How To Write Aggregate Functions For Tables And Lists
Apr 25, 2008
How to write Aggregate functions for tables and lists as If I can write them many problems in my reports will be solved. I tried writng it in the filters but I got an error saying Aggregate functions are not allowed for tables and lists. Can any one help me in this regard?????
Hi, need help in this statement here. I have three tables here, i.e. Sales, SalesItem, & SalesPmt. I want to display a grid that shows the Total Bill and Total Payment amounts. My try is like this: SELECT SalesNo, SUM(Price*Qty) AS TotalBill, SUM(Payment) AS TotalPayment FROM ... GROUP BY.... No syntax error or whatever found, but the result of the total amounts is incorrect. Say the data of the respective table below: SalesItem
No Qty Price
1 1 5.00
2 2 12.00
3 4 3.50 SalesPayment
No Amount
1 10.00
2 5.00 But the result I get from the above query is:
TotalBill TotalPayment
86.00 45.00 Total Bill should be 43.00 and Total Payment should be 15.00. Apparently the problem is due to the fact that I and querying on multiple tables. The correct total payment amount was multiplied by the number of rows of sales items (15.00 x 3), while the correct total bill amount was multiplied by the number of rows of sale payments (43.00 x 2). So, what is the better way of writing this query?
I`ve created a table in a list that is grouped by years. Result is a Report, that consists of several years (List grouped by years, each containing the table with the data of the year).
Now I want to aggregate some numbers of the table on each page (year) of the list.
The sum()-function - doesn't matter which scpoe I use - always aggregates only the values of the actual list (Year), not considering the years before.
I have a table that is used for employee evaluations. There are six questions that are scored either 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. I want to tally the responses on a page, but I wonder if I can do it without 35 separate calls to the database (I also want to get the average response for each question). I know I can do "SELECT COUNT(intWorkQuality) AS Qual1 FROM dbo.Summer_Project_Req WHERE intWorkQuality = '1' " and then "SELECT COUNT(intWorkQuality) AS Qual2 FROM dbo.Summer_Project_Req WHERE intWorkQuality = '2' " and so on. But can I somehow do the aggregating at the page level, and just refer back to a datasource that uses a generic statement like "SELECT intWorkQuality, intDepend, intAnalyze, intWrite, intOral, intCompatibility FROM dbo.Summer_Project_Req"? If I can, I am not sure what type of control would be best to use or what syntax to use to write the code-behind. I would like the results to be displayed in a grid format. Thanks in advance for your help.
I'm doing a jsp with database using sql.. I'm trying to get the max of score group by name from this table: Table record id_no. . . .name. . . . .score . . 1 . . . . .Philip . . . . .10 . . 2 . . . . . Jane . . . . .12 . . 3 . . . . . John . . . . .15 . . 4 . . . . . Anna . . . . .11 . . 5 . . . . . Jane . . . . .16
I use the code: query = "select name,max(score) from record group by name"; resultset = stmt.executeQuery (query);
However, there is an error. It says, SQL Exception: Column not found
I've checked several tutorial sites and the codes there are the same command that I use. I've also tried using other aggregate functions like the sum, still the same error comes out..
I'm trying to migrate an app. from Access to SQL Server, and find that Transact-SQL does not support LAST/FIRST functions. Is there any alternative to these?
Below is the Access SQL statement:
SELECT Last(tblZoneNameString.Val) AS strZoneName, tblZoneNameString.TagIndex FROM tblZoneNameString GROUP BY tblZoneNameString.TagIndex HAVING (((tblZoneNameString.TagIndex)>0));
I have a database with the following tables: - programmer - software - studies(name, splace, cost, course) I would like to find out which school has the max. nr. of students, but my query - SELECT splace FROM studies HAVING count(name) = (SELECT max(count(name)) FROM studies) - doesn't works, becouse MSSQL doesn't supports nested aggregat functions. What should I do? Please help me, thanks in advance.
