How To Use A Function To Format And Display Result From Data Reader
Feb 5, 2008
Hi guys n gals !
I am having a few problems manipulating the results of my data reader,
To gather the data I need my code is:
// database connection
SqlConnection dbcon = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbcon"]);
// sql statement to select latest news item and get the posters name
SqlCommand rs = new SqlCommand("select * from tblnews as news left join tblmembers as members ON news.news_posted_by = members.member_idno order by news.news_idno desc", dbcon);
// open connection
// execute
SqlDataReader dr = rs.ExecuteReader();
// send the data to the repeater
repeater_LatestNews.DataSource = dr;
Then I am using: <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "news_comments")%> in my repeater.
What I need to do is pass the "news_comments" item to a function I created which will then write the result. The code for my function is:
// prevent html
public string StripHtml(string data)
// grab the data
string theData = data;
// replace < with &alt;
theData = Regex.Replace(theData, "<", "<");
// return result
return theData;
But I am having problms in doing this,
Can anyone point me in the right direction on what I should be doing ???
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Apr 22, 2008
I am having a very wierd issue regarding a DB2 sql query. I need to get data from Db2 and insert into our sql server database. Using data flow task, to get data I am using the data reader source. COnnection is ado.netodbc connection.
THis sql query also has some comments in it.
The first wierd thing is...
1. On Development server, when I run this query manually, meaning using toad, winsql (connection to the db2 database), the query runs fine. Brings back approx 667 rows which is correct. ON the same server when I try to run this query, via a SSIS pkg, data flow task, using data reader source, gives me error on those comments that exist in that query. But if I run the same SSIS pkg on another server (Integration server). It runs fine. The same pkg also runs fine if I run it from my machine. SO What is different on my Dev server compared to the Integration server.
2. Say if I take those comments out from the sql query, then try to run the ssis pkg. The query is stuck at the first record and goes in an infinite loop mode. though my query is not a procedure, it is just a sql statement. But this ssis pkg with the query runs absolutly fine on the other server. I aslo tried using the other types of connection and ole db source but still the same problem on the Dev server.
What do I need to look for that is so different on the dev server compare to the INT server. I also checked the version on both these server for Visual Studio 2005(by going to About Microsoft Visual Studio), it is the same.
This is what I have on both the servers....
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 9.00.3042.00
Please HELP !!!!
Thank you.
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Jan 22, 2007
Hi all,
I am using ASP.NET 2003 with SQL Server as database.
I have a database of a book store with BookPicture, Author, Title, and Description of the Book.
Now when the user searchers for a book with a keyword, how can I display the results which should show:
1. The picture of the book, 2. The at it right, Title of Book, 3. The author,4. The descritionThen the image of "Add to cart"
Each search result must be separated by a box like the cell of a table.
Is it possible to be done?
Thanking you in advance
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Aug 28, 2007
I'm querying a database table that creates a time stamp in seconds only. I have a starting time of
1099725928 = 11/6/2004 12:25:28 AM. So that if another entry is made 1 second later the time stamp value entered into the table is 1099725929. The front end application does the converstion from the seconds counter to the datetime format. The query I am writing calls information from this table for a different application that does not have the conversion capability. If I know the starting point (I don't want to create a conversion table) which is 1099725928 = 11/6/2004 12:25:28 AM, is it possible to write into my query script a function to convert the seconds value to the correct datetime format? It would need to accurately account for leapyear and even/odd months.
Select Case_ID_, Region, Assigned_To_Group_, Assigned_To_Individual_,
Status, Priority, Category, Type, Item, Affiliate, Hours_to_resolve, Resolved_Time, Assign_Time, Create_Time
From HPD_HelpDesk
Where Region = 'Central Valley'
and Assigned_To_Group_ = 'CVSA Desktop Support'
and Status In (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
and Priority In (0, 1, 2, 3)
Order by Case_ID_ Desc************************************************************************************************
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Dec 18, 2007
I have a report that retrieves its data from Analysis Services. The data includes a count and dollar value of projects against their current status: It looks something similar to
(group1) status1 10 $200,000
(detail) p1 1 $5,000
p2 1 $10,000
p10 1 $20,000
(group1) status3 5 $90,000
(detail) .
(group1) status4 15 $150,000
(detail) .
In the report I hide the detail rows. I have a fixed/known number of statuses (in this case 4) and need to show all 4 in the report. eg
(group1) status1 10 $200,000
(detail) p1 1 $5,000
p2 1 $10,000
p10 1 $20,000
(group1)status2 0 $0
(group1) status3 5 $90,000
(detail) .
