How To Retrieve Most Recent File From Local Directory?

May 30, 2007


Here's my situation. Every day I will be downloading extracts to a folder. The extracts are named:







So, on any given day, I will want to find the most recent versions of Extract1 and Extract2, for example:

20070529.Extract1.csv & 20070529.Extract2.csv

How would I go about doing this?

Thanks much

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Receive Files From Remote Site Only If File Does Not Exist In Local Directory

Jul 13, 2007

I need to only receive files via ftp when the file does not exist on my local machine. FIles are being added to the remote location on a weekly basis and they are being downloaded locally. I do not want to download all the files each time. Instead, just download what was not already downloaded. Is there a way to do this? I want to do this using SSIS / ftp task.

Thanks in advance.

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Copy TXT File From FTP Server In Local Server Directory

Apr 24, 2015

I need to figure out a way to copy .txt file from ftp server in local server directory using sql jobs.

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How To Retrieve 100,000 Records From Active Directory Using SQL Server

Nov 24, 2004


I am new to Microsoft Technologies, can any one say how to connect/ retrieve data's from Active Directory through SQL SERVER from scratch. I need with some sample codes.....

Thanks in advance

raj d.s

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Ideal Local For Data Directory

May 12, 2008

I am currently deploying a desktop application that uses SQL Express as a local data source. I load data from other sources into the local database and then use that data for my application. Currently I'm deploying the MDF file into a Data folder within my application folder. I'm finding that most of the users that will be using this application has only power user rights, not admin rights.

My question is this. Is using a data folder within my application folder the ideal place to store this data or is there other more benefitial places within the users computer that would help reduce rights and permissions issues? When users upgrade to Vista will this cause any problems that another location might help me avoid?

Appreaciate any opinions.

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Retrieve Local Time From Remote SQL Server Computer

Feb 6, 2004

Hi all

I am about updating some fields with local date and time using blw API
Private Declare Sub GetLocalTime Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME)

Public Function LocalDateTime()


GetLocalTime MyTime

Debug.Print "The Local Date is:" & MyTime.wMonth & "-" & MyTime.wDay & "-" & MyTime.wYear
Debug.Print "The Local Time is:" & MyTime.wHour & ":" & MyTime.wMinute & ":" & MyTime.wSecond

End Function
This works fine however due to it's not really easy for an administrator to keep checking every times wheter local date and time are correctly updated for each front end users computer i would that to reconsider my function and making it to read local date and time from remote SQL Server. my concern is to help administrator to save time as he should only need to ensure that Server is running with correct time...

thkx for any advise

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How To Get The Most Recent File?

Mar 19, 2007

daily my client uploads a flat file to a folder.

each file has the same name with an " _##### " id number.

I have created a ssis package that will download the file, and put the data in a table, but I have to change the ID number manually.

How can I get my package to pick the most recent flat file uploaded to the folder, so I can automate my process

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Integration Services :: File System Task - Set Source Variable And Pickup BAK File In Directory To Delete

Nov 9, 2015

I have created a File System task which is contained in a Foreach Loop Container. I have .bak files that are populating a directory from a maintenance backup plan.

There is a point where I need to delete the .bak file's after I've zipped them all up.

How do I set the SourceVariable to read through the directory and pick up just the .bak file's in the directory to delete.

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Clever Date To Find Most Recent .bak File

Oct 11, 2006

Say I have 3 .bak files named:jamesB.bak, jamesG.bak, jamesW.bakIs there a clever way to find out which is the most recent of thesebackup files?? Using sql query analyzer preferably...

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Sep 15, 2007

Hi there,
I have inherited a databse and am building a new website to go wiht it.
There is a file upload page which will upload images to a directory.  I need to insert into the database retrieve the id just added then upload the image renaming it in the format locID(QueryString)_ImageID(retrieved from database).jpg
The page has a file upload control and a button.
I am trying to write my code behind so that when the button is clicked it inserts location id into the images table retrieves Image id. Renames the file and uploads it to the images folder.
II think i need to call the routine from another routine for the button click but the signatures are different, where am i going wrong? or for that matter have i been pissing into the wind for the last 4 hours?

