How To Return 0 Instead Of Null When Using A Sum Function?

May 10, 2005


I basically do not want to return a null value as a result of using a sum function (using sum against 0 rows).

Is there a common way to avoid this?


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Return NULL From A CLR Scalar-Valued Function

Jul 11, 2007


I have an assembly that contains the following function:

Public Class Lookup

<SqlFunction()> _

Public Shared Function MyTest() As Integer

Return System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.Null

End Function

End Class

Then in SSMS:


FROM '\machine empmyAssembly.dll'





when I run:

SELECT dbo.MyTest()

the following is returned:

Msg 6522, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'MyTest':

System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullValueException: Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.


at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.get_Value()

at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.op_Explicit(SqlInt64 x)

at Informed.DCLG.IRS.SQL.IncidentTransform.Lookup.MyTest()

Can anyone please advise on how to return back a null value. Currently, my only other option is to return nothing (actually returns 0) and then wrap this up to convert the value to null - not ideal.



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Does SQL Have A Function That Return Null For Records Which Don't Exist In A FK Realation Ship?

Apr 4, 2007

Does SQL have a function that return "null" for records which don't exist? Per example in a FK relation ship, that not all records in the first table have a "child" in the second table, so it returns null records.
Thank you very much.

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Transact SQL :: Preserve And Return NULL For Non Matching Values From A Table Valued Function

Jun 29, 2015

I have tables and a function as representated by the code below. The names  for objects here are just for representation and not the actual names of objects. Table RDTEST may have one or multiple values for RD for each PID. So the function GIVERD will return one or multiple values of RD for each value of PID passed to it.

When I run the following query, I get the required result except the rows for CID 500 for which PID is NULL in table T1. I want the rows for CID 500 as well with PID values as NULL.



[Code] ....

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Problem With Isnull. Need To Substitute Null If A Var Is Null And Compare It To Null And Return True

Sep 20, 2006

Hey. I need to substitute a value from a table if the input var is null. This is fine if the value coming from table is not null. But, it the table value is also null, it doesn't work. The problem I'm getting is in the isnull line which is in Dark green color because @inFileVersion is set to null explicitly and when the isnull function evaluates, value returned from DR.FileVersion is also null which is correct. I want the null=null to return true which is why i set ansi_nulls off. But it doesn't return anything. And the select statement should return something but in my case it returns null. If I comment the isnull statements in the where clause, everything works fine. Please tell me what am I doing wrong. Is it possible to do this without setting the ansi_nulls to off??? Thank you

set ansi_nulls off



@inFileName VARCHAR (100),

@inFileSize INT,

@Id int,

@inlanguageid INT,

@inFileVersion VARCHAR (100),

@ExeState int

set @inFileName = 'A0006337.EXE'

set @inFileSize = 28796

set @Id= 1

set @inlanguageid =null

set @inFileVersion =NULL

set @ExeState =0

select Dr.StateID from table1 dR


DR.[FileName] = @inFileName

AND DR.FileSize =@inFileSize

AND DR.FileVersion = isnull(@inFileVersion,DR.FileVersion)

AND DR.languageid = isnull(@inlanguageid,null)




set ansi_nulls on

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'Return' Statement In A Function,Get,or Operator Must Return A Value....Question

Aug 28, 2007

I'm a Reporting Services New-Be.

I'm trying to create a report that's based on a SQL-2005 Stored Procedure.

I added the Report Designer, a Report dataset ( based on a shared datasource).

When I try to build the project in BIDS, I get an error. The error occurs three times, once for each parameter on the stored procedure.

I'll only reproduce one instance of the error for the sake of brevity.

[rsCompilerErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the query parameter 'UserID' contains an error : [BC30654] 'Return' statement in a Function, Get, or Operator must return a value.

I've searched on this error and it looks like it's a Visual Basic error :

My guess is that BIDS is creating some VB code behind the scenes for the report.

I can't find any other information that seems to fit this error.

The other reports in the BIDS project built successfully before I added this report, so it must be something specific to the report.

BTW, the Stored Procedure this report is based on a global temp table. The other reports do not use temp tables.

Can anyone help ?


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Return 0 Rather Than Null

Feb 2, 2007

i have query which does the following select x from y where t = "House"x is an integer. If no record is found, how do i get it to return 0 rather than null? 

