists, TextBoxes, etc) and depending on which ones are used, update a SELECT string with additional AND statements. <script language=VB runat=server> Dim resultsql As String Public Sub Button_Click(ByVal client As String, ByVal state As String) Dim dv As String resultsql = resultsql & "SELECT ClientName, Address1, City, State FROM tblClient" dv &= "" If (StrComp(client, dv) <> 0) Then resultsql &= "AND ClientName = " & client End If If (StrComp(state, dv) <> 0) Then resultsql &= "AND State = " & state End If resultsql &= " ORDER BY ClientName ASC" End Sub </script>Now when I got to display the results of this new string in a GridView I am recieving errors trying to pass my variable "resultsql" into SelectCommand. <asp:GridView ID="Results" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="ClientNumber" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource3"> <Columns> <asp:BoundField DataField="ClientName" HeaderText="ClientName" SortExpression="ClientName" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Address1" HeaderText="Address1" SortExpression="Address1" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="City" HeaderText="City" SortExpression="City" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="State" HeaderText="State" SortExpression="State" /> </Columns> </asp:GridView> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource3" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SQLConnectionString %>" SelectCommand=resultsql> </asp:SqlDataSource> I've scoured the web without any success. Any suggestions are appreciated.
How can I get the UserID to pass to the sql statement? The date is being passed but nothing else Thank you. My code:Public Function GetEmployeeByID(ByVal Today As Date, ByVal UserID As String) As SqlDataReaderDim dtToday As DateTime dtToday = DateTime.Today 'Create connectionDim con As New SqlConnection(_connectionString) 'Create commandDim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()With cmd .Connection = con .CommandText = "SELECT UserID FROM ATTTblAttendance WHERE UserID = @UserID And Today = " & dtToday" -->The UserID no showing up here .CommandType = CommandType.Text 'Add Parameters.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", UserID) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@Today", Today) End With 'Return DataReader con.Open()Return cmd.ExecuteReader() End Function
We are creating an app to search through products. On the presentation layer, we allow a user to 'select' categories (up to 10 check boxes). When we get the selected check boxes, we create a concatenated string with the values.
My question is: when I pass the concatenated string to the SPROC, how would I write a select statement that would search through the category field, and find the values in the concatenated string?
Will I have to create Dynamic SQL to do this?...or... can I do something like this...
@ConcatenatedString --eg. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM TABLE WHERE CategoryId LIKE @ConcatenatedString
The following query works perfectly (returning all words on a list called"Dolch" that do not contain a form of "doing"):SELECT 'Dolch' AS[List Name], dbo.Dolch.vchWordFROM dbo.Dolch LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.CombinedLexicons ON CONTAINS(dbo.Dolch.vchWord,'FORMSOF(INFLECTIONAL, "doing")')WHERE (dbo.CombinedLexicons.vchWord IS NULL)However, what I really want to do requires me to piece two strings together,resulting in a word like "doing". Any time I try to concatinate strings toget this parameter, I get an error.For example:SELECT 'Dolch' AS[List Name], dbo.Dolch.vchWordFROM dbo.Dolch LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.CombinedLexicons ON CONTAINS(dbo.Dolch.vchWord,'FORMSOF(INFLECTIONAL, "do' + 'ing")')WHERE (dbo.CombinedLexicons.vchWord IS NULL)I have also tried using & (as in "do' & 'ing") and various forms of singleand double quotes. Does anyone know a combination that will work?FYI, in case this query looks goofy because of the unused "CombinedLexicons"table, it is because the end result should be a working form of thefollowing...Figuring out the string concatination is just a step toward this goal:SELECT 'Dolch' AS[List Name], dbo.Dolch.vchWordFROM dbo.Dolch LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.CombinedLexicons ON CONTAINS(dbo.Dolch.vchWord,'FORMSOF(INFLECTIONAL, ' + dbo.CombinedLexicons.vchWord + ')')WHERE (dbo.CombinedLexicons.vchWord IS NULL)Thanks!
