How To Write Prediction Query For TimeSeries Algorithm
Dec 1, 2006
hi,I am a novice SSAS Programmer.I need a prediction Query in time series algorithm, so that it should predict for a particular date.I dont know how to use where condition in a prediction Query.
First of all I would like to politely greet everybody as I'm new on that forum and new to Data Mining in fact.
To introduce myself I can say I'm a student of Computer Science and I'm trying to use Time Series algorithm for weather analysis. I know that forecasting weather is a hopeless task even for the fastest computers in the world but what I'm trying to do is a kind of aposteriori analysis of historical data to notice some dependencies or characteristic weather behavior on a specified region and perhaps make some short time predictions.
I tried Time Series Algorithm although I have some doubts about methodological justification of this choice (if You have any critical comments please share them with me). But my main questions are about the usage of the algorithm itself:
I've read the documentation and a tutorial on this page for historical predictions but I still don't know what exactly are HistoricalModelCount and HistoricalModelGap. I know that my historical predictions are bounded by a €“ HistoricalModelCount*HistoricalModelGap*, but it's a rather operational knowledge... The explanation is always clouded with an €œinternal model€? phrase. Can You point me to a document where I can find some more detailed information? (What is the form of the model? How is it built? etc.)
Periodicity Hint. How should I treat these optional values? Are they other possible periods of data? I have data about weather measurements made every six hours for thirteen years** so is it a good choice to set this parameter to {365*4,4} (The first goes for a year and the second for a day)?
This is a technical question and I'm really ashamed of myself that I bother You with it. On the time chart in a model Viewer I can see date from the last year only. Zooming out/in, clicking insanely on every pixel on the screen, did not give any result (apart of broken mouse buttons). Is is possible to browse that data in mining model viewer chart? Thank You in advance for Your replies!
*This formula suggests how this parameters could work but I would like to know it for sure €“ don't want to make some awful mistakes in my project. :-) **Of course I plan to reduce the amount of data but the period will stay.
The first question is how to of TimeSeries Algorithm?
Using SQL Server 2005 TimeSeries Algorithm ,I build a data mining model.But after three days,it is still training.The data has 2,200,00 rows.
So what can i do to improve the processing speed.
The second question is parameters in Data Mining Query Task.
Data Mining Query Task is used to get data from data mining model.In the mining model form, i choose a mining model . And in the query form,i wrote a dmx ,"select flattened top 100 predicttimeseries([Xssl],1) from [Time Series XSSL]".Last i choose a table that is for the data from mining model.
Is it possible to use two algorithms together?I need to write prediction Query so that its should both models having clustereing algorithm and timeseries algorithm.
for example
I am having student information.I ve to predict performance of students for certain period.The students should be classified by their types like rich kids, that.I need to predict the performance of the rich kids??
Hi After building a model in BI, I want to view the chart of model in mining model viewer, in the chart tab I can just see one prediction value that means for my model do prediction for some time slice and in prediction steps I can specify how many steps, I want to show this chart In mining model viewer tab we can see the chart of prediction also decision tree and the chart is for showing all of value prediction, and with choosing prediction steps we can specify that show just one value prediction or two or several values. But sometime I can see just one value in chart and sometime I can see several values in chart, This difference is for my data or no? And also for viewing historic prediction I should choice €œshow historic prediction€? and before that I should set Two parameters: Historic_ model _count and historic _model _count, But I can€™t see historic prediction (sometime this happens) Please help me.
Where I am trying to find out the associations between various service activities so that when a customer buys a service activity we can recommend him/her others
I'm building a mining model wiht MS Association Rules. After processing this model, the result includes some rules(example):
E = Existing, C = Existing -> B = Existing F = Existing -> E = Existing C = Existing, B = Existing -> E = Existing F = Existing -> B = Existing B = Existing, A = Existing -> C = Existing F = Existing, B = Existing -> E = Existing F = Existing, E = Existing -> B = Existing D = Existing -> A = Existing C = Existing -> A = Existing E = Existing, A = Existing -> B = Existing
I want to buid a query that has two or more items on the left of the rules, example: E = Existing, C = Existing -> B = Existing ->I want to buid a query to predict that: when a customer buy 'E' and 'C' then he likely buys 'B'
Dear friends, I'm reading Wiley's Data mining with SQL Server 2005... There are MANY things I can't understand about MovieClick example (Chapter 3). I hope someone is going to help me with this troubles...
