I have a report with a category that filters for "top N" categories, but it is preventing the entire data set from being evaluated so that the series subtotals are incorrect. Is there a way to change the precedence, so that the subtotals are computed across the entire data set, and the "top N" is evaluated afterwards?
I am trying to set sorting up on a DataGrid in ASP.NET 2.0. I have it working so that when you click on the column header, it sorts by that column, what I would like to do is set it up so that when you click the column header again it sorts on that field again, but in the opposite direction. I have it working using the following code in the stored procedure: CASE WHEN @SortColumn = 'Field1' AND @SortOrder = 'DESC' THEN Convert(sql_variant, FileName) end DESC, case when @SortColumn = 'Field1' AND @SortOrder = 'ASC' then Convert(sql_variant, FileName) end ASC, case WHEN @SortColumn = 'Field2' and @SortOrder = 'DESC' THEN CONVERT(sql_variant, Convert(varchar(8000), FileDesc)) end DESC, case when @SortColumn = 'Field2' and @SortOrder = 'ASC' then convert(sql_variant, convert(varchar(8000), FileDesc)) end ASC, case when @SortColumn = 'VersionNotes' and @SortOrder = 'DESC' then convert(sql_variant, convert(varchar(8000), VersionNotes)) end DESC, case when @SortColumn = 'VersionNotes' and @SortOrder = 'ASC' then convert(sql_variant, convert(varchar(8000), VersionNotes)) end ASC, case WHEN @SortColumn = 'FileDataID' and @SortOrder = 'DESC' THEN CONVERT(sql_variant, FileDataID) end DESC, case WHEN @SortColumn = 'FileDataID' and @SortOrder = 'ASC' THEN CONVERT(sql_variant, FileDataID) end ASC And I gotta tell you, that is ugly code, in my opinion. What I am trying to do is something like this: case when @SortColumn = 'Field1' then FileName end, case when @SortColumn = 'FileDataID' then FileDataID end, case when @SortColumn = 'Field2' then FileDesc when @SortColumn = 'VersionNotes' then VersionNotes end
case when @SortOrder = 'DESC' then DESC when @SortOrder = 'ASC' then ASC end and it's not working at all, i get an error saying: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'case' when i put a comma after the end on line 5 i get: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DESC' What am I missing here? Thanks in advance for any help -Madrak
I have 2 Columns FirstName and LastName but i need to show it in UI as User Name ,that means i need to combine both First Name and Last name and display both as 1 field namely UserName ,How to query tht ? What shld i use?
I've got a rather large database, approx 560 tables, that is about 10G. We're running into trouble when an application moves data from my database into GreatPlains accounting software.
The problem seems related to the value 'foo' not coming across correctly. I've looked at all the tables that I think would be involved, but couldn't find the value. So, I'd like to write a script to sequence through the tables and check each column for the value.
I want to do a Query in Table ZT_TransFmt9_Headerto join with other Table and then get the value of KeepMonth from ZT_DataBackupbut Table ZT_TransFmt9_Header is far from away ZT_DataBackupit seems have to run a complicated SQL Query to reach goal..
select BusinessCode from ZT_BillerInfo A, ZT_TransFmt9_Header ins where A.JihsunCode=ins.StoreCode -----------ZT_TransFmt9_Header to join with ZT_BillerInfo for get BusinessCode when I get BusinessCode , next I need put BusinessCode in where clause to select data from zt_billerinfo ( Table zt_billerinfo have a column named BusinessCode which can mapping with the BusinessCode I have just select from ZT_BillerInfo and ZT_TransFmt9_Header and then join with Table zt_biller get value of CompanyCode, and then use company code in Table Databackup to get the keepmonth * I know my descrition may cause you feel confused. I past a Table picture herehttp://picasaweb.google.com.tw/jovi.fat/TAbleRelation/photo#5092934117841944082
I have a table. Highlight------------- Id Name Detail StartDate EndDate Priority
I want to make a query which returns 1 Highlight in the current date. But remember I have already set the Hightlight Priority 1 to 5. And I want that Hight Priority rows select more times than Low Priority Rows.
Can Somebody please show me how to acheive this, using the order details in Northwinddatabase or any other good example. as much details as possible. Many Thanks!
I need to name make the name of a column the same as the name of a table from the result of a sql query.. here is the assignment question below..I can't figure out how to get the name of the table to be inputed as the column name..
Write a script that uses dynamic SQL to return a single column that represents the number of rows in the first table in the current database. The script should automatically choose the table that appears first alphabetically, and it should exclude tables named dtproperties and sysdiagrams. [highlight=#ffff11]Name the column CountOfTable, where Table is the chosen table name.[/highlight] Hint: Use the sys.tables catalog view.
I can figure out the rest. and actually have alredy done it, but i cannot figure out how to do the part that is highlighted above. I looked at lots of things on google to figure it out but no luck..Can some just give me some directlon or an example..
My boss wants to know why I can sort information in the Enterprise Manager by clicking the column headings but he can't; like in the Job window clicking status to sort the jobs by status so all of the 'executing' jobs are listed first. I said no problem, let's apply SP2 and that should do the trick. To my chagrin it did not solve the problem. I would appreciate any ideas.
I looked around quite a bit but couldn't get around to the issue I've at hand. I've a matrix report with one row group and one column group. I want to apply interactive sort so that when a user clicks on the column header based on the values in the column the report is rearranged.
The report shows:
Name 02/02/2008 01/31/2008
Test1 15 12 Test2 9 15
Now if the user clicks on 02/02/2008 then it will show Name 02/02/2008 01/31/2008
I am trying to add style-sheet on the sort column of datagrid. I am not able to do that as it takes default font and link comes under it. So can anybody help me to resolve this issue.
Hi, I have a report with fiive columns, I have implemented interactive column sorting on the report. I have added a group to the report based on Column 2 and there is a page break by group. Now if I am on the second page ( page break by column 2 ) and sort on column 3(there is no grouping on column 3), the sorting happens but after the sort, the first page is displayed.IS there any way to remain on the same page while sorting? Thanks in Advance.
I'm trying to implement Interactive Soring on the column headers in a matrix in a report. Is it actually possible to do this? I've read several internet posts and stories of implementing the Interactive Sorting in the upper-left corner of the matrix, but this is not what I want, I want to implement it on the column headers .
The goal I'm trying to achieve is to give the user the possibillity to click on a column header to sort the rows below in asc- or descending direction.
Please tell me if this is possible, because all my efforts have not been succesfull! If it's possible, please provide the solution to do this.
If you need more information, please don't hesitate to ask.
I've created an SSRS report in Report builder and I'm displaying it in SharePoint 2010. What I would need to do is to sort according to my totals -column. My report structure is as follows:
The first and column second columns are the ID and the name of a customer. There are over 35.000 consolidated customers in the database.
The third column is the column which I would like my report to be sorted upon. It gives the sum (Amount_EUR) of all different productlines sold to the customer.
The fourth column in this report design model is the product groups sold to that customer. There over twenty of product groups visible when Running the report.
This is what my report looks like when finished (you'd have to scroll a lot to the right if I took the whole of the report so I cut only a part of it to be visible):
I tried to add a sorting option from the reports Tablix properties and adding this code as the sorting function:
But I'm getting an error: "A sort expression for the tablix 'Tablix1' includes an aggregate function. Aggregate functions cannot be used in data row sort expressions."
Ok, so no aggregate functions aren't allowed to the sort.
If I just put:
=Fields!Amount_EUR.Value and sort by that from Z to A(biggest to largest) it doesn't have any effect. The report is still sorted alphabetically by the ParentID.
I've also tried some other code bits, but they all seem to be saying that I couldn't put an aggregate function into the sort expression....but my Total -column is already calculated with a Sum -function....
Is it possible sort my report based on that Total -column? If yes, how? I'm using SSRS 2008
Hi all,We recently upsized two Microsoft Access Databases to SQL. We'reusing an ADP (2002) as the front end.All the conversion issues have been resolved, except for one:Whenever we insert a record into a table, the table isn't sorted byprimary key like I would expect. Instead, the record can be found atthe end of the table. This makes finding a particular record(especially as time goes on) very difficult.I've tried eliminating all indexes except for the primary key, andalso writing AFTER INSERT triggers, but the table still does not sortcorrectly.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!Matt