How To Print Or Save The Structure And Attributes Of All Tables And Columns In A Database (simply)

May 6, 2008


A newbie question. I am tearing my hair out trying to work out how in Sql Server 2005 to get a printout (or even better a file I can save that i could incroporate in a wrod document), or both, which shows the structure of all the tables in my database.

I want to list all tables (or selected tables perhaps) , and all columns in those tables, with the attributes of each column (nvarchar(2) etc or decimal(18,5) etc). Just a simple listing of all tables and their columns and the attributes of those columns.

Surely this must be possible with a simple one click operation in Sql Server 2005. I have created a database diagram which gives me part of what I want, but that just shows the tables, relationships, and column names, not the attributes of each column which is what I need as well.

I don't want to have to start installing third party products to do this, and I have no great script writing capabilities. Surely such a basic function is easily acheivable with one or two clicks in Sql Server 2005 from a menu somewhere in sql server mangaement studio?

Thanks in Advance for your help.

Chris M

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Print Attributes In Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

I've upgraded MS-Access 2002 to a MS-Access Project (adp), so now I have todeal with more sophisticated queries (may I call them so?) like storedprocedures. I have a form with a combobox for selections and a textbox toenter a certain value. Let us say I call the combobox @select and thetextbox @find. The combobox always shows the first of the items to select.Now I want to return a message if nothing is found, or if nothing has beenentered at all. The stored procedure reads for instance:ALTER PROCEDURE OPC@select nvarchar(20), @find nvarchar (100)ASSET NOCOUNT ONIF@find IS NULLBEGINPRINT 'You didn't enter any value'RETURNENDIF@select = 'Author'BEGINSELECT *FROM BooksWHERE Author LIKE '%' + @find + '%'ORDER BY Author, Title, Publisher, YearEND[And so on]RETURNThis works correct when I enter something, but when I don't enter any value,a message box pops up saying that the stored procedure has been executed,but no records were found. I want to see an error message like above. It'sas simple asALTER PROCEDURE HelloASBEGINPRINT 'Hello'ENDand nothing is seen. Does anybody know? Thank you.Wim

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Analysis :: Display Calculation For Structure And Attributes Only

Jun 29, 2015

I have a calculation that granularity is on a specific level and therefore would like the calculation to be only visible/calculate when with a specific dimension structure & attributes

SCOPE([Measures].[Complaint Rate]);
SCOPE([Item Dimension].[Item Structure].Members);
this=(IIF([Measures].[Sales Units]=0,NULL,(([Measures].[Count]/[Measures].[Sales Units])*1000000)));

This displays the calculation all the time even if no item attributes are selected, I only want the calculation applicable to the structure & attributes belonging to structure - I tried children, currentmember etc. but no luck - its probably something small I am missing. Tried this too

this=(IIF([Measures].[Sales Units]=0,NULL,(([Item Dimension].[Item Structure].CURRENTMEMBER,[Measures].[Count]/[Item Dimension].[Item Structure].CURRENTMEMBER,[Measures].[Sales Units])*1000000)));

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BCP Certain Columns To Save Space In Database

Dec 8, 1998

1 SQLCHAR 0 7 "" 1 Ord_Nbr
2 SQLCHAR 0 1 "" 2 Ord_Type
3 SQLCHAR 0 3 "" 3 Locn
4 SQLCHAR 0 16 "" 0 Po_nbr
5 SQLCHAR 0 2 "" 0 Vers
6 SQLCHAR 0 4 "" 6 Int_Code
7 SQLCHAR 0 1 "
" 0 RT_Req

I am using bcp to import data into a table usign format file. when I put 0 in the table column(as it is shown here) it means that I am not bcp in the field values into the table. what I get in return is (NULL) for all those columns that has 0 in the format file.....
My Questions is Am I saving space in the table when I use this process, or (NULL) will take space like an actual value ?

I hope I explained my question clearly... Thanks for your input


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Simply Link From Two Tables

Jun 26, 2006

Hi all,

I would like to simply link two tables that are in two different databases in the SAME server.
I know that I could use the replication method (snapshot or merge) but I need a simpler method like the Access link table method.

Any suggestions?

View 8 Replies View Related

How To Print Out Table Structure For SQL 7

Oct 27, 2000

I just started with SQL 7 and I would like to know how to print
out the structure of a table in SQL 7.

thanks in advance.

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Just Want To Print Out Table Structure

Jul 19, 1998

This has to be a very simple think to do, but, I`m new....

Have NT4.0, SQL6.5, and existing database with about 30-40 tables.

