How To Return Boolean Through SQL?

Jun 12, 2008

I have a stored procedure that returns 1 or 0 as one of the column value. When i execute this stored proc and fill the Data Table in .Net, the data type of this column in Data Table is becomes integer not boolean.  What should i return from stored procedure so that when i fill data table the column's datatype will be boolean NOT integer? or is there any way to change the DataType of the column in Data Table?

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'@NumericVal IS NOT NULL' Seems Not To Return A Boolean.

Jul 4, 2007

I'm trying to ensure that only of the parameters is passed to my stored procedure.

BOL says that the IS [NOT] NULL operator (language construct?) will return a boolean. An IF statement takes an expression which results in a boolean so I was surprised to find that the below code doesn't parse.

@NumericVal float = null,
@StringVal nvarchar(200) = null,
@DateVal datetime = null,
@BitVal bit = null)
DECLARE @ValCount tinyint
SET @ValCount = 0

-- Ensure we've only got one update value specified
IF @NumericVal IS NOT NULL @ValCount = @ValCount + 1
IF @StringVal IS NOT NULL @ValCount = @ValCount + 1
IF @DateVal IS NOT NULL @ValCount = @ValCount + 1
IF @BitVal IS NOT NULL @ValCount = @ValCount + 1
IF @ValCount > 1 RAISERROR ('Only one @*Val paramater may be specified when calling sp_OneParm()', 16, 1)

-- Other Stuff

Am I missing something simple or do I need to restructure my code to achieve the logic I want?

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Converting Boolean To Bit

Mar 2, 2005

I have a control with checkboxes. The checkbox.checked property returns a boolean value. If I want to insert a record into a table that has a corresponding column of type bit, how do I do it?

I triedCType(myChkBox.checked,String), which returns the strings "True" or "False". But, I get the errorThe name 'True' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.I then tried "CAST(" & CType(myChkBox.checked,String) & ",bit)", but got the same error.

I can write a function that will return a 1 or a 0 but that seems ludicrous. Surely there must be a more elegant way to use the result of a checkbox in an SQL statement.


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Boolean Expression In SQL

Jun 30, 2005

Hello,In VB/VB.NET, I can use an expression as such to evaluate true/false:Dim blnValue As Boolean = (SomeObject.Property = "Some value")Can I do this in T-SQL?declare @var bitset @var  = ?Thanks.

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Not Able To Store Boolean Value

Apr 24, 2006

I have a FormView with a couple of TextBoxes, a DropDownList and two CheckBoxes. I have connected a SQLDataSource to the FormView with an InsertCommand to store the values entered into the different conrtrols. My problem is that the boolean values from the two CheckBoxes doesn't get stored in the Database (SQL Server Express). The columns in the DB are of type "bit", should I choose a different type? I don't see any errors just a NULL value in the DB.
I'm probably missing the obvious taken that I'm really fresh to this, so any help would be appreciated...
Code below:
id="SqlDataSource1" Runat="Server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Games"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO Games (GameID, GameDate, Opposition, Result, FirstTeamGame, HomeGame) VALUES (@GameID, @GameDate, @Opposition, @Result, @FirstTeamGame, @HomeGame)" >
<asp:Parameter Name="GameID" />
<asp:Parameter Name="GameDate" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Opposition" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Result" />
<asp:Parameter Name="FirstTeamGame" Type=Boolean />
<asp:Parameter Name="HomeGame" Type=Boolean />
<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" OnItemInserted="FormView1_ItemInserted">
<table border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">
<tr style="background-color:#E0E0E0">
<th><asp:Label ID="Label1" Text="Manage" Width="90px" Runat="Server"/></th>
<th><asp:Label ID="Label4" Text="ID" Width="60px" Runat="Server"/></th>
<th><asp:Label ID="Label2" Text="MatchDate" Width="80px" Runat="Server"/></th>
<th><asp:Label ID="Label3" Text="Opponent" Width="118px" Runat="Server"/></th>
<th><asp:Label ID="Label5" Text="Result" Width="80px" Runat="Server"/></th>
<th><asp:Label ID="Label6" Text="First Team Game" Width="80px" Runat="Server"/></th>
<th><asp:Label ID="Label7" Text="Home Game" Width="80px" Runat="Server"/></th>
<table border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">
<td><asp:Button ID="Button1" Text="New" CommandName="New" Runat="Server" Font-Size="8pt" Width="45px" Height="22px" /></td>
<table border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">
<asp:Button ID="Button2" Text="Insert" CommandName="Insert" Runat="Server" Font-Size="8pt" Width="45px" Height="22px" OnClick="Button2_Click"/>
<asp:Button ID="Button3" Text="Cancel" CommandName="Cancel" Runat="Server" Font-Size="8pt" Width="45px" Height="22px"/>
<asp:TextBox id="AddGameID" Text='<%# Bind("GameID")%>' Runat="Server" Font-Size="8pt" Width="60" OnDataBinding="CreateNewGame" />
<td><asp:TextBox id="AddGameDate" Text='<%# Bind("GameDate")%>' Runat="Server" Font-Size="8pt" Width="80"/></td>

<td><asp:DropDownList id="AddOpposition" Runat="Server" Font-Size="8pt" Width="118px" OnLoad="fillMe"/></td>
<td><asp:TextBox id="AddResult" Text='<%# Bind("Result")%>' Runat="Server" Font-Size="8pt" Width="80"/></td>
<td><asp:CheckBox id="AddIsFirstTeamGame" Text='<%# Bind("FirstTeamGame")%>' Runat="Server" Font-Size="8pt" Width="80" /></td>
<td><asp:CheckBox id="AddIsHomeGame" Text='<%# Bind("HomeGame")%>' Runat="Server" Font-Size="8pt" Width="80"/></td>
<td><asp:HiddenField id="Opposition" Value='<%# Bind("Opposition")%>' Runat="Server" /></td>
<HeaderStyle Wrap="False" Font-Bold="True" />
<table border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">
<tr style="background-color:#E0E0E0">
<th><asp:Label ID="Label1" Text="Hantera" Width="90px" Runat="Server" Font-Size="10px" /></th>
<th><asp:Label ID="Label4" Text="ID" Width="60px" Runat="Server"/></th>
<th><asp:Label ID="Label2" Text="MatchDatum" Width="80px" Runat="Server"/></th>
<th><asp:Label ID="Label3" Text="Motståndare" Width="118px" Runat="Server"/></th>
<th><asp:Label ID="Label5" Text="Resultat" Width="80px" Runat="Server"/></th>
<th><asp:Label ID="Label6" Text="A-lags Match" Width="80px" Runat="Server"/></th>
<th><asp:Label ID="Label7" Text="HemmaMatch" Width="80px" Runat="Server"/></th>

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Boolean Datatype

Feb 9, 1999

Can someone tell me if there is a boolean datatype in the SQL Server???
like yes/no not 1 or 0...


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Boolean Variables?

Mar 31, 2006

Im wondering how to do a boolean equivilent while creating tables. here is an example:

Instead of Number(10) how would I make that a boolean in sql? Im sorry if this is a really easy question, but I looked around online and either was looking for the wrong thing or couldnt find it.

Well i guess thats not entirely true, I found it on wikipedia, but just swapping in BOOLEAN doesnt work. Can anyone tell me the syntax? Thanks

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Setting A Value For A Boolean

Feb 22, 2006

Hi,I am trying to get a 0 or 1 depending on the sucess or failure of at-sql statement, and here is what I have:Declare @boolDatabaseExists bitDeclare @chvnNewDatabaseName nvarchar(260)SET @chvnNewDatabaseName = 'NewDatabase'SET@boolDatabaseExists =(SELECT(1)FROMmaster.dbo.sysdatabasesWHEREname = @chvnNewDatabaseName)Print @boolDatabaseExistsWhat it is doing right now is that it prints a 1 for when there is amatch for the @NewDatabaseName in the sysdatabases table. If there isnot a match, then there is no value set for @ boolDatabaseExistsWhat I would like it to do is if there is no match for the@NewDatabaseName in the sysdatabases, I would like to set theboolDatabaseExists to 0I hope I am clear in my explanation.Thank youKR

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Boolean Parameter

Aug 29, 2007


I have a Summary report and a Detail (drillthrough) report.
the summary report displays.

Summary report

Code Snippet
Adult | Male | Count
Yes | Yes | 50
Yes | No | 9
No | Yes | 20
No | No | 50
| 129

When the user clicks on the hightlighted count it links to the Details report displaying each of the records referenced.
The detail report uses 2 boolean parameters Adult & Male, this works perfectly for the first 4 lines displayed, however if the user clicks on the total value to display all the records, i'm unable to provide the NULL value.

Any ideas?

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Boolean Expressions

Nov 12, 2007

I have a unusual problem, well it is unusual becaue i cannot understand it.

I am retrieving the following data, Revenue, Sales, Commission, and calculating Commission Rate in the report itself.

I got warnings that a textbox that was attempting to calculate the Commission Rate was trying to divide by zero.

When I analysed the data, I realised that indeed there were instances when Revenue was 0.00 and therefore when calculating the commission rate, commission/revenue it returned an error.

I then thought I'd do the following in the expression field

=iif((Fields!RevenueGbp.Value = 0.00), "Zero", (Fields!Commission.ValueGbp/Fields!RevenueGbp.Value))

However this does not work. However if i tried the following Boolean query

=iif((Fields!RevenueGbp.Value = 0.00), "Zero", Fields!CommissionGbp.Value)

it does work. In fact if I use any other identifier or use two field thats add, subtract or multiplied with each other it will work. The problem only arises is when I decide to divide two fields together.

Strangely if the condition is satisfied - [Fields!RevenueGbp.Value = 0.00] - it will still try to work out the division even though it should just return Zero!

Anyone help?

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Sql Update Invert Boolean Value

Jan 3, 2008

I want to have an update statement like:update tblMydate set fieldx=fieldx+1 where code=12But then for a boolean value:So, if the current boolean value is true, I want to set it to false and vice versa, something likeupdate tblMydate set booleanx=not booleanx where code=12How can I achieve this?

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Boolean Selection In An Sql Statement

Apr 28, 2008

 Hi... I have a problem getting a select statement to return a boolean value from sql server... the aim is to populate a checkbox list with permissions a group of users has. The statement is an outer join as follows: select SS.PermissionName, BB.GroupId,case when BB.GroupId Is Null then cast(0 as bit) else cast(1 as bit)end IsAddedfrom clPermissions SS left join ( select PermissionName, GroupId from clvGroupPermissions where GroupId = (Select groupId from clGroups where GroupName = 'Admin')) BB on SS.PermissionName = BB.PermissionName  The returned values are 0 and 1... but .NET does not seem to recognize these values as true and false...Any one had an issue like this before?

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Boolean Serach On MS SQL Database

Dec 2, 2004

Anyone know how to do a bollean search on a database?

It would need to accept 'OR', 'AND' conditions.

Would it be a good idea to maybe create stored procedures and call these somehow?

Thank you in advance.

Michael O'Connor

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Where's The Boolean Data Type?

Jun 19, 2005

Obviously, I'm new to SQL Server, because I'm still scratching my head wondering where in the world the boolean data type is. Can anyone please explain to me how boolean data types REALLY work in SQL Server? I've created a few Bit type fields, but when using a datagrid, they sometimes show up as 0 and 1 and sometimes as True/False, and I can't see a difference in how the grids (or fields(!)) are set up that would explain this. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

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Update Boolean Toggling

Mar 3, 2006

In an update statement, I want to take a boolean and reverse it.  Is there an easy way to do this?  SOmething like:
update table set boolfield = not boolfield where ID = @ID
but that doesn't work; is there anything like this where it will reverse it easily?

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Dynamic Boolean Searches AND, OR,

Jul 5, 2002

Hi, I am looking for an easy and efficiant way to add a boolean search function to an already existing search i have using ASP pages and MSSQL 2000 SPROCS.

Currently I have some code such as:


@var1 int = NULL,
@var2 varchar(50) = NULL


SELECT blah, blah, blah
FROM sometable INNER JOIN anothertable ON anID = anID
WHERE (table1.column2 = COALESCE(@var1,table1.column2) AND table2.column4 = COALESCE(@var2,table2.column4))

and this works like a charm, if i pass a value into @var1 or @var 2 it gives back results where those crietera match, or if I pass no values in it returns all records.... anyways, you get the idea...

