How To Query Sys Tables For Index Names And Columns

Nov 12, 2001

I'm looking for a query that will return all index names, the table the index is on and the columns in the index...

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How To Index Through A Tables Columns

May 8, 2005

I am trying to index through the columns of MyTable so I can do the same work on all columns. I know how to get the column names from MyTable but when I use @MyColName in the SELECT statement to get MyTable Column 0 Row values I get a table with the column name in each row cell. I can't get the syntax correct to return the value in each cell for that column.
This is a extremely simplified example !!!!!!DECLARE @MyColName nvarchar(30)
--Get the MyTable Column 0 NameSELECT @MyColName = Col_Name(Object_ID('MyTable'), 0)
--Display the MyTable Column 0 Row valuesSELECT @MyColName FROM MyTable --This is the syntax I can not get correct
Can anyone help ?

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Query Names Of Stored Procedure Results Columns?

Mar 2, 2012

I am imagining something you might pass the names of 2 stored procs (an old version and new one), and a query to produce valid parameters. It would then fire off each proc for a set number of executions, while storing off the results in temp tables, and at the end it would do a data compare, and store off performance data from dynamic management views.

Now I know how to get the parameters for a stored procedure out of the catalogue views, but is SQL Server aware at all of the schema of the results of stored procedures that return result sets, becuase I was thinking of doing something like...

INSERT INTO #datacompare(col1,col2)
EXEC mystoredprocedure

... but I can not seem to figure out how to dynamically gather the schema of the result set.

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Impact Of Non-clustered Index With Included Columns On Large Tables

Nov 14, 2011

I would like to know the impacts (if any) of adding nonclustered index with included columns on large tables (these tables are populated by bulk insert from text files).

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Two Different Tables, Each With Identical Column Names... Query Help

Nov 18, 2005

I have two different tables... one for all Staff, and another for all Temp Staff.  I need both to output to a datagrid, and so I need to grab both tables from a SQL query to output to my datagrid, but I can't seem to get the logic right for it to work.  Can someone give me some suggestions on why my results are blank when I'm running this query?  I thought a simple join would allow both sets of identical column names to coexist in peace...SELECT     TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.StaffDirectory.UserName, dbo.StaffDirectory.LastName, dbo.StaffDirectory.FirstName, dbo.StaffDirectory.Dept,                       dbo.StaffDirectory.Title, dbo.StaffDirectory.EMail, dbo.StaffDirectory.LocationFROM         dbo.StaffDirectory INNER JOIN                      dbo.TempStaff ON dbo.StaffDirectory.Location = dbo.TempStaff.Location AND dbo.StaffDirectory.EMail = dbo.TempStaff.Email AND                       dbo.StaffDirectory.Title = dbo.TempStaff.Title AND dbo.StaffDirectory.Dept = dbo.TempStaff.Dept AND                       dbo.StaffDirectory.FirstName = dbo.TempStaff.FName AND dbo.StaffDirectory.LastName = dbo.TempStaff.LName AND                       dbo.StaffDirectory.UserName = dbo.TempStaff.UName AND dbo.StaffDirectory.MDNo = dbo.TempStaff.MDNoIs something wrong here?  It just doesn't work =(Any suggestions would be really appreciated.Thank you

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Query To Understand The Names Of All Available Tables In Database

Aug 31, 2014

SQL query to understand the names of all the available tables in the database , number of records in these tables and size of these tables ?

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I Need A Query To Find Indexes Names For Some Kind Of Tables

Apr 9, 2008

I need a query to get the index names of particular tables. for eg.. i have some tables like emp_data,emp_job....etc..Now i want to find all indexe names for those tablenames that starts with emp........ Plz help me...

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Regarding The Query To Save The Ids Of The Edited Names From Different Tables Into A Single Table.