WARNING (1): I'm a dummy both with sql server and data mining. WARNING (2): My English is not good at all.
Just two questions for now:
1) When I create the model to predict the number of bedrooms for homeowners, the book says to check BEDROOMS as Predictable... question: is it also an INPUT for the model, or PREDICTABLE only?
2) I'd like to keep this model (number of bedrooms.......) and make a prediction query.
- Query builder - select case table -> Homeowners - Drag the Customer ID column from the Homeowners table and drop it on the grid - Drag the BEDROOMS column from the mining model and drop it on the grid. - On the last row: Source=PredictionFunction, Field=PredictProbability - Drag the BEDROOMS column from the mining model and drop it into Criteria/Argument - Add (i.e.) 'Two or Three' to the field Criteria/Argument
I execute the query and I obtain many rows in a table with the following colums: CustomerID, BEDROOMS and Expression: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? WHICH INFO DO I GET FROM THOSE NUMBERS? WHAT CAN I LEARN FROM THEM?
I am doing this right now this way: 1) I do the DMX prediction query where I get the PredictNodeId(predict_var), my query is like this:
SELECT PredictNodeId(predict_var), model_1.predict_var, t.var_1, t.var_2 FROM model_1 PREDICTION JOIN OPENQUERY([DATA_SOURCE_1], 'SELECT var_1, var_2 FROM table_1') AS t ON model_1.var_1 = t.var_1 AND model_1.var_2 = t.var_2 2)I do the DMX query to get the node_description from the model.content iterating each row from the result of my prediction query, this query is like this:
SELECT node_description FROM model_1.content WHERE node_name = 'node_name_var'
In this query node_name_var = PredictNodeId(predict_var) from my prediction query. What I want to know if there is a way to merge Query 1 and Query 2 so I can get the node_description in the same query qhere I get the PredictNodeId.
Can i use a CASE statement in a prediction query. the following query is throwing me an error
SELECT CASE [Sales Forecast Time Series].[City Code] when 'LA' then 'Los Angeles' WHEN 'CA' THEN 'California' ELSE 'OTHERS' END, PredictTimeSeries([Sales Forecast Time Series].[Sales Value],5) From [Sales Forecast Time Series]
ERROR: Parser: The statement dialect could not be resolved due to ambiguity.
Is it possible to discretize the Sales Value column using a the CASE statement, the output column of PredictTimeSeries function.
Is there a link that can give me a comprehensive info on what can be achieved and what cant be using DMX queries
Can anyone show me how to run a prediction query and save the results to a sql table without using the T-SQL OPENQUERY tip here I am looking for an example in that I can use in a SSIS script task.
I have a question about what is possible with a prediction query against a nested table. Say I have a basic customer-product case and nested table mining model like so:
Mining Model DT_CustProd ( [Id] , [Gender] , [Age] [Products] Predict ( [ProductName] , [Quantity] ) ) Using Microsoft_Decision_Trees
I can write a query to find the probability of product (and quantity) A like so:
SELECT (select * from Predict(Products,INCLUDE_STATISTICS) where ProductName = 'A' )
FROM DT_CustProd
(SELECT 'M' AS [Gender], 27 AS [AGE] ) AS t
What if I know that the query customer (M,27) in question has purchased product B, how can I use that in the prediction join to predict product A? The fact that product B was purchased might influence the prediction, right?
I have a question about writing a prediction query against a clustering model that has the same column added more than once.
Per Jamie, I can accomplish some crude weighting by adding a column to my model multiple times. See this post for an explnation... Now that I have that worked out, I was wondering how my DM query would look? If I have Input_A1, Input_A2 , & Input_A3 all being source from the same column in my structure do I have to reference all three when writing my prediction query?
I believe saving prediction query results to relational tables is possible (the BI studio does it!). I am not clear on how to do this w/o the BI studio, which means if I write a DMX query and want to store its output to a relational table, how do I do it?
