How To Repeat Header Of The Table For Each Record

Feb 19, 2007


In RS 2005 i am using a table to show the multiple records.Now i want to repeat the header of the table for each record of table but dont know how to do this.the layout should like..

Name Address

Mach xyz

Name Address

Peter abc

Also how can i make our report multilingual.

Pls suggest me.

thanks in advance..

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Can't Get A Subreport To Start On The Correct Page Or Table Header To Repeat On Multiple Pages

May 24, 2006

I am staring to lose my mind on all this "work-around" BS in trying to create a dynamic header.

I have a report with contains a table, whose first two lines are a header line in which I want to repeat on each page. Then I have about 20 detail rows of information related to the header. The 21st detail row is a merged cell that contains a subreport relating to the header item.

When printing to PDF, the detail rows consume about half the page and the subreport is anywere from half a page to several pages long. When the subreport is more than half a page, it skips the end of the first page and starts on the top of the next page, leaving the bottom half of the first page blank. No matter what I set the page breaking to, it continues this behavior. In addition, when the subreport data spans more than one page, my parent table's header row will not print to the next page even it the RepeatOnNewPage is set to true.

I am coding this way because I have found no good way of creating a dynamic header that will correctly and consistantly display data that has detail that spans more than one page.

Any thoughts on what I might be doing incorrect?

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Repeat Header Doesnt Work

Jun 18, 2007

hi there,

i've made a report containing a subreport. the subreport is in a table. the table headers should repeat. but if the subreport expands more than one site, the table header doesnt repeat.

okay. i could place the table header in report header, but in report header i cant use fields from a dateset.

thanks for any idea, tobi

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Reporting Services :: Repeat Header On All Pages

May 28, 2015

I am  building a report with 3 tablixs using SQL Server 2008. Tablix 3 is long and spans over 3 pages. I am trying to get the header for the  to remain visible on all pages and as we scroll through the end of each page. Now this is a frequently asked question and I have found the approach to achieve the desired results. All approaches involve clicking in the advanced mode of the row and column groups to modify the static and dynamic groups.However, when I click the advanced mode there is no effect. I have attached a picture of the design mode. The tablix3 is grouped by the Department column.

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Reporting Services :: How To Get SSRS To Repeat Header Rows

Sep 10, 2015

I have an SSRS report I'm working on.  I have Row Groups plus details.

A)  How can I get the row group headers to repeat on every line?
B) I would still like to use the drill down, click the plus sign, and have that work when I export to excel.

Here is the report header: URL....My first thought was is there a way simply to cause the header to repeat.  I cannot find that anywhere to do that.My second though was to split the cells and copy the fields to all the rows.Here is the same header with split cells:URL....two problems.

A) I cannot split one cell; See the "X" in the second capture.
B) How do I still hid the rows until I drill down.

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Multipage Report Repeat Header Not Showing Data From Page 2 Onwards

Mar 13, 2008

I am using reportitem to show the data in the header from a table cell.i see the values just on the first page, from second page onwards reportitems not showing the values at all.

I am getting the reportitems values from a tables header cell and also made the tables header cell's property checked repeat header in all pages.

Header is appearing but the values in reportitems are not populating from page 2 onwards.

i tried / used everything including inserting group header still i don't get it towork.

please help.......................

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Correlated Query Returning Only 1 Record And Repeat

Aug 10, 2014

I have SQL query/dual sub-query in MS Access that is returning data from the left side of the query FROM correctly, but is only returning one record from the right side of the query FROM. Furthermore, it repeats the display of the one record and it repeats the entire results set with a different one record each time until all the records have been displayed. I expect that problems described as “Furthermore” will not exist by fixing the one record issue. I have tried using all the join types available in MS Access, but none change the result.

The desired output is:

Yellow Blue

The actual output is:

Yellow Blue

The same pattern is repeated 2 more times with Blue values of 10/08/2010 and then 12/14/2007.

Here is the SQL:

SELECT Long_List.Yellow,Short_List.Blue

[Code] .....

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Repeat First Row Group Header For Second Row Group Items

Jun 6, 2007

I have a matrix with two row groups and one column group with about 6 items in it. I have about 2100 rows at the lowewst row group level. This report was built solely for excel export. The first row group has about 20 items and controls the visibility of the other group. When I toggle the visibility of the second row group, how can I make the the header of the first row group copy down for each row of the other row group? The first row group is the Section and the second is Mnemonic.



