How To Test Stored Procedure With Output Parameters In Management Studio

Jun 6, 2007

I have this SP:


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetSessionInformation]
@CustomerID int,
@Success bit OUTPUT,
@Email VarChar(55) OUTPUT,
@FirstName VarChar(55) OUTPUT,
@LastName VarChar(50) OUTPUT,
@PhoneNumber VarChar(50) OUTPUT,
@CompanyName VarChar(50) OUTPUT


DECLARE @UserKey AS int

SELECT @CustomerID = CustomerID
FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID

IF @CustomerID IS NULL
SET @Success = 0
SET @Success = 1


SELECT customerID, Email, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, CompanyName
FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerID = @UserKey

How do I test it in management studio?

When I run a EXECUTE GetSessionInformation 56

I get this error:
Procedure 'GetSessionInformation' expects parameter '@Success', which was not supplied.

Thanks for any help!

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ADO.NET 2-VB 2005 Express Form1:Printing Output Of Returned Data/Parameters From The Parameters Collection Of A Stored Procedure

Mar 12, 2008

Hi all,
From the "How to Call a Parameterized Stored Procedure by Using ADO.NET and Visual Basic.NET" in, I copied the following code to a project "pubsTestProc1.vb" of my VB 2005 Express Windows Application:

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.SqlDbType

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Dim PubsConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;integrated security=sspi;" & "initial Catalog=pubs;")

Dim testCMD As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("TestProcedure", PubsConn)

testCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Dim RetValue As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("RetValue", SqlDbType.Int)

RetValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue

Dim auIDIN As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("@au_idIN", SqlDbType.VarChar, 11)

auIDIN.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

Dim NumTitles As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("@numtitlesout", SqlDbType.Int)

NumTitles.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

auIDIN.Value = "213-46-8915"


Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = testCMD.ExecuteReader()

Console.WriteLine("Book Titles for this Author:")

Do While myReader.Read

Console.WriteLine("{0}", myReader.GetString(2))



Console.WriteLine("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value))

Console.WriteLine("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value))

End Sub

End Class

The original article uses the code statements in pink for the Console Applcation of VB.NET. I do not know how to print out the output of ("Book Titles for this Author:"), ("{0}", myReader.GetString(2)), ("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value)) and ("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value)) in the Windows Application Form1 of my VB 2005 Express. Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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Stored Procedure With Output Parameters

Feb 11, 2008

i built a stored procedure with inserting in to customers table.
i have one column with identity.
so want to take that identity column value in the same stored procedure.
so how can i write that procedure with insert in to statements in that stored procedures.

can any one tell me.
also how to get that value in 2.0.
friends please tell me.

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Stored Procedure Output Parameters

Aug 3, 2004


I've an existing SQL 2000 Stored Procedure that return data in many (~20) output parameters.

I'm starting to use it in a .Net c# application and it seems to insist that I setup all the output parameters:
SqlParameter param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@BackgroundColour",SqlDbType.TinyInt);
even if I only need the value of a single one.
Is this right? Is there a way to avoid coding every one every time?

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Stored Procedure And Output Parameters

Dec 3, 2005

EXEC('SELECT COUNT(docid) AS Total FROM docs  WHERE ' + @QueryFilter)I want to get the cound as an output parameter.I can get output parameters to work only when I dont use EXEC. I need to use EXEC for this case since @QueryFilter gets generated in the stored procedure based on some some other data.How can I get that count using ouput parameter?

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Stored Procedure And Output Parameters

Mar 23, 2007


I hope someone can help.

I've written a stored procedure that returns a value via an output parameter.

I'm calling the stored procedure in an sql session is a loop, and it passes the value back correctly the first time, but all subsequent calls the output parameter appears to have the same value. I believe that I'm making some very basic mistake, but I can't work it out.

Here's how I'm calling the stored procedure several times
declare @instrumentid int
exec GetInstrumentId 'OFX,AUDCHF,p,1,2007-03-20 16:54:21.843,2007-06-20,100.1', @instrumentid output;
select @instrumentid
exec GetInstrumentId 'OFX,AUDUSD,c,2,2007-03-20 16:54:21.843,2007-06-20,100.2', @instrumentid output;
select @instrumentid
exec GetInstrumentId 'OFX,AUDCHF,p,3,2007-03-20 16:54:21.843,2007-06-20,100.3', @instrumentid output;
select @instrumentid

And this is the start of the stored procedure

Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetInstrumentId]
(@Ticket varchar(250), @InstrumentId int output)

If I call the stored procedure once it gives the corect output, if I call it several times the output parameter (@instrumentid ) never changes.