In c# - how to pass uid,pwd,dbname and servername as input parameters from vs 2003 windows application (am calling the rdl file from reporting service 2005 web service) to sql server 2005 rdl files.
Hi, I have a textbox,in which I am allowing user to write the username starting with,user should enter minimum 3 characters, atleast,and when they enter that information, all the names starting with those 3 characters shouls be shown.can any one help me in this.
my query is:
"select username from registration where username like '" + TextBox1.Text + "%'";
It is working with one char,but if I write more than one character in the textbox,it is not creating any error but it is not returning the result.
I want to run an update command where the user types in a CSV value and the query runs. If I simulate 1 number it works, but if I put in 2 variable it returns nothing (but doesn't fail).
declare @SITE_ID int declare @txtSchedule varchar (500) set @SITE_ID=1 set @txtSchedule='5,6' select * from Schedules WHERE SITE_ID=@SITE_ID and WEEK IN(@txtSchedule .
In my .NET app I have a search user control. The search control allows the user to pick a series of different data elements in order to further refine your display results. Typically I store the values select in a VarChar(5000) field in the DB. One of the items I recently incorporated into the search tool is a userID (GUID) of the person handling the customer. When I go to pass the selected value to the stored proc
objUpdCommand.Parameters.Add("@criteria", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = strCriteria; I get: Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Guid. Ugh! It's a string, dummy!!! I have even tried: objUpdCommand.Parameters.Add("@criteria", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = new Guid(strCriteria).ToString(); and
objUpdCommand.Parameters.Add("@criteria", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = new Guid(strCriteria).ToString("B"); but to no avail. How can I pass this to the stored proc without regard for it being a GUID in my app?
Hey folks, the question is fairly simple, unfortunately the answer has proven rather elusive.
Is it possible to declare a variable which would then be used to identify either a column or table in an SQL statement?
Here's a basic idea of what I'd like to do:
SELECT @myVar FROM MyTable
I'm probably looking for some sort of built in function that will accept an argument here... like COLUMN(@myVar) or something of the like. I just don't know where to look...
Hi, Using SSIS 2005 how is it possible to loop through a folder on the network, look at each file, pass the data inside each file as a string into a stored procedure. Thanks
I have a function in VBA (Access) that passes a sql string into a passthrough query that is server side executed
I changed the inner joins and left joins to where statements but this particular sql string crashes with the titled error folowed by the multi-part identifier "task_backup.activityid" could not be bound (#4104) and then it repeats that one more time in the same message
Which i think the second "sub message" is for the null criteria
INSERT INTO NewTasksBeingAdded ( [Activity ID], [WBS Code], [Activity Name], Area, Line) SELECT [TASK Excel Data].[Activity ID],[TASK Excel Data].[WBS Code], [TASK Excel Data].[Activity Name], [TASK Excel Data].Area, [TASK Excel Data].Line FROM [TASK Excel Data] where [TASK Excel Data].[Activity ID] = TASK_BackUP.[Activity ID] and TASK_BackUP.[Activity ID] Is Null
I apologize in advance for posting yet another connection failure issue. I went through quite a few posts and could not find the actual answer so here is the issue. I have a main SSIS package to call five other packages. This seems to work fine in my BIDS workstation; however, when I copied it, including the bat file that was created by dtexecui utility, to the production environment (which runs on 64 bit - probably has nothing to do with the 64 bit platform), the main package executes fine but the child packages failed with this error: Description: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Login timeout expired". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote conne ctions.".
It seems that the child packages are still using the old connection strings from my workstation. My question is how can I pass the connection string from the batch file to all the child packages that the parent (main) package is using.