Code Snippet
Column Column
Section1 -





Section2 -





Should be:

Code Snippet

Column Column

Section1 -

Section1 Mnemonic

Section1 Mnemonic

Section1 Mnemonic

Section2 -

Section2 Mnemonic

Section2 Mnemonic

Section2 Mnemonic

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Reporting Services :: How To Get Table Header Dynamically From Table Header

Oct 7, 2015

I have a sql query

create table temp
    date1 datetime,
    category varchar(3),
    amount money


In above format:15-10 means Oct 15, 15-09 means Sept 15I am getting issues while formatting this in SSRS.I need SSRS table headers to be dynamic. I need that it should be according to the sql table header...The table header should change according to the sql query

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Page Header And Table Header Display But Groups And Rows Do Not

Nov 6, 2007

I have a report that I created and the report was working until I added some fields to a group footer row in a table.

My table has 5 group levels. I had information displaying in the 5th level header group and detail. It was working fine. Then I added some fields to the 4th level group footer. Now it displays only the Page header, Table header, and the 4th level group footer data.

What happened to the rest of the data?

All the cells and rows I want to display have the Visibility Hidden set to false. I tried removing the objects I added (to the 4th level group footer) and it still does not work. Is this a bug or did I set something that is hiding the data.



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Add A Header Row To Record Set

Aug 8, 2007

I am using SQL Query Analizer and i am creating a statement like

select id, product, image, price
from products

and then taking the resulting set and doing a save to tab delemited file that i use for uploading to a third party site...

Problem is that i need row 1 to have the column names so they will be included on the tab delemited file?

How would i write that into the select statement?

any help would be great!!!

~ Moe

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Capture Header Record

Aug 15, 2007

How t o capture a header record from a flat file and write it to
different table.

It seems that Conditional Split task doesn't work because it detects the different layout and errors out.
any help would be appreciated.

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Detail Record Header

Mar 29, 2007


I'm new to SSRS. I was just wondering how do I make the header for a detail record appear once per grouping rather than once per detail record?


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Select With Header And Detail For Each Record In View

Sep 16, 2014

I have a flat file I need to generate, wanted to create my file from a SQL view.

Is there a way to have a Header and Detail Record for each Record in my view?

Fields would be:

Line no type period ref amt date Inv_no
0 M 1 3/3/2014
1 M Pay inv: 400.00 12345

where 0 is the header and 1 is the detail. Only certain fields will be in the header and others in the detail.

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FOR EACH Loop To Export Files Based On Header Record

Dec 21, 2006

Hey guys,,

Well im new at this SSIS stuff and i have something that i am trying to do, but cannot get it to work.. Ill try to explain, and if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction it would be much appriciated..

I have 2 tables, one header table. and one lines table. This is a one - to -many relationship.. ie 1 header, many lines.. This is a Order Header, and Order Lines table setup.. Order header has Order numbers and and email address field that link to the lines table by order number. I also have a view which links all this info together.

I would like to export a excel file (preferable named from the order number column - but that can come later) for each order number in the header table. The excel file will contain the details from the View that was created. I want this to loop through all the header records in the header table and create a excel file for each one..

Down the track i want to add a send mail task to this and pass the email address to a variable so i can use it in the send mail task.. But ill get the main part working first..

Anyhelp would be more than helpful.. I tried to set this up, but i am stuck on the enumerator part..

thanks again, scotty

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Repeat A Table Column On Every New Physical Page

Mar 22, 2007


I wonder how and if this can be achieved:

In a tabular report I have one or more columns that need to be repeated on every new physical page when printed.

Viewing the report in the ReportViewer control allows such columns to be fixed using the "FixedHeader" switch, allowing the user to conveniently scroll the reports content while always having the fixed columns in sight. This is perfect. However, when switching to the Print Layout view or when printing the report, I would like to have these fixed columns be printed on every new page that is generated at the beginning of the table printed.

