How To Perform Complex Queries Using Sqldatasource?
May 23, 2008
Hello Friends.
I have few doubts regarding the use of Sqldatasource server control.
Is the control flexible enough to achieve these things:-
1.To perform complex queries using Sqldatasource.
For eg:- using JOIN to retrieve/insert data from/into multiple tables.
2.Performing cascading dropdownlist using sql database as datasource.
3.Performing For loops
eg:-populating the multiple items into the listbox from sqldatasource.
and retrieving them at once.
4.use ajax update panel.
any example/sample on how to achieve these task?
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Mar 1, 2008
I am using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition and Microsoft SQL Server Database (or CE 3.5), and I need to be able to:
Create an open connection
Insert rows of data
Read rows of data
Delete rows of data
Close and dispose of the connection
I found some code examples out there, but nothing current and specific to VB2008 and MS SQL SD (or CE). If you could point me to sample code that covers this for the 2008 versions of VB and SQL that would be great!
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Apr 6, 2008
Dear All,
I want to practise writing complex T sql queries in SQl Server 2005 which involve several joins, sub-queries in a single query.
This kind of queries are commonly required in Reporting scenarios where a single report may have to be prepared from 2,3 or more tables.
Presently I am able to write queries of moderate complexity.
Therefore I am looking for web tutorials, books which contains some solved examples as well as some Unsolved ones. The Unsolved ones should have the answers given so that one comes to know if he makes a mistake. The web tutorials can be from paid sites as well.
If any of you have a good collection of such queries then pls be kind enough to send it to me.I will give my email id for the purpose. If anybody can help in some other way pls let me know.
Your help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks .
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Feb 21, 2007
SQL writes "Hi,
i am getting to trip with SQL Server and i find it is quite interesting.
please send me complex TSQL queries which would help me to test my SQL server expertise.
do let me know what are the URLs where i can find complex TSQL Queries
i appreciate pointers in right direction
Thanks in advance"
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Jul 20, 2005
hi thereanyone had an idea to join following 2 queries to 1????----- QUERY 1 ---------------------------------------------SELECT TMS_CaseF_2.Name AS TCDomain_0,TMS_CaseF_3.Name AS TCDomain_1,TMS.CaseF.Name AS TCFolder_2,TMS_CaseF_1.Name AS TCFolder_3,TMS.TestCase.Name AS TCName_4,TMS_TestCase_1.Name AS TCName_5,TMS.LogFolder.Name AS PlannedLogFolder_6,TMS.Log.Name AS PlannedLog_7,TMS.CaseResult.RecordedCaseName AS TCRecordedName_8,TMS.TestPlan.Name AS Plan_9FROM((((((((((TMS.Build INNER JOIN TMS.LogFolder ON TMS.Build.UID =TMS.LogFolder.Build)INNER JOIN TMS.Log ON TMS.LogFolder.UID = TMS.Log.LogFolder)INNER JOIN TMS.CaseResult ON TMS.Log.UID = TMS.CaseResult.Log)INNER JOIN TMS.TestCase ON TMS.CaseResult.TestCase =TMS.TestCase.UID)LEFT JOIN TMS.CaseF ON TMS.TestCase.Parent = TMS.CaseF.UID)LEFT JOIN TMS.TestCase AS TMS_TestCase_1 ON TMS.TestCase.Parent =TMS_TestCase_1.UID)LEFT JOIN TMS.CaseF AS TMS_CaseF_1 ON TMS_TestCase_1.Parent =TMS_CaseF_1.UID)LEFT JOIN TMS.CaseF AS TMS_CaseF_2 ON TMS_CaseF_1.Parent =TMS_CaseF_2.UID)LEFT JOIN TMS.CaseF AS TMS_CaseF_3 ON TMS.CaseF.Parent =TMS_CaseF_3.UID)INNER JOIN TMS.TestPlan ON TMS.TestCase.TestPlan = TMS.TestPlan.UID)WHERE (((TMS.LogFolder.Name) Like 'TR1%')AND ((TMS.Build.Name)='Planning_VD10A'))ORDER BY TMS.CaseF.Name,TMS_CaseF_1.Name,TMS.TestCase.Name,TMS_TestCase_1.Name;------------------------------------------------------------------ QUERY 2 ---------------------------------------------SELECT TMS.CaseResult.RecordedCaseNameFROM ((TMS.Build INNER JOIN TMS.LogFolder ON TMS.Build.UID =TMS.LogFolder.Build)INNER JOIN TMS.Log ON TMS.LogFolder.UID = TMS.Log.LogFolder)INNER JOIN TMS.CaseResult ON TMS.Log.UID = TMS.CaseResult.LogWHERE (((TMS.LogFolder.Name) Like 'VD%')AND ((TMS.Build.Name)='VD10A IT_APP'));