(group1) status4 15 $150,000
(detail) .
ie in this case I need to show status 2 (that doesn't exist in the data set) with zero totals.
Does anyone know if this is possible to get SSRS to display each of the status groups (in a known fixed list) and then match them to the records in the dataset.
As an alternative, if I were using SQL Server I could add rows to the dataset using a union statement. Is there similar functionality using mdx? My mdx skills are very basic.
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Jan 31, 2008
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections
Partial Public Class StoredProcedures
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _
Public Shared Sub StoredProcedureTest(ByVal strAS400ServerName As String, _
ByVal strCompany As String, _
ByVal decSerial As Decimal, _
ByVal strSerialCode As String, _
ByVal strSerialScan As String, _
ByVal decMasterSerialNumber As Decimal, _
ByVal strCustomerPart As String, _
ByVal strTakataPart As String, _
ByVal strCustomerRanNo As String, _
ByVal strCustomerAbv As String, _
ByVal strDestinationAbv As String, _
ByVal decQty As Decimal, _
ByVal strCreatDate As String, _
ByVal decVoidSerialNo As Decimal, _
ByVal strProductionLineNo As String, _
ByVal strProcType As String)
Dim sp As SqlPipe = SqlContext.Pipe
Dim strResult As Integer = 0
Dim strErrorText As String = String.Empty
Dim dsData As New DataSet
Dim parameter(15) As OleDbParameter
If Not strAS400ServerName Is Nothing And strAS400ServerName <> String.Empty Then
' Populate parameter collection
parameter(0) = (CreateParameter("PARM1", OleDbType.Char, 20, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strAS400ServerName))
parameter(1) = (CreateParameter("PARM2", OleDbType.Char, 2, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCompany))
parameter(2) = (CreateParameter("PARM3", OleDbType.Decimal, 10, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, decSerial))
parameter(3) = (CreateParameter("PARM4", OleDbType.Char, 2, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strSerialCode))
parameter(4) = (CreateParameter("PARM5", OleDbType.Char, 25, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strSerialScan))
parameter(5) = (CreateParameter("PARM6", OleDbType.Decimal, 10, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, decMasterSerialNumber))
parameter(6) = (CreateParameter("PARM7", OleDbType.Char, 30, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCustomerPart))
parameter(7) = (CreateParameter("PARM8", OleDbType.Char, 15, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strTakataPart))
parameter(8) = (CreateParameter("PARM9", OleDbType.Char, 15, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCustomerRanNo))
parameter(9) = (CreateParameter("PARM10", OleDbType.Char, 6, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCustomerAbv))
parameter(10) = (CreateParameter("PARM11", OleDbType.Char, 6, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strDestinationAbv))
parameter(11) = (CreateParameter("PARM12", OleDbType.Decimal, 9, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, decQty))
parameter(12) = (CreateParameter("PARM13", OleDbType.Char, 10, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCreatDate))
parameter(13) = (CreateParameter("PARM14", OleDbType.Decimal, 10, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, decVoidSerialNo))
parameter(14) = (CreateParameter("PARM15", OleDbType.Char, 3, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strProductionLineNo))
parameter(15) = (CreateParameter("PARM16", OleDbType.Char, 2, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strProcType))
RunDB2Sp("FABLE.MAP", parameter, dsData)
If dsData.Tables.Count > 0 Then
dsData.Tables(0).TableName = "Supreeth"
Dim bitresult As String = dsData.Tables(0).Rows(0)(0).ToString()
Dim errorstring As String = dsData.Tables(0).Rows(0)(1).ToString()
' I am not sure here
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("No errors")
End If
Throw New ArgumentException("AS400Db.GetAS400TraceabilityResult: AS400 server name is empty or invalid")
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub RunDB2Sp(ByVal strProcedure As String, ByRef parms As OleDbParameter(), ByRef dsData As DataSet)
' Declare Variables
Dim daAdaptor As OleDbDataAdapter
Dim cmdAS400 As OleDbCommand
'Dim dstestMe As New DataSet
cmdAS400 = CreateCommand(strProcedure, parms)
daAdaptor = New OleDbDataAdapter(cmdAS400)
' Fill the Data Set
Catch expError As OleDbException
daAdaptor = Nothing
daAdaptor = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Function CreateParameter(ByVal name As String, _
ByVal type As OleDbType, _
ByVal size As Integer, _
ByVal direction As ParameterDirection, _
ByVal paramValue As Object) As OleDbParameter
Dim param As OleDbParameter = New OleDbParameter
param.ParameterName = name
param.OleDbType = type
param.Size = size
param.Direction = direction
param.Value = paramValue
Return param
End Function
Private Shared Function CreateCommand(ByVal strProcedure As String, ByVal prams As OleDbParameter()) As OleDbCommand
Dim CmdSAS400 As OleDbCommand
Dim parameter As OleDbParameter
Dim connAS400 As OleDbConnection
connAS400 = New OleDbConnection("Provider=IBMDA400;Data Source=AHISERIESDEV1;User Id=****;Password=****;")
CmdSAS400 = connAS400.CreateCommand()
CmdSAS400.CommandText = strProcedure
CmdSAS400.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
'CmdAS400.CommandTimeout = intTimeOut
If (prams Is Nothing) Then
For Each parameter In prams
End If
Return CmdSAS400
End Function
I have a UI which supplies 16 parameters to my stored procedure , which in turn call another sored procedure on as400 which returns result set. So far i am able to send 16 parms and get the values in dataset.
