How To Query The Progress Status Of A Database Restore
Apr 23, 2007
we have a reporting database that needs to be refreshed every week. I normally get a big backup file (50GB) from our business partner very Sunday morning; I have setup a job to restore the database once I got the backup file. The restore job normally will take about 4 or 5 hours to finish, but sometime it may take much longer (more than 10 hours). We knew there is some kind of disk storage contention going on the SAN. When this problem happens the system guy always try to pick my db restore process to be the victim. I hate to kill a job when it has 90% done, but I have no way to tell the restore progress status. Does someone know if I can query database restore progress information from any DMVs?
Thank you for your help in advance.
David Zhang
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May 29, 2007
Hi guys, I am using ASP.NET 2.0, In one web page i am loading a data from VIEW,This view takes more time to execute and this this data is i am showing in grid on page load event.and the web page only displayes after the view execute until it remains on old page User fills there is no response. I want to show the progress in status bar,Can any one tell me how can i do this. Thanks in advance
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Dec 17, 2001
I Restored the database from Backup with a Different database Name. I got a message the Restore Database was successful. Still the database has Loading Status. Can you let me know what I have to take that status.
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Apr 10, 2007
I 'm trying to install Sql Server 2005 Express Edition using c# 2.0 by starting a process and launching setup. I also want to informed about installation progress. For instance i want to inform end user if any installation error return or if setup has successfully completed etc. I think i need a callback... I have no problem about silent - unattended install but how can i informed about running installation progress ? and send these info to end user 's form ?
Yusuf Incekara
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May 30, 2008
Hello, we started a restore of a database that is just over 1.2 TB. It took 23 hours to complete the Copy Data Phase. Now, SQL Server continues to show the database in a Restoring state, however, there is no other indication of what SQL Server is doing. We do not have any way to see in which phase of the restore process SQL Server is in or how much time may be remaining. We do know that SQL Server is doing something because of the I/O activity. Its there a command, script, or other tool that we can use to determine where in the Restore process we are and how much time may be remaining? We did not use the WITH STATS = switch so that is out, and the sys.dm_exec_requests shows Percent_Complete is 100, however, we know that its not done, the Data Copy Phase has completed but the Severe is still churning.
Thanks, Clay
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Apr 10, 2002
I performed a database restore this morning from a backup that I had
created yesterday - the database was backed up to a file, not a backup
After the restore completed, the database was left in a LOADING status. I
checked the log and it stated 'Bypassing recovery for database X because
it is marked in load. I used the enterprise tools (all tasks/restore
database) to do the restore.
I asked one of our senior dba's for help, and he followed the same process
I did and it worked fine for him.
Any idea why my database was left in a loading status? The database was
fine prior to the restore.
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Sep 21, 2000
How does one correctly go about restoring the MSDB database?
How/what should I do with the status (loading)?
I have a good backup of the MSDB.
Any help will be appreciated.
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Oct 17, 2007
When running large Store Procedures that take several hours, does SQL 05 have a way of monitoring the progress by telling you what it has actually completed so far rather than having to wait till the query has finished to find out.
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Dec 6, 2007
I am new users to SQL and learing it. I am using SQL server 2000 and try to make backup for to test database Northwind and Pubs. Now i am trying to restore these with two new databases but i am getting erro rmessage
i am using this Query!
RESTORE DATABASE nwind_new FROM DISK = 'C: emporthwind.bak'
MOVE 'northwnd' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatawind_new.mdf'
MOVE 'northwnd_log' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatawind_new_log.ldf'
RESTORE DATABASE npubs_new FROM DISK = 'C: emppubs.bak'
MOVE 'pubs' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatapubs_new.mdf'
MOVE 'pubs_log' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatapubs_new_log.ldf'
RESTORE DATABASE ntest_new FROM DISK = 'C: emp est.bak'
MOVE 'test' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatatest_new.mdf'
MOVE 'test_log' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatatest_new_log.ldf'
Error message
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
Line 4: Incorrect syntax near 'MOVE'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 9
Line 9: Incorrect syntax near 'MOVE'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 14
Line 14: Incorrect syntax near 'MOVE'.
i got this query from microsoft's website (SQL Server 2000 Backup and Restore)
It is not working with my case. Plz let me know how to restore two or more databases from backup (xyz.bak) with running one query in SQL server 2000 sp4.
Best regards,
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Jan 8, 2008
I'm trying to do an Ad Hoc connection to a Progress database from SQL query Analyzer. I have successfully created a DataDirect ODBC connection and I can access the progress database tables through Excel. However, I can't get it working in SQL.
My stetament is the following:
'DATADIRECT 4.10 32-BIT Progress SQL92 v9.1E',
Thanks, Susan
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Apr 16, 2007
I need to pull in data from a progress database into a table in SQL server 2005. I have an ODBC conncetion on the server where I am working.
I am new to SSIS but have used DTS. I need to succsefully pull the data into a table in SQL server 2005 from this progress database.
I have setup my ODBC connection but I cannot pull the data using this connection. The connection test succeeded for the connection manager. When I attempt to use the datasource reader and point to the ODBC Connection Manager entry I recieve Cannot acquire a managed connection from the run time connection manager
Any help is appreciated.
