How To Split A Transaction Table To Create Training And Testing Set For AR

Sep 30, 2006

Hi all,

I have a transaction table that has a composite key made up of transaction id and product id. where multiple products were purchased under same transaction, transaction ids got repeated.

I would like to split the table randomly into 70%, 30% ratio to create training and testing set respectively in such a way that it does not split a same transaction under which multiple products were purchased (rows with same transaction id should not get split).

is it possible? if possible what is the idea?
It would be of great help.



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How To Partition The Split The Dataset Into Training And Validation When Running Descision Tree Model?

Jun 15, 2007

Can I ask how to split the dataset into training and validation when running descision tree model?

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How To Split The Data Into Training And Validation Sets When Doing Data Mining?

Jun 15, 2007

Could I ask how to spit the data into training and validation sets when doing data mining?


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Create A Testing Database Out Of Existing DB

May 24, 2007

Hello All,
 I was wondering if anybody can help me with the following question:
I'm working on the application where the Database, it's table (2) and several stored procedures are involved. The database is SQL Server 2000. It's also very old and involves a lot of operations, stored proc and so on. I just need to re-write a piece of the app which is using existing stored proc. Most of them are DELETE, INSERT and so on. I don't want to work with real stage DB and need to make a copy of the Database to my Dev box. So I tried:
* Right click, All Tasks, Export Data into the newly created database on my dev box.
That doesn't work, every time I try doing it, it fails somewhere in the middle of the process. I'm thinking it happens because of complexity of the database. I tried several options there already. Still nothing. I need the whole databse to be copied because I'm not sure which stored proc the app is using so I need them all, and tables too. Is there another way of doing this?
Thank you,

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Split Function In A Transaction

Sep 20, 2000

I have some sql results coming out as a string when it is a bunch of numbers separated with a coma. (1,2,3). I need to insert this figures as separate numbers in separate rows into a table in a database. How do I split them and how do I input them. I tried using a loop and it works well in an asp page but I need to do that in sql.


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How To Split A Large Transaction?

Jan 23, 2008

I have a huge table with ~30G data, and a column needs to be updated. In order to avoid a huge transaction, what I did was setting up a loop, update part of the records in each loop. The query is like following:

Declare @mo smalldatetime
Declare MOs cursor
Select [a month] from [a table]

Open MOs
Fetch Next from MOs into @mo
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
exec sp_UpdateColumn @mo
-- PRINT @mo
Fetch Next from MOs into @mo
close MOs
deallocate MOs

sp_UpdateColumn is the query that actually does the update, the code is like following:

Create Procedure sp_UpdateColumn @updMoDate smalldatetimeAS
[do some calculation here, store results in a temp table #Temp1]
Begin TranUpdate A set col =b.col from [big table] A, #Temp1 B where [some matching conditions]Commit GO

The BEGIN TRAN and COMMIT lines were meant to break up transaction, however, our database support people still tell me that a huge transaction has generated a GB sized log file that blocked the drive. Unless the transaction wasn't really splitted this should not happen. Can someone help me take a look at the code and tell me is there anything wrong? Thanks

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Temporarily Drop FOREIGN KEY Constraints To Truncate A Table After Testing

Feb 21, 2007

I am testing Insert, Update etc. and messing up my database with "dirty" data. Is there a way to temporarily drop FOREIGN KEY constraints to truncate a table after testing without dropping the whole table and rebuilding it?

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Could You Tell What's Wrong When I Split Table To The Target Partition Table?