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OUT And OUTPUT - Stored Procedure Parameters.

Nov 19, 2006

Hi All,

The following is a code snippit. My main interests are the OUT and OUTPUT parameter keywords. One returns a single value, and the other seemingly a resultset. OUTPUT returns a single value, however OUT seems to return a list of values. Could I please get this confirmed?

Also, I cannot see how the value being returned by OUT is being iterated...

Any help on the obove two matters is appreciated.

Thank You


BEGIN SNIPPET----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--The following example creates the Production.usp_GetList

--stored procedure, which returns a list of products that have

--prices that do not exceed a specified amount.

USE AdventureWorks;


IF OBJECT_ID ( 'Production.uspGetList', 'P' ) IS NOT NULL

DROP PROCEDURE Production.uspGetList;


CREATE PROCEDURE Production.uspGetList @Product varchar(40)

, @MaxPrice money

, @ComparePrice money OUTPUT

, @ListPrice money OUT


SELECT p.[Name] AS Product, p.ListPrice AS 'List Price'

FROM Production.Product AS p

JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory AS s

ON p.ProductSubcategoryID = s.ProductSubcategoryID

WHERE s.[Name] LIKE @Product AND p.ListPrice < @MaxPrice;

-- Populate the output variable @ListPprice.

SET @ListPrice = (SELECT MAX(p.ListPrice)

FROM Production.Product AS p

JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory AS s

ON p.ProductSubcategoryID = s.ProductSubcategoryID

WHERE s.[Name] LIKE @Product AND p.ListPrice < @MaxPrice);

-- Populate the output variable @compareprice.

SET @ComparePrice = @MaxPrice;


--- USE

DECLARE @ComparePrice money, @Cost money

EXECUTE Production.uspGetList '%Bikes%', 700,

@ComparePrice OUT,


IF @Cost <= @ComparePrice


PRINT 'These products can be purchased for less than

$'+RTRIM(CAST(@ComparePrice AS varchar(20)))+'.'



PRINT 'The prices for all products in this category exceed

$'+ RTRIM(CAST(@ComparePrice AS varchar(20)))+'.'


--- Partial Result Set


--Product List Price

---------------------------------------------------- ------------------

--Road-750 Black, 58 539.99

--Mountain-500 Silver, 40 564.99

--Mountain-500 Silver, 42 564.99


--Road-750 Black, 48 539.99

--Road-750 Black, 52 539.99


--(14 row(s) affected)


--These items can be purchased for less than $700.00.

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How To Save A Stored Procedure With Management Studio?

Jul 30, 2007

i can make and save a stored procedure in Visual Web Developer (via Database Explorer). It appears then in the list op stored procedure in Management Sudio.
But how to do the same in Management Studio? When i make a sp and i want to save it, Management Studio asks me a name, but put the file in a Projects directory in 'My documents'. It never appears in the list of sp.

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How To Extract Output Parameters From A Stored Procedure.

Jan 25, 2008

I am stuck on how to syntactically retrieve an output value (@ProdCount) from a stored procedure. The SPROC works fine: the value of @ProdCount appears correctly in the output window. However, I can't retrieve it in the DAL handler (value remains 0). Does anyone have an idea on how to properly extract the return value. TIA for any pointers.SPROC (abridged): ALTER PROCEDURE and_Store_GetProductsByProdCatID_SortPage (@ProdCatID INT,...@ProdCount INT OUTPUT

ASSELECT @ProdCount=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM and_StoreProduct WHERE ProdCatID= @ProdCatID)DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(4000)SET @SQL = 'WITH tmpProd AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() etc.. )SELECT ProdID, etc..FROM tmpProdWHERE Row BETWEEN etc..ORDER BY etc..'

EXECUTE(@SQL)RETURNDAL handler (abridged): Public Overloads Shared Function GetProductListByCatID(ByVal ProdCatID As Integer, ..., ByVal ProdCount As Integer) As List(Of Product) Dim productList As List(Of Product) = New List(Of Product) Try
Using con As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("conAnders").ConnectionString) Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("and_Store_GetProductsByProdCatID_SortPage", con) cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProdCatID", ProdCatID) '...
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProdCount", ProdCount) ' Output parm. Add dummy value.

Dim objProduct As Product 'Temp Product.