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How To Return 0 Not Null

May 7, 2008

Hi I have an sql statement that when i put through the query builder and specify NULL it returns all the rows. if i put 0 it returns can i change the "IS Null" part of the statement to work with 0. so when i specify 0 for all values it returns all the i want 0 to work like NULL does  1 SELECT LocationID, TypeID, Title, Description, PropertyID, Price,
2 (SELECT Location
3 FROM Location_Table
4 WHERE (Property_Table.LocationID = LocationID)) AS Location,
5 (SELECT TypeOfProperty
6 FROM Type_Table
7 WHERE (Property_Table.LocationID = TypeID)) AS TypeOfProperty
8 FROM Property_Table
10 TypeID = @TypeID) AND (@LocationID IS NULL OR
11 LocationID = @LocationID) OR
12 (@MinPrice IS NULL) AND (@TypeID IS NULL OR
13 TypeID = @TypeID) AND (@LocationID IS NULL OR
14 LocationID = @LocationID) AND (Price <= @MaxPrice) OR
15 (@MaxPrice IS NULL) AND (@TypeID IS NULL OR
16 TypeID = @TypeID) AND (@LocationID IS NULL OR

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Return NULL Value

Sep 6, 2005

I am working on a web application for a company that uses an existing company database. I just found out before the long weekend that a couple hundred of the items in the table aren't completely related.

I am mostly using 2 tables for the project: ItemVersion, ItemVersionRev

ItemVersion has fields: ItemVersion, ItemNumber, RecordID
ItemVersionRev has fields: RecordID, RevNumber

All of the items in the database have ItemNumbers (obviously) and most have revision numbers (RevNumber). One of the functions that I created for my application finds the MaxOfRevNumber. I ran a query on the database and saw that dreaded error screen that read "There is no row at position 0"

The query that I have now simply returns MaxOfRevNumber. Is there a way to program a query to check and see if an ItemNumber has a Revision and depending on the result, return a certain value. For example, if there is not a corresponding RevNumber, then return 0 as the RevNumber?

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Null, Not Null SQL Return

May 22, 2003

Hello all
I am trying to run a sql statement, (without having to run stored procedures), that will lookup a value stored in a Record.field., otherwise ignore the value if it is blank. I have a field tied to a Microsoft Access form - ItemLocation. If the user selects a unique ItemLocation the report will attempt to locate all values within that ItemLocation. If the user decides to leave the field blank, I would like for it to return all values for every ItemLocation. If anyone can help, I would really appreciate it. I will attach code. My problem is the last line of this SQL statement. If F.ITemLocation is null, I get no data. I would like for it to return everything. Thank you.

tblMISFixedAssetTable A,
tblMISFixedAssetTable2 B
WHERE A.BarCodeID = B.BarCodeID
AND A.DisposalDate is null
AND B.LastUpdate = (Select Max(C.LastUpdate)
from tblMISFixedAssetTable2 C
Where B.BarCodeID = C.BarCodeID)
AND B.BarCodeID in (Select D.BarCodeID
from tblMISFixedAssetTable3 D
Where D.FiscalYear = (Select E.FiscalYear
from tblReportFY E))
AND B.ItemLocation = (Select F.ItemLocation
from tblReportFY F)

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Sqldatasource Return Null !

Apr 12, 2008

 i am trying to get the output of the select statements of sqldatasource :
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)        {            DataView dv;            dv = (DataView)(this.SqlDataSourcePictures.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty));        }
the problem is that dv returns null ?
 and here is the sqldatasource definition in .aspx page
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourcePictures" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionString:con1%>"
SelectCommand="SELECT URL FROM SchoolPictures WHERE (School_Code = @School_Code) AND (SchoolPictureCategory = @SchoolPictureCategory)" OnSelecting="SqlDataSourcePictures_Selecting" OnSelected="SqlDataSourcePictures_Selected">
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="School_Code" QueryStringField="bid" Type="Int16" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlCat" Name="SchoolPictureCategory" PropertyName="SelectedValue"
Type="Int16" />
thanks for help

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Stop Null Return

Apr 14, 2005


can anyone tell me how i can replicate the Access function NZ please?

i want to use it with charindex when parsing text strings

many thanks

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Xp_cmdshell Always Return 'null'

Jun 14, 2006

I have this program that I want to invoke from SQLServer funny thing is I can invoke this from command line but could not get it to work via 'xp_cmdshell' on this particular server. When I invoke run the following from SQLServer Query Analyser I always get 'NULL' returned.
I tried just running EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'dir ' and it worked, so I am certain it is not a SQL rights problem.