Now I would like to add the ability to introduce a 3rd variable, and have it run a boolean search on a varchar(2500) column. This column is a description field for an image so I would like to be able to search the descriptions by passing in something like 'car OR bike AND travel' and return all the records that have the words 'car' or 'bike' and 'travel' somewhere in the description field.

How can i do this? I am using SQL Server Standard Edition so I don't believe I have full text search functions available, (not sure if that would even help).

Thanks all for your support and guidance!

P.S. i would also like to maintain the functinality so that if all the @var# are blank it still returns all records.

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Boolean Data Type

Jun 24, 2004

What data type should I use as a replacement of Boolean in SQL server? I need to create a table column with a "two-state" data type and must ensure, that only one record can hold value "True" in this column... Any ideas? Thanks

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Bit/Boolean Field Problem

Apr 18, 2008


Being fairly new to SQL Server, I created a new field with the data type 'bit' so I can store the equivalent of a yes/no response (0 or 1).

When I try to enter either a 0 or 1 into the field via MS SQL Server Management Studio Express table view, I get

"String not recognized as valid Boolean"

I'd appreciate if someone would let me know how I 'noobed' this up.

Thanks very much.

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Boolean Data Type?

Apr 22, 2008

I know this is a stupid question, but I've searched and can't seem to find it.

What do you use in SQL when creating a table and the field is a "yes/no" type field? In VB isn't that a boolean data type? What is the corresponding SQL data type?

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Question About Returning A Boolean.

Apr 30, 2008


Brand new to the forum and I'm hoping I can get some help from you guys here.

I'm not sure how I would go abouts doing this but I have a table that has a list of my Inventory and it looks like this.

Product Inventory
Modems 10

I want a way (whether it be a stored procedure or view) to display instead of the value of 10, that if there Inventory has a value greater than 0 then to return a boolean of YES, TRUE, or 1. How would I go abouts doing that?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Boolean ? In SQL (2005) Table

Dec 3, 2006

I was wondering what should be used for a yes/no/ entry identifier . Should it be a simple int , tinyint , or uniqueidentifier?

Thank you

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Incompatible In The Boolean AND Operator

Apr 21, 2008

I'm new to databases. So I'm writing code in c# to search a database. Here is the following SQL statement I'm trying to use:
SELECT Movies.Movie, Movies.Genre, Movies.ReleasedFROM Movies INNER JOIN MovieActor ON Movies.Movie = MovieActor.MovieWHERE (MovieActor.Movie = '% ' & @name & ' %')

When I go to test the statement it says that "Data types varchar and varchar are incompatible in the boolean AND operator."
Any ideas around this?

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Boolean Default Parameter

Nov 2, 2007

Hi Folks,

I'm having a problem showing my boolean default parameter on report server in our test environment.

The report server shows my boolean parameter with a yes and no radio button. I assigned my boolean parameter with a 'No' default. The default shows and runs fine when I run the report within Visual Studio.(I hope I'm using the correct terminology.) However, on the report server the 'No' radio button is not checked by default. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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Boolean - Expanded/Collapsed

Jul 12, 2007

I have created a matrix where I have booleans on the rows and columns. They are initially in the collapsed state. For reporting purposes, I would like the initial state to to be expanded or at list a quick fix to quickly convert the collapsed booleans to expanded booleans.

I have navigated to the Layout tab and right-clicked the fields that are tied to the boolean and then clicked on the properties. This bring sup the Textbox Properties. From here, I click on the Visibility tab. At the bottom of the textbox is a section "Initial appearance of the toggle image for this report item:". The default choice is marked as collapsed (+). One would logically think that you you would have to do then is select the expanded (-). choice. Well, when I do this, all it simply does is chance the icon from a '+' to a '-' and the fields are still shown as collapsed.

Any ideas on what I need to do?

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Boolean Aggregate Function

Mar 2, 2008

I don't know if this is the right forum.