Using myReader As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) While myReader.Read() objProduct = New Product() With objProduct .ProdID = myReader.GetInt32(myReader.GetOrdinal("ProdID")) 'etc..
End With

End While Dim tmp As Object = cmd.Parameters("@ProdCount").Value ' <-- Not updated

myReader.Close() End Using End Using Catch ex As Exception Throw ' Pass up the error.
End Try Return productList End Function  

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Stored Procedure With Parameters OUTPUT And RETURN VALUE

Oct 26, 2000


How I building a stored procedure that
return a output parameter and value return that I can
call from other stored procedure or VB ?

thank you in advance

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Rename A Stored Procedure In Server Management Studio

Jan 18, 2008

How do you rename a stored procedure in SQL Server Management Studio?  I tried right clicking on the stored procedure and I don't see a Rename option.

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Issue With NULLs And Output Parameters In A Stored Procedure.

Jun 12, 2008

I am trying to set up a stored procedure to return details about an item in my database. Say I use the following declarations for a stored procedure:
@Parameter1 int output,
@Parameter2 varchar(200) output,
@Parameter3 int output
and then I used a query like:
select @Parameter1 = table.field1, @Parameter2 = table.field2, @Parameter3 = table.field3 from table where itemID = 7
to populate the output parameters the problem I am running into is that if @Parameter1 is null, then @Parameter2 and @Parameter3 also return as null.  But, If i rewrite the declarations to:
@Parameter3 int output,
@Parameter2 varchar(200) output,
@Parameter1 int output
then, with the same query, @Parameter3 and @Parameter2 get the values they should, even if @Parameter1 is null
does anyone have any ideas?
I guess another question is, I am right now in the code itself (not the demonstration here) returning 6 values, since this procedure will only ever return one record, I decided to implement it as output variables, rather than returning a 1 record result set to the application.  Am I better off just returning the 1 record result set then parsing it out into variables in the application?
Thanks in advance

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Binding Stored Procedure OUTPUT Parameters To A TextBox, How?

Oct 11, 2004

Hi all;

How can I show the Name & Age of the selected student's ID in the appropriate TextBox(s) (txtName & txtAge)?


My "ShowStudent" stored procedure:

@ID int

And this is the code for "Show" button:

' Which SP? Connection?
Dim cmdSelect As New SqlCommand("ShowStudent", con)
cmdSelect.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

'-----[ Spacifay SP parameters ]-----

cmdSelect.Parameters.Add("@ID", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
cmdSelect.Parameters("@ID").Value = CType(txtID.Text, Integer)

'Open Connection

'-----[ Execute the select command ]-----



'Close connection

End Sub

So, do I have to use an OUTPUT parameter in the stored procedure? If Yes, How to get its (the parameter) value and bind it to the appropriate TextBox?

Hope my question is clear!!

Thanks in advanced!

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Esql/C Calling Stored Procedure With Output Parameters

Dec 6, 2004

I'm trying to write an esqlc program that will run a stored procedure that returns several output parameters. I haven't been able to find any documentation to date that explains how to run the "EXEC SQL EXECUTE procname" command and specify the output parameters.

My stored procedure "aek_proc1" takes one input parameter (p1 - an 8-character string) and 3 output parameters (p2 - an integer; p3 - an 8-character string, and p4 a 40-character string).

My esqlc program contains the following code….

char p1[9];
int p2;
char p3[9];
char p4[41];

sprintf(&p1[0], "GL");
p2 = 0;
sprintf(&p3[0], "");
sprintf(&p4[0], "");

EXEC SQL EXECUTE aek_proc1 :p1,

I am getting errors at runtime about constants being passed for OUTPUT parameters.

I can run the same stored procedure in Query Analyser and it works beautifully (see below)

declare @p1 char(8)
declare @p2 integer
declare @p3 char(8)
declare @p4 char(40)

set @p1 = 'GL'

execute aek_proc1 @p1, @p2 output, @p3 output, @p4 output

select @p1 p1, @p2 p2, @p3 p3, @p4 p4

Any idea what I'm doing wrong or how it should be coded?

I'd really appreciate any advice you can offer!!

I've spend hours browsing this newsgroup and found lots of examples of how to do this in VB and from Query Analyser but I can't find any examples for ESQL/C that work.

So, please help!!!


AllanK :rolleyes:

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Stored Procedure:high Number Of Output Parameters

Feb 23, 2008

If I want to get back about 30 strings as output parameters from a stored procedure, what is my best bet? Each string is upto 50 characters each.