My question here how would i send the result set to UI for display, please feel free to comment on any changes need to be made on code . I badly need to find a solution for this and i appreciate any feed backs
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Jul 14, 2007
Dear FriendsI need to get the data in the required format. Please help----------------------Table TripSheet----------------------Id,TSNo.,JourneyDate(ddmmyy),CustName,RateType,VehicleNo., BillId, journey hours, journey kmDATA
1, 234, 1-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi45, 234, 2 hrs, 60 KM2, 235, 2-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi45, 234, 3 hrs, 30 KM3, 236, 3-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi45, 234, 2 hrs, 60 KM4, 237, 4-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi45, 234, 4 hrs, 40 KM5, 238, 5-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi45, 234, 2 hrs, 60 KM
6, 239, 1-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi99, 234, 2 hrs, 60 KM7, 240, 2-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi99, 234, 3 hrs, 30 KM8, 241, 3-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi99, 234, 2 hrs, 60 KM9, 242, 4-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi99, 234, 4 hrs, 40 KM10, 243,5-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi99, 234, 2 hrs, 60 KM----------------------------Table BillTripSheet-----------------------------Id,BillId,VehicleNo., TotalJourneyHours,TotalJourneyKM,SlabApplied, MinAmt, ExtAmtDATA
1, 234, Vehi45, 13hrs, 250km, SlabA, 500, 502, 234, Vehi99, 13hrs, 250km, SlabA, 500, 50
I need to display data to be displayed in the following format in report(grouping based on vehicle no.)
1, 234, 1-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi45, 234, 2 hrs, 60 KM2, 235, 2-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi45, 234, 3 hrs, 30 KM3, 236, 3-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi45, 234, 2 hrs, 60 KM4, 237, 4-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi45, 234, 4 hrs, 40 KM5, 238, 5-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi45, 234, 2 hrs, 60 KM----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1, 234, Vehi45, 13hrs, 250km, SlabA, 500, 50---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6, 239, 1-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi99, 234, 2 hrs, 60 KM7, 240, 2-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi99, 234, 3 hrs, 30 KM8, 241, 3-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi99, 234, 2 hrs, 60 KM9, 242, 4-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi99, 234, 4 hrs, 40 KM10, 243,5-1-2007, Samson Pvt.Ltd, BPORates, Vehi99, 234, 2 hrs, 60 KM----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2, 234, Vehi99, 13hrs, 250km, SlabA, 500, 50----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Calculation logic is lengthly and the number of records involved is huge.also, only the manager has authority to generate the Bill and rest of the team can view the bill report
So i cannot do the calculations while fetching the records, Bill has to be generated and stored. How do i write the query to fetch the data from the two tables "TripSheet" and "BillTripSheet" ? Please Help
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Jul 16, 2015
I want a ssrs report with two tables adjacent,using same data set. I want to start row number/records in second table where rownumber of first table ends.and in second page first table should start where second table of first page ends.
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Mar 11, 2008
This is related to:
How can I make some graphics drawings stick while others disappear?