Just want to be able to print out each table structure with record info. Don`t need the actual data printed, just the table/record structure.

Thanks, and again, I`m new to SQL/Query so go easy on me.... ;-)


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Print The Table Structure

Jul 20, 2005

Hello to everyone!How can I print the structure of a table from the SQL SERVER ENTERPRISEMANAGER?Thank YouFabio*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Print Hardcopy Of Table Structure

May 8, 2006

I've just started working with SQL Server Express, and would like
to print out a report listing the properties (Ie. field names, data
ttypes, length, field description, etc.) of each of the tables in my

How do I do this?

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Attributes Other Than Types In Columns

Apr 7, 2014

What are attributes in columns that are not types?

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Parse XML Attributes And Populate Columns Within DB With Stripped Data

Nov 16, 2011

I'm trying to write a stored procedure that will parse XML attributes and populate columns within a DB with the stripped data. I'm a complete novice who prior to this week knew nothing about SQL commands, My understanding at least is that I need to perform a bulk insert.

Example XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE Asset_Collection SYSTEM "Asset_Collection.dtd">
Name="Asset Collection"
Description="Random XML Feed Test"

[Code] ....

Table/Columns which need to be inserting into:


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Simply Create A Table In A MsSQL Express Database Through

May 27, 2008

Hello there,Now I'm really down, how do I simply create a Table in a database?It must be something likeCreate Table TableName
column_name data_type
But first how do I execute that string, so it create the table..And if we get that far, how do you then set a table to primarykey?
Hope really for help, because this is a importen thing, and I cant find the answer? :S

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Master Data Services :: Change Order Of Attributes Using Arrows Jumps Over 24 Attributes

Jun 30, 2015

I am working in SQL Server Master Data Services  Version 11.0.5058.0 (SP 2).

I have been asked to group all the financial attributes together.  When I move one of the attributes up using the arrows, it works good jumping over one attribute at a time.  Then I reach a section of attributes where it leap frogs over 24 attributes.

It appears these 24 attributes are in a subgroup but there are no attribute groups and I removed the subscription view from the entity.  If I move one of the 24 attributes in the group, it moves it outside of the 24 attributes.

This is under leaf member attributes.  There are no collection or consolidated groups.

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Analysis :: Dimensions Attributes - Drag All Or Some Specific Attributes

May 24, 2015

I'm using a DW from Northwind database to build a cube to do some analitical taks. I already create the cube and now I am "cleaning" the dimensions. I'm having some difficults to understand the logical off this part. The reason is that When I create the Data Source View, I only import the Foreign Keys that connect the Dimensions to Fact_Table. I have to drag the attributes of Dimension from Data Source View to the tab attributes? 

Imagine this:

I have the following dimension:


When I create the cube only Customer_ID appears in attributes tab, it's normal? 

One more question:

I don't want to create a hierarchy like:

Customer ID -> Name_Customer
Customer ID -> Date_of_Birth
Customer ID -> Address
Customer ID -> City
Customer ID -> Country

My idea is to create the following hierarchy: 

Name_Customer -> Date_of_Birth ->  Address ->  City -> Country

But the first hierarchy that I show is always appears to me. Do you know what is happens?

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Car's Attributes Should Be &>= Spec's Attributes (was Help With Query)

Nov 11, 2004

Hello all-

I have a specification table that has some attributes defined.
SpecId - Id of the specification
Attribute - Attribute of the spec. (Like Color, HP etc)
Value - Is the value of the attribute
Then I have a car table that actually has information about the cars. Intention is to take each specification and match the cars that match the specification. If the car has more attributes than the spec, we ignore the extra attributes for the match. But if the car has less attributes, we don't even consider the car as a match (even if the attributes present, match). To summarize, the car's attributes should be >= spec's attributes.

The code I have below is bad because I am joining the same tables twice. In addition, it fails in the condition "the car's attributes should be >= spec's attributes"

Any help is greatly appreciated.

DECLARE @Specification TABLE
(SpecId VARCHAR(10),

(CarName VARCHAR(10),

INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'Type', 'Sedan')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'Transmission', 'Auto')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'HP', '220')

INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'Transmission', 'Manual')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'HP', '300')

INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Type', 'Sedan')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Transmission', 'Auto')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'HP', '220')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Color', 'Black')

INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'Transmission', 'Manual')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'HP', '300')

INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Explorer', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Explorer', 'Transmission', 'Manual')

SELECT DISTINCT Spec.SpecId, Car.CarName
FROM @Specification Spec
ON Spec.Attribute = Car.Attribute
AND Spec.Value = Car.Value
WHERE Spec.SpecId NOT IN (SELECT Spec.SpecId
FROM @Specification Spec
ON Spec.Attribute = Car.Attribute
AND Spec.Value = Car.Value

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Select Columns For Specific Data From All Tables In DataBase

Oct 8, 2007

Hi friends,I need to  select columns for specific  data  from all tables in DataBasePls give me reply asap Regards,M.Raj  

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How To Find All Primary And Foreign Key Columns In All Database Tables

Apr 17, 2014

how to find all primary key columns & foreign key columns in all database tables?