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClientPartial Class admin_Add_Images
Inherits System.Web.UI.PageProtected Sub UploadImage(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs)
Dim LocationId As String = Request.QueryString(ID)

' create a new SqlConnectionDim NewConn As New SqlConnection
NewConn = New SqlConnection("server=desktopsqlexpress;uid=xxxxxx;pwd=xxxxxxx;database=MYLOCDEV") 'OleDbConnection i
' open the connection
NewConn.Open()Dim MyInsert = New SqlCommand("INSERT into image([LocationID]) VALUES (@LocationID); SET @NewId = Scope_Identity()")
If Not File1.PostedFile Is Nothing And File1.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0 Then
'RENAME THE FILEDim newid As Integer = e.Command.Parameters("@NewId").Value
Dim fn As String = (LocationId & "_" & newid & ".jpg")Dim SaveLocation As String = Server.MapPath("oicImages") & "" & fn
File1.PostedFile.SaveAs(SaveLocation)Response.Write("The file has been uploaded.")
Catch Exc As ExceptionResponse.Write("Error: " & Exc.Message)
End Try
ElseResponse.Write("Please select a file to upload.")

End If
End SubProtected Sub Submit1_Click(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Submit1.Click

UploadImage()End Sub
End Class

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Most Recent Date With Most Recent Table ID

Jul 15, 2014

I need to get all customer records with the most recent tDate. A customer should never have duplicate tDate records, as only one record per day is allowed per customer, yet there somehow there are duplicates. Given this, I need to get the record with the Max date and Max ID. the ID column is an auto-incrementing Identity column.Below is the code without the Max ID column logic

SELECT tCustID, MAX(tDate) AS tDate--get MAX tDate records
FROM table1

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Error While OPEN File Procedure From Recent Sites And Servers

Jun 16, 2015

What might be the reason for this error:

A propos above error, traying to open [URL] ....

I am getting this error:

User 'domainuserName' does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed.

How to proceed with this ?

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Script Task To Compare File From FTP With File On Local Archive Behaved Strangely!

May 9, 2008

In my script task I have the following code. The task I'm trying to accomplish is:
If the filename on FTP can be found in the local archive folder of e: drive then show message "FileAlreadyThere" (I will ultimatley change it to do nothing); if the filename on FTP cannot be found in the local archive folder of e: drive then transfer the file to the local package folder on d: drive.

While the script task is executing I was watching it closely, but the problem i saw is that:
If some files on FTP are already in local archive folder and some are not, then it the files which are already in the archive folder are dumped to the package folder; then after that the files which are not in the archive folder are then dumped to the package folder. But I only want the new files on FTP to be transferred to the package folder for further processing.

Then after this is finished, I saw all the files in the package folder are refreshed one after another, after the first round of refresh the second round starts, after the second round finishes it then stopped. I saw it refreshes itself because the 'Date Modified' of the file changes. And I saw the script task turned green.

I don't see how the code below produced this result. Something is wrong in the logic of the loop? Anyone has any idea why it's behaving the way it is now? And how to change the code to accomplish what I want? Thanks a lot!!

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Public Class ScriptMain
Public Sub Main()
Dim cm As ConnectionManager = Dts.Connections.Add("FTP")
cm.Properties("ServerName").SetValue(cm, "")
cm.Properties("ServerUserName").SetValue(cm, "username")
cm.Properties("ServerPassword").SetValue(cm, "password")
cm.Properties("ServerPort").SetValue(cm, "21")
cm.Properties("Timeout").SetValue(cm, "0")
cm.Properties("ChunkSize").SetValue(cm, "1000") '1000 kb
cm.Properties("Retries").SetValue(cm, "1")
Dim ftp As FtpClientConnection = New FtpClientConnection(cm.AcquireConnection(Nothing))
Dim fileNames() As String
Dim folderNames() As String
ftp.GetListing(folderNames, fileNames)
If fileNames Is Nothing Then
Dim fileName As String
For Each fileName In fileNames
If File.Exists("c: emp" + fileName) Then
ftp.ReceiveFiles(fileNames, "c: emp", True, True)
End If
End If

End Sub
End Class

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How To Read A File In A Directory Using T-Sql

Mar 3, 2008

I need to read a XML file inside my procedure and put its contents in a variable.
How do I do it?
Is there a dbo procedure to do it?


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Splitting Directory And File Name

Feb 19, 2006

First of all apologies for posting this again but I posted it in thewrong place the first time.Can anybody help me with the post below?,Paul

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What Directory Would Be Best To Store The .SDF File In?

Jan 13, 2006

I am creating some applications for Windows Mobile 5.0 devices to be used internally at our company. Each device will run several home grown applications that will all share the same common SQL Mobile database.

What I am wondering is whether or not there is a standard path where such a database is typically stored in Windows Mobile 5.0. I see a folder called Application Data. Is that what it is for, or is that one for something else? I'm not real familiar with the layout of the Pocket PC in general. Could someone tell me where vendors normally put their database file(s)?



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Where Do I 'Set Directory' For File DSN On Vista?

Jul 19, 2007

I did something stupid. I was messing around with a file DSN and deleted it. I can't seem to recreate it either. I "set the directory" in the ODBC dialogue to a location I liked better and moved the file DSN there. It didn't work when I tried to use the applications on my system later on (huh, shooting self in foot...). (using vista ultimate 64-bit). One of the databases is SQL 2005 Express, and the other is an Access database.

Maybe I lost all my ODBC connections? Neither databases work now... When I am in the File DSN tab and click "Add" I have only two drivers showing up (SQL Native Client and SQL Server) in the Create New Data Source window. Do I need to add an ODBC driver? Any better documentation on File DSNs? (or using the ODBC Administrator)... the help documentation is REALLY lacking!!!

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Getting Directory Name And File Name From Path

Dec 12, 2007

I have a sql compact table that stores a series of directory paths like so:

Is there a way in sql that I can get just the directory name so the results would look like this:

Also, is there a way to just get the file names so the results would look like this:

I've seen some examples with Sql server but they use the reverse function which is not available in sql compact.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Power Pivot :: Difference In Cost Between Most Recent Date And Second Most Recent Date

Apr 15, 2015

Have a table that list item#, date the standard cost went into effect and the standard cost.  How do I find the difference in StdCost on the last EffectiveDate and second to last EffectiveDate. 5.59 (01/05/2015) minus 5.81 (09/29/.014) = -.22.

Item#      EffectiveDate    StdCost

1152        01/01/2009      5.50
1152        09/29/2014      5.81
1152        04/04/2011      5.56


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Importing All The Text File In A Directory Using DTS

Sep 28, 2005

Hi everyone

Thanks for reading and helping me out of this problem.
I have a directory where I have text file with date as a file name, thus all the files have different file names.

But I want to do is import all the text files into sql server 2000 ,right now i have a DTS package which i have up upload all the text files manually , I do not know how to loap it so that it DTS funcation check all the files in a directory and import it into database.

I will appreciate if anyone can help me out of this .

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Sql2005 Export File To Directory

Jul 23, 2007

Hi all,
I have scheduled a package to export data from the table to the execl file in the local directory, it work fine. However, when the next time you execute the package it give error on 'file already exists'. Prephap this is due to previously already created a file in the directory.

I try to use drop option in the ssis during creating the package for export, but the result still the same. I do not know the drop option is working, can someone tell me is that working fine? if not what is the solution or possible cause.

Thanks for your help.:)

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SQL 2012 :: How To Get Name And Timestamp Of File From A Directory

Mar 18, 2015

I want to write a stored procedure or a simple T-SQL snippet that takes a parameter "Directory Path" and gives me the name and datetimestamp associated with each of the files within that directory. I can not use xp_cmdshell since it is not allowed. CLR integration is not enabled on the server either.

Is there any other way at all to achieve this directly from SQL Server using T-SQL?

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Check Directory To Make Jpg File Exist

Mar 6, 2012

We have a database called Itemphotos. In this table is a field called 'PID' picture ID. We have a photos directory with files like 2181.jpg, 2182.jpg, 2184.jpg. The number is the ID number for the picture of the part. If a record exist in the database based on the PID "Primary Key" , check the directory to make sure the jpg file exist. Here is the code I have so far.

use [ItemPhotos]
select pid from dbo.itemdata
declare @file_path nvarchar(500)
declare @file_exists
int set @file_path = 'av-sql2c$inetpubphotosmacolaphotos' + [itemdata].[pid]


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Created BAT File Just To Make A Directory Not Getting Recognized

Aug 13, 2015

i am trying to run an exe using t-sql command and even through job, but it is giving me issues. But if i double click on the exe it runs fine.

For example i created a bat file just to make a directory - mkdir d:example
double clicking it, a folder is created BUt through
EXEC xp_cmdshell "D:ew.bat"
it gives me error -
'D:ew.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

and when i do with the job with command - @command=N'idhimahajanD$ew.bat',
it gives an error on execution - Executed as user: NT ServiceSQLAgent$PAXAS. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x2FCDDE36F160CD4688D2ACE1D748A99E (reason: Access is denied). The step failed.

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Create Directory With A File System Task

Sep 13, 2006


I'm having a bit of a problem implementing a File System Task to Create a directory and would appreciate some help if possible.

I want to create a date directory so I can move files to once they are imported successfully. The date portion for the directory comes from the import file whose name is variable and in the format of PerfLog_<yyyymmdd>.aud. So, in essence, if I am processing a file named Perflog_20060913.aud, when I am done processing it I want to create a directory c:myprog20060913 and move my processed file there.

Can anyone help me? Please.

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Dec 17, 2007

I am getting a backup file in default directory by using this script

Code Block
TO DISK = 'CPHONE.Bak' -- send to default pathaway
NAME = 'Full Backup of CPHONE'

Is there any way to find where is the default path of the SQL server, in order to show to the user from a VB program in which pathway the database back up is stored

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How Do I List Contents Of File Directory In The SQL Query Analyzer

Apr 13, 2006

how do I list contents of file directory in the SQL Query Analyzer

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Stored Procedure - Create Trigger File In Particular Directory

Oct 26, 2012

I created stored procedure to create trigger file in a particular directory using xp_cmdshell.

I am calling the procedure from windows batch script as follows

@@set osq200=osql /a 4096 /b /E /e /d %dbn% /m-1 /r 0 /S %dbs% /Q "exec SP_Create_TriggerFile %2,%1 "
@%osq200% >>%3rec.txt 2>%3rec_err.txt
@set dberr=%errorlevel%
@if %dberr% GTR 0 goto createDATriggerFileErr >>%3rec.txt

If the directory doesn't exist, its throwing error "The system cannot find the path specified" , but the %errorlevel% still showing as 0..

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SQL 2012 :: Converting Directory File Path Into HierarchyID

Jul 22, 2014

I am trying to create hierarchyID for a directory file path.

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SQL 2012 :: Query To Get File Name And Date Modified From A Directory?

Sep 3, 2014

basically what we need is a query that will allow me to provide a directory and a variable for number of days for instance 1 day old and I want to be able to able to delete all files older than that date and of course I want to be able exclude files of a particular type where I would give it a wild card statement for example say i wanted to save all csv files i would have the wild card say <> '%.csv'

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File System Task - How To Move Directory Contents

Jul 13, 2006


I want to move all files of one directory/folder into another usng SSIS, like in DOS Prompt we use the command,

Move d:ftpSource*.* d:ETLSource

I have tried by creating a file system task, but there is no option for Move Directory Contents. Move File is not accepting wild cards.



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File System Task -Delete Directory Content

Jul 25, 2007

This delete's the directory content as well as sub directory content! Is their a way i can just set it to delete the files in the said directory and not sub directories?

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Directory Structure Not Known Then How To Provide File Path For A FILENAME Param

Feb 19, 2007


I am adding a file to a filegroup on a remote system, and i don't know the direcotry structure of that machine, how can i provide the path for FILENAME param. :eek:


Warm Regards,

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