How To Use A Url Query String Value To Access A Database Record With The Same Value.
Jan 23, 2008
Ok, to start I will say I am a novice so detailed solutions are much appreciated. I believe I am on the right track. Here is what I am trying to accomplish. I have a page that uses an xml driven google map. When you click on the map marker, the info bubble displays brief information about a community and a link specified from the xml file. I have specified the links in the xml file to pass a query string variable ex: /community.aspx?name=uniqueCommunityNameHere. I tested this by simply placing a label on the community.aspx page that restated the "name" value - works fine (first commented out line of Page_Load). Now I need to complete my VB function that pulls the data record from the database - based on the parameter input from the query string - when the page loads. So if the user clicks the link on the marker for community1, it will populate community.aspx with info about community1 from the database... if they click community7 it will display that community info etc.
Data Table: "Community" Data Fields: ID, Name, Description, Address, City, State, Phone, SalesRep.
ASPX Page Design Elements: lblID, lblName, lblDesc, lblAddress.... etc.
Here is my start... I will need help with the sql statement for sure - how do I create a where clause from the query string parameter passed in?
Thanks so much for your help!
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'My initial test to see that the query string is working lblName.Text = Request("name").ToString()
' Get the community info when loading community.aspx for the user selected community
If Not IsPostBack Then
End If
End SubPrivate Sub LoadCommunityInfo(ByVal community)
' Define data objects
Dim conn As SqlConnection
Dim comm As SqlCommand
Dim reader As SqlDataReader
' Read the connection string from Web.config
Dim connectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("CONHTConnectionString").ConnectionString
' Initialize connection
conn = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
' Create command
comm = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Community WHERE Name = " & community, conn)
' Enclose database code in Try-Catch-Finally
' Open the connection
' Execute the command
reader = comm.ExecuteReader()
' Populate the list of community information -> Make the labels.text = the database fields --> lblName.text = table-Community field-"Name"
lblName.Text = "Name"
lblDesc.Text = "Description"
' Close the reader
' Display error message
dbErrorLabel.Text = "Error loading the community information!<br />"
' Close the connection
End Try
End Sub
FROM [Order Details] OD, Orders O, Products P, Categories C
WHERE OD.OrderID = O.OrderID
AND OD.ProductID = P.ProductID
AND P.CategoryID = C.CategoryID
AND C.CategoryName = @CategoryName
AND SUBSTRING(CONVERT(nvarchar(22), O.OrderDate, 111), 1, 4) = @OrdYear
GROUP BY ProductName
ORDER BY ProductName
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// From an ADO.NET 2.0 book, I copied the code of ConnectionPoolingForm to my VB 2005 Express. The following is part of the code:
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.Common
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Class ConnectionPoolingForm
Dim _ProviderFactory As DbProviderFactory = SqlClientFactory.Instance
Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
'Force app to be available for SqlClient perf counting
Using cn As New SqlConnection()
End Using
End Sub
Sub InitializeMinSize()
Me.MinimumSize = Me.Size
End Sub
Dim _SelectedConnection As DbConnection = Nothing
Sub lstConnections_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles lstConnections.SelectedIndexChanged
End Sub /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I executed the code successfully and I got a box which asked for "Enter the query string". I typed in the following: EXEC dbo.SalesByCategory @Seafood. I got the following box: Query attempt failed. Must declare the scalar variable "@Seafood". I am learning how to enter the string for the "SQL query programed in the subQuery_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnQuery.Click" (see the code statements listed above). Please help and tell me what I missed and what I should put into the query string to get the information of the "Seafood" category out.
I am using C# in  Visual Studio 2008 and remote database as sql server 2008 R2. I want to read remote database table's field value and i have to move that read value to string variable. how to do it.Â
And my code is :
string sql = "Select fldinput from tmessage_temp where fldTo=IDENT_CURRENT('tmessage_temp')"; SqlCommand exesql = new SqlCommand(sql, cn); exesql.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader rd1 = default(SqlDataReader); rd1 = exesql.ExecuteReader();
I have two tables in my database: order_id with fields order (text) and comp_ID (int) and another table called customers with comp_ID (int) and company name (text) and other company information fields. The link between the two tables is the comp_ID. With every order that's made the company that made the order is stored with it in the order_id table. If I type in the order id (text), I want to be able to use the order id to search the order_id table and find out what the comp_ID of the company that made that order is. Then use that comp_ID to pull up the record of company information from the customers table with the same comp_ID. Is there some way to do this in one query? Or how do I accomplish this?
,I am creating a database where each record is required to have a twin record in the database.These is a type a value and a type b value and both must be present for the record to be valid.