It's basically just cobbled together using the aggregate function and TVF in the StringUtilities sample as a starting point. Er, sorry MS, I forgot to change the namespace from Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.
using System; using System.IO; using System.Data; using System.Data.Sql; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
public void Merge(IntersectBinary other) { if (other.bitset.Length > bitset.Length) { Array.Resize(ref bitset, other.bitset.Length); } for (int i = 0; i < bitset.Length; i++) { bitset[i] &= other.bitset[i]; } }
public SqlBinary Terminate() { return new SqlBinary(bitset); }
public void Read(BinaryReader r) { int i = r.ReadInt32(); bitset = r.ReadBytes(i); }
public void Write(BinaryWriter w) { w.Write(bitset.Length); w.Write(bitset); } }
public sealed class SplitBinaryCls { [SqlFunction(FillRowMethodName = "FillRow")] public static IEnumerable SplitBinary(SqlBinary argument) { List<Int16> r = new List<Int16>(); if (!argument.IsNull) { for (int i = 0; i < argument.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if ((argument.Value[i] & Convert.ToByte(1 << j)) != 0) { r.Add(Convert.ToInt16(i*8+j)); } } } } return r; }
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1021:AvoidOutParameters")] public static void FillRow(Object obj, out Int16 stringElement) { stringElement = (Int16)obj; }
private SplitBinaryCls() { } } }
To install the compiled dll something like:
CREATE ASSEMBLY BinaryUtilities FROM 'C:...BinaryUtilitiesindebugBinaryUtilities.dll' WITH permission_set=Safe; GO
CREATE AGGREGATE UnionBinary(@input smallint) RETURNS varbinary(4096) EXTERNAL NAME [BinaryUtilities].[Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.UnionBinary]; GO CREATE AGGREGATE IntersectBinary(@input smallint) RETURNS varbinary(4096) EXTERNAL NAME [BinaryUtilities].[Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.IntersectBinary]; GO CREATE FUNCTION SplitBinary(@input varbinary(4096)) RETURNS TABLE(ix smallint) AS EXTERNAL NAME [BinaryUtilities].[Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SplitBinaryCls].[SplitBinary]; GO
Hi.Just as we have AVG(COLUMN_NAME) and MAX(COLUMN_NAME) how can I writemy own variation of a such a function. If I can appreciate how to dothis,then I hopefully I can write a MEDIAN(COLUMN_NAME) type function or amore general function like a 10% percentile function with syntax suchasPERCENTILE(COLUMN_NAME,25).Regards JC......
Hi allFirstly this my first time posting to technical groups - so anymistakes I apologise for in advance.I am trying to count records in several secondary tables for the samerun in a primary table. However, there might be no records in thesesecondary tables for the specific run. Hence the sql below returnsnulls.Select run, (select count(errors) from table2 where run = groupby run) as errors, (select count(user) as users from table3 where run and user = active group by run, dd)from table1 t1(Please note the different group bys. )I do not want nulls to be returned but to be replaced with 0. I havetried the isnull function but this does not work. egSelect run, (select isNull(count(errors),0) from table2 where run group by run) as errors, (select isNull(count(user),0) as usersfrom table3 where run = and user = active group by run, user)from table1 t1Nor will isnull work if I put it around the select clause.Any suggestions?Thanks for the help!
Do aggregate functions (sum, count, min, max) inherently cause tablelocks?More concretely, would the following query typically result in a tablelock?select sum(quantity) as totalfrom productsThanks,Scott
I have a complex statement that is used in a SELECT statement. Afterall my calculations I need to do an additional filter on the results.Can I use an alias anywhere or is the AS clause just for columndisplay purposes?Instead of:SELECT column1,column2,some_complex_statement_using_SUM_AVG_and_a_few_CAS E_statementsAS TotalFROM table_nameHAVINGsome_complex_statement_using_SUM_AVG_and_a_few_CAS E_statements[color=blue]> 1[/color]Can I have:SELECT column1,column2,some_complex_statement_using_SUM_AVG_and_a_few_CAS E_statementsAS TotalFROM table_nameHAVINGTotal > 1As I understand it, the HAVING clause is used for filtering AFTERaggregate functions are calculated so the alias SHOULD be available.
the above query will give me total for dateoriginated , but I am reading that dateoriginated value from another table and that table has multiple value of dateoriginated.
what I would like to do is to run above SQL aggregate functions query for two different dates at the same time and I would like to get total
I'm probably just being thick but is there a way to use conditional statements within aggregate functions? I'm trying to do something along the lines of the following -
SELECT SUM( CASE WHEN Currency='GBP' THEN TotalAmountCharged ELSE TotalAmountCharged/1.45 ) as total from bookshop_orders where year(OrderDate) = 2004 and month(OrderDate) = 9
Howdy,I need to write an update query with multiple aggregate functions.Here is an example:UPDATE tSETt.a = ( select avg(f.q) from f where f.p = t.y ),t.b = ( select sum(f.q) from f where f.p = t.y )FROM dbo.test tBasically I need to get some aggregate statistics about the rows offoo and store them in rows of t. The above statement works fine...butnote how the two subSelect's have the exact same WHERE clause. Thisscreams at me to combine them...but how? I would like to havesomething like this in my query:SELECT avg(f.q), sum(f.q) FROM f WHERE f.p = 2...and somehow store the results in t.a and t.b. Is there any way todo this?Thanks before hand!