Hi I have three questions about several topics. In this code: public string ConnectionString { get { return "Provider=MSOLAP.3;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW"; } }
What is data source and initial catalog and what does this code do? And if I want to use other database how can change this code? (This code is for data mining viewer client project) And in this code: SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Integrated Security=True"); SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand("Select AddressID,AddressLine1 from Person.Address", cn); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(); da.SelectCommand = cm; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); this.comboBox1.DisplayMember = "AddressLine1"; this.comboBox1.ValueMember = "AddressID"; this.comboBox1.DataSource = dt;
what is comboBox1.DisplayMember and comboBox1.ValueMember ,and what is difference between those ? and other question: in adventure works dw project for data mining predicting ,in forecasting model ,if I want to show the result of this query in the combobox in c# how can I show that? SELECT PredictTimeSeries(amount) From [Forecasting] And again in this code ,it has a result which has two culomns ,on of them is for amount and other column is for time ,in sql I can save this result in exsiting table or neew table with wizard,but I want to Do this work in c#,that€™s mean with a adomdconnection I connect to forecasting model and write this query then in a datagridviwe ,Iwant to see the values of prediction in adventure works dw database. Other question: In €œdataminingviwerclient€? project I change this code and you can see it,for this code I have a form that give servername and catlogname in that and then with clcking on a button I want to show the chart of model in a child form ,but I can€™t.
public Form1 form1 = new Form1(); public string m_ServerName; public string m_CatalogName; public Form3() { m_ServerName = ""; m_CatalogName = ""; InitializeComponent(); }
public string ConnectionString { get { return "Provider=MSOLAP.3;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW"; } }
private void ShowModel(Panel panel, string modelName) { AdomdConnection conn = new AdomdConnection(); try { MiningModelViewerControl viewer = null; MiningModel model = null; MiningService service = null;
// Clear any existing controls from the panel if (panel.HasChildren) panel.Controls.Clear();
// Connect to server conn.ConnectionString = ConnectionString; conn.Open();
// Determine the viewer type based on the model service and // instantiate the correct viewer model = conn.MiningModels[modelName]; service = conn.MiningServices[model.Algorithm]; if (service.ViewerType == "Microsoft_TimeSeries_Viewer") viewer = new TimeSeriesViewer(); else throw new System.Exception("Custom Viewers not supported");
// Set up and load the viewer viewer.ConnectionString = ConnectionString; viewer.MiningModelName = modelName; viewer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; panel.Controls.Add(viewer); viewer.LoadViewerData(null); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Model Load"); } conn.Close(); when I run this code ,I have one error that say: the €œ object not found parametr name:index Please see this code and answer my question. If you just can answer one of my qestions ,please say. Thanks a lot for your answers.With best wishes for you
I've saw many tutorials about using TimeSeries. But all of them using a table. But I'm using a cube to represent data. So I'm trying to build forecast from cube, but it doesn't so good as in could be. I've got the same problem as desribed in Microsoft's tutoral Adventure work. So I need to forecast a series of sales. The problem is that I can't create second key value, as it shown in tutorial. So I can't split good's sales. I have created dimentions for goods and for time. So cube's browser shows me very handsome view, but the problem with mining model still remains... Please, help me! How can I solve this problem? Can I create a separate table from cube to build forecast by this table? Or I can solve this problem not using tables?
I mined a small-size table using TimeSeries. There are only 3 columns in the mining model : payment, region_name, and period. Payment is of type floating-point designated as predicted column, region_name is of type string/text designated as key, period is of type numeric(6) with year and month designated as key time. Build and deployment are successful. The value of period spans from 200501 to 200603, with PERIODICITY_HINT is set to {12}.
(1) However, the viewer displays the result in percentage, not the values of column payment. How can I instruct the viewer (or Visual Studio) NOT to display it on percentage?
(2) Two key-values are missing. In the data, there are 8 key-values. But the viewer displays only 6 of them. How can this be?
Revenue 4 GB (4086 MB) Partitioned into 12 partitions (about 340 MB each) The count of records : almost 16.8 millions Each partition has approximately 1.4 million records
Algorithm chosen : TimeSeries Time Key : Period (6 digits integer with values range from 200501 to 200512, integer values) (Non-time) Key : Telephone number, variable-length string/text, max 15 char Input-and-predicted column1 : SLI007 Input-and-predicted column2 : SLI008
I have set the value for PERIODICITY_HINT to {12}. I created the project 3 times in 3 machines. All fail. The error message is the same :
Internal error : An unexpected exception occured. Internal error: An unexpected error occurred (file 'dmtimeseries.cpp', line 646, function 'DMTimeSeries::ProcessCaseTS3and4').
I searched for the file in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server and its subfolders. I didn't find it.
What causes the error?
I tested 3 machines to check whether the performance of the machine is the culprit.
Single processor Pentium M 2.0 GHz with 2 GB Memory Double processor Xeon 2.4 GHz with 3 GB Memory Double processor Xeon 3.4 GHz with 4 GB Memory
But the project in all those machines return the same error. Any idea?