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Jul 18, 2012
Our database crashed this morning and went into recovery I can track the progress of the recovery to determine how long it might take?The error log shows that it started up all the databases, then shows the recovery messages fr the msdb database, then shows that sql server is ready for client connections. I don't see any messages about my database recovery or the number of transactions to roll forward or background. If i run the sys.sp_readerrorlog and search for my database name, the only line returned is the starting up database message.
I do expect the database to take a while to recovery as it is about 8TB, there is plenty of free disk space about 3TB.The database started recovery while a transaction log backup was running so that backup failed,the last transaction log backup was taken 2 hours before recovery started. The last full backup completed about 5 days ago. The transaction log backup occurs every 2 hours and is typically around 16GB.
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Aug 29, 2005
I'm having trouble using a Progress database as a source. I have an OpenLink driver installed and a System DSN set up. I can successfully test the connection. I added this DSN to the connection manager and added it to a DataReader Source. I then added the SQLCommand property. I was able to map columns and such, so I believe the SQLCommand was successfully parsed. However, when I try to save the DataReader Source, I get an error:
Error at Data Flow Task [DataReader Source [2266]]: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [HY010] [OpenLink][ODBC][Driver]Function sequence error at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.HandleError(OdbcHandle hrHandle, RetCode retcode) at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.NextResult() at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.Close() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipleline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.ReinitializeMetaData() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipleline.ManagedComponentHost.HostReinitialieMetaData(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper)
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Dec 15, 2005
The project I�m working needs to import data from a Progress Database. I had configured my ODBC (MERANT 3.60 32-BIT Progress SQL92 v9.1D) driver and everything seems to be ok.
But when I tried to create a DataRearder Source pointing to my ODBC Data Source, and open the next tab I received this error message:
��Error at Data Flow Task [DataReader Soucer [135]]: Cannot acquire a managed connection from the run-time connection manager�?
Anyone can help ?
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Sep 18, 2015
how can I connect SSIS 2005 to Progress database?
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Sep 26, 2007
I need a way to determine if a query is still running on the database server. Is there a way to do this?
If the query is still running after 2 hours I need to send a message. How can I query the database for the status of a query?
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Sep 26, 2007
Is it possible to create an SSIS package that checks for a running Query on my SQL db?
I need to some how check my SQL server and see if there is a query running, if its running I need to set an indicator in my table for my app. This job needs to be scheduled and run nightly (which I can do). But how can I query SQL and see if the query is still running?
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Apr 27, 2007
I have seen this before. A 2000 restore fails, leaving the database thinking it is being restored but the restore job failed and errors when it is restarted. EM is clueless. I believe there is a proc to reset some flag. Can you share it with me???
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Oct 27, 2006
I am a Junior DBA and i have to checks the various jobs on different servers.Please help me with a T-SQL way by which i can check the Job status through a Query.
Thanks in Advance
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Dec 24, 2002
I just wanted how we can find the system performance without using tool like performance monitor or profiler.
I just need the query like equalent to peformance monitor for see the systmem status of CPU ,IO ,Memory and etc..
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Oct 28, 2015
I get records from a query whose status is "Marked". I need another column to be added to result set which just says "Marked" for every record. Is that possible in query?
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Feb 27, 2007
Hi is it possible to have a page of a website display the status of a database or MS SQL with .Net code ?, if so what code would i use. Any help would be appreciated.Thank You
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Aug 23, 2001
I used the sp_msforeachtable stored proc to disable all triggers in a database. Once the command is complete, I want to see the statuses of all
these triggers . I am used to an Oracle database so I miss the data dictionary views that easily show this info. Also, I need to view the statuses of all FKs once they are all disabled as well.
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Feb 14, 2008
A hard drive crashed on one of our MS SQL Server 2005 and brought the server down
with it. We had replaced the hard drive and rebuilt the RAID 5 container and got the server rebooted.
However, one of the databases got corrupted after that. THis is the error logs snippet:
,An error occurred during recovery<c/> preventing the database 'survey_p0765392' (database ID 439) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery errors and fix them<c/> or restore from a known good backup. If errors are not corrected or expected<c/> contact Technical Support.,
We have backup which is 2 days old, and restoring from the backup would result in us losing a lot of records that we
have created since then. Is there any way to recover the data from this database? How canI repair it? Please advice. Thanks
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Mar 3, 2004
I'm getting this error in a simple DTS package.
No query specification returned by transform status.
Any ideas what's causing this ?
DTS is simply running a query (which returns data via preview)
and insert results into a table.
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Mar 1, 2007
I have a database design question. I want to store a status in a table. In the ASP.NET interface for the user this status will be adapted to the language of the user.
This is how it would look like:
StatusID 1 = "yes" for English, "oui" for French, "ja" for DutchStatusID 2 = "no" for English, "non" for French, "neen" for DutchStatusID 3 = "error" for English, "erreur" for French, "fout" for Dutch
I don't want to do the translation in ASP.NET and it should be done in one query.
How would it look like in the database design.