Mar 8, 2008

Here with the below query iam binding my gridview with industry name,company name,Plant Name,Group Name related to the IDs in Audit table.Select Aud.Ad_ID_PK,Aud.Audit_Name,Ind.Industry_Name,Cmp.Company_Name,Pla.Plant_Name,Gr.Groups_Name,Aud.Audit_Started_On,Aud.Audit_Scheduledto,Aud.Audit_Created_On from
Industry Ind,
Company Cmp,
Plant Pla,
Groups Gr,
Audits Audwhere Ind.Ind_Id_PK =Aud.Audit_Industry and
Cmp.Cmp_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Company and
Pla.Pl_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Plant and
Gr.G_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Group and
Ad_ID_PK in (select Ad_ID_PK from Audits)
Now i want to edit these names.
when i click on edit in gridview these names will be filled into textboxes and when i change the names it should compare the name with particular tables and should get the Id of that and store in Audits table.
For example:
i have this data in my audits table:


Here Commercial83312 is ID of that Audit and 2,2,2,1 are the Industry,Company,Plant and group Ids for that particular audit.In the front end i can see the names of this particular IDs.
when i edit the industry name in the UI it must check the name with industry table and get the ID of the changed name and store it in audit table.
so the data may be changed in audits table as :




so here the industry ID is changed
I need the stored procedure for this.
please help me,its very urgent...

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SQL 2012 :: Query To Understand Names Of All Available Tables / Number Of Records

Aug 31, 2014

SQL query to understand the names of all the available tables , number of records in these tables and size of these tables?

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Management Studio - How To Index Tables Based On Query - Please Help

Mar 20, 2007

We are using SQL2005.
I have a stored proc that runs a Select query based on a complex view.
The sproc has two input date parameters (StartDate and EndDate).
We are experiencing SQL timeout problems when the sproc is run with certain Start and End Dates.
We have run the SQL Profiler and created a trace (trc) file (We've used the 'Default' trace configuration).
We have used the trace file in SQL Server Management Studio to try and automatically create indexes on some of our tables.
Unfortunatly SQL Server Management does not make any index recommendations.
I think we are not capturing the right information in our trace file to allow SQL Server Management Studio to do its job.
How do I use SQL Profiler to capture a trace of my sprocs query, so that it can be used by SQL Server Management Studio, to recommend index changes?
Any help appreciated.

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Query Foreign Key Columns And Tables

Dec 20, 2006

I am trying to query the database to get me the foreign key columns and the tables they belong to.I have: The name of the tableI need:The name of the column in the target tableThe name of the column in the referenced tableThe name of the referenced table  Any help would be great, thanks 

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Query To Get All User Tables With Columns

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I tried to create a simple view as followsCREATE VIEW V_ALL_USERTABLE_COLUMNSAS(SELECTOBJ.NAME as TableName,COL.NAME as ColName,TYP.NAME AS TYPEFROMSYSOBJECTS OBJ,SYSCOLUMNS COL,SYSTYPES TYPWHEREOBJ.TYPE = 'U'AND OBJ.ID = COL.IDAND COL.TYPE = TYP.TYPE)Combined with consistent naming conventions I will use this view toeasily find foreign keys; a laSELECT *FROM V_ALL_USERTABLE_COLUMNSWHERE ColName LIKE ('%user_id')There is something wrong with my view definition that I don't getthough; it doesn't return all the columns. I have a table with thefollowing definitionCREATE TABLE [dbo].[c_messages]([cid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[touser_id] [int] NULL ,[tosession_id] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[fromuser_id] [int] NOT NULL ,[message] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[message_read] [bit] NOT NULL ,[logout] [bit] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOThe problem is that the select I used to define the view doesn'treturn the touser_id column. I have sort of a sneaking suspicion thatthe problem has to do with joining syscolumns.type to systypes.type,but I don't know what to do instead (I'd really like to include thetype; it's useful if I ever changed the type of a primary key and wantto check that I also changed all the foreign keys).Any help would be appreciated!

