How To Store Japanese Text In MS-SQL Server?
Oct 6, 2006
Dear All,
I am using JDK 1.5 with MS-SQL2000 as backend. I am try to store japanese text/charachters in the MS-SQL using jdbc. But whatever the japanese charaters are getting stored in MSSQL as ?????(which I think are corrupted-as read from internet.).
1. My problem is I want to store them exactly in the Japanese language formats(Kanji/or so).
2. In the same way when I am retriving it from database I am getting ???? only. Not the actual Japanese charaters which I have inserted.
P.N.: I am using:
mssqlserver.jar ---Driver DB connectivity
Can anyone suggest me the solution for the same?
Thanks in Advance,
Best Regards,
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Sep 6, 2006
Hi,my client requires a multilingual website including Japanese and Chinese. When I try to add text in Japanese and Chinese into the MSSQL database it says the data is not consistant with the data type or length, do you know how I can get round this??any help or direction would be greatly appreciatedMike
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Mar 30, 2006
Hi all,I am quite experimented with SQL Server, but not that much with fulltext indexing. After some successful attempts with english fields, I'vedecided to try it with Japanese characters. I don't know why, but itseems to have a strange behaviour.As in this screenshot(, the CONTAINSfunction does not seem to return only fields with an exact word matchof the given "word" (query), but also strange results which does noteven correspond to the query. Can anybody help me with that one?Thanks! :)ibiza
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Feb 10, 2007
I have set up a full text search to handle multiple columns searching for chinese
But the result of the search isn't really what i have expected.
I have setup the catalog to have a chiense word break, and the columns in the tables are all nvachar
when i do something like
select * from dbo.Table_1 where contains(*, '"<chinese character>"',language 1082)
the search result is really inconsistent, especially with single characters.I have also checked that these characters are not in the noise filter file....
the search result is better when the input is more than a single characters, but still, somtimes it will not return any result at all.
so, I try to use the "like" statement instead of "contains" to do the search with the same inputs, and 100% of the time, it returns the correct result.
does anyone have any experience about things like that? coz I guess this is a more spcific issue with language. Is there any place that you guys know of, can offer me some help?
thank you in advance.
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Apr 6, 2004
Can some one give me some suggest?
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Mar 21, 2008
Hi, i was wondering how to store text including paragraphs, bulletpoints, etc, in SQL server 2005. Such as the posts in this forum.
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Jun 21, 2006
I want to create a text file and write to text it by calling its assembly from Stored Procedure. Full Detail is given below
I write a code in class to create a text file and write text in it.
1) I creat a class in Visual Basic.Net 2005, whose code is given below:
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Class WLog
Public Shared Sub LogToTextFile(ByVal LogName As String, ByVal newMessage As String)
Dim w As StreamWriter = File.AppendText(LogName)
LogIt(newMessage, w)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub LogIt(ByVal logMessage As String, ByVal wr As StreamWriter)
wr.Write(ControlChars.CrLf & "Log Entry:")
wr.WriteLine("(0) {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString())
wr.WriteLine(" :")
wr.WriteLine(" :{0}", logMessage)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub LotToEventLog(ByVal errorMessage As String)
Dim log As System.Diagnostics.EventLog = New System.Diagnostics.EventLog
log.Source = "My Application"
End Sub
End Class
2) Make & register its assembly, in SQL Server 2005.
3)Create Stored Procedure as given below:
@LogName nvarchar(255), @NewMessage nvarchar(255)
4) When i execute this stored procedure as
Execute SP_LogTextFile 'C:Test.txt','Message1'
5) Then i got the following error
Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SP_LogTextFile, Line 0
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'SP_LogTextFile':
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:Test.txt' is denied.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, ileOptions options)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append)
at System.IO.File.AppendText(String path)
at WriteLog.WLog.LogToTextFile(String LogName, String newMessage)
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Mar 31, 2000
This is a long shot but does anyone know anything about setting up SQL Server in Japanese. What else is reqd. ?? NT in Japanese ?? Japanese keyboards etc. Is there a reliable convertor out there somewhere ??
help me please
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Oct 31, 2007
hi all,
In my Sql server 2000 database the japanese characters are showing ? marks. I have restored my database from a back up taken from another database which is showing the characters are in proper way. Please give me a solution for this problem. Thanks in advance
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Jul 15, 2015
I have a table called country that will store all the country related details in it. Below is the screenshot of my country table.
I want to localize this table to Japanese language. I googled out and found out that a new table needs to be created for storing the data in localized language.
If that's the case do we need to manually translate the text in the country table for each and every country?
Is there any automated process for that? Just like not translating the text manually for each and every rows..
This is because I have few more tables in which the text are not static. they will get loaded on a daily basis. So i will not be able to translate them every day..
