How To Prevent Domain Admin Users From Accessing SQL 2000 Databases?
Mar 6, 2008
Based on our database infrastructure, we need to secure our SQL databases. The security issue concerns on allowing a limited number of Domain Admin users to access the SQL databases.
We tried certain ways, based on the documents in the Microsoft web site, but we couldn€™t reach to the point of preventing the Domain Admin users accessing the SQL databases.
Thanks in advance.
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Jun 12, 2015
Is SQL Server sensitive to Domain group name? Like "Domain Admin"?
I have user that belong to "myDomainDomain Admin" group. Group is in SQL as sysadmin but user cannot login using domain credentials. When I move that user to a different domain group which that group is in SQL again as sysadmin my user is able to login.Â
Environment: SQL 2008 Standard Edition.Â
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Apr 10, 2002
i have a simple question and i am not familiar with sql7.
is it possible to access a sql server 6.5 from the admintools installed with sql 7.0
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Oct 21, 2015
I have a requirement to delete all the orphans users for the databases. The issue I am having is with when database principal owns a schema in the DB, User cannt be dropped.
How do I transfer it to DBO in case I am looping multiple databases. This is what I got so far .
declare @is_read_only nvarchar (200)
Select @is_read_only = is_read_only from master.sys.databases where name='test' /* This should be a parameter value */
Declare @SQL as varchar (200)
[Code] .....
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May 16, 2006
Hi ,
I have around 5 databases with same structure used to store data for different locations and services.
I have created an intermediate database which will have all the stored procedures to access data from above 5 databases.
My queries are common to all the databases. so,I would like to pass database name as an argument to my stored proc and execure query on specified database.
I tried this doing using "USE Databasename " Command. but it says ...We can not use "USE command " in stored proc or triggers. so ..what i did is ..
CREATE PROCEDURE TestDB_access(@dbname varchar(100))
DECLARE @localDB varchar(100)
Set @LocalDB=@dbname
if @LocalDB='XYZ'
elseif @LocalDB='ABC'
Select * from Mytable
When I run this from my database , it gives me an error "unable to find table "mytable".
What is the best way to make my queries work with all the databases.
Thanks in advance
Venu Yankarla
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Jun 19, 2015
we recently migrated from our in-house domain to the Enterprise domain. Everything went smooth except for the fact that I can no longer accept my dBs using my SA or my domain admin account. There is only 1 account I can get into the management studio with but it has no admin privileges, so I can't make any  password changes or add accounts. I don't have a test environment so kind of hesitant to experiment with our production system.
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Jul 28, 2015
We have an existing SSRS server, and have just created a new child domain. We'll be migrating users from the parent to the child, and want to add the users of that new domain with access to SSRS. In the parent domain they are able to access, but after migration with the child domain account, they cannot.
I have added the group CHILDDomain Users with a system user role on SSRS, and PARENTDomain Users was already there.
Is there any additional step I should/could take to get this active?
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May 17, 2008
Hi all
In our office we have simple Network (LAN) and for some reason in each workgroup Computer in this network we have installed SQL-Server 2000.
So far everything was ok but recently i noticed that my co-workers can easily access my Sql Server Instance through their Enterprise manager installed on their computers and then they can open my tables,view...and manipulate other objects.
for better illustration i have created a Flash Movie from this process , please check the following Link :
How can i prevent others from doing so?
Any help greatly Appreciated.
Kind Regards.
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May 17, 2008
Hi all
In our office we have simple Network (LAN) and for some reason in each workgroup Computer in this network we have installed SQL-Server 2000.
So far everything was ok but recently i noticed that my co-workers can easily access my Sql Server Instance through their Enterprise manager installed on their computers and then they can open my tables,view...and manipulate other objects.
for better illustration i have created a Flash Movie from this process , please check the following Link :
How can i prevent others from doing so?
Any help greatly Appreciated.
Kind Regards.
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Jun 11, 2004
I am really a DB admin beginner, so hopefully it'll be easy for you to answer my simple question:
How can I temporarily prevent users (except "sa") from logging to database(s) or better to DB Server while there are applied scripts on them ?
I have already tried TCP/IP port changing, hiding server, running a single user mode but the reult was very poor. Please note that "sa" has to be able to connect to DB Server from a third party application but other users not.
Any idea and/or a known solution ?
Thanx in advance for your hints
BTW - MS SQL 2000 SP3a
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May 22, 2014
prevent users from stopping sql server agent?
I have SQL2000 server installed and then SQL management studio 2008 R2 express edition in users desktop. I noticed that the user can stop the SQL server agent. Even a user is a reader access only.
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Sep 20, 2006
How do i prevent other users from changing the data of my tables? Means one can change data using only my login rest others cannot even DBA or also from server administrator
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Mar 2, 2006
Currently running a SQL 2000 server in 2000 domain and want to migrate it to a new 2003 domain of the same name.
How do I go about it and is there any problems with this plan?
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Mar 16, 2007
We have a point of sale application (C# .NET 2.0) and a Sql Server 2005 database back end.
