How To Setup The Connection To An External SQL/DB2 Database

Jan 23, 2002


How does one setup the connection to an external SQL/DB2 database? Any help would be appreciated.


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How Do I Setup SQLServer For External Access?

Nov 22, 2007


Normally we installs our SQLServers for internal use, but now we've a data supplier which we're going to expose a SQLServer at.

The datasupplier should be able to log on the SQLServer, so I've done the following.

Created an IP-adress from the outside to point at our server

Opened port 1438 in the firewall

Installed SQLServer 2000 Developer Edition as an instance (ie. ServerAINST001)

Opened SQL Server Network utility, selected the correct instance and TCP/IP and altered the default port to 1438

And tried to connect, but with no luck. Can anybody guide me in the right direction?

Kind regards

View 9 Replies View Related SQL Server 2005 Setup. Unable To Establish Database Connection Correctly.

Feb 20, 2008

I am setting up a web server and I'm having some issues with database connections.  I am running Windows Server 2k3 and SQL Server 2005.  The error I get is when I attempt to connect to the database, it's the following:
     Cannot open database "dbReseacher" requested by the login. The login failed.     Login failed for user 'userRes'.
The following is my connection string:
    <add name="RESEARCHER" connectionString="Data Source={Sql Server}; Server=THRALL2; Database=dbReseacher; Uid=userRes; Pwd=password;"/>
In SQL Server Management Studio, the user userRes is listed under Security -> Logins, but it is not listed under Database -> dbResearcher -> Security -> Users.  Originally it was listed under both and this didn't solve the problem. 
Please let me know if you any ideas or questions that I can answer.  Thanks a lot.

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Connection Manager Keeps External Metadata Information

Mar 2, 2007

We have a Main package and which is calling 2 more other packages.
The first package contains a connection and we are using a Dataflow task. The data flow task has OleDB Data source which is taking getting columns using a Stored Procedure. And the output we need to write in a Flat File.

The second Package also contains the same(The same Tasks, Database and Stored Procedure Calling)
The difference is in the stored procedure Parameters. Based on the different parameters Stored procedures returns the different Columns and Rows output.
When we are trying to Get the second package output in OleDb Data source it shows all the columns which is the output of the First Package because it stores External Meta Data.

So My understanding is the Connection to the same database keeps the External metadata information with the connection and because of that it is always getting the same output columns in Ole DB Data source task in the second Package also.

How to Get my correct output from the second package in this case?
Or If we dont want to store external Meta data with the Connection then is that possible? If yes then How?

Thanks in advance.

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External Data Connection Timeout (TCP/IP Error 10060)

Feb 29, 2008


Im connecting to an AS400 to retrive data with SQL Server 2005. Until now i have not pulled large amounts of data from there. My queries run fine on my local machine in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio. I have run queries for up to an hour or more. The minute i put them in a SP and execute them they time out at 90 sec.

I have a linked server set up to the 400 with the connetion timeout set at 600 and the Query timeout at 600 through port 8471. Is there a port timeout on the server I need to change?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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How To Create A New Database From An Existing Database Saved To An External Hard Disk?

Feb 20, 2007

Hi, My server went dead(problems with the hard disk), but I have a copy of the whole sql server directory including the database in a external hard disk. I have a new server now and I would like to copy this database (with the reports from reporting services too) from the external hard disk to my new server. can anybody help me please? Thanks.

Note : I have a plain copy of all the sql server directory with all the files including the database not a SQLServer backup done with the wizards.

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Database On External Machine

May 11, 2007

I have two servers, namely ServerA and ServerB. These two servers are on the same subnet. ServerB has a database called DatabaseB.
I'm logged in in ServerA and trying to pull data from DatabaseB.