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Return A List Of New Tables Or Columns Which Do Not Exist In A Database

Mar 24, 2008

What SQL statement can i run to return a list of new tables or columns that exist in the Sales Database on Server A, which do not exist in the Sales Database in Server B.

Server A and Server B are linked servers.

I am using SQL Server 2005. Thanks.

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Change Database Attributes With SQL?

Aug 23, 2006

Is there a way to change the password or encryption settings with SQL or do I need to use Compact from code to do so?

I'm trying to work around the issue that USE does not accept a password.

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Can We Define Multiple Key Columns For A Mining Structure?

Jul 10, 2007

Hi, all,

Just found that we are not able to define multiple key columns for a mining structure in SQL Server 2005 Data Mining engine, just wondering is there other way to define multiple key columns for a mining structure there? As in many cases, the table we are mining are with composite key consisting of different foriengn keys, e.g. A fact table are with transaction information and other foreign keys. If I am not able to define these composite key here for this fact table, I will have to have a named calculation in data source view to have a key column which is based on these original composite keys? Is this a better way to solve this problem or there is any other alternatives to figure it out?

Hope my question is clear for your help and I am looking forward to heaing from you shortly for your kind advices and help and thanks a lot in advance.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Multiple Tables, Inserts, Identity Columns And Database Integrity

Apr 30, 2008

Hi all,
I am writing a portion of an app that is of intensely high online eCommerce usage. I have a question about identity columns and locking or not.
What I am doing is, I have two tables (normalized), one is OrderDemographics(firstname,lastname,ccum,etc) the other is OrderItems. I have the primary key of OrderDemographics as a column called 'ID' (an Identity Integer that is incrementing). In the OrderItems table, the 'OrderID' column is a foreign key to the OrderDemographics Primary Key column 'ID'.
What I have previously done is to insert the demographics into OrderDemographics, then do a 'select top 1 ID from OrderDemographics order by ID DESC' to get that last ID, since you can't tell what it is until you add another row....
The problem is, there's up to 20,000 users/sessions at once and there is a possiblity that in the fraction of a second it takes to select back that ID integer and use it for the initial OrderItems row, some other user might have clicked 'order' a fraction of a second after the first user and created another row in OrderDemographics, thus incrementing the ID column and throwing all the items that Customer #1 orders into Customer #2's order....
How do I lock a SQL table or lock the Application in .NET to handle this problem and keep it from occurring?
Thanks, appreciate it.

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Script To Search For A String In All Varchar Columns In All Tables In A Database?

Sep 14, 2005

I have a string which I need to know where it came from in a database.I don't want to spend time coding this so is there a ready made scriptwhich takes a string as a parameter and searches all the tables whichcontain varchar type columns and searches these columns and indicate whichtables contain that string?Full text search is not enabled.--Tony - Super low $4.75/month.Single all inclusive features plan with MS SQL Server, MySQL 5, ASP.NET,PHP 5 & webmail support.

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Read CSV File - Save Columns Into Rows

Jan 11, 2007

I want to import CSV file and convert columns into rows depending on Customer count(2nd record in each row of CSV file) and save to SQL table

--CSV file format
State, Customer_Count, Name_1, Total_1,Name_2, Total_2,Name_3, Total_3..can go upto 600

GA,2,'John Doe',14.00,'Roger Smith',15.00
FL,3,'John Doe',14.00,'Roger Smith',15.00,'Sally Cox',16.00
SC,5,'John Doe',14.00,'Roger Smith',15.00,'Sally Cox',16.00,'James Brown',17.00,'Rick Davis',18.00

Data in SQL table from csv file should look like this

GA,John Doe,14.00
GA,Roger Smith,15.00
FL,John Doe,14.00,
FL,Roger Smith,15.00
FL,Sally Cox,16.00

I have multiple CSV files with millions of records. How can i achieve this using Integration Services or Bulk Data Import.

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Read CSV File - Save Columns Into Rows

Jan 11, 2007

I want to import CSV file and convert columns into rows depending on Customer count(2nd record in each row of CSV file) and save to SQL table

--CSV file format
State, Customer_Count, Name_1, Total_1,Name_2, Total_2,Name_3, Total_3..can go upto 350

GA,2,'John Doe',14.00,'Roger Smith',15.00
FL,3,'John Doe',14.00,'Roger Smith',15.00,'Sally Cox',16.00
SC,5,'John Doe',14.00,'Roger Smith',15.00,'Sally Cox',16.00,'James Brown',17.00,'Rick Davis',18.00

Data in SQL table from csv file should look like this

GA,John Doe,14.00
GA,Roger Smith,15.00
FL,John Doe,14.00,
FL,Roger Smith,15.00
FL,Sally Cox,16.00

I have multiple CSV files with millions of records. How can i achieve this using Integration Services or Bulk Data Import.

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How To Build Database To Support User-specified Attributes?

Jul 23, 2005

I have a database that tracks players for children's sports clubs. I haveincluded representative DDL for this database at the end of this post.A single instance of this database supports multiple clubs. I would like toadd support for letting each club define and store custom information abouttheir players. Basically, allows the clubs to define custom attributes forplayers (e.g. "height", "weight", "favourite sweet").A few constraints:1. Any attributes defined is "private" to the defining club. Other clubsaren't aware of it although they may define custom attributes of their ownwith the same name and type. [Perhaps there is a way to share definitions ofidentical attributes?]2. A club doesn't have to define any custom attributes.Has anyone done anything similar?. Any ideas on how it might be done?Kunle=================== BEGIN DDL ===================CREATE TABLE FootballClub (Club_ID int IDENTITY,Name char(80) NOT NULL,Area char(4) NOT NULL,League char(4) NOT NULL,City char(30) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (Club_ID))goexec sp_primarykey FootballClub,Club_IDgoCREATE TABLE Player (Player_ID int IDENTITY,First_Name char(30) NOT NULL,Initials char(30) NULL,Last_Name char(30) NOT NULL,Date_Of_Birth datetime NOT NULL,Position char(4) NULL,Club_ID int NULL,PRIMARY KEY (Player_ID),FOREIGN KEY (Club_ID)REFERENCES FootballClub)goexec sp_primarykey Player,Player_IDgoCREATE TABLE UserAccount (User_ID int IDENTITY,Club_ID int NOT NULL,FullName char(80) NOT NULL,Logon char(20) NOT NULL,PWD_Hash char(60) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (User_ID, Club_ID),FOREIGN KEY (Club_ID)REFERENCES FootballClub)goexec sp_primarykey UserAccount,User_ID,Club_IDgoexec sp_foreignkey Player, FootballClub,Club_IDgoexec sp_foreignkey UserAccount, FootballClub,Club_IDgo=================== END DDL ===================

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How To Build Database To Support User-specified Entities And Attributes?

