How To Send Report Through Email One Time I.e. Without Subscription For Recurrent Emailing?
Jul 10, 2007
I want to send a deployed report (report manager), through email, by calling reportingServices webservice. But the requirement is that, time is not fixed for sending this email, so I want to trigger the sending of report as a one time event, no subscription to a daily time...
How should I go about it?
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May 23, 2007
Some Background: SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition SP1 on Windows 2003 Server R2 SP1. This SQL Server 2005 named instance was recently upgraded from Standard Edition to Developer Edition.
Now the problem:
I've set up a simple report, that creates a snapshot on a schedule, which sends an email once the report has been run. However, no email is being sent, and when I go to the subscriptions tab for the report, I see the following Status for the Subscription that is failing:
Failure sending mail: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {CD000001-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D} failed due to the following error: 8007007e.
A little research indicates that error 8007007e is 'The specified module could not be found'.
So, I scheduled the report to create a snapshot once a minute so that I could generate the error frequently, and then ran Process Monitor to look for any problems. In the log I found a lot of 'NAME NOT FOUND' entries for the ReportingServicesService.exe and SQLAGENT90.exe as they were looking for INETCOMM.dll (Microsoft Internet Messaging Library). I did a search for that file on the server, and was unable to find it.
Is the absence of this dll my problem, and if so, how do I restore it? If it isn't, any other ideas on troubleshooting this problem?
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Jul 6, 2015
I have a report that gets sends out through a subscription and sometimes the report has multiple pages and all those pages appear within one email.Is it possible to set the subscription in such a way that an email is sent per page when the subscription executes.
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Oct 6, 2005
I have a report that may or may not have data. I have a subscription setup for this report. The subscription has a defined To list. I would like to NOT send the report if there is no data on the report. I did this in SQL 2000 by raising an error from the stored procedure if there was no data. However, that approach does not seem to work with 2005. Is there another way to accomplish this?
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Aug 23, 2007
I cant imagine this to be possible, but I currently have a report setup and a subscription that email the report to some users, I was curious to know if possible that if the report returns no records to not have the report sent?
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Nov 15, 2007
Is there a way ( using an included SSIS task rather than coding a script task) to detect whether a package has run longer than a specified period of time?
So I can send an email to operators notifying them that a job is taking longer than usual.
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Oct 2, 2007
I'm trying to find the best way to add ability to send a SRS report by email on-demand. My users want to access a reprot via the default SRS HTML viewer and click something to intitate an email. They would then supply an email address to receice the reprot.
The subscription option doesn't work because the receipents will not be getting reports on a regular basis.
I was thinking about adding an email link on a report that called a web service sending adequate information about the reprot (report name, parameters used, etc.)
Is there any sample code to have a web service render a report and send via email?
Is there a better way to accompolish this requirement?
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Apr 25, 2008
I have set up a test subscription that sends an email that includes both the report and the url link to the report. However, the report does not render when user clicks on url link in subscription email. The parameter toolbar sorta appears at top of page but buttons are not showing correcty. I saw similiar issue posted in another forum but no one had resolved yet. We all noticed that the subscription email uses /reportserver folder instead of /Reports folder.
The report does appear fine in the email so I believe the problem is the URL.
Can anyone tell me how to resolve?
The URL from Report Manager is
The URL in subscription email
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Jul 12, 2007
When I set up an email subscription for a report, I can get the email notification if I only include a link to the report, but get the generic "Failure sending mail: The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information." error message when I attempt to include the actual report in the email; either as "Web Archive," or PDF." When I consult the ReportServer log file, I do not see any sort of exception that would indicate the true source of the error.
I have set the file security on the RSTempFiles folder to allow the IIS_WPG group to modify the folder, but when I looked into the RS config files, it looked as though SSRS wasn't configured to use temporary storage.
Any suggestions?
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Apr 28, 2008
Env: Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 8.00.1042.00,
<OSName>Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790.0</OSName>
Last week a number of reports that were working fine began rendering incorrectly when sent out in report subscription emails - they work fine when directly rendered using report manager. The weird issues include broken alignment (left instead of right), missing borders, and changed fonts.
I checked the report deployment dates and these reports have not changed since well before the issues arose. I am digging thru the event logs to see what might have changed, but has anyone seen this issue before?
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Dec 21, 2007
Hi Everyone,
I want to receive some reports by email every time the datawarehouse refreshes its content. The data warehouse is being refreshed on a daily basis but the exact time varies between 9:30 am and 11:30 am.
I have created the 4 reports in reporting services and set the execution property of each report to
Render this report from a report execution snapshot
and then created 4 subscriptions for email delivery based on processing option
When the report content is refreshed
In an Integration Services package I have 4 Script steps ( that perform an UpdateReportExececutionSnapshot for each of the reports.