Customer_ID, Order_Type, Product_Code 54, a, 00345 54, b, 00356
Is this something that would have to be done programmatically, or is it possible to create a constraint of some sort to ensure this?
I am having trouble trying to filter my sql database using the query string against a date column in my database. Â I set a date variable = "dd/mm/yyy" format but when I apply that in the sql query as:
We're running a Sage CRM install with a SQL Server 2000 database at the back end. We're using the Sage web services API for updating data and a JDBC connection to retrieve data as it's so much quicker.
If I retrieve a record using the JDBC connection and then try and update the same record through the web services, the query times out as if the record is locked for updates. Has anyone experienced anything similar or know what I'm doing wrong? If I just use DriverManager.getConnection() to establish the connection instead of the datasource, and then continue with the same code I don't get these record locking problems. Please find more details below.
Thanks, Sarah
The JDBC provider for the datasource is a WebSphere embedded ConnectJDBC for SQL Server DataSource, using an implementation type of 'connection pool datasource'. We are using a container managed J2C authentication alias for logging on.
This is running on a Websphere Application Server v6.1.
I work for an organisation that uses a bespoke document imaging system, thedatabase of which is an MS sql server.We have MS Access and already use it for some querying of the database.The database comprises a large number of distinct cases, which aredifferentiated by case reference numbers, in one field (table?) of thedatabase. Each of these cases may have many documents associated with it,denoted by the reference number, and these documents may be "new", "pending"or "complete" shown in another data field.We need to know how many cases have work outstanding on them.Our problem is that our bespoke software will only count the number ofdocuments of each status, and not the cases.Is it possible to design an MS Access query which will count the number ofdifferent reference numbers which have any "new" documents associated, butwont count each case more than once?I am reasonably computer-savvy, I just don't know Access or SQL..If I know it is possible, I don't mind putting in the effort to find outhow. I just don't want to waste time barking up the wrong tree ;-)Of course any advice about how this would be achieved, such as pointers tothe right parts of the MS Access helpfiles, or to relevant websites would begreatly appreciated. Some quick code would be even better...Also, if there is any 3rd-party software which could easily do this, I needhelp discovering it...I have looked long and hard, but don't know enoughabout what I am looking for.Yours in hope..--anthonyberetPlease reply in the groups, as my Usenet email address is not working at themoment.
I have written a small app in VB2005 for a friend of mine and now I am trying to extract records for an access database with a specific month in the date field. What I am trying to get is all the entries for a month like July. I have this as my query:
SELECT ID, ShopDate, ShopText FROM Cost WHERE DATEPART([month], ShopDate) = ?
When I run the preview, it is asking me to pass along an AnsiString as a parameter. I have tryed numbers, spelling out the month, numbers in single and double quotes, spelled out month in single and double quotes but it will not take anything that I type as a parameter for the query
I am trying to create a report against an Access 2003 database using the provider as follows: "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
Simple reports with no parameters are fine (e.g. using a text query of 'Select * from BERs'
But how do I pass in a report parameter to limit the results coming back ? I have only used stored procs in the past which work fine but how to achieved this using Access has me stumped.
An example query I need would be 'Select * from BERs WHERE Year = [Year?]'
we want to completely do away with access, on my report tool,which is crystal report, we want query to be our data source so , we do not want to use ssis packageor import from access to sql, how can l handle bringing all table and the query from Access together.
hello,i would like to loop through a record set and assign each value to thesame string, (example i would like to return all of the first name inthe authors table = Authors_total.)should i use a cursor or just a loop to do this? I have had sometrouble with the syntax in a cursor.nicholas.gadacz
I have a field which was varchar before but I changed it to text.
But i can't write in it enough text as i wish. This field is important becouse it holds SQL senences which i parse latter in my application and than i execute it.
it says <Long Text> and i can't enter any more characters.
How to do some procedural updates based on a record string. What I wish to do.
If the value (of type string) in my column contains the ‘/’ character I wish to ‘do something’ If the value (of my string) in my column contains the ‘-‘ character I wish to ‘do something else’.
Assume my column contains both ‘/’ and ‘-‘ in the same table.column, but not within the same record.
The data in question is in
tbl_Quotes.tLastDateValue   I’ve found I can use something like this to search my string.  SELECT Count(CHARINDEX('/',tbl_Quotes.tLastDateValue)) FROM tbl_Quotes WHERE CHARINDEX('/',tbl_Quotes.tLastDateValue)>0  And similar for ‘-‘ records.  I’m thinking something like this could be used as the test.  How do I put this into play, I’m thinking of an IF or CASE but not sure how to best test and which program flow to use in SQL.
