How To Retrieve Two Columns From Different Tables As A Single Result Set

May 16, 2008

I have two tables that have no relation. However, both have a column which has a field of nvarchar(50) that I want to retrieve together in one operation and bind to a DropDownList in a sorted fashion. So, what I'm trying to achieve is this:

1. SELECT name FROM table1

2. SELECT name FROM table2

3. Join the two results together and order them alphabetically

4. Return the result set

I'm not sure how to do this or even if it's possible. Ideally I'm hoping it can be done in a stored proc.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Retrieve Columns Name As Single Row From Table In Dynamic Way

Dec 27, 2014

I need to retrieve columns names(instead of select * from) as single row from table in dynamic way.

i m using following query.

its working fine while using from selected database. but its not working when i m running from different database.

DECLARE @columnnames varchar(max)
select @columnnames = COALESCE(@columnnames,'')+column_name+',' from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS(nolock)
where table_name='table_20141224'
select @columnnames

I need to pass database name dynamically like using by variable.

Is this possible to use variable after from clause. or any other methods?


DECLARE @columnnames varchar(max)
DECLARE @variable='db_month11_2014'
select @columnnames = COALESCE(@columnnames,'')+column_name+',' from @VARIABLE.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS(nolock)
where table_name='table_20141224'
select @columnnames

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Get Result From 3 Tables In A SINGLE Query

Jun 17, 2014

I am using 3 tables: projects, project_manager and project_employee


- project_id (int, PK)
- project_name


- project_id (int, PK)
- manager_id (int, PK)


- project_id (int, PK)
- employee_id (int, PK)

Assume that a manager is currently logged in (so we know what is his ID), what I trying to do is write a query that will display a grid-view showing:

project_id, project_name and number of employees in project.

I tried these quires to test:

SELECT project_id, count(emp_id) as NumberOfEmployees into #tempTable FROM project_employee WHERE project_id IN (SELECT project_id FrOM projects) GROUP BY project_id

SELECT projects.project_id, projects.project_name, NumberOfEmployees FROM projects, #tempTable WHERE projects.project_id = #tempTable.project_id

Problems are:
1 - I used two queries not one
2 - The result is for all projects of all managers, I just want to display projects for a specific manager (for example mag_id = 5)
3 - it created a temporary table - which I dont want.

Is there anyway to get what I want in a single query?

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Data Access :: Retrieve Schema Information Of Columns Of Tables

Sep 10, 2015

Till recently we were using the following code to retreive schema information of columns of tables

Dim schemaTable = connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable( _
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbSchemaGuid.Columns, _
New Object() {Nothing, Nothing, tableName, Nothing})

Now instead of getting the name of table (which i was using as param for filtering) i'm going to receive a sql-query. Now my question is if I were to get a query like the following :

[Title] + ' ' + [LastName] + ' ' + [FirstName] AS FullName,
[City] + ', ' + [Region] + ', ' + [Country] + ' - ' + [PostalCode] AS FullAddress
FROM [dbo].[Employees]

Then how can I retrieve the schema information of only the columns present in the query.

(Its possible that i might get a query with multiple tables with joints)...

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Selecting Columns From Different Tables Into A Single Table

Jan 5, 2008

I want to select columns from different tables into a single table...Not sure if a temp table is suited for this and if so how I should implement it (NOTE: this query will be executed many times by different users at the same time, so I'd rather avoid temp tables!)I have:TABLE1idfirstnamedescriptioncreatedateTABLE2idcarnamespecificationsimportdateNow, I want a resultset that has the columns (columns from other tables from which the values should be retreived are behind the desired columns):id  (, (TABLE1.firstname , TABLE2.carname)description (TABLE1.description , TABLE2.sepcifications)date (TABLE1.createdate , TABLE2.importdate)Thanks!

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Set Variable Based On Result Of Procedure OR Update Columns Fromsproc Result

Jul 20, 2005

I need to send the result of a procedure to an update statement.Basically updating the column of one table with the result of aquery in a stored procedure. It only returns one value, if it didnt Icould see why it would not work, but it only returns a count.Lets say I have a sproc like so:create proc sp_countclients@datecreated datetimeasset nocount onselect count(clientid) as countfrom clientstablewhere datecreated > @datecreatedThen, I want to update another table with that value:Declare @dc datetimeset @dc = '2003-09-30'update anothertableset ClientCount = (exec sp_countclients @dc) -- this line errorswhere id_ = @@identityOR, I could try this, but still gives me error:declare @c intset @c = exec sp_countclients @dcWhat should I do?Thanks in advance!Greg

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Retrieve A Particular Row From A Result Set

Aug 21, 2004

Hi all,

Is it possible to retrieve a particular row from a result set? For eg if my query returns 5 rows and i want to just retrieve the 3rd row from the it possible? If yes...can someone tell me the syntax for it....would appreciate the gr8 help...