Jan 22, 2007

Could you tell what's wrong when I split table to the target partition table?USE TEST--ADD FILEGROUP---------------------------------------------------------------------ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILEGROUP FG_01ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILEGROUP FG_02ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILEGROUP FG_03--ADD FILE--------------------------------------------------------------------------ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILE (NAME = DF_01,FILENAME = 'D:TESTDF_01.ndf',SIZE = 10MB,MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED,FILEGROWTH = 10MB)TO FILEGROUP FG_01ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILE (NAME = DF_02,FILENAME = 'D:TESTDF_02.ndf',SIZE = 10MB,MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED,FILEGROWTH = 10MB)TO FILEGROUP FG_02ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILE (NAME = DF_03,FILENAME = 'D:TESTDF_03.ndf',SIZE = 10MB,MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED,FILEGROWTH = 10MB)TO FILEGROUP FG_03--CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION---------------------------------------------------------CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION PF_HIS_HTTP_LOG(datetime)AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES ('20070101 23:59:59.997','20070102 23:59:59.997')--CREATE PARTITION SCHEME-----------------------------------------------------------CREATE PARTITION SCHEME PS_HIS_HTTP_LOGAS PARTITION PF_HIS_HTTP_LOG TO ( FG_01, FG_02, [PRIMARY])--CREATE PARTITION TABLE -----------------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE HIS_HTTP_LOG ( USERID varchar(32) , USERIP varchar(15) ,USERPORT numeric(5,0) , OBJECTIP varchar(15) , OBJECTPORT numeric(5,0) , URL varchar(256) , HOST varchar(64) , DN varchar(64) , VISITIME numeric(5,0) , STARTIME datetime , ENDTIME datetime ) ON PS_HIS_HTTP_LOG(STARTIME)--INSERT DATA,PARTITION 1 20070101-------------------------------------------------DECLARE @i intSET @i = 1WHILE @i <= 100BEGININSERT INTO HIS_HTTP_LOG VALUES(CAST(@i AS varchar(32)),'',5,'',6,'',11,CONVERT" target="_blank">','','',11,CONVERT(datetime,'20070101 13:25:26.100',121),GETDATE())SET @i = @i +1END--INSERT DATA ,PARTITION 2 20070102-------------------------------------------------SET @i = 1WHILE @i <= 200BEGININSERT INTO HIS_HTTP_LOG VALUES(CAST(@i AS varchar(32)),'',5,'',6,'',11,CONVERT" target="_blank">','','',11,CONVERT(datetime,'20070102 11:25:26.100',121),GETDATE())SET @i = @i +1END--CREATE A TABLE -------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE TMP_HTTP_LOG( USERID varchar(32) , USERIP varchar(15) ,USERPORT numeric(5,0) , OBJECTIP varchar(15) , OBJECTPORT numeric(5,0) , URL varchar(256) , HOST varchar(64) , DN varchar(64) , VISITIME numeric(5,0) , STARTIME datetime , ENDTIME datetime ) ON FG_03--INSERT DATA TO TMP_HTTP_LOG 20070103-----------------------------------------------DECLARE @i intSET @i = 1WHILE @i <= 400BEGININSERT INTO TMP_HTTP_LOG VALUES(CAST(@i AS varchar(32)),'',5,'', 6,'',11,CONVERT" target="_blank">','','',11,CONVERT(datetime,'20070103 09:25:26.100',121),GETDATE())SET @i = @i +1END--ADD CONSTRAINT--------------------------------------------------------------------ALTER TABLE TMP_HTTP_LOGWITH CHECKADD CONSTRAINT CK001CHECK (STARTIME >= '20070103 00:00:00.000' AND STARTIME <= '20070103 23:59:59.997')--SPLIT RANGE ,SWITCH DATA----------------------------------------------------------ALTER PARTITION SCHEME PS_HIS_HTTP_LOG NEXT USED FG_03ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION PF_HIS_HTTP_LOG() SPLIT RANGE ('20070103 23:59:59.997')ALTER TABLE TMP_HTTP_LOG SWITCH TO HIS_HTTP_LOG PARTITION 3--==========================================�======================================Why is the error in step of“ALTER TABLE TMP_HTTP_LOG SWITCH TO HIS_HTTP_LOG PARTITION 3�error infomation:message_id 4972,level 16,severity 1ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraints or partition function of source table 'TEST.dbo.TMP_HTTP_LOG' allows values that are not allowed by check constraints or partition function on target table 'TEST.dbo.HIS_HTTP_LOG'.Please tell me why ? check constraints ?Thank you very much !