Do I send them back individually as seperate parameters? Return as a large parsed string? Return as XML?


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How Do I Create A Stored Procedure In SQL Server Management Studio Express?

Dec 5, 2006

I have wrriten many stored procedures in the past without issue, but this is my first time using SQL Server Management Studio Express.  I am having trouble creating a new stored procedure.  Here is what's happening:
I am opening my database, right clicking on "Stored Procedures" and selecting "New Stored Procedure".  A new window opens with a template for creating a stored procedure.  The window is called: "SQLEXPRESS.DBName - sqlquery1.sql".  I then type up my stored procedure without an issue.
However, when I go to save the stored procedure it wants to save it as a separate file in a projects folder.  It does not become part of the DB (as far as I can tell).
When I used to use Enterprise Manager (not an option anymore) this never happened.
I'm sure I'm doing something dumb.  Can someone enlighten me.

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Attaching A Stored Procedure To A Database In MS SQL Server Management Studio

Feb 20, 2008

Hello all!

Quick question... I've created my DB in MSSQLSMS, then attempted to created a stored procedure for it. The code itself is fine, I just need to know how to actually attach it so that it appears in the "Stored Procedures" section of my Database.

I have Right Clicked on Stored Procedures > New Stored Procedure... > Edited as required > Save

When I attempt to save it, it prompts me for a file. That's fine, did that - but I can't see ANY way to actually attach this to the DB.

Any help is appreciated!

Daniel Davies

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How To Empty A Stored Procedure In Ms Sql Server Management Studio Express

Apr 13, 2007

hi everyone,

I have a db based on the Tracking_Schema.sql / Tracking_Logic.sql (find in &windir%/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v3.0/Windows Workflow Foundation/SQL/EN), so after executing both of them I get several stored procedures, especially dbo.GetWorkflows. And I have a solution in VS05 which when executed is filling this stored procedure with Instance-Id´s. My question is: how is the working command (like exec, truncate,..) to empty my st.procedure, not to drop/delete it?

Thanks in advance, best regards


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Executing Oracle Stored Procedure With Output Parameters Using ADO.NET Connection

Apr 11, 2007

I am a bit confused by an issue that I am having with executing an Oracle stored procedure (with an output parameter) using an ADO.NET connection object. I am able to get this working using an OLEDB connection, but I have no idea why the ADO.NET connection doesn't work. (Bug, by design, or my ignorance?) Actually, I can even get this to work if I use the .NET Providers for OLE DBMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for ORACLE if we set the connectionType to ADO.NET. This is the error that I am receiving:

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "pkg_utility_read.test_out_var " failed with the following error: "The OracleParameterCollection only accepts non-null OracleParameter type objects, not SqlParameter objects.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

It is also worth mentioning that the ORACLE stored procedure has an out parameter with a NUMBER datatype which I think maps to the ADO.NET Int32 datatype. I guess OLE DB datatypes are more closely mapped to ORACLE datatypes. In OLE DB you can set the parameter to double and the ORACLE stored procedure to NUMBER and it works.

Any help on this would be most appriciated.

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Stored Procedure Not Returning OUTPUT Parameters To Visual Basic Program

Mar 24, 2008

I have coded a stored procedure to return nearly all of the columns of a single record selected by using a unique key value. The record is in an SQL database, not within an in-memory DataSet. All of the parameters that I wish to have returned to my program are defined as OUTPUT; the two key values are defaulted to INPUT, as there is no need to return them to the calling program. I also have defined the direction of these parameters in the calling SQLDataAdapter function. However, when I run this, the values returned are either the current date for my DateTime parameters, Nothing for my Char parameters or 0's for my integer parameters.

When I try testing the sproc alone, by using the "Step Into Stored Procedure" action in Visual Studio, I get a message in the Debug Output window indicating that parameter @TktClassID was expected and not supplied. This is an OUTPUT parameter, which makes me question why I should be providing any sort of value for it within my VB code. Following are the function definition from my SQLDataAdapter class that calls my sproc, and the sproc itself. I appreciate any help that anyone can provide.