SQL Novice

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SQL Query To Retrieve Result Like This

Aug 24, 2007

I am using SQL Server 2005.

I have a table with records like this:

Date EmpID ADCode ADAmount
01-Jul-07 101 GPF 150
01-Jul-07 102 GPF.ADV 100
01-Jul-07 103 GPF 250
01-Jul-07 103 GPF.ADV 200
01-jul-07 104 GPF 300

I want to show results like this using a single SQL query:

01-Jul-07 101 150 0
01-Jul-07 102 0 100
01-Jul-07 103 250 200
01-Jul-07 104 300 0

I tried:

select PaySlipDate,EmpID,
case ADCode when 'GPF' then ADAmount else 0 end GPF,
case ADCode when 'GPF.ADV' then ADAmount else 0 end 'GPF.ADV'
from EmpSalaryRecord

It is showing like this:

01-Jul-07 101 0 0
01-Jul-07 101 150 0
01-Jul-07 102 0 100
01-Jul-07 103 0 0
01-Jul-07 103 250 0
01-Jul-07 103 0 200

It is showing multiple records of each employee for each date. First a record with GPF and GPF.ADV both zero and then records with values. I want a single record for each date and employee.

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Retrieve SQLQuery Result In Array On C#--How ????

Apr 9, 2008

 Hi I'am practically new in C#, so I want to ask you guys some question.Let say I have this query:"Select EmployeeID, EmpName from PI_Employee"How can I retrieve the result from EmployeeID column and EmpName column and put it into collections of array, so I can call the array and use it again in another function. Can I possibly do that in C# ? if so, how ? please help me guys, I'm on the edge of nervous wreck in here so I could use a little help, any kinds of help. Thanks. Best Regards. 

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How To Retrieve Only Nth Row As A Result By Writing One Query.

Jan 9, 2006

How to retrieve only nth row as a result of execution of one query?
For example:
Lte the table be:

SNo     SudentName             Marks
001       Ashok kumar               67
003        Alfred  
004        Ameeruddin  
005        Kalyan

Now the Query is: How is the 3rd ranker.    The answer must be Ashok kumar.

How to write this query in SQL Server.

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Verynewbie: Retrieve Single Value From DB?

Apr 14, 2007

Hi All: I'm just trying to migrate from vbScript to .net and am trying to retrieve a single value from a dB based on a value passed in a form. I can't seem to find the right tutorial to explain this to me, and am open RTFL'ing any links!
What I have thus far is:

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Dim strConn As String = "server=myServer;uid=myUID;pwd=myPWD;database=myDB"
Dim myQuery As String = "Select myVal FROM myTable WHERE myID= " & lbmyID.SelectedValue
Dim myConn As New SqlConnection(strConn)
Dim myObj As SqlDataReader
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(myQuery, myConn)
myObj = cmd.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleRow)
Dim myReturnedValue As String = myObj.....
end sub
I feel like I'm close, but I'm stuck on how to get the value returned by the query into "myReturnedValue"...if this is the wrong approach please let me know!

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Can I Retrieve A Result Set From A Sp Into A Variable Within A Execute SQL Task?

Jan 25, 2007

Can I retrieve a result set from a sp into a variable within a Execute SQL Task?

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Is There Anyone Who Was Able To Successfully Retrieve A Full Result Set In Execute SQL Task?

Jun 6, 2007

Hi guys

Is there anyone who was able to successfully retrieve a full result set? I'm really having troubles getting the result after executing my query. Its really even hard to get sample codes over the net.

Please help guys.

Thanks in advance.


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How To Retrieve The Result From A Stored Procedure That Executes A Dynamically Built Up Sql Query?

Apr 2, 2008

We have a sort of complex user structure in the sense that depending on the type of user the data resides in different tables. Therefor I needed a stored procedure that finds out what table to look for a certain column in. Below is such a stored procedure and it works like it should but my problem is that I don't know how to retrieve the result (which should be a string so can't use RETURN).

I've tried using an OUTPUT variable but since I just run EXEC (@statement) in the end I can't really set an output variable the common way (as in EXEC @outputVariable = PMC_User_GetUserValue(arg1, arg2..)) or can I?