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Smarter Table Build - Might Split The Table

Jul 10, 2006

Hello,I am using SQL 2005 and Cognos' Data Manager. It is an ETL tool fordata warehousing.I have a problem with time it takes to load new changes, and I amseeking advice on a better way to manage the data.I have a table that tracks student attendance and it contains about 13million records. On a daily basis, there are 5,000 - 20,000 inserts and10,000 - 50,000 updates.The daily data comes for two different text files from my operationsystem; current and historical (CLSFIL and CLSHIS).The data is loaded into a staging area from the operational system,where data cleansing and other fields are added to the table.The final step is delivering the table to my target database, which isused for reporting.Heres the situation: I find it takes 45 minutes to do a relationalupdate, where only the records that changed in the last day will beloaded. However, if I choose the native API load instead of aRelational Load, it can load all 13M records in 7 minutes. The table isheavly indexedAt some point, the API load will take more time than the relationalload, (the changes and new records will remain a constant, but the filewill continue to grow).I'm seeking another solution is more efficient. I'm considering twotables for history and current and creating a view for reporting via aunion.This a good idea? How can I make the view effeicent to use the whereclause? Looking to bounce around ideas.Other Ideas?Thanks in AdvanceRob(I maintain the key relationships in the tool, not the tables. I knowI have lots to learn and improvments)CREATE TABLE "dbo"."F_BI_Class_Attendance_Detail"("CLASS_ATTENDANCE_ID" VARCHAR(50) NULL,"CLASSES_OFFERED_ID" VARCHAR(26) NULL,"CLASS_CAMPUS_ID" VARCHAR(10) NULL,"STUDENT_ID" CHAR(20) NULL,"FULL_CLASS_ID" CHAR(15) NOT NULL,"SESSION_ID" CHAR(10) NULL,"SECTION_ID" VARCHAR(5) NULL,"MEET_DT" DATETIME NULL,"MEETING" SMALLINT NULL,"PRESENT" CHAR(2) NOT NULL,"SESSION_SKEY" BIGINT NULL,"STUDENT_SKEY" BIGINT NULL,"CLASS_CAMPUS_SKEY" BIGINT NULL,"CLASSES_OFFERED_SKEY" BIGINT NULL,"LOAD_DT" DATETIME NULL,"COMPUTED_DT" DATETIME NULL);

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How To Create Transaction In

Sep 22, 2007

Scenario:  I have a requirement that needs to insert data from a excel spreadsheet to two tables in the database.
1. The first table will have one row for the file information and control
2. The second table will have as many rows as the records in the excel spreadsheet
How to best handle this scenario with transaction?
My idea is to have two stored procedures one that inserts the control data and the second one that will insert the detail data from the spreadsheet, and both encapsulated in a single transaction. Since I have not done this in the past how should I implement this using ADO.NET 1.1?
Thanks in advance

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Want To Create A New Transaction

Jul 20, 2005

Dear all,I have created some triggers on tables for audit purposes. I want thisprocess to be outside of the existing transaction for the applicationmaking the changes to the tables. - if for whatever reason an insertinto the audit tables fails, I do not want the calling application tofail!How is this done in TSQL?This is bound to be simple but its eluding me so far...Many thanks in advance.Andy

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Big Table(?) Or Split Between Tables?

Nov 20, 2007

Hi Guys

I have an application that runs on several sites that has a table with 36 columns mostly ints och small varchars.

I currently have only one table that stores the data and five indexes and since the table on one location (and others soon) has about 18 million rows I have been trying to come up with a better solution (but only if needed, I dont think I have to tell you that I am a programmer and not an dba).
The db file size with all the indexes is more then 10gb, in it self is not an problem but is it a bad solution to have it that way?

The questions are:

Are there any big benefits if i split it into several smaller tables or even smaler databases and make the SPs that gets the data aware that say 2006 years data is in table a and so on?
Its quite important that there are fast SELECTS and that need is far more important then to decrease the size of the database file and so on.