Except that now I am trying to connect and update to an Microsoft SQL Server Database File (SqlClient) via VB 2008 Express; specifically a table called €œHexMap€? that contains some columns that I am ready to insert some row data into. Here is what my program should do:
As I hover over a hexagon map of the US a red flickering hexagon follows the location of my mouse cursor. If I click on a given hexagon, the program draws a permanent blue hexagon, and sends a new set of row data into my database. Such information as the name of the state, row, column, center x, and center y, etc. Here is a quick snapshot of this program in action:
-sorry, I didn't capture the mouse cursor inside the red hexagon
I think I am missing something since I appear to be able to connect successfully to the database table. Unfortunately, I never see the changes in the database, when I try to Show Table Data (via Database Explorer). I am hoping someone will review my code snippet (below) and tell me what I am missing. What happens when I run this code is that it acts like it works just fine, except that I have no indication that any changes were actually affected.
Code Snippet
Dim CN As New SqlClient.SqlConnection()
Dim da As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
'Consider using Me._adapter that is used already
CN.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Mapboard.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True"
'Use the following code to verify that a connection to the database has achieved
If CN.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
MsgBox("Workstation " & CN.WorkstationId & "connected to database " & CN.Database & "on the " & CN.DataSource & " server")
End If
End Try
'use the Connection object to execute statements
'against the database and then close the connection
da = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("select * from HexMap order by Territory", CN)
If CN.State = ConnectionState.Open Then CN.Close()
Dim rows As Integer
rows = 0
Dim CMD As New SqlCommand("INSERT HexMap (Hexagon, HexRow, HexCol, HexX, HexY, Territory) VALUES(HexCounter, CaptureRow,CaptureCol,Hx,Hy,Territory_ComboBox1.Text)", CN)
rows = CMD.ExecuteNonQuery
If rows = 1 Then
MsgBox("Table HexMap updated successfully")
MsgBox("Failed to update the HexMap table")
End If
If CN.State = ConnectionState.Open Then CN.Close()
Thanks for reviewing my code.
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Nov 11, 2007
I'm using SSRS to generate reports. i have many columns data to be displayed.while converting the data into Excel and PDF the data, header, and footer are not displaying proper format. what are all the properties to be set for that.
Could any one help in this regard.
Thanks for your help..
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Jul 21, 2015
I have to display the data in the below said formats..Current sample Data in the table and the data type is numeric(23,10)
To be displayed in the below format
I have to map this column in teh report and should dipslay like above.I think if 0.00 is available then it should display as 0..If 1.0 is available then it should display 1.Any value that has postive number after the decimal should display all the values  example : 2.25,3.75,5.06, So in general the solution to display values like 1.75,1,0 we should not dispaly 0 as 0.00 and 1 as 1.00 and 2 as 2.00 and so on...Any Solutions in terms of SQL query  or SSRS expression.
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Dec 11, 2007
Hi all,
I copied the following code from Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Online (September 2007):
USE AdventureWorks;
IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.ufnGetContactInformation', N'TF') IS NOT NULL
DROP FUNCTION dbo.ufnGetContactInformation;
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ufnGetContactInformation(@ContactID int)
RETURNS @retContactInformation TABLE
-- Columns returned by the function
FirstName nvarchar(50) NULL,
LastName nvarchar(50) NULL,
JobTitle nvarchar(50) NULL,
ContactType nvarchar(50) NULL
-- Returns the first name, last name, job title, and contact type for the specified contact.
@FirstName nvarchar(50),
@LastName nvarchar(50),
@JobTitle nvarchar(50),
@ContactType nvarchar(50);
-- Get common contact information
@ContactID = ContactID,
@FirstName = FirstName,
@LastName = LastName
FROM Person.Contact
WHERE ContactID = @ContactID;
SELECT @JobTitle =
-- Check for employee
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM HumanResources.Employee e
WHERE e.ContactID = @ContactID)
FROM HumanResources.Employee
WHERE ContactID = @ContactID)
-- Check for vendor
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Purchasing.VendorContact vc
INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct
ON vc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID
WHERE vc.ContactID = @ContactID)
FROM Purchasing.VendorContact vc
INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct
ON vc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID
WHERE vc.ContactID = @ContactID)
-- Check for store
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Sales.StoreContact sc
INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct
ON sc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID
WHERE sc.ContactID = @ContactID)
FROM Sales.StoreContact sc
INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct
ON sc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID
WHERE ContactID = @ContactID)
SET @ContactType =
-- Check for employee
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM HumanResources.Employee e
WHERE e.ContactID = @ContactID)
THEN 'Employee'
-- Check for vendor
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Purchasing.VendorContact vc
INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct
ON vc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID
WHERE vc.ContactID = @ContactID)
THEN 'Vendor Contact'
-- Check for store
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Sales.StoreContact sc
INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct
ON sc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID
WHERE sc.ContactID = @ContactID)
THEN 'Store Contact'
-- Check for individual consumer
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Sales.Individual i
WHERE i.ContactID = @ContactID)
THEN 'Consumer'
-- Return the information to the caller
INSERT @retContactInformation
SELECT @ContactID, @FirstName, @LastName, @JobTitle, @ContactType;
I executed it in my SQL Server Management Studio Express and I got: Commands completed successfully. I do not know where the result is and how to get the result viewed. Please help and advise.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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Aug 2, 2007
I am trying to code a WHERE xxxx IN ('aaa','bbb','ccc') requirement but it the return values for the IN keyword changes according to another column, thus the need for a CASE function.
