Is it possible to store an email in SQL server 2000? Do we need to define our own data type for that, if yes then how? or do we have to store it as an object, again how? I want to save email after sending it by my ASP .NET application and then retrieve it at a later stage.......Anyone please help?
How can we store native .NET objects like arraylists, hashtables in Sql Server? Is this possible? If so, can anybody provide some insight on how to do this?
I am trying to call DB2 stroe procedure from within SQL server 2000 using DTS. I have the IBM odbc driver installed on the server. I have created an ACtiveX script to run in DTS and it fails staing it could not findor load the DB2 store procedure.
Has anyone come across doing this and how they did it?
I just want to store pic.bmp file in server using image datatype but don't getting how to do that .. i want to know about both the actions storing and retrieving from the image data type.. like
create table amit ( im image, );
insert into values ()... select * form Amit will it work...
I am using Windows 2003 Server English Version. I wanna store the big-5data so I install the sql server 2000 as if i install it in the Windows2000 with Server Collation of the Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CL_AS.However, the data are stored into the database server in unicodeinstead of big-5 in that of windows 2000 OS.I would like to ask how i can set so that the Sql Server 2000 can storethe big-5 data
hi.. I want to store a RMVB file to SQL SERVER 2000 ,and read from it,iwant to play the RMVB file in web,the size of the RMVB file is more than 300MB less 1G.the SQL Field Image can include it. Now My Quesstion is How can i Store and Read the RMVB file from SQL Server2000? I used SqlInsertCommand.ExecuteNoquery() in my program,but it Too slow,ao make a unknown error. Thank you for your help.
E.g, i have a store procedure. The start date is long date (4/15/2007 3:00pm). i want to select the start date with a particular date (short date format 4/15/2006). Thanks in advance.
Hello Sir, I am using sql server 2000.whenever i fetch a record from as database.i have a date field in the reurns the date with time.but i want only the time with a new format(Like- dd/MM/yyyy).So how can i do it. Pls help. alok..........
Hi all, I have encountered a problem that I can't compare the date in SQL Server 2000. But I know that maybe I have used "datetime" as data type for that field. My question is that, how can I get ONLY the "date" in stead of "datetime" from the database? Your attention is appreciated! Thank you.
Can anyone tell me how can i change the datetime format in Ms SQL Server 2000.
During i insert a data from VB to Ms SQL 2000 database, my date field return me the format as "2004-06-30 14:20:31.000". My actual format need like this "Jun 30 2004 02:20:31 PM"
I have format my coding in VB as "Format(X,"dd/MMM/YYYY HH:MM:SS"). But this look like something wrong once the data is insert to the table.
DECLARE @PriorDayDate as varchar(10) DECLARE @CurrentDayDate as varchar(10) DECLARE @StartHourTime as varchar(10) DECLARE @EndHourTime as varchar(10) DECLARE @PriorDayDateANDStartHourTime as varchar(20) DECLARE @PriorDayDateANDEndHourTime as varchar(20) DECLARE @CurrentDayDateANDStartHourTime as varchar(20) DECLARE @CurrentDayDateANDEndHourTime as varchar(20)
--select @PriorDayDate --select @CurrentDayDate --select @StartHourTime --select @EndHourTime --select @PriorDayDateANDStartHourTime --select @PriorDayDateANDEndHourTime select cast(@PriorDayDateANDStartHourTime as datetime) as 'PD Start Time' select cast(@PriorDayDateANDEndHourTime as datetime) as 'PD End Time' select cast(@CurrentDayDateANDStartHourTime as datetime) as 'CD Start Time' select cast(@CurrentDayDateANDEndHourTime as datetime) as 'CD End Time'
I'm working with a table with more than 2 million rows. The problem is that the table has a field called "ShipDate" of type nvarchar. When I try to change the data type to DateTime sql server throws a data conversion error.
I noticed that the date format is as follow: 2006-10-23, so, is there a way sql server takes this field and change it using the field values and applying the correct format? meaning: 10/23/2006
Hi I'm trying to store dates in this format as I have generated a control in which stores dates in this format as per the clients request. I am using the datetime type in my tables. How do exclude the time part of the value and get it to save in the above format. Using sql 2005. Localisation is currently set to 'en-gb'. Thanks.
Does anyone know if its possible to configure sql server 2000 so it reads in the date in a different format. Right now, it takes the date in the following format month day year. I want it to take in day month year instead.
I am using and that is properly configured to give day month year, but then this date is sent to sql server, i get into problems
I'm new to sql. Can someone help me to write a script to select overlapping start dates for each client records. For example: Clientid 1 have 3 episode as below(I only want to see the first two records with overlapping start date records)
(I may be in the wrong forum.) How do I obtain/find the properties of a table using SQL Query Analyer (SQL Server 2000)? Specifically, I would like to run a query to find the most recent date of any transaction on a table. I have a script that I use for SQL Server 2005 but it doesn't work in 2000. I don't know 2000 but I'm guessing that the syntax is different?