How many rows is okay to have in one table (with 25 columns) before its too big?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards
Johan, Sweden.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Cdr](
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Abandon] [varchar](7) NULL,
[Bcap] [varchar](2) NULL,
[BlId] [varchar](16) NULL,
[CallChg] [varchar](6) NULL,
[CallIdentifier] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
[ChgInfo] [varchar](5) NULL,
[ClId] [varchar](16) NULL,
[CustNo] [smallint] NULL,
[Digits] [varchar](32) NULL,
[DigitType] [varchar](1) NULL,
[Dnis1] [varchar](6) NULL,
[Dnis2] [varchar](6) NULL,
[Duration] [int] NULL,
[FgDani] [varchar](13) NULL,
[HoundredHourDuration] [varchar](3) NULL,
[Name] [varchar](40) NULL,
[NameId] [int] NOT NULL,
[Npi] [varchar](2) NULL,
[OrigAuxId] [varchar](11) NULL,
[OrigId] [varchar](7) NULL,
[OrigMin] [varchar](16) NULL,
[Origten0] [varchar](3) NULL,
[RecNo] [int] NULL,
[RecType] [varchar](1) NOT NULL,
[Redir] [varchar](1) NULL,
[TerId] [varchar](7) NOT NULL,
[TermAuxId] [varchar](11) NULL,
[TermMin] [varchar](16) NULL,
[Termten0] [varchar](3) NULL,
[Timestamp] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[Ton] [varchar](1) NULL,
[Tta] [int] NULL,
[Twt] [int] NULL,
[DateValue] [int] NULL,
[TimeValue] [int] NULL,
[Level] [varchar](50) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Cdr_Level] DEFAULT ('x:'),
[Id] ASC

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Get Split Names From Id Of Other Table

Jul 10, 2006

Table :: master_Staff

StaffID -Number

Table :: master_Class

ClassTeacher-Number ( Forign Key of StaffID )

I have a set of StaffID saved using "," in the table class -------- 10,20,30

Now i want a Query to get the staff name -- hari, gopal, sekar , by using the classID

select staffname from master_staff where staffid in ( select classteacher from master_class where classID = 1)

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SQL Optimistic (all In One Table Split Into Two Table)

Dec 18, 2007

I having a bit of confuse here. Can you please help me?

I have about 5000 records all ready in oen table. Everything that I query is related to that table one way or the other. Now i having 2000 - 3000 more records to store in the database. In term of relation database then I can store the new data in a different table so I can can query it. Most of my queries are searching.

So the question is is this better to store the data in another table or should store everything in the old table? Thanks a lot in advance for your help. I really do appreciate that.


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T-SQL To Split Data From One Table Into Two Tables?

Feb 21, 2005

What's the best way to convert a large set of records from a simple schema where all fields are in one table to a schema where fields are split across two tables? The two table setup is necessary for reasons not worth getting into here.

Doing this via cursor is pretty straightforward, but is there a comparable set-based solution?

Here are sample create table commands. Obviously, the example below is simplified for discussion purposes.

-- One record from here will produce a record in TargetParentRecords and a record in TargetChildRecords for a total of two records.
CREATE TABLE OriginalSingleTableRecords (



CREATE TABLE TargetParentRecords (



-- Each row in this table must link to a TargetParentRecords row
CREATE TABLE TargetChildRecords (

ParentID INT NOT NULL, -- References TargetParentRecords.ParentID


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Importing Split Data Into Table

Apr 4, 2006


I have Data split into 3 text files with 3 fields repeated in each to link then (key). I want to import this data into one table.
I used DTS to create 3 tables with the data. Now i want to combine the 3 tables into only one (that i already created). How can i do this? Note: the field names in the source tables are different from the destination table.



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Should I Split This 175 Million Record Table?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,We maintain a 175 million record database table for our customer.This is an extract of some data collected for them by a third partyvendor, who sends us regular updates to that data (monthly).The original data for the table came in the form of a single, largetext file, which we imported.This table contains name and address information on potentialcustomers.It is a maintenance nightmare for us, as prior to this the largesttable we maintained was about 10 million records, with lesscomplicated updates required.Here is the problem:* In order to do the searching we need to do on the table it has 8 ofits 20 columns indexed.* It takes hours and hours to do anything to the table.* I'd like to cut down as much as possible the time required to updatethe file.We receive monthly one file containing 10 million records that arenew, and can just be appended to the table (no problem, simple importinto SQL Server).We also receive monthly one file containing 10 million records thatare updates of information in the table. This is the tricky one. Theonly way to uniquely pair up a record in the update file with a recordin the full database table is by a combination of individual_id, zip,and zip_plus4.There can be multiple records in the database for any givenindividual, because that individual could have a history that includesmultiple addresses.How would you recommend handling this update? So far I have mostlytried a number of execution plans involving deleting out the recordsin the table that match those in the text file, so I can then importthe text file, but the best of those plans takes well over 6 hours torun.My latest thought: Would it help in any way to partition the tableinto a number of smaller tables, with a view used to reference them?We have no performance issues querying the table, but I need somethoughts on how to better maintain it.One more thing, we do have 2 copies of the table on the server at alltimes so that one can be actively used in production while we runupdates on the other one, so I can certainly try out some suggestionsover the next week.Regards,Warren WrightDallas