This is the query I do when I'm logged in in ServerB (note im using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio):

USE DatabaseB

SELECT distinct b.Subject
FROM dbo.F_Class_Exam a
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.D_Course_Catalog b
ON a.Course_ID = b.Course_ID
WHERE a.Term = '2071' AND a.Class_Exam_Type = 'FIN' AND b.Term = '2071'
ORDER BY b.Subject

How would I do this same query on ServerA? Ideas? Thoughts?


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Attach To Database On External HD

Aug 21, 2007

I am getting the error
Unable to open the physical file "E:Navision SqlDataForentaSQL_Data.mdf". Operating system error 5: "5(Access is denied.)".
when I try to "attach" to a database located on an external hd. The database files on the external HD were copied from the original server location to the external HD. The file size is 51G+ which is why it is on the external HD.
Can anyone provide me the syntax to do the sp_attach taht will allow me to send the necessary connection string: server, user, pswd etc.

How can I get past this error?

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Restoring Database From External Application

Jul 20, 2005

I have the need to restore a database to a user's laptop on a dailybasis. This has been no problem using Enterprise Manager. I found astored procedure to run the restore and tried to call it from a visualbasic program. While I can connect to the database, I get an errortelling me "exclusive access could not be obtained because thedatabase is in use".Does this mean the only way to run the restore is via EnterpriseManager?Thanks,Tom

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New Server Registration To External Database

May 11, 2006

Hi All,

Quick question ...

Is it possible to add an external server registration using SQL Server Management Studio Express CTP?

Reason being I have been doing some work from home  and need to port the data back to the office who are on SQL 2000. I have a database with my web hosting company and wanted to export the data to the 'live' database so I could import to the office database - any ideas?

I've tried to connect using my login details and I know the live DB is operational as I can connect through my work system. I just can't seem to be able to do it on my system at home.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as it's been a real pain to get stuff transferred. I've so far had to generate SQL script to create the procs and tables for when I get to work - the proper down side is that I lose the content of the tables which not much right now but will be loads soon!

Many Thanks




I have just dicovered that the CTP management studio will not connect to SQL 7 - is there any alternative or does the new version compensate for this?

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External And Internal Address Of A SQL Database. Please HELP!

Apr 11, 2007


I am a webdesigner who at the moment does not know SQL (although, I plan on remedying that) so I am developing a page with a DB designer - he is doing the DB work, I am doing the look/feel, but he asked me the following questions, of which I cannot seem to find an answer and the guys who tend our server are useless - so I am hoping someone here can help me. In general what he needs to know is:

"what is the external address (either in domain format or IP) and the equivalent internal address so that we can access the msSQL running on your server. The internal address is needed for the webpages to talk to it, while the external address is needed for development of the pages in visual studio and the database tools." Also, he later sent me an email asking that when I get this info (from someone) that it would be usefull to get a sample string/query to get access to the DB. I am running SQL 2000 and have enterprise manager. Where can I find this information? or how do I figure this out????

Thank you for all the help -- Please let me know if you need any more info.

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External Notification Of Database Updates

Jun 12, 2006

MS-SQL 2005, C# 2.0

I will have many client databases that will be updated. When they are updated I need to transfer some of that data to a central Server database somewhere on the Internet. Note, schemas do not necessarily match.

Transfering the data (Web Services, Remoting) is not a problem.

What I am looking for is a cool, correct, advisable way, for the client database to notify me of an Insert, Update or Delete. I can then initiate the connection to the Server and 'push' the data (maybe pull some back from the Server too).

Obviously Triggers may be a place to start... But I need to know 'external to the database' that an update has happened or can I send the data from within the SQL Server assembly?

Anyone have any ideas or a technique, maybe something new in SQL Server 2005 (all databases will be 2005), for acheiving this? Just so I don't go down the 'wrong' path...

There are some BLOB's involved (1-2 page PDF's), if that makes a difference.

I envisage that the process transfering the data will be a Windows Service running on each client. The connection may not always be available, so some kind of 'to do' list of outstanding data to be transfered is required.

I'm just starting on this, so any pointers would be great, I'm sure it's all been done before ;)



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Connect To External DataBase Via SQLExpress??