Using the TimeSeries algorithm, how do I forecast more than one time period ahead? I read in you book on page 182 that PredictTimeSeries function can take a parameter for the number of time periods you want to predict. Fore example, SELECT PredictTimeSeries(Bread,5) tells the algorithm to predict the next 5 time periods. Can you tell me how to change that parameter using the graphic interfaces?
Hi, I have a table Projects. This table has ProjectID and Version as PK. The Version starts at 1 and everytime a project is changed, I save the project with the same ProjectID and increase the Version by 1.How can I create a query that get all Projects with the latest Version? Thx
I have a Properties table like thisPropertyID PropertyValue 1 Address 2 City 3 Stateetc.and a UserProfile table like thisUserID PropertyID PropertyValue1 1 123 Main Street1 2 Denveretc.How do I write a query that can populate a registration page with Address,City, State as labels and 123 Main Street, Denver, as TextBox text?
Hi,I have included here my webform here.i need some assistance here with webform contains two parts.the 1st part is office info and the 2nd part is client info.i also have two table named office_info and client_info.1st part is populated from the table office_info as soon as the office name is chosen from the my scenario,when user selects officename from dropdownlist,then textboxes correspondingto address and email gets populated by the related data from table office_info.2nd part is client there are 3 textboxes(for name,age,address) to collect the data from the client using the form.these data gets posted to new row in table client_info as soon as user clicks on the save button.Now my actual question starts here.when user selects the option from the dropdonwlist the office info displays,now when he fills the client info part and clicks the save button,i want all the data to go to the table client_info in such a way that all the data fromthe client info part plus the id of the office also go along with when user clicks the save button.i want data to get submitted in table client_info in this way.(id,name,age,address,off_row_id) (1,jack,25,US,1) here off_row_id is the id from the below table office_info is like this (id,off_name,address,email) eg(1,xyz,ny, well can anyone tell me how to write query to do insert,edit,update,delete query in this case using c# and sql?here is the scenario <%@ Page Language="C#" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><script runat="server"></script><html xmlns="" ><head runat="server"> <title>Untitled Page</title></head><body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> Office Info:<br /> <hr /> <br /> Office name: <asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" Width="63px"> <asp:ListItem>ABC</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem>XYZ</asp:ListItem> </asp:DropDownList><br /> <br /> Address: <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br /> <br /> email: <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br /> <br /> <hr /> </div> Client info:<br /> <br /> name: <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br /> <br /> age: <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox4" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br /> <br /> address:<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox5" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br /> <br /> <br /> <hr /> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="save" /> <asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="cancel" /> </form></body></html> thanks.jack.
hello everyone. i want to know how works with sql database. can i have a link to the article where i can perform from basic to advance sql query using (in context of vwd 2005 and sql express ) thanks. jack.
I have two table named tbl_Scale and tbl_NGTrDAMaster tbl_Scale(ScaleID,ScaleName,ScaleLB,ScaleUB,ScaleSI1,ScaleSI2,ScaleSI3) here scale id is prim key tbl_NGTrDAMaster(TrDaId,ScaleID,CityTypeID,DAAmount) no prim key and we get CityTypeID from xml databinder....... In my form thr is two drop down list one for scale name and another for city type id this is the data form tbl_NGTrDAMaster 17 1 1 555 18 3 1 777 19 3 1 999 8 1 1 777 5 5 1 34634 20 1 1 52352 27 1 1 6666 23 5 1 12412 12 2 1 235235 13 3 1 456456 14 5 1 1000000 15 4 1 60000 16 5 1 90 24 5 1 25123 25 5 1 13124 26 5 1 12412 but i am expecting only one combination of set..... like 1-1,1-2,1-3,1-4.......but if reenter 1-1 thn we have to restrict that.... please help me.... i am in big trouble......Thanx in advance If my qes is not clear for everyone... plz tell me.... i try my lebel best for understand my prob to u.....
Hello, I have a table with fields; T1: Dept, Name, Desc, ModificationDate How can I group by T1.Name, T1.Desc and bring T1.Dept which has the latest T1.ModificationDate Can anyone write me this query?
I have got the three tables above. Would you help me to write a SQL query to show the names and PercentOfQuota of sales people who have an order with all cuatomers. Thank you very much!
I have got the three tables above. Would you help me to write a SQL query to show the names and PercentOfQuota of sales people who have an order with all cuatomers. Thank you very much!