How To Setup Sharepoint Portal Server 2003 With SQL Sever 2005

Apr 20, 2006

Hello, everyone

I try to set up Sharepoint Portal Server 2003 in SQL Server 2005 database (on Windows 2003 Server R2). But It cannot create new portal site... the Error message told about "cannot access instance..." (in fact that I input the correct instance, user, and password)...??? I wanna know that How to setup it...


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SQL Server 2005 And SharePoint Portal Server 2003

Nov 3, 2005

Hello all,

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SSRS 2005 && Sharepoint Portal

Apr 30, 2006

how to integrate reporting services 2005 with Sharepoint portal

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Need To Schedule A Web Service To Truncate And Populate SharePoint Lists (2007 && 2003) From A SQL Server 2005 Table

Jun 24, 2007

I couldn't find any tutorials/articles on integrating a SharePoint web service call with an SSIS package

I need to schedule a web service to truncate and populate SharePoint Lists (2007 & 2003) from a SQL Server 2005 table.

I guess I'm just ignorant about integrating web services with SSIS. How do I make a call to the web service through my SSIS package? (script task?)

Any links to articles/tutorials or pointers would be apreciated.

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Setup Issue: Unable To Install SQL Server 2005 Express On Windows 2003 Server SP2

Aug 17, 2006

Hello Experts,

I have been unable to install SQL Express 2005 Server on my Windows 2003 Server (with SP2 installed). I keep getting an error message saying that Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 is not installed.

Click here for image

So, I downloaded Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 v2 (WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe) but whenever I try to install it I get an error message saying that "the Service Pack version of this system is newer than the update you are applying" and that there is no need to install the update and it stops there.

Click here for image

Is there a workaround to this? How can I get Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 installed? I tried going to the Windows Update site, I already have everything installed and I even started the Windows Installer service manually. Has anyone else experienced this?

How can I get SQL Server 2005 Express installed if not how can I install SQL Server 2000 on tihs machine? The only reason I am trying to install SQL Server 2005 is because wanted to try it so I uninstalled SQL Server 2000 now I can no longer install SQL Server 2000 again because it won't let me because of the SP2 patch.

Help! :(

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Sharepoint Upgrade Fails During First Time Sql 2005 Workgroup Ed. Setup

Dec 21, 2007

I have installed SBS 2003 Premium with Exchange 2003 SP1 and now I want to install SQL server 2005 workgroup edition.

Heres what I noticed during setup, following the steps of the Server 2005 Workgroup Edition instructions, starting with Upgrading the Sharepoint instance of WMSDE.

Preparing the http://companyweb website:
Step 4. I should make a backup of the data directory within program filesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$SHAREPOINT directory. However there is no data-directory there, so nothing to backup there. This is probably the reason for all the rest of the issues, however what does it mean, why is there no such directory present? I checked before doing the sql install that by going to http://companyweb I did indeed land on the sharepoint internal website.

Rest goes all normal, until :
Attaching the databasefiles to the new SHAREPOINT instance of SQL server 2005.

Step 4.: go to MSSQL$SHAREPOINTdata. Not only is there no such subdirectory now, the whole MSSQL$SHAREPOINT directory has in fact now disappeared. So steps 4 till 6 cannot be performed now.

Then further to
Enable full text search in Windows Sharepoint services
Step 2. Remark: I get the error message as described there, however the solution would be to start the SQL server (Shareoint service. However that service is up and running

Furthermore when I go to http://companyweb now, I also get the errormessage indicating no connection can be established with the configuration database.

When I check for services, I find that the whole MSSQL$SHAREPOINT service has disappeared from the list of services.

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View SQL Sever 2005 Express Database On SQL Sever Enterprise Manager

Apr 25, 2006

Is it possible to connect SQL Sever 2005 Express from SQL Sever 2000 Enterprise Manager? Tried to connect but got the error message "must use SQL Server management tools to connect this sever"


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Mail Setup On Windows Server 2003 ?

May 6, 2005

Wondering if there is a different way to setup mail because of Windows Server 2003 instead of Windows Server 2000? The server I'm being asked to get mail working on will have an exchange email account and I'm not familiar with setting this up. On my 2000 machine I had to use Outlook 2000 with option for Corporate or Workgroup an a POP email account. Any help is appreciated.