The problem is that these steps fail in a random order every time the package runs. Sometimes they all run fine , but then one or two fail with timeout error. So the emails are not being sent.
I am currently using SQL Server 2005 SP2.
If anyone has an idea on this issue, please let me know.
Best Regards
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Jun 9, 2015
I need to send a report to various email id based on parameters.
I have a report which has a dropdown which shows the list of parameters. I need to send report to 3 different email ids with different parameters. How to do that?
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Jun 28, 2007
I encounter this error when user try to subscribe using email delivery
to one of the report. I have configured the Reporting Services to use
Sharepoint integrated mode. This user is a regular user that has read
access to the report item.
Below is the message detail:
A subscription delivery error has occurred. (rsDeliveryError)
A subscription delivery error has occurred. (rsDeliveryError)
One of the extension parameters is not valid for the following reason:
The account you are using does not have administrator privileges. A
subscription cannot be created for [emailaddress].
Is it true that user needs to have administrator privilege in order to
subscribe for report? I don't think so, right?
Gunady Ng
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Aug 26, 2015
I want to create data driven subscription via Email for SSRS report.
To do so i can add my self either in To or CC.
I don't want multiple mails in my inbox as sent mails have excel as attachment, but I want notification for all the mails sent.
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Aug 23, 2007
I have setup report subcription with stored credential using a valid domain account and "Use as Window Credentials..." checked. Everything tested fine and works properly when the report is viewed in a web application. The problem is this report renders fine in the browser 80% of the time and occasionally it gives me Logon failure error:
An error has occurred during report processing (rsProcessingAborted)
Cannot impersonate user for data source 'Pinnacle'. (rsErrorImpersonatingUser)
Logon failed. (rsLoginFailed)
Logon failed: unknown user name or bad password. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007052E)
Since the report is working 80% of the time and the user domain account hasn't changed. I am confused why I am getting bad user account error. Please help!
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Sep 24, 2015
How to achieve by using SSRS. How we can "quick run" report within the subscription menu to ensure report was set up correctly during creation. Is there any way to generate sample subscriped report without waiting for scheduled time.
I mean whether we can verify the report parameters & data in generated the report. I have verified SSRS report manager .i cant see any button or option to test run the report in subscription feature.
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Apr 5, 2007
I need to export a view into excel and mail to my manager daily morning. Is there a way i can automate this process. I know how to convert view to excel but i need a better solution to automate this process with emailing to my mgr. Please suggest a better approach of doing this.
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Jul 2, 2007
I have uploaded a report onto my 2005 Reporting Manager and want to create a daily email of the report... How do I set up the email facility? Can someone give me a link?
I not sure what to do because the company uses Exchange Server and not SMTP....
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Dec 14, 2007
I have this subscription using email outside my domain. for example. I'd like to send reports using subscription, and when the recipient email address's outside my domain (for example or, etc), the subscription fails.
Anybody know how to solve this?
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Sep 11, 2006
Hi all, can i send an email through SQL? i don't want to use third party software. Also, i can't configure the customer's db server. It is possible to send an email without much configuration. If configuration needed, is it possible to configure through SQL script? thx
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Mar 27, 2008
I need to select a table from my database and send the table as an email message to a person every 10am because the table changes every day. How to it?
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Jan 30, 2008
Hi all,
actually i m working on a store procedure in which end of the procedure when task complete it's send email to specific person, but i m having a problem using this function.
i am using
EXEC master..xp_sendmail @subject = @cmd, @recipients = @recipients, @message = @@servername
it's work fine when the outlook is configure on the server, but is there any way to send email rather then configure outlook on the server just chk internet is working send email on behalf of server,
i have more then 2 servers and outlook is configure only one server and i don't want to configure outlook on other server due to work load on server.
Thanks and looking forward.
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Nov 15, 2007
The company i work for changed names and all email addresses within the company have changed. While it was OK for a while they are no longer going to be forwarding email to the old addresses to the new ones. There are Tons of subscriptions and tons of email addresses that need to be changed to the new names.
If i could find the table with the TO: part of the subscription held in it i could just run an update on that field and it would be solved...however, i cannot find that field...
Without going into every subscription in report manager, how can i change the email addresses? Any Suggestions?
Thanks in advance
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Jan 3, 2007
I have a Virtual PC running SSRS 2005. I keep getting the following error when I try to specify my hotmail account as the To line in the email subscription:
"The e-mail address of one or more recipients is not valid."
I am trying to set it up such that I can send email subscriptions to my hotmail account, or at least let the SMTP Service accept these emails. I don't necesarily need to have these emails delivered, but I would like them to at least be accepted by the SMTP Service. I have added the following to my rsreportserver.config file:
I am sure I need to configure the IIS SMTP Server settings somehow, does anyone know how to configure my local SMTP Service to allow email addresses to be placed into the "Drop" folder?