Okay, can I assign line x of a flat file to a variable, parse that line, do my data transformations, and then move on to line x+1?
Any thoughts?
In other words, I'm looking at using a for loop to cycle through a flat file. I have the for loop set up, and the counter's iterating correctly. How do I point at a particular line in a flat file?
Hello to all, I have a problem with ms sql query. I hope that somebody can help me. i have a table "Relationships". There are two Fields (IDMember und RelationshipIDs) in this table. IDMember is the Owner ID (type: integer) und RelationshipIDs saves all partners of this Owner ( type: varchar(1000)). Example Datas for Table Relationships: IDMember Relationships . 3387 (2345, 2388,4567,....) 4567 (8990, 7865, 3387...) i wirte a query to check if there is Relationship between two members. Query: Declare @IDM int; Declare @IDO int; Set @IDM = 3387, @IDO = 4567; select * from Relationship where (IDMember = @IDM) and ( cast(@ID0 as char(100)) in (select Relationship .[RelationshipIDs] from Relationship where IDMember = @IDM))
But I get nothing by this query. Can Someone tell me where is the problem? Thanks
I have an Access db that has a linked table to a sql table. The sql table has a UniqueIdentifier field in it. How do I create a new record through access in that table and have the UNIQUEIDENTIFIER autogenerated?
select Computername from dbo.ADAssets where Computername like 'AIRLBEOF3565%'
I get both records,but if I do this
select * from dbo.ADAssets where Computername in ( 'AIRLBEOF3565 CNF:4e926e06-6f62-4864-aebd-6311543d', 'AIRLBEOF3565' )
I only get AIRLBEOF3565
So the big picture is that I need to compare 2 tables to find records that match & don't but that I get matches that shouldn't be & matches that aren't.
I am using the following INSERT statement to add a new record in my table. I want to be able to get the Autonumber UserID field of the newly created record but I am getting the following error: "Characters found after end of SQL statement" Code:
INSERT INTO tblUser (LoginName, UserPassword, EmailAddress, City) Values (@User, @UsrPassword, @EmailAddress, @City); SELECT @@IDENTITY As 'Identity'
What is wrong in my statement? How do I retrieve the Autonumber field of the newly created record? How do I handle if the LoginName and/or EmailAddress already exists?
I want to be able save this INSERT statement as an Access Query and call it from my C# code.
I'm trying to figure out what happened.I have have two Tables in SQLServer called "Contacts", and "Jobs"Whenever someone changes a record in either table I update two fieldscalled "Modby" and "Moddt" with a trigger. The Trigger may alsocontain other things as well.Here's the wierd thing.If the Modby Moddt statement is the first statement in the trigger Idon't get a "record changed by another user" but if it comes later inthe trigger I do.I think it has something to do with the LockDelay Key but I'm not sure.Any Ideas?
Purpose I would like to know if it is possible and if so how to implement exclusive access to a given record within in a database table.
Example For example, you can open a file system file with exclusive access so other processes cannot access the file until it is released. I would like to implement a solution that provides this same exclusive access at the database record level. Preferably a solution that does not require creating and managing table access state flags. (i.e. €“ FieldName.State = (Closed, Opened, Exclusive)) I would like for the database server to mange this solution and return an error status when trying to access a record that has been opened exclusively. Furthermore, I would like to avoid using triggers.
Application Utilization I€™m working on a system that has multiple threads that are each responsible managing data from the same normalized table. Each of these system threads work on the same unique record in parallel. Therefore it is possible that thread (0)€™s changes could be overwritten by thread (n)€™s. I would like to have each thread open the unique record exclusively and release it when finished. All of the other threads would loop until the record is released.
1. Is it possible to implement this at the server level?
2. What would be the easiest best practice for implementing this functional requirement?
Hello, I am tring to add a string my database. Info is added, but it is the name of the string, not the data contained within. What am I doing wrong? The text "Company" and "currentUserID" is showing up in my database, but I need the info contained within the string. All help is appreciated!
Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.Common Imports System.Data.SqlClientPartial Class _DefaultInherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CreateUserWizard1.CreatedUser 'Database ConnectionDim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source = .SQLExpress;integrated security=true;attachdbfilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.mdf;user instance=true") 'First Command DataDim Company As String = ((CType(CreateUserWizard1.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("Company"), TextBox)).Text) Dim insertSQL1 As StringDim currentUserID As String = ((CType(CreateUserWizard1.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("UserName"), TextBox)).Text) insertSQL1 = "INSERT INTO Company (CompanyName, UserID) VALUES ('Company', 'currentUserID')"Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand(insertSQL1, con) '2nd Command Data Dim selectSQL As String selectSQL = "SELECT companyKey FROM Company WHERE UserID = 'currentUserID'"Dim cmd2 As New SqlCommand(selectSQL, con) Dim reader As SqlDataReader '3rd Command Data Dim insertSQL2 As String insertSQL2 = "INSERT INTO Company_Membership (CompanyKey, UserID) VALUES ('CompanyKey', 'currentUserID')"Dim cmd3 As New SqlCommand(insertSQL2, con) 'First CommandDim added As Integer = 0 Try con.Open() added = cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery() lblResults.Text = added.ToString() & " records inserted."Catch err As Exception lblResults.Text = "Error inserting record." lblResults.Text &= err.Message Finally con.Close() End Try '2nd Command Try con.Open() reader = cmd2.ExecuteReader()Do While reader.Read() Dim CompanyKey = reader("CompanyKey").ToString() Loop reader.Close()Catch err As Exception lbl1Results.Text = "Error selecting record." lbl1Results.Text &= err.Message Finally con.Close() End Try '3rd Command Try con.Open() added = cmd3.ExecuteNonQuery() lbl2Results.Text = added.ToString() & " records inserted."Catch err As Exception lbl2Results.Text = "Error inserting record." lbl2Results.Text &= err.Message Finally con.Close()End Try
We have been asked to look into using stored procedures with SQL Server 7.0 as a way to speed up a clients site. 99% of all the articles I have read along with all the books all say Stored Procedure should be used whenever possible as opposed to putting the SQL in your ASP script. However one of my colleagues has been speaking to Microsoft and they said that that they were surprised that our client wanted to use Stored Procedures as this was the old method of database access and that now he should really consider using COM objects for data access as itis much faster. Has anyone got any views on this or know of any good aticles regarding this matter ?
I am trying to write a stored procedure that loops through the list of user tables, gets the record count for each one and write a record to an audit table with DATE, TABLENAME, RECORDCOUNT.I keep getting an error "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string".Here is the script...
DECLARE @table nvarchar(500) DECLARE @sql nvarchar(520) DECLARE CursorSelect CURSOR FOR select table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables where table_name not like 'sys%' order by table_name
Can someone explain what happens when two users concurrently attempt tocreate a new record in a table with an autonumber primary key? For example,user 1 creates a new record and manipulates it within a transaction makinguse (perhaps) of the @@IDENTITY value when creating other, related records.Before this transaction is complete, user 2 creates a new record and doesthe same thing. Presumably they will both have the same @@IDENTITY? Ifthis is the case, how is it possible to manage such a situation?Thanks.
Hellow Folks. Here is the Original Data in my single SQL 2005 Table: Department: Sells: 1 Meat 1 Rice 1 Orange 2 Orange 2 Apple 3 Pears The Data I would like read separated by Semi-colon: Department: Sells: 1 Meat;Rice;Orange 2 Orange;Apple 3 Pears I would like to read my data via SP or VStudio 2005 Page . Any help will be appreciated. Thanks..
I can't delete records for a SQL Server table when I attached the table to Microsoft Access 97. I time out when I try to delete the record. However I can query the table.
I use the standard ODBC setup, do I need to do anything else beside using the standard Access link.
Anyone know if there is method that can insert all record from a tablein an MS Access 2000 database to a table in MS SQL Server 2000database by a SQL statement? (Therefore, I can execute the statementin my program)--Posted via
I have table contains more columns  and first column have ID  int not null primary key  and auto increment by 1 seed by 1 the ID 165000 record  and instant Jump to 166000 and increment by 1 ...
I like to give First Name and Last Name in two different text box and then hit the delete button (command button). Then it will do a query to find the person and delete the corresponding record from the table. Any kind of help will be appreciated. Thank you.
I'm got a "folder" structure application which we'll be using as an in-house directory viewer. (In case you're wondering, it doesn't relate to any "real" folders, so using xp_cmdshell is out! )
Each folder and file record can have its own permissions, however these are assumed to inherit from the parent folder if no specific access rules have been set, basically in the same way file systems work. Each file record can only have one parent, and a folder can either have a parent or be at the root level.
Right now I'm having an issue with the inheritance of permissions. Say if I want to grant access to "Folder 1" to "Group A", then "Group B" shouldn't be able to see it. However, if I grant access to "File 1" in "Folder 1" to "Group B", then "Group B" should be able to see "Folder 1", but only see "File 1" and not the rest of the contents.
I thought I could do this with a CTE, but I'm having a bit of difficulty..
Here's the code: