Select statement joining file1 to file2. File 1 may have 0, 1, or many corresponding rows in file2. I need to count the corresponding rows in table2. Table2 also has a Boolean column and I need to count the number of rows where it is true. So I need to count the total number of matching rows and the count of those that are set to true. This is an example of what I have so far. I had to add each column being selected into a Group by to make it work, but I do not know why. Is there some other way this should be set up.
SELECT c.CarId, c.CarName, c.CarColor, COUNT(t.TrailerId) as trailerCount, (add count of boolian, say t.TrailerFull is true) FROM Car c LEFT JOIN Trailer t on t.CarId = c.CarId GROUP BY c.CarId, c.CarName, c.CarColor
is there any way to set up a column that has the row count in it? i need this for a program i am developing and this would make it much easier to deal with. I know i can get a total count but when i run a count within a select statement i just get '1' for every row. thanks
select statement joining file1 to file2. File 1 may have 0, 1, or many corresponding rows in file2. I need to count the corresponding rows in table2. Table2 also has a Boolean column and I need to count the number of rows where it is true. So I need to count the total number of matching rows and the count of those that are set to true. This is an example of what I have so far. I had to add each column being selected into a Group by to make it work, but I do not know why. Is there some other way this should be set up.
SELECT c.CarId, c.CarName, c.CarColor, COUNT(t.TrailerId) as trailerCount, (add count of boolian, say t.TrailerFull is true) FROM Car c LEFT JOIN Trailer t on t.CarId = c.CarId GROUP BY c.CarId, c.CarName, c.CarColor
i have a report with 1 group and items under the group.
i want to add a new field called Sl. no. at the group level which keeps the count on that i mean say if there are 10 groups i want the number from 1 to 10 appear against each group as 1 Grp1 2 Grp2 3 Grp3 . . . 10 Grp10
How can i achieve the above. I tried the rownumber but it returns the number of rows the group has. The levels i have is "table1" the main scope and "table1_Group1" the group scope which in the table1 scope.
hi, i have a stored procedure SELECT UserName AS Visitor, COUNT(VisitID) AS TotalVisit FROM UserVisits WHERE (ProductID = @ProductID) AND (AnonimIP IS NULL) GROUP BY UserName UNION SELECT AnonimIP AS Visitor, COUNT(VisitID) AS TotalVisit FROM UserVisits AS UserVisits_1 WHERE (ProductID = @ProductID) AND (UserName IS NULL) GROUP BY AnonimIP this will return something like: zuperboy90 - 4 visits ANONIMOUS - 6 visits 85.104.103 - 2 visits etc how can i count the rows returned in both selections (4+6+2 = 12) ? thank you
Can anyone explain to me how to count number of rows per page? I need to calculate an index size, and I think the factor that contributes the most to my formula`s inaccuracies is the number of rows per page.
I have a stored procedure which deletes a number of rows from a number of different tables. How to i count/return the number of deleted rows in each table?
Here is my stored procedure if it helps:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_delete_entry] @new_venue_id int AS BEGIN
DECLARE@new_customer_id int SET @new_customer_id = (SELECT customer_id FROM VENUE WHERE venue_id = @new_venue_id)
DELETE FROM FEATURED WHERE venue_id = @new_venue_id DELETE FROM FACILITIES WHERE venue_id = @new_venue_id DELETE FROM SIC WHERE venue_id = @new_venue_id DELETE FROM SUBSCRIPTION WHERE venue_id = @new_venue_id DELETE FROM ADMIN WHERE venue_id = @new_venue_id DELETE FROM VENUE WHERE venue_id = @new_venue_id DELETE FROM CUSTOMER WHERE customer_id = @new_customer_id
I hate to ask such silly helps..but I'm missing something here..need help. I have a table having columns for createddate and deleteddate. The data gets created and deleted periodically and I need to find out the number of created,deleted and remaining number of records on each day. This query works, but takes a lot of time...not sure if there is a more better way to do this.. Please help SELECT CAST(createddate AS DATETIME) AS createdDate, Created, Deleted, Remaining FROM( SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR,createdon,102) AS CreatedDate, COUNT(1) created, (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM table ta2 WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR,ta2.deletedon,102) = CONVERT(VARCHAR,ta.createdon,102)) Deleted, ((SELECT COUNT(1) FROM table ta1 WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR,ta1.createdon,102) <= CONVERT(VARCHAR,ta.createdon,102)) - (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM table ta1 WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR,ta1.deletedon,102) <= CONVERT(VARCHAR,ta.createdon,102))) Remaining FROM table ta WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR,createdon,102) >= (GETDATE() - 90) GROUP BY CONVERT(VARCHAR,createdon,102) ORDER BY CONVERT(VARCHAR,createdon,102) DESC) AS tmp
Hi, I have a table that for ease has this data in:R1, R2, R....z---------------------A | 12A | 22A | 30B | 0B | -1B | -3C | 100I want to generate a table for each distinct row in R1, gives a countof all the rows with data correspondingFor the above table I would getA | 3B | 3C | 1Im probably being stupid but cannot see this at the moment... pleasehelp.Thanks
I would like to create a user defined SQL function which returns the number of rows which meets certain condition, and the average value of one of the culomns. I cannot find a code example for it. Please help.