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Oct 15, 2007
Hi All,
I am working on SQL Server 2000 ver 7.0. The Collation set for my Database Server is Latin.
I want some way by which i can insert Japanese Characters in Database. Is it related to change the Collation or any other encoding format of database.
Suppose the table 'Person' has fields id, Name, city
If i enter name in a japanese characters, then while storing it does not recongnises this format.
insert into person values(8,'満員','osaka')
id name city
8 ?? osaka
At the place of name '??' is displayed.
Please sugggest me a solution for this.
Thanks in Advance Manohar
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Feb 7, 2008
To store large amount of text which datatype is best whether text or varchar(max).
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Jun 4, 2008
I have the following Query which gives the output in XML format.
select * from <Table_Name> For XML auto
I wanted to store this output in a .Xml file at my local machine.
I would prefer to have a proc when called generates the xml and stores it on the local m/c. Any ideas ?
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Jul 7, 2005
The problem field is of type ntext, and the length is 16. We've tried changing it to varchar of length of 8000, and this didn't help either. Text datatype didn't work either.When the user pastes a word document or enters more than 11 lines of text, the field in the database goes plank.Here's the subroutine for the Insert. We will change it to a SPROC, but not in the very near future:'Build the Update StringDim strSQLWPSave As StringDim strRQW As String = Request.QueryString("WPPID")Dim strTO As String = TO.Text.ToString()Dim strWS As String = WkScope.Text.ToString()Dim strSD As String = StartDate.Text.ToString()Dim strED As String = EndDate.Text.ToString()Dim strAss As String = Assump.Text.ToString()Dim strBOE As String = BOE.Text.ToString()Dim strConf As String = ConfRat.Text.ToString()Dim str76 As String = Combo76.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()Dim strRDB As String = RevDrivenBy.Text.ToString()Dim strSigComm As String = SigComments.Text.ToString()strSQLWPSave = "Update WP_General_Info SET "strSQLWPSave &= "[TO] = '" & strTO & "', [WkScope] = '" & strWS & "', "strSQLWPSave &= "[Start Date] = '" & strSD & "', [End Date] = '" & strED & "', "strSQLWPSave &= "Assump = '" & strAss & "', BOE = '" & strBOE & "', "strSQLWPSave &= "[ConfRat] = '" & strConf & "', "strSQLWPSave &= "[WPMgrConf] = '" & str76 & "', "strSQLWPSave &= "[Rev Driven By] = '" & strRDB & "', "strSQLWPSave &= "[SigComments] = '" & strSigComm & "' "strSQLWPSave &= "WHERE WP_PId= '" & strRQW & "' "sCon1.Open()Dim cmdSave As New SqlCommand(strSQLWPSave, sCon1)'Try to open DB and execute UpdateTry'cmdDGB.ExecuteNonQuery()Dim NumberUpdated As IntegerNumberUpdated = cmdSave.ExecuteNonQuery'lblStatus.Text = NumberUpdated.ToString'lblStatus.Text &= " Record(s) Updated."Catch ex As ExceptionlblStatus.Text = "2323 Error Updating WP_G_I: "lblStatus.Text &= ex.MessageFinally'If Not (conDGB Is Nothing) Then' conDGB.Close()'End IfEnd TrysCon1.Close() I'm guessing I need to go the route of changing the data type to an image in order to allow users to to copy/paste from word documents. Do I need to go the BLOB route? I've tried to look for KB articles, but everything talks about .bmp or .jpg files.Thanks!
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Nov 9, 2006
I need to store several different types of documents (text, MS Word, PDF, etc.) in SQL Server 2005. What is the best way to store file attachments that have different MIME types?
Currently I'm using a table with a varbinary(max) column which works for binary files but not for text files. Do I need to have multiple columns in the table for different file types? Thanks in advance for your help.
CREATE TABLE dbo.[CM_Attachment] (
[Id] int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[Change_Request_Id] int NOT NULL ,
[Attachment] varbinary(max) not null,
[Created_Date] datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT GetDate() ,
[Created_By] varchar(30) NOT NULL ,
[Modified_Date] datetime NOT NULL ,
[Modified_By] varchar(30) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO CM_Attachment(Change_Request_Id, Attachment, Created_By, Modified_Date, Modified_By)
SELECT 6, BulkColumn , '', GetDate(), ''
FROM Openrowset( Bulk 'C:TestingTest Doc #1.txt', SINGLE_CLOB) -- Does not work
-- FROM Openrowset( Bulk 'C:TestingTest Doc #2.xls', Single_Blob) -- Works
-- FROM Openrowset( Bulk 'C:TestingTest Doc #3.jpg', Single_Blob) -- Works
as ChangeRequestAttachment
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Apr 4, 2007
I want to attach a error list to my email task and i want my email task to send email only if there is an error...IS this possible..
