How To Replicate From ODBC-Unix(Progress) To SQL Server
Oct 12, 2001
How can I assign the ODBC Database(Progress) on UNIX as publisher and SQL Server as subscriber. When I use the Enterprise Manager, I cannot see the Unix Server. I just can see the server and database in DTS.
Anyone support a config where you have an unix/linux (AIX here) ODBC client connection to SQL Server database? I am looking for a simple, supportable configuration that does not require me to learn perl or instal a bunch of crap gnu shareware on enterprise class machines.
Anyone support a config where you have an unix/linux (AIX here) ODBCclient connection to SQL Server database? I am looking for a simple,supportable configuration that does not require me to learn perl orinstal a bunch of crap gnu shareware on enterprise class machines.Please help!
I need to pull in data from a progress database into a table in SQL server 2005. I have an ODBC conncetion on the server where I am working.
I am new to SSIS but have used DTS. I need to succsefully pull the data into a table in SQL server 2005 from this progress database.
I have setup my ODBC connection but I cannot pull the data using this connection. The connection test succeeded for the connection manager. When I attempt to use the datasource reader and point to the ODBC Connection Manager entry I recieve Cannot acquire a managed connection from the run time connection manager
The project I´m working needs to import data from a Progress Database. I had configured my ODBC (MERANT 3.60 32-BIT Progress SQL92 v9.1D) driver and everything seems to be ok.
But when I tried to create a DataRearder Source pointing to my ODBC Data Source, and open the next tab I received this error message:
€śError at Data Flow Task [DataReader Soucer [135]]: Cannot acquire a managed connection from the run-time connection manager€?
First, let me start by saying I know the answer to this, but due to politics any answer I give will be viewed with some disdain and disbelief.
A Unix/Network [rtdpmin one our sister agencies is trying to solve a problem that really does not need to be solved, but ....
The sister agency uses Information Builder's WebFocus on Unix. When they try to read my data warehouse in SQL Server 2000 it times out on them (on their end and they claim they cannot fix it) (This is using the supplied WebFocus ODBC/JDBC driver for SQL Server). This has lead to accusations of us not letting them read the data.
After much gnashing of teeth over "if you do data and data analysis for a living, why do I have to show you how to set-up an ODBC connection" we have shown them how to connect to the data, read it, and transfer it using MS-ACCESS, EXCEL, and more importantly SPSS. This is not good enough because they cannot figure out how to put it into WebFocus.
Their network person has come-up with the brilliant idea of reading the .mdf directly by installing Windows for Unix on the Unix side and then just pointing to the .mdf file and "reading it ".
Unless I have missed something somwhere (I will admit possible), I know you need a driver to read MS-SQL and that driver in every example I have seen could care less about the physical location of the .mdf file. It wants to know what database, what server (ip or name) and what security/login to use.
Could someone give me a more "technical answer" or even Microsoft's party line so I do not have this person mucking around with my production server trying to acomplish the impossible.
Using SQL 7.0 I'd like to replicate just schema from DB on server A to DB on server B, then be able to replicate data only form DB on server B to DB on server A. I need help!!
Thanks for ANY information you can give me... ~Jepadria
I am very new to this board and I am not sure whether the following question belongs to this board. I will ask it anyway.
Can someone tell me where (book or web site or an example) I can go to learn how to be able to connect to a SQL Server database in a unix (in my case Solaris) environment using C/C++. I have been doing database programming using Oracle, Acess on NT with C/C++/ODBC comfortabley. I just need to learn how to go about in a Unix environment.
Has anyone tried to connect to a SQL Server 2K running on Windows 2000 from a unix machine? If so then could you provide me some help? Thanks in advance
I have UNIX application, running on AIX, SUN and HP, (RISC & Itanium). This application working with Oracle, via OCI, and OCCI, (I can use ODBC as well).
I would like replace Oracle with SQL-Sever.
Does there is a way/driver to access MS-SQL Server from Unix?
We are running SCO Unix 5.0.5. We need a command line sql client that can connect to a MS SQL server running on a windows server. Can someone point me in the right direction? I don't want to write a sql client. I just want a command line sql client binary that is ready to work.
I want to do something like this in a unix shell script:
My program is running on UNIX, (SUN, AIX and HP), and work with Oracle. I would like to use SQL-Server instead of Oracle, but the program must run on UNIX.
Is there is a way/driver to work with SQL-Server from UNIX?
Does anybody have information on co-existence of SQL Server and Progress on the same machine? Are they happy to live together, or should they be given separate homes? I would like to cut down on server proliferation, if possible, and have a server "beefy" enough to handle both, but is it a wise thing to do?
I am owrking in java developmenton solaris using weblogic6.0 Does any body know how to access sql server data from solaris. If some body knows that, can you please post me the steps that i need to do it.
I've got a question about the UNIX timestamp solutions, I am using this one:
select convert(datetime, switchoffset(convert(datetimeoffset, dateadd(second, start_date, '19700101')), datename(TzOffset, sysdatetimeoffset()))) from x
This works great for today (wintertime), but when I query the past, say last week, it will still hold the current offset of my server GMT+1, where it was GMT+2.