I have a MS ACCESS table like this:

ID - Col1 - Col2
Number - Yes/No - Yes/No
1 - Yes - No
1 - No - No
2 - No - No
2 - Yes - No
2 - Yes - Yes

I would like to create a view that groups BY ID and combines the boolean columns into 1 value using OR:

ID - Col1 - Col2
1 - Yes - No
2 - Yes - Yes

Is there an aggregate function for this in T-SQL? If not, how can I solve this?

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Boolean Report Parameters

Jun 1, 2007

Hi, I have created a report parameter using a Boolean data type.

When I preview my Report I can select either True or False for this parameter. Is there any way of changing the 'True' label to say something else and again the same with the 'False' label?

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SSIS Boolean Questions

Oct 24, 2006

Please write YES/NO against point number in your answer i.e. for example:

1) YES, 2) YES, 3) NO, 4) YES etc.

We have source SQL Server 200 databases in one instance and target SQL Server 2005 in another instance both being on different windows 2000 server systems.

Target OLAP DB design is derived from source OLTP.

Most master & transaction tables are as is but some target tables are a result of merging source tables.

We need to do SSIS packages based migration using data flow task based on column mapping & queries using Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS). There are no transformations required.

1) Can I group packages under project into sub-groups i.e. super packages?

2) Can I execute a set of packages together which are logically/physically grouped?

3) Can we execute set of ordered packages/individual packages from command line and even
stored procedure?

4) Can we maintain transaction integrity across the entire set of ordered packages we execute?

5) Can we send a mail to mail id(s) in case of events like OnError etc.

6) Can we schedule the packages?

7) Does SSIS provide via BIDS a way to compare data in source with target to decide what got
inserted/deleted/updated and based on that do the necessary?

8) Can SSIS packages be developed including code for data encryption?

9) Can we pass parameters to packages that get called from stored procedure?

10) Can we call stored procedure/function in SSIS package?

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Parameter For Boolean Field

Mar 29, 2007

I have a boolean field.

I want the users to be able to select

show all marked YES

show all marked NO

show all.

How can this be accomplished?


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Database Design - Boolean Fields

Nov 12, 2007

I am designing a table where the object(s) that the table represents could have hundreds of boolean attributes. Which method of design would you chose for this scenario:Keep the booleans in the original object's table, potential for hundreds of nulls in a rowCreate a 2 more tables, one that has the boolean value names & ID. Another that relates an object (in original table) to a boolean value name/ID.  No nulls, lots of joiningSo second method would probably normalize it, but I would suffer a performance cost, whereas the 1st method would be the easiest/quickest for joins but tons of null records. ThanksBen 

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Stored Procedure Returns Boolean???

Sep 30, 2004

i just want to check whether the given data exists in the database. i am using stored procedure. is there any way to know whether that value exists in database without the need to select anything?

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Does Boolean DataType Exists In SQL Server

Jan 16, 2005

Does boolean data type exists in Sequel if y how??? if N y???

How can i opt for boolean ( nearest ) ?

I've used Bit with not null

i want 2 display column of bit datatype into Checkbox .. Is is possible??

Whenver i bind the datatype of bit for checkbox it is throwing an error??


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Passing A Boolean To A Stored Procedure

Mar 17, 1999

I am using VB6 and SQL Server 6.5. I want to pass a boolean to a SQL Server stored procedure. The code below is the main part that tries to pass 'True' to the stored procedure, but an error occurs when the line rst.Open.... is reached ? The error is as follows: The application is using arguments that are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

I have tried putting 'True' directly in the rst.Open... line instead of assigning it to a boolean variable but the same error occurs.

The stored procedure works fine when run in SQL Server.

Can anyone help ? Please.

complete = True
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
rst.LockType = adLockReadOnly
rst.Open "usp_CompleteUID_sel (" & complete & ")", UIDCon, , , adCmdStoredProc

Do While Not rst.EOF
lst_pastUIDs.AddItem (rst.Fields(1))

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Order By (boolean) Acces-sqlserver

Dec 19, 2005

I have migrated an Access database to SQLserver,

all seems ok,
but I found that an "order by" on a boolean Access field, is reverse under
SQLserver ?
I had to add "desc" to my code "order by field desc" to retrieve the correct display.

Could someone confirm this ? I am very surprised.

Thanks, Pierre.

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