FYI, I executed the same code on another machine and it worked. I just cannot figure out why it is not working on this one server?
Can anyone help? thanks


DECLARE @command varchar(500)
SET @command = 'c:ServerClientabc.exe BBB/XX B,AAAA'
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @command

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Return Null Results

Mar 24, 2004

I have this problem with MS SQL Server.

I have this table 'Request' in which there's 2 fields 'RequestName' and 'DateSubmitted'.
The datatype for 'DateSubmitted' is datetimn.

I have to write a query to extract all the 'RequestName' that falls under each month based on the 'DateSubmitted'.

For example, the table 'Request' has 12 rows, each row ('DateSubmitted') with the month of the year. Like row1 = January, row2 = February etc.

For each month, I have to extract all the 'RequestName' for that month based on 'DateSubmitted' field.
My query is like this:

select RequestName, datename(month, DateSubmitted)as month
from Request where datename(month, DateSubmitted) = 'March'.

By right it should return just one row right?

Instead, it returned me all 12 rows, only one row with value 'March' and the other 11 rows with value 'NULL'. Even if the other 11 rows have value of other months, when i run the above query, it will return me null.

Any help is appreciated.
thanks a million.

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Return Null When 0 Row Is Selected

Apr 1, 2008

Hi all,
I have the situation below. I can't use dual. Thank you for your time.

Example Query:
select name
from employee
where id=1;

0 rows selected

Wanted Result:
1 row selected

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Return A Row With Null Values?

Apr 19, 2014

I am trying to return all the names of employees and their managers

this query returns all the employees except for 1


the one that isn't returned has a null SUPERSSN, but when I add in:


it returns a row with the name of the employee whose SUPERSSN is null 8 times (where each time the M.FNAME,M.LNAME are other employee names)

How do I ammend the first query to return each employee and their respective manager once, the employee without a manager having null values for the manager name columns?

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Return Only Columns That Are Not Null

Feb 20, 2006

johnny writes "I am trying to return only the columns from multiple tables that are NOT NULL for a specific ID. Once I have the tables JOINED is there a way to only get those columns that are populated. Thanks."

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Aug 29, 2005

SQL Server 2000 SP3.Is it possible for the @@ROWCOUNT function to return NULL after astatement? I am troubleshooting a relatively large stored procedure withmultiple SELECT statements and a couple of INSERTs into table variables.Immediately after each statement I save the value returned by @@ROWCOUNT toa local variable. That information eventually is passed back to the clientvia one output parameter, for all statements in the procedure.Occasionally, the value returned via that parameter is NULL. This cannot bereproduced by re-running the SP with the same input parameters.Before doing any further troubleshooting, I would like to rule out thepossibility that @@ROWCOUNT can actually return a NULL under somecircumstances. From searching the archives, it appears that in SQL Server7.0 this could happen in the context of a DML query on a table withtriggers. This is not the case here - the only DML queries are INSERTs intotable variables, all other queries in the SP are SELECTs.Any related information would be appreciated.--remove a 9 to reply by email

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SQL XML :: Return NULL Value From OPENXML

Aug 24, 2015

I am new to XML file to SQL table update.  I use sp_xml_preparedocument and openxml to extract the fields from xml file but it returns NULL highlight below. I also notice both sp_xml_preparedocument and sp_xml_removedocument store procedures are not in SQL system store procedure. 

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How To Return No Rows If A Variable Is NULL

Apr 1, 2008

I have a stored procedure that accepts a number of different input parameters that populate some variables in my stored procedure.
I want to have this stored procedure return nothing if some of these variables aren't filled out (they are populated by a search page the user fills out).
I'm not very familiar with writing stored procedures, so any help you can give me is appreciated.

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'@NumericVal IS NOT NULL' Seems Not To Return A Boolean.

Jul 4, 2007

I'm trying to ensure that only of the parameters is passed to my stored procedure.

BOL says that the IS [NOT] NULL operator (language construct?) will return a boolean. An IF statement takes an expression which results in a boolean so I was surprised to find that the below code doesn't parse.

@NumericVal float = null,
@StringVal nvarchar(200) = null,
@DateVal datetime = null,
@BitVal bit = null)
DECLARE @ValCount tinyint
SET @ValCount = 0

-- Ensure we've only got one update value specified
IF @NumericVal IS NOT NULL @ValCount = @ValCount + 1
IF @StringVal IS NOT NULL @ValCount = @ValCount + 1
IF @DateVal IS NOT NULL @ValCount = @ValCount + 1
IF @BitVal IS NOT NULL @ValCount = @ValCount + 1
IF @ValCount > 1 RAISERROR ('Only one @*Val paramater may be specified when calling sp_OneParm()', 16, 1)

-- Other Stuff

Am I missing something simple or do I need to restructure my code to achieve the logic I want?

