How To Stop Automatic Replication Validation?

Feb 21, 2007

Under EM's Replication Monitor/Publishers/pub1/publisher1 there is a "Validate Subscriptions" option on the right-click menu. Since I see unexplained Replication Validation activity I think that the "Validate Subscriptions" option is turned on. But there is no "turn-off" button or way to say "stop." Does anyone know how this "feature" works?


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Stop ReportViewers Automatic Pingback

Sep 21, 2007

I have an application that uses ReportViewer extensively. I have set the applications session timeout to 60 minutes per user requirements. I have found that any page that the ReportViewer is used on never times out. When I put Fiddler on the application I can see that right before the application is scheduled to timeout ReportViewer automatically fires a keep-alive request. This does not happen on idle pages that do not have a ReportViewer.

How can I stop this from happening? I cannot find any way of over riding the pingback functionality built into the control. Any advice would be much appreciated. Please advise.

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How To Stop Automatic Excution Of A Report?

Sep 29, 2006


I have a report containing one multi-value parameter with default values given. When open I report in Report Manager, report executes automatically. I need to stop this automatic execution of report. I need to give user an option to check if default values are ok for him or not. Is there any way other than removing default value from parameter to do this?

Thanks in anticipation.


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Stop Package Validation On Open

Aug 8, 2007


Simple question, is there a way to stop a package validating itself when i open it in visual Studio ?

I still want it to validate when i run, but not when i open it to view as its sooooooooooo slow....

any help is much appreciated?



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Stop Replication

Apr 29, 2002

I have a snapshot replication is running and now I want to stop the replication for a while. Is it possible to do that? If it is then where I can set to stop it? Please help.

Thanks for Help!

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How To Stop Replication

Aug 29, 2002

I wanted to remove my Northwind database. But that database is currently used for replication. I'll have to stop the replication first before I can remove it.

So how to stop the replication?



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How To Stop Replication

Jun 29, 2015

How do you stop Replication?It is causing blocking. URLs....

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How Do I Stop Replication On SQL Server 7

Jul 12, 2001


I am not an sql server person, but have been asked to stop replication on sql server. Can someone please let me know how to do this.


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Stop Replication Of Deletes

Jul 23, 2005

Hello all. We are just getting started with replication and I'mwondering if there is a way to not have deletes replicated. I know Icould manually remove the delete trigger from every table but I'mintrested in have this a bit more automatic (like when its creating thesubscription).ThanksStephen

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Stop Replication MS SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

Hi out there!My publisher database holds an table with an column that is to small.The related subscriber-table I already have expanded (column fromvarchar50 -> varchar60).But I can't expand the table in the distributer-base, i get the error thatit can't be done because of replication.How can I expand my column? Have I to delete replication? If yes, how?Greetings Bjørn

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Stop Replication In Cmd Prompt

Feb 8, 2006

is it possible to stop replication in cmd prompt for MSSQL2005? Thanks in advance!

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Synchronous Merge Replication(Automatic)

Aug 30, 2006

hi there

I am using SQL SERVER 2005.

I am creating a Merge replication(between two databses), its working well, but i need to goto the Local publications & right click there & select the "View Synchronization Status" & then start the Agent manually to Synchronous the databases.

Now I want the Two databses should be replication (Merge) automatically without going to any menu.

I mean the Synchronization takes place when any of the Databases changes, automatically, without touching anything.

For Example:

If one record is inserted in a table(on commit) of Database ONE, it should be Reflected to the other table of the database TWO.

Any Idea, or Link or solution???

Gurpreet S. Gill

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Replication :: Synchronization Stop And Start

Jun 8, 2015

What is impact, if i stop and start Synchronization, for one subscription.

When i start, will it resync all tables by dropping and recreating at subscription.

On Publisher,  
from Location Publiction, 
    right click on subscription, 
            select View Synchronization Status,  From here, stop and start

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Replication :: Article X Failed Data Validation (rowcount Only)

Jun 6, 2015

I've created a merge replication a few days ago. it works correctly, but today when click synchronize publications, some of then encounter this error :

Data validation failed for one or more articles. When troubleshooting, check the output log files for any errors that may be preventing data from being synchronized properly. Note that when error compensation or delete tracking functionalities are disabled for an article, non-convergence can occur. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number:

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Temporarily Stop Replication / What To Do When Publication Is Dropped

Aug 12, 2015

I have transactional replication configured where the publisher and subscriber are on two different servers. Yesterday a database upgrade was carried out, and the DBA dropped replication by issuing sp_removedbreplication on the published database. The subscription is still set up.