E.g. I have a report that has a huge number of columns that need to be shown. When printed, the columns need at least 6 pages' width. I would be very convenient if I could repeat e.g. the first column (containing some identificational information) on every of these 6 pages. It wouldn't hurt if e.g. 7 pages would be generated because of the repeated column(s).

Any help is appreciated, thanks a lot!


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Need An Efficient Way To Repeat The Column Headers Of A Table

Dec 19, 2007

There are 2 tables

ID Name

1 Arun
2 B
3 C


PeopleID Address
1 Test Address A
1 Test Address B
1 Test Address C
2 Address A
3 Address1
3 Address2

Expected Result

ID Name Address1 Address2 Address3

1 Arun TestAdressA Test Address B Test Address C

2 B Address A

3 C Address1 Address2

Address columns repeated = max(count(Address)) for PeopleID

Help me on this!

I can do it through dynamic sql using Execute sp_executesql

Is there any workaround except this?

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Table Join Statement Returns Repeat Rows

Jul 22, 2007

Hello All.

I am struggling with the below join block in my stored procedure.
I can't seem to get the duplicate row problem to go away. It seems that SQL is treating each new instance of an email address as reason to create a new row despite the UNIONs.
I understand that if I am using UNION, using DISTINCT is redundant and will not solve the duplicate row problem.

Primary Keys: none of the email address columns are primary keys. Each table has an incrementing ID column that serves
as the primary key.

I am guessing I am encountering this problem because of how
I have structured my Join statements? Is it possible to offer advice without a deeper understanding of my data model or
do you need more information?

Thanks for any tips.


select emailAddress from Users union
select user_name from PersonalPhotos union
select email_address from EditProfile union
select email_address from SavedSearches union
select distinct email_address from UserPrecedence union
select email_address from LastLogin) drv
Left Join Users tab1 on (drv.emailAddress = tab1.emailAddress)
Inner Join UserPrecedence tab5 on tab5.UserID=tab1.UserID
Left Join PersonalPhotos tab2 on (drv.emailAddress = tab2.user_name)
Left Join LastLogin tab4 on (drv.emailAddress = tab4.email_address)
Left Join EditProfile tab3 on (drv.emailAddress = tab3.email_address)
Left Join SavedSearches tab6 on (drv.emailAddress = tab6.email_address

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Adding A Header Record To A Fixed Width Flat File Data Export.

Jun 21, 2007

Hi-I have a sql database (2005) that I need to extract a report from that looks somehintg like  SELECT * From Empl_Hours WHERE some_flag <> 'true' .The thing works fine, but the problem is this: I need to insert a record in the 1st row that looks like "Static_text"+row_count() +"more_static_text"where row_count is the actual # of rows that were retrieved. Thanks in advance for any help.DAn 

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How To Create An Copy Of A Certain Record Except One Specific Column That Must Be Different &&amp; Insert The New Record In The Table

Sep 1, 2006

I have a table with a user column and other columns. User column id the primary key.

I want to create a copy of the record where the user="user1" and insert that copy in the same table in a new created record. But I want the new record to have a value of "user2" in the user column instead of "user1" since it's a primary key


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Restrict Inserting Record If Record Already Exist In Table

Apr 17, 2014

Is that possible to restrict inserting the record if record already exist in the table.

Scenario: query should be

We are inserting a bulk information of data, it should not insert the row if it already exist in the table. excluding that it should insert the other rows.

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Delete Record Based On Existence Of Another Record In Same Table?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have a table in SQL Server 2000 that contains several million memberids. Some of these member ids are duplicated in the table, and eachrecord is tagged with a 1 or a 2 in [recsrc] to indicate where theycame from.I want to remove all member ids records from the table that have arecsrc of 1 where the same member id also exists in the table with arecsrc of 2.So, if the member id has a recsrc of 1, and no other record exists inthe table with the same member id and a recsrc of 2, I want it leftuntouched.So, in a theortetical dataset of member id and recsrc:0001, 10002, 20001, 20003, 10004, 2I am looking to only delete the first record, because it has a recsrcof 1 and there is another record in the table with the same member idand a recsrc of 2.I'd very much appreciate it if someone could help me achieve this!Much warmth,Murray

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Joining Record With The Most Recent Record On Second Table

Apr 23, 2008

Could anybody help me with the following scenario:

Table 1 Table2

ID,Date1 ID, Date2

I would like to link the two tables and receive all records from table2 joined on ID and the record from table1 that has the most recent date.


