How To Set Server Option Using T-Sql ("user Options")
Jul 31, 2002
One of the configuration options that can be set for the server is called "user options". User options contains sub-options such as ansi_warnings, ansi_padding, ansi_nulls, arithabort, etc..
Using T-SQL, how are these set?
sp_configure 'user options', @configvalue = 'value'
reconfigue with override
i.e. Are the individual option values summed. Say I wanted to set ansi_warnings (whose value is 8) and ansi_nulls (whose value is 32) on and all other user options off. Then is my @configvalue 40?
Sorry, but I don't feel BOL is clear on how to set these options.
I'm trying to execute backup job on secondary replica on clustered server(with HA) and I getting the error:execution failed see the maintenance plan and sql server agent job history logs for details.When I going to see the log, it says :configuration option 'user options' changed from 0 to 0.
1Is it possible to choose local user,(instead of local system) in sql setup service login and then use mixed mode default configuration in report server or choose configure server later. I will be using a third party host using vista, unfortunately I do not have my own server ( I do not have a domain yet) vista sql 2005 standard vs 2008. ultimate 2 What is the best configuration for a new aspiring ssrs developer. 3 Do I need to configure the server if I choose local user? 4. what is the best way to configure sql?
By the way what items should I look forward in choosing a web host,(who is willing to give alot of help to developers) my interests include ssrs 2008 sql 2008 sql 2005 mvc, crystal reports, wcf infragistics. I am really interested in showing examples in sql reporting services, crystal reports wcf , web services , infragistics mvc intrigues me....... I would like to get on a track to eventually use sharepoint services Thanks again, I know I ask I alot of questions........
Hi everyone In my SqlServer Management Studio Express, on start up it shows the server type option, but greyed.So that value is fixed to database engine. ( I'm trying to work on an SqlServer Compact Edition database through the SSMStudiothat's why I'm trying to get this to change.)Besides, after I connect i go to the Object Explorer, expand the server node, and go to Replication.When i expand replication, i get the "Local Subscription" option, but nothng for Publication.( I want to work on Merge Replication, that's why I desparately need Publication to work)Am i missing something here? I did not install SqlServer separately, I only have what comes bundled with the Visual Studio 2005 Setup.
I'm developing an custom dataflow transformation task that involves mapping of columns between multiple inputs and outputs. All the mappings are stored in a dataset. At first I thought to store this to an variable but after reloading bids I get an schema not found on xml for the stored dataset. Then I tried to put the dataset into an custom property but that seems to only take strings.
So how do I save the info on the mappings contained in my dataset (as that is most easy while using a datagrid to display mappings) in the package preferably in a way that is not visible to the user.
In short: What is the proper way to save complex datatypes in a custom dataflow task using a custom ui?
This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database) Help pleaseee
Hi folks, Recently i've installed a fresh Installation of Opertaing Sys and SQL. Win 2000 server, sp4 SQl 2000 Enterprise, sp3. I am using Domain user service startup for sql and is member of domain admin. I've manually added the user in Local-Admin group of the system. Obviously it's also has Sys-Admin server roles. The problem is; when i use enterprise manager and change any of the server settings; Priority Boost or Fix Memory Allocation for the Sql server, nothing happens, the options dialog box closes and doesn't ask for restarting the server neither does the settings take effect when i restart SQL. However if i change the settings using sp_configure using the same user; it works. i've assigned a fixed memory to SQL but the option "Reserver Physical Memory For SQL" won't work. Couldn't find this option in SP_Configure. Any ideas, what has gone wrong.
We have an intranet site (.NET 2.0) that needs to access to a SQL Server 2005. We've created a named user on the server, WebUser, and use it's credentials in the connection string to connect to the server. Due compliance issues, we're being asked to remove all the named users from the server. Now the users will have to connect to the database using their security context. That means all the users need to be in some server role, should be given access to the server, etc which is a security risk and a maintenance nightmare. What other alternatives do we have to solve this problem? Your help is much appreciated.
Is it possible to leave this parameter (max server memory (MB)) on default(2147483647) if on my Cluster I have Oracle, Lotus Notes and some other things running, or I have to calculate the amount of memory SQL Server needs? Thanks for any suggestions!
So I started a new job recently and have noticed a few strange configurations. Typically I would never mess with min memory per query option and index create memory option configuration because i just haven't seen any need to. My typical thought is that if it isn't broke... They have been modified on every single server in my environment.
