I'm creating a generic procedure in the master db and I'm getting the database name as a input parameter.
How do I set the database inside the procedure , according to this parameter?
T-Sql does not accept "USE" inside procedures .
I tried "sp_defaultdb" but when I select from a specific table in the procedure it still does not identify the table as belonging to that database, it still looks for the table in the master db.
I have created a stored procedure in the master database that can be run against any database on the server. I call this procedure from a sql server agent job. In this job I specify the database I want the procedure to run against but it always seems to run against the master database (presumably because the procedure is in this database). I can't switch database inside the procedure so what can I do other than creating a copy of the procedure in every database?
Report Builder 3.0 . I have two datasets and I am using LookupSet to return data (a list of dates) but what I am after is the LAST date in the set. I have tried to use Last but I keep getting an error.
I even tried doing a Last on the above statement with a Join thrown in, but that just gets me errors as well. I tried to Code in a function to go through the dataset and return the last piece of data, but again...error.
Function LastLookup(ByVal items As Object()) As Date If items Is Nothing Then Return Nothing End If Dim suma As Date = New Date() For Each item As Object In items suma = CDate(item) Next
Just wonder whether is there any indicator or system parameters that can indicate whether stored procedure A is executed inside query analyzer or executed inside application itself so that if execution is done inside query analyzer then i can block it from being executed/retrieve sensitive data from it?
What i'm want to do is to block someone executing stored procedure using query analyzer and retrieve its sensitive results. Stored procedure A has been granted execution for public user but inside application, it will prompt access denied message if particular user has no rights to use system although knew public user name and password. Because there is second layer of user validation inside system application.
However inside query analyzer, there is no way control execution of stored procedure A it as user knew the public user name and password.
Looking forward for replies from expert here. Thanks in advance.
Note: Hope my explaination here clearly describe my current problems.
I'm trying to find a specific string (a name) and replace it with another inside of a VARCHAR(7000) field. Unfortunately, there are names like Ted and Ken that I'm trying to replace. I would like to leave words like Broken, admitted, etc... intact.
UPDATEtbl SETBody = LEFT(REPLACE(tbl.Body, pm.OldFirstName, p.FirstName), 7000) FROM Table tbl JOIN Person p ON p.PersonID = tbl.PersonID JOIN PersonMap pm ON pm.PersonID = p.PersonID AND LEN(pm.OldFirstName) > 2 WHEREtbl.Body LIKE '%[^a-z]'+pm.OldFirstName+'[., ]%
'The problem I'm running into is that the '[, ]%' in the LIKE excludes any record that ends with the FirstName because it is requiring either a space, comma or period after the name. Is there some way to add an empty string to the list of acceptable characters as that would cover any scenario in the data? I would prefer not to add all characters except space, comma and period, but I guess I could do that.
i have created the table empid,empname,dob,salary for the insert i need to create procedure of insert empid,empname,dob,salary i got the function for autogenerated number for empid mmy question how to put function inside the procedure? my function below,pls guide me its very urgent. create function NextCustomerNumber() returns char(5) as begin declare @lastval char(5) set @lastval = (select max(customerNumber) from Customers) if @lastval is null set @lastval = 'C0001' declare @i int set @i = right(@lastval,4) + 1 return 'C' + right('000' + convert(varchar(10),@i),4) end
hi all, i'm wondering if i can use one stored procedure in too cases, this is the senario: i have stored procedure for admin and another one for user, they have the same select everything is the same except that in admin SP i have where @admin = admin and for user i have where @user = user if there a way to use if and else to make this happen this is what i did so far:
CREATE PROCEDURE [test] @admin INT, @user INT, @indexType INT as if @indexType = 1
SELECT * FROM table WHERE something IN (SELECT * FROM anothertable where admin = @admin) end else begin SELECT * FROM table WHERE user = @user end GO
Hi, we have the senario we want to call oracle table inside the sql stored procedure, it is possible to call oracle table inside the sql stored procedures.
Hello,I need to have a stored procedure, which performs sorting. Something likethis:CREATE PROCEDURE procname@sortby varchar(30)ASBEGINSELECT some, columnsFROM some_tableORDER BY @sortbyEND(of course, i know this won't work, but it gives the idea of what i mean)Is there a possibility to write a procedure which behaves like that? It isimportant for me not to have multiple procedures just for different sortingcriteria...Thanks,Mike
I want to execute some insert statements within a stored procedure and commit those changes regardless of any raiseerror that occurs later in the stored procedure. My difficulty is that I am forced to use raiseerror with severity 16 in order to send a message through the powerbuilder application interface (compiled vendor code). I have tried save points but can't get that to save my insert and still present an error to the user about something else that happens later.
here is an example
BEGIN procedure
Insert something and save it even if error is raised below
RaiseError('you made a mistake and need to do this.',16,-1)
Hi folks I nead to call a stored procedure in a where statemene, but MSSQL dont like that.