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Read The Filename, Split It And Put It In A Table

Sep 21, 2006


I'm working on a package which loops through each xml file in a folder.
The name of each xml file is put in variable.
The format of the filename is something like "part1_part2_part3.xml"
I need to store the 3 parts in three different columns of table A
The content of the xml file needs to be manipulated ("." needs to be replaced with ",", ....)and put in serveral columns in tableB

It's not clear to me yet how to start this but my main concern is read the three parts of the filename. I don't find any task in SSIS which could help me with that.

Could someone give me some pointers?

Many thanks!


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Split Data Into Two Column Table

Mar 13, 2007

Hello all,

Little layout question. Assume my dataset returns the following data:






How can I present this data in a table (or list, or matrix) splitted into two columns:




Any idea will be very appreciated! Thanks a lot!


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How To Split Out Table Rows Into 3 Tables

Mar 14, 2006

I imported all rows of my txt file using SSIS 2005 into a table.  I am now trying to figure out how to split out the header, payment rows, and maintenance rows.  First, some information.

An example of table results is here:
The table has just one field of type varcha(100) because the incoming file is a fixed length file at 100 bytes per row

The header rows are the rows with HD in them...then followed by detail rows for that header (see here

I need to

1) Split out the header into a header table
2) Split out the maintenance rows (related to the header) into a maint table
3) Split out the payment rows (related to the header) into a payment table

I'll need to maintain a PK/FK relationship between each Header and it's corresponding maint and payment rows in the other 2 tables.

To determine if it's a payment vs. maintenance row, I need to compare chars 30 - 31.  If it contains 'MT' then you know it's a maintenance row, else it's a payment row.

How in the hell do I do this???

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Please - Split Select From Table To Comma 1,2,3,...

May 29, 2008

help please
i have this table

number_row fld_index vtext
1 101 a
2 101 b
3 101 c
4 102 d
5 102 e
6 102 f
7 103 g
8 103 h
9 103 i
now i need to do this

SELECT fld_index
FROM table_index
GROUP BY fld_index

and i get

how split this select and do this

in('101' ,'102','103','104')

Code Snippet


set @aaa =(SELECT fld_index FROM table_index GROUP BY fld_index)

set fld1 = CASE WHEN fld1 in(@aaa ) then '*' else fld1 end ---- need to split the @aaa ,'101' ,'102' , '103','104' ,

instead of this update

update [dbo].[tb_pivot_big]

set fld1 = CASE WHEN fld1 in('101' ,'102','103','104') then '*' else fld1 end

, fld2 = CASE WHEN fld2 in('101' ,'102','103','104') then '*' else fld2 end

, fld3 = CASE WHEN fld3 in('101' ,'102','103','104') then '*' else fld3 end

, fld4 = CASE WHEN fld4 in('101' ,'102','103','104') then '*' else fld4 end

, fld5 = CASE WHEN fld5 in('101' ,'102','103','104') then '*' else fld5 end

from [dbo].[tb_pivot_big]

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How To Split Cells In A Table Format

Apr 5, 2008

Hi Guys,

I have this table formatting problem; I have a table report (with rows expanding) say sales report for items. In this report each item has 2 rows. I want to split the send row as shown below. So the results of the report should have the format below.

On Hand







IN this example for each item we show current year, last year and Last month Cost,sales and on hand.
This is not a cross tab and number of items onthe report varies. In this example its 3 items but next time when you run it could be 100 items.

Any help appreciated


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Measure Page Split Online For A Particular Table?

Jan 21, 2003

Is there a way to measure page split for a table during data insertion/update (not base on dbcc showcontig result)?


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SQL View To Split Rows In Single Table...

May 24, 2007

I've been searching the forums and Google for some help splitting up rows in a table without any luck. I'm not quite sure what to even look for

I have a table is MSSQL 2000 that looks as follows:


id custnum b1_email b2_email b1_sub b2_sub
1 123456 0 0
2 654321 1 0
3 321654 0 1

Now... I am hoping create a view that splits these rows up so that only a single email address is on each row. I'd like to split it up as follows:


custnum email sub
123456 0
123456 0
654321 1
654321 0
321654 0
321654 1

Any help would be great! I imagine some sort of join command can be constructed using a single table?

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Split String And Insert Into Table Rows

Apr 17, 2014

I have a string which is delimited by commas:


I need to create a SQL statement to read the string, split it at the "," character, and insert it into individual rows. I also need to insert an ID (the same for all split values).

For instance:

INSERT INTO tbl_Temp (unique_id, ID, color) VALUES (1, 999, Green)
INSERT INTO tbl_Temp (unique_id, ID, color) VALUES (2, 999, Red)
INSERT INTO tbl_Temp (unique_id, ID, color) VALUES (3, 999, Blue)

I would like to be able to do this all in one statement so I don't have to break it out into individual SQL statements.

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Comparing A Column List Split To A Table.

Jul 23, 2005

Let me see if I can explain my situation clearly.I have a table with the columns:answer_id, question_id, member_id, answer- answer_id is the primary key for the table.- question_id relates to another table with questions for a user. Thetable holds the question and the possible choices in a varchar fieldseparated by a delimiter.- member_id is self-explanatory- answer is a varchar field of all the choices the user selected,separated by a delimiter.Here is my problem.I am trying to search all members that have answered, say, question_id= 2 where they selected 'brown' as one of their choices.i can do this if they selected ONLY that item, but not multiple items.The problem is this portionanswer in(select valu from dbo.iter_intlist.....I need this to be something like....function_to_return_all_separated_answers(answer) in(select valu from dbo.iter_intlistThe current way, it is only returning members that have an answer'Brown', not 'Brown, Blue' in their answer field. Make any sense? So,what I need to do is separate the list of answers and say :select member_id from profile_answers whereANY ANSWER in function_to_split(answer) MATCHES ANY OF THESE (selectvalu from dbo.iter_intlist...It seems I might have to join or something, I am just a little lostright now.Here is my proc.ALTER procedure search_detailed_get_ids@question_id as integer,@answers as varchar(8000),@member_ids ntextasdeclare @v as varchar(8000)--get the delimited string of all possible answersset @v = (select bind_data from profiles_questions where question_id =@question_id)--prepare it for the function only accepting 1 charset @v = replace(@v, '||', '|')--gimme all members that matchselect member_id from profiles_answers where question_id = @question_idand answer in(select valu from dbo.iter_intlist_to_table(@v, '|') where listpos in(select valu from dbo.iter_intlist_to_table(@answers, ',')))and member_id in (select valu from dbo.iter_intlist_to_table(@member_ids, ','))returngo

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Load The Conditional Split Conditions From A Table

Apr 23, 2007

Hi everybody,

I want to load the conditions for a conditional split from a table, so that the bussiness logic can be changed with a simple user interface .

How can I do this?

Best regards


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Create Table From Text File, Extract Data, Create New Table From Extracted Data....

May 3, 2004

Hello all,

Please help....

I have a text file which needs to be created into a table (let's call it DataFile table). For now I'm just doing the manual DTS to import the txt into SQL server to create the table, which works. But here's my problem....

I need to extract data from DataFile table, here's my query:

select * from dbo.DataFile
where DF_SC_Case_Nbr not like '0000%';

Then I need to create a new table for the extracted data, let's call it ExtractedDataFile. But I don't know how to create a new table and insert the data I selected above into the new one.

Also, can the extraction and the creation of new table be done in just one stored procedure? or is there any other way of doing all this (including the importation of the text file)?

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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SQL 2012 :: Possible To Create Transaction And Commit The Transactions

Apr 22, 2014

I have a update trigger. In this trigger I need to insert few records in 3 tables. If error comes in any of these inserts then previous inserts to get committed. This trigger was written in Sybase and it was possible to create transaction and commit the transactions.

