How To Return A Table With Stored Procedures?

Jun 20, 2007

i have a procedure like below but it dosen't return any tableSELECT Hardwares.HWID, Hardwares.Title
Category ON Hardwares.CategoryID = Category.CategoryID
WHERE (Category.Type LIKE '%Hardware%') AND (Category.Title = @Title) 


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Using A Stored Procedure To Query Other Stored Procedures And Then Return The Results

Jun 13, 2007

Seems like I'm stealing all the threads here, : But I need to learn :) I have a StoredProcedure that needs to return values that other StoredProcedures return.Rather than have my DataAccess layer access the DB multiple times, I would like to call One stored Procedure, and have that stored procedure call the others to get the information I need. I think this way would be more efficient than accessing the DB  multiple times. One of my SP is:SELECT I.ItemDetailID, I.ItemDetailStatusID, I.ItemDetailTypeID, I.Archived,     I.Expired, I.ExpireDate, I.Deleted, S.Name AS 'StatusName', S.ItemDetailStatusID,    S.InProgress as 'StatusInProgress', S.Color AS 'StatusColor',T.[Name] AS 'TypeName',    T.Prefix, T.Name AS 'ItemDetailTypeName', T.ItemDetailTypeID    FROM [Item].ItemDetails I    INNER JOIN Item.ItemDetailStatus S ON I.ItemDetailStatusID = S.ItemDetailStatusID    INNER JOIN [Item].ItemDetailTypes T ON I.ItemDetailTypeID = T.ItemDetailTypeID However, I already have StoredProcedures that return the exact same data from the ItemDetailStatus table and ItemDetailTypes table.Would it be better to do it above, and have more code to change when a new column/field is added, or more checks, or do something like:(This is not propper SQL) SELECT I.ItemDetailID, I.ItemDetailStatusID, I.ItemDetailTypeID, I.Archived,     I.Expired, I.ExpireDate, I.Deleted, EXEC [Item].ItemDetailStatusInfo I.ItemDetailStatusID, EXEC [Item].ItemDetailTypeInfo I.ItemDetailTypeID    FROM [Item].ItemDetails IOr something like that... Any thoughts? 

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Return Distinct Values From Stored Procedures

Aug 17, 2006

I need to somehow filter the results of my stored procedure to return the distinct "OrderNum" values. I'm using SQL database and I'm look for a way to alter the results from the stored procedure. My stored procedure rptOpenOrderLines currently returns all invoices (items under a OrderNum). I want to somehow filter those results to return one and only one of those "OrderNum" variables from the invoices. The tricky part is that I need to somehow find a way to do this without going into my database and directly altering the SQL stored procedure. I would be happy for any recommendations/ideas. Thanks!

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Stored Procedures - How To Return ERRORS To VB.NET Code

Jun 6, 2008

 Hi all, if have problem to display error message in that comes from a stored procedure. IF ...... then    msgbox "ERROR at Update"    returnvalue = SUCCES ELSE    Msgbox "Successfull Updated"    returnvalue = ERROREND IFHow can I return values from Stored Procedure to VB.NET and then give to User a Message that the Update was successful or not.Thanks to all   

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Stored Procedures Return Ing Mutiple Rows

Jul 29, 2006

hello. I am trying to speed up my caledar.

I need a Stored Procedure that takes a Parameter.
the Parameter will be a Date.

then I want sql server to return all the classes that will happen on that date in formated string so i can display in the caledar.

the table looks like this
(there are more than one class happening on the same day)

I need the retuen value to look like this

"Yoga 9:00am" & "<p>" & "Jazz 11:00am" & <p>

can someone help me or point me to a sample. this is really hard. thank you

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How To Return Multiple Values From Stored Procedures

Jun 22, 2007

How to return multiple values from stored procedures to reports in sql server 2005

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SQL 2005 Stored Procedures Return No Rows

Sep 19, 2006

I am trying to execute a simple SELECT statement in a stored procedure from within Visual Studio 2005. The procedure executes but returns no rows. (There are rows in the table and a VIEW using the same SELECT statement does return the rows.)