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Bad Index Names

Mar 29, 2001

I have inherited a database which had no clustered indexes at all, only non-clustered. WHen I started experimenting with creating some I got error messages back complaining that the name already existed in sysobjects. I have come to find out they tool they use to create the indexes, names the index the same as exisiting table(isn't this a great idea). Other than my current problem, does anyone see other issues might run into. My thought is to drop all the indexes with the table names and recreate them with a better standard. Has anyone else ever run into or done this?

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How Dose It Matter For The Non-clustered Index Key Columns And Included Columns?

Apr 24, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thanks a lot for your kind attention.

As I am creating the non-clustered indexes for the tables, I dont quite understand how dose it really matter to put the columns in the index key columns or put them into the included columns of the index?

I am really confused about that and I am looking forward to hearing from you and thank you very much again for your advices and help.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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SQL 2012 :: Extract All Tables Names And Their Row Counts From Linked Server Tables

Oct 7, 2015

I am using the following select statement to get the row count from SQL linked server table.


MHDLIB is the library name in IBM DB2 database. The above query gives me only the row count of table MHSERV0P. However, I need to get the names, rowcounts, and sizes of all tables that exist in MHDLIB librray. Is it possible at all?

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Index Names Starting With "_WA_Sys_"

Feb 3, 2000

After converting from SQL Server 6.5 to 7.0, there exist a number of indices in sysindexes with names starting with _WA_Sys_, e.g. _WA_Sys_PGJ_GROUP_JOB_ID_3EA749C6. When a Complete Compare is executed in ERwin, these indices are reported as variances to the data model. When a DROP INDEX statement is executed, SQL Server complains that the index isn't in the system catalog. The following is an example:

Cannot drop the index 'ASSIGNED_INSERTER_SETUP._WA_Sys_PGJ_GROUP_JOB_ID_ 3EA749C6', because it does not exist in the system catalog.
General SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server.
Execution Failed!

How do we drop these indices? Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Regards, Peter

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Dynamic Tables Names And Temporary Tables Options

Oct 5, 2007

Firstly I consider myself quite an experienced SQL Server user, andamnow using SQL Server 2005 Express for the main backend of mysoftware.My problem is thus: The boss needs to run reports; I have designedthese reports as SQL procedures, to be executed through an ASPapplication. Basic, and even medium sized (10,000+ records) reportingrun at an acceptable speed, but for anything larger, IIS timeouts andquery timeouts often cause problems.I subsequently came up with the idea that I could reduce processingtimes by up to two-thirds by writing information from eachcalculationstage to a number of tables as the reporting procedure stage 1, write to table xxx1,stage 2 reads table xxx1 and writes to table xxx2,stage 3 reads table xxx2 and writes to table xxx3,etc, etc, etcprocedure read final table, and outputs information.This works wonderfully, EXCEPT that two people can't run the samereport at the same time, because as one procedure creates and writesto table xxx2, the other procedure tries to drop the table, or read atable that has already been dropped....Does anyone have any suggestions about how to get around thisproblem?I have thought about generating the table names dynamically using'sp_execute', but the statement I need to run is far too long(apparently there is a maximum length you can pass to it), and evenbreaking it down into sub-procedures is soooooooooooooooo timeconsuming and inefficient having to format statements as strings(replacing quotes and so on)How can I use multiple tables, or indeed process HUGE procedures,withdynamic table names, or temporary tables?All answers/suggestions/questions gratefully received.Thanks

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Columns Names

Mar 19, 2004

I need a querry to get all columns names.


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Safe Columns Names

May 28, 2004


I'm creating registration form.

To show fields names I thought to read columns names.

It's ok if columns is named like "Name", "Age" etc.
But if the columns is named [Country, Address, PostCode] then, I think, it can course some problems. Am I right?

First problem I thought about - changing database in the future (Now MS SQL 2k to MySQL etc.)

Is this the only problem?

To solve this I think using table which store syscolumn names as user defined columns names.

My system is speed critical and using this I would get less performance.

Which way should I go?

Case saving columns names in table, how to generate safe column name from user specified name, which can have special charters.


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How To Get All Columns Names From A Table.