Our customers are concerned that employees could create a backup of the SQL Server database (or even of the MDF file) and use it to steel customer data.
Very often, the application is running on a single PC in a shop using Sql Server Express Edition 2005 under Windows XP. The users usually log on as local administrator. It's hard for us to force our customers to change their local security policies.
Ideally, I would like some form of security mechanism that prevents a backup from being restored on to another PC without either a password or some other form of authentication.
Is this possible?
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May 15, 2004
I get an issue, that is: Once i expand databases from SQL Enterprise Manager, it takes a long time to wait displaying all names of databases. How should i do to prevent displaying all names of databases?
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Dec 13, 1999
A couple of newbie questions:
1) Do Domain Admins have SA rights by default in SQL7? If so, is there a way to keep domain admins out of particular databases.
2) Is it possible to create a database or table that even SA can't get into?
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Jan 21, 2003
We are currently in the process of migrating users from a NT 4.0 domain to a win2k Domain. On some of our SQL Servers the Windows Authenticated users own objects within the database. These Windows Authenticated users also own SQL Server Job and DTS Packages. Once these Windows Authenticated users are moved over to the Windows 2000 Domain they have to qualify there database objects, they can not see their SQL Server Jobs they created and they cannot modify the DTS Packages they previously created. Is their a tool or script out there that can fix this problem of moving the Windows Authenticated users smoothly over to the new domain.
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May 18, 2004
I have a problem that im using Active Directory in Win2k Server, when domain users logon to workstations they can't open sql server databases, SQL server is local installed on Workstation and operating system is XP.
When i give administrator rights to users the sql server works fine.
Tell me is there is a way to use sql server without giving to the user administrative rights?
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Nov 6, 2007
Hi ,
We are using SBS2000 with SQL 2000 and Terminal server .
In the Terminal server ,we have an application that connect to sbs (sql) .
The Problem is that User without Domain Admin permission can not modify in database.
How Is it possible to grant full access to SQL2000 without giving users domain admin access?
Thanks ,
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Sep 8, 2006
I have several access databases in mind to migrate to SQL server. I installed MS SQL 2005 Express on my machine. I will have procedures to run with authorizations beyond that of a common user, such as database administrative work where server agent is not available, I may rely on users' log-on prompt to do some maintenance work. However, I cannot get the EXEC AS 'DomainUser' to work. The procedures can be created OK. But whenever they are called, the following message shows up:
Msg 15404, Level 16, State 19, Procedure XXX, Line 0
Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'DomainUser', error code 0xea.
I tried to tweak with the account under which the server service is running. There are three options under built-in account: Local system, Local service, and Network Service. My understanding is that Network Service will use the log-on of the current user of the computer. I have admin right of the computer. None of the three options work. Additionally, when I specify an account (my own account), it's the same thing.
The procedure xp_logininfo always fails when I query a specific domainuser.
The ADHelper is configured to run manually.
I could not think of other ways to get a possible solution. Any help is much appreciated.
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Sep 10, 2007
is it possible to deactivate the groups admins and domain-admins in sql server without getting in trouble with the sql-server. For example when the system boots the program should start normally without any problems.
We want do deactivate the accounts because we have some critical information in sql server and dont want to give all admins the possibility to have a look at these data.
We just want to have sa within the role sysadmin.
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Feb 8, 2007
I would like to know if there is any way of Accessing database users from frontend and changing their persmissions.
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Sep 6, 2007
We are using Win2k3 R2 with SQL 2000 in a domain environment.
Is it possible to create a domain group to grant admin level and user level access to SQL2000/2005 without giving users server admin or domain admin access?
It has always been my impression that to have admin access to SQL that you had to at least had admin level access on the server.
Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.
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Aug 5, 2004
I need a way to automatically generate a daily report of user names, time of access, and type of access (login, select, insert, update, delete, etc.) to a database.
We need to audit all accesses from all accounts to find out who is accessing the payroll system. We have already defined the security to be as tight as possible - however we need to monitor all Administrator accounts to ensure they are not being used to obtain sensitive information.
I have looked for some software to read the live SQL Transaction Logs, but none of the tools I have seen can do exactly what we require. For example, I've tried Lumigent Log Explorer (, but it's not automated and the report output is just garble to our payroll staff.
I have looked up all Microsoft SQL Server partners but their software is all about data recovery and data reporting. We need Security Reporting.
I have created a general SQL Profiler trace that may suffice if everything else fails, but I still have no way of automating it - it relies on Real-Time monitoring which I can't trust (admin can turn this off, do their stuff, turn it back on). Also this is dependant on someone turning it off, save the log, turn it back on, every day - this person would be the Administrator - what admin would monitor themselves?
- SQL Trace seems like a good idea, how do I read the trace log file? How do I automate a trace?
- Can we automate the SQL Profiler to read the transaction log to find all accesses to a database?
- Does anyone know what we can do to automatically audit accesses to a database? What format can the report come in (pdf, xls, dbf, html etc.)
