How To Select Data For A Given Month Or All Records

Mar 29, 2007

I posted this question last night and thought I had an answer.  I have a date field.  I want to be able to filter records by the month of the date.  To do this, I pass the integer of the month.  But I also want to be able to return all the records if no month integer is passed.  So functionally,

select * from table where (MONTH([AD ENDS]) = @month)
will return all records where [Ad Ends] is in January if @month = 1 and all records if @month is empty.  The solution I got last night was to use

select * from table where (MONTH([AD ENDS]) = ISNULL(@month, MONTH([AD ENDS])))
If @month is null, all records are returned.  I was focused on another aspect of the page when this was posted.  It worked in the designer, so I thought I was set.  This morning I realized I don't know how to pass a null variable in a querystring.  Since a querystring is a string, it probably can't be done. 
Another suggestions was to change this programmatically.   But is there a way to do this in the dataset?  I'm using SQL Server 2005, a strongly typed dataset and the designer.

The answer i got last night was to

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How To Select All The Dates Of Month Even Though There Are No Records?

Nov 28, 2007

I have one SQL Table with 2 columns as below

Column1: ProductionDate - DateTime - Not NULL
Column2: Quantity - Int - Not NULL

Now There are 2 Records in Table

1-1-2007, 5
1-3-2007, 7

Output of Result should be as below

1-1-2007 5
1-2-2007 0
1-3-2007 7
1-4-2007 0
1-5-2007 0
1-6-2007 0
1-31-2007 0

Means Query should return all the dates of Month with Quantity and if no entry in Table then 0 for Quantity.

How to Do it? Please suggest with Query

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Select Last 6 Month Data In Sql

Mar 24, 2008

select * from tbl where nmonth between datepart(mm,DATEADD(month, -2, getdate())) and datepart(mm,getdate())
this query is returning my data  between 1(jan) and 3 (mar)
if i change my query to get all datas between nov to mar
select * from tbl where nmonth between datepart(mm,DATEADD(month, -4, getdate())) and datepart(mm,getdate())
this query is not returning data since the month between 11 to 3
Guys,Help me out to correct this syntax.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Query - Get Result As Month And Values For All Months Whether Or Not Data Exists

Jul 27, 2015

I have a table with dates and values and other columns. In a proc i need to get the result as Month and the values for all the months whether or not the data exists for the month.

The Similar table would be-

create table testing(
DepDate datetime,
val int)
insert into testing values ('2014-01-10 00:00:00.000', 1)
insert into testing values ('2014-05-19 00:00:00.000', 10)
insert into testing values ('2014-08-15 00:00:00.000', 20)
insert into testing values ('2014-11-20 00:00:00.000', 30)

But in result i want the table as -

Month Value


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Transact SQL :: Show (0) Amount For A Month If No Data Exists In The Table For That Month?

Nov 9, 2015

I have two tables Costtable (Id,ResourceId, Amount,Date) and ResourceTable (ResourceId,Name) which shows output as below.

I want to show 0 amount for rest of the name in case of September. For e.g. if rest of the Resources does not appear in cost table they should appear 0 in amount

My Desired output

My current query

RG.Id AS Id,
RG.Name AS Name,
ISNULL(SUM(AC.Amount), 0) AS Amount,
RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar(10), AC.[Date], 105), 7) AS [YearMonth]

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Displaying Sales Data In A Month By Month Grid

Aug 11, 2015

Most of the data is in one table. 

Company 1-Jan 1-Feb 1-Mar 1-Apr
NON-RELO $295 1 $0 0 $1,400 7 $0 0 $1,195 4 $0 0 $4,700 8 $0 0
AMERICAN ESCROW & CL//AECC $2,650 4 $0 0 $3,720 8 $0 0 $2,339 4 $0 0 $2,460 2 $0 0
American Internation//AIRCO $9,131 30 $2,340 9 $10,927 35 $2,340 9 $9,142 31 $2,600 10 $18,406 54 $3,900 15
American Internation//AIR $20,611 63 $1,820 8 $23,892 75 $1,040 4 $35,038 111 $3,120 12 $3,778 16 $1,560 6
American Internation//Ab $64,248 206 $6,240 24 $59,800 187 $5,200 20 $87,115 264

I did something similar doing just record counts but this is far more complicated. I'm at a loss that this is even possible.