From Books Online: • This option is an advanced option and should be changed only by an experienced database administrator or certified SQL Server technician. • The index create memory option is self-configuring and usually works without requiring adjustment. However, if you experience difficulties creating indexes, consider increasing the value of this option from its run value.
I'm logged in as 'sa' and I'm using Microsoft Sql Server Mgmt Studio. I've established a Linked Server using Provider MSDASQL, and I'm able to retrieve data from the linked server. However, when I attempt to set the properties for my linked server, I get the following error message.
Adhoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 259)
I'm not directly accessing the system catalogs (as far as I can tell), I'm actually using the Linked Server Properties user dialog to change the Server Options. Any help is appreciated.
I am trying to install SQL Server 2014 on W10. SQL Server installed, but failed to create a server that be connected to. SQL Server Configuration Manager has no options for creating a server either. How do I create the server.
We have SQL Server 2012 running on Windows 2008 Server. We need to copy five databases from our 'sandbox' to our test server and then to our production server. The database backup file sizes are 3 MB, 20 MB, 344 MB, 645 MB and 17 GB. We are planning on using the backup and restore method since we already have full backups and the scripts to recreate the logins/users/permissions. We believe this method provides more flexibility and control over the process. However, we have a few jobs, maintenance plans and ssis packages.
To get the jobs to the new server instance, the plan is to script out the jobs on the 'sandbox' and execute the scripts on the test server instance. Is this the best or only way to handle the jobs?How to get these maintenance plans to the new server instance? (There is no 'script out' maintenance plan option.) We may have to just recreate them on the new server instance. Is this the best or only way to handle the maintenance plans?
We have a few ssis packages. How to handle getting the ssis packages over to the new server instance (using the backup restore method)? These packages use the Project Deployment Model. Therefore, should we restore the SSISDB or open up the package file using VSS on the new server instance and change the connection information to point to the new server instance.
Just wondering if there is any reason or advantage to use the Detach and Attach method or Copy Database Wizard method? I have read where the Copy Database Wizard method handles the database's dependent objects like logins, jobs, maintenance plans, user-defined error messages and shared objects from the master database. Are there any other move/copy database methods to consider? Just trying to make sure we have thought out everything and are using the best method to copy our databases over to another server instance.
For example, executing a DTSX stored in a server, execution is fine and successfully but the log file attached to that DTSX is not created at all after the execution. Otherwise if I'm going to execute from the server everything is fine: log file is created and gathering the usual information.
Let me know if exists any option for to enable this from the own DTSX.
If I run local packages log files are created without problems.
Real newbie question this, I suppose. (Apologies if in the wrong forum!)
Have just downloaded and installed SQL Server Express. When I attempt to start it up, the New Server Registration dialogue box appears. When I attempt to enter a Server Name, there are no options in the drop-down box except <Browse for more>, which then offers me neither Local Servers or Network Servers.
The machine is running XP Pro and I wish to use the SQL package to develop on the PC as a stand-alone environment while I evaluate it.
With Windows regional options are set to Dutch/Netherlands (or any other country using comma as the decimal symbol), MS SQL Server BCP Delivers incorrect figures to the target table.
The source table is a text file containing commas as the decimal character (As an example, in the text file 100.000 is represented as 100,000).
The target table is a Sql Server database table, with the column in question defined as a FLOAT datatype.
When BCP is run to deliver the data from the text file to Sql Server, all figures are multiplied by 1000 because the input file for BCP contains a comma as the decimal symbol.
Thus, instead of the data being delivered with a value of 100, it ends up having a value of 100000
Is there anyone out there who is aware of any command line parameters that can be added to the bcp command in order to avoid this ? Note, the field in question is defined as SQLCHAR in the BCP format file.
Why am I getting message "A valid table name is required for in, out, or format options."
I used the syntax from a tutorial about bcp utility. I am trying to create a format file for flat file import and export.
My server instance is "stat-hpsqlexpress"
The database name is "STATRLO"
Owner is "dbo"
Table name is "PM-allactivity-emaillog_042315"
The bcp comand I am trying to run is:
bcp STATRLO.dbo.PM-allactivity-emaillog_042315 format nul -c -t, -f C:databaseActivity_c.fmt -S stat-hpsqlexpress - T
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. SQL Server Version: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3153.0 (X64) Jul 22 2014 15:26:36 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Business Intelligence Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
Yes I know the instance says was upgraded.
Is there a way to (automatically) remove/disable the first statements like SET ANSI_NULLS ON and SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON which are generated by modify sp via mms 2014 interface?