- Recommended software to try?
- Ideas for alternatives to try?
- Any companies/developers out there who know of a tool or are developing a tool to provide this sort of report?
- Is there a spec somewhere to let us write our own software to query the live transaction log?
Thanks, I appreciate any help.
Kind Regards
James Payne
IT Administrator
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May 13, 2008
I would like a report to display the number of users and the reports accessed for a certain duration of time[being able to go back and check for previous years as well].
I read on the msdn that 60 days worth of report log is kept,and the rest gets wipped off.Any suggestions on how I would be able to get user access list for the past year as well.
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Nov 19, 2015
We have purchased an ERP system from a vendor which uses system DSN for all the reports. The system automatically creates DSN with Sa with SQL Server. The problem is the DSN is not working with AD users.
Active Directory server: Windows Server 2008 32 Bit.
SQL Server: Windows Server 2012 64 Bit. This server is already member of my Domain. e.g.
What should I need to do in client PCs or Server to avail ODBC to AD users.
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Feb 28, 2007
In SQL Server 2000 we had a view that would show the user credentials and the password hash. The reason we need this is that we use SQL Server authentication on the database. To test users, we have a login with little access, and it should be able to see the view and compare the password supplied against what is in the database, and then let the code handle a graceful exit if the password is invalid. I am trying to do this with SQL Server 2005, and I am running into trouble. I am trying to do this with a function, since there I can set the EXECUTE AS clause (in theory) and leverage the privlidges of a specific user in the database. Here is an example function:
CREATE FUNCTION check_acct.fn_allusers (@test int)
RETURNS @users table (username varchar(50), passwd varbinary(256))
INSERT @users
select name, password_hash from sys.sql_logins
GRANT SELECT ON fn_allusers TO user_acct
I cannot get to all rows in the sys.sql_logins table unless I first:
then when I call this function from CHECK_ACCT, I am able to see the data. If I change the WITH EXECUTE AS 'CHECK_ACCT' and execute thsi function from USER_ACCT, I do not get the same results. Do functions not inherit VIEW DEFINITION proivlidges? Any suggestions on how to do this but limit access to these secure objects to this one function?
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Nov 6, 2015
I created a SSRS Reports in SQL Server 2012 and deployed in server, I want this report to be accessed by one particular User created in that hosted server and any time if user hits the Report URL it asked for login Prompt.Suppose if I create a Windows User "ReportUser" in report server , I want when user hits the URL he should be able to access the report by providing the 'ReportUser" credentials.
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Feb 13, 2008
We have a problem authenticating domain users contained in local machine user groups across multiple web servers in a scale out deployment.
When we originally setup our single SSRS database server we were told the a best practice is to add domain users to local user groups on the SSRS machine.
Now we want to add more web servers and create a scale-out deployment. So, we added the web servers and configured the scale-out deployment. But, only administrators can see the reports since all of our SSRS roles are assigned permissions such as "Machine1User_Group".
We were told that we have to create identical local groups on Machine2 and Machine3 and then add them to the SSRS roles. This is prohibitive since it would mean managing 3 identical user groups containing thousands of domain users.
Is there a better way to do this without using Domain User Groups?
Thank you for any assistance.
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Mar 3, 2006
there a way to find a list of Windows User accounts that are directly
or indirectly (through Windows Group membership) assigned to a database
I could put work in to CLR programming or using a Linked Server to
Active Directory, but if there is a sys.* view available that can
provide me this
information directly it would be much easier.
I'll be looking into this further myself anyway and posting an answer
if I can find one, but if anyone has suggestions... well, thanks!
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Aug 6, 2015
Would it be possible to disjoin the SQL Server Clustered environment to a new domain without having to reinstall the cluster?
e.g 2 node activeactive cluster with 4 named instances.;;;; servernode2
re-join them as SQLserver1.dn.ra; SQLserver2.dn.ra; SQLserver3.dn.ra;SQLserver4.dn.ra
servernode1.dn.ra; servernode2.dn.ra
What would be the impact on the servers, will they be able to resolve the new dns.?
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Oct 15, 2007
GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[TblAreaCatmap] TO [admin] prevent grant from being automaticly add to each column?
Is there a way when you issue a grant select to a table or a view to not also grant select for each column.
The problem is when you use the grant command it automaticly adds the grant command to each column. I want to grant the permission at the table level so when the table is scripted it only has a single grant command instead of a grant for the table and a grant for each column which is not needed.
The sql managemnt studion interface will allow you to do this but onlt by using the interface. If you issue the above command from a query window it also creates A GRANT FOR EVERY COLUMN. How can I stop this behavior.
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Mar 24, 2006
I'm trying to extract all the users and their membership to groups, and the membership of groups to groups from active directory though a link to server.
I can get the users. I can get the groups.... individually.
I can't get the info of what user is a member of or who are members of a group.
Anyone know how to do this or am I going to have to right a vb app? (Anyone already got the code...)
I want to load this data into tables for reporting in my Data Warehouse.
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