How To Select Random Row In Table Using Sql Server...

Jun 12, 2007

I Got the Sql query "Select Top 1 * from Books order by NewId()"........ for select Random row in a table .. any one can explain Above Query



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Select Random Records From MS SQL Table?

Aug 26, 2005

Hello,I have 1000 of records in my table. I wanna select random 100 of them? How?regards

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How Do I Select A Random Record From The Table

Sep 18, 2000


I need to write a select statement where I need to select the record randomely. Is there any function to do that? What's the best way to do that? Please help...

Thanks in a million.


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Random Selection From Table Variable In Subquery As A Column In Select Statement

Nov 7, 2007

Consider the below code: I am trying to find a way so that my select statement (which will actually be used to insert records) can randomly place values in the Source and Type columns that it selects from a list which in this case is records in a table variable. I dont really want to perform the insert inside a loop since the production version will work with millions of records. Anyone have any suggestions of how to change the subqueries that constitute these columns so that they are randomized?


Declare @RandomRecordCount as int, @Counter as int
Select @RandomRecordCount = 1000

Declare @Type table (Name nvarchar(200) NOT NULL)
Declare @Source table (Name nvarchar(200) NOT NULL)
Declare @Users table (Name nvarchar(200) NOT NULL)
Declare @NumericBase table (Number int not null)

Set @Counter = 0

while @Counter < @RandomRecordCount
Insert into @NumericBase(Number)Values(@Counter)
set @Counter = @Counter + 1

Insert into @Type(Name)
Select 'Type: Buick' UNION ALL
Select 'Type: Cadillac' UNION ALL
Select 'Type: Chevrolet' UNION ALL
Select 'Type: GMC'

Insert into @Source(Name)
Select 'Source: Japan' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: China' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: Spain' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: India' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: USA'

Insert into @Users(Name)
Select 'keith' UNION ALL
Select 'kevin' UNION ALL
Select 'chris' UNION ALL
Select 'chad' UNION ALL
Select 'brian'

1 ProviderId, -- static value
'' Identifier,
'' ClassificationCode,
(select TOP 1 Name from @Source order by newid()) Source,
(select TOP 1 Name from @Type order by newid()) Type

from @NumericBase


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SQL Server 2008 :: Random Blocking In One Table

May 1, 2015

We have a SQL Server 2008R2 system that has heavy usage to one specific table. I have tuned basically all I can as far as making sure SQL Statements are using good indexes. From time to time a group of folks will log into Mgt Studio and run SQL Statements like this, leave the query open and once in a while it will cause blocking to other SQL running our online system

The query is like this: select ID,* from tablename with (nolock) where ID like 'MSPRYy%'

The results come back within less than 1 second. However, they leave this window open which is what causes this to be a HEAD BLOCKER and blocks other SQL Statements from running.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Create UDF To Query A Table On A (random) Remote Server

Jan 30, 2015

I'm trying to write a function that will retrieve the last backup date/time of a particular database on a remote server (i.e. by querying msdb.dbo.backupset). Unfortunately, you can't use sp_executesql in a function, so I can't figure out a way to pass the server name to the query and still be able to return the datetime value back to the calling TSQL code (so that rules out using EXEC().

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SQL Server 2012 :: Return Random Records In A Table-valued Function?

Dec 19, 2013

My overarching goal is to generate sets of random Symptom records for each Enrollee in a drug study, so that for each cycle (period of time), the code will insert a random number of random records for each enrollee.

I'm trying to return a number of random records from a table, but inside a table-valued function... (which could be my problem).

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ufn_GetTopSymptoms (
@enrollID INT
, @CTCVersion VARCHAR(20)
, @NumRecords INT

[Code] ....

But that ORDER BY NEWID() clause is illegal apparently, because here's the error it throws:

Msg 443, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ufn_GetTopSymptoms, Line 13
Invalid use of a side-effecting operator 'newid' within a function.