Jan 28, 2007

Hi again... I guess this is yet another newbie question (Sorry if its been asked before!)

If I have an IP address for an external SQL DB with valid User & Pass... Can I connect to it using SQLExpress on my machine??

If so can anyone point me towards how to do it, or run through it below (In easy steps as I'm dumb )

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Remote Connection Setup

Mar 5, 2006

Hi, new to remote SQL Connections. Hoping someone can help with a definitive tutorial for setting up remote connections in SQL2005. I have a SQLExpress installation at our office behind an ADSL router. I want to connect with SQL Server Management Studio from my home PC, which is also behind an ADSL router. What settings do I have to alter, both loal amd remote.


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Connection Setup Issue

Feb 1, 2008


Ive not really played around with RS however I 'm trying to get the default reports to work. ( SQL2005 sp2 64bit) I was trying to follow an example which tells you that you can import a rdl file.

I have connected to the Report server, created a new folder then imported the Company sales example.

when I go to properties- execution with the select the report specific and limit report execution it comes up with

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
The report server cannot process the report. The data source connection information has been deleted. (rsInvalidDataSourceReference) (Report Services SOAP Proxy Source)
For help, click:
The report server cannot process the report. The data source connection information has been deleted. (rsInvalidDataSourceReference) (Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore)
For help, click:

Also if I try to view the report

The report server cannot process the report. The data source connection information has been deleted. (rsInvalidDataSourceReference)

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Many Thanks


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External Entity Handling Database Tables

Mar 13, 2007


I'm trying to find out whether it is possible to integrate an external entity into MS SQL Server in following way:

the entity defines certain set of tables
when user performs a query on one of these tables, the query is sent to the entity for processing and results are returned back to SQL server (and to client)

I thought integration services could be used for this task, but I'm quite unfamiliar with MS SQL server, so I don't know whether it would be a feasible solution...

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Feeding Database With External News Feeds

Jan 16, 2008

Hello all,
I have been reading these forums for a while but I am now a new member and relatively new to SQL (< 1 year exp).

In a project that I am currently working on I would like to include information related to current market news. An example would be news updates for certain companies that are generated from the Wall Street Journal or MarketWatch. The application would only be used internally and information would only be shared within the organization.

What I'd like to find out is:
Has anyone else worked with or developed something like this? If so, can you please share some insight.Would I need to purchase a Corproate License to use this information or would a personal account that can access the information be enough?What would be the best way to feed the database with this information? E-mails to the server, SSIS, etc.

Thank you for your help and I look forward to learning from you insight and experience.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Allow Only Connection From Same Computer

Jul 17, 2015

I am about to install SQL Server 2012. I have a server with IIS. There is a web application that uses the sql server. 

What should i do when i only want that application to use the database?

And so that you can only connect to the database from the same computer as the SQL server?

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Stored Procedure Can't Access Table On External Database

Mar 6, 2005


I have created a .net application using visual studio .net and sql server destop edition on my pc. I have exported the database tables and stored procedures and imported them into a Sql Server database on a web hosting service. The web host does not allow me to access this database directly through visual studio .net.

My connection string to the external database works ok and I can access my stored procedures through my web pages. I know they accept parameters and that I can receive Return Values from them. However, whenever I try to access any of the tables on the external database through a stored procedure, I get a sqlException saying that the table cannot be found (Invalid object name 'UserList').

I have created a text type command which selects data from one of the tables and this runs through without any errors. I have also managed to Insert a row onto one of the external tables also by using a text type command. My only problem seems to be with commands using stored procedures.

Just in case this is the problem - the owner of the table/procedures on my desktop is shown as dbo but on the external database the owner of the tables is shown as [domainname].co.uk_dbuser while the stored procedures owner is still dbo.