Public Function Fetch(ByVal ticket As Ticket) As Ticket
Dim connbuilder As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder
connbuilder("Data Source") = "ITS-KCGV7VZSQLEXPRESS"
connbuilder("Integrated Security") = "True"
connbuilder("Initial Catalog") = "ITSHelpDesk"
Using conn As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connbuilder.ConnectionString)

Using comm As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("dbo.TicketFetch", conn)
comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim parm As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter

'Add Input parameters (i.e. Key values)

'Add @TicketYear parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@TicketYear", SqlDbType.SmallInt)
parm.Value = DBNull.Value
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'Add @TicketID parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@TicketID", SqlDbType.Int)
parm.Value = DBNull.Value
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

'Add Output parameters

'Add @TktClassID parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@TktClassID", SqlDbType.SmallInt)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.TktClassID
'Add @TktRequestTypeID parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@TktRequestTypeID", SqlDbType.SmallInt)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.TktRequestTypeID
'Add @DateOpened parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DateOpened", SqlDbType.DateTime)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DateOpened
'Add @DateClosed parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DateClosed", SqlDbType.DateTime)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DateClosed
'Add @DateLastAssigned parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DateLastAssigned", SqlDbType.DateTime)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DateLastAssigned
'Add @DateLastStatusChange parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DateLastStatusChange", SqlDbType.DateTime)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DateLastStatusChange
'Add @TktStatus parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@TktStatusID", SqlDbType.SmallInt)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.TktStatusID
'Add @DescrRequest parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DescrRequest", SqlDbType.VarChar)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DescrRequest
'Add @DescrResolution parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DescrResolution", SqlDbType.VarChar)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DescrResolution
parm.Value = " " 'Handle bug?
'Add @OpenStatus parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@OpenStatus", SqlDbType.Bit)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.OpenStatus
'Add @UserLastUpdate parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@UserLastUpdate", SqlDbType.Char)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.UserLastUpdate
'Add @DateLastUpdate parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DateLastUpdate", SqlDbType.DateTime)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DateLastUpdate
End Using
End Using

Return ticket

End Function


USE [ITSHelpDesk]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[TicketFetch] Script Date: 03/24/2008 08:40:53 ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author: Tim Peters
-- Create date: 3/17/2008
-- Description: Fetch Ticket from Ticket table
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[TicketFetch]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@TicketYear smallint = 0,
@TicketID int = 0,
@TktClassID smallint = NULL OUTPUT,
@TktRequestTypeID smallint = NULL OUTPUT,
@DateOpened datetime = NULL OUTPUT,
@DateClosed datetime = NULL OUTPUT,
@DateLastAssigned datetime = NULL OUTPUT,
@DateLastStatusChange datetime = NULL OUTPUT,
@TktStatusID smallint = NULL OUTPUT,
@DescrRequest varchar(500) = NULL OUTPUT,
@DescrResolution varchar(500) = NULL OUTPUT,
@OpenStatus bit = NULL OUTPUT,
@UserLastUpdate char(10) = NULL OUTPUT,
@DateLastUpdate datetime = NULL OUTPUT
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

-- Insert statements for procedure here
@TktClassID = [TktClassID],
@TktRequestTypeID = [TktRequestTypeID],
@DateOpened = [DateOpened],
@DateClosed = [DateClosed],
@DateLastAssigned = [DateLastAssigned],
@DateLastStatusChange = [DateLastStatusChange],
@TktStatusID = [TktStatusID],
@DescrRequest = [DescrRequest],
@DescrResolution = [DescrResolution],
@OpenStatus = [OpenStatus],
@UserLastUpdate = [UserLastUpdate],
@DateLastUpdate = [DateLastUpdate]
FROM [dbo].[Ticket]
WHERE [TicketYear] = @TicketYear AND [TicketID] = @TicketID

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Testing A Stored Procedure With Output Params In SQL Server Managment Studio

Sep 25, 2007

I have an SP like this (edited for brevity):


@Username MediumText,
@Password MediumText,
@UserKey int OUTPUT,
@RoleKey int OUTPUT,
@UserGroupKey int OUTPUT,



@UserKey = UserKey
FROM UserProfile
WHERE Username = @UserName
AND [Password] = @Password

I want to execute this sp in Managment Studio (MS) and see what is being returned but I'm getting this error:

Msg 201, Level 16, State 4, Procedure TESTING_SP, Line 0
Procedure 'TESTING_SP' expects parameter '@UserKey', which was not supplied.

How do I set up the output parameters and then select the values in MS for testing purposes?

Thanks a ton for helping a noob.