Is there a way to get always the right date/time from a sql-query?
Hi,I am having a problem accessing SQL Server 2000 via UNIX. I amaccessing SQL Server 2000 from Solaris using Sybase Open Client(CT-Lib). Here is the error message:CT-LIBRARY error:ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net libraryerror: Net-Library operation terminated due to disconnectI have another SQL server 6.5 and I do not have any problems accessing6.5 using the same strategy. Can someone tell me how I shouldconfigure to access SQL Server 2000 from UNIX?Thanks,Amy
Hi, everyone!I was just wondering if any of you knows of a linux/unix client(preferably on the command line) that would connect to ms sql server?Any hints would be appreciated!Roumen.
I have a windows server 2003 R2 sharing a filesystem using NFS. I have created a group and passwd file and mapped the ids' to the unix login ids' . I', able to mount but when I try to cd to the directory I get "NFS access failed for server testsrvr: RPC: Authentication error". On the win2k3 server I'm getting an event error "There was a mapping failure". I have the Admin id on the win2k3 server mapped to the unix root login .
I was a Oracle Developer / DBA on Unix Environments all along my career, Very recently iam starting to manage a SQL Server 2005/Windows 2003 Server setup.
Part of my new job is to automate to load Huge Data files/Flat Files (3/4 GB in size) into SQL Server 2005 DB.
Have these initial questions.. Since the files are too large to open at once... What sort of Command Line Interfaces people use on the Windows Boxes.. like doing a "wc" (Word Count) / GREP 'ng Files / Massaging Data Files one line at a time (Like using SED / AWK Commands).. Etc
Hi All, I have trouble with SQL Server 2005. I downloaded last night trial evolution. And I want to intall it but I cant progress after some points. And pop-up window appears with a msg that
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Setup ------------------------------ SQL Server Setup could not validate the service accounts. Either the service accounts have not been provided for all of the services being installed, or the specified username or password is incorrect. For each service, specify a valid username, password, and domain, or specify a built-in system account. For help, click:
And I opened the link above it says I must enter a strong password and I have done but I couldnt pass the step again.
Hello, I am trying to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 from a SCO box (version 3.2v4.2)using sisql/bcp (sybase product). I can connect to a 6.5 database but when I try the same script to connect to 7.0 I get the following message: DB-LIBRARY error: Unable to connect: SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist. Is there anything I can do in order to fix this problem? Any ideas? Thanks
I know that SQL Server runs on Windows Server, is it possible to download data in UNIX using shell script? does SQL Server has any binary or command line client for any operating system other than Windows?
Is there as way to access SQL SErver DB for DML Operations from C++ programs in UNIX/LINUX. The current approach is by uisng Pro C to connect to ORACLE from C++. But I want to connect to SQL Server 2005.
Our database crashed this morning and went into recovery I can track the progress of the recovery to determine how long it might take?The error log shows that it started up all the databases, then shows the recovery messages fr the msdb database, then shows that sql server is ready for client connections. I don't see any messages about my database recovery or the number of transactions to roll forward or background. If i run the sys.sp_readerrorlog and search for my database name, the only line returned is the starting up database message.
I do expect the database to take a while to recovery as it is about 8TB, there is plenty of free disk space about 3TB.The database started recovery while a transaction log backup was running so that backup failed,the last transaction log backup was taken 2 hours before recovery started. The last full backup completed about 5 days ago. The transaction log backup occurs every 2 hours and is typically around 16GB.
We are working on a project but have some problems. There is a Progress Database and we want to use sql server data replication but we don't know, Can Sql Server support data replication for Progress Database?
Hi All, We have a Progress DB in our Company. We are trying to move all the data to SQL Server 2005. When I try to run the Import Data task from SQL Server 2005 the radio button called "Copy data from one or more tables or views" is getting disabled and it is asking me to write a SQL script to copy all data from 120 tables.
I am using a .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC when I run the Import Data task from SQL Server 2005.
I am using the DataDirect 4.1 32-Bit Progress SQL92 v9.1D ODBC Driver to connect to Progress DB. I am getting a connection but the copy feature is getting disabled.
Can anyone please help me to resolve this issue, or even if you provide me with some pointers that will be really helpful.
To get the data through to SQL Server 2005 in a useable format i need to use the progress PRO_ELEMENT function call. How do I delimit this so it gets passed to the progress DB.
I've tried
{fn PRO_ELEMENT(fldarr1,1,1)} as fld1
This just returns an unknown function message which I believe is on the SQL Server end of the call.
This statement works fine through Business Objects.
I apologize if this is not the correct forum for this posting. Looking at the descriptions, it appeared to be the best choice.
I am running Windows XP Pro SP2. I have installed the SQL Native Client for XP. However, when I try to add a new data source through ODBC Connection Manager, SQL Native Client is not listed as an option. I have followed this procedure on three other systems with no problems. What would be causing the SQL Native Client to not show up in the list of available ODBC data sources?