My problem is that the StoredProcedure is calling itself recursive and therfore its impossible to add the code as a standard SELECT statement. Here is the code
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.advsp_FilterRecordRights @RequesterGUID Char(20), @EntityGUID Char(20) AS BEGIN if not Exists(Select *
from GUIDRightsH where GUIDRightsH.EntityGUID = @EntityGUID and
GUIDRightsH.RequesterGUID = @RequesterGUID and GUIDRightsH.RecProp <> 0) Begin
Return 1 end
if not Exists(Select *
from UsergroupMembers where UserGroupMembers.UsergroupGUID = @RequesterGUID and dbo.advsp_FilterRecordRights(UserGroupMembers.UserGUID,@EntityGUID) = 1) Begin
Basically I have two strings. Both strings will contain similar data because the 2nd string is the first string after an update of the first string takes place. Both strings are returned in my Stored Procedure For example:String1 = "Here is some data. lets type some more data"String2 = "Here's some data. Lets type some data here"I would want to change string2 (inside my Stored Procedure) to show the changed/added text highlighted and the deleted text with a strike though. So I would want string2 to look like thisstring2 = "Here<font color = "#00FF00">'s</font> <strike>is</strike> some data. <font color = "#00FF00">L</font>ets type some <strike>more</strike> data <font color = "#00FF00">here</font>" Is there an way to accomplish this inside a stored procedure?
This example is working: Declare @startRowIndex INT; set @startRowIndex = (@PagerIndex * @ShowMembers); With BattleMembers as ( SELECT TOP 20 ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY LastActivityDate DESC) AS Row, UserId, UserName FROM aspnet_Users) SELECT UserId, UserName FROM BattleMembers WHERE Row between @startRowIndex and @startRowIndex+@ShowMembersEND and this one doesn't work:USE [xx]GOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[battle_Paging]@PagerIndex INT,@ShowMembers INT ASBEGINDeclare @startRowIndex INT; set @startRowIndex = (@PagerIndex * @ShowMembers); With BattleMembers as ( SELECT TOP 20 ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY aspnet_Users.LastActivityDate DESC) AS Row, aspnet_Users.UserId, aspnet_Users.UserName, mb_personal.Avatar FROM aspnet_Users LEFT JOIN mb_personal ON (mb_personal.UserID=aspnet_Users.UserId) SELECT UserId, UserName, Avatar FROM BattleMembers WHERE Row between @startRowIndex and @startRowIndex+@ShowMembersEND Error:Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure battle_Paging, Line 18Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'. I try to join in the table mb_personal here. Some help would be very appreciated! Thanks.
Hello, I have a situation that I query a table and return multiple rows (email addresses). I want to iterate through the rows and concatenate all email addresses into one string (will be passing this to another stored procedure to send mail). How can I process result rows inside a stored procedure? This is what I have so far: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[lm_emailComment_OnInsert] @serviceDetailID int,@comment varchar(500),@commentDate DateTime,@commentAuthor varchar(100)ASBEGINDECLARE @serviceID intDECLARE @p_recipients varchar(8000)DECLARE @p_message varchar(8000)DECLARE @p_subject varchar(100)/* Grab the Service_id from underlying Service_Detail_id*/SELECT @serviceID = Service_id FROM lm_Service_Detail WHERE Service_Detail_id = @serviceDetailID/* Get email addresses of Service Responsible Parties */ SELECT DISTINCT dbo.lm_Responsible_Party.EmailFROM dbo.lm_Service_Detail INNER JOIN dbo.lm_Service_Filing_Type ON dbo.lm_Service_Detail.Service_id = dbo.lm_Service_Filing_Type.Service_id INNER JOIN dbo.lm_Responsible_Party_Filing_Type ON dbo.lm_Service_Filing_Type.Filing_Type_id = dbo.lm_Responsible_Party_Filing_Type.Filing_Type_id INNER JOIN dbo.lm_Responsible_Party ON dbo.lm_Responsible_Party_Filing_Type.Party_id = dbo.lm_Responsible_Party.Party_idWHERE (dbo.lm_Service_Detail.Service_Detail_id = @serviceDetailID)/* Build message */ SET @p_subject = "KLM - Service ID: " + CAST(@serviceID AS varchar(4))SET @p_recipients = "" /*need string of addresses*/
I am having problem with 'TOP @pageSize'. It doesn't work, but if I replace it by 'TOP 5' or 'TOP 6' etc., then the stored procedure runs without errors. Can someone please tell me how I could use @pageSize here so that it dynamically determines the 'n' of 'TOP n' ?
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.spGetNextPageRecords
( @pageSize int, @previousMaxId int
AS /* SET NOCOUNT ON */ SELECT Top @pageSize ProductId, ProductName FROM Products WHERE (ProductID > @previousMaxId) order by ProductId RETURN
CREATE PROCEDURE SelectCostumers @name varchar(100) Declare @SQL = "SELECT Id, Name FROM Costumers" AS IF (@name IS NULL) @SQL ELSE @SQL += "WHERE Name LIKE @name"
See, what I need is a string variable that I can concatenate with whatever I want depending on the parameter I get.
I am trying to creating a table inside a stored procedure using SQL that works fine in Query Analyzer. However, when I check the syntax I get the following message:
Any help getting this to run correctly would be appreciated.