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Help: Why Excute A Stored Procedure Need To More 30 Seconds, But Direct Excute The Query Of This Procedure In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Under 1 Second

May 23, 2007

Hello to all,
I have a stored procedure. If i give this command exce ShortestPath 3418, '4125', 5 in a script and excute it. It takes more 30 seconds time to be excuted.
but i excute it with the same parameters  direct in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio , It takes only under 1 second time
I don't know why?
Maybe can somebody help me?
thanks in million
best Regards
My Procedure Codes are here:set ANSI_NULLS ON
-- =============================================
-- Author: <Author,,Name>
-- Create date: <Create Date,,>
-- Description: <Description,,>
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ShortestPath] (@IDMember int, @IDOther varchar(1000),@Level int, @Path varchar(100) = null output )
if ( @Level = 1)
select @Path = convert(varchar(100),IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships
where wtcomValidRelationships.[IDMember]= @IDMember
and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',(select RelationshipIDs from wtcomValidRelationships where IDMember = @IDMember) ) > 0
if (@Level = 2)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',B.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if (@Level = 3)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+ '-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B, wtcomValidRelationships as C
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember),B.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',C.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if ( @Level = 4)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+ '-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B, wtcomValidRelationships as C, wtcomValidRelationships as D
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember),B.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and charindex(convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember), C.RelationshipIDs) > 0
and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',D.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if (@Level = 5)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+ '-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),E.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B, wtcomValidRelationships as C, wtcomValidRelationships as D, wtcomValidRelationships as E
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember),B.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and charindex(convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember), C.RelationshipIDs) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),E.IDMember),D.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',E.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if (@Level = 6)
select top 1 @Path = '' from wtcomValidRelationships

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Built Database With SQL Server Management Studio Express, How Can I Quikly Add Test Data?

Apr 13, 2006

I've built my SQL Server Express database with SQL Serevr Management Studio Express, and now I want to enter some seed data to assist in building tha app around it. I cannot find an option to manage the data in SQL SMSX, like I used to with Enterprise Manager.
I don't want to have to write an app just to get test data in. Seems like this should be a common need. Am I missing something obvious here? Can't find any reference to this in a search of the forums.
Please help.

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Integration Services :: Calling Oracle Stored Procedure With Output Parameters In OleDB Command Task?

Nov 7, 2015

I want to call "oracle" stored procedure with output parameter from SSIS ole db command task.

Actually I am able to successfully call the procedure but my Output value is not updating in the mapped column.

I used below PL/SQL query.

PARAM1 => ?,
PARAM2 => ?,
? := IS_VALID;

If I try to supply "OUTPUT" word I get error:

"ORA-06550: line 1, column 45:

PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "OUTPUT" when expecting one of the following:   . ( ) , * @ % & = - + < / >"

how to receive output parameter value of oledb command while calling oracle stored procedures.

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Accessing A Stored Procedure From ADO.NET 2.0-VB 2005 Express:How To Define/add 1 Output &&amp; 2 Input Parameters In Param. Coll.?

Feb 23, 2008

Hi all,

In a Database "AP" of my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE), I have a stored procedure "spInvTotal3":

CREATE PROC [dbo].[spInvTotal3]

@InvTotal money OUTPUT,

@DateVar smalldatetime = NULL,

@VendorVar varchar(40) = '%'

This stored procedure "spInvTotal3" worked nicely and I got the Results: My Invoice Total = $2,211.01 in
my SSMSE by using either of 2 sets of the following EXEC code:
--Code that passes the parameters by position
DECLARE @MyInvTotal money
EXEC spInvTotal3 @MyInvTotal OUTPUT, '2006-06-01', 'P%'
PRINT 'My Invoice Total = $' + CONVERT(varchar,@MyInvTotal,1)
DECLARE @InvTotal as money
EXEC spInvTotal3
@InvTotal = @InvTotal OUTPUT,
@DateVar = '2006-06-01',
@VendorVar = '%'
SELECT @InvTotal
Now, I want to print out the result of @InvTotal OUTPUT in the Windows Application of my ADO.NET 2.0-VB 2005 Express programming. I have created a project "spInvTotal.vb" in my VB 2005 Express with the following code:

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.SqlTypes

Public Class Form1

Public Sub printMyInvTotal()

Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=AP; Integrated Security=SSPI;"

Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)



Dim cmd As New SqlCommand

cmd.Connection = conn

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

cmd.CommandText = "[dbo].[spInvTotal3]"

Dim param As New SqlParameter("@InvTotal", SqlDbType.Money)

param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output



'Print out the InvTotal in TextBox1

TextBox1.Text = param.Value

Catch ex As Exception





End Try

End Sub

End Class
I executed the above code and I got no errors, no warnings and no output in the TextBox1 for the result of "InvTotal"!!??
I have 4 questions to ask for solving the problems in this project:
#1 Question: I do not know how to do the "DataBinding" for "Name" in the "Text.Box1".
How can I do it?
#2 Question: Did I set the CommandType property of the command object to
CommandType.StoredProcedure correctly?
#3 Question: How can I define the 1 output parameter (@InvTotal) and
2 input parameters (@DateVar and @VendorVar), add them to
the Parameters Collection of the command object, and set their values
before I execute the command?
#4 Question: If I miss anything in print out the result for this project, what do I miss?

Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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T-SQL And Visual Basic 2005 Codes That Execute A User-Defined Stored Procedure In Management Studio:How To Declare EXEC &&amp; Sp?

Jan 17, 2008

Hi all,

In my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE), I executed the following sql code suuccessfully:



CREATE PROC sp_insertNewRecord @procPersonID int,

@procFirstName nvarchar(20),

@procLastName nvarchar(20),

@procAddress nvarchar(50),

@procCity nvarchar(20),

@procState nvarchar(20),

@procZipCode nvarchar(20),

@procEmail nvarchar(50)


VALUES (@procPersonID, @procFirstName, @procLastName, @procAddress,

@procCity, @procState, @procZipCode, @procEmail)


EXEC sp_insertNewRecord 7, 'Peter', 'Wang', '678 Old St', 'Detroit',

'Michigon', '67899', ''


Now, I want to insert a new record into the dbo.Friends table of my shcDB by executing the following T-SQL and Visual Basic 2005 codes that are programmed in a VB2005 Express project "CallshcDBspWithAdoNet":

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.SqlTypes

Public Class Form1

Public Sub InsertNewFriend()

Dim connectionString As String = "Integrated Security-SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;" + _

"Initial Catalog=shcDB;Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS"

Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)



Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_InsertNewRecord", connection)

command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

EXEC sp_insertNewRecord 6, 'Craig', 'Utley', '5577 Baltimore Ave',

'Ellicott City', 'MD', '21045', ''

Console.WriteLine("Row inserted: " + _


Catch ex As Exception





End Try

End Sub

End Class

I ran the above project in VB 2005 Express and I got the following 5 errors:
1. Name 'EXEC' is not declared (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
2. Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
3. Name 'sd-insertNewRecord' is not declared. (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
4.Comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
5. Expression expected (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
I know that "EXEC sp_insertNewRecord 6, 'Craig', 'Utley', '5577 Baltimore Ave',

'Ellicott City', 'MD', '21045', '' "in Line 16 of Form1.vb is grossly in error.
But I am new in doing the programming of T-SQL in VB 2005 Express and I am not able to change it.

Please help and advise me how to correct these problems.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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T-SQL And Visual Basic 2005 Codes That Execute A User-Defined Stored Procedure In Management Studio Express (Part 2)

Jan 23, 2008

Hi Jonathan Kehayias, Thanks for your valuable response.

I had a hard time to sumbit my reply in that original thread yesterday. So I created this new thread.

Here is my response to the last code/instruction you gave me:

I corrected a small mistake (on Integrated Security-SSPI and executed the last code you gave me.

I got the following debug error message:

1) A Box appeared and said: String or binary data would be truncated.

The statement has been terminated.


2) After I clicked on the |OK| button, the following message appeared:

This "SqlException was unhandled

String or binary data would be truncated.

The statement has been terminated."

is pointing to the "Throw" code statement in the middle of


Catch ex As Exception





Please help and advise how to correct this problem in my project that is executed in my VB 2005 Express-SQL Server Management Studio Express PC.

Scott Chang

The code of my Form1.vb is listed below:

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.SqlTypes

Public Class Form1

Public Sub InsertNewFriend()

Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=shcDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;"

Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)



Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_insertNewRecord", connection)

command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

command.Parameters.Add("@procPersonID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 7

command.Parameters.Add("@procFirstName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "Craig"

command.Parameters.Add("@procLastName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "Utley"

command.Parameters.Add("@procAddress", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "5577 Baltimore Ave"

command.Parameters.Add("@procCity", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "Ellicott City"

command.Parameters.Add("@procState", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "MD"

command.Parameters.Add("@procZipCode", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "21045"

command.Parameters.Add("@procEmail", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = ""

Dim resulting As String = command.ExecuteNonQuery

MessageBox.Show("Row inserted: " + resulting)