I kept on getting errors, like
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 44Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'.
which leads me to assume that the CASE ... WHEN ... THEN statement does not allow mutiple values for result expression. Is there a way to get the SQL above to work or code the same logic in a different manner in just one simple SQL, and not a procedure or T-SQL script.
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Jan 15, 2001
Hi. Im new to SQL and I need to export a SQL table as a comma delimited text file which is straight forward. However two of the fields are integers and I need these to be right justified with zero's.
In Access I would use something like format(columnname, "00000000") to get it to work, but SQL Server doesn't like this.
How can I do this?
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Dec 9, 2007
Hi all,
I executed the following sql script successfuuly:
USE pubs
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AuthorsForState(@cState char(2))
RETURN (SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE state = @cState)
And the "dbo.AuthorsForState" is in the Table-valued Functions, Programmabilty, pubs Database.
I tried to get the result out of the "dbo.AuthorsForState" by executing the following sql script:
USE pubs
SELECT * FROM shcInLineTableFN
I got the following error message:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'shcInLineTableFN'.
Please help and advise me how to fix the syntax
"SELECT * FROM shcInLineTableFN"
and get the right table shown in the output.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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Jun 26, 2007
As you see in the images the connection is closing. During the read it counts 5 columns which is correct. When I step through the code it closes the connection when it hits dt.Load(reader) and nothing is loaded into the datatable.
------------------------------------------------------------AS I STEP THROUGH -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please help,
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Feb 15, 2006
I am trying to count the number of Part that is repaired and those that is not repaired, is there a way to combine the following into one result set instead of returning 2? The bold line is the only condition that's different between this 2 query.
I want to display these fields: date_complete, part_categoryid, part_model, repaired, not_repaired
/* parts being repaired */select DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0) as date_complete, part_categoryid, part_model, count(DISTINCT part_id) as repaired from tblPtSingapore INNER JOIN tblAuditPartStatus ON tblPtSingapore.part_Id = tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_partidwhere (tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_status = N'COMPLETE')and part_replaced = 0and (part_flag_nff = 0 and part_flag_ntf = 0 and part_flag_beyondrepair = 0)group by DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0), part_categoryid,part_modelorder by part_model, DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0)
/* parts completed but not being repaired */select DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0) as date_complete, part_categoryid, part_model, count(DISTINCT part_id) as not_repaired from tblPtSingapore INNER JOIN tblAuditPartStatus ON tblPtSingapore.part_Id = tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_partidwhere (tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_status = N'COMPLETE')and part_replaced = 0and (part_flag_nff = 1 or part_flag_ntf = 1 or part_flag_beyondrepair = 1)group by DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0), part_categoryid, part_modelorder by part_model, DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0)
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Apr 8, 2008
Hi all
If we don't specify any Order by clause, what is the default order of displaying the data .
Will SQL Server show the data in a consistent order?
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Feb 7, 2006
I am trying to display component usage in January for the past year, if I want to display the year in different column, what should I do?
component_id component_description qty_used_on_2005_Jan qty_used_on_2006_Jan
C58B0BDD tape drive 2 3
Currently I am using this sql:
select cast(year(date_complete) as varchar(10)) + ' Jan' as Year, component_id, component_description,sum(component_qty) as total_qty_used
from view_jobComponent
where month(date_complete) = 1group by component_id, component_description, cast(year(date_complete) as varchar(10)) + ' Jan'order by component_id, component_description
which I will get something like this:
Year component_id component_description total_qty_used
2005 Jan C58B0BDD tape drive 22006 Jan C58B0BDD tape drive 3
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Mar 27, 2008
I have a query to run, but the data in the tables are stored horizontally. I want the query to output the result vertically.
e.g. if row 1 contains the following data:
Then i want it to output as follows:
hope I'm clear, and would appreciate if someone could help me.
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Jun 17, 2014
I have an issue while display the result in the required order. How to get the required output.
Code :
USE tempdb
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#VersionFormat_tbl') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #VersionFormat_tbl
CREATE TABLE #VersionFormat_tbl
[FormatID] [smallint] NOT NULL,
[Description] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Code] ....
Present output :
fileExtension FormatID Description fileExtension versionFormatTypeId
txt 1 Text txt 1
html 2 HTML html 1
xml 3 XML xml 1
pdf 4 PDF pdf 1
xls 5 Excel xls 1
doc 6 Word doc 1
Required output:
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Mar 21, 2007
I'm having a problem in spliting the fields
I need to ru the following query to join two tables and getting the output as shown.
select cusl.user_name,
pmts.bill_ref_info, pmts.payee_acid, pmts.cust_acid, pmts.txn_amt,pmts.pmt_id
from cusl, pmts
where cusl.ubp_user_id = pmts.ubp_user_id and pmts.ubp_user_id= 'testinglive'
user_name bills_ref_info payee_acid cust_acid txn_amt
SAMEER ALLA0210181#123456#Amita 378902010021095 383702070051411 1.000 16318
SAMEER BARB0GNFCOM#6788990#Vikram Kalsan 378902010021095 383702070051411 1.000 16327
SAMEER BKID0000200#378902010099678#Vikram 378902010021095 383702070051411 1.000 14031
SAMEER undefined#123456789123456#Vikram 378902010021095 383702070051411 1.000 13918
Now I need to display the second field which is a #-separated field as individual fields alongwith tghe other fields that are shown on execution of the query.
Can this be done? Please guide me on this...
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Apr 16, 2008
Hi all, i got this error:
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: "component "Excel Source" (1)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA".
and also this:
[Excel Source [1]] Warning: The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The column "Fiscal Week" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection. The column "Fiscal Year" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection. The column "1st level" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The column "2nd level" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The column "3rd level" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "1st Level" (16745)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "3rd Level" (16609)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "2nd Level" (16272)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection.
I tried going data flow->excel connection->advanced editor for excel source-> input and output properties and tried to refresh the columns affected.
It seems that somehow the 3 columns are not read in from the source file?
ans alslo fiscal year, fiscal week is not set up up properly in my data destination?
anyone faced such errors before?
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May 13, 2014
I am interested in changing the way that data is displayed in my result set.Essentially I want to display a selection of rows (1 to n) as columns, the following diagram explains my intentions.Perhaps one of the greatest challenges here is the fact that I do not have a concrete number of rows (or BIN numbers). Each stock item could be stored in one or more BINS, which I will not know until running my query.
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Nov 6, 2007
Question: I have searched here and on Microsofts site already but it seems that all solutions require already either some ASP2 knowledge or MSSQL knowledge .. I am quite new in both but need to realise this for a project.
I have installed a MSSQL 2005 server running MSSQL2005 Standard in mixed authentication mode. Services running using a domain account created for this purpose.
I have then created a simple database called test with a table called testtable
All I need to achieve now is a simple ASP2 page, which is located on the DC IIS, which connects to the SQL server (in same domain but different server) using WINDOWS authentication and returns the result of
I try now for a couple of days so I hope someone could help me with this .. I really need a step by step guide what I need to do on the SQL server side (so a specific user can connect to this particular database) and on the IIS side ..
I know it is always painful to help someone with little knowledge but I am getting desperate.
Thanks a lot guys
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Mar 18, 2007
A data reader is using a connection manager to connect to an ODBC System DSN . A query in the SqlCommand property is provided. Data is being truncated in the only string column . The data type in data reader output-->external columns shows as Unicode string [DT_WSTR] Length 7.
The truncated output in a text file is the first 3 characters from left to right . Changing the column order has no effect.