I have also tried to use SELECT to catch the result somehow but no luck and Google didn't help either so now I'm hoping for one of you... Notice that you don't have to bother about much of the code except for the end of it where I want it to return somehow or figure out a way to call this stored procedure and retrieve the result.

Thanks in advance

-- Retrieves the value of column @columnName for credential id @credID
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PMC_User_GetUserValue]
@credID int,
@columnName nvarchar(50)

DECLARE @userDataTable nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @userDataID int
DECLARE @statement nvarchar(500)
SET @statement = ' '

SET @userDataID =
(SELECT PMC_UserMapping.fk_userDataID
FROM PMC_UserMapping
INNER JOIN PMC_User ON PMC_UserMapping.fk_user_id =
WHERE PMC_User.fk_credentials_id = @credID)

SET @userDataTable =
(SELECT PMC_UserType.userDataTable
INNER JOIN PMC_UserMapping ON = PMC_UserMapping.fk_usertype_id
INNER JOIN PMC_User ON PMC_UserMapping.fk_user_id =
WHERE PMC_User.fk_credentials_id = @credID)

SET @statement = 'SELECT ' + @columnName + ' AS columnValue FROM ' + @userDataTable + ' WHERE id=' + convert(nvarchar, @userDataID)

-- Checks whether the given column name exists in the user data table for the given credential id.
EXEC (@statement)

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Transact SQL :: Retrieve Return Result With Chronological Order Based On Parameter

Jun 23, 2015

Goal: My request is the retrieve the return result from sp_Test as 8, 2, 4, 1 ,3 (take a look at picture 1) based on the chronological list from User-Defined Table Type dbo.tvf_id.

Problem: When I execute the stored procedure I sp_Test I retrive the list that is from 1 to 8. I don't know how to do it?

Information: I'm using SQL server 2012

create table datatable (id int,
name varchar(100),
email varchar(10),
phone varchar(10),
cellphone varchar(10),
none varchar(10)
insert into datatable values

[Code] .....

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I It Possible To Get This Result By Single Query ?

Oct 13, 2007

i am a beginner
i it possible to get this result by single query ?

i got a int column and a datetime column
is it possible to get the sum(int column) for all the year 2007 and by the april2007 and by the month n year by the person name Tony

so the end result will look like this

year 2007 | current_month | tonys_group
$ 222 $22 $2

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SQL Server 2012 :: Patindex Function - Cannot Retrieve Or Extract Single Numeric Value

Jul 17, 2015

I would like solving the following issue using the Patindex function i cannot retrieve or extract the single numeric value as an example in the the values below i would like retrieve the Value 2, but in my result set the value 22 also appears or it is completely omitted.

"2 8 7"
"2 8"
"3 2 8"

I have tried the following

Patindex('%[2]% [^0-9] [^1] [^3] [^4] [^5] [^6] [^7] [^8] [^9]' ,Replace(Replace(Marketing_Special_Attributes, '"',''),'^',' ')) as Col3,

Patindex('[2]' ,Replace(Replace(Marketing_Special_Attributes, '"',''),'^',' ')) as Col4,

Patindex('%[2][^0-9]%',Replace(Marketing_Special_Attributes,'^',' ')),

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Query Single Col Into Several Cols Result Set

Oct 24, 2004


I have a table with 1 column containing numeric values, and I need to create a query which displays the count of values for each set of conditions. For example, if the table contains the values 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, the output of the query should look like this:

3 2 1

(L are values below 4, M between 4 and 5, H is 6 and above)

Any suggestions?


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How To Retrieve The Name Of The Columns??

May 3, 2007

Hi everyone,

On daily basis I need to generate excerpts by mean of Excel. Prior to sql25k I used to play with Enterprise Manager and pick up the name of all the columns for a table very easily doing this

select top 1 f1,f2,-.. from table

name age
enric 80

How do I such thing from Sql Management Studio??
It's a silly thing, I know, but it's very useful for me because when I've got those columns then I can do paste them perfectly into .XLS.
Otherwise I see forced to write one by one and sometimes tables have more than 60 columns

It's not useful generate a CREATE TABLE script or launch SP_HELP <MYTABLE> because I obtain the name of the columns in vertical no horizontal.

Thanks a lot!!!

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Single Row Result From Mutliple Table Rows?

Sep 19, 2007

Hi again,

I'd appreciate advice on the following. Thanks very much!

