I'm bothered by an issue of updating a column in input dataset from a update query. It looks like SSIS has a very poor function on this.
Example, I have an input dataset of name, salary, dept_no, and I have another table called departments which has fields of dept_no, Dept_name, basic_salary
now I want to update salary column in input dataset with basic_salary if it's salary is smaller than the basic_salary.
update #tmp set salary = basic_salary where #tmp.salary <departments.basic_salary and #tmp.dept_no = departments.dept_no
how could I impletement this in SSIS package?
I tried with lookup, modify scripts by enabling memory restriction. It doesn't say any error when I save the package, but I never get pass debug.
I've built a sample CLR function with the following declaration....
CREATE FUNCTION GetManager(@DeptCode nvarchar(3)) RETURNS nvarchar(1000) WITH RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT AS EXTERNAL NAME Assembly1.[ClassLibrary1.MyVBClass].MyManager
It returns the value "Unknown" as it would have for any unknown DeptCode, as-programmed.
I'm of the theory it should have returned NULL without actually firing the function? Or is this only for non-CLR items... or stored procedures, not functions?
Hi,I have an updatable DataGrid linked to a SQLDataSource in a web site developed using VS2005. Update works fine unless a value in the existing row is Null. Only one column in the database allows nulls.Putting a debug stop in the SqlDataSource1_Updating event, I checked the parameter value in the Immediate window and got the following result:?e.Command.Parameters(16){System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter}System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter: {System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter}DbType: Int32 {11}Direction: Input {1}IsNullable: FalseParameterName: "@original_FiresolveJobNo"Size: 0SourceColumn: ""SourceColumnNullMapping: FalseSourceVersion: Current {512}Value: NothingIs there a property I can set to generate a suitable Null check clause for the Update statement?Many Thanks,Keith.
EmployeeAccess (MasterID, LoginID, AccessID, Storage1, Storage2, Storage3) that needs to be updated using the data in the following spreadsheet NewEmployeeAccessData (ID, MasterID, AccessID1, LoginID1)
There is a 1:1 relationship between the two tables..I'm trying to code a pair of update statements on the EmployeeAccess table (1 for LoginID, 1 for AccessID) with the following logic:
If LoginID is NULL, then Update LoginID with new LoginID1 value, If LoginID is not null, and Storage1 is NULL then Update Storage1 with New LoginID1 values If LoginID is not null, and Storage1 is not NULL and Storage2 is NULL then Update Storage2 with New LoginID1 values etc etc...
The same applies when trying to populate the AccessID column
If AccessID is NULL, then Update AccessID with new AccessID1 value, If AccessID is not null, and Storage1 is NULL then Update Storage1 with New AccessID1 values If AccessID is not null, and Storage1 is not NULL and Storage2 is NULL then Update Storage2 with New AccessID1 values etc etc.
I have no control over the schema of this table so I'm trying to work the logic on how to update the columns in my table only if the corresponding column data is NULL, else update the next non NULL Storage column.
I have the above output. When I try to input this as a dataset to a pie chart I don't get the data lables for two slices of the pie chart. Only one slice will show the values when showing data label option is enabled.
For the Pie chart, I have added Soft, Hard and Primary as Values. I haven't added a Category group or a Series group. Why isn't this showing the data labels for the other slices?
Do I need to transform the dataset so that it has a category and the value like below?
I created a dataset based on a stored procedure. There are nine input parameters. When I click on the preview tab, it is asking me for ten input parameters.
I double checked my dataset on the data tab, and it only shows the expected nine parameters when I look at the parameters tab. I can also run the query without issue from the data tab.
I have no idea why it is asking for an extra parameter on the preview tab. It is a column name that does exist in my database, but is in no way used in the stored procedure in question.
I am using sql as a back-end server. My application requires to insert a default string values when the user do not provide any input or if the inpur is NULL. I have used the following code, but the defaul values are not inserted. I am not getting the desired result.
CREATE TABLE Employees1 (
EmployeeName varchar(50),
State char(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NSW' ,
PostalCode int default 2000,
Country varchar(32) NOT NULL default 'Australia');
I am passing few parameters to the sql function to do some calculations. If the input parameter is null or blank, then I want to set the input parameter to the value zero
I'm attempting to use the Web Service task to call a method provided by a vendor. The inputs are all simple types so that helps a lot, but for one input it's a string array. If I enter a single string value for a given id using the array dialog, the method works fine.
However if I try to change the input to use a variable to provide the value it fails. I'm assuming that you can't create a variable to return a string array. Please let me know if this is the case or if I'm missing something obvious ;-)
In addition, is there a way to specify a null value for an input? Currently there doesn't appear to be a way to do this in SP2. I tried leaving the string empty which didn't work and I tried using a variable with expression "NULL(DT_WSTR, 1252)" but that failed too.
My output is depends on the dist selection so made procedure
alter procedure LAT_TEST_DYNAM0 @dist_id int as begin create table #temp (pincode varchar(10) ,latitude numeric(18,10),longitude numeric(18,10) ,descp varchar(5000)) if @dist_id!=0
[Code] ....
Myself doubt is when @dist_id is null or "0" how to show default value ?
create procedure t1 (@a int,@b int,@c int,@d int,@e int,@f int) as begin select no,name,department from emp where a = @a and b =@b orc =@c or d = @d or e = @e or f = @f end
my problem is while executing i may get null values as input to the stored procedure . how to validate them ? any ideas . are there any arrays. if c and d are null then my condition would be where a = @a and b =@b or e = @e or f = @f how many loops shall i have to write.
I want to write an Query for a report that has 7 parameters. I want to allow Null for these parameters but at the same time in the Query i want to put an AND condition for all the parameters. I cannot put an OR condition.
For Example; If i have a report with 2 parameters then the script will have 2* 2 If conditions
something like:-
if( @parameter1 is not Null and @parameter is not Null) select A, B, C From Table 1 Where parameter1 = @parameter1 and parameter2 = @prameter2
if( @parameter1 is not Null AND @parameter2 is Null)
select A, B, C From Table 1 Where parameter1 = @parameter1
If( @parameter1 is Null AND @parameter2 is Not Null) select A, B, C From Table 1 Where parameter2 = @parameter2
If( @parameter1 is Null AND @parameter2 is Null) select A, B, C From Table 1
For 7 parameter there will be way too many If conditions. Is there an better approch to write a Query for such a situation?
I keep getting "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: dataSet" when I run this statement and bind it to a dataset using a sqldataadapter in ASP.NET using VB.NET.
"SELECT playerstats.playerid, playerstats.gameid, SUM(playerstats.fta), SUM(playerstats.ftm), SUM(playerstats.tpm), SUM(playerstats.rb), SUM(playerstats.fga), SUM(playerstats.fgm), SUM(playerstats.tp), SUM(playerstats.st), SUM(playerstats.a), 100(SUM(playerstats.fgm)/SUM(playerstats.fga)) AS fgp, player.playerid, player.lname + ', ' + player.fname AS fullname FROM playerstats, player WHERE playerstats.playerid = player.playerid AND player.leagueid = " & ddlLeague.SelectedValue & " ORDER BY " & strSortField
I would like to display the first non null value from my dataset, is this possible? I am aware of first() and last() but what are my options for displaying the aforementioned? Thanks much!
I am plotting this data set as an S-Curve using the Running Value funtion. The value and data point value is =RunningValue(Fields!X15ForecastsCounts.Value,Sum,"Series") similar code for X16Actuals Counts.
Unfortunately I am getting the curve like this http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=4lyiuko
I dont want my X16ActualsCounts to extend beyond 8/6/07 in this case....and next week I dont want it to extend beyond 8/13/07.
I need to find out how I can detect a NULL dataset at runtime. I have just released my first report using SQLServer Reporting services and all went well until I had an empty dataset on the server. There was no problem ever on my development system, running under Visual Studio 2005 Pro, even if I got no data back. Shortly after release to the server though I found that the report reported javascript errors. After a lot of searching I nailed it down to my code that alternated the background color of the rows in the report. The code looks like this:
=iif( RowNumber("DataRecords") Mod 2, "WhiteSmoke", "White")
I had this line in the BackGround property for my table row. It works great, unless DataRecords is Null and RowNumber is 0. I ended up taking the expression out, because I could not find a way to test if DataRecords was null or RowNumber was 0, without getting a compiler error.