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Trouble With Setup Of SQL Server Bundled With SBS 2003 R2

May 15, 2007

I have installed a licensed copy of Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 and was attempting to configure the bundled sql server. The indicator icon in the system tray isn't green (the service hasn't been started). When I right click it and select 'Open SQL Server Service Manager', both Server and Services are blank and the refresh button does nothing. How do I coax this bad boy to start so that I can configure it?

TIA, Jim

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Any Books That Explain How To Setup Windows 2003 Server + SQL Server 2000?

Nov 24, 2004

My uncle runs a small networking company and has extra licenses for Windows 2003 Server as well as SQL Server 2000. Since I just graduated from college and have started working as a database programmer (for a different company) I'd like to setup a small server at home to learn more about SQL (as well as networking, but SQL is my primary concern). I know I can setup SQL Server 2000 on my main PC, but I'd still like to set everything up in a server environment.

So, what I'm wondering is if any books (or web sites?) exist that walk you through setting up Windows 2003 Server and SQL Server 2000. I've actually set these up before (it's not very complicated) but I'm not sure if I did it the "correct" way.

Ideally if any books exist on O'Reilly's Safari Bookshelf that would be even better.

Thanks in advance,

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Sharepoint 2003 List Data Provider

Mar 20, 2007

Why isn't there a Sharepoint 2003 List Data Provider similiar to the one in Access 2003 and 2007 for SSIS?


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Please Help How To Add New Instance Of SQL Server 2005 On The Same Sever-new Name

May 14, 2008

(i have one sql server installed in my server)
how can i add another databese server on the same server
like for example the server name is server-1
need to create
sever-1/sql_data1 ----------------- instance of SQL Server 2005
sever-1/sql_data2 -----------------new instance of SQL Server 2005
so i open my SQL Server Management Studio i see 2 servers !

and how many databese servers i can install in the same server 1,2,3,4......... what is the limit

is thre is examples with screenes picture of the install step by step for add


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SQL Sever 2000 To SQL Server 2005

Jul 27, 2006

Hi all,

I have an aplication in VB6 that uses an ODBC to link to a SQL database.

Until today all my clientes had SQL Server2000 and my aplication worked fine.

Some of my cliente have now SQL 2005 and my application still woks fine except in one of them.

In this particular cliente it gives an error when the application tries to read/write a particular table and a particular column.

This column is data type BIT and my code is

Myrs("Servida")= true

Any idea why the error appens? And why only in a particular machine and not all of them with SQL2005?

What can I do? I changed the code for

myrs("servida")=abs(cint(true)) and solved the problem, but is not the way that I want to go. I do not want to change thousands of line of code where I read/write a column in the database data type BIT.

Is there a way to configure SQL Server 2005 the way that it controls data type BIT?



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Sharepoint Integration Setup

May 22, 2007

I have 2 servers a sharepoint frontend/sql server and a SSRS server. I have installed SQL2005 SP2 and am trying to configure the SSRS box for Sharepoint Inegration. I created the Database for the new sharepoint integration mode. But when I look at the configuration manager for SSRS I see that the Sharepoint Integration is not configured. I see this in the config manager "...Windows Sharepoint Services object model is not installed..."

I have done this before but I can figure out to install just the wss object model.

Any help would be great.


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Mirroring Setup For Sharepoint Database

Apr 15, 2008

when i try to establish mirroring with the below command i am getting an error..

alter database SharePoint_AdminContent_c32bc-190-4-b1-1cab

set partner = 'tcp://mirror-server.3000';


the error :

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

Incorrect syntax near '-'.

i am not sure why it's throwing an error..any help would be appreciated...


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Database Using Frontpage 2003 Or Sharepoint 2007 (was I Have A Goofy Question)

Sep 21, 2006

Has anyone ever heard of a Data Driven Database using Frontpage 2003 or Sharepoint 2007 as the assistant tool on for the front end and SQL server as the engine?? Is that even possible??
Cause right now I have Access 2003 on the Front end and I would like to get rid of it

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Can't Connect To SQL Sever 2005 After Upgrading From SQL Server 2000

Sep 6, 2006

I recently upgraded from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. I have Oracle databases I need to share data with. I was using the Heterogeneous Services (hsodbc) from Oracle and connected to SS 2000 fine. Since I've upgraded, I can't use hsodbc to connect to my SS 2005 database. I get the following error:

ORACLE GENERIC GATEWAY Log File Started at 2006-09-06T09:40:07

hoainit (3): ; hoainit Exited with retcode = 0.

hoalgon (7): ; hoalgon Entered. name = edw.