I am having trouble with a particular query that is beyond my scope of understanding.
Basically I need to pull sales records based on the following criteria:
I have CustomerID, InvoiceNumber, ContractEndDate, MobileNumber, etc..
Customers recontract their mobile phone plans through us, and we have a new sales record for each time they recontract.
For example, CustomerNumber 123 has recontracted 3 times..
once on 2006-01-01, then on 2007-02-12, and finally on 2008-02-15..
So they have a 12 month contract each time.. then come in to recontract it.
So.. a customer has a single Customer Detail record, but may have many sales records attached. And a customer may have several sales for the SAME mobile phone number.
Currently to pull ALL sales records for all customers, my query is this:
SELECT xxx.CustomerID AS xxx_CustomerID, xxx.Invoice AS xxx_Invoice, yyy.PhoneType AS yyy_PhoneType, yyy.PlanType AS yyy_PlanType, yyy.ContractEnds AS yyy_ContractEnds, yyy.MOB AS yyy_MobileNumber
FROM dbo.SaleControl xxx INNER JOIN dbo.SaleDetails yyy ON xxx.Invoice = yyy.Invoice
WHERE yyy.ContractEnds IS NOT NULL AND xxx.CustomerID IS NOT NULL
We want to get a list of customers that we can call to recontract, based on the ContractEnd field.
However, we want UNIQUE mobile phone numbers, with the LATEST ContrtactEnd date.
So, Customer 123 has 6 sales, for 2 unique Mobile numbers, the sql may be like:
SELECT MAX(yyy.ContractEnds) AS LatestCED, yyy.MOB FROM dbo.SaleControl xxx INNER JOIN dbo.SaleDetails yyy ON xxx.Invoice = yyy.Invoice WHERE xxx.CustomerID='123' GROUP BY yyy.MOB
Now, this works fine, and of course if i remove the WHERE clause, it collects all unique mobiles, with latest ContractEnd date for each, for all customers. (Customer 123 displays 2 mobile numbers, each with the LATEST ContractEnd date)
BUT i need this information ALONG WITH the other fields (xxx.CustomerID, xxx.Invoice, yyy.PhoneType, yyy.PlanType) and i have tried a few ways of doing it, but can't get my head around it..
Keep getting errors about Aggregate functions and Group By clause, and i understand why i am getting them, just cant think of any alternative query.
Hi all!In a statement I want to find the IDENTITY-column value for a row thathas the smallest value. I have tried this, but for the result i alsowant to know the row_id for each. Can this be solved in a neat way,without using temporary tables?CREATE TABLE some_table(row_id INTEGERNOT NULLIDENTITY(1,1)PRIMARY KEY,row_value integer,row_name varchar(30))GO/* DROP TABLE some_table */insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Alice', 0)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Alice', 1)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Alice', 2)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Alice', 3)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Bob', 2)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Bob', 3)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Bob', 5)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Celine', 4)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Celine', 5)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Celine', 6)select min(row_value), row_name from some_table group by row_name
select max(PTR_DATE) from MPR_portfolio_transactions group by PTR_SYMBOL
and this is working fine, but if I add an extra column with another field like:
select max(PTR_DATE) , PTR_SHAREBALANCE from MPR_portfolio_transactions group by PTR_SYMBOL
Then I get an error message like:
Column 'MPR_portfolio_transactions.PTR_SHAREBALANCE' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
Hi, Assume there is no sale with over 2000 units, the first query returns no row while the latter returns 1 row with a null value. I am not questioning the result, I would like to understand conceptually what semantic difference between the Sql99 analytic function and regular aggregate function makes the result different in this case.
select sum(Quantity) over() from orderdetails where Quantity > 2000
select sum(Quantity) from orderdetails where Quantity > 2000
Recently, I will write a database application to get the median valueaccording to the grouped condition.maybe, just like the following.SELECT Max(a1) MaxValue, Median(a1) MedianValue FROM test_tableAny suggestion?
I would like to display a couple of records horizontally via a table or list, but don't think this is possible. Am I right? The given recordset should only have two records and the formatting would be much better if they were displayed left to right rather than one on top of the other. Is this just not possible with SSRS? Thanks,
Are groups within a list or table forced to be kept on the same page (if possible)? If so, is there any way around this?