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May 27, 2008
hi guys..
i need some assistance.. i have couple of .txt file to import into database.. @ the moment i am doing by improting process in sql management.. but it's realy pain and time taking.. i got a stander file format that i import,. and the destination table if exist then ookay otherwise i just create one ..
Is it possible that i can write a Store procedure so that i can use that .... Please help me.. i dont' a single clue about this..
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May 22, 2008
Hi All,I am looking for a store procedure or any alternate method which save my html file(s) text (with or without tags) in my table column automatically when I upload my html file to my file system (local hard drive).any help will be appreciate.Thanks in advance.
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May 21, 2006
Hi. I am currently building a blog application, and I need some advice... I have the post title, post date, post by, etc stored in a database table, however I was wondering whether I should store the actual post content in the database as well or in a text file. For example, if the posts get really long would it slow down database performance or would there not be much of a difference? Furthermore, if I wanted to keep the posts private, a text file would not be ideal as it can be accessed easily by surfers... What do you recommend?Thanks a lot
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Sep 4, 2014
The FirstName and LastName values being passed in are in cyrillic text.
How do I add the N prefix in the update statement in order to store the text correctly.
I've tried FirstName = N@Firstname
or FirstName = '''N''' + @FirstName + '''
@PersonId char(9),
@OriginalSID char(9),
@FirstName Varchar(50),
@LastName Varchar(50),
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Nov 28, 2001
Hi all
We have recently used our English DB (default codepage) to store Japanese Unicode data. When adding data via ASP pages the data seems to get translated and stored into unreadable garbage (Wrong encoding?)
When Japanese data is entered direct via EM or via Access Link tables all is fine and Japanese characters are correct.
The unreadable garbage displays correctly when viewed via ASP but not via EM of Access. What is causing ASP to do this? I read article Q232580 regarding IE and UTF-8 Posts and SQL UCS-2?? Am i on the right tracks? Its all a bit confusing.
How can i get Japanese characters to store in SQL exactly as entered in ASP pages?
Thanks in adavance
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Mar 27, 2000
This is a very confusing question. Let me start:
I need to know can I use Japanese characters in SJIS format with American SQL 7 on Win2K. I must be able to integrate a Japanese language database and an English language database on one platform. Since most people working on this project are bilingual, it would be OK to get Win2K Japanese. But I am not sure how to get SQL Japanese in the states, where I am working now.
Can you helP?
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,I'm trying to read a varchar(50) field writed in Japanese using thissentence:is = rset.getBinaryStream(num);at that sentence the JDBC driver shows the following error:java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver forJDBC]Unsupported data conversion.Does anybody know why?Thank you,--__________________________________________Emilio PerezJoin Bytes!SINERGIA TECNOLÓGICAC/ Eusebio Sempere 1, Entreplanta A30003 AlicanteTel. 965 136 191www.sinergiatec.com__________________________________________La información incluida en el presente correo electrónico es CONFIDENCIAL,siendo para el uso exclusivo del destinatario arriba mencionado. Si ustedlee este mensaje y no es el destinatario señalado, el empleado o el agenteresponsable de entregar el mensaje al destinatario, o ha recibido estacomunicación por error, le informamos que está totalmente prohibidacualquier divulgación, distribución o reproducción de esta comunicación, yle rogamos que nos lo notifique, nos devuelva el mensaje original a ladirección arriba mencionada y borre el mensaje. Gracias.
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Nov 7, 2006
I'm having a small problem inserting japanese text into a ms sql database.
All the fields are of type nvarchar and in my insert statement I use N'the value of the string' to make sure it insert unicode text.
Without the N I get only '??????' in my cells and with the N I see only empty squares.
Anyone have any solution how I can insert japanese text into mssql ?
thanks in advance
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Mar 4, 2004
MS SQL 2000 on Win2000 IIS server...
I'm programming a Japanese Web application in Cold Fusion for a client. This app will be collected texbox and textarea data from people in Japan.
What's going to happen when somebody types in some Japanese characters and the survey tries to save them to the SQL 2000 database? Will it accept them? Do I need to do something special to the server so it will accept them? This is all brand new to me. I've never even seen a Japanese keyboard.
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Feb 15, 2007
Hi there,
I am a newbie in this forum, and I hope the answer to my question has not been posted somewhere already.
Since few weeks I work in Japan. We have MS SQL Server 7.0, Windows on my laptop is german XP SP2 Pro with all available updates, Office is english 2003 SP2 with all the updates.