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SQL 2012 :: Split Data From Two Columns In One Table Into Multiple Columns Of Result Table

Jul 22, 2015

So I have been trying to get mySQL query to work for a large database that I have. I have (lets say) two tables Table_One and Table_Two. Table_One has three columns: Type, Animal and TestID and Table_Two has 2 columns Test_Name and Test_ID. Example with values is below:

Type Animal TestID
Mammal Goat 1
Fish Cod 1
Bird Chicken 1
Reptile Snake 1
Bird Crow 2
Mammal Cow 2
Bird Ostrich 3

Test_name TestID
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_2 2
Test_2 2
Test_3 3

In Table_One all types come under one column and the values of all Types (Mammal, Fish, Bird, Reptile) come under another column (Animals). Table_One and Two can be linked by Test_ID

I am trying to create a table such as shown below:

Test_Name Bird Reptile Mammal Fish
Test_1 Chicken Snake Goat Cod
Test_2 Crow Cow
Test_3 Ostrich

This should be my final table. The approach I am currently using is to make multiple instances of Table_One and using joins to form this final table. So the column Bird, Reptile, Mammal and Fish all come from a different copy of Table_one.

For e.g

Test_Name AS 'Test_Name',
Table_Bird.Animal AS 'Birds',
Table_Mammal.Animal AS 'Mammal',
Table_Reptile.Animal AS 'Reptile,
Table_Fish.Animal AS 'Fish'
From Table_One

[Code] .....

The problem with this query is it only works when all entries for Birds, Mammals, Reptiles and Fish have some value. If one field is empty as for Test_Two or Test_Three, it doesn't return that record. I used Or instead of And in the WHERE clause but that didn't work as well.

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How Do I Split And Insert A Comma Delimited String To A Table?

Oct 13, 2004

I am passing in a string of dates, delimited by a comma.


01/01/04, 02/01/04, 03/01/04


I would like to enter each of these values into a table via an INSERT stored procedure.

Does anyone have any code for this?

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Split Wide, Denormalized Table Into Normalized Structure

Aug 27, 2002

Thanks for reading.

This is pretty long, hopefully it isn't rambling.

I'm building a system that imports data from several source, Excel files, text files, Access databases, etc. using DTS. The entire process revolved around MS SQL Server, by the way.

I figured I would create denormalized tables that mirror the Excel and flat files, for example, in structure, import data to those, clean up and remove duplicates there, then break those out into my normalized table structure later.

Now I've finished the importing part (though this is going to happen once a week) and I'm onto breaking up the denormalized tables.

I'm hesitating because I'm not sure I've made the best decisions in terms of process, etc.

I've decided to use cursors to loop over the denormalized tables and use batch insert statements to push data out to the appropriate tables.

Any comments? Suggestions? All is welcome.

I'm specifically interested in hearing back on the way I've set up the intermediate, denormalized tables and how I'm breaking them up using cursors (step 2 of the process below). Still, all comments are welcome. As are suggestions for further reading.

Thanks again...

simplified example
(my denormalized tables are 20 - 30 colums wide)

denormalized table:
name, address, city, state, cellphone, homephone

normalized tables:

tblPerson [PK_person, name, age, height, weight]
tblAddress [PK_address, FK_person, street, city, state, zip, addressType]
tblContact [PK_contact, FK_person, data, contactType]

I'm breaking up the denormalized tables like this (*UNTESTED*):

DECLARE @vars.... (one for each column in my normalized table structure, matching size and type)

SELECT name, address, city, state, cellphone, homephone
FROM _DNT_myWideTable

WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0
-- grab the next row from the wide table
INTO @name, @address, @city, @state, @cellphone, @homephone

-- create the person first and get the ID with @@IDENTITY
INSERT INTO tblPerson (name) VALUES (@name)

SET @personID = @@IDENTITY

-- use that ID to coordinate inserts across other tables
INSERT INTO tblAddress (FK_person, address, city, state, addressType)
VALUES(@person, @address, @city, @state, 'HOME')

INSERT INTO tblContact (FK_person, data, contactType)
VALUES(@person, @cellphone, 'CELLPHONE')

INSERT INTO tblContact (FK_person, data, contactType)
VALUES(@person, @homephone, 'HOMEPHONE')


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Transact SQL :: Split String As Columns And Insert Into Table

Aug 20, 2015

I have a string ,want to split the values after every space as column value and insert them into a table 

 1306453 0 0 0 0 0

col1      col2  col3 col4  col5 col6
1306453    0         0       0         0       0

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