I was hoping I could return a set of enrollmentIDs and then use CROSS APPLY to generate a random set of records for each enrollmentID... is this not possible with APPLY? I was trying to avoid using a cursor...

The idea is basically to create all the Symptom records for all the patients in treatment cycle at once by using Enrollee OUTER APPLY dbo.ufn_GetTopSymtoms(dbo.Enrollment.EnrolleeID)

but that's clearly not working. Is there a way to do this without resorting to a cursor?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Automating Random Inserts Into A Memory Optimized Table

Jan 28, 2015

I have this table

CREATE TABLE [Sales].[Test_inmem]
[c1] [int] NOT NULL,
[c2] [nvarchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[ModifiedDate] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [IMDF_Test_ModifiedDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()),

[Code] ....

I have to generate 1000000 random records into it. I tried various ways to insert records, but not being a developer could not do it. I hope to make the C1 as a serial number, C2 can be anything, C3 I want to be the timestamp.

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Select Random Row In Sql

Apr 11, 2007

i wanna fetch random data using sql query. is there any query that returns random row? Please help me.. i found some but they didnt work..

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How To Do A Random Select

Nov 10, 2000

I nead to make a stored procedure in order to add a random record set.
This record set is used to write in an ASP page a list which is automatically modified everytime we reload the page.

Thanks !

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Random Select

Nov 23, 2007

How Can I select a Random set of records from a database table?

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SQL: Sequential Random Select

Mar 8, 2006

Hello--I need to create a SQl statement (SQL SERVER 2000) which will do the following:

read table1 sequentially
select every "nth" record
write each selected record to and output table

Your help is greatly appreciated.

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Select 10 Random Records

Apr 22, 2008


Is it possible to select 10 random records from a table?


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SELECT A Random Row For Each Different Type

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all,I'm using SS 2000Based on the following table and data:CREATE TABLE T (F1 VARCHAR(1),F2 INT,F3 INT)/* T has no unique key *//* The data */INSERT INTO TSELECT 'A' AS F1, 1 AS F2, 10 AS F3UNION ALLSELECT 'B', 2, 12UNION ALLSELECT 'B', 3, 11UNION ALLSELECT 'A', 4, 10UNION ALLSELECT 'B', 3, 11UNION ALLSELECT 'A', 0, 0UNION ALLSELECT 'B', 2, 5UNION ALLSELECT 'D', 6, 7In the real situation, T is a subquery build from some tables and views. Icannot easily send the real problem.I want a query that will return:- One row for each different F1, no matter which it is.- Ideally, no temporary table should be created. Only subquery.- F2 and F3 must come from the same row. So the use of aggregate functionsto retreive each of them cannot be used.A possible result could be:F1 F2 F3---- --------- -----------A 1 10B 2 12D 6 7How could I do that?Thanks for your helpYannick

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How Can Select Random Rows From Database?