I have two questions:

1 - What is the safest way to temporarily switch off replication without losing the publication or subscription? As far as I was aware (my replication knowledge isn't great), simply disabling the relevant agents would do the job.

2 - I now have the task of creating the publication again (fortunately we have a saved script). If I recreate this publication, will I be able to point the existing subscription at it?

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Replication :: Server 1 And Server 2 In Mirroring Relationship With Automatic Failover

Sep 24, 2015

I'm looking at a setup where they have server1 and server2 in a mirroring relationship with automatic failover. 

Server1 is the principalThey are using transactional replication to replicate asingle databse to server3 is AWS.Distribution database is on Server1All Agents (log reader, snapshot, distributor) run on Server1Server2 has not been set up for replication...My understanding is that in this set up you would normallly place the distribution database on a separate server and enable publication on the mirror, Server2.

What happens if they failover? Replication would stop, and presumably records added while the mirror is the active database would not be marked for replication?How would they recover?  Failback and reinintialize

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Automatic SQL Backup

Feb 9, 2008

We are working on creating an automatic backup tool for our web application.  Our goal is to run a script that "zips" the virtual host/application directory.  We have the script to zip the application directory, but is there a way to run a SQL Backup and then zip the output easily?  This is where we are struggling.
 Any Suggestions are appreciated

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Automatic Rollback

May 1, 2001

I am getting an automatic rollback in a transaction that fails to insert a row, via a trigger, due to a duplicate key. The transaction is automatically rolled back and unless the error correctly handled a 'partial update' occurs. Why in the example below is the transaction automatically rolled back (statements 1 to 3) and is there any way of knowing what errors generate an auto rollback. For example if the duplicate key error occurs on the insert into table B below, and not the triggered update, then no auto rollback occurs.

Begin Tran -- 1
insert into A values ('A1') -- 2 updates OK
insert into B values ('B1') -- 3 updates OK
-- triggers insert into B_Hist -- 4 Fails with Duplicate Key error
insert into C values ('C1') -- 5 updates OK
Commit Tran -- 6 3902 error No corresponding Begin


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Automatic Updation

Jul 14, 2000

Hi all,
I am using the odbc connector to get a local table. I want that table to get populated every night automatically. How can i do that? Also i want to check if any existing record is updated/changed in the dsn database. Any help is highly appreciated.

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Automatic Number

Jun 6, 2001

I don't know very much about Sql Server and need help.
I have two primary keys called AirlineCode e ID in the same table.
This id is an automatic number. So I don't need to input this value, since
it's created automatic. What I need is this ID be created automatic but
for each new AirlineCode the ID starts as 1 again. For example :
If I put AirlineCode = 220 then ID starts as 1. In another row AirlineCode is
also 220, then ID is 2. But in another row AirlineCode = 500, then this
automatic number come back to 1.
then the rows can be like this :

AirlineCode ID
220 1
220 2
500 1
220 3
300 1
500 2

I think I have to create a script to make this, but I don't kwon how...
Ask someone to help-me

Best Regards


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Automatic Recovery

Mar 28, 2001

Dear Friends,
I want to Automatically take Backup at 7:00 p.m cutoff Time.and automatically restore the a temporary database,generate my report and delete the database.
Friends,this backup & restore should not require any user should me automatic.
Plz can anyone help me out.