Can anyone here tell me what I need to do so I can put that expression back in and alternate the color of my data rows again? I get the data using a stored procedure, if that matters.
Hi, I was wondering how I can complete a column (which doesnt have an input one) with data. For example:
I have a sql query which bring data of 3 columns
So, I will insert that data in a FLAT FILE CONNECTION MANAGER, which I configured with 3 columns and I did the corresponding mapping in the FLAT FILE DESTINTATION.
Now, If I add one more column in the FLAT FILE CONNECTION MANAGER, I will not have it mapped to a input one, obviously. So, what I need is to add one more column to the flat file destination and complete it with zeros values in it.
Probably I can solve this part by introducing a DERIVED COLUMN and there I can configure the zeros that I want to add to the column. But I'm not sure if I can do that without having a input column. So, the question will be, how can I add one column to a flat file which doesnt have a input and introduce any value that I want to it? Hope I was clear Thanks for your help.
Hi, I'm pretty new to ASP.NET and VB, but I'm working on a project which is essentially a staff directory. Using VS 2005, I've setup a basic grid view which connects to an object which connects via a data layer to a SQL database with Name, Surname, Email, Extension No and Department fields. I have it working so that if a user enters a name and surname for example, it will return all records with either the name matching or surname matching input parameters. What I want to do is to set up a SQL query which is: SELECT * FROM records WHERE (Name LIKE @Name) AND (Surname LIKE @Surname) AND (Email LIKE @Email) AND (Dept LIKE @Dept) so that if the user only enters the first name and surname for example as above, it ONLY returns the record which matches the first name and surname and not all records with either/or. One way I've thought of to do this is to convert the empty fields to "Nothing" so that it fullfils the search parameter for the empty fields. If someone can explain how to do this, or can suggest a better way, I'd be grateful. Cheers, Tom
I have a number Stored Procs that have been around for a while that pull the entire list, or if I pass an ID, will just the record for that ID like below.
I want to be able to use these querries to poplate Multi-Select parameter dropdowns. going to the Data tab and creating a new dataset, I put in the SP name, and close the window. I then go to the Red ! point to preview the data it prompts me for my ID parmaeter on my SP. In the dropdown list it has '<Null>' (no ' though). When I run it, it works fine and returns all of my records.
When I run the report, it errors saying I didn't pass a parm for ID. I go back to the data tab, and edit my DataSet hitting the elipse. I go to the 3 tab called parameters, and type the following I get the following errors:
@ID= ---- ERROR - Return statement in function must return a value
@ID = Null -----ERROR - Null constant not supported use System.DBNull instead
@ID = System.DBNull ----ERROR - [BCS30691] DBNull is a type in System and cannot be used in an expression
@ID=System.DBNull.Value --- NO ERROR, but it does not return anything either. I also did a SQL Trace, and I can see that it doesn't even send the querry to the database.
Does anyone know another magic value I can pass to get this to work?
I am being a little stuborn, I know that I could just create new procs, and wrap up the null, but the more stuff you create the more you have to maintain, so I would prefer to reuse these.
Thanks in advance.
Eric Wild
PS: My company is moving from crystal reports to Reporting service, and Reporting services is Rocks! It is very intuitve, simple and straign forward. The formatting is easy with the table and the matrix control blows away the crosstab control in crystal. Also, I'm finding that because crystal was so un extendable, that I would spend hours shaping sql to get over it's blemishes, and hours shaping it in the report, only to sometimes reliaze that the proposed onetime hack wouldn't work, and have to start all over! So far with RSS any tips and tricks I have learned can very easily be applied to any report I work on! Aslo, I do mostly interanet web apps, and it is nice to dump my reports on the Report Server, and not worry about haing to create a web page, create a datasource and all the ansilary stuff to go along with it. The only thing I don't like is the name 'Roporting Services': It does not stick out too far in Google Searches like 'AJAX.NET' or 'ASP.NET'. Anyway kudoes to the Reporting Services team!