A linked server was created in SQL Server Management Studio to test the ODBC System DSN using the following:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'server_name',
@srvproduct = '',
@provider = 'MSDASQL',
@datasrc = 'odbc_dsn_name'
Data returned using "OPENQUERY" does not truncate the string column indicating that the ODBC Driver returns data as expected with sql 2005, but not with the Data Reader.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
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May 3, 2007
Hi I have written a piece of code for Login form which reads the user id and password from db. It works fine with the Sql server 2000 but I get a error with Sql server 2005. SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=D\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=model;Integrated Security=True"); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from JsLoginDetails", conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { if ((Login1.UserName == dr.GetValue(0).ToString()) && Login1.Password == dr.GetValue(1).ToString()) { Response.Redirect("MainJs.aspx"); } else { Login1.FailureText = "Invalid Userid Or Password"; } } dr.Dispose(); conn.Close(); } I get and error Invalid object name 'JsLoginDetails'. pls help thnksdiv
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May 30, 2000
Hello folks!
When I do a select on a date field, the date in 6.5 was displayed as-
Jan 1 1999 12:05AM
In 7.0 it is displayed as-
1999-01-01 00:05:00.000
Can anyone please shed some light on this? ie. why is there this difference? Also can this display format be controlled (by server language used or regional date setting)?
- Manoj
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi!I'm wondering is there any simple way to achieve the followingfunction call in SQL Server. The sentence to translate is (Oraclesyntax):to_char(rownum, '000')rownum: number of the current rowto_char: formats a number (the 1st param) according to the formatdefined in the 2nd param. In this case, the '000' preprends 2 or morezeros until forming a 3-digit number.I'm using it in something like:SELECT id_table, string_column || TO_CHAR(ROWNUM,'000') FROM tableThanx a bunch,Cro
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Mar 26, 2004
I have the following problem. My SQL Query that i wrote works but the result that is displayed in Query analyzer cuts most of my long text that I want in my result. The long text string is approx about 400 characters and the type is varchar of the field. Any ideas??
, '1', COMPONENTID,'ENG'+SPACE(2),'#'+SPACE(254),'#'+SPAC E(254),'#'+SPACE(254),'#'+SPACE(99),externalid,
'Desc1' = CASE
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,1,2) = 'MF'
THEN 'Full machine warranty : parts, labour, mileage and others covered at warranty rates applicable at the time of repair. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,1,2) = 'MP'
THEN 'Full machine warranty, parts only : parts covered at warranty rates applicable at the time of repair. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,1,2) = 'PF'
THEN 'Power line warranty : parts, labour, mileage and others covered at warranty rates applicable at the time of repair. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,1,2) = 'PP'
THEN 'Power line warranty, parts only : parts are covered at warranty rates applicable at the time of repair. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)- 3,4) = '2018'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 18 month or 2000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '3024'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 24 month or 3000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '4030'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 30 month or 4000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '5036'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 36 month or 5000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '6042'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 42 month or 6000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '8054'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 54 month or 8000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '1074'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 74 month or 10000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
+ 'Flexible warranty is handled according to the procedures described in ESPPM 3-10.'
WHEN prodclassid IN ('P1','P11','P8','P9')
THEN ' (mileage limited to 300 km)'
WHEN prodclassid IN ('P7')
THEN ' (mileage limited to 200 km)'
SPACE(5000 - LEN('Desc1'))
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Jul 18, 2006
hi all,
i have a package in ssis that needs to deliver data from outside servers with odbc connection. i have desined the package with dataflow object that includes inside a datareader source. the data reader source connect via odbc connection to the ouside servers and makes a query like: select * from x where y=? and then i pass the data to my sql server. my question is like the following:
how do i config the datasource reader or the dataflow so it will recognize an input value to my above query? i.e for example:
select * from x where y=5 (5 is a global variable that i have inside the package). i did not see anywhere where can i do it.
please help,
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Apr 30, 2015
I would like to display a portion of report where there is data or no data
There is data subreport  display  Â
   Product Name Latex Gloves Â
   Product ID   Â
 There NO data in the subReport
  Product Name             Â
  Product ID  Â
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Nov 12, 2007
I am using a sql database and In form i display a date from calendar as smalldatetime in the format of dd/MM/yyyy by changing the web.config file to culture = "en-GB"... It did display as dd/MM/yyyy with no doubt... Problem is in sql database it is display as mm/dd/yyyy, there4 when i retrieve it out, it is not the format i wan... so can any1 helps mi? I need do many adding and subtracting to the date so a constant dd/MM/yyyy format is veri important to mi... I cant save it as yyyy/mm/dd cos my boss dun wan it... If use Convert method when i select * out how to convert the date zzz
Helps would be greatly appreciated
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