Jan 23, 2008

Iam developing online test using ASP.NET,C#.NET.Now my doubt is test takers should get random questions from the database sqlserver2005.Already i ve inserted 10 question into the database.I ve used NEW ID() .But questions are repeating.I am new commer in to IT industry .Provide me with code.Given below is my code.I can retrive questions from the database now but cannot get in random order.protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{Label10.Visible = false;
Label9.Visible = false;if (!IsPostBack)
{if (Session["id"] == null)
{Session["id"] = 1;
}Session["ans"] = 0;SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"server=123-9181FF31362SQLEXPRESS;user id=sampleu;pwd=Sampleu2;database=n;");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from n3 where sno='" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString()) + "' ", con);SqlDataReader re;
re = cmd.ExecuteReader();while (re.Read())
Label1.Text = re[0].ToString();
Label2.Text = re[1].ToString();
Label3.Text = re[2].ToString();
Label4.Text = re[3].ToString();
Label5.Text = re[4].ToString();
Label6.Text = re[5].ToString();string sss = re[6].ToString();if (sss == "nil")
Panel1.Visible = true;Panel2.Visible = false;
{Panel1.Visible = false;Panel2.Visible = true;
 protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{string Answer = "";if (RadioButton1.Checked == true)
{Answer = "A";
}else if (RadioButton2.Checked == true)
{Answer = "B";
}else if (RadioButton3.Checked == true)
{Answer = "C";
}else if (RadioButton4.Checked == true)
{Answer = "D";
}else if (RadioButton5.Checked == true)
{Answer = "True";
}else if (RadioButton6.Checked == true)
{Answer = "False";
}SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(@"server=123-9181FF31362SQLEXPRESS;user id=sampleu;pwd=Sampleu2;database=n;");
string ss = Session["id"].ToString();SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("select Answer from n3 where sno='" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString()) + "' ", con1);
SqlDataReader re1;string result1 = "";
re1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();if (re1.Read())
result1 = re1[0].ToString();
//Session["ans"] = 0;if (Answer == result1)
{Session["ans"] = (Convert.ToInt16(Session["ans"].ToString()) + 1);
 Session["id"] = (Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"]) + 1);
RadioButton1.Checked = false;RadioButton2.Checked = false;
RadioButton3.Checked = false;RadioButton4.Checked = false;
RadioButton5.Checked = false;RadioButton6.Checked = false;
 SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"server=123-9181FF31362SQLEXPRESS;user id=sampleu;pwd=Sampleu2;database=n;");
con.Open();SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from n3 where sno='" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString()) + "' ", con);SqlDataReader re;
re = cmd.ExecuteReader();
 while (re.Read())
Label1.Text = re[0].ToString();
Label2.Text = re[1].ToString();
Label3.Text = re[2].ToString();
Label4.Text = re[3].ToString();
Label5.Text = re[4].ToString();
Label6.Text = re[5].ToString();string sss = re[6].ToString();if (sss == "nil")
Panel1.Visible = true;Panel2.Visible = false;
{Panel1.Visible = false;Panel2.Visible = true;
re.Close();int s = Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString());if (s == 11)
Label10.Text = Session["ans"].ToString() + " / " + "10";Label9.Visible = true;
Label10.Visible = true;
//int x = Convert.ToInt16(Session["ans"].ToString());
//int y = (x/10) * 100;//y = Label10.Text;
////// SqlConnection con6 = new SqlConnection(@"server=123-9181FF31362SQLEXPRESS;user id=sampleu;pwd=Sampleu2;database=n;");
////// con6.Open();
////// SqlCommand cmd6 = new SqlCommand("SELECT CONVERT(int, 10*RAND()) from n3 where sno='" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString()) + "' ", con6);
////// SqlDataReader re6;
////// re6 = cmd6.ExecuteReader();
////// //select top 5 * from Employee order by NEWID()
//////// SELECT FirstName,LastName
////////FROM Person.Contact
////// while (re6.Read())
////// {
////// Label1.Text = re6[0].ToString();
////// }
////// con6.Close();

View 3 Replies View Related

Select At Random Order From Database

Dec 23, 2005

I need to select few items from sql database.I know for ORDER BY, but I need those items to be mixed in random order every time when they are returned from database. Those are the same items every time, just randomly mixed.
Can i do it with SQL, or I have to find another way (e.g. to mix them after sql returns them)?

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Select Random Row Based On Weights

Feb 9, 2007

I have a table with two columns: value and weight (weight is smallint).

I want a query that will return the value of one row at random with the added requirement that rows with a higher weight have a higher probability of being chosen. Any ideas?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Statement That Take Upper Table And Select Lower Table

Jul 31, 2014

I need to write a select statement that take the upper table and select the lower table.

