How To Use Update/delete Feature Of VS 2005 For Working With A SQL Server Table.

May 1, 2008

 Hi all,

i m using VS 2005 and I have to  display records with feature of INSERT / DELETE ITEMS But when i connect to Sql Server Database and select * from columns but here when clicking the "Advance" button , i do not get "Advance Sql generation Option "  highlighted. Instead , it is turned off. i.e

 The Following options are not highlighting

------ Generate Insert, Update, Delete  statements

------ use optimistic concurrency

Plz guide me anyone..... is anything wrong with our VS 2005 software installed?


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Update And Delete Stored Procedures Not Working

Feb 24, 2006

I grouped everything together so you see it all. I'm not getting any errors but nothing is happening. I had this working and then I converted to Stored Procedures and now it's not.
CREATE PROCEDURE UpdateCartItem(@itemQuantity int,@cartItemID varchar)ASUPDATE CartItems Set pounds=@itemQuantityWHERE cartItemID=@cartItemIDGO
<asp:Button CssClass="scEdit" ID="btnEdit" Runat="server" Text="Update" CommandName="Update"></asp:Button>
    Sub dlstShoppingCart_UpdateCommand(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As DataListCommandEventArgs)        Dim connStr As SqlConnection        Dim cmdUpdateCartItem As SqlCommand        Dim UpdateCartItem        Dim strCartItemID As String        Dim txtQuantity As TextBox        strCartItemID = dlstShoppingCart.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex)        txtQuantity = e.Item.FindControl("txtQuantity")        connStr = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("sqlCon.ConnectionString"))        cmdUpdateCartItem = New SqlCommand(UpdateCartItem, connStr)        cmdUpdateCartItem.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        cmdUpdateCartItem.Parameters.Add("@cartItemID", strCartItemID)        cmdUpdateCartItem.Parameters.Add("@itemQuantity", txtQuantity.Text)        connStr.Open()        cmdUpdateCartItem.ExecuteNonQuery()        connStr.Close()        dlstShoppingCart.EditItemIndex = -1        BindDataList()    End Sub
CREATE PROCEDURE DeleteCartItem(@orderID Float(8),@itemID nVarChar(50))ASDELETEFROM CartItemsWHERE orderID = @orderID AND itemID = @itemIDGO
<asp:Button CssClass="scEdit" ID="btnRemove" Runat="server" Text="Remove" CommandName="Delete"></asp:Button>
    Sub dlstShoppingCart_DeleteCommand(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As DataListCommandEventArgs)        Dim connStr As SqlConnection        Dim cmdDeleteCartItem As SqlCommand        Dim DeleteCartItem        Dim strCartItemID        strCartItemID = dlstShoppingCart.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex)        connStr = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("sqlCon.ConnectionString"))        cmdDeleteCartItem = New SqlCommand(DeleteCartItem, connStr)        cmdDeleteCartItem.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        cmdDeleteCartItem.Parameters.Add("@cartItemID", strCartItemID)        connStr.Open()        cmdDeleteCartItem.ExecuteNonQuery()        connStr.Close()        dlstShoppingCart.EditItemIndex = -1        BindDataList()    End Sub

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SQL Server 2008 :: Why CDC Returning Insert / Delete When UPDATE A Row In Table

Mar 15, 2013

I am experimenting with using CDC to track user changes in our application database. So far I've done the following:

USE dv_wrp_test
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db

USE dv_wrp_test

[Code] ....

The results shown above are what I expect to see. My problem occurs when I use our application to update the same column in the same table. The application passes a Table Valued Parameter to a stored procedure which updates the table. Below is the creation script for the stored proc:


if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.spdv_AVAUpdate') and sysstat & 0xf = 4)
drop procedure dbo.spdv_AVAUpdate

[Code] ....

When I look at the results of CDC, instead of operations 3 and 4, I see 1 (DELETE) and 2 (INSERT) for the change that was initiated from the stored procedure:

USE dv_wrp_test
FROM cdc.dbo_AVA_CT


Why this might be happening, and if so, what can be done to correct it? Also, is there any way to get the user id associated with the CDC?