I added a PRINT statement to the stored procedure to see if it executed and it did print my text in the output window as expected.

The SQL server is running on Windows Server 2003 with latest service packs and patches. I had detached the database while doing maintenance on our system and re-attached it later.

I can not find any reason why it refuses to return rows.


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Question On Return Codes And Rollback For Stored Procedures.

Oct 19, 2001

I need to execute 10 stored procedures one after the other in a sequence,but need to roll back if any one of them fails and discontinue further execution.Example: if sp#3 fails it should roll back alll the changes made by sp# 1 and sp# 2 and also should not continue executing the rest of them. Any ideas?

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How Stored Procedures Return Multiple Result Sets?

Jan 28, 2007


i read that stored procedures can return multiple result sets?how is that?

thanks in advance.

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Stored Procedures - Using Return Value From Dynamically Created SQL Statement

Jul 29, 2007


This is my foray into Stored procedures, so I'm hoping this is a fairly basic question.

I'm writing a stored procedure, in which I dynamically create an SQL statement.
At the end of this, the SQL statement reads like:

Code SnippetSELECT COUNT(*) FROM StockLedger WHERE StockCode = 'STOCK1' AND IsOpen = 1 AND SizeCode = 'L' AND ColourCode = 'RED' AND LocationCode IS NULL AND RemainingQty > 0

Now this statement works a charm, and returns a single value. I want to assign this count to a variable, and use it further on in the stored procedure. This is where the problems start - I cant seem to do it.

If I hard code a statement, like

Code SnippetSELECT @LineCount = COUNT(*) FROM StockLedger
that works fine (although it brings back a count of all the lines).

But if I modify the dynamically created SQL Statement from earlier on to:

Code SnippetSELECT @LineCount = COUNT(*) FROM StockLedger WHERE StockCode = 'STOCK1' AND IsOpen = 1 AND SizeCode = 'L' AND ColourCode = 'RED' AND LocationCode IS NULL AND RemainingQty > 0
it doesnt work - it complains: Must declare the scalar variable "@LineCount".

Just to clarify, when I say "dynamically created an SQL statement, I mean that by a bunch of conditional statements I populate a varchar variable with the statement, and then eventually run it exec(@SQLStatementString)

So, my question would be, how do I do this? How do I make a dynamically generated SQL statement return a value to a variable?

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Code Inside! --&> How To Return The @@identity Parameter Without Using Stored Procedures

Oct 30, 2005 is my code with my problem described in the syntax.I am using 1.1 and VB.NETThanks in advance for your help.I am still a beginner and I know that your time is precious. I would really appreciate it if you could "fill" my example function with the right code that returns the new ID of the newly inserted row. 
Public Function howToReturnID(ByVal aCompany As String, ByVal aName As String) As Integer
'that is the variable for the new id.Dim intNewID As Integer
Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO tblAnfragen(aCompany, aName)" & _                                    "VALUES (@aCompany, @aName); SELECT @NewID = @@identity"
Dim dbConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)Dim dbCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()dbCommand.CommandText = strSQL
'Here is my problem.'What do I have to do in order to add the parameter @NewID and'how do I read and return the value of @NewID within that function howToReturnID'any help is greatly appreciated!'I cannot use SPs in this application - have to do it this way! :-(
dbCommand.Parameters.Add("@aFirma", aCompany.Trim)dbCommand.Parameters.Add("@aAnsprAnrede", aName.Trim)
dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection
'here i want to return the new ID!Return intNewID
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New System.Exception("Error: " & ex.Message.ToString())
End Try
End Function

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How Can I Assign Data Returned From A Stored Procedure Into The Return Table Of A Table Valued Function

Apr 18, 2007

Here is the scenario,
I have 2 stored procedures, SP1 and SP2

SP1 has the following code:

declare @tmp as varchar(300)
set @tmp = 'SELECT * FROM
OPENROWSET ( ''SQLOLEDB'', ''SERVER=.;Trusted_Connection=yes'',
''SET FMTONLY OFF EXEC ' + db_name() + '..StoredProcedure'' )'