Table1 data Table2 Data

ID Date1 ID Date2
31 1/1/2008 31 1/5/2008
34 1/4/3008 31 4/1/2008
31 3/2/2008

The first record in table2 would only link to the first record in table1
The second record in table2 would only link to the third record in table1

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Update A Record Based Of A Record In The Same Table

Aug 16, 2006

I am trying to update a record in a table based off of criteria of another record in the table.

So suppose I have 2 records

ID owner type

1 5678 past due

2 5678 late

So, I want to update the type field to "collections" only if the previous record for the same record is "past due". Any ideas?

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SSRS 2005: Report Header Does Not Export To Excel As Page Header

Mar 13, 2008

I need some help. I am writing a report in SSRS 2005 that I then need to export to Excel. When I put a report header I would expect the header to not display in the Excel spreadsheet until the Print Preview or the Print. The report footer works just fine I put some text in the footer, and it shows up in the footer. The header though, shows up as a row in the Excel spreadsheet that then causes columns to merge. How do I get the report header to act like a page header?

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Reporting Services :: Subreport Header Is Not Showing Inside A Report With A Header On Its Own?

May 13, 2015

I am making a book-like report, I am using a report that has a header and calling a sub-report that has it's own header. However the sub-report header is not showing on the parent report. Parent report header is prevailing over the sub-report. Is it possible to have both headers displaying?

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Table Header!

Nov 22, 2007

Hi everybody!

I have a question,how to fix table header in reporting services?
because my informations are alot
and when i scroll on my report i lose the header and my user always
wants to see table header

How can i do this?

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Report Header Pagination: On Next Page(2) The Header Is Disappearing In IE

Nov 6, 2007

Hi Friends,

There is a one header in the report, when I publish and hit the report in IE(internet explor) the header appears fine on first page when I go to next page this header does not appear.

But in mozilla the header is visible on every page of the report. so it is working fine in mozilla.

I donot why it is happening?

Your help is highly appreciated.


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Locking A Table Header Row

Oct 12, 2007

I feel like I read about a new ability in SSRS 2005 to be able to lock the position of a table's header row (when viewing through the report viewer) so that it does not scroll out of view when scrolling down long report. Now that I need it, I have not been able to find any information about it. Does anyone have any information about this feature or know if this feature exists?

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Expression In Header Of Table

Oct 8, 2007

I have inserted a table in the layout. I want to create in the header of this table a field that sums up a set of values from a iif statement. So My expression is =sum(iif(Fields!aloc.value=2, Fields!balc.Value, 0)).
What I'm trying to do is sum all the values where aloc=2.
I Get an error saying The value expression for the textbox textbox134 uses an aggregate function on data of varying data types. Aggregate functions other than First, Last, Previous, Count, and CountDistinct can only aggregate data of a single data type.
That data type of balc is Float.
What am I doing wrong or what do I need to do to fix this?
I have no schooling on Reporting Services or SQL. I've been learning as I go for the past 6 months.

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Table Header Issue In Printing

Nov 28, 2007

A report with a subreport has no table headers in some pages during printing ,and it's anomaly.

"Repeat header rows on each page" was selected in table properties page. Does anybody meet this kind of problem?


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Hide Table Header In Csv Output

Mar 20, 2008


I am trying to create a csv file without the field header information. First, I hid the table header row, then each column header separately, then removed the table header alltogether, but when I print to a CSV file the field headers still show up. This file is going to be use as input to another application and they do not want the header information.

What I get now:

1,3/1/08, 25.00

What I want:

1,3/1/08, 25.00

Thanks for any help,


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Placing A Sum In A Table Header Column

Jan 30, 2007

I have been requested to add the sum of an interger field to the table header. I have the sum in the footer (which is very easy to do), but I cannot get the sum to appear in the table header.

I then set-up the stored procedure to run the sum, and place it into a dummy field. I still cannot add this field to the table header. Instead of printing the data for the dummy field (the correct total), it instead prints the actual field name on the report.

Is there anyway to place a sum in a table header on a SQL Server Report?

Let me know.

Thank you,


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