How To Performance Case-insensitive Search On XML Data Type In SQLServer 2005?
Apr 25, 2006
Does anyone know how to how to performance case-insensitive search on
XML data type in SQLServer 2005? Or I have to convert all the xml data
to lower case before I store it?
Thanks in advance.
We have an in-house set of databases created by a member of staff who left the organisation in circumstances that mean he will not respond to queries relating to his work here. The programs he produced whilst in our employ are compiled and we have no access to the code, or the tools that he used (don't ask).
The programs allow the user to limit views based on various fields, but not the most useful field, a "memo" type field containing a textual description of work requests.
I only have Delphi 7 to use for the program development and have been using ADO, but my problem is I need to perform a case-insensitive search of a varchar(max) column based on text entered by user, but have been unsuccessful using LIKE and UPPER (which it appears you cannot use with a varchar).
Can anyone provide suggestions for what I am sure is a rather mundane and easy task for all of you.
Please note that I have only the Delphi, and no direct access to the SQL management tools.
Can someone point me to a tutorial on how to search against a SQL Server 2000 using a case insensitive search when SQL Server 2000 is a case sensitive installation?
We need to install CI database on CS server, and there are some issueswith stored procedures.Database works and have CI collation (Polish_CI_AS). Server hascoresponding CS collation (Polish_CS_AS). Most queries and proceduresworks but some does not :-(We have table Customer which contains field CustomerID.Query "SELECT CUSTOMERID FROM CUSTOMER" works OK regardless ofcharacter case (we have table Customer not CUSTOMER)Following TSQL generate error message that must declare variable @id(in lowercase)DECLARE @ID INT (here @ID in uppercase)SELECT @id=CustomerID FROM Customer WHERE .... (here @id in lowercase)I know @ID is not equal to @id in CS, but database is CI and tablenames Customer and CUSTOMER both works. This does not work forvariables.I suppose it is tempdb collation problem (CS like a server collationis). I tried a property "Identifier Case Sensitivity" for myconnection, but it is read only and have value 8 (Mixed) by default -this is OK I think.DO I MISS SOMETHING ????
I am working in a SQL server database that is configured to be case-insensetive but I would like to override that for a specific query. How can I make my query case-sensitive with respect to comparison operations?
I am curious with using replication in sql server 2005 one way from db A (source) replicating to db B(destination) in which db A has a collation of CS and db B has a collation of CI. Will there be any problems with this scenario? Thanks in advance!
Yesterday I received a response to my CI/CS Collation problem and therecommendation was to try and restore a CI Collation database to a CSCollation database. After creating a blank CS database a full restore(Force restore over existing database) does change the Collation toCI. I'm unsure as to how I can restore without changing theCollation. Any suggestions?
After all the pain I've been going through with code pages and collation, I was asked how, when sql server does it's joins and predicate searches, how does it actual (internals now) know the an "A" = "a" in an insensitive search?
I have a table in MSSQL 2005 Express that stores user data. I would like to maintain the cases of user names, but I need to insure that they are not duplicated using different cases. Is there a way that I can create a constraint to enforce this?
I tried to retreive an input column using GetVirtualInputColumnByName, to map it with output, it gave error. I found that it is because the value passed bstrName parameter was in different case. say for example in the column it is "ColNo1" where as in the GetVirtualInputColumnByName i used "Colno1".
Can anyone tell, Is there anyway to find the column in a case in-sensitive way?
My SQL Server 2000 does not use the accent insensitive collation setting(collation containing _AI) in full-text serches:While SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE <column> LIKE '%a%' returns 'Mäuse',SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE CONTAINS(*, 'a') does not.Setting 'default full-text language' to neutral (0) does not help.How can I make full-text searches accent insensitive?Thanks for any ideas!Matthias
I don't quite understand what I am asking for so hopefully this is enough to get an answer or some explanation.
Using SQL2014 I need to use a Chinese collation. I have been told that even with a Chinese collation Latin characters are there. Is there a Chinese collation that will provide Latin case-insensitive behavior?
I am facing problems as the data in sqlserver is not case sensitive. The data in parent key may be capital/lower case and the same data in the child table may be lower/capital case. While migrating the data from sqlserver database to other databases(like oracle) its giving error as the data not found in parent key, though the data found in parent table . This is just because the case sensitive in oracle. But according to my knowledge its better if the sqlserver also supports data case sensitive.
Take a small example Need a table to store all the alphabets in a table the table structure is
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ALPHABET] ( [Alphabet] [varchar] (1) NOT NULL , [Description] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ) GO
The data is
Alphabet Description
a Small a
b Small b
C Capital C
A Capital A
sqlserver wont allow to insert data 'A' and gives error "voilation of primary key", though a & A are different according to this table.
I tried with NVARCHAR datatype also. The same problem here also. Sqlserver atleast should support data case sensitivity for NVARCHAR datatype as this can store different languages. May be in other languages the entire meaning may be differ with case differences. Even in english language some words meaning will differ with case differences. For reference can refer english dictionary
I have setup full text search on a table. Everything works fine. Now I want to find documents that contain the next string: 'T-150/04'
The query will give zero results. Is there a way to find documents that contain these kind of strings? (slahses and minus)
I use the following query:
SELECT * FROM CONTAINSTABLE (jurisprudentie, text, '"T-150/04"' )
If I do this query:
SELECT * FROM CONTAINSTABLE (jurisprudentie, text, '"judge"' )
It will work fine. I know it has to do something with the interpunction things (slahs and minus), but I don't know what query may solve my problem.