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How To Select Random Records From Database (advanced)

Mar 12, 2006

hello i have a problem and i dont know if it can fixed or not i'm using 2 and sqlserver 2005 i have a table named questions in the database and that table has 5 columns questionid,question,answer1,answer2,answer3 every questions has 3 answers 1 right and the other 2 are wrong what i want to do is select 10 random questions and their right and wrong answers show in my page as application the answers will be in radio buttons so is that can be done or it's not possible.thanks all

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Reporting Services :: Select 10 Random Records From Past 30 Days For Each User

May 18, 2015

I have these columns. TicketID, User, Date...I want to select 10 random tickets for each user for the past 30 days. I not sure whether to do this via sql or using VB in the report design.

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Returning Random Records And NOT Similar (random Questions)

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I need to extract randomly 5 records from the table "Questions". Now I useSELECT TOP 5 FROM Questions ORDERBY NEWID()And it works. The problem is that I need an additional thing: if SQLextracts record with ID=4, then it should not extract record with ID=9,because they are similar. I mean, I'd like something to tell SQL that if itextracts some questions, then it SHOULD NOT extract other ones.How can I do it?Thanks!Luke

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How I Get The Random Row From The Table?

Jan 26, 2004

When I execute the following query several times, I get the same row if there is no new data inserted:


Is there a way to get a random row from the table? Thanks in advance.

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Get Random Record From SQL Table

Apr 22, 2007

Hi,I am in a situation where our developer is on leave (annual leave for a month), and I have to add a control to my website, which is in aspx apges.To start with i have created a table in my SQL database. this table has records with one-liners from various movies, and the movie title. The tabel have 3 columns, i.e. ID, Liners, MTitle.So i want to get random records on the page when ever its refreshed. I am totally non-coder/programmer guy. I have got a SQL statement from the internet " SELECT TOP 1 * FROM <table name> ORDER By NEWID() "So would anyone please help me out with it, as is it correct, how can i apply in the aspx pages. Thank you. 

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Getting Random Table Entries

Jan 20, 2008

Hi,I have a  form that should show 2 pictures based on table entries.I want those 2 pictures to be randomly selected based on a database table. So, my table has all the entries, and I want to pull out a random entry that has been approved to display it.Can someone help me with the sql query?I can do SELECT VoteId FROM tblVotes WHERE Approved=True..But how do I make selection a random one that changes every time the user gets another entry? 

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SELECTing Random Record From TABLE?

Apr 24, 2001

I need to select a random record from TABLE. It might look easy with using RAND() function, but the tricky part is that ID's which are the PRIMARY KEY, were assigned as a random number.
So right now ID's in that TABLE look some thing like that: -18745, 45809, 129, -5890023, 487910943, -209, etc...
If any one have any ideas please respond.
Thanks in advance.

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Insert Random Values In A Table

Dec 14, 2007

Hi all!

I want to fill a table with random values. In each line should be a different value - "independet" from the value the row above.

what i tried didnt work, it always produced the same value.

Maybe you have an idea

Thankx in advance and greetings from Vienna


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Random Value From A Table Based On Timeframe ?

Nov 18, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I want to get a random value from a table only once a day, not on every page load.

With this SQL I can get a random value and everytime it gives me new value....




How the above query can be changed or there can be some sort of trigger set that same value for 24 hours....and it changes after that ?

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Random Loop Through Table Without Using The Same Records Over Again.

Jul 31, 2007


Anyone have any suggestions on creating a query that will randomly select records from a table, but not use those records again. I have some code that does it, but it uses the same fields over again, and also throws in some blank records that I did not specify in the query. I am creating a test engine that has to randomly ask questions.

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How To Generate Random Default Value For A Field Under Sql Table?

Oct 13, 2005

I have a field call: password, I want to generates some random chars as
default password for users (so user got something to login, and update

Current Solution I have:
I made myself a trigger and it does generate password on insert, but
the problem with that is I have to allow NULL on that field.  I
don't want NULL to be allowed, and if I don't allow null... sql server
won't allow me to insert a record (when leaving password field empty).

Reason i don't wanna allow NULL on that field, is because there may be
more applicaions using the same field from the same database. 
Just in case if the other developer gets sloopy, I don't want other
application(s) allow user put to enter a null or leave it blank on my
password field.