Oct 16, 2004

Hi, I need do get a columns names from a table? How to do this in pure SQL? I thought about creating a stored procedure or user function with a result of a string ( col1name,col2name ....) I do not know how to count the number of columns in a specyfied table? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. magicxxxx

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Accessing Columns Without The Coulmn Names

Aug 31, 2004

I am looking for some help in MS SQL server. I want to access the columns of a table without using the names of the colulmns.

Example - SELECT table1.field[1], table1.field[2] FROM table1;

Any information to this effect is much appreciated.
cheers/- Pradeep

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Columns Names Reserved Words [ ]

May 8, 2007

I have one column name that is: description

when i write a query the world lights up with blue, I think I saw someone using [ ] around the word but I no longer remember if this is the way to handle reserve words that have been use as columns names

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Traverse Columns Without Knowing Names/fields???

Mar 31, 2006

I've called a resultset from SQL Server
using an SQL Selection. I need to iterate over that entire result set
(200+ columns/fields) and all I need are the random numbers contained
in any of the rows/columns. I don't want to have to name each
field/column and then use an if > 0 statement.Isn't there
some way to generically loop through the column's by index or something
instead of their field name so I can just use an integer loop to walk
the dataset? I know there is I've done it about 5 years ago. The
question is how do you do it in C#?SqlConnection thisConn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SQLQuery"].ConnectionString);        SqlCommand thisCmd = new SqlCommand("Command String", thisConn);        thisCmd.CommandText = "Select * from SelectionsByCountry where [" + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.ToString() + "] > '0'";        thisConn.Open();                SqlDataReader thisReader = null;        thisReader = thisCmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);        while (thisReader.Read())        {            DropDownList2.Items.Add(thisReader["System"].ToString().Trim());/*** There are 200+ columns left I want to walk over using a loop structure of some sort. How do I do that?*/                    }- Rex

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How To Present An Unknown Number Of Columns And Their Names

Aug 14, 2001

I've got a database with an unknown number of columns. Hence, the column names are also unknown. What's the easiest SQL to present the values in each column and the column headings?

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Flat Files Without Column Names; How To Map Over 250 Columns

Jan 11, 2007


i am sure this question must have been anwsered some where, but after a lot of searching i still have not find the anwser.

i have flat files without column headers (267 columns in total).
since i have the file's description i have created a table to house these extracts with the columns in the same order as in the flat files.
additionally, i have an excel containing a list of the column names their data types and length as well as their position on the flat files.
in the old, DTS would map the columns without headers to those columns in the destination table using their order, in which case it works like a breeze for me. but i can not find a way of doing that in SSIS.

i would very much appreciate someone's assistance on this one since i am sure that there must be a better way than manually (and tediously & error prone) to map all those columns.

thanks in advance

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Transact SQL :: Table Name Followed By Columns Names In A Single Row?

May 12, 2015

I am able to get a list of columns in a table from the query I have written shown below:

select ColumnNames, TableName from sys.columns sc inner join sys.tables st on sc.object_id=st.object_id
order by

But I am looking for the resultset with the format below:

TableName   Columns
employee      employeeid,employeename,employeesalary
order             orderid,address,price 

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PIVOT With Dynamic Columns Names Created

Aug 3, 2007

I am trying to do a PIVOT on a query result, but the column names created by the PIVOT function are dynamic.

For example (modified from the SQL Server 2005 Books Online documentation on the PIVOT operator) :

[2] AS CurrentPeriod,
[1] AS PreviousPeriod
Period = @period
OR Period = @period - 1
) p
SUM (Sales_Amount)
FOR Period IN ( [2], [1] )
) AS pvt

Let's assume that any value 2 is selected for the @period parameter, and returns the sales by division for periods 2 and 1 (2 minus 1).