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Can Return A Custom Value If Variant Isn't Null

Feb 18, 2012

Nz(variant [, valueifnull ] ) is the syntax.

If the value of variant isn't Null, then the Nz function returns the value of variant.

Can I return a custom value if the variant isnt null?

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Check For Null Or Empty Values And Return 0

Mar 13, 2014

I am using the below query to calculate column values. But I need to return zero when a column values is empty or null.

select [Funding] [Fundings],
[Original] AS [Originals],
[Variance] = SUM([Previous_Year]-[Current_Year]),
[SumValue] = SUM([CurrentYear]/4),
[ActualValue] = SUM([Variance] * 0.75),
[New Value] = SUM([Previous_Year]+[Current_Year])
from Finance
GROUP BY [Original], [FinanceYear]

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SQL Server 2005 Return Null In Primary Key

Oct 24, 2006

In a new instalation of SQL Server 2005. I've made a restore from SQL Server 2000 database.

Solve some problem with the user, and it looks ok.

I'm using a asp web aplication, with vb dll, and change the sql provider from "SQL Server" to "SQL Native Client". It works, but in some recordsets the value a recive for the table primary key is null?????

If execute the querie in the database, the result has values in the primary key.

the same appends when i connect to an SQL Server 2000 using "SQL Native Client".

Please help, what can i do.

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Return Null Values Using Coalesce And Nullif

Jan 9, 2008


I'm creating a 'dynamic where clause' with 15 parameters. I was using coalesce with the example below and it's working fine until it encounters a null value. I was trying to use nullif with coalesce to no avail. Can someone show me based on my example below how I can incorporate nullif with coalesce. Thanks in advance for you help.

Code Block
WHERE cs.DirID = Coalesce(@DirNum, cs.DirID)

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Getting A Return Value From A Function.

Oct 6, 2005

Im a self proclaimed newb and Im stuck on returning a value from a function. I want to get the AttendID that the SQL statement returns and dump it into strAttendID: Response.Redirect("ClassSurvey.aspx?Pupil=" & strAttendID)I cant seem to accomplish this. It returns nothing. Please help.TIA,Stue<code>Function Get_AttendID(ByVal strAttendID As String) As SqlDataReaderDim connString As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ClassDB")Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection(connString)Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommandDim dr As SqlDataReader
sqlConn.Open()Dim strSQL As String = "Select AttendID from attendees Where FirstName=@FirstName and LastName=@LastName and classbegdt = @classbegdt and survey = '0'"
sqlCmd = New SqlCommand(strSQL, sqlConn)
sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)sqlCmd.Parameters("@FirstName").Value = tbFirstName.TextsqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@LastName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)sqlCmd.Parameters("@LastName").Value = tbLastName.TextsqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@classbegdt", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8)sqlCmd.Parameters("@classbegdt").Value = calBegDate.SelectedDate.ToShortDateStringdr = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader()dr.Close()sqlConn.Close()
Return dr
End Function</code>

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Function Return Value

Jun 13, 2004

I want to write a function that returns the physical filepath of the master database for its MDF and LDF files respectively. This information will then be used to create a new database in the same location as the master database for those servers that do not have the MDF and LDF files in the default locations.

Below I have the T-SQL for the function created and a test query I am using to test the results. If I print out the value of @MDF_FILE_PATH within the funtion, I get the result needed. When making a call to the function and printing out the variable, all I get is the first letter of the drive and nothing else.

You may notice that in the function how CHARINDEX is being used. I am not sure why, but if I put a backslash "" as expression1 within the SELECT statement, I do not get the value of the drive. In other words I get "MSSQLData" instead of "D:MSSQLData" I then supply the backslash in the SET statement. I assume that this has something to do with my question.

Any suggestions? Thank you.

IF OBJECT_ID('fn_sqlmgr_get_mdf_filepath') IS NOT NULL
DROP FUNCTION fn_sqlmgr_get_mdf_filepath

CREATE FUNCTION fn_sqlmgr_get_mdf_filepath (
@MDF_FILE_PATH NVARCHAR(1000)--Variable to hold the path of the MDF File of a database.


--Extract the file path for the database MDF physical file.
SELECT @MDF_FILE_PATH = SUBSTRING(mdf.filename, CHARINDEX('', filename)+1, LEN(filename))
FROM master..sysfiles mdf
WHERE mdf.groupid = 1





@MDF_FILE_PATH NVARCHAR(1000)--Variable to hold the path of the MDF File of a database.

SELECT @MDF_FILE_PATH = dbo.fn_sqlmgr_get_mdf_filepath ( @MDF_FILE_PATH )

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Return NULL Values In SELECT Statement With INNER JOIN ?

May 16, 2005

If I try to run the code below, and even one of the values in the INNER
JOIN statements is NULL, the DataReader ends up with zero rows. 
What I need is to see the results even if one or more of INNER JOIN
statements has a NULL value.  For example, if I want info on
asset# 2104, and there's no value in the DriverID field, I need the
rest of the data to display and just have the lblDriverName by
blank.  Is that possible?

    Sub BindSearchGrid()
        Dim searchUnitID As String
        Dim searchQuery As String
        searchUnitID = tbSearchUnitID.Text
        lblIDNum.Text = searchUnitID
        searchQuery = "SELECT * FROM Assets " & _
        "INNER JOIN Condition ON Condition.ConditionID = Assets.ConditionID " & _
        "INNER JOIN Drivers ON Drivers.DriverID = Assets.DriverID " & _
        "INNER JOIN Departments ON Departments.DepartmentID = Assets.DepartmentID " & _
        "INNER JOIN AssetCategories
ON AssetCategories.AssetCategoryID = Assets.AssetCategoryID " & _
        "INNER JOIN Store ON
Store.[Store ID] = Assets.StoreID WHERE RTRIM(Assets.[Unit ID]) = '"
& searchUnitID & "'"

        Dim myReader As SqlDataReader
        myReader = Data.queryDB(searchQuery)
        While myReader.Read
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Store Name")) Then lblStrID.Text =
myReader("Store Name")
Not IsDBNull(myReader("AssetCategory")) Then lblAsstCat.Text =
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Condition Description")) Then lblCondID.Text =
myReader("Condition Description")
Not IsDBNull(myReader("DepartmentName")) Then lblDepID.Text =
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Unit ID")) Then lblUnID.Text = myReader("Unit
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Year")) Then lblYr.Text = myReader("Year")
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Make")) Then lblMk.Text = myReader("Make")
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Model")) Then lblMod.Text = myReader("Model")
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Mileage")) Then lblMile.Text =
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Vin Number")) Then lblVinNum.Text =
myReader("Vin Number")
Not IsDBNull(myReader("License Number")) Then lblLicNum.Text =
myReader("License Number")
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Name")) Then lblDriverName.Text =
Not IsDBNull(myReader("DateAcquired")) Then lblDateAcq.Text =
Not IsDBNull(myReader("DateSold")) Then lblDtSld.Text =
Not IsDBNull(myReader("PurchasePrice")) Then lblPrPrice.Text =
Not IsDBNull(myReader("NextSchedMaint")) Then lblNSM.Text =
Not IsDBNull(myReader("GVWR")) Then lblGrVWR.Text = myReader("GVWR")
Not IsDBNull(myReader("GVW")) Then lblGrVW.Text = myReader("GVW")
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Crane Capacity")) Then lblCrCap.Text =
myReader("Crane Capacity")
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Crane Certification")) Then lblCrCert.Text =
myReader("Crane Certification")
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Repair Cost")) Then lblRepCost.Text =
myReader("Repair Cost")
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Estimate Replacement")) Then lblEstRep.Text =
myReader("Estimate Replacement")
Not IsDBNull(myReader("SalvageValue")) Then lblSalVal.Text =
Not IsDBNull(myReader("CurrentValue")) Then lblCurVal.Text =
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Comments")) Then lblCom.Text =
Not IsDBNull(myReader("Description")) Then lblDesc.Text =

        End While
    End Sub</code>

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WHERE Clause On Nullable Field Not Return Null Records?

Nov 10, 2014

I recently ran into an issue with an issue with a query against our Data Warehouse. When attempting to sum revenue from a table, and using a WHERE clause on a field that contains NULL values, the records with the NULL values are suppressed (in addition to whatever the WHERE clause specified). I believe this is because a NULL value is unknown so SQL doesn't know if it does or doesn't fit the criteria of there WHERE clause so it is suppressed.