ALTER PROC [dbo].[spGetLaborRole] @ID INT = NULL AS BEGIN SELECT ID, Descr FROM dbo.LaborRole WHERE ( (ID = @ID) OR (@ID IS NULL) )
I have a stored proc I am updating in an OLEDB Command from the results of a Transform Script Component. The Stored Proc has over 65 input parameters, most of them have a NULL passed in. I dont want to create output columns in the Transform Script Component for all of them to map them from the "Available Input Columns" to "Available Destination Columns".
I want to create 3 or 4 generic Output columns for their data type - say IntegerOutput (datatype Int), DateTimeOut (datatype datetime) and so on. The I want to map these generic columns in the OLEDB Command as Available Input Columns" to multiple "Available Destination Columns" - wherever the datatype matches the input column.
But the OLEDB Command Column Mappings let me map One to One only. This will create a huge and unnecessary workload for me to develop and maintain - when I tell you I have 3 such stored procedures, all of whose interfaces are exactly same and for which I can create similar Output columns in the Transform Script Component.
HI, I am using XmlDataDocuments returned by webservices and query in the reports to populate the reports.
The issue I have is if the dataset used to populate the XML document has any nulls or empty spaces in any field the whole column or row is missing in the data generated by my query in the Reports. Sometimes the whole data is not being returned to the reports.
I have tested the webservice with sample data and it works well, returns data.
I use the ISNULL() in my stored procedures to avoid nulls but with empty strings, replacing them with a default value in the managed code is expensive and slows down the reports. Is there some feature I am missing because of which nulls and empty strings are causing this problem.
I have a table adapter for one of my SQL2005 tables, and in two different fields I accept a date time. Now 99% of the times, new rows to this table will be filled out using DateTIme.Now(), as a Time Stamp is what I'm going for.
Here is the line of code in question...cops_current_data_adapter.Insert(ProductOrder, Convert.ToInt16(Session["StationId"].ToString()), PartNumber, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, Convert.ToInt16(qty), 0); The second DateTime.Now is the one that can be null, and it's throwing a formatting error everytime I try and drop it in there. It's a FormatException, and there's not much more to the example except unhelpful tips like be careful when conveting a string to a dateTime, which I'm not doing. Needless to say for the code to compile, and then throw a Format error at runtime is a bit frustraiting. Any suggestions would be most appreciated
If I have a table with 1 or more Nullable fields and I want to make sure that when an INSERT or UPDATE occurs and one or more of these fields are left to NULL either explicitly or implicitly is there I can set these to non-null values without interfering with the INSERT or UPDATE in as far as the other fields in the table?
[Code] ....
If an INSERT looks like any of the following what can I do to change the NULL being assigned to DateAdded to a real date, preferable the value of GetDate() at the time of the insert? I've heard of INSTEAD of Triggers but I'm not trying tto over rise the entire INSERT or update just the on (maybe 2) fields that are being left as null or explicitly set to null. The same would apply for any UPDATE where DateModified is not specified or explicitly set to NULL. I would want to change it so that DateModified is not null on any UPDATE.
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded) VALUES('John','Smith',NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName) VALUES('John','Smith')
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded) SELECT FirstName, LastName, NULL FROM MYOTHERTABLE
I am getting this error: "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'OrderID', table 'outman.outman.Contact'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails." -- But my value is not null. I did a response.write on it and it show the value. Of course, it would be nice if I could do a breakpoint but that doesn't seem to be working. I'll attach a couple of images below of my code, the error, and the breakpoint error.
Server Error in '/' Application.
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'OrderID', table 'outman.outman.Contact'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'OrderID', table 'outman.outman.Contact'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.Source Error:
Line 89: sContact.Phone = sPhone.Text.Trim Line 90: sContact.Email = sEmail.Text.Trim Line 91: sContact.Save() Line 92: Line 93: Dim bContact As Contact = New Contact()Source File: F:InetpubwwwrootOutman KnifeCheckout.aspx.vb Line: 91 Stack Trace:
hi , i am new to this. how should i update the user input values into sql server database? i am using asp.net and c# FIELDS are- userId, name, description, startTime, endTime, audiencePassword, presenterPassword
i know it must be simple...but i haven't worked on this before.
I am a very beginner in SQL and know a little bit VB.
I created a database table with two columns, one for key and the other for data. I'd like to update the data column using excel sheet which contains the same columns, key and data.