Here's the 2005 SQL Server script (stolen from 2005 Books Online BTW):
hello, i have a database that will be updated on a certain datei have a column "UPDATE_DATE" which specifies the updating date, my question is"how should i make the trigger or stored procedure runs only on the date that has been specified"thanks for the assistance
in my local sql server,i want one of my databases store date in dd-mm-yy format,currently it stored in mm-dd-yy format,and i want this format specific to this database only,it should not affect on my other can i get this??
i want to store a date into sqlserver database using stored procedure. when i run app. it will give this error....... ---------------------------------- Server Error in '/aspnet/espms' Application. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
Source Error:
Line 349: cmd.Parameters(6).Value = CType(ddldeltype.SelectedValue, Integer) Line 350: cmd.Parameters(7).Value = txtshipnm.Text Line 351: If cmd.ExecuteNonQuery Then Line 352: add = True Line 353: Else
Hello i have this store proc with the syntax below. The getdate get the current date but i need to change the date this one time to 3/20/2005. I was wondering is there a way to do that an not modify my sp. I tried to harcode 3/20/2005 as asofdate and i get all 0 in my table.
I was hoping there's a way to make the Date, which I have as date/time, get taken from my computer so the user doesn't have to enter anything into the text boxes on my page.
I'm using ColdFusion, and know I can do this through code, but am wondering if it's possible for sql to do this also.
And, if you know of any good ColdFusion sites, I would appreciate it...I really want to nest <cfoutput> tags, but it's really tricky.
Hello I have and tested in 2 way using variable and constant. Query 1: This query I am using vaiable "@last" for the date value. this takes to run for 2 minute .
Query 2: Here I am using value '11/05/2002' instead of varialbe and it is running within a second.
Why these much difference to run this same query?. Can anybody give correct reason or solution for this. Thanks, Ravi
query 1: DECLARE @last smalldatetime SET @last ='11/05/2002'
select distinct(o.account_num),a.enterprise_num,a.site_nu m from oesd.dbo.order_header o WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN oesd.dbo.account a WITH(NOLOCK) ON a.account_num = o.account_num and o.added_date > @last UNION select distinct(o.account_num),a.enterprise_num,a.site_nu m from oesd.dbo.order_header o WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN oesd.dbo.account a WITH(NOLOCK) ON a.account_num = o.account_num INNER JOIN Leap.dbo.ENTERPRISE_STATE es WITH(NOLOCK) ON (a.enterprise_num = es.ENTERPRISE_NUM AND o.last_updated_date > @last)
Query 2:
select distinct(o.account_num),a.enterprise_num,a.site_nu m from oesd.dbo.order_header o WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN oesd.dbo.account a WITH(NOLOCK) ON a.account_num = o.account_num and o.added_date > '11/05/2002' UNION select distinct(o.account_num),a.enterprise_num,a.site_nu m from oesd.dbo.order_header o WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN oesd.dbo.account a WITH(NOLOCK) ON a.account_num = o.account_num INNER JOIN Leap.dbo.ENTERPRISE_STATE es WITH(NOLOCK) ON (a.enterprise_num = es.ENTERPRISE_NUM AND o.last_updated_date > '11/05/2002' )
I have a Sql Server 2000 installation and my server is Win2k sp2English.If i run a query with WHERE condition, for example,SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE DATEOFBIRTH ='2004-01-15'my resultset contain the records correct.But the results with the same query, which run on a Sql Server 2000installation with same collation and a server Win2k Italian, is:'La conversione del tipo di dati da char a datetime ha generato unvalore di tipo datetime non compresonell'intervallo di valori validi.'English error:'Converting data type from char to datetime has generated a datetimevalue that is out of range of valid values'It is not possible to change all query in my client application.How I can have the same results for the same query in bothinstallations?Thanks in advantageMaurizio
Hi this is my problem. mshflexgrid converts date value from to yyyy-mm-dd or mm.dd.yyyy
When i use JetOLEDB & .mdb file I can show correctly date type field in mshflexgrid with str() function. For example"Select str(MyDateField) from table set mshflexgrid.datasource = rst
i can see ' namely good when i dont use str() function i see mm.dd.yyyy ' bad version
Now, i'm using SQL server 2000 & mdf file. mshflexgrid don't show correctly date field ( i want it to be like ) because i cant use str() function with SQL sever 2000 & mdf file
For example"Select str(MyDateField) from table... occur error When i want to use Convert function in SQL server 2000 & mdf file it automaticly converts it like Jun 18 2004 12:00AM but i dont want this
I want see this 18.06.2004 in Mshflexgrid. What can i do. help me pls.