 SUM(CASE datepart(month, tbFile.openedDate) WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'January', 

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Data Access :: Select After Check Previous Records

May 5, 2015

I have two tables. Users and records. I need to select only the users that not has lines recorded in the other table. How could I do that?


ID| Name| Access 1|Access 2|
1 | Axel   | True         |False   |
2 | Ivan  | False        |False   |
3 | Bob  | True          |False   |
4 | Sue  | False         |False   |

ID| Points| Month| Year|User_1|User_2|
1 |  2      |    5 | 2015|   2  |   1  |
2 |  5      |    5 | 2015|   2  |   1  |
3 |  1      |    5 | 2015|   3  |   1  |

Then I want to run a select in the users table, only with the users that hasn't records in the second table.

In the example, the second table has User_1 as the user who receives the points and the User_2 is the user who give the points. Then I would know what user didn't receive 'points' yet.

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SQL 2012 :: Use Date Trunc Or Date Function To Select Date Range For Month On Month View

Jul 29, 2015

My goal is to select values from the same date range for a month on month view to compare values month over month. I've tried using the date trunc function but I'm not sure what the best way to attack this is. My thoughts are I need to somehow select first day of every month + interval 'x days' (but I don't know the syntax).In other words, I want to see

Jan 1- 23rd
feb 1-23rd
march 1-23rd
april 1-23rd

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Records Last Month

Sep 27, 2006

Today's month is 9 as in September. How can I retrieve records entered last month?This is what I got so far... WHERE     (Classes.CLWhenDt >= DATEADD([MONTH], - 1, GETDATE()))  

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Display The Records For This Month

Apr 15, 2008

hi friends,

how to display the records for current month?

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Get Records From Last 3 Months But Without Current Month

Apr 3, 2014

I have a problem with a date in my sql view, I need the records from the 3 last months but without the current month, if I execute my view right now I have the records from January to april but I just need from January to march, I must have always the 3 previous month but I don't know how I can do it

(dbo.frhkrg.fakdat >= DATEADD(MM, - 3, GETDATE()))

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How To Return Records Based On Previous Month

Jan 11, 2005

I'm storing records that contain a date/time data type. I am needing two links on a reports page (asp), the first should return all records for the current month and the second link should return all records for the last three months (including current month). I have no idea how to just sort by month.

I'm also not sure what to include here in this post to help you answer my question. On the form that is submitted initially the text field is named "txtSubmitDate" and in the database it's stored in a field called "submitdate" and is 8 characters in length.

I've tried:
SqlJunk = "SELECT * FROM eom WHERE MONTH(submitdate) = MONTH(GETDATE())-1"

'SELECT TODAY'S MONTH and the last 2 months
SqlJunk2 = "SELECT * FROM eom WHERE MONTH(submitdate) = MONTH(GETDATE()) OR MONTH(submitdate) = MONTH(GETDATE())-1 OR MONTH(submitdate) = MONTH(GETDATE())-2 ORDER BY submitdate ASC"

These are not working because it can't handle the change in year (going from january 2005 back to december 2004, etc).

Any ideas?

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Problem Query For Records For Previous Month

May 23, 2008

I'm working on project for school that involves building a query in a video store database. The query is suppose to pull the total number of movies rented the previous month. I can get it to work if I physically put in the dates. However, part of the requirements is to set it up so the date range is auto calculated. The following is the code I have

SELECT COUNT(RecordNumber) AS TotalRentalsForMonth FROM RentalHistory
WHERE TransactionDate BETWEEN (YEAR(getdate()), MONTH(getdate()), 1)
AND (YEAR(getdate()), MONTH(getdate())+1, 0)

I get the following error message when I try to run it:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near ','.

Anyone have an idea where my mistake is within the date range

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Transact SQL :: Count Of Records By Month Wise

Oct 7, 2015

I am trying to get count of  records by month wise when they select year .It was showing  the out put correctly but its showing months arer in numbers,but I want to display Jan,Feb ...