My question is:
1) can I put a function or some sort at the "Default" field under "Design Table", if
2) any suggestions for a better implementation?
3) if (1) doesn't work, what other options would you suggest other then the current trigger i'm using?


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Transact SQL :: Getting Random Rows From Table / Two From Each Group

Sep 2, 2015

I am using Sql Server 2008 R2.I have a existing query that basically says

Select Top 50 Subscriber_ID,  Member_Name, Group_ID
from my_table
order by rand(checksum(newid()))

However the client now wants to have at least two from each group_id. There are 17 different groups.  When I run this as is I get about six of the 17 groups in the results.  How can I change this to get at least two results from each group_id?

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URGENT - Random 10 From Random 20 (2 Tbls)

Oct 14, 2004

I'm using ASP and SQL Serv 2000. What I need to get from 2 tables (company & customers) is random 10 customers from random 20 comp.
Anyone got an idea how to do this??? I've spent 2 days trying to get stored proc. or T-SQL to work, but nothing good came out of it. I can get 1 comp and 10 cust, but not a grouped list of 20 comp. w/ 10 cust. each.

Help is greatly appreciated.

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Inputting Random Numbers To Table Column From Web Form

Feb 28, 2007

I'm grappling with this issue which I thought was basic VB programming; I'm trying to insert a random number (between 100 and 999) into a SQL table column (=Status_ID). This is input as part of a user submitting helpdesk requests via a APS.Net Web Form. The 'Status_ID' field is obviously not visible to the user but will help reference this Helpdesk request on the database.Here is the code:Protected Sub submitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles submitButton.Click        If Page.IsValid Then            ' Define data objects            Dim conn As SqlConnection            Dim comm As SqlCommand            ' Read the connection string from web.config            Dim connectionString As String = _            ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ITNet_Students").ConnectionString            ' Initialize connection            conn = New SqlConnection(connectionString)            ' Create command            comm = New SqlCommand( _            "INSERT INTO HelpDesk (First_Name, Last_Name, StudentID, PersonalEmail," & _            "CategoryID, SubjectID, Description, StatusID) " & _            "VALUES (@First_Name, @Last_Name, @StudentID, @PersonalEmail, " & _            "@CategoryID, @SubjectID, @Description, @StatusID)", conn)            ' Use randomize            Randomize()            Dim randomvalue As Integer            ' Generate random value between 999 and 100.            randomvalue = Int((900 * Rnd()) + 100)            ' Add command parameters            comm.Parameters.Add("@First_Name", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)            comm.Parameters("@First_Name").Value = fnameTextBox.Text            .            .            .            comm.Parameters.Add("@StatusID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int)            comm.Parameters("@StatusID").Value = randomvalue            'Enclose database code in Try-Catch-Finally            Try                ' Open connection                conn.Open()                ' Execute the command                comm.ExecuteNonQuery()                ' Reload page if the query executed successfully                Response.Redirect("HelpDesk.aspx")            Catch                ' Display error message                dbErrorMessage.Text = _                    "Error submitting the help desk request! Please try again later, and/or change the entered data!"            Finally                'close connection                conn.Close()            End Try        End If    End Sub----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I keep getting the error message under 'Catch'  and the page 'HelpDesk.aspx' is not reloading; the 'comm.ExecuteNonQuery()' is not executing.Can anyone spot any inconsistencies in the declaration of the 'randomvalue' variable?P.S: this code works fine if you replace 'randomvalue' with any integer in 'comm.Parameters("@StatusID").Value = randomvalue' 

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Efficiently Creating Random Numbers In Very Large Table

Jan 19, 2007


I need to sample data in a very large table in SQL Server 2000 (a gazillion rows of Performance Monitor statitics).

I'd like to take the top 5%, for instance, based upon a column containing random numbers.

Can anyone suggest a highly efficient method of populating a column with random numbers.

Thanks in advance.


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