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Apr 21, 2007
Our database is running in full recovery mode and we backup the logfile every hour and the database file every night. I notice thetimestamp of database file *.mdf remains unchanged a few days. Forexample one database has its timestamp at Apr 15 while it is Apr 20already.I am wondering if this is acceptable. How do I force the system toflush the data and dirty blocks to the disk more frequently? What isthe downside to this?Thanks for any idea.
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Oct 8, 2015
I'm running the following SQL query from LabVIEW, a graphical programming language, using the built in capabilities it has for database connectivity:
DECLARE @currentID int
SET @currentID = (SELECT MIN(ExperimentID) FROM Jobs_t WHERE JobStatus = 'ToRun');
UPDATE [dbo].[Jobs_t]
SET [JobStatus] = 'Pending'
WHERE ExperimentID = @currentID;
SELECT @currentID AS result
This is the analogous code to main() is a C-like language. The first block, which has the "Connection Information" wire going into it, opens a .udl file and creates an ADO.NET _Connection reference, which is later used to invoke methods for the query.
<execute query.img>
This is the inside of the second block, the one with "EXE" and the pink wire going into it. The boxes with the gray border operate much like "switch" statements. The wire going into the "?" terminal on these boxes determines which case gets executed. The yellow boxes with white rectangels dropping down are invoke nodes and property nodes; they accept a reference to an object and allow you to invoke methods and read/write properties of that object. You can see the _Recordset object here as well. <fetch recordset.img>
Here's the next block to be executed, the one whose icon reads "FETCH ALL". We see that the first thing to execute on the far left grabs some properties of the recordset, and returns them in a "struct" (the pink wire that goes into the box that reads "state"). This is where the code fails. The recordset opened in the previous VI (virtual instrument) has a status of "closed", and the purple variant (seen under "Read all the data available") comes back empty.
The rest of the code is fairly irrelevant, as it's just converting the received variant into usable data, and freeing the recordset reference opened previously. My question is, why would the status from the query of the recordset be "closed"? I realize that recordsets are "closed" when the query returns no rows, but executing that query in SSMS returns good data. Also, executing the LabVIEW code does the UPDATE in the query, so I know that's not broken either.
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Jan 29, 2007
From SQL Management Studion I go to Management > Database Mail and I am trying to send a test email but I never receive anything. I checked my SMTP Mail Server Logs and I saw no entry of my test email.
I also I checked my SQL Database Mail Logs and everything seems fine, no errors are reported.
The msdb.dbo.sysmail_allitems shows my email status as "sent".
So what am I missing? What steps would you recommend for troubleshooting my problem?
Thank you,
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Jun 4, 2008
On my page I am using a wizard control with textboxes to collect data from the visitor.
When they click the finish button - this inserts their data into a Sql database.
On the form is a checkbox.
I dont know what type to use in the database column to accept this and also
how to configure the checkbox on the page so I know if its checked.
Also what would be inserted into the database column "yes" "no" or a numerical value??
Thanks for any advice?
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Jun 15, 2006
1) We will setup logshipping for a large database.
2) 2 systems are located at different city
3) Instead of use 'backup from primary and restore with norecovery to secondary ', we planned to use
SAN disk clone to get a second set of disks for related database files and log files.
4) We will mount the disk to the secondary server, however, how can we put the database on the new
server as 'norecovery' mode so that we can setup logshipping to this server ??
Another easy example is:
1) detach database
2) Copy database files to another disk
3) bring the disk to another city and attached to the new server
The database is recoveryed, how can we attach the database or mount the disk and make
the database as norecovery so that we can keep apply new logs??
For 2 identical database image, how can we toggle one from normal to norecovery to setup logshipping?
Is change 'status' from master database working?
Thank you very much for any words.
If this is the wrong forum, please point me to a correct one since I am new here and I can't find a
backup/restore related forum.
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May 24, 2007
One of the database in our SQL Server 2000 environment is in the suspect status. We need to bring it back to the normal status.
The problem occurred because the disk on which the data file and log file for this database were placed ran out of space.
Pls note other databases in the same server are working fine.
Later on more space was made available on this disk. We tried the following options but with no success.
1. Reset the status of database and restarted the SQL Server. After restarting the SQL Server, the database once again was showing the suspect status.
2. Used the same data and log file in another SQL Server and attached with the database in this another SQL Server.
3. Tried dbcc chkdb with repair_allow_data_loss.
Since the database is in suspect status, we are neither able to export the data nor able to back up the database.
Please suggest some options to recover the database from the suspect status. Also it would be great if we can get the commands, scripts to find if the data/log file is corrupt and a way to correct it (even with data loss is fine).
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Jun 19, 2008
I restored a sql server database today. There is a problem though. In SQL server, right next to the name of the database are the words "Restricted User". Their seem to be some limitations on my access to this database now as I am not able to run some of my C# code against the database. How can I fix this in SQL server so that I am not a Restriced user.
Example of what I am talking about. In SQL server my database is named Gorlaz. Just to the left of this is a yellow Icon that represents the database "Gorlaz". For illustration purposes I will use the character "$" to substitute for the yellow database icon. So this is how it reads in SQL server management studio.
$Gorlaz(Restricted User)
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