Also a select * from containstable(jurisprudentie, text, '"T_150_04"' ) doesn't give me the proper result.
The minus sign and the slash are disturbing things. If i search for "150" or for "04" I will find the record, but I would like to speficically search for the exact string "T-150/04". Because these are references to case law issued by the court.
I have two problem : + The first, This is table store all items in bookshop system tblItems: IDItem Identity(Auto number) Namebook nvarchar2 Price nvarchar2 Chapters nvarchar2 Weight nvarchar2 (weight of book) ..... I design data type for Chapter,or Price,Weight is nvarchar2 ? <-----I wrong ? (I want to refer to principle of design the database) + The second ,When i design Price is the int datatype ! The default value is 0 ( I don't want to have this value ,i want to it is a empty field ) I really sorry because i ask too much ! Because i am a new programming ! Any Help or Advice would like appreciately ! Thanks u !
I am saving large text document in an image type of column in a SQL Server 2000 table. How will I set up searching of words/ phrases for data stored in this column?
I was wondering if someone could clear this up for me... I have a table that will be used to store information about products that I will be selling on a new website. I would like to store each product in a table which will include a description of around 1000 words. I was deliberating over whether to store this chunk of text in a column with the data type set as 'text', or to store the text in a seperate txt file on the server. The search facility on the site will not be required to query this text so which would offer the best in terms of performance?
java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Disallowed implicit conversion from data type datetime to data type timestamp, table 'ClientDB.dbo.timestampTable', column 'c2'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. at tion(Unknown Source) at n(Unknown Source) at sErrorToken(Unknown Source) at sReplyToken(Unknown Source) at cessReplyToken(Unknown Source) at sReply(Unknown Source) at t.getNextResultType(Unknown Source) at tionToState(Unknown Source) at ute(Unknown Source) at ImplExecute(Unknown Source) at e(Unknown Source) at nal(Unknown Source) at ute(Unknown Source) at JDBC.TestSQLServer.testTIMETAMPDataTypes(TestSQLSe at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Nativ e Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Native at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(De at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at ethod( at nSequence( at estCase(
In my applications, I often encounter situations where the domain of a type is some set (e.g. Student, Staff etc. for Membership type etc.). A common solution is to assign integral values to each possible value of the set & convert them to corresponding strings programatically when fetching data, or use a Foreign Key into a relation defining each of the unique value.
MySql has a Set Data type. So, this time around, I decided to do the same with Sql Server, and resorted to CLR to create a custom data type, whose domain could only be a collection of predefined strings or other data types.
But, just before deploying the assembly, the performance bug struck me. So, assuming a simple custom data type, like:
Code Snippet
<Serializable()> _ <Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlUserDefinedType(Format.Native)> _ Public Structure MemberType Implements INullable
Private Const Student As String = "Student" Private Const Staff As String = "Staff"
Private memType As Int16 Private m_Null As Boolean
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String If (Me.m_Null) Then Throw New SqlTypes.SqlNullValueException("Null Reference Exception") End If
Select Case memType Case 1 Return Student Case 2 Return Staff Case Else Throw New Exception("Invalid State for MemberType") End Select End Function
Public ReadOnly Property IsNull() As Boolean Implements INullable.IsNull Get ' Put your code here Return (Me.m_Null) End Get End Property
Public Shared ReadOnly Property Null() As MemberType Get Dim h As MemberType = New MemberType h.m_Null = True Return h End Get End Property
Public Shared Function Parse(ByVal s As SqlString) As MemberType If s.IsNull Then Return Null
ElseIf (StrComp(s.ToString(), Student, CompareMethod.Text) = 0) _ OrElse StrComp(s.ToString(), "1") = 0 Then Dim u As New MemberType u.memType = 1 u.m_Null = False
Return (u)
ElseIf (StrComp(s.ToString(), Staff, CompareMethod.Text) = 0) _ OrElse StrComp(s.ToString(), "2") = 0 Then Dim u As New MemberType u.memType = 2 u.m_Null = False
Return (u)
Else Throw New SqlTypes.SqlTypeException("Invalid Value for MemberType") End If End Function End Structure Would it be a performance issue, if I use such Data types, whose data is fetched or updated frequently???
Hi, I have created a .net class library and i include the namespace : using System.Data.SqlServer but when i build my .net class library i get the folowing error: The type or namespace name 'SqlServer' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Data' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
When using AquaData or JDBC (inet tds driver), when doing an insert using SqlServer 2005, I get error "String or binary data would be truncated" when the data is actually OK. There are no triggers, etc. that would confuse the situation. It works fine in SqlServer 2000.
Create and populate table: create table maxtable ( tablename varchar (18) not null, [...] )
Try to insert into test3: insert into test3 (name, tbname) select, from dbo.sysindexes i, sysobjects o, maxtable m where i.indid > 0 and i.indid < 255 and = and i.indid = 1 and = lower(m.tablename)
And I get the error "String or binary data would be truncated." The values being selected for and have maximum length of 18. There are other rows in sysindexes and sysobjects with longer values, but they are not being selected.
The error does not occur with SQL Server Management Studio, and does not occur using SqlServer 2000.