SELECT DISTINCT Standard, COUNT(Standard) AS Total,month(ReportDate) Month
FROM CPTable where
year(ReportDate) = '2015'
GROUP BY Standard, Standard ,


Standard Total Month
NULL 0 1 //Jan
NULL 0 2 //Feb
NULL 0 3
NULL 0 4
NULL 0 5
OSHA 18001, 1 5
NULL 0 6
OSHA 18001,158
TL 9000,18
OSHA 18001,139

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Get Count And Average Number Of Records Per Month

Sep 12, 2006

Example table structure:
Id int, PK
Name varchar
AddDate smalldatetime

Sample data:
Id Name  AddDate
1  John  01/15/2005
2  Jane  01/18/2005
101  Jack  01/10/2006
102  Mary  02/20/2006

First, I need to find the month which has the most records, I finally produced the correct results using this query but I am not convinced it's the most efficient way, can anyone offer a comment or advice here?

select top 1 count(id), datename(mm, AddDate) mth, datepart(yy, AddDate) yr
  from dbo.sampletable
  group by datename(mm, AddDate), datepart(yy, AddDate)
  order by count(id) desc

Also, I'm really having trouble trying to get the overall average of records per month. Can anyone suggest a query which will produce only one number as output?

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HOW To Select A Matrix (cross Join) With Empty Records To Retrieve The Same Amount Of Records For Each Cell

Nov 2, 2006


Im searching for a solution to set all matrix row or cell the same height.
it schoud looks like this example:

This is a simple matrix

test a

text b

text c

text d

text e

text f

text g

This is a matrix with all the same row-height.

test a

text b


text c


text d

text e

text f

text g



Thx you a lot

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Parameter Selection Of Month, Showing Selected Month And Sum Up To That Month In Another Row

Apr 5, 2008

Hello what I'd like to display the following in a matrix report:

Parameter selected: 3 (March), 2008 (Year)

Monthly TO Summed up
ArtNo March <=March
1210 20,500 50,900
1220 21,200 64,000
1230 15,400 40,300
... ... ...

So, in the rows I have the articles and in the column the selected month via parameter. In another column I need to sum up all monthly values up to the selected month, meaning in this example the sum of jan, feb and mar per article.

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Transact SQL :: Get Query By Selecting Month From Dropdown List And Display Records?

Oct 8, 2015

Im trying to get query by selecting the month from dropdownlist and display the records .by using the below query I need to enter the date in tecxtboc then it will show the output

select Standard, Total, MonthName
from (SELECT Standard, COUNT(Standard) AS Total,
datename(month, ReportDate) as [MonthName]
FROM CPTable where
ReportDate >= @ReportDate

[Code] .....

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Power Pivot :: Divide Number Of Records By End Date Of Month Using DAX Query

Aug 4, 2015

We have some requirement in PowerBI reports. Here we have a table and having Date, Events columns. Below is the sample data..we are creating a measure to calculate the average of the event count for month.We need a measure for calculating Average of Event count per month= sum(Events for a month)/numberofdays in the month.Example for January month : sum(343423)/31 (31 number of days in January) 

When we write this measure using DAX query in Excel we are getting semantic error.Tried sample formula : Average:=SUM([Events])/EOMONTH([EventDate],1)

writing this DAX command for measure.After having this data ready, we are creating PowerBI reports on this data.

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Select MAX Day Of Month

Jul 3, 2001

Given any datetime value, I need SQL to derive the last day (numeric) for the month in the datetime value..

eg. "2001-06-22 14:24:56.563" --> Last numeric day of June 2001 is 30
eg. "2000-02-06 23:11:05.323" --> Last numeric day of Feb 2000 is 29
eg. "1999-02-07 08:34:10.037" --> Last numeric day of Feb 1999 is 28


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Trouble Writing Stored Procedure To Retrieve Records By Selected Month And Year

May 15, 2007

i am a nubie, and struggling with the where clause in my stored procedure. here is what i need to do:
i have a gridview that displays records of monthly view of data. i want the user to be able to page through any selected month to view its corresponding data. the way i wanted to do this was to set up three link buttons above my gridview:
[<<Prev]  [Selected Month]  [Next>>]
 the text for 'selected month' would change to correspond to which month of data was currently being displayed in the gridview (and default to the current month when the application first loads).  
i am having trouble writing the 'where' clause in my stored procedure to retrieve the selected month and year.
i am using sql server 2000. i read this article (, but was not able to adapt it to what i am doing.
i am open to other suggestions of how to do this if you know of a cleaner or more efficient way. thanks!