Given this Table:
fam1 |abc |XX
fam1 |def |YY

What query would return this?
fam1 |xx |yy


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How To Retrieve Primary Key Columns From Db?

Jan 12, 2007

Hello all.  I need to extract the column names that form the primary key group on a table in SQL Server.  I have a table called Account and it contains ten columns.  The primary key consists of two columns  - MasterAccountID, AccountID.  This primary key is a unique constraint and is clustered (it acts as an index as well as a primary key group).  I have tried the following to no avail:exec sp_pkeys Account   -> returns no rowsexec sp_helpindex Account -> throws an error stating that the object 'Account' does not existIf I run the following SQL statement, I can see all of the PK_* constraints in the database, so I know they are there:select * from information_schema.table_constraintswhere constraInt_type IN ('PRIMARY KEY','FOREIGN KEY') Again, I need to be able to specify a table name and have it return the columns (don't care if it returns extra fields) that make up the primary key fields for that table.  Thanks!   

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SQL Server 2012 :: Comma Separated In A Single Result

May 30, 2014

I have the following table

CREATE Table #Table1
ID INT, Name VARCHAR(50), Class VARCHAR(10)
Select 1, 'name1', 'a' UNION ALL
Select 2, 'name1', 'a' UNION ALL

[Code] ....

Is it possible to have each name and its corresponding class in a single line separated by commas to give a result like the one below in #table2 ?

CREATE Table #Table2
ID INT, CommaSeparated VARCHAR(100)
Select 1, 'name1, a' UNION ALL

[Code] ...

What I have

Select * FROM #Table1

Final Result
Select * FROM #Table2

Note that I still want to see all the IDs regardless.

If that is not possible to see all the IDs, I think the results below in #Table3 should suffice.

CREATE Table #Table3
CommaSeparated VARCHAR(100)
Select 'name1, a' UNION ALL
Select 'name2, b, c, d' UNION ALL
Select 'name3, e, f'
Select * FROM #Table3

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How To Synthesize A Single Row Result From A Cross-referenced Table?

Jan 13, 2008

Hello, I have an SQL problem that is hard to describe so here's an example scenario:

a) company has a personnel database, identifying each person in the company and their assigned role(s).

b) tblPersonnel has a row per person, key is 'PersonnelID'
c) tblRoles is a list of all the roles in the company (administrator, clerk, shipper, truck-driver, etc.), key is 'RoleID'

d) tblPersonnelRoles is a cross-reference of all the roles assigned to each person - in simple format of:

PersonnelID | RoleID

Given all the above, I need to have a select statement that produces one row per person, and list all the fields from tblPersonnel AS WELL AS identifies each role assigned to the person.

I'm no SQL guru .. is this even possible?

I know there are alternative solutions (e.g., to write code that for each Personnel does a lookup in Roles) but for one particular situation I need a single SQL statement, or even Stored Procedure.

Thanks in advance,
Rick Piovesan
Detaya Corp
Aurora, Ontario, Canada

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SQL 2012 :: Split Data From Two Columns In One Table Into Multiple Columns Of Result Table

Jul 22, 2015

So I have been trying to get mySQL query to work for a large database that I have. I have (lets say) two tables Table_One and Table_Two. Table_One has three columns: Type, Animal and TestID and Table_Two has 2 columns Test_Name and Test_ID. Example with values is below:

Type Animal TestID
Mammal Goat 1
Fish Cod 1
Bird Chicken 1
Reptile Snake 1
Bird Crow 2
Mammal Cow 2
Bird Ostrich 3

Test_name TestID
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_2 2
Test_2 2
Test_3 3

In Table_One all types come under one column and the values of all Types (Mammal, Fish, Bird, Reptile) come under another column (Animals). Table_One and Two can be linked by Test_ID

I am trying to create a table such as shown below:

Test_Name Bird Reptile Mammal Fish
Test_1 Chicken Snake Goat Cod
Test_2 Crow Cow
Test_3 Ostrich

This should be my final table. The approach I am currently using is to make multiple instances of Table_One and using joins to form this final table. So the column Bird, Reptile, Mammal and Fish all come from a different copy of Table_one.

For e.g

Test_Name AS 'Test_Name',
Table_Bird.Animal AS 'Birds',
Table_Mammal.Animal AS 'Mammal',
Table_Reptile.Animal AS 'Reptile,
Table_Fish.Animal AS 'Fish'
From Table_One

[Code] .....