Division CurrentPeriod PreviousPeriodA 400 3000 B 400 100 C 470 300 D 800 2500 E 1000 1900

What if the value @period were to be changed, to say period 4 and it should returns the sales for periods 4 and 3 for example, is there a way I can change to code above to still perform the PIVOT while dynamically accepting the period values 4 and 3, applying it to the columns names in the first SELECT statement and the FOR ... IN clause in the PIVOT statement ?

Need a way to represent the following [2] and [1] column names dynamically depending on the value in the @period parameter.

[2] AS CurrentPeriod,
[1] AS PreviousPeriod

FOR Period IN ( [2], [1] )

I have tried to use the @period but it doesn't work.

Thanks in advance.


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How To Basically Copy Tables With New Names Rather Than Create Similar Tables From Similar Manual Input.

May 26, 2007

I have a table that I am basically reduplicating a couple of times for each part of this database that I want to create.Each table basically has the same data: The tables will be called motherTable, fatherTable, sonTable, daughterTable and so on.I am pretty much using the following in each column: UserID, MotherID(or FatherID or SonID, etc., etc. and so on for each unique table), FirstName, LastName, MiddleName, BirthPlace, Photo, Age.I don't see an option to copy a table and just modify the second ID part and rename that table accordingly.How can I make this an easier way of creating these similar tables without retyping all these columns over and over again?Thanks in advance. 

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Pivot When Don't Know Amount Of Columns And Column Names

Jan 7, 2015

I am trying to figure out how to pivot a temporary table. I have a table which starts with a date but the number of columns and columns names will vary but will be type INT (Data, col2,col3,col4………….n)

So it could look like

Date , TS-Sales, Budget , Toms sales

Turned to this

01-jan-14, 02-jan-14, 03-jan-14

Or even just the date and a SUM

What I want is to be able to sum al the columns but without knowing the name and the amount columns to start with this is a manually processes. How could I automate this?

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Transact SQL :: Special Names For Columns In Cross Tabs?

May 7, 2015

While looking forward to design a multi-columnar cross-tab query I am anxious to know if there could be a way to change the default names of the pivot columns? In other words for the query like the following can there be a way to apply anAS type command to reflect some other names, instead of having the four dates in heading? Something like Month_A, Month_B?

X) P
PIVOT (SUM(AMOUNT_1) FOR REP_DT IN ([2014-12-31], [2015-01-31], [2015-02-28], [2015-03-31])) PVT_01

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Newbee Help Needed, I Need To Find Column Names If Any After 2 �check� Columns.

Sep 15, 2002

I need to find column names if any after 2 �check� columns.

Scenario: I have a database, with approx 400-1500 tables, depending on installation of software. The software is structured so that, when it synchronizes the SQL database it will create all the columns e.g. custacc, custname etc. and then it will always put in two check columns �CheckOne� and �CheckTwo� these two columns has to be the two last ones. In 99.9 this always works fine, but sometime if the users creates a new field in the software, when it synchronizes the new field �lands� behind the two checkfields, which is not good.

So what I am after is a script, which can run through all user tables, tell me if there are columns after the two checkfields and list those tables if any.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Transactional Repl, Diffe Table Names, Diff Columns

Mar 22, 2007


I've been able to startup a transactional replication between 2 database for some tables that only have different table names. Now there are still some tables that not only have different names but also different column names, can this be done in the wizzard ??


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Export Wizard Trouble Exporting Columns Names To Ragged File.

May 29, 2006

I��m using the ImportExport wizard to export the top 5 lines from a MS Sql table into a fixed format (��ragged�?) file. But I want the first record to contain the column names of the exported fields so I selected the ��Column names in the first data row�? option of the ��Choose a Destination�? box. When I run the Package I get:

� Information 0x402090dc: Data Flow Task: The processing of file "C:arkingdogExportWithheader.txt" has started (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

� Error 0xc0202095: Data Flow Task: Failed to write out column name for column "CustomerID".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc004701a: Data Flow Task: component "Destination - ExportWithheader_txt" (49) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202095.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

When I de-select the ��Column names�? option, the package works fine. Other than manually, how can I et the column names in output file?



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