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Oct 3, 2007
Alright just starting out in ASP.NET and it's making my head spin, but I think I'm getting it.My schema in brief : Images, Categories, and a table in the middle so we can have a many-to-many relationship between images and categories. My issue is searching. I can search by keyword, and limit it to categories. So, in pseudo sql.. SELECT ... WHERE keyword LIKE '%test%' and category_id in (1,5,20,66); I made a variable for the keyword no problem. But how can I get this dynamic list? Or, is there another way about going this problem?
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Dec 11, 2007
I'm dealing with queries that manages a lot of data consolidation and I'm having to repeat large blocks of code to get the desired result.
I'm wondering if that is any way to make it simple.
My queries looks like this:
Code BlockSELECT
(A + B) AS C,
(D + E) AS F,
(G + H) AS I,
(A + B) * (D + E) AS total1,
(D + E) * (G + H) AS total2,
(A + B) * (G + H) AS total3,
(A + B) * (D + E) * (G + H) AS total
FROM table
Can I somehow declare each part of the expression and make it something like this?
Code Block
(A + B) AS C,
(D + E) AS F,
(G + H) AS I,
C * F AS total1,
F * I AS total2,
C * I AS total3,
C * F * I AS total
FROM table
Maybe it seems silly, but each sub-expression, on the real life, includes a lot of CASEs and aggragate functions and my codes are getting complex and confuse.
Since I have lots of code pieces that I repeat more than once, I would like to make it simpler.
tks for any help
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Jun 9, 2008
Hi All -
Any recommendations for good advanced t-sql books/articles? I find myself involved with writing increasingly more complex queries and after spending a few hours on some, and then searching on this site for potential answers/help, I am wondering if there might be some good books on creating more advanced/complex t-sql for real world scenarios.
- will
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Dec 13, 2007
I am not very good in queries. Could you please suggest me some web site/Tutorial/Artical where i can get Study Material for complex and real life queries. I know the syntexes, I just need to practice queries to enhance my skills
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Nov 16, 2006
Is there any way to view the queries that a SqlDataSource executes against your chosen data source at runtime? i.e. after all the parameters have been substituted with their values.I'm assigning a number of parameters at runtime to its selectcommand, and i'm getting some exceptions thrown when attempting to update or delete records from a gridview using it (it's a really old Synergy database, which can be quite particular about the structure of queries). It would be a massive help if i could actually see the exact queries the datasource is attempting to use.Cheers for any help
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Nov 12, 2003
I have web forms with about 10-15 optional search parameters (fields) for a give table. Each item (textbox) in the form is treated as an AND condition.
Right now I build complex WHERE clauses based on wheather data is present in a textbox and AND each one in the clause. Also, if a particular field is "match any word", i get a ANDed set of OR's. As you can imagine, the WHERE clause gets quite large.
I build clauses like this (i.e., 4 fields shown):
SELECT * from tableName WHERE (aaa like '%data') AND (bbb = 'data') AND (ccc like 'data%') AND ( (xxx like '%data') OR (yyy like '%data%') )
My question is, are stored procedures better for building such dynamic SQL clauses? I may have one field or all fifteen. I've written generic code for building the clauses, but I don't know much about stored procedures and am wondering if I'm making this more difficult on myself.