The problem with this query is it only works when all entries for Birds, Mammals, Reptiles and Fish have some value. If one field is empty as for Test_Two or Test_Three, it doesn't return that record. I used Or instead of And in the WHERE clause but that didn't work as well.

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Cannot Retrieve All Columns In A Group By Statement

Sep 25, 2015

i have this schema :

col1 varchar(50),


How i can have a group by for last docnum for Customer and all columns?

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How To Retrieve All Columns Of All Databases With System Sp.

Apr 27, 2008

i want to retrieve all columns for all tables (for all databases) by this system sp :
Code Snippetexec sp_msforeachtable 'exec sp_columns ''?''' but when i execute this script, sql server return number of empty result set, how to solve this problem ?

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Stored Procedure For A Return Result Single Row With Coma(,) Seprator

May 1, 2008

In SQL Server SELECT query Result displays tablePlease
tell how to create stored procedure for a single row at a time i.e. all only ONE row is
displayed at a time exselect name from useswhere name is display is tabular format,but i need in row with coma anc,d,f,f,e,g,h,jin this wayhow can i write a stored procedure for that    

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Integration Services :: Single-row Result From Querying Binding With Variable

Jul 20, 2007

I set up a connection to mysql using ADO.NET's ODBC Data Provider. And I'm running a simple query to return one table's maximum ID(int32 unsigned).But when I bind the result to a variable and excute task. It gives out error message: "An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "MaxAuditLogID": "Result binding by name "MaxID" is not supported for this connection type. " I tried to change the type of variable around but with no luck.  

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Query To Retrieve The Columns That Are Null In A Table

Oct 31, 2006


I need help to build a query that shows me how many columns inside a range on columns are null.
Example: quantity1;quantity2;quantity3;quantity4;quantity5; quantity6;quantity7;

Which columns are null?

Thanks in advance

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TSQL - Retrieve All Columns In My MS Access Table Less Two Of Them

Apr 6, 2008

Hi guys,
Working on a MS Access database, I have a table named "myTable" which contains several fields.
I just want to retrieve all the fields (columns) in the myTable, without retrieving Col1 and Col2
What should my SQL string be?

SELECT * (not Col1, Col2) FROM myTable

Thanks in advance for any help.

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System SP That Will Retrieve Index Include Columns?

Jan 30, 2008


SQL Server 2005 has a new very useful feature for creating non-clustered indexes called INCLUDE <columns> which are very helpful when trying to create covering indexes.

Does anyone know of a way to retrieve these INCLUDE columns through any of the system metadata tables? The sp_helpIndex stored procedure is what I currently use but that only returns the (sorted) index columns and not the include columns.

Thanks in advance,

Gordon Radley

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Retrieve Columns And Display Count For Two Different Data Sources

Jan 19, 2012

I am using Query Writer (should be SQL 2005) and have included the following code.

The end result: -should retrieve columns and display the count for two different data sources that were added by personnel in a specific department.

Problem: results are returned but not accurate. The code below works just fine and returns the results for all spot buy orders added by personnel in the sales department. However, I want to add a column in the same report that also counts blanket orders from the exact same table added by personnel in the sales department. The database uses views (v) in lieu of dbo.

@Add_Date_From SMALLDATETIME='',
@Last_name VARCHAR(50)='',
@First_Name VARCHAR(50)=''

COUNT(T4.PO_Type) AS 'Spot Buy Added'

[Code] ....

If I substitute COUNT(T4.PO_Type) AS 'Spot Buy Added' with COUNT(T4.PO_Type) AS 'Blanket Added' I also get accurate results for the blanket order. IE separately they work just fine. If I try to combine the two that is where the trouble begins.

What am I doing incorrectly when I try to add the criteria/code for the additional column to count the blanket orders?

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SQL Server 2012 :: SELECT Query - Cursor To Display Result In Single Transaction

May 25, 2015

Here the SELECT query is fetching the records corresponding to ITEM_DESCRIPTION in 5 separate transactions. How to change the cursor to display the 5 records in at a time in single transactions.

CREATE TABLE #ITEMS (ITEM_ID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, ITEM_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL)INSERT INTO #ITEMSVALUES(NEWID(), 'This is a wonderful car'),(NEWID(), 'This is a fast bike'),(NEWID(), 'This is a expensive aeroplane'),(NEWID(), 'This is a cheap bicycle'),(NEWID(), 'This is a dream holiday')
DECLARE @ITEM_ID uniqueidentifier

[Code] ....

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