DB_ODBC_INTERFACE (2085): ; [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Login

failed for user 'edw'. (SQL State: 28000; SQL Code: 18456)

DRV_InitTdp: DB_ODBC_INTERFACE (2085): ; [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL

Server]Login failed for user 'edw'. (SQL State: 28000; SQL Code: 18456)

nvRETURN (F:WorkConnect_4_6_3srcdrvDRV_BIND.C 356): -2220

nvRETURN (F:WorkConnect_4_6_3srcavNAV_BIND.C 293): -2220

hoalgon (7): ; hoalgon Exited with retcode = 28500.

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Installing SQL Server 2005 On Same Machine As An Existing SQL Sever 2000 Instance

Sep 8, 2005

Given than once SQL Server 2005 is installed, SQL Server Studio has to
be used instead of Enterprise manager, can both SQL 2000 and 2005 be
used on the same machine, be it development or production? (The second
one to be installed probably would be a named instance.)
Any experiance of doing this or a pointer to a Microsoft recommendation would be appreciated.

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Setup New User On Windows 2003

Jun 21, 2007


Is it possible to create a new user into Windows 2003 users table (not Sql) through a sql 2005 query ?

I ask this because I forgot the admin password of the Windows 2003 server and this is in a remote location, so I though, since I have the admin password of SQL 2005 server, maybe it could help me to log onto Windows 2003 and reset windows admin password.

Any help would be eternally appreciated



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Cannot Install SQL Server 2005 On A Windows 2003 Cluster In Virtual Server 2005

Jun 5, 2006

am trying to install SQL 2005 in a 2-node virtual Windows 2003 cluster. I set
the cluster up through Virtual Server 2005 with 2 virtual nodes and one
virtual domain. The nodes can connect to each other as well as the
physical machine. When I try to install a fresh copy of SQL 2005 on my
cluster, I get an error every time. The
error stops the installation while checking system configuration after
installing prerequisites. The log file entry is as follows:

Setup Consistency Check Report for Machine: --SERVERNAME--
Article: WMI Service Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: MSXML Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Operating System Minimum Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: SQL Compatibility With Operating System, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Minimum Hardware Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: IIS Feature Requirement, Result: Warning
IIS is not installed, therefore Report Server feature will be disabled
Action: Install IIS in order for Report Server feature to be enabled
Article: Pending Reboot Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Performance Monitor Counter Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Default Installation Path Permission Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Internet Explorer Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Check COM+ Catalogue, Result: CheckPassed
Article: ASP.Net Registration Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Minimum MDAC Version Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
<Func Name='PerformDetections'>
Loaded DLL:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlsval.dll Version:2005.90.1399.0
Error: Action "InvokeSqlSetupDllAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run:
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "ComputerList" {"SqlComputers", "", ""} in cache
Source File Name: datastoreclusterinfocollector.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Sep 16 13:20:12 2005
Function Name: ClusterInfoCollector::collectClusterVSInfo
Source Line Number: 883
Failed to detect VS info due to datastore exception.
Source File Name: datastoreclustergroupsproperties.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: ClusterGroupScope.SharedDisks
Source Line Number: 56
Failed to find a cluster group that owned shared disk: J:
WinException : 2
Error Code: 0x80070002 (2)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.
Source File Name: datastoreclustergroupsproperties.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: ClusterGroupScope.SharedDisks
Source Line Number: 56

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Fail To Setup Sql 2000 On Win Standard 2003

Dec 28, 2003

I can not install SQl 2000 on my new win 2003 server.
It says: setup failed to configure the server.
What should I do?

This is my Sqlstp.log file

01:51:11 Begin Setup
01:51:11 8.00.194
01:51:11 Mode = Normal
01:51:11 ModeType = NORMAL
01:51:11 GetDefinitionEx returned: 0, Extended: 0x0
01:51:11 ValueFTS returned: 1
01:51:11 ValuePID returned: 1
01:51:11 ValueLic returned: 1
01:51:11 System: Windows NT Terminal Server
01:51:11 SQL Server ProductType: Standard Edition [0x2]
01:51:11 Begin Action: SetupInitialize
01:51:11 End Action SetupInitialize
01:51:11 Begin Action: SetupInstall
01:51:11 Reading SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionCommonFi

lesDir ...
01:51:11 CommonFilesDir=C:Program FilesCommon Files
01:51:11 Windows Directory=C:WINDOWS
01:51:11 Program Files=C:Program Files
01:51:11 Begin Action: SetupInstall
01:51:11 digpid size : 256
01:51:11 digpid size : 164
01:51:11 Begin Action: CheckFixedRequirements
01:51:11 Platform ID: 0xf00
01:51:11 Version: 5.2.3790
01:51:11 File Version - C:WINDOWSsystem32shdocvw.dll: 6.0.3790.94
01:51:11 End Action: CheckFixedRequirements
01:51:11 Begin Action: ShowDialogs
01:51:11 Initial Dialog Mask: 0x183000f7, Disable Back=0x1
01:51:11 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1
01:51:11 Begin Action: DialogShowSdWelcome
01:51:12 End Action DialogShowSdWelcome
01:51:12 Dialog 0x1 returned: 1
01:51:12 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
01:51:12 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2,index=1
01:51:12 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2
01:51:12 Begin Action: DialogShowSdMachineName
01:51:14 ShowDlgMachine returned: 1
01:51:14 Name = ETOUCHHOST, Type = 0x1
01:51:14 Begin Action: CheckRequirements
01:51:14 Processor Architecture: x86 (Pentium)
01:51:14 ComputerName: ETOUCHHOST
01:51:14 User Name: Administrator
01:51:14 IsAllAccessAllowed returned: 1
01:51:14 OS Language: 0xc09
01:51:14 End Action CheckRequirements
01:51:14 This combination of Package and Operating System allows a full product install.
01:51:14 CreateSetupTopology(ETOUCHHOST), Handle : 0x1134168, returned : 0
01:51:14 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x1134168
01:51:14 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0
01:51:14 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x11341b8
01:51:14 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0
01:51:14 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x0
01:51:14 PN_StartScan [0x11341b8] returned : 0
01:51:14 PN_GetNext [0x11341b8] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]
01:51:14 No more items in enumeration.
01:51:14 ReleaseSetupTopology
01:51:14 Named instance limit: 100, quota: 0
01:51:14 End Action DialogShowSdMachineName
01:51:14 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
01:51:14 nFullMask = 0x183000f7, nCurrent = 0x2, nDirection = 0
01:51:14 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbf00037, Disable Back = 0x1
01:51:14 Dialog 0x2 returned: 0
01:51:14 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
01:51:14 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x4,index=2
01:51:14 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x4
01:51:14 Begin Action: DialogShowSdInstallMode
01:51:15 ShowDlgInstallMode returned: 1
01:51:15 InstallMode : 0x1
01:51:15 End Action DialogShowSdInstallMode
01:51:15 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
01:51:15 nFullMask = 0xbf00037, nCurrent = 0x4, nDirection = 1
01:51:15 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bf40037, Disable Back = 0x1
01:51:15 Dialog 0x4 returned: 1
01:51:15 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
01:51:15 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x10,index=4
01:51:15 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x10
01:51:15 Begin Action: DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx
01:51:24 End Action DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx
01:51:24 Dialog 0x10 returned: 1
01:51:24 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
01:51:24 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x20,index=5
01:51:24 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x20
01:51:24 Begin Action: DialogShowSdLicense
01:51:27 End Action DialogShowSdLicense
01:51:27 Dialog 0x20 returned: 1
01:51:27 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
01:51:27 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x40000,index=18
01:51:27 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x40000
01:51:27 Begin Action: DialogShowSdCliSvr
01:51:27 DisplaySystemPreReq
01:51:28 ShowDlgClientServerSelect returned: 1
01:51:28 Type : 0x2
