I'm trying to perform a silent install/uninstall of SQL Server 2005 Express.
I manage to install silently, but when trying to uninstall with the following command line:
there is one item left behind - "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client"
Does anyone know how to uninstall this as well?
Also, if MSXML 6.0 is already installed when installing SQL Server 2005 Express, when performing an uninstall with the above command line, MSXML 6.0 is also uninstalled, which may not be the desired outcome.
This is getting extremely annoying. I cannot unistall another instance of SQL Server Express 2005.
I have had three different servers with the separate installs of SQL Server Express 2005. I remove the product (Backup Exec, Dell IT Assistant, Microsoft System Center 2007). I uninstall the third-party product and they leave behind SQL Server Express 2005. For what idiotic reason I do not know. Then I try and remove SQL Server Express 2005 and for the third straight time it fails.
Here's the latest failure error, "TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup ------------------------------ The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Setting Internal Properties. The error is: Fatal error during installation.
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkID=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.3042.00&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=1603&EvtType=sqlca%5csqlcax.cpp%40SetInstanceProperty%40SetInstanceProperty%40x534 ------------------------------ BUTTONS: OK ------------------------------
Does anyone know how to actually remove SQL Server Express 2005? This is pathetic.
On my backup server running Symantec BackupExec 11D, I wanted to install Service Pack 2 for SQL Server 2005 Express. I started performing the update using "Windows Update", but cancelled the upgrade process just before it started to install (right after the downloading/verifying download phase of Windows update).
Now when I try to find the SP2 update using Windows Update, it doesnt show up on the update website. Rebooting the server doesnt help. I manually downloaded the file for SQL 2005 Express SP2 and tried installing it, but it says "the component is already installed" and I have to exit the process.
BackupExec 11D is running fine as of now, and it might not face problems later.. but I am not sure. Is there any way to uninstall SP2 and re-install it again!??
I am having trouble installing SQL Server 2005 Express. I was told to uninstall and reinstall clean but now SQL Server does NOT show in the Add/Remove Program list but when I try to install, my system says I already have SQL Server installed. I get error messages every time. Any ideas???
I have Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit installed but there is something from with the installation since every time that I try and create a Report Server Project It gives me error
Could not load file or assembly "Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer, Version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The system cannopt find the file spesified.
How can I reinstall it or repair the installation so it will work. I have uninstalled every SQL2000 component in Add Remove Programs and reinstalled them. The problem is however that I cannot see an entry for "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit" in the Add Remove programs in Windows XP Profesional.
Can someone please help me. Maybe tell me where the uninstall file is located on disk??
I want to install the SQL Server Express Edition silently at command prompt (but want the dialog boxes, I mean with /qb option), locally, with no network options.
I want to install it with following options
i) In the Feature Selection, I need a) Data file (Database Services) b) Shared tools (Database Services) c) Connectivity Components (Client Components) d) Management Studio Express (Client Components) ii) Instance name as €œDefault Instance€? iii) Service Account as €œUse Built-in service accountà Local System€? iv) Authentication Mode as €œMix mode€? with sa password as €˜sysadm€™ v) Collate Settings as €œLatin1_General_CS_AI
I have a windows app I am deploying by CD along with SQL Server - when I manually installed sql server my app can access the db (named instance, local system, mixed mode). I used the exact same settings to do an unattended install for sql express and it does not work. All the settings in the db look the same. Does anyone know what it could be?
I am having loads of problems trying to package up SQL Server 2005 to install silently.
When I do the silent install from a DOS Command prompt, it seems to work OK.
When I try it using a BladeLogic agent (a kind of remote command execution), then it tries to throw up a gui which just shows a title bar, and holds up the installation process. From searching on the web, this kind of thing happens when doing the installation from the RunOnce registry key.
What is happening here, and why is the setup program throwing up this screen?
Is there another way to do the silent installation? (e.g. installing each msi in turn)?
I am currenltly working on a scripted install of SQL 2005 Express SP2 with Cumulative update 5 and am experiencing some very frustrating problems.