-- SET ANSI_NULLS ON -- SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_SendMail] @test INT = 0 AS begin --blabla end
ver: SQL-DMO Version: 8.00.760I have the option to automatically start SQL Server on startup, butwhen it does start up, the SQL Server Service Manager does not havethe green arrow indicating that it is active. When I double-click itto display the SQL Server Service Manager, it shows the name of theserver, but no services in the drop-down box.When I start Enterprise Manager I see an instance of MSDE wheresomeone installed an MSDE application. That is active. But I have to"connect" to the localhost. The instance name is the name of the MSDEapplication. I would like it to connect to the localhost on startup.Any ideas on how to correct this problem?Thanks,RBollinger
Login Failed for user , the user is not associated with a trusted sql server connection. (microsoft SQL Server,Error:18452)
hi , i am getting the above error message once in a while maybe two or 3 times a week , and then it goes away in 10 to 15 minutes or 5 minutes ,
our mode is set to mixed and we are able to connect and use both sql and windows , but once in a while , it will give us the above message when we try connecting throught sql server management studio client (using sql 05) using windows login , although it lets us connect using sql login while the windows login is denied, and after a while it lets us connect with both.
occurs randomly on some days , we run our servers on VM ware virtual machines using windows 2003 r2 enterprise 64 bit with sp2 with esx 301 virtual machine.
First off, I apologize for not knowing what I'm talking about and being long winded. I'm trying to determine if SQL Server Express is an option for a client of mine. Their needs are beginning to go beyond what I'm comfortable with in Access, so I'm looking into the option of upgrading to a SQL Server Express back-end with a VB front-end.
Access doesn't require any setup beyond "File, new", so I know nothing about the background work required to get a database running on a platform like SQL Server.
My first concern is what kind of network admin rights do I need to install & use SSE..
It's unlikely that her IT group will just hand us the keys to any of their servers, so all we really have available is what we can put on her network drives. Am I right in assuming that using a SQL Server database would involve more network privileges than just dropping a file on the network and pointing my front end app at it?
With that said, I think I remember seeing something on one of the MSDN pages about setting up a database to run off of a CD-Rom. Could I somehow use this capability to get what I need?
I installed SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. When i create a new database (using the "New Database" dialog) i cannot set the new database's compatibility level to "SQL Server 2005(90)" because this option is not in the "dropdown list". the only items shown are: "SQL Server 7.0(70)" and "SQL Server 2000(80)". I set the owner to "sa". How do i get "SQL Server 2005(90)" in my "compatibility level" drop down list? Is this an installation option that i missed? Thanks in advance for any assistance!
Last week I was receiving an error when trying to connect to two of our seven sql servers from my laptop via my domain admin account. The only fix was to have my laptop rebuilt and everything re-installed.
Today however another administrator is starting to have the same problem but to only one of the seven servers! When that administrator uses my laptop with her domain admin account it works!?
What could possibly be going wrong with our laptops? We have not installed or changed anything.
The full error message we see:
Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (Microsoft Sql Server, Error: 18452)
The error being logged on the server: (two errors are logged each time)
SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. [CLIENT:]
Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. [CLIENT:]
Can anyone give a quick description of the meaning of this message andwhat needs to be done to get a connection.I'm running DBArtisan with SQLServer 2000 client SP4 installed.I also get the same message with MS Enterprise Manager so this iscoming out of the actual ODBC connection attempt.Thanks in advance!
Hi Everone, I'm new here so please bear with me. I'm not sure how to ask this question so I have not done a search yet. I have a proc that creates select statements on the fly from a feeder metadata table for ten tables at a time, all the time. Until now everything was on one server. Now some of the data tables are on another server, but this is not a problem. There are some times when one of the tables is missing and the proc throws an error (as it should) and stops the execution of the 9 table builds. When it was all on one server, it would always throw an error and continue. Now when it's reading through a linked server it will not continue. What can I do ? Thank you all.
I'm using a package configuration to set the value of a user variable which I then use inside my package to build out a certain expression. I got this to work with the XML file option, but I can't get it to work using the SQL Server option.
So this is what Im doing.
(1) I copy pasted the package that works with the XML config option. (2) In the new package, I deleted the existing XLM config and created a new one, this time choosing the SQL Server option. After I finish, I see that the dbo.SSIS_Configurations table gets created in my database with the value of my variable in there. (3) I run the package and I see that it works. I'm not sure at this point if it is working because it's reading the value from the config table or from the BIDs environment where I initialized the value. (4) Anyway, I then go and update the value of my variable in dbo.SSIS_Configurations. (5) When I run the package again, it doesn't see the new value. What am I doing wrong?