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Sep 6, 2007
How can i send email through sqlserver on Micrsoft Exchange?
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Oct 25, 2004
How can I send an email from sql server.
I tried the following code which gives me no errors but doesn't send the email.
CREATE Procedure sp_SMTPMail@SenderName varchar(100),@SenderAddress varchar(100),@RecipientName varchar(100),@RecipientAddress varchar(100),@Subject varchar(200),@Body varchar(8000)ASSET nocount ondeclare @oMail int --Object referencedeclare @resultcode intEXEC @resultcode = sp_OACreate 'CDONTS.NewMail', @oMail OUTif @resultcode = 0BEGINEXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'From', @SenderAddressEXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'To', @RecipientAddressEXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'Subject', @SubjectEXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'Body', @BodyEXEC @resultcode = sp_OAMethod @oMail, 'Send', NULLEXEC sp_OADestroy @oMailENDSET nocount off GO
Can anyone recommend a solution to send email from sql server?
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Feb 8, 2005
This was a P A I N to get working. Maybe someone else here is sending email and could use it.
A UNICODE Send Mail using CDOSYS with ReadReceipt and Importance...
Sub SendMail (sFromAddress, sToAddress, sCcAddress, sBccAddress, sSubject, sBody, boolReadReceipt, intImportance )
'on error resume next
Const cdoDispositionNotificationTo = "urn:schemas:mailheader:disposition-notification-to"
Const cdoReturnReceiptTo = "urn:schemas:mailheader:return-receipt-to"
dim cdoMessage, cdoConfiguration
Set cdoConfiguration = Server.CreateObject ("CDO.Configuration")
' Outgoing SMTP server
With cdoConfiguration
.Fields("") = "localhost"
.Fields("") = 25
.Fields("") = 2
.Fields("") = 60
End With
Set cdoMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With cdoMessage
' Update the CDOSYS Configuration
SET .Configuration = cdoConfiguration
.BodyPart.charset = "unicode-1-1-utf-8"
IF boolReadReceipt Then
.Fields(cdoDispositionNotificationTo)= sFromAddress
.Fields(cdoReturnReceiptTo)= sFromAddress
End If
' Set the Importance: 0:Low, 1:Normal, 2:High
.Fields("urn:schemas:httpmail:importance").Value= intImportance
.From= sFromAddress
.ReplyTo= sFromAddress
.To= sToAddress
.Cc= sCcAddress
.Bcc= sBccAddress
.Subject= sSubject
.Textbody= sBody
End With
Set cdoMessage = Nothing
Set cdoConfiguration = Nothing
End Sub
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Dec 21, 2006
I'm trying to implement DTS and FTP. So that when a company sends or FTP infomation to our server, it runs a script and checks to see if the infomation is correct and sends and email saying successful or unsuccessful.
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Jul 20, 2005
1. I'm trying to get the notifications working on the scheduled jobs.I want to email me when the job fails. I created an operator(dmalhotr) and given me as the email address.Here is the error what I'm getting when I'm pressing the test buttonto email myself in properties dmalhotr operator (hope that makessense).Error 22022: sqlserveragent error: the sqlserveragent mail session isnot running; check the mail profile and/or the sqlserveragent servicestartup account in the sqlserveragent properties dialog.I cancel out of it. Then I go to support services --> sql mail -->right-click properties (WE HAVE LOTUS NOT EXCHANGE HERE- dont knowwhether that makes a difference).It says profile name Outlook and I click test. It says Successfullystarted (and stopped) a MAPI session with this profile.I go back to the operator and then click test to send email and I getthe same error. I started and stopped sql server agent and still getthe same error.Not sure how this works, please send me an email as to what I'm doingwrongThanks:DHRUV
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Sep 19, 2007
How can I have my email download automatically instead of clicking send/receive all the time?
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Jul 31, 2006
Hi Everybody
can somebody please help in finding how to mail the sql server reports via email.
Thanks alot
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Nov 16, 2005
It seems that using the Send Mail Task, there is no option for me to format my email as HTML. I have all my HTML code in a string and need to format my email to send the string as an HTML email. What would be the best way to approach this?
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Sep 20, 2006
I am generating the text file on run time using flat file destination. The text file is generated on the location C: SSIS or D:SSIS based on the location specified in the configuration file.
The text file contains the non matching rows during lookup transform task.
I want to send this dynamically generated text file using the send email task.
But while doing this, I receive an error during package validation:
Package validation error:
Error at send email task [ send email task ] : either the file C:SSISErroroutput.txt does not exists or you do not have permission to access the file.
Error at send email task ; There were error during task validation.
Please suggest as I need to generate the text file only in case of lookup failure.
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