01:51:28 End Action DialogShowSdCliSvr
01:51:28 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
01:51:28 nFullMask = 0x1bf40037, nCurrent = 0x40000, nDirection = 1
01:51:28 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bfc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
01:51:28 Dialog 0x40000 returned: 1
01:51:28 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
01:51:28 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x80000,index=19
01:51:28 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x80000
01:51:28 Begin Action: DialogShowSdInstanceName
01:51:28 Begin Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
01:51:29 End Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
01:51:29 ShowDlgInstanceName returned : 1
01:51:29 InstanceName : MSSQLSERVER
01:51:29 CreateSetupTopology(ETOUCHHOST), Handle : 0x1134730, returned : 0
01:51:29 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x1134730
01:51:29 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0
01:51:29 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x11341b8
01:51:29 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0
01:51:29 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x0
01:51:29 PN_StartScan [0x11341b8] returned : 0
01:51:29 PN_GetNext [0x11341b8] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]
01:51:29 No more items in enumeration.
01:51:29 ReleaseSetupTopology
01:51:29 End Action DialogShowSdInstanceName
01:51:29 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
01:51:29 nFullMask = 0x1bfc0037, nCurrent = 0x80000, nDirection = 1
01:51:29 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bfc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
01:51:29 Dialog 0x80000 returned: 1
01:51:29 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
01:51:29 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x100000,index=20
01:51:29 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x100000
01:51:29 Begin Action: DialogShowSdSetupType
01:51:29 Begin Action: Setup Type
01:51:31 SQL program folder: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server
01:51:31 SQL data folder: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server
01:51:31 Windows system folder: C:WINDOWSsystem32
01:51:31 Prog req: 38205, Data req: 34432, Sys req: 182917
01:51:31 Prog avail: 73899760, Data avail: 73899760, Sys avail: 73899760
01:51:31 Prog req vs. avail, 255554, 73899760
01:51:31 Data req vs. avail, 34432, 73899760
01:51:31 Sys req vs. avail, 217349, 73899760
01:51:31 DisplaySystemPreReq
01:51:31 [SetupTypeSQL]
01:51:31 szDir = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server
01:51:31 szDir = %PROGRAMFILES%Microsoft SQL Server
01:51:31 Result = 301
01:51:31 szDataDir = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server
01:51:31 szDataDir = %PROGRAMFILES%Microsoft SQL Server
01:51:31 End Action: Setup Type
01:51:31 Setup Type: Typical (301)
01:51:31 End Action DialogShowSdSetupType
01:51:31 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
01:51:31 nFullMask = 0x1bfc0037, nCurrent = 0x100000, nDirection = 301
01:51:31 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
01:51:31 Dialog 0x100000 returned: 301
01:51:31 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
01:51:31 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x400000,index=22
01:51:31 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x400000
01:51:31 Begin Action: DlgServices
01:51:36 ShowDlgServices returned: 1
01:51:36 [DlgServices]
01:51:36 Local-Domain = 3855
01:51:36 AutoStart = 15
01:51:36 Result = 1
01:51:36 End Action DlgServices
01:51:36 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
01:51:36 nFullMask = 0x1bdc0037, nCurrent = 0x400000, nDirection = 1
01:51:36 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
01:51:36 Dialog 0x400000 returned: 1
01:51:36 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
01:51:36 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x800000,index=23
01:51:36 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x800000
01:51:36 Begin Action: DlgSQLSecurity
01:51:38 ShowDlgSQLSecurity returned: 1
01:51:38 LoginMode = 1,szPwd
01:51:38 End Action DlgSQLSecurity
01:51:38 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
01:51:38 nFullMask = 0x1bdc0037, nCurrent = 0x800000, nDirection = 1
01:51:38 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
01:51:38 Dialog 0x800000 returned: 1
01:51:38 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
01:51:38 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:

View 11 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2008 :: How To Give Name Instead Of IP Address To Web Portal

Aug 26, 2015

we have a server (Windows server 2008 R2 Standard) that runs a hyper V manager.The Hyper V manager runs 2 virtual servers.

One of the virtual servers uses the software XAMPP (it’s a web portal). The local IP for the virtual machine is

I have configured the XAMPP in a way so that any user in our domain can access the portal when the user writes the ip address in the web browser.Instead of the ip address, I want the user to be able to write a specific given name.

How can I create this?

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SQL Server 2005 Output To Sharepoint

Mar 3, 2008

Can SQL Server 2005 query results be output to a list or document library in SharePoint?

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Ms Access Upload To SQL Server 2005 BE && Sharepoint FE

Jun 21, 2006

I have about 20 Ms Access Databases to need to be upload onto a SQL Server2005.Currently the are on a network/server residing on a specific drive. The goalis to keep the user face the same (ms access) and put all of the tables ontoa SQL Server 2005 BE, and yet make those databases accessible to open/viewthrough Ms Sharepoint.What is the simple (properties) way to grab all of those db's = 20 and uploadto server?With out having to write code.Pull all db's over to SQL then store the Ms Access databases on Sharepointwhere the user face remains the same and the tables are on the server and thedb's are accessible now through the company Intranet.--Message posted via

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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Add-in For SharePoint, Installation

Nov 27, 2006

Setup:  Windows server 2003 SP1, SQL 2005 SP2, Sharepoint Office server 2007, Report Services addin (CTP v9.00.3027).


Using the Report server configuration tool,  setting Report Server Virtual directory, end up with RS Configuration tool crashing.

It appears to be happening on the task "Changing Secure connection level", & returns "System.NullReferenceException was unhandled
Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."


any ideas?

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Server SQL-Server 2005 Crash While Indexing By The Server SharePoint 2007

Feb 7, 2008


I have an intranet environment consists of two servers:

- An application server windows 2003 server with 64-bit server Sharepoint 2007 SP1 (Standard version for search)
- A database server windows 2003 server with 64-bit SQL Server 2005 SP2 64-bit (Standard - 9.0.3054)

It happens regularly that the database server crash (frozen black screen) while the application server indexes (crawl) the content of the intranet site based on sharepoint. There is no alert / error in the observer of events, nor in the sql logs.

The crash is uncertain: dice once all goes well, soon after that crash. When i set the parameter search service (service management research), I can define a regulatory impact of the robot to change the number of documents at the same time : "Request 2 documents at the same time, the crash is more rare, "ask 64 documents at a time, the crash is more common.

My Intranet under sharepoint is composed of a collection site with a dozen sub-sites. There are 3 large library of PDF document. All done in the 4 go in terms of volume.

My problem for about 3-4 months. (Maybe more. Before, indexing was not yet in place).

Someone could help me? Thank you

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SharePoint Server 2007 Integration With Reporting Service 2005

Jan 18, 2007


I am working on sharepoint 2007 integration with reporting service 2005. There are few facts which i am trying to understand and need some clarifications. Please provide your comments

1) While configuring "Database setup" in Repoting Service Configuring Manager" i found two modes 1) Native and 2) SharePoint Integration. When creating a report server database if we check "Create the report server database in Sharepoint Integration Mode" then it set the mode to "SharePoint Integration Mode". There is no option of switching the same database to native mode. So i have to create another database in "Native Mode". (IS THIS CORRECT. DO WE NEED TO CREATE TWO REPORT SERVER DATABASE SEPERATE FOR SHAREPOINT INTEGRATION AND NATIVE)

2) I am using the new report viewer web part in sharepoint 2007. When i am in sharepoint integration mode i can create datasource, report model and with report builder i can create rdl file. On selecing any RDL file in doument library and it gets displayed in Report Viewer Web Part. When i switch to Native mode i want to configure the web part to use the report created with SQL Server Bussiness Intelligence Dev Studio and deployed on http://localhost:808/ReportServer. (IS THERE ANY WAY SO THAT I CAN EXPORT AND IMPORT ALL .RDL FILE FROM http://localhost:808/ReportServer to http://localhost/ReportServer)

I AM NOT ABLE TO CONFIGURE WEB PART WHEN I AM IN NATIVE MODE i.e giving path of .RDL in report textbox throw a error saying "Item not found" i tried all combination. THIS can be related to datasource not reading in .RDL file in native mode while confuring report viewer web part.

http://localhost:808/ReportServer (Report Server)

http://localhost/ReportServer (SharePoint Mode) (Default Top Level Site)

3) LAST : I want to create a .RDL file report from the data in sharepoint, say lists or news etc. So when creating a RDL file how can i connect to sharepoint database. I read some where that in previous release they used to DATA EXTENSIONS and get the data from list in sharepoint with something like http://<servername>/<sitename>/List=Announcement when creating RDL file. Is the alternative in new release to create the report based on sharpoint list data.

Thanks and i would really appreciate your help

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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Integration With SharePoint 2007

Jun 30, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I have been banging my head against the wall with trying to integrate SharePoint 2007 and SQL Reporting Services. I have been following these 2 websites down to the letter in trying to configure everything:

1. <---Microsoft's Steps

2. wss-3-0-and-moss-2007.aspx <---SharePoint Blog Group

Basically my setup is as follows:

Server 1 = SharePoint 2007

Server 2 = SQL Server Reporting Services SP2 / SharePoint 2007 services

Server 3 = Database

Server1 is setup and running SharePoint 2007 fine with no problems. It was installed under the complete option with its own server farm. Then with the Server2, SharePoint 2007 is installed again, also under the complete complete option, and configured to join Server1's server farm. In this way, Server2 is able to supply Server1 with services and it has been said that if you are using 2 different servers, one for SharePoint and one for Reporting Services, you need to have an instance of SharePoint on the reporting services box. With a SharePoint "front-end" the reporting-services now has a way to also join Server1s farm.

This is where the headache begins....the SharePoint install is successful on Server2 and the services are started as evident through the Central Administration page. The next task is to install SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services and then the SQL Server 2005 SP2 patch.

After installing SQL Server and the SP2 patch, you go into the SQL Reporting Services Configuration Manager and setup the Report Server, Database, and SharePoint integration. I configure everything to run under the "DefaultAppPool" under IIS, and I get green accepted checkboxes on everything.

Finally, the last step is to install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Add-in for Microsoft SharePoint Technologies on Server1. This add-in actually allows the connection between SharePoint on Server1 to the Reporting Services on Server2. The install is successful and the extra options for reporting pop up under Central Administration page. When configuring the final connection under the Central Admin I referred to the following Microsoft Page:

For the "manage integration settings", I set the report server to Server2 and use Windows Authentication. Then for the "grant database access" I use Server2 and login with my credentials...

PROBLEM: Then for the final step of setting the server defaults, I click on the link and get the following error:

"An unexpected error occurred while connecting to the report server. Verify that the report server is available and configured for SharePoint integrated mode. "

I have googled and tried installing/uninstalling several times, but it seems that I keep getting hung up here. When trying to access reports on the ReportServer, the same error message comes up.

If anyone is familiar with integration between SharePoint and SQL Reporting Services, and may have any ideas/comments/advice, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance! =)


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How To Slipstream Sql Server 2005 Express SP1 Into Visual Studio 2005 Setup?

Jul 18, 2006

Hello, I would like to know if anyone here has any information on how to change the default version of SQL Server 2005 Express which ships with Visual Studio 2005 to the new SQL 2005 Express SERVICE PACK 1?

I see a file under disc:vswcuSSESQLEXPR.exe I am wondering if changing that file with the new one from Microsoft Download Center will do it...

There's another file under that folder named sqlexpr32.exe I am wondering what it's for?

Thanks in advance.

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How To Slipstream Sql Server 2005 Express SP1 Into Visual Studio 2005 Setup?

Jul 18, 2006

Hello, I would like to know if anyone here has any information on how to change the default version of SQL Server 2005 Express which ships with Visual Studio 2005 to the new SQL 2005 Express SERVICE PACK 1?

I see a file under disc:vswcuSSESQLEXPR.exe I am wondering if changing that file with the new one from Microsoft Download Center will do it...

There's another file under that folder named sqlexpr32.exe I am wondering what it's for?

Thanks in advance.

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SPS 2003 And MS SQL 2005 Server

Apr 13, 2008

I have a question? Can SPS 2003 use MS SQL 2005 Server?

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Migrating Reporting Services 2005 With Integrated Sharepoint 2007 To Another Server

Sep 27, 2007

hello good afternoon, I am having this issue, I need to move reporting services from one server to another, but I need that credentials, roles and reports stay the same. But as the reporting services is integrated with sharepoint, dont know if I can move both at the same or it has to be done one at a time. this is just data migration, but still I will like to Know how it can be done having the same structure with the roles and credentials. or it is prefered to do a ghost?? but the issue will be that we have the reporting services in one place and the data in another... don´t know how this will affect. thanks in advanced for the help.

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Report Viewer/Explorer-WebPart Missing Under SharePoint V3+SQL Server 2005

Feb 8, 2006

Hello all,

I'm new with SP v3 and the Reporting Services of SQL Server 2005.

I did a prototyp report and show it with "SQL Reporting Services
Report"-WebPart, but I can't find the WebParts Report Viewer and
Explorer in the WebPart Gallery.

Please, could somebody give me a clue where the problem could be, or
how I could isolate the problem area.


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