EXEC (@tmp)

SP2 has the following code:

FROM SP1 (which won't work because SP1 is a stored procedure. A view, a table valued function, or a temporary table must be used for this)

Views - can't use a view because they don't allow dynamic sql and the db_name() in the OPENROWSET function must be used.
Temp Tables - can't use these because it would cause a large hit on system performance due to the frequency SP2 and others like it will be used.
Functions - My last resort is to use a table valued function as shown:

( )
RETURNS @retTable
@Field1 int,
@Field2 varchar(50)
-- the problem here is that I need to call SP1 and assign it's resulting data into the
-- @retTable variable

-- this statement is incorrect, but it's meaning is my goal


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SQL Server 2012 :: Stored Procedures Compiles Even When There Is No CREATE TABLE For A Temp Table

Feb 11, 2015

i am inserting something into the temp table even without creating it before. But this does not give any compilation error. Only when I want to execute the stored procedure I get the error message that there is an invalid temp table. Should this not result in a compilation error rather during the execution time.?

--create the procedure and insert into the temp table without creating it.
--no compilation error.
INSERT INTO #tmp(dt)

only on calling the proc does this give an execution error

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Table Names In Stored Procedures As String Variables And Temporary Table Question

Apr 10, 2008

How do I use table names stored in variables in stored procedures?

Code Snippetif (select count(*) from @tablename) = 0 or (select count(*) from @tablename) = 1000000

I receive the error 'must declare table variable '@tablename''

I've looked into table variables and they are not what I would require to accomplish what is needed.
After browsing through the forums I believe I need to use dynamic sql particuarly involving sp_executesql. However, I am pretty new at sql and do not really understand how to use this and receive an output parameter from it(msdn kind of confuses me too). I am tryin got receive an integer count of the records from a certain table which can change to anything depending on what the user requires.

Code Snippet

if exists(Select * from sysobjects where name = @temptablename)
drop table @temptablename

It does not like the 'drop table @temptablename' part here. This probably wouldn't be an issue if I could get temporary tables to work, however when I use temporary tables i get invalid object '#temptable'.

Heres what the stored procedure does.
I duplicate a table that is going to be modified by using 'select into temptable'
I add the records required using 'Insert into temptable(Columns) Select(Columns)f rom TableA'
then I truncate the original table that is being modified and insert the temporary table into the original.

Heres the actual SQL query that produces the temporary table error.

Code Snippet
Select * into #temptableabcd from TableA

Insert into #temptableabcd(ColumnA, ColumnB,Field_01, Field_02)
SELECT ColumnA, ColumnB, Sum(ABC_01) as 'Field_01', Sum(ABC_02) as 'Field_02',
where ColumnB = 003860
Group By ColumnA, ColumnB


Insert into TableA(ColumnA, ColumnB,Field_01, Field_02)
Select ColumnA, ColumnB, Sum(Field_01) as 'Field_01', Sum('Field_02) as 'Field_02',
From #temptableabcd
Group by ColumnA, ColumnB

The above coding produces

Msg 208, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

Invalid object name '#temptableabcd'.

Why does this seem to work when I use an actual table? With an actual table the SQL runs smoothly, however that creates the table names as a variable problem from above. Is there certain limitation with temporary tables in stored procedures? How would I get the temporary table to work in this case if possible?

Thanks for the help.

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Stored Procedure To Return Table?