I need to provide the ability to script the install and script the deinstall, both of which are fine. However..
When i try to uninstall SQL from the script (or manually from add/remove programs) i get the following error
The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 2709. The specified Component name ('SxSComp.42B34EA79EE84812AF478E608EA6C2F8') not found in Component table.
The error occurs when the SQL 2005 uninstaller attempts to uninstall the workstation components, the result is a partial uninstall of SQL 2005 which becomes very difficult to uninstall.
Would appreciate any assistance anyone could provide me.
The disabled instances will not start due to various error messages.
Under Computer, Manager, Services, more instances are listsed, which also will not start:
SQLEXPRESSDATA for example (which is disabled)
I would like to remove CSOLUTION since it is not used; it will not remove from control panel or manually via http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/909967 . You get various error messages, such as
Another application has exclusive access to the file c:program files...errorlog. Please shut down all other applications, then try again.
Even after a reboot, I still get this error.
I want to install and use instance SQLExpress, and I cannot remove it, but it will not start, and trying to reinstall it fails.
It was simple under MSDE 2000, no2 it seems to be impossible.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Honestly, I would like to uninstall SQL Express 2005 completely (except the BCM instant), and start over, but canot find a way to do this. SQL Express is a mess, I have spent days trying to resolve this, and am still where I started. Thanks, bob
I have sql server express installed in my computer, but I want to uninstall it and install sql server 2005 entreprise edition. I have successfully uninstalled instance of sql server, but I cannot uninstall the workstation.
here are the log that I have :
=== Verbose logging started: 11/23/2006 13:06:11 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 3.01.4000.2435 Calling process: E:OriginalSQL2005Ent32 bitServerssetup.exe === MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:021]: Resetting cached policy values MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:021]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0 MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:021]: ******* RunEngine: ******* Product: E:OriginalSQL2005Ent32 bitServersSetupSqlSupport.msi ******* Action: ******* CommandLine: ********** MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:021]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server. MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:021]: Grabbed execution mutex. MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:036]: Cloaking enabled. MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:036]: Attempting to enable all disabled priveleges before calling Install on Server MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:068]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0 MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:068]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1 MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:068]: MainEngineThread is returning 1618 === Verbose logging stopped: 11/23/2006 13:06:11 ===
While installing VS 2008, I chose the full install and it installed SQL Server 2005 Express edition. Since I do have a full version of SQL Server running on this machine, I would like to uninstall the Express edition. But I do not see the application listed in the Add/Remove Programs.
I have been trying to uninstall SQL Server 2005 Express Edition for a day and a half to no avail. I have cleaned it out of the registry, and I have done everything possible to get rid of this, er, Microsoft virus software. I have erased every folder that has any SQL Server name after I stopped all SQL server services in the task list. All I want to do is install SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition so that I can use the BI Manager to create a DTS package. Does anyone have any utilities that might help?
This is probably easy for some who have done it, but I have an installed Instance of SQL Server 2008 Express or SQL Server 2008 R2 Express I'll call Instance CCC and need to remove it. Â I have two other Express instances I'll call Instance AAA and Instance BBB. Â I want to uninstall Instance CCC without affecting the other two instances or the software that uses them. Â Instance CCC should have been installed as a SQL Server 2012 Express instance, so I need to remove the 2008 Instance of CCC and reinstall it as 2012. Â In all cases, I'm talking about SQL Server Express. Â Full SQL Server is not installed. Â
The Instances are all installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard server. Â Â
I have read that I can do this through Control Panel  >  Programs and Features, but that I can corrupt or mess up the other instances (AAA and BBB) if I don't do it right.  I'm uneasy about this, not having done it before, and do not want to affect the users of the AAA and BBB instances! Â
Hi,I’m having a problem uninstalling SQL Server 2005. I went into add/remove programs,clicked on each of the entries for all of the associated services to remove them,then removed SQL Server 2005, rebooted, and the tasks are still listed in services.There are no entries in add/remove programs.I’m removing SQL Server in order to install Visual Studio first - I’ve still gota problem with the “Package Load Failure” that I posted about last week:http://forums.asp.net/thread/1402873.aspxCan anyone give me a clue as to how I can completely remove SQL Server?I’m running Win 2k SP4.Thanks!