Salim g belim

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Automatic Updates

Jun 23, 2004

I have two sql 2000 server tables one is active and one is terminated (I inherited this db) and I was thinking of having the active table automatically update the terminated table when an employee is terminated. Access is at the front end and in the form of the active table theres a drop down text box that has the employement status(active, terminated, on leave...etc) so when the status turns into terminated i want the acitve table to send those records to the terminated table, ( the data in both tables are not exactly the same). looking into a trigger or stored procedure. This is the first time I've done this so I'm doing some reasearch on how to handle it. Any suggestions

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Automatic Updates

Jun 25, 2004

well as I get further into this project of automatic updates I'm fining more and more barriers. The combo list box which indicates whether the employee is terminated or active might be a problem with sql since you cant create a Row source and a Row source type in a sql table. that combo box exsist in the properties of the form. The Row Source Type is a Value List. Shoot :(

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Automatic Job Monitoring

Jul 16, 2006

I'm a SQL Server 7/2000 DBA and manages about 40 servers in different networks. Every morning I check through the Enterprise Manager if all Jobs (backup, maintenance, etc.) have run successfully. This check costs me 1 hour per day.

Because of a reorganization I've got some new college's and lost some college's. My new college's think this is to much work, so it should be automated. They only want the failed jobs to report an error on a website or something like that, and don't want to check 40 servers. I don't agree in this, because I'm affraid I'm going to miss some errors.

How do you do your checks every morning?



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Automatic Update

Apr 22, 2008


i have:

create table tbl_order
id int
,price float
,quantity int
,product nvarchar(50)
,date_of_order smalldatetime
,date_of_change smalldatetime

insert into tbl_order (id, price, quantity, product, date_of_order) values (1, 23.21, 2, 'A+B', getdate())
insert into tbl_order (id, price, quantity, product, date_of_order) values (2, 22.21, 2, 'A+B+C', getdate())

and i want to make automatic update:
-if new order is made, i want to update field date_of_change with getdate().

i want to put it in a job with some trigger or something that will recognize instant new insert.

thank you in advance,

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Automatic Failover

May 25, 2008

Hi there,
I am testing the db mirroring, making sure it will auto failover. I've stopped the SQL services on my principal and then I looked at the mirror db is says it's restoring. It stayed like that for 10 min before I enabled the mirroring again. Anyone knows why it's not failing over??????

Here's my setup: SQL 2005 Standard, Server 1 Principal, Server 2 Mirror & Witness.

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Automatic Scheduling

May 17, 2007

I have initiated database backup plan in 2005,occuring every 2 days.backup plan worked for the first 2 schedules,later backup plans is not working.I have checked the time and date setups,its all to solve.

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Automatic ID In A Primary Key?

Feb 11, 2008

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblProve](
[ID][varchar](50)NOT NULL,
[tempCountrys][varchar](100) NULL,


I have a table "dbo.tblProve" that have a Primery Key ID of type
varchar(10) and this primary key have a Default value or Binding like this:

This function "dbo.fnc_ProveNewID()" finds the max(ID) in the same table and creates the next ID.

When I insert a record into the table dbo.tblProve the function creates the new ID automatically (this is the format of the ID '0000000001' or '000000010' etc. ). But when I insert a lot of records from a Select Query it displays this message below:

Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 2
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_tblProve'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tblProve'.
The statement has been terminated.

Is there any way to create a new ID into a table automatically without to be inserted by the user or client?.

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SQL Automatic Growth

Jul 23, 2005

We use SQL 2000 and our database is configured to grow automatically by10%. Currently 96% of our database is used. At what point will thedatabase expand - what is the trigger point?

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Automatic Fields

Nov 15, 2006

Hi,it's possibile to define table fields for automatic Last_Update_Date and forCreation_date using column formula??Thanks !!!

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Automatic Process

Jul 20, 2005

I need to automatically generate via SQL, export to Excel and e-mailedto other people montly. what should I setup in the sql server?

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Automatic Update

Nov 5, 2007

I hope that a someone has answer for me.
I want create a new database in sql server and import the database tables of Dynamics CRM and of other application (Accountview) import so that I can make a link of these two databases. My question is it possible that this database update or refresh automatic and how?
The database of Dynamics CRM manages by sql server. But the database of accountview is not manages by sql server. I make a link with odbc driver for Accountview database.
Can someone help me please?

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Automatic Email

Oct 18, 2006

Dear Freind,
Its all boutt Dts.I have already created a DTSpackage and Activex script in VBscript to retrieve some particular names ...and i want to send those names through E mail.But the email should be automatic(using sql Sheduler ).Real Problem is...How can i write the code to access the DTS object from ASP.Net with VB? and How can shedule...please help me...i am hopefully waiting..........thanks in advance

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