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ASP Update Method Not Working After A MSDE To MSSQL 2005 Expess Update

Oct 20, 2006

The Folowing code is not working anymore. (500 error)

Set objRS = strSQL1.Execute
strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM BannerRotor where BannerID=" & cstr(BannerID)
objRS.Open strSQL1, objConn , 2 , 3 , adCmdText
If not (objRS.BOF and objRS.EOF) Then
objRS.Fields("Exposures").Value =objRS.Fields("Exposures").Value + 1
End If

The .execute Method works fine

strSQL1 = "UPDATE BannerRotor SET Exposures=Exposures+1 WHERE BannerID=" & cstr(BannerID)
objConn.Execute strSQL1

W2003 + IIS6.0

Pls advice?

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Do Not Replicate DELETE Statement Feature Problem

Sep 17, 2006

I am testing SQL Server 2005.
I need a replication where "DELETE delivery format" field in Table Articles Properties is set to "Do not replicate DELETE statement". Unfortunately nothing I set in this dialog is saved and used. Doesn matter what I change the replication behaves the same and the next time I open "Table Articles Properties", every value is still default.

Am I doing something wrong or is it an issue (bug) in 2005 replication?

I googled about the issue and also searched in the SQL Server Replication threads on this site, both with no success. The thread named "Selective replication of DELETE transactions" doesn't provide enough information about SWL Server 2005 replication configuration.

Use Case:
I have a small "operational" database with live data. I need to keep a complete history for all records that ever appeared within the "operational" DB. It came to my mind that I can "easily" achieve this if I set up a replication that does not replicate a delete statement ever. I strongly prefer not to mess with the subscription stored procedures but to configer my publication properly instead.

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Service Broker Feature In Sql Server 2005

Apr 26, 2006


I have installed sql server standard edition 2005.I want to enable service broker feature or services after intalling the sql server.Please let me known any tool or utiltiy to enable the feature

Alter datatabase set enable_broker is not working.

Its giving syntax error


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Queue Insert Statement What Is The Best SQL Server 2005 Feature To Use?

Apr 4, 2007

Hello everybody, I'm not completly aware of the SQL server 2005 possibilities so I'd need an hints from somebody with a wide knowledge to understand the direction to take!

This is what I have to do.

I insert into a table XML message. the messages are pushed automatically by an application I have no ""control" on and I get several messages "at the same time".

Everytime the message is inserted into the database I need to trasform the XML data into the correspondent relational value and I know already that in some cases it could take a while (1 second can be considered a while..)
My worry is that in the moment I process one message I loose the other one inserted after ,,,

There is some tool that helps me to handte the process as I would..

I was looking into SQL service broker?

It can be the right choice?

Thank you for any help!!

Marina B.

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Problem Installing Feature Pack For SQL Server 2005 SP2 CTP

Nov 16, 2006

Some of the individual installs on the "Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 - Community Technology Preview (CTP) November 2006" page available here:

say "requires Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0, also available on this page". However, there is not an XML Services install on the page.

Is it included in one of the installs or not needed if you're already running SP1?



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New 2005 Syntax With - Update Not Working

Oct 26, 2007

I have tried the following, the update part i snot working. Any idea why? alter PROCEDURE dbo.SP_FeaturedClassifieds
@PageIndex INT,
@NumRows INT,
@FeaturedClassifiedsCount INT OUTPUT
select @FeaturedClassifiedsCount = (Select Count(*) From classifieds_Ads Where AdStatus=100 And Adlevel=50 )
Declare @startRowIndex INT;
Set @startRowIndex = (@PageIndex * @NumRows) + 1;
With FeaturedClassifieds as (Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order By FeaturedDisplayedCount * (1-(Weight-1)/100) ASC) as
Row, Id, PreviewImageId, Title, DateCreated, FeaturedDisplayedCountFrom
WhereAdStatus=100 And AdLevel=50
SelectId, PreviewImageId, Title, DateCreated, FeaturedDisplayedCount
Row between@startRowIndex And @startRowIndex+@NumRows-1
Update FeaturedClassifiedsSET FeaturedDisplayedCount = FeaturedDisplayedCount+1
Row between
@startRowIndex And @startRowIndex+@NumRows-1
 I have tried function too for this, but function can not update table I guess.... Can I call stored procedure for each column? How?
 I thought the code above would work? What am I missing?