Aug 31, 2006

Hi,Am new to Stored Procedures and am lost how to achieve the following. I havethis table:-CREATE TABLE [dbo].[docs] ([ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[ParentID] [int] NULL ,[Name] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,[Link] [varchar] (100) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOI want to write a stored procedure to return a single column table. Thefirst field should contain the result of:SELECT ParentID WHERE ID = @id@id being the procedure input parameter.The procedure should then iterate through the table returning subsequent(single column) rows containing the result of:SELECT ParentID WHERE ID = @PreviousRowParentIDUntil NULL is returnedCan anyone help?Thanks,Jack

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How Return Table Varibles By Stored Procedure

May 22, 2008

Can We return Table Varibles
Pls Sir Help Me


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Stored Procedure To Return All Rows In A Table

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there,I need to create a stored procedure almost like "Current_user()" to returnto me the total rows in a table.. Is this possible? plz helpRudi

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Table Parameters In Stored Procedures

Dec 9, 2007

How can I pass a name of a table to a stored procedure.
I want to pass the name as a parameter. The table already exists in the db.
After that, I will do
"SELECT .....
FROM @tableparameter"
What is the right way to do that?

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CLR Stored Procedures Table Permissions

Jul 4, 2013

I have an app which calls a SP, which in turn calls a CLR Stored Procedure.

The CLR stored procedure calls a number of different tables, using a Context connection string.

The issue is that the CLR SP requires the user to have permissions to the tables directly, instead of just permissions to the SP which was expected.

If I just give permission to the SP, then the CLR SP fails. So I then add the table permissions, and it then works.

So the question is, how do I raise security so the app does not have permissions on the tables?

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Stored Procedures/ Table Permissions

Jul 20, 2005

Hi, is there any way that I can automate granting user permissions totables/ stored procedures in SQL server 2000?I have a whole bunch of tables and rather than having to right click eachtable/ then permissions in Enterprise manager I would like to be able toiterate through each table object in a database and grant the relevantpermissions.... Same with stored procedures.Is this possible?? If so, how can I do itThanks in advanceMark

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Stored Procedures Vs. Table-Valued Functions

Apr 11, 2006

Hi everyone.I'd like to know how stored procedures and table-valued functions compare when it comes to returning a resultant set of data. I know there is a link somewhere but I can't immediately find it.Thanks.

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How Output All Stored Procedures To A Table Or File

Feb 22, 2005

I wish to ultimately have the content of all stored procedures related to a database in a single ASCII file for review. Is that doable? If so, how?



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Table And Column Usage In Stored Procedures

Nov 22, 2007

Hi there,

Could any one suggest a query which yields the list of tables and columns used in a stored procedures. I know sp_depends has similar functionality, but would like to know the T-SQL code for that..


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Using Return X In A Stored Procedure Doesn't Work With Table Adapters

Mar 9, 2007


I was trying to create a simple SP that return a single value as follows:CREATE PROCEDURE IsListingSaved@MemberID INT,@ListingID INTASIF EXISTS (SELECT [Member_ID] FROM [Member_Listing_Link] WHERE [Member_ID] = @MemberID AND [Listing_ID] = @ListingID)    Return 1ELSE    Return 0GOWhen I try it out in the Tableadapter's preview table, I get the correct result (1, where the entries exist). However, in the BLL, I tried to get the value as:Dim intResult as IntegerintResult = CType(Adapter.IsListingSaved(intMemberID, intListingID), Integer). However, this always returns 0 (when it should be returning 1). P.S. Curiously, breakpoints skipped the VS generated code for the adapter. What could be the problem? Thanks,Wild Thing 

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SQL Server 2012 :: Stored Procedure - How To Return A Single Table

Nov 21, 2013

I have this SP

ALTER PROCEDURE GetDelayIntervalData(@start datetime, @stop datetime, @step int)
DECLARE @steps bigint
SET @steps = DATEDIFF(hour, @start, @stop)/ @step
DECLARE @i bigint
SET @i=0

[Code] ....

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Using Stored Procedures To Set The Default Value Or Binding Of A Table Column