Hi all,Afetr a bad install of sql server 2005 which failed due to WMI problem; something that seems unfixable save a reinstall of windows.I am now left with a part installion of sql server 2005. From add/remove programs clicking 'remove' activates nothing as does change. However the files are there in program files.At start up I get multiple fatal errors etc.Does anyone know how I can unistall SQL server 2005 completely - perhaps from the command line?Or..how could I stop SQL server from trying to start at start up?All help most appreciated.TFM
I uninstalled SQL Server 2005 through "Add or Remove Programs". Apparently I did something wrong. The files are gone, but when I try to reinstall, the installer says SQL Server already exists, and won't install. When I go to the Configuration Manager, it shows all the components, but not of the services are started - or will start. How do I clean this up without wiping my drive and reinstalling my OS?
If I try to uninstall my SQL Server 2005 I nead to have instaled SqlSupport.msi in my list programs and I don't have it. Then I found it in a folder "...ServersSetup" but it dosen't work. I can't install that program and if it's already instaled I can't see it in my list programs. What can I do?
I have been trying to uninstall SQL Server (Enterprise Edition) from one of our development boxes and the programs bombs out. When I looked in the log file, I see the following error message which is useless needless to say. Has anyone come across this issue? How did you resolve it? Thanks in Advance.
I am trying to uninstall Sql Server 2005 Beta in order to upgrade to the Sql Server 2005 Enterprise Edition but without success.
Here is what I have already done:
I had VS 2005 2.0 Beta and Sql Server 2005 Beta installed. I wanted to upgrade to the Professional Editions so I uninstalled VS 2005 2.0 Beta and Sql Server 2005 Beta from Add/ Remove programs.
I have successfully installed VS 2005 Professional Edition but when I try to install Sql Server 2005 it gives me an error saying that SQL Server 2005 has detected incompatible components from beta versions of Visual Studio, .NET Framework, or SQL Server 2005.
I had to do a system restore to solve some other issues now my SQL Server 2005 doesnt work (SQL Server 2000 on the same machine [diffrent instance] does). I have tried to uninstall with add/remove programs but the instance doesnt appear there. I have tried to use the 'ARPWrapper.exe /Remove' command as described in KB909967 wich also fails. I have also tried to reinstall with no sucess. I also tried uninstalling SQL2000 and removing as many references as I could find, again now joy.
Is there a script somewhere to remove everything (although I would like to try and keep the SQL2000 instance)?
My SQL Server 2005 Beta has expired and I want to unistall it. When I try, it tells me I need to have .NET framework 2.0 before I can run setup. I do have .NET 2.0. And I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and I still get the error from SQL Server when I try to unsintall. This error is pissing me off and this stupid beta is taking up almost a gig of space. HELP.
Long story short: Installed SQL Server 2005 Developers Edition along with Visual Studio 2005. Everything worked as it should.
Then there was a problem installing .NET Framework 2.0 Security Update. Fixed that by uninstall and reinstall of .NET Framework 2.0.
Now SQL Server does not work. So I figured uninstall/reinstall. Only problem is that it WILL NOT uninstall. I have tried to uninstall manually per KB article (9009967). That doesn't work either.
I have a failed sql cluster setup on Windows 2003 OS cluster. sql will not uninstall on node 1 because it says the group name was not specified in the template.ini file for the cluster. The OS cluster nodes have been evicted from the cluster. The OS cluster is no longer available to provide a group name for.
SQl uninstall process process is failing because of the error mentioned above.
I want to completely , uninstall SQL server from both nodes, clean up Windows Server and install just a default instance of SQL server on just one of the machines, The cluster can wait.