How the procedure will be called inside the trigger,whether first procedure followed by second or parallel it will execute?
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[InsertDatFXActualStaging] ON [dbo].[DatFXActualStaging]--change this table to DatFXActualStaging for INSERT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON;
I have a cursor inside a stored procedure that should identify rows based on certain criteria and update the columns on those records.
While I try to do so, the cursor goes into an infinite loop although I have only 1 record that matches my criteria. I think that the transaction is not commited and the cursor is picking up the same record for update.
Here is my sample record in table :tblMsg SenderRef <space> MsgStatusId <space> MsgType <space>Groupid 1281341<space> 1 <space>KBC-NON-ETC-MATCHED-BLIM <space>191902
DECLARE @blimGroupId AS INT DECLARE @admSenderRef AS VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE admCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT senderref FROMtblMsg WHERE msgstatusid = 18 AND msgtype = 'KBC-RCVD-ADM' FOR UPDATE
OPEN admCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM admCursor INTO @admSenderRef
CLOSE admCursor DEALLOCATEadmCursor
The update statement was included beteween a BEGIN TRAN and END TRAN. But no joy.
Okay, so I have a problem and I would be REALLY grateful for anyassistance anyone can offer because I have found little or no help onthe web anywhere.I want to access and do joins between tables in two different SQL db'son the same server. Heres what Im dealing with.In one database resides all of my security features for our clients,where it decides who can login, etc etc....In another database, I need to cross reference with a few fields in mysecurity db.See the issue Im running into here is that because the way the peoplehave their databases set up for different products, I would normallyhave to put these tables with security features in every database...which is horrible, because every time I do an update I would have todo it in 12 different places. Thats not efficient at all.So I thought if I had one central DB, where all security features arecontrolled from, that would be perfect... now the issue is crossreferencing and doing joins with other tables that ARENT in the samedb....have I lost you yet?I appreciate all of your help!THANKS!!
I have to write a stored procedure what repair a table. It have to delete lost rows before make relation to itself (PK column is 'Kw_KeywordID', FK column is 'Kw_ParentID'). I do not found the way to write this procedure to can create statement from parameter of the procedure. I would like to pass the table name, but I receive error if the query like 'Select ... Form @Table ....'. If the parameter is in the 'WHERE', nothing problem.
My procedure is: CREATE PROCEDURE sp_Repair_IS_KW_AbtKz176 AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;
declare @OrphanRowCount int select @OrphanRowCount = 1
while(@OrphanRowCount > 0) begin DECLARE KWCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT count(*) AS cRowCount FROM IS_KW_AbtKz176 WHERE Kw_ParentID IS NOT NULL AND Kw_ParentID NOT IN (SELECT Kw_KeywordID FROM IS_KW_AbtKz176);
IF (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) AND (@OrphanRowCount > 0) BEGIN exec('DELETE FROM IS_KW_AbtKz176 WHERE Kw_ParentID IS NOT NULL AND Kw_ParentID NOT IN (SELECT Kw_KeywordID FROM IS_KW_AbtKz176)') END end END GO
How can I run fully parameterized queries from an SP. I can make it only like exec('DELETE FROM' + @TableName + ...)
I am currently having a problem where my SQL server seems to lock any variables to 1000 characters (ie. varchar(8000) can only hold 1000)I have read in numerous sources it was possible to change that limit so the varchar can truly hold the 8000 characters and not stop at 1000, but there was no info on how to do this.I am looking for a "How to" to put this limit to 8000.Thank you!
Dear all,i'm facing a problem with my storedprocedure which happened when i ran my web application and reach to the point where my class invoke this storedprocedure,my SP contains a cursor that built his sql according to certain condition, so i put the "SET @cur Cursor For....." inside the if block (definitely i've declared it under AS keyword directly) and this SP is working well inside sql server(I've tested it), BUT when my ASP.net code invoke this SP it gives me the following error : "The Variable @cur does not currently have a cursor allocated to it" repeated as much as there are IF clauses in my SP,Please Help.Regards,
I want to use a stored procedure inside Sql Server from my aspx page so that the data entered in the form goes to the database after submit.
My stored procedure (inside the SQL Server) inserts several fields in a table and it returns two variables. What code I need to write in order to pass the data from the form to the stored procedure inside the Sql Server? And to store the two returned values?
Hi, I'm new to ASP.NET 2.0. I have a sqldatasource and a formview controls on a web page and inside the formview control I have two textboxes. When I click the UPDATE button in the formview, I'd like to be able to retrieve the values of the textboxes inside the formview control and pass these values to a 'Update' SQL stored procedure defined in the Sqldatasource. Does anyone know how I can do this? Hope my question is clear. Thanks in advance. hakl
Hello I am using SQL Server 2000 and How should I track a specific procedure and DMLs in it with profiler, I was trying to filer ObjecName=MySP but it seems it does not track only the SP. Any idea?
Is any way we can tell sql server to keep specific (long runing) query in procedure Cache. I already tried to do this by creating job (run every 1 hr from 8 am to 6 pm) but is not enough