Problem about pass a big string (over 8000 characters) to a variable nvarchar(max) in stored procedure in SQL 2005! I know that SQL 2005 define a new field nvarchar(max) which can stored 2G size string. I have made a stored procedure Hellocw_ImportBookmark, but when I pass a big string to @Insertcontent , the stored procedure can't be launch! why? create procedure Hellocw_ImportBookmark @userId varchar(80), @FolderId varchar(80), @Insertcontent nvarchar(max) as declare @contentsql nvarchar(max); set @contentsql=N'update cw_bookmark set Bookmark.modify(''declare namespace x=""; insert '+ @Insertcontent+' as last into (//x:Folder[@Id="'+@FolderId+'"])[1]'') where userId='''+@userID+''''; exec sp_executesql @contentsql;
as declare @contentsql nvarchar(max); set @contentsql=N'update cw_bookmark set Bookmark.modify(''declare namespace x=""; insert '+ @Insertcontent+' as last into (//x:Folder[@Id="'+@FolderId+'"])[1]'') where userId='''+@userID+''''; exec sp_executesql @contentsql;
I have no idea to write a store procedure or only query to pass a string parameter more than 4000 characters into execute() and return result for FETCH and Cursor.
I need to pass in null/blank value in the date field or declare the field as string and convert date back to string.
I tried the 2nd option but I am having trouble converting the two digits of the recordset (rs_get_msp_info(2), 1, 2))) into a four digit yr. But it will only the yr in two digits. The mfg_start_date is delcared as a string variable
option 1 I will have to declare the mfg_start_date as date but I need to send in a blank value for this variable in the stored procedure. It won't accept a null or blank value.
We already used Oracle Datasatage Server the following Query statement for Source and there is parameter maping in the SQl Statement . How can achive in SSIS the Folowing Querystatment?
Query 2: (look up )
please anyone give the sample control flow and how to pass the parameter?
Hi all, I want to do something like this, but I cannot get it working: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:AFS_WAWI_DBConnectionString1 %>"<%If Session("my") = "123" thenSelectCommand="SELECT [nr1] FROM [Artikel]"ElseSelectCommand="SELECT [nr2] FROM [Artikel]"End if %></asp:SqlDataSource> Is that possible and how can I manage that? Thanks for your answers, Chris.
for some reason the following code fails. I want to present all of the information of the CD (from table B)that inlcudes the song name the user types in the text box(table A). Meaning the user types the name, it's located in table A, for each CD id in table A I want to present all the info from table B. Do I have to use DataRelation?: private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter da=new SqlDataAdapter(); string str=TextBox1.Text;
My Stored procedure is: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.CdInfoSP (@song nvarchar)AS select cd_id,cd_name,year from song_cd_artist,cd_info where song_name like '%@song%' and cdofsong_id=cd_idGO
Hello everyone, I would like to know if there is a way to know if a sqldatasource.selectcommand returns tables or not? I'm trying to make a If statement so that if the selectcommand isn't returning anything it will disable a checkbox.
If I hard code the select statement everything works fine. <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourceZip" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Station] WHERE ([ZipCode] = '80523' OR [ZipCode] = '80521' OR [ZipCode] = '80553' OR [ZipCode] = '80522' OR [ZipCode] = '80526' OR [ZipCode] = '80527' OR [ZipCode] = '80525' OR [ZipCode] = '80524' OR [ZipCode] = '80547' OR [ZipCode] = '80535' OR [ZipCode] = '80538' OR [ZipCode] = '80551' OR [ZipCode] = '80549' OR [ZipCode] = '80550' OR [ZipCode] = '80546' OR [ZipCode] = '80539' OR [ZipCode] = '80512' OR [ZipCode] = '80537' OR [ZipCode] = '80541' OR [ZipCode] = '80650' OR [ZipCode] = '80515' OR [ZipCode] = '80513' OR [ZipCode] = '80610' OR [ZipCode] = '80534' OR [ZipCode] = '80536' OR [ZipCode] = '80634' OR [ZipCode] = '80543' OR [ZipCode] = '80532' OR [ZipCode] = '80638' OR [ZipCode] = '80615' OR [ZipCode] = '80646' OR [ZipCode] = '80648' OR [ZipCode] = '80612' OR [ZipCode] = '80631' OR [ZipCode] = '80528')"> </asp:SqlDataSource> Want to use a label control to return data, but can't find anything that works. <asp:Label ID="zipLabel" runat="server"></asp:Label> [ZipCode] = '80523' OR [ZipCode] = '80521' OR [ZipCode] = '80553' OR [ZipCode] = '80522' OR [ZipCode] = '80526' OR [ZipCode] = '80527' OR [ZipCode] = '80525' OR [ZipCode] = '80524' OR [ZipCode] = '80547' OR [ZipCode] = '80535' OR [ZipCode] = '80538' OR [ZipCode] = '80551' OR [ZipCode] = '80549' OR [ZipCode] = '80550' OR [ZipCode] = '80546' OR [ZipCode] = '80539' OR [ZipCode] = '80512' OR [ZipCode] = '80537' OR [ZipCode] = '80541' OR [ZipCode] = '80650' OR [ZipCode] = '80515' OR [ZipCode] = '80513' OR [ZipCode] = '80610' OR [ZipCode] = '80534' OR [ZipCode] = '80536' OR [ZipCode] = '80634' OR [ZipCode] = '80543' OR [ZipCode] = '80532' OR [ZipCode] = '80638' OR [ZipCode] = '80615' OR [ZipCode] = '80646' OR [ZipCode] = '80648' OR [ZipCode] = '80612' OR [ZipCode] = '80631' OR [ZipCode] = '80528' something like this, but it don't work. SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Station] WHERE (<%=zipLabel.Text%>)"> </asp:SqlDataSource>
Hello, I'm new to ASP.NET (past 10 months) and am a little stuck. I will try to explain the best I can. I have a dropdown (ddNames) with a list of peoples names from my database and the value is their (staffID). When I select a name from the dropdown I want to get that Staff members details from my database. Everything works perfectly until I get to the [[ WHERE staffID = "dropdown value??" ]] Can you help?
I am trying to set a select command in a VB script which is activated by a button and to display the data in a gridview The script code is SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT MemberID, Title, FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, Password, DateTimeStamp, IPAddress, Description, Location, Position FROM Members, Careers WHERE " + Search.ToString() + " AND MemberID = CareerID" and the grid view is<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True"AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="MemberID" ataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"BorderWidth="0" BorderColor="White"EmptyDataText="There are no data records to display." GridLines="None" ShowHeader="False" > this works fine until the next page button is pressed then the message "No data records" comes up even though there are plenty of records still to come. It works fine if I set AllowPaging to be False. Can anyone help?
Hi, I try to do a simple search: <SelectCommand="SELECT color FROM mytable where color LIKE @PARAMETER1 "> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="PARAMETER1 " DefaultValue="%" Type="string"/> </SelectParameters> have a code with CASE Dim pColor As String = "%" Case "All" I put to parameter "%"Case "Equals to" I put to parameter Me.TextBoxColor.Text Case "Begins with" I put to parameter Me.TextBoxColor.Text + "%" Case "Contains" I put to parameter "%" + Me.TextBoxColor.Text + "%" Me.SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters("PARAMETER1 ").DefaultValue = pColor Everything work find except my "Equal to case" and I try SELECT color FROM mytable where color LIKE blue and is don't work (return nothing)??? and I don't want %color% because is return me blue sky, not just blue. Thank for help me
Do you guy's know if there is an upper limit on the length of the string that can go into the selectcommand of the sqldatasource? I'm getting strange behavior from the sqldatasource. I'm dynamically generating select strings in the business layer and then programmatically using them in a sqldatasource up in the website. I sometimes get really large select statements (whole pages of joins) and was wondering if there was a character limit to the selectcommand property.
Hi, I use the Count function to get the total from my SelectCommand. However, I need to get my selectcommands dynamically, so is there a way of writing like this somehow: "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM (MypagesSqlDataSource.SelectCommand) Thanks in advance, Pettrer
How do you programmatically change the SQL select statement for the SelectCommand in a SqlDataSource?For instance, if I had two buttons on a page, and for one button, I'd like it to change the select command to be "SELECT * FROM authors WHERE au_id > 100". Then for the second button, I'd like it to show "SELECT * FROM authors WHERE au_lname like S%".Anybody know the code to do this? I was trying to type the code, but the intellisense didn't give me any options to pick from after I typed SqlDataSouce1.SelectCommand.