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Within A Month Select Query

Apr 25, 2007


actually im using interbase but id like to know the equivalent SQL code so that i can explore how to do it in interbase.

i have a table with a date field. i would like to select all entries which belong to a certain month. this is how i do it:

"select * from table WHERE (cast(datefield as varchar) like :MNT)"

:MNT is a parameter equivalent to "1/%/2007" for example for january

can you please help me convert this statement to a valid query?

"select * from table where month of datefield in [month]"

i hope you can help me.

thanks in advance

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Select Month(getdate()) Format Plz

Apr 11, 2008

How can i return month in the format of 'April'.
When i am trying select month(getdate()) i am getting 4 but i am looking for text format - April.
Please correct format.

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Select On The Basis On Month And Year

May 18, 2004

hi guys.

I have a datetime column in my SQL server database.. I need to select the value from the table by passing month and year only..

any suggestions..??

Thanks in advance..


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Select The Record Per Week In A Month

Mar 7, 2006

Support, I have a table order and the field are orderid,customerid,orderdate. What i need to do is that I want customer order list as how many order per week in a month.
Can anyone help me please.

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Dynamically Select Rows From Last Month

Nov 9, 2014

This is my Statement.

a.INHALT AS Cardnr,

[Code] .....

But it deliver me also rows which are not in valid. I need only rows from last month from 01.10 until 31.10 and this rows are over the time. How can i select dynamically all row between 01.10 and 31.10 ?

13980211DU9572014111220321231000043000957xxxxx xxxxxx
13990211DU9552014110120321231000010000955xxxxx xxxx

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Transact SQL :: Select With Value For Specific Month

Nov 13, 2015

I have table with below scheme

Year      Month      Day      RELH     
------    --------       ------     -------
1973       4            1            50
...... etc
1973      4             30           20 
1974       5             1              50
1974        5            30             99

I need to get years where average of RELH  of  months within year meet 

Month 4 Average(RELH) > 33 and
Month 5 Average(RELH) > 60 and 
Month 6 Average(RELH) < 33 

How can I achieve this?

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How To Get All The Days Of A Month Using Select Statement

Jan 13, 2008

How to get all the days of a month using select statement in sql server 2000
please help

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Select GetDate() Just The Month Or Year

Dec 21, 2006

I tried to find it on the Internet, but was unsuccessful. If someone can help me with a select statement that will return JUST the current month and year or day and month. I would really appreciate it.


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How To: Create A SELECT To Select Records From A Table Based On The First Letter.......

Aug 16, 2007

Dear All
I need to cerate a SP that SELECTS all the records from a table WHERE the first letter of each records starts with 'A' or 'B' or 'C' and so on. The letter is passed via a parameter from a aspx web page, I was wondering that someone can help me in the what TSQL to use I am not looking for a solution just a poin in the right direction. Can you help.
Thanks Ross

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Select Employees By Start Day For 8 Month Working

Jul 15, 2013

I have this column Sdate in my Employees table. This value represent the start date working.

I need to get all of the employees that between 8 and 10 month of work from today. How can I do it?

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Transact SQL :: Select Between Days Record Of Every Month

Jun 29, 2015

I have 3 month of record in my table. if i pass 2 and 10, i need to select the record of between 2 and 10 days of record of every month. if i pass 10 and 20, it should select the record between 10 and 20 of every month. How to query for that?

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How To Select Maximum Of Year-month In Reporting Services ?

Sep 28, 2007


How to select max of year-month in the Reporting Services. For example I have 3 fields :
1. Year-Month (format : yyyy-mm)
2. City
3. Amount Sales

In the bar chart graph, I have put the City as X-Categories, Amount Sales as Data
And I want to filter only the lastest year month in the database.

Can we do this without going to database and set the filter there ?

best regards,

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