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How To Alter The Table With Delete/update Cascade Without Recreating The Table

Jul 26, 2004

I have contract table which has built in foreign key constrains. How can I alter this table for delete/ update cascade without recreating the table so whenever studentId/ contactId is modified, the change is effected to the contract table.


************************************************** ******
Contract table DDL is

create table contract(
contractNum int identity(1,1) primary key,
contractDate smalldatetime not null,
tuition money not null,
studentId char(4) not null foreign key references student (studentId),
contactId int not null foreign key references contact (contactId)

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Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Datamining Viewer Controls Feature Pack

Oct 24, 2006


I downloaeded "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Datamining Viewer Controls" feature pack, and tried to run the dataminingviewerclient.exe.

When i view my local time series data mining model, It works well for single series model, but when i load a Microsoft time series model containing multiple data series, an unhandled exception occurs.

I post the error message below:

See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Viewers.TimeSeriesViewer.PreprocessChartArrays(ArrayList rgPredicted, ArrayList rgActual, ArrayList rgDeviations)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Viewers.TimeSeriesViewer.LoadChartSpace(MiningModel model)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Viewers.TSCheckedListViewCombo.HandleChangesCommitted(Object sender, EventArgs ea)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Controls.BaseControlComboBox.OnCommittedChanges(EventArgs e)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Controls.BaseControlComboBox.SetSelection(String str, Object obj)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Viewers.TimeSeriesViewer.InitializeCurrentlySelectedPage(Object context)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Viewers.TreeViewer.viewerTabControl_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.WmSelChange()
at System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version: 1.0.2023.16746
Win32 Version: 1.0.2023.16746
CodeBase: file:///E:/Documents%20and%20Settings/admin/Desktop/Microsoft%20Download/DataMiningViewerClient/DataMiningViewerClient.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 9.00.2047.00
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_32/System.Data/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 9.00.1186.00
CodeBase: file:///E:/Documents%20and%20Settings/admin/Desktop/Microsoft%20Download/DataMiningViewerClient/Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Viewers.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 9.00.1186.00
CodeBase: file:///E:/Documents%20and%20Settings/admin/Desktop/Microsoft%20Download/DataMiningViewerClient/Microsoft.DataWarehouse.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 9.00.2047.00
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 9.00.1186.00
CodeBase: file:///E:/Documents%20and%20Settings/admin/Desktop/Microsoft%20Download/DataMiningViewerClient/Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Controls.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 11.0.5530
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC/Microsoft.Office.Interop.Owc11/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 9.00.1186.00
CodeBase: file:///E:/Documents%20and%20Settings/admin/Desktop/Microsoft%20Download/DataMiningViewerClient/Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Graphing.DLL
Assembly Version: 7.0.3300.0
Win32 Version: 7.00.9466
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC/MSDATASRC/7.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/MSDATASRC.dll
Assembly Version: 10.0.4504.0
Win32 Version: 10.0.4504
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC/mscomctl/10.0.4504.0__31bf3856ad364e35/mscomctl.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Accessibility/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 9.00.1186.00
CodeBase: file:///E:/Documents%20and%20Settings/admin/Desktop/Microsoft%20Download/DataMiningViewerClient/Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OleDbDM.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 9.00.2047.00
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.SqlServer.CustomControls/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 9.00.1399.00
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.NetEnterpriseServers.ExceptionMessageBox/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
CodeBase: file:///E:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_32/System.Transactions/

************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging

For example:

< jitDebugging="true" />

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.

***** end of error message***

Can someone help to figure out what went wrong? thx.

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IIS Feature Requirement Warning On Installation SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition

Nov 7, 2007

I've tried to installed sql server 2005 developer edition on windows vista home premium but failed many times, almost giving up.
I've installed and turned on all the features of IIS 7.0 but it still failed and I tried to test IIS 7 by running the local host and received this error " HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error."
I even ran the windows update SP1 for Vista and MDAC 2.8 SP1

I really appreciate any comments and help.

Here are the messages in the windows system check for the sql server 2005 installation:

IIS Feature Requirement (Warning)
€¢ IIS Feature Requirement

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is either not installed or is disabled. IIS is required by some SQL Server features. Without IIS, some SQL Server features will not be available for installation. To install all SQL Server features, install IIS from Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel or enable the IIS service through the Control Panel if it is already installed, and then run SQL Server Setup again. For a list of features that depend on IIS, see Features Supported by Editions of SQL Server in Books Online.

View 24 Replies View Related

IIS Feature Requirement Warning On Installation SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition

Nov 8, 2007

I've tried to installed sql server 2005 developer edition on windows vista home premium but failed many times, almost giving up.
I've installed and turned on all the features of IIS 7.0 but it still failed and I tried to test IIS 7 by running the local host and received this error " HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error."
I even ran the windows update SP1 for Vista and MDAC 2.8 SP1

I really appreciate any comments and help.

Here are the messages in the windows system check for the sql server 2005 installation:

IIS Feature Requirement (Warning)
€¢ IIS Feature Requirement

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is either not installed or is disabled. IIS is required by some SQL Server features. Without IIS, some SQL Server features will not be available for installation. To install all SQL Server features, install IIS from Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel or enable the IIS service through the Control Panel if it is already installed, and then run SQL Server Setup again. For a list of features that depend on IIS, see Features Supported by Editions of SQL Server in Books Online.

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Need To Update Table To Delete Rows

Oct 2, 2007

what is wrong with this statement?

Update services
where ticketnum = '0'

error message: incorrect syntax near keyword delete

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Help Needed Urgent. Delete Is Not Working MFC And MS SQL Server 2000

Jul 21, 2004


if i try to delete data via MFC from Microsofts SQL Server 2000
i get following message: Data can be read only.. Weird i can write and read already. do i have to setup anything in Micrsofts SQL Server 2000 ??

please help its urgent.


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Unable To Update Or Delete SQL Table Records

Jun 13, 2007

I have been serching for weeks to resolve this problem.  I am new to ASP.NET and trying to make the migration from ASP which I have programmed in for years.  I am using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition and SQL Express Edtion.  I have been working through the Microsoft Video Training at and created a web site using Tier 3 Lesson 8 as the model.  My new web site which is a simple phone book applicaiton lets me read the table and select the record without any problem.  But the update form lets me edit but when I attempt to Apply the update I get the following error.
Server Error in '/Phonebook' Application.
ObjectDataSource 'ObjectDataSource1' could not find a non-generic method 'Update' that has parameters: FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, BossGroup, Department, BossPickup, ShowInPhonebook, Type, Original_FirstName, Original_LastName, Original_PhoneNumber, Original_BossGroup, Original_Department, Original_BossPickup, Original_ShowInPhoneBook, Original_Type, Original_ItemID.
Description: An unhundled expception occured during the execution of the current web request.  Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originiated in the code.
The Stack Trace basiclly showes the same error as above.
Also, when I attempt to delete the record I do not get an error but the record does not delete.
What is interesting is that I can add a record so I do not believe that it is a security permissions issue.  I have the ISS Authinication Method Enable Anonymous Access set on with full control.
If anyone has any insight as to why this is occuring please let me know. 

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Remove Cascade Update And Delete From Table

Jul 12, 2007

hello, once upon a time when i created my db (originally in access then used the conversion tool, which i now know is wrong!) i thought it would be an amazing idea to have cascading updates and deletes, however it turns out now this is exactly not what i want! if i leave them in then it throws errors when i delete records out of my stock table as related records are in the order_line table here is the code (well i think so, im not the best at sqlserver as you probably can tell already) that im using if anyone can help or point me in the right direction that would be great, thanks USE [nashdfDB1]GO/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[tbl_stock]    Script Date: 07/13/2007 02:52:14 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_PADDING ONGOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_stock](            [Stock_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,            [cat_id] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__cat_i__15502E78]  DEFAULT ((0)),            [sub_cat_id] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__sub_c__164452B1]  DEFAULT ((0)),            [location] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__locat__173876EA]  DEFAULT ((0)),            [n_or_sh] [varchar](50) NULL,            [title] [varchar](255) NULL,            [description] [varchar](255) NULL,            [size] [varchar](50) NULL,            [colour] [varchar](50) NULL,            [cost_price] [decimal](9, 2) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__cost___182C9B23]  DEFAULT ((0)),            [selling_price] [decimal](9, 2) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__selli__1920BF5C]  DEFAULT ((0)),            [qty] [varchar](50) NULL,            [date] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__date__1A14E395]  DEFAULT (getdate()),            [condition] [varchar](255) NULL,            [notes] [varchar](255) NULL,            [visible] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__visib__1B0907CE]  DEFAULT ((1)),            [picture1] [varchar](50) NULL,            [picture1_thumb] [varchar](50) NULL,            [picture2] [varchar](50) NULL,            [picture2_thumb] [varchar](50) NULL,            [picture3] [varchar](50) NULL,            [picture3_thumb] [varchar](50) NULL,            [picture4] [varchar](50) NULL,            [picture4_thumb] [varchar](50) NULL,            [display_price] [varchar](50) NULL,            [created_by] [varchar](50) NULL,            [buying_in_recipt] [varchar](255) NULL, CONSTRAINT [tbl_stock$PrimaryKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (            [Stock_ID] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX  = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE  = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS  = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS  = ON) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY] GO

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Lookup Table Insert, Update, And Delete...

Jan 4, 2005


Just wondering if anyone is aware of a SQL server shareware utility that places a front end on a table to manage insert, update, and delete of rows on a lookup table.

We can certainly write this but before reinventing the wheel I figure I'd ask and see.

Many Thanks,


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Identifying A Table Update / Insert / Delete

Jul 28, 2006

How to find out that a table has changed. For example if a table has 50K rows, and if any update, insert, or delete was made it should be captured without using any trigger. Is it possible to get such information from any of the system table or DMVs?

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Update The Whole Table Server 2005

Sep 25, 2007


I have a scheduled job trying to update a whole SQL table daily .
The way i can think of is drop the table everyday and create it again

I cant figure out how to use the update statement

Can some one help me with the update statement

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DB Engine :: Unexpected Update / Delete On OLTP Database In 2005

Jun 17, 2015

We had one of the major issues where one of the table on a heavily used OLTP database seems to have updated the records which were not expected.


We got around more than 12K contracts updated to status expired even though the expiry date is not set to be so:

for E.G : Below table has a column contract status which overnight seems to have updated the values to expired.

Even though the start and expiry date does not follow the logic for above.

We had the above working for past 3 years via a SP scheduled via SQL agent Job which Expire active contracts whose expiration date is less than today's 12:00AM.There has been no change in SP.

How can i track how it happened and what caused it?

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Update Table Using Join In Sql Server 2005

Nov 29, 2007

hi all,
i want to update two tables using join . i'm also using stored procedure . also i'm using sql server 2005. i 've written a stored procedure but i'm getting errors.
here is my code and error:
create proc bannersupdate(@bannerid int,@bannername varchar(100),@entereddate varchar(10),@validfromdate datetime,@validtodate datetime,@imagesize varchar(20),@imageweight smallint,@imageurl varchar(200))
update Banner.BannerName,Banner.EnteredDate,Banner.ValidFromDate,Banner.ValidToDate,BannerImage.ImageSize,BannerImage.ImageWeight,BannerImage.ImageURL
set Banner.BannerName=@bannername,Banner.EnteredDate=@entereddate,Banner.ValidFromDate=@validfromdate,Banner.ValidToDate=@validtodate,BannerImage.ImageSize=@imagesize,BannerImage.ImageWeight=@imageweight,BannerImage.ImageURL=@imageurl
from Banner join BannerImage on Banner.BannerID=BannerImage.BannerID where Banner.BannerID=@bannerid
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure bannersupdate, Line 4
Incorrect syntax near ','.
any one who knows how to solve this plese send me the correct code..

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Delete All Data From An Sql Table Using 2.0 2005

Nov 6, 2007

hi how to empty a table (delete all the data in it) using sql commands in 2.o and 2005please help .thanks  

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Soft Delete In Table, Why Merge Agent Report Hards Delete On Table ?

Feb 1, 2007

Hi seniors

there are two tables involve in replication let say table1 and replicated table is also rep.table1.

we are not deleting records physically in table1 so only a bit in table1 has true when u want to delete a record but the strange thing is that replication agaent report that this is hard delete operation on table1 so download and report hard delete operation and delete the record in replicated table which is very crucial.

plz let me know where am i wrong and how i put it into right way.

there is no triggers on published tables and noother trigger is created on published table.


Ahmad Drshen

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How To Delete A Table In Visual Studio 2005

Aug 21, 2007

I need to delete a database table from my database. I can not figure out how to do it though. I tried deleting individual columns but go an error message "Drop Failed for column 'TPListHistoryId ' (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

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Working In VB.Net 2005 Inserting NULL Into A Field In Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Feb 2, 2007

I am update/inserting records threw a web form in I need to insert 'NULL'  into my microsoft sql server database.  I am not talking about the below line of code where website is the name of my paramater.  If i do that it will just place a blank into that field in the database.  If i dont enter anything into that textbox I want it to to say NULL in that field. So if I go into the actual table in the SQL Server Management Studio and look at the website field of the recored I just added or updated and did not type anything into the web site textbox it needs to say NULL.  I also tried the second line of code but that places a single quote in front and behind NULL. So the field will have the value 'NULL'.
website.value = txtwebsite.text.tostirng
 if txtwebsite.text ="" then
   website.value ="NULL"
end if
The reason why I need the NULL there is because I bind the website filed to a hyperlink template in a gridview.  The actual text of the hyperlink is bound to PAYER which is a name of a insurance payer but the navigateto is bound to the website field.  If i do not enter any data into the website field and it stays as NULL, then when my gridview is loaded, payers that dont have a website will not be underlined and user wont have the option to click on them since there is no value for the navigateto.  But if i use my form to update/add a payer and leave the website textbox blank in puts a blank into that field in my database and when it loads that new row into the gridview the PAYER is underlined and u can click on it but it will just take u to the web site is unavailable page.  So is there anyway to actaull have NULL placed into a filed and not just blank space

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ExecuteNonQuery - Add Working/Update Not Working

Jan 7, 2004

I am writing a pgm that attaches to a SQL Server database. I have an Add stored procedure and an Update stored procedure. The two are almost identical, except for a couple parameters. However, the Add function works and the Update does not. Can anyone see why? I can't seem to find what the problem is...

This was my test:

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("pContact_Update", cn)
'Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("pContact_Add", cn)

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserId", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = UserId
cmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBox1.Text
[...etc more parameters...]
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Id", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = ContactId


Label1.Text = "done"

Catch ex As Exception
Label1.Text = ex.Message
End Try

When I use the Add procedure, a record is added correctly and I receive the "done" message. When I use the Update procedure, the record is not updated, but I still receive the "done" message.

I have looked at the stored procedures and the syntax is correct according to SQL Server.

Please I would appreciate any advice...

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Problem With Context Switching Feature In SQL 2005

Jan 26, 2007


One of our client application launches a execuatable on server by calling master..xp_cmdshell. We are migrating to SQL 2005 and I would like to use the Context Switching feature

We have sql login €œclient€? which is used by clinet application and has very least privelge and have only required access to requried database and tables.
xp_cmdshell is disabled by default on our server and I would like to enable xp_cmdshell, launch the executable on the server and disable xp_cmdshell.I have created another SQL Login €œBob€? and is member of sysadmin. The below SP is created by logging in as €œBob€?. My objective is to grant execute access on this SP and grant impersonate access to sql login €œclient€? . So that client application connecting to SQL server can launch the executable by calling the SP

create proc Bob.[Bob_enable_xp_cmdshell]
with execute as 'Bob'
EXEC sp_configure N'show advanced options', N'1' RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE
EXEC sp_configure N'xp_cmdshell', N'1'
EXEC sp_configure N'show advanced options', N'0' RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE
-- launch the application using xp_cmdshell and disable the xp_command shell

When I try to execute (exec [Bob].[jtr_enable_xp_cmdshell]
) the above SP by logging in as €˜Bob€™, I€™m getting the below error

Msg 15247, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_configure, Line 94
User does not have permission to perform this action.
Msg 5812, Level 14, State 1, Procedure jtr_enable_xp_cmdshell, Line 4
You do not have permission to run the RECONFIGURE statement.
Msg 15123, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_configure, Line 51
The configuration option 'xp_cmdshell' does not exist, or it may be an advanced option.
Msg 5812, Level 14, State 1, Procedure jtr_enable_xp_cmdshell, Line 6
You do not have permission to run the RECONFIGURE statement.
Msg 15247, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_configure, Line 94
User does not have permission to perform this action.
Msg 5812, Level 14, State 1, Procedure jtr_enable_xp_cmdshell, Line 7
You do not have permission to run the RECONFIGURE statement.

Please note the SQL Login €œBob€? is a member of sysadmin fixed role. Thank in advance for you help.

With regards

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SQL Server 2008 :: Can Delete Contents Of Update-cache Folder

Sep 26, 2013

this directory is over 2gb

Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapUpdate Cache

can you delete the contents safely?

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SQL Server 2012 :: MERGE Statement Attempted To UPDATE Or DELETE Same Row More Than Once

Mar 12, 2015

I have created a Dynamic Merge statement SCD2 Store procedure , which insert the records if no matches and if bbxkey matches from source table to destination table thne it updates old record as lateteverion 0 and insert new record with latest version 1.

I am getting below error when I ahve more than 1 bbxkey in my source table. How can I ignore this.

BBXkey is nothing but I am deriving by combining 2 columns.

Msg 8672, Level 16, State 1, Line 6

The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once. This happens when a target row matches more than one source row. A MERGE statement cannot UPDATE/DELETE the same row of the target table multiple times. Refine the ON clause to ensure a target row matches at most one source row, or use the GROUP BY clause to group the source rows.

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Sql Server Service Pack 3 Update, Delete Question Or Problem

Jul 20, 2005

hi alli am trying to update or delete a row/record in table cptcodesthe error i am getting iskey column information is insufficient or incorrect to many rowswere affected by update....can you tell me wat causes the above Errorthis is a new table no primary keys set or index's or constraints just asingle table with some datain it...all columns are char nulls allows except the key field but noprimary set as yetthanks for the helpdave

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Delete Sql Not Working.

Nov 8, 2004


win 2k and xp
excel 2k
sqlserver version 7
the code below execute but when i query the table, the data is still in there. can anyone help?


Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
dim MyDate As Date

MyDate = Format(Date, "MM/DD/YYYY")

Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

conn.ConnectionString = "ODBC=SQL Server;DSN=LOGCALL_TABLE;UID=richard;APP=Microsoft ® Query;WSID=RICHARD;Trusted_Connection=Yes"
conn.ConnectionTimeout = 30

Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn

cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM LOGCALL_TABLE WHERE LOGCALL_TABLE.OpenCall like 'X' AND LOGCALL_TABLE.StopTime like '" & Format(Range("I" & CStr(ActiveCell.Row)).Value, "HH:MM:SS") & "' AND LOGCALL_TABLE.EndTime like '" & Format(Range("J" & CStr(ActiveCell.Row)).Value, "HH:MM:SS") & "' AND LOGCALL_TABLE.ClientName like '" & Range("B" & CStr(ActiveCell.Row)).Value & "' AND LOGCALL_TABLE.Representative like '" & Range("C1").Value & "' and LOGCALL_TABLE.DateOnCall like '" & Date & "';"
End Sub

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SQL Server 2008 :: Find All Transaction (insert / Delete / Update) On A Database For A Day?

May 8, 2015

i would like to know it's possible to find all transaction(insert, delete,update) on a database for a day. if yes what can i do.

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