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Jul 23, 2007
What is the C# code I use to do this?
I'm guessing it should be fairly simple, as there is only one row selected. I just need to pull out a specific field from that row and then insert that value into a different SqlDataSource.
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May 10, 2007
Sorry to ask a stupid question. I have SQL Server 2000 on SBS 2003. I can't find Perform.exe. Anybody know where it should be (I'm sure that you all do!),
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Apr 14, 2008
Hi,any body pls help me with the concept called transaction ?Where excatly we are doin this ? In the SQL or through c# codings.i have 3 stored procedures, where i am calling this one by one to perform a single operation in the client side.if any one fails, due to some exceptions. it should rollback and come to the initial state.... How to perform this ? any ideas..
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Jan 18, 2003
I have a sp that creates a #temp table and performs a bulk insert.
CREATE TABLE #template (template varchar(8000))
EXEC ('bulk INSERT #template FROM "' + @filename + '"')
SET @html = (SELECT template FROM #template)
DROP TABLE #template
When I access this sp with any other user than 'sa' I get this error message:
The current user is not the database or object owner of table '#template'. Cannot perform SET operation.
I've been everywhere (with no success) in the sql srv admin to look for the appropriate check box to allow another named user to access this sp.
Can anyone help?
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Apr 14, 2008
IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON for table 'Elbalazo.dbo.DeliveryOption'. Cannot perform SET operation for table 'City'
Here's my entire script:
/*Disable Constraints & Triggers*/
exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? DISABLE TRIGGER ALL'
/*Perform delete operation on all table for cleanup*/
exec sp_MSforeachtable 'DELETE ?'
/*Enable Constraints & Triggers again*/
--exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL'
exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? ENABLE TRIGGER ALL'
/*Reset Identity on tables with identity column*/
exec sp_MSforeachtable 'IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(''?''), ''TableHasIdentity'') = 1 BEGIN DBCC CHECKIDENT (''?'',RESEED,0) END'
-- City
INSERT INTO Elbalazo.dbo.City (
SELECT [CityID],[CityName],[CountyID],1
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_City
-- State
INSERT INTO Elbalazo.dbo.State (
SELECT [StateID],[State],1
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_State
-- NumberOfPeopleOption
INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[NumberOfPeopleOption]
SELECT [NumberOfPeopleID], [NumberOfPeopleName],1
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_NumberOfPeople
-- DeliveryOption
INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[DeliveryOption]
SELECT [DeliveryOptionID], [DeliveryOptionName],1
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_DeliveryOption
-- User
INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[User]
SELECT [CustomerID]
,[EmailPrefix] + '@' + [EmailSuffix]
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_Customer
-- EntreeOption
INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[EntreeOption]
SELECT [EntreeOptionID]
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_EntreeOption
-- CateringOrder
INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[CateringOrder]
SELECT [CateringOrderID]
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_CateringOrder
-- CateringOrder_EntreeItem
SET IDENTITY_INSERT CateringOrderEntreeItem ON
INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[CateringOrderEntreeItem]
SELECT [CateringORder_EntreeItemID]
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_CateringOrder_EntreeItem
select * from BeanOption
select * from CateringItemIncluded
select * from CateringOrder
select * from CateringOrderEntreeItem
select * from CateringOrderEntrees
select * from City
select * from Country
select * from DeliveryOption
select * from EntreeOption
select * from NumberOfPeopleOption
select * from [State]
select * from [User]
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Jun 6, 2008
Hi all, I hope you guys can help me with the following bit of T-SQL. I already have a solution but I really don't like it and I've been trying to find a simpler more elegant way of doing the same thing.
Firstly, let me present you with a brief explanation of what I am trying to do together with some sample data for you to play with and hopefully assist me in finding a better solution than the one I’ve come up with.
So.. here goes
I have two tables:
create table #VehMake (VehMakeId int, VehMake varchar(100))
insert into #VehMake
select 222, 'FORD' union all
select 210, 'FORD (USA)' union all
select 223, 'FORD (AUS)' union all
select 269, 'HONDA' union all
select 253, 'NISSAN' union all
select 280, 'VOLKSWAGEN'
This contains various vehicle makes which I'm sure you'll recognise!
The second table contains vehicle histories:
create table #VehicleHistory (PersonId int, VehMakeVehModel varchar(200), VehMake varchar(100), VehModel varchar(100))
insert into #VehicleHistory (PersonId, VehMakeVehModel)
select 1, 'FORD (USA) MUSTANG' union all
select 2, 'HONDA CIVIC' union all
select 3, 'NISAAN ALMERA' union all
As you can see, in the second table, the second column contains a string of the vehicle Make and Model in one string. What I need to do is to split the Make and Model in to separate columns with an update statement.
This seems easy enough with a simple LIKE comparison:
VehMakeVehModel like VehMake+' %'
....BUT if you notice, there are two records in the #VehMake table that are similar but not the same. These are the 'FORD (USA)' and 'FORD (AUS)'. The update statement would return two records from the #VehMake table when trying to match with the first record in my #VehicleHistory table.
As I said, I did come up with a solution but it seems over complicated and I have a feeling that there is a way of doing this with an update. Maybe use the LEN() function but I'm not sure.
Your help would be much appreciated.
BTW, once I've identified the correct Make, I can easily populate my model as all I have to do is use the replace function on VehMakeVehModel column and remove the matched make to get the full model name.
Hope that makes sense and thanks for any help in advance.
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Aug 10, 2006
Hello all.
I am looking to perform a calculation and enter the reult into a field within my table. The fields that I need to base the calculation on are all in one table (SALARY). The fields are: SALARY and BASIC_HOURS and the result is to be entered into field HOURLY_RATE. The actualy calculation to be preformed is:
hourly rate = ()salary / 52)/basic hours)
Thanks for reading :)
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Aug 31, 2007
i am using Full text search for my web application search SP.
i have used Contains for Exact search and Freetext for Any word kind of search.
now i want to perform Like search using Contains.
same behaviour which we can get using LIKE word. (e.g. Select * from tbl where field like 'abc%')
even i have tried using contains(title,'"*Documen*"') . but its not working.
Kindly Let me know how to perform this.
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Oct 11, 2006
I am using this SQL in a stored procedure:
INSERT INTO staff_address (staff_number, block_number, block_name) VALUES(@staff_number, @block_number, @block_name)
and I want to update the value @block_number from blocks database with:
SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE block_number = given_block_number
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Sep 29, 2006
What i want:
Receive files from remote server every 8 hours daily,and if these files are all created during this period ,then execute next step
My thought:
I can receive files using FTP Task and i can set up job from Sql Agent
but how can i say whether these files are new or old?
Any idea? Thanks
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Mar 8, 2007
i am using visual web developer 2005 with SQL Express 2005 with VB as the code behindi have one database and three tables in itfor manipulating each table i am using separate SqlDataSource() is it sufficient to use one SqlDataSource() for manipulating all the three tables ? i am manipulating all the tables in the same page only please help me
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Sep 5, 2006
this is my code: 1 myconnection = new SqlConnection(kiemtraloi,chuoiketnoi);
2 mycommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@mancc",SqlDbType.VarChar,10));
3 mycommand.Parameters["@mancc"].Value = TextBox1.Text;
4 myconnection.Open();
5 myreader = mycommand.ExecuteReader();
6 if(myreader.HasRows)
And when I click to start button, a error appear: NO overload for method 'sqlconnection' takes '2' argumentsI don't know what i must do :(, please help methx
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Dec 11, 2007
My e-commerce site is currently running the following process when items are shipped from the manufacturer:1. Manufacturer sends a 2-column CSV to the retailer containing an Order Number and its Shipping Tracking Number.2. Through the web admin panel I've built, a retail staff member uploads the CSV to the server.3. In code, the CSV is parsed. The tracking number is saved to the database attached to the Order Number.4. After a tracking # is saved, each item in that order has its status updated to Shipped.5. The customer is sent an email using ASPEmail from Persits which contains their tracking #.The process seems to work without a problem so long as the CSV contains roughly 50 tracking #'s or so. The retailer has gotten insanely busy and wants to upload 3 or 4 thousand tracking #'s in a single CSV, but the process times out, even with large server timeout values being set in code. Is there a way to streamline the process to make this work more efficiently? I can provide the code if that helps.
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May 5, 2008
Hi all,
Lets say that i have 3 tables, they are already related together, information on each of the 3 tables and their relationship between eachother can be found below:I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database in Visual Web Developer 2008 using VB programming (ADO.NET)The 3 tables are as follows:
Fields inside each of the tables can be found below:
Floor Table(PK) ID(Required) NameDisplayOrder
Room Table(PK) ID(Required) Name(PK, FK) FloorIDExchangeIDExtensionIPDeviceNameRemarks(Required) Equipment(Required) Floor2IDFloorLocationXFloorLocationY
Location Table(PK,FK) FloorID (Required) CountryName(Required) CityName(Required) BuildingName
The Relationships between the 3 tables are as follows:
ID field in Floor table is referenced by the field named FloorID in the Room Table
ID field in Floor table is referenced by the field named FloorID in the Location table
NOTE: Location Table serves only as an extension to Floor table thus they have a 1 to 1 relationship, due to My Projects Lead's instructions I am not allowed to consolidate the Floor Table and the Location Table as 1 whole table.
Floor Table has a 1 to Many Relationship with the Room Table.
I Have already done the physical relationships between each of the 3 tables in the Database Diagram, in Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition under the Database Explorer
So i have created this form to accept user input:
this form is in a aspx page called AddRooms.aspx
Country Name:______________ (data sent to location table)
City Name:_________________ (data sent to location table)
Building Name:______________ (data sent to location table)
FloorID:[This is a DropDownList which is databinded to the Floor Table]
Room Name:_______________ (data sent to room table)
*Just imagine that the above is a form to accept user input
*With a hit of a submit button all data will be sent to their respective tables in the database
Now i know that i have to JOIN tables in my database in order for my application to work, but i have no experience performing JOIN, i need great guys like you to help me apply JOIN to the 3 tables mentioned above, do let me know if you have any doubts in what i am trying to do.
Do give me that code that i can either apply in the (VB environment Visual Web Developer 2008) and/or in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 environment
Just need the SQL Statment that i will need to construct to perform the JOIN i need to.
Please Help
Many Thanks : )
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Feb 15, 2005
I want to build some paging functionality into my repeater (b4 you ask, datagrid not providing flexibility required for presentation).
I will have no problem with the VB logic but I will need to execute SQL that only returns results from x to y (e.g. results 21 thru 40 for page 2). I know I can do something like 'SELECT TOP 20 * FROM...', or something like it, for page 1. But, I'm not sure if it's possible to build SQL for the pages greater than 1. Any suggestions.
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Mar 22, 2007
I had my IT dept. install sql server 2005 enterprise edition on a new windows server 2003. All other machines are running sql 2000 server on windows server 2000. I am a sa and local admin on all servers. I tried performing copy database, backup and restore and detach and attach to upgrade the sql server 2000 databases to 2005 and all fail. I followed all steps. I was imformed that IT installed sp2 for sql server 2005. It's like the servers dont talk to each other. Their all on the company's domain. I am wondering if something happen with the install but the IT dept. insist that everything went fine. It's strange that I can't perform a simple backup and restore it on the new server buy when I click on restore it doesn't let me browse to get the backup file on the 2000 server. I never had a problem in Sql 2000 with backup. Can it be the installation was corrupted somehow. It seems fine. I haven't created any new databases because I wanted to move the databases from sql 2000. Can anyone help me get a clue of what the problem is please?
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May 31, 2008
Appreciated someone able to provide me some clu on how to perfom DBCC CHECKDB. Is it necessary to set the database to "Read only" before execute DBCC CHECKDB?
Appreaciated your help.
Jimmy Liew
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Mar 22, 2007
I had my IT dept. install sql server 2005 enterprise edition on a new windows server 2003. All other machines are running sql 2000 server on windows server 2000. I am a sa and local admin on all servers. I tried performing copy database, backup and restore and detach and attach to upgrade the sql server 2000 databases to 2005 and all fail. I followed all steps. I was imformed that IT installed sp2 for sql server 2005. It's like the servers dont talk to each other. Their all on the company's domain. I am wondering if something happen with the install but the IT dept. insist that everything went fine. It's strange that I can't perform a simple backup and restore it on the new server buy when I click on restore it doesn't let me browse to get the backup file on the 2000 server. I never had a problem in Sql 2000 with backup. Can it be the installation was corrupted somehow. It seems fine. I haven't created any new databases because I wanted to move the databases from sql 2000. Can anyone help me get a clue of what the problem is please?
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Jul 23, 2005
hey guys--i need some expert advice!we have a Dell PE 2650 with 2GHz and 2MB RAM with 2000 Server. on it wehave about 6 MSSQL DB's. a couple of the DB's are the back-end for adecent sized web app (5-10 users on average, 20 users at most). manytimes, the cpu skyrockets on our db server when using the web app.sometimes things timeout, other times not. at this time, upgrading thehardware is not an option. aside from increasing the timeout periods, iwas wondering if windows 2003 server would utilize the processor better(even just a little bit?) enough to know the difference.should i attempt the upgrade, or is 2003 no more efficient withprocessor resources?thanks a bunch!
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Sep 14, 2007
I'm working with ADO 2.8 en C++ with Visual Studio 2005. I want to perform a "select" in asynchronous mode. I don't really understand the logical of the recordset events. For example, I received a number of MoveComplete event higher than the number of rows in my recordset. It is really not clear for me ...
Does someone knows where I can find a a good example of C++ (or VB) code to manage select statements in asynchronous mode ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
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Nov 14, 2007
Hi everyone!
I am building a database in VC++2005 Express, connecting to SQL Server. I planed to add Delete function to a button, and when clicked, the data with the specific ID according to the IDTextBox->Text would be deleted from the table. However, nothing happened. I don't know what's wrong with my program.
I have attached the button_Click here. Thank you!
private: System:: Void button8_Click(System:: Object^ sender, System:: EventArgs
^ e) {
System:: Windows:: Forms:: DialogResult^ MyDlg=MessageBox:: Show("Are you sure
to delete?","Warning",MessageBoxButtons:: YesNo,MessageBoxIcon:: Question);
if (MyDlg==System:: Windows:: Forms:: DialogResult:: Yes)
if (this->sqlConnection1->State==ConnectionState:: Open)
this->sqlConnection1->ConnectionString="Data Source=(local);Integrated S
SqlTransaction^ MyTransaction=this->sqlConnection1->BeginTransaction();
this->sqlCommand1->CommandType=CommandType:: Text;
this->sqlCommand1->CommandText="DELETE FROM [Basic_Info] WHERE Patient I
D='"+Convert:: ToString(this->Patient_IDTextBox->Text)+"'";
catch (SqlException^ ex)
catch (Exception^ ex)
MessageBox:: Show(ex->Message,"Information",MessageBoxButtons:: OK,Message
BoxIcon:: Information);
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Nov 6, 2006
I have two versions of the same dataflow component , i need to use the new version component in the packages created using the old version . How can i do this using the perform upgrade method .
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