Nov 24, 2007

I want to be able to have an authorized person set or change the default values of a table column in a SQL Database. I have a stored procedure that sets the default which works fine: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[addMyConst]ASBEGINALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbl1]ADD DEFAULT 70 FOR [Auto_ourlim]END(I still need to put parameters in so that I can run the stored procedure from a form, but for now....)
 To change it I know that I have to drop the constraint first like this:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[dropmyValue]ASALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbl1] DROP CONSTRAINT [Auto_ourlim] 
The problem is that when I execute the procedure I get the error that "Auto_ourlim" is not a constraint so it does not drop the Default Value. When I go over to SQL Server Management Studio Express I can see why:
If I open up the table and open up the Constraints the constraint is "DF__tbl1__Auto_ourli__5FB337D6". I could change the DROP CONSTRAINT to this, and that works, but it changes every time I add the new DEFAULT VALUE.  I don't know how to get around it. Is there a way to put wildcards around "Auto_our" in DROP CONSTRAINT [Auto_ourlim}? Any suggestions would be welcome...even if there's a totally different way to do it.
What I'm trying to ultimately accomplish is this: Column1 (AutoLimits) would be user insert to the database and then in the database it would MINUS Column2 (Auto_ourlim - set with the default value) = Column3 (Difference - a computed field in the database)

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Parameter Passing - Table Name & Column Name In Stored Procedures

Mar 9, 2001

How can a Stored Procedure use a variable table name and column name ?

The statement :-

SELECT @columnname FROM @tablename

gives error "Line 5: Incorrect syntax near '@tablename'."

I am passing the parameters 'tablename' and 'columnname' into the stored procedure, (in order to select a variable column from a variable table).

If I hard-code the tablename, then I get a column of output with just the name of the column I was trying to list, e.g. surname,

i.e. SELECT @columnname FROM employeetable gives :-


How can I get the procedure to accept a variable table name and column name ?

I thought one way to do it would be to use the 'EXEC' statement :-

SELECT @sql = 'SELECT '+ @columnname +' FROM '+@tablename

but this gives error : "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM' "

although the following table works :-

SELECT @sql = 'SELECT surname FROM '+@tablename

The problem seems to be mainly with variable column names.

Also, we don't really want to use the EXEC statement because it will not be compiled and will be slower. (Does anyone know by how much slower ?)

Any advice would be appreciated.

Kind regards,

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Temp Table Scope In Nested Stored Procedures

Jun 8, 2001

We are migrating a SQL 6.5 application with 1900 stored procedures that use 100's of temp tables to SQL 2000.

A problem we have encountered was that we started out getting an "invalid column" errors on certain procedures. Investigation determined that the error was being generated in a nested procedure. The table that caused the error ended up being a temp table that was created using "select into". The following select statement from that temp table gave the invalid column error.

First thinking it was the "Select Into" we then discovered that the outer most procedure had created a temp table of the same name prior to executing the lower level procedure. After the select into, the next statement was a SELECT that went against what it thought was the inner temp table. However, it grabbed the outermost temp table and then couldn't find the appropriate columns and generated the error.

The solution, of course, was to rename the inner most temp table. We also remove the "select into" in the procedure by explicitly creating the temp table.

We tried creating some test procedures to attempt to reproduce this scenario without complete success.

Our test created 3 procedures (sp1 calling sp2 calling sp3) to mimic the current scenario. Sp1 created a temp table and executed sp2, which executed sp3. Sp3 created another temp table using the same name as the one created in sp1.

If we create all three procedures at the same time, it doesn't matter if we change the order in which they are created or whether we create the inner temp table explicitly or with a "select into", SQL Query Analyzer won't let us create the procedure because it finds that the temp table has been declared twice. If we create the procedures separately however, they compile and allow sp3 to create a temp table by the same name as sp1. After creating the procedures independently, they runs properly in all cases with everything in proper scope and no problems.

Admittedly, this is bad coding to start with, but what is happening with the scope of the temp tables within the stored procedures?

Glen Smith

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Nested Queries, Stored Procedures, Temporary Table

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I'm adapting access queries to sql server and I have difficulties withthe following pattern :query1 : SELECT * FROM Query2 WHERE A=@param1query 2: SELECT * FROM Table2 WHERE B=@param2The queries are nested, and they both use parameters.In MS Acccess the management of nested queries with parameters is soeasy (implicit declaration of parameters, transmission of parametersfrom main query to nested query)that I don't know what the syntax should be for stored procedures.The corresponding stored procedure would be something likeCREATE TABLE #TempTable (...table definition...)INSERT INTO #TempTable ExecProc spQuery2 @Param2SELECT * FROM #TempTable WHERE A=@Param1And spQuery2 would be : SELECT * FROM Table2 WHERE B=@ParamI was wondering if this syntax would work and if I can skip theexplicit declaration of #TempTable definition.Thanks for your suggestions.

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Differences Between SQL Stored Procedures And Table-valued Functions

Sep 6, 2006

I am a bit confused by the difference between a stored procedure and a table-valued function. Can somebody please either give me a simple explanation, or point me at something I can read.

I thought I had it worked out, and had coded some action queries as stored procedures, and I wrote a table-valued function that was effectively an encapsulated SELECT so that SELECT * FROM Spouse(@ID) worked fine. Then I wanted to use a function SpousePair, that was similar to Spouse, to power a Gridview. I discovered that I couldn't. It seems that a SQLDataSource requires either a SELECT statement or a stored procedure. So I wrote a stored procedure SpousePair(@ID1, @ID2).

I find that whereas I tested Spouse with
I tested SpousePair with
EXEC SpousePair @ID1 @id2

Now I want to combine these: if I could I would write

However this is invalid because you can't put a stored procedure in a Select statement, and SELECT .... NOT IN (EXEC SpousePair @ID1 @ID2) is also invalid.

Is there any alternative to creating a table-valued function, SpousePairA, that is identical to SpousePair but coded as a function. I'm reluctant to do this because then I'll have two bits of quite complicated SQL logic to maintain.

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Oracle Stored Procedures VERSUS SQL Server Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2005

I want to know the differences between SQL Server 2000 storedprocedures and oracle stored procedures? Do they have differentsyntax? The concept should be the same that the stored proceduresexecute in the database server with better performance?Please advise good references for Oracle stored procedures also.thanks!!

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Return Most Recent Membership Based On Year Stored In Joined Table

Jul 23, 2005

Hello-I'm fairly new to writing SQL statements and would greatly appreciatesome help on this one.I'm working on a project for a non-profit that I volunteer for. Partof the database tracks membership using tables like this:PersonInfo-------------------PersonID (primary key)FirstNameLastNameetc..PeopleMemberships-------------------PPLMembershipIP (primary key)PersonIDMembershipTypeIDFeePaidMembershipTypes--------------------MembershipTypeID (primary key)MembershipYearStandardFeeMembershipDescription (varchar)Just because a person is in PersonInfo, doesn't mean they have anythingin PeopleMemberships (they can be in the databse for other reasons andnot have or have ever had a membership).Membership fees vary by year and type of membership and they want toretain a history of a person's memberships.What I'm looking to do here is write a query (a view in SQL Server)that will return the following InfoPersonID, MostRecentMembershipYear, FeePaidForThatMembership,DescriptionOfThatMembershipI'm thinking that I'd use max(MembershipYear), but that requires groupby for the other columns, so I'm getting all of the people'smemberships returned.I'm pretty sure this can be best done with a subquery, but I'm not surehow.Can someone please point me in the right direction or provide a samplethat I can learn from?Kindly,Ken

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Search For A Table/string Within Job Steps, Dts, Database, Stored Procedures Etc

May 16, 2007

Hi All :A couple of tables have been identified to be deleted. My job is tofind if it is at all used.On searching the web, i found a proc to search for a string within alldatabases in a server.using system sproc : sp_msforeachdbit searches for a string inviews, sprocs, functions, check constraints, defaults, foreign key,scalar function, inlined tablefunction, primary key, 'Replicationfilter stored procedure, System table, Table function, Trigger, 'Usertable, 'UNIQUE constraint''Extended stored procedure'So it is pretty extensive. But i dont think it is covering the codewithin execsqltasks in DTS, and tsql code within JOB STEPS. Those arethe two more places where code exists in my server.If any of you have done so in the past, do let me know if there is asystem stored proc or code that you have written, to do the samethanksRSLink to the above procedurehttp://www.sql-server-performance.c...ase_objects.asp

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