My problem is a report with a list with 3 tables inside the list. All tables show details associated with the grouped individual. The size of one list item can be slightly smaller than half a page or over. When the report can not fit two list items on one page, it starts a new page and leaves unwanted white space.
I have tried:
adding a rectangle adjusting width, margins, etc. not using lists, only tables nested within tables to check for page breaks, I adjusted the page size to 8.5 X 20. Same thing occurs, as many lists as possible on one page without splitting between pages.Thanks for any guidance.
Does anyone else experience Visual Studio 2005 shutting down when they try to preview a report which has a subreport contained in a table or list?Error Log:Description:Faulting application devenv.exe, version 8.0.50727.762, stamp 45716759, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, stamp 411096b4, debug? 0, fault address 0x0001eb33.Description:Bucket 358802311, bucket table 1, faulting application devenv.exe, version 8.0.50727.762, stamp 45716759, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, stamp 411096b4, debug? 0, fault address 0x0001eb33.
I'm trying to list out my a multi-value parameter in a table or list. Is this possible?
So far I've tried the simple do-it-the-same-way-as-a-dataset approach, and that doesn't work because it comes back with an error saying I need a dataset in my table.
I then tried creating a dataset that's identical my multi-value parameter, but I was stumped when it came to creating the correct SQL. I am able to pull the last value of my parameter into a dataset with a simple SELECT @MyParam query, but that's not going to cut it...
I have several tables that I need to summarize data from two tables based upon a dates passed in and group that data. I have attached my table layout, some sample data, and how I would like the results to look.
I'm still fairly new to cubes, so bear with me. I'm trying to figure out if I should include aggregate data (e.g. total employees per facility) in a dimension table or if I should use the finished cube to get the counts (MDX?). Thanks for any help that you can provide.
2) SalesTransactions - multiple rows for each contract - relevant columns: ContractNo, InvoiceDate, Value
3) CostOfSaleTransactions - multiple rows for each contract - relevant columns: ContractNo, TransactionDate, Cost
How do I write a SELECT statement to produce rows containing:
ContractNo ContractName Sum of Value for ContractNo between @FromDate and @ToDate Sum of Cost for ContractNo between @FromDate and @ToDate
Not all Contracts have either Sales or CostOfSales Transactions in the relevant date range and so one or both totals can be zero.
I've written something like:
SELECT CT.ContractNo, CT.ContractName, sum(CT.Value) as TotalValue, Sum(CS.Cost) as TotalCost
FROM Contract CT
INNER JOIN SalesTransactions ST ON CT.ContractNo=ST.ContractNo
INNER JOIN CostOfSaleTransactions CS ON CT.ContractNo=CS.ContractNo
WHERE (ST.InvoiceDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate) AND (CS.TransactionDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate)
GROUP BY CT.ContractNo, CT.ContractName
The TotalValue and TotalCost figures I get are much higher than expected. I presume this is something to do with the JOINs or WHERE clause. Please can you advise how I get the correct values?
Create view vwOrderItemTotal2 AS SELECT ItemName, fkMenuItemID, Sum(Quantity) as [SumOfMenuITems] FROM OrderItems GROUP BY fkMenuItemId, ItemName
When I present my data in a GridView, it works fine. For example, several orders for milk are returned as a summary quantity of 26 gallons in a single row of the GridView like this:
26 Milk
Now I need to filter my data by OrderDate and Zipcode. I created this new view:
Create view vwOrderItemTotal5 AS SELECT Orders.Zipcode, Orders.OrderDate, OrderItems.ItemName, OrderItems.fkMenuItemID, Sum(Quantity) as [SumOfMenuITems] FROM Orders INNER JOIN OrderItems ON Orders.OrderID = OrderItems.fkOrderID GROUP BY fkMenuItemId, ItemName, Zipcode, OrderDate
When I present my data in a Gridview using the new view I get a GridView with multiple rows for milk where each order has its own row like this:
1 Milk 5 Milk 6 Milk 6 Milk 3 Milk 1 Milk 4 Milk
But I want the data presentation in one row for each ItemName (e.g. Milk) as with my first view. Can I adjust my new view to achieve this, or should I stick with my first view (vwOrderItemTotal2) and adjust the Select Command in my SqlDataSource (hasn’t worked yet). I think that what I want is for the returned data to be grouped by fkMenuItemId only, but the sql server admin won’t let me create a view without including the other fields in the Group By clause. Thanks for any help provided in solving this.