That being said, is there a way to avoid this instead of having to add an ISNULL function in the WHERE clause which is going to kill performance?

create table #nullTest (
name varchar(50)
,revenue int)

Values ('Tim',100)
,('Andrew', 50)
,(null, 200)

SELECT sum(revenue) as Revenue FROM #nulltest WHERE name <> 'tim'

Ideally, I would want the SELECT statement above to return 250, not 50. The only way I can think to accomplish this is with this query:

SELECT sum(revenue) as Revenue FROM #nullTest WHERE isnull(name,'') <> 'tim'

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Transact SQL :: Select Value Only If It Belongs To One Primary Key Otherwise Return Null

Jul 18, 2015

Using TSQL, I have a table that holds filenames of Pictures for products. Different products can be using the same picture. I need to select the filenames for a single product only if it does not exists for a different product.I have tried Where Exists (select FileName From Tbl where

Prod_Id = @var) AND NOT EXISTS(select FileName From Tbl where
Prod_Id != @var) In the Select Statement. 

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Oracle Acquire Connection For Ssis Return Null

May 16, 2007

Hi All!

I'm writing a custom component in c# for SSIS and I have a problem with AcquireConnection...

I wrote this code:

public override void AcquireConnections(object transaction)


if (ComponentMetaData.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager != null)


ConnectionManager cm = DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager(ComponentMetaData.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager);

ConnectionManagerAdoNet cmAdo = cm.InnerObject as ConnectionManagerAdoNet;

if (cmAdo == null)

throw new Exception("The ConnectionManager " + cm.Name + " is not an ADO connection.");

this.conn = cmAdo.AcquireConnection(transaction) as OracleConnection;


but the 'conn' is ALWAYS null...

I tried

this.conn = ((IDTSConnectionManagerDatabaseParameters90)cmAdo).GetConnectionForSchema() as OracleConnection;

too, but no result: the 'conn' is null again...

If I use oledbconnection or sqlconnection instead of oracleconnection the method works fine... I really don't understand

could you help me plz?

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Return @@identity For Another Function

May 14, 2004

What I'm trying to do is provide a solution where users can upload an image and a description, to a database, so I'm trying to insert the title and description then return the @@identity for the image upload function which will name the image like this
image_23.jpg (23 being the @@identity) resize it and save it to specified directory

I cant seem to get the identity to return to my script.
This is my SP

@catid int,
@subcatid int,
@areaid int,
@uid int,
@adtitle varchar(255),
@addescription varchar(1000)

Insert Into Tbl_ad
(ad_title, ad_description,ad_area,ad_ui_id,ad_active,ad_date,ad_ct_id,ad_sc_id,ad_location)
(@adtitle,@addescription,@areaid, @uid, 0,convert(varchar, GETUTCDATE(), 101), @catid, @subcatid, 1)

select @@identity

I tested in query analyser, and it works fine, so It must be my code. this is my function

Sub Insert_pic(sender as object, e as eventargs)

Dim catid = Request.form("ddcats")
Dim subcatid = Request.form("subcatrad")
Dim adtitle = Request.Form("txttitle")
Dim AdDescription = Request.form("txtdescription")
Dim uid = getUID(Context.User.Identity.Name)
Dim areaid = Request.form("ddarea")
SQLConnect = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.Appsettings("mydB"))

SQLCommander = New SQLCommand("SP_INSERTad", SQLConnect)

SQLCommander.Commandtype = Commandtype.StoredProcedure

SQLCommander.Parameters.add("@adtitle", adtitle)
SQLCommander.Parameters.add("@addescription", addescription)
SQLCommander.Parameters.add("@catid", catid)
SQLCommander.Parameters.add("@subcatid", subcatid)
SQLCommander.Parameters.add("@uid", uid)
SQLCommander.Parameters.add("@areaid", areaid)

'// this section not working right, it wont write return id

Dim paramreturn as SQLParameter
paramreturn = SQLCommander.Parameters.Add("ReturnValue", SQLDBType.Int)
ParamReturn.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue


End sub

Can anybody see anything I missing? I appreciate any imput

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I Need The Function To Return A Srting

Jul 21, 2004

Hii every one
When i use the function of (select) from the data bass it return dataset or some thing else
But I need it to return string or the data element which in the query not all the query


I dont need that
| Id | Name |
| 1 | Bill |
I dont need All of that to display But I need to display the name only in Label or textbox


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