Catch ex As Exception





End Try

End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


End Sub

End Class

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Transact SQL :: Generic Store Procedure Call Without Output Parameters But Catching Output

Sep 21, 2015

Inside some TSQL programmable object (a SP/or a query in Management Studio)I have a parameter containing the name of a StoreProcedure+The required Argument for these SP. (for example it's between the brackets [])

EX1 : @SPToCall : [sp_ChooseTypeOfResult 'Water type']
EX2 : @SPToCall : [sp_ChooseTypeOfXMLResult 'TABLE type', 'NODE XML']
EX3 : @SPToCall : [sp_GetSomeResult]

I can't change thoses SP, (and i don't have a nice output param to cach, as i would need to change the SP Definition)All these SP 'return' a 'select' of 1 record the same datatype ie: NVARCHAR. Unfortunately there is no output param (it would have been so easy otherwise. So I am working on something like this but I 'can't find anything working

DECLARE @myFinalVarFilledWithCachedOutput 
DECLARE @SPToCall NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'sp_ChooseTypeOfXMLResult
''TABLE type'', ''NODE XML'';'
DECLARE @paramsDefintion = N'@CatchedOutput NVARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT'


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MDX Query With Parameters In Management Studio

Feb 27, 2008


I would like to know if it is possible to make a MDX query on a cube with parameters in Management Studio and if yes, how to define the parameters?

In fact, I have a quite big query which of course does not work and in Reporting Services, I get an error message which is not very clear :

Cannot set the command text for data set "Cube"
Error during processing of the CommandText expression of dataset "Cube"

So I would like to test my query in SSMS and correct directly.

Edit :

Forget the query but my question concerning the parameters definition in SSMS is still asked.


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Default Output Encoding For Management Studio 2005

Feb 26, 2008

Hi All,

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but..

Our company has just migrated to 2005 from 2000. I've got Management Studio doing much of what I need it to do from the old enterprise manager (which I wish I could go back to).

My problem is this.

When saving CSV files from a script run inside Management Studio (ad hoc reports, custom queries, etc) the default encoding is to UNICODE. This produces files that excel doesn't handle very well (most of the people I'd be sending the results to would freak out when the CSV file doesn't appear as expected).

I've discovered that I can change the encoding to ANSI when I save the query but as it's a manual process I'm sure I'm going to get tired of it very quickly. I would really like to make ANSI encoding the default.

(at the moment and for the foreseeable future, we don't need the functionality that Unicode provides).

Anyone know how to do this -- I've tried searching the docs without success.

Thanks All,



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Stored Procedure Executing Durations Are Different Between Executing From Application(web) And SQl Server Management Studio - Qu

Jan 24, 2008


I have a web application using Stored Procedure (SP). I see that there's a SP taking long time to execute. I try to capture it by Profiler Tool, and find out that with the same SP on the same db with the same parameter. The duration of executing by my web app is far bigger than the duration of executing on SQl server management studio - query window

Please see the image through this url

Any ideas for this issue?

Thanks a lot

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Stored Procedure Executing Durations Are Different Between Executing From Application(web) And SQl Server Management Studio - Query Window

Jan 23, 2008

Hi,I have a web application using Stored Procedure (SP). I see that there's a SP taking long time to execute. I try to capture it by Profiler Tool, and find out that with the same SP on the same db with the same parameter. The duration of executing by my web app is far bigger than the duration of executing on SQl server management studio - query windowPlease see the image attached Any ideas for this issue?Thanks a lot Jalijack 

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Using Output From A Stored Procedure As An Output Column In The OLE DB Command Transformation

Dec 8, 2006

I am working on an OLAP modeled database.

I have a Lookup Transformation that matches the natural key of a dimension member and returns the dimension key for that member (surrogate key pipeline stuff).

I am using an OLE DB Command as the Error flow of the Lookup Transformation to insert an "Inferred Member" (new row) into a dimension table if the Lookup fails.

The OLE DB Command calls a stored procedure (dbo.InsertNewDimensionMember) that inserts the new member and returns the key of the new member (using scope_identity) as an output.

What is the syntax in the SQL Command line of the OLE DB Command Transformation to set the output of the stored procedure as an Output Column?

I know that I can 1) add a second Lookup with "Enable memory restriction" on (no caching) in the Success data flow after the OLE DB Command, 2) find the newly inserted member, and 3) Union both Lookup results together, but this is a large dimension table (several million rows) and searching for the newly inserted dimension member seems excessive, especially since I have the ID I want returned as output from the stored procedure that inserted it.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

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