Jul 23, 2005

I have a database that tracks players for children's sports clubs. I haveincluded representative DDL for this database at the end of this post.A single instance of this database supports multiple clubs. I would like toadd support for letting each club define and store custom information aboutarbitrary entities. Basically, allows the clubs to define custom entities(i.e tables) and associated custom attributes (i.e. fields) that may berelated to existing tables (such as Player and FootballClub) or existingentities. For instance, a club may define a PlayerAssessment entity thatrecords all player assessments.To do this, I plan to support the following use case:1. FootballClub admin creates a new entity and gives it a name anddescription (Entity is only accessible to this FootballClub).2. FootballClub admin indicates that the new entity has a M:1 relationshipwith the Player table (this will add Player_ID as a FK attribute).- {An entity may have no relationships.}- {Relationships are also supported to other entities.}3. FootballClub admin specifies the names and domain/types of any dataattributes (i.e. fields) of the entity.- {An attribute's type may be constrained to a few allowable types likeRelationship, Integer, Float, Currency, Date, Time, DateTime, Name,Description and Memo.}4. System creates entity as specified.A few constraints:1. Any entity defined is "private" to the defining club. Other clubs aren'taware of it although they may define custom entities of their ownwith the same name and attributes. [Perhaps there is a way to sharedefinitions of identical entities?]2. A club doesn't have to define any custom entities.Ideas I've considered:1. Generate DLL and create actual tables- Restrict such customizations such that while admin is setting up entities,no other user is allowed to use the system.- Once entity definition is complete, generate an actual table using DLL.Table and column names might be changed to enforce uniqueness/validityconstraints - this suggests a need for table/column name mapping.- PROS: Easy to implement.- CONS: Doesn't scale since only a limited number of tables can be created.DDL on a live, shared system?. Scary!!All users for all clubs will be locked out while entity iscreated.2. Generate DDL and create actual tables in secondary database(s)- Same as above except that the user tables are created in secondary [,shared] databases.- PROS: Reassurance that DDL is never run on the "core" dataAll users don't have to be locked out.- CONS: Doesn't scale since only a limited number of tables can be created.{ Unless I start creating additional databases too!. }Still needs to DDL on a live, shared system.Has anyone done anything similar?. Any ideas on how it might be done?. Inparticular, is this possible without having to execute DDL on the livedatabase?Kunle=================== BEGIN DDL ===================CREATE TABLE FootballClub (Club_ID int IDENTITY,Name char(80) NOT NULL,Area char(4) NOT NULL,League char(4) NOT NULL,City char(30) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (Club_ID))goexec sp_primarykey FootballClub,Club_IDgoCREATE TABLE Player (Player_ID int IDENTITY,First_Name char(30) NOT NULL,Initials char(30) NULL,Last_Name char(30) NOT NULL,Date_Of_Birth datetime NOT NULL,Position char(4) NULL,Club_ID int NULL,PRIMARY KEY (Player_ID),FOREIGN KEY (Club_ID)REFERENCES FootballClub)goexec sp_primarykey Player,Player_IDgoCREATE TABLE UserAccount (User_ID int IDENTITY,Club_ID int NOT NULL,FullName char(80) NOT NULL,Logon char(20) NOT NULL,PWD_Hash char(60) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (User_ID, Club_ID),FOREIGN KEY (Club_ID)REFERENCES FootballClub)goexec sp_primarykey UserAccount,User_ID,Club_IDgoexec sp_foreignkey Player, FootballClub,Club_IDgoexec sp_foreignkey UserAccount, FootballClub,Club_IDgo=================== END DDL ===================

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Easy Q - How To Print The Tables From Software

Mar 20, 2007

Hi to all,

doe's anybody know how to print all the tables and schemes from the Microsoft SQL Management studio?



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Print Each Tables In New Page Options

Jun 27, 2007

Hi All,

I have a report which has four tables in it. But I have only one
Dataset. Since this dataset has more then 30 fields, I have divided
this into four tables to be shown in a report. This will help the user
to take print of the report and place each print out side by side for

Showing each table in a new page is just fine. It works. But when we
take print out some times rows of second table are printed in same
page that shows rows of first table.

With this user can not put each print out side by side for view.

Is there any way to set option like print each table in new page? I
mean to say after printing first table, second table print should
start at new page.

Thanks in advance.

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Print List Of Queries, Tables, Views And Sp

Oct 29, 2007

I just started a new job and 1st time on sql server, how can i print list of queries, tables, views, stored procedures and functions?

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How Can I Print Or Export All Fields For All Tables In My Sql 2005 Db?

Mar 25, 2008

How can i print or export all fields for all tables in my sql 2005 db?

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Print List Of Tables With Identity Row Set To NOT FOR REPLICATION

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone know if there's an SQL command i can run that will listthe tables in a database that have an identity column set to NOT FORREPLICATION?Many thanksDan Williams.

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Matrix Tables - Blank Pages Print

Jul 23, 2007


I have a fairly large report with multiple matrix tables. They grow to a fixed width horizontally and may grow to various heights vertically. I have the interactive height set to zero so that it displays on the web page on one screen. When I go to print this report, I am getting a blank page between each page with data. Here are my dimensions:


height: 15 in

width: 8.5 in

interactive height: 0 in

interactive width: 8.5 in

left margin: .5 in

right margin: .5 in

top margin: .5 in

bottom margin: .5 in


height: 13.3875 in

width: 6.9 in

Would this problem be due to the fact that my matrix tables span an area greater than a normal page height in design mode even before they grow dynamically? Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Selecting Procedure Structure From Sys Tables

Apr 18, 2008


Is there a way to select out the contents of sys.comments for an object (in this case, a procedure) so that it is nicely formatted?

The reason being, is that I want to update source control with all objects from the live environment (as it has become out of date.... long story). Currently, we have a single script for each object, split in directories for each object type. Anyway, I also want to wrap the objects in our standards (check for object existence, print out success/fail statements, etc).

Any suggestions to make the process more automated and less painfull? I don't want to have to script each object out, manually wrap it in standards and save as that would be perhaps the most tedious task in the world!!!!


Hearty head pats

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