In Access I link tables from the SQL Server via ODBC, and everything works perfectly fine. Only, I can not retrieve the japanese text, e. g. customer name. All the other relevant fields are either numeric or numbers in text fields (i. e. with leading zeros), I can read all of them without problems.
I also installed the support for east-asian languages, and in Outlook, IE, Firefox I can see the japanese characters without problems.
I really would apreciate any hint how I could solve this issue, since I spent the whole day searching for a solution, but in vain.
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Feb 21, 2007
Hi,Our school has an application in which :- Teachers enter comments through a web interface built in asp ( Comments are stored in a SQL server 2000 (in a nText field)- Comments are printed through a MS-Access 2002 front-end...Most comments are in English, Spanish or French. Some comments areEnglish + Japanese.- The Japanese teachers can enter their comments through the webinterface without any glitch.- The comments are obviously stored properly in the nText field, asthey can be displayed through the web interface.Here is where problems start to occur...- When browsing through the table using the Enterprise Manager, thecomment appears blank if it contains some Japanese.- When browsing through the table in Access (the table being linked),we can see the series of unicodes :漢字テス... while, in the next paragraph, theEnglish text is perfectly readable...- Similarly, on the printed report, the Japanese text appears as aseries of Unicodes, while the English text appears perfactly readable.If I copy the Japanese text from the web interface and paste it intothe linked table in Access, it displays perfectly and prints perfectlyin Access. But of course, I can't do that manually for all students...However, if I now look at the same record through the EnterpriseManager, I see the text (at last !) but only as a series of unreadablecharacters. I can imagine that that last problem is due to a lack ofJapanese font in the Enterprise Manager, bacause if I copy theseuneradable characters and paste them in the original web form, theydisplay perfectly...I would really appreciate if someone could help me sort out thatproblem.Many thanks for all ideas.DL
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Jul 20, 2005
I'm trying to make a site work for japanese characters. It works fineexcept for the alerts in javascript.The characters are stored in unicode, as this;'コミック全巻配'Those unicode characters are translated by the browser, but not in thealert.Am I storing it correct in the db (コ)? Or should I store thejapanese characters instead of the unicode?Thanks in advance!
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Sep 6, 2007
I have an issue in SSRS 2005.
We have reports having data in multiple lenguages.
Suppose I've a report where some columns are in Japanese and some are in English.
And Rports are build on English OS.
When I export it to PDF then Japanese Characters comes as ????
What to do?
Urgentely Need help.
Thanks in advance
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Jun 6, 2005
I'm not sure if it's the setup I did wrong, but I can't seem to get my
text datatype in my database to store more than 900 characters.
I'm trying to setup a news database for my website, which will populate
the information into a datagrid. To test, I manually added a news
item in the database through the visual studio 2003 gui. I
immediately noticed a problem as the I was getting an error after a
long news item saying:
"The value you entered is not consistent with the data type or length of the column, or over grid buffer limit."
I couldn't find anthing to set the buffer limit and the datatype is
"text" filled with simple text in the column. As a further test,
simply entered 12334567890123... up to 900 characters and still
recevied the error.
I would appreciate someone leading me in the right direction on this one.
Thanks a lot.
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Mar 8, 2004
I create my database table with a text field of nvarchar(), added some japanese kanji characters and so on. Everything works great, I can insert kanji and retrieve kanji and display them just fine from my c# application, however if I try to search for kanji using a WHERE = '' or a WHERE like '' clause, it doesn't score a match. Not even a direct one.
I'm on XP using a japanese locale with IME installed. The kanji shows up in Enterprise Manager correctly, it even shows in the query for the table, yet the WHERE clause won't record a hit. Changing the collation on the field to "Japanese" or "Japanese UNICODE" doesn't seem to have any effect.
Is there something I am missing here?
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May 15, 2002
I have a need to store records in two different languages. Has anyone done this and what were the requirements. Can you do this within the same database, table?
Thanks for all feedback.
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Aug 17, 2007
Hi experts,
I want to store japanese characters in one of my database tables. I copied some data including japanese characters from an excel sheet and pasted it to the table. that works fine.
The characters are also nicely displayed in my web application.
But I am unable to type in new characters to the table. When trying to do so, even the windows language bar does not allow me to write japanese characters!
I changed the collation of the database from Latin1_General_CI_AS to Japanese_90_CI_AS_KS_WS. I also played with the collation settings of a single column in the table, setting it to different Japanese Windows Collations. The values in the column are stored as NVARCHAR.
The strange thing is: When I insert a new table to the database then I can enter japanese characters without modifications, the table having the same properties as the one in question (at least as far as I can see).
I am stuck here, does anybody have a hint how I can solve this issue?
Additional question: Which collation should I take?
Thanks a lot for you answers!
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