Example of stored procedure on external database:

/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.AddUser Script Date: 01/03/2005 21:10:06 ******/
@Username Varchar(20),
@Password Varchar(20)
Select User_ID From UserList
Where User_Username = @Username

Have tried changing dbo.AddUser to [domain].co.uk_dbuser.Adduser but this would not save because there were too many full-stops!

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am completely stuck.


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Unable To Send Database Mail To External User

Jul 13, 2015

I have two domains. forest domain abc which has the exchange infrastructure. forest domain xyz which does not have exchange. There is a two way trust set up.

I have set up database mail which sends internally but not externally on the xyz domain its uses mailrelay address to comunicate with exchange. The receive connector is set up correctly on exchange on domain abc as I have managed to send email from a sql server to external contact in the abc domain.

The IP addresses are correct on the receive connector.

The problem is I am unable to send to an external contact from the sql server in the xyz domain. Not sure if this an exchange issue or database mail.

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Need An Optimal Way To Merge External Dataset To Database Values

Jan 3, 2008

C# .Net Application as front end
Sql Server2000 as back end

I need to merge an external dataset from .Net app(in XML format) with the information in database with one column in database table as the merging criteria. A situation similar to Left Outer Join, wherein i need all records from external dataset and if matched in database the corresponding values from there too, the only difference here is that the join is not between two Tables its between a table and external dataset.
There is no need to store the external dataset in the database in persistent form, its just a query - merge - response operation.

So, can anyone suggest the best possible solution for this? A table variable / temporary table / some other schema, what and how?

Thanks in advance..

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Cannot Set Connection Property Of Backup Database Task If Connection String Is Customized In Connection Object

Aug 23, 2006

I added a connection (ADO.NET) object by name testCon in the connection manager - I wanted to programmatically supply the connection string. So I used the "Expressions" property of the connection object and set the connectionstring to one DTS variable. The idea is to supply the connection string value to the variable - so that the connection object uses my connection string.

Then I added a "Backup Database Task" to my package with the name BkpTask. Now whenever I try to set the connection property of BkpTask to the testCon connection object, by typing testCon, it automatically gets cleared. I am not able to set the connection value.

Then after spending several hours I found that this is because I have customized the connection string in testCon. If I don't customize the connection string, I am able to enter the "testCon" value in the connection property of the BkpTask.

Is this an intrinsic issue?

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Mass Insert / Update External Data Into Internal SQL Database

Nov 15, 2006

Hola!I'm currently building a site that uses an external database to store all the product details, and an internal database that will act as a cache so that we don't have to keep hitting the external database to retrieve the products every time a customer requests a list.What I need to do is retrieve all these products from External and insert them into Internal if they don't exist - if they do already exist then I have to update Internal with new prices, number in stock etc.I was wondering if there was a way to insert / update these products en-mass without looping through and building a new insert / update query for every product - there could be thousands at a time!Does anyone have any ideas or could you point me in the right direction?I'm thinking that because I need to check if the products exist in a different data store than the original source, I don't have a choice but to loop through them all.Cheers,G. 

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Link SQL Server 2005 Tables To External Database Through ODBC

Sep 24, 2007

I'm a newbie at SQL 2005 and I'm trying to create linked tables to our ERP system through ODBC. I can do this in MS Access or by using the ERP system's ODBC driver, but I am lost when it comes to SQL Server 2005.
Thanks for any help

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ASP.Net 2.0 Application Connection To SQL Server 2005 - Setup Questions

Jun 5, 2007

 I am writing an Internet/Extranet based (ASP.Net 2.0) web application that uses SQL server 2005 as the database. I am using forms authentication on my web application. I am also storing the connection string to SQL server in my web config file. The conn string is encrypted using DPAPI with entropy. I currently have created a SQL login account on my SQL server for use by the web application. This is the user ID I am using in my conn string. The reason for this is because all persons using the application will NOT have a windows login.
Here is my question: The login I created currently has defaulted to the "dbo" role and therefore has "dbo" rights to the database. I want to setup up this login account so that all it can do is execute stored procedures. I dont want this SQL login to be able to do anything else. In my application I am using stored procedures for ALL data access functions, via a data access layer in my application. Can someone guide me step by step as to how to setup this type of access for this SQL login.

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Need To Create And Access A SQL Server Database That Will Reside On An External Hard Drive.

Apr 9, 2007

 I need to create a SQL server database and add some tables to it. Then access it with a C# application. The problem is that the new SQL server database and it's tables must reside on an external hard drive. How do I point SQL server to this external drive, so that I can create a database on this drive and then create tables and access data on it?

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Unexpected Error From External Database Driver (MS Access Linked Table)

Oct 19, 2006

OS: Windows XP (SP2)
App: MS Access 2003 (SP2)
DB: MS SQL 2000 (SP4, 2040)

User is using MS Access linked table to query database (using ODBC). User can open the query in MS Access. However when the user goes to export the data to MS Excel format, the user receives the error message:

"Unexpected Error from External Database Driver (22)."

A trace on the db, reveals that the user process is attempting to log in to the server as 'Admin'. However, when the query with the linked table is first opened, the user is prompted for username/password (non Windows authentication).

Any ideas? I googled and found some stuff, but nothing directly related and most of what I found was supposedly fixed with SP1.

Any help appreciated. I am not an Access guru.



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Setup New Database With .mdf

Jun 3, 2008

I need to setup a new database with a .mdf file. Name of the database will be “socc� and username=socc1 and password=abcdefg .
Should I create a new databse with name "socc" and restore it with the .mdf file ? How do I create the required username and password ?
Does the .mdf file take care of everything?

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Need Help In Setup For A Database

Oct 11, 2007

Hi ,

I have a situtation where the business user wants to store the Historical Data along with the current data for Subject areas.

As a DBA i have been asked to tell them whether we need two separate set of databases for current Data and one for historical Data or just one structure holding both the current and Historical data , the current data is used downstream by many number of applications can you please guide me as to which approach would be better to take ]

One structure holds all and have indexed views for current data

separate structure for current and historical data

can you please tell me the Pros and cons of each approach.

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SQL 2005 Database Setup

Feb 7, 2007

I am trying get a database setup in my new install of VS 2005. I have a project on one PC where I just have VS2005 installed and i am able create a website, go to the APP_DATA folder and add a database. On another PC I have VS 2005 installed and then I installed SQL server 2005. Now I fail to connect to ??? when I try and enter the sercuity page of webconfig or try to add a database when I open the APP_DATA folder. There have been many things done on this PC between the install of the two mentioned packages and trying this database creation. However, I feel that something related to the install of SQL Server 2005 after VS 2005 has done something unexpected. Or, I need to manage something between the SQL Express version that got loaded with VS 2005 and the subsequent install of SQL Server. I just don't know what to look for at this point.

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SubText Setup With SQL Database

Jun 14, 2008

   I downloaded SubText and thought that I had it fully setup until I got an error at the beginning of the Install.  I get the following error:

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Database Setup Script

Dec 20, 2003

I have MSDE installed on my machine as was wondering what the NETSDK is in the following commands.

@rem Uncomment the following line for MSDE
@rem set DBNAME=(local)NETSDK
set DBNAME=(local)NETSDK

Bob H

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Database Setup And Design

Jul 23, 2005

I have a couple questions I hope someone might be able to answer, orrather point me in the correct direction.I am an independant developer and I am working on a small CRM for smallbusinesses. Nothing fancy, but built with c# and the .NET framework.In my study of other CRM's like Microsoft, Clarify, and Misc I havenoticed something things that I do not understand.1. When using a database, are customers and the customerscases/problems kept in seperate tables?2. When logging notes and misc, how is text formatted/kept in thedatabase. I see notes inside cases that are formatted and keep theformatting after the cases are written the the DB.Thanks for any info, and I am sure I am asking more then simplequestions.

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