Greetings all, I am new to ASP, .NET, and VWD2005. My experience lies primarily with PHP. I was impressed with how simple it was to create a datagrid view of a table in VWD, however, now I'm stuck and need some assistance. I have an Access database, and have configured an SQL Data Source to it. (forgive me if my terminology is bad) The code is: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="SELECT phones.FirstName, phones.LastName, phones.Phone, Departments.DepartmentName FROM (Departments INNER JOIN phones ON Departments.DEPT_ID = phones.DEPTID) WHERE (phones.FirstName BETWEEN 'A' AND 'AZZZ') ORDER BY phones.FirstName"></asp:SqlDataSource> It works fine and returns all the names/phone numbers of people beginning with 'A' as anticipated. My original intent was to create a sting variable "strQry" which contained the actualy Select statement above. The strQry would be programatically created to alter the WHERE statement accordingly for B,C,D,E - Z. My code would then be <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand=strQry></asp:SqlDataSource> This did not work. What am I doing wrong? I also tried programatically testing the condition of the desired letter (A-Z) and having it use a select case statement to call multiple occurences of the asp:SqlDataSource control. The problem I ran into there is that the ID "SqlDataSource1" is already in use on my subsequent occurences. (regardless, this would produce a huge bloated section of code having 26 instances of the control) I need some help please. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hallo,Why doesnt SelectCommand have problems with angle brackates if I place = insted of <> then it works fine??? Also do I have to convert a Session datetime dtdate like this to select from SQL2000?SelectCommand = "SELECT (SELECT PICTUREID FROM PICTURE WHERE TYPE = 1 AND HOTELID = HOTEL.HOTELID) AS PictureID, dbo.Hotel.HotelID, dbo.Hotel.Name AS HName, dbo.Hotel.Star, dbo.Loc.GLoc, dbo.Loc.NameCZ, dbo.Loc.NameCZ2, MIN(dbo.HSRSeason.Price) AS LowestPrice FROM dbo.Hotel INNER JOIN dbo.HSR ON dbo.Hotel.HotelID = dbo.HSR.HotelID INNER JOIN dbo.HSRSeason ON dbo.HSR.HSRID = dbo.HSRSeason.HSRID INNER JOIN dbo.Room ON dbo.HSR.RoomID = dbo.Room.RoomID INNER JOIN dbo.HSeason ON dbo.Hotel.HotelID = dbo.HSeason.HotelID INNER JOIN dbo.Loc ON dbo.Hotel.LocID = dbo.Loc.LocID WHERE (dbo.Room.Name <> 'Extra Bed') AND (dbo.HSeason.[From] <= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + @dtdate1 + "', 104)) AND (dbo.HSeason.[To] >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + @dtdate1 + "', 104)) GROUP BY dbo.Hotel.HotelID, dbo.Hotel.Name, dbo.Hotel.Star, dbo.Loc.GLoc, dbo.Loc.NameCZ, dbo.Loc.NameCZ2, dbo.Hotel.Com ORDER BY Com DESC"
This is my SQLDataSource for my gridview <asp:SQLDataSource ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Pubs %>" id="sqlProducts" Runat="Server" SelectCommand=' "Select * from adressen INNER JOIN Adressoort ON adressen.AD_ID = Adressoort.AD_ID where " & lblsql.Text ' ></asp:SQLDataSource> the label is something like : adressoort.AD_soort = '3' or adressoort.AD_soort = '1' I keep on getting the error sever tag not well formed
I'm trying to create a simple search against a SQL Database. I setup a TextBox and a GridView, I simply need the contents of the textbox to be used on databind() in my SQL select statement. Seems like it should be a simple thing to do, any guidance is appreciated! Here is my code: <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" Title="IP Tracker - Search" EnableSessionState="True" %> <script runat=server>Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Search_GridView.DataBind() End Sub </script>