hi, I am importing data daily to many tables, I want to keep track of the #of rows for each import process. I already have created a trigger as follow: CREATE TRIGGER tr_bcp_log ON dbo.A FOR INSERT AS
declare @name varchar(30), @row_count int
select @name=name , @row_count= @@rowcount from inserted
insert into bcp_tracks (name,row_count) values(@name,@row_count) GO
The problem is that I am getting a row for each inserted row in table A.for instance if I have 500 rows in table A, I will get 500 rows in the log table like this table_name,#of rows A 1 A 1 A 1 etc up to 500 rows for table A
This is not what I want, I want to capture the num of rows for every bcp process , so in the log table I want to see the following : table_name, #of rows A 500 B 600 C 450 A 250 etc
Is there a way (perhaps a property) to capture the number of rows selected from a Flat File Data Flow Source without having to develop a script to loop through the rows and count them?
I need to count and display the number of records which have GradeTitle="SHO". I'm only starting to use BI development studio and all attempts at using the built in aggregate functions have failed.
Also, the report I wish to create has a fixed number of columns and a fixed number of rows as the info being displayed is really only counting values in the DB. I tried using Table but multiple rows were created.
I'd appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction, as searching this forum turned out to be pretty fruitless for me.
We have a huge table with around 250 million records and have implemented SQL server 2005's new table partitioning feature. Now the data seems to be evenly spread across 20 different filegroups ( each 5 GB approx ) for the same table that was occupying 100 GB itself in the PRIMARY filegroup earlier.
Still the query response times have not come down drastically but we could see a good improvement in the execution plans now.
For my work I am now learning Sql server 2005 and I have been given a database that has been set up by someone else to work with. It is my job to get the database ready for use in reports.
My problem is that the current database has one huge table with almost 8GB of data. The table contains data from 2004 to present (and growing) from 14 different countries. The reports we use are mostly per country, but we also want to compare the 14 countries to eachother for say, whole 2006. At the moment the table is stored in one single file instead of using partitions.
I believe partitions can give a good performance boost when running the queries. But how do I do this? Currently the country codes are just plain text, can they be used for partitions?
We have a very huge database that stores 12 years of data(120 Million records). But our application mainly accesses past 3 years data i.e , the queries would scan the 120 million records even when it actually has to scan 30 million records alone (for 3 years).
Since few other important applications needs access to all the 12 years data, we are in a position to have 12 years data in the same database.
Right now we are looking for an approach that would help us to efficiently access the 3 years data alone and boost the performance.
1. Will SQL server table paritioning help in this scenario ?
2. Indexed views would help us ? Is it possible to create indexed views based on year range and access the views in the stored procedures ?
Hi guys , assuming right now I already create partition function (PF_Date) and partition scheme (PS_Date). Let say I would like to implement the partition on the existing tables ( eg: transaction table which is in PRIMARY filegroup), how am I switch it from PRIMARY to PS_Date ? Is it I have to re-create the particular table then only able to put in the partition scheme? Hope can get any assistance here. Thanks alot.
I have a table that contains records of transactions with ID column is primary key
I use partition follow ID column, each partition have 1 million records.
CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [pfTBLTRANS_ID](int) AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES (1000000, 2000000, 3000000, 4000000, 5000000, 6000000, 7000000, 8000000, 9000000, 10000000)
But now I have more records with IDs that are greater than 11.000.000. So how can I add more partitions to this table ?
First off, I'm not very familiar with SQL Server. I need some guidance on what the best path to take is for this as it may not even be table partitions.
I have a huge table (155 million rows) and it's gotten so large than I can't even delete a large set of rows from it (i.e. delete everything older than 6 mo, which would be ~100 million rows). When trying to run a delete like this, it just goes for a LONG time and then just eventually runs out of memory.
The current data in this table can actually be completely cleared out soon (after Feb 1st) and I plan to do this with TRUNCATE TABLE, or just DROP and recreate. Once I do this, I want to create a way to keep this table moderately sized so it never grows that large again and it seems table partitions may be the way to go for this?
I'd like to keep the last 6mo of data in it (I have a datetime column to keep track of this). Anything older I'd like automatically removed. Can I do this with table partitioning? Create 6 partitions that store the 6 most recent months of data and everything older automatically gets dropped off?
If not partitions, what do you suggest to keep this DB modest size?
SQL 2014 I've inherited a db that has several partitioned tables. They are partitioned by month. We're approaching the last partition, 11-30-2015, so we need to extend the tables. My question is how do I do this? There are Partition Schemes and Partition Functions setup at the db level. I've figured out how to ALTER those. Next I go to a table that I know is partitioned, right-click Storage and select Manage Partitions.
My only option is to "create a staging table for partition switching". Not knowing what switching is, I'm not sure if this is what I want to do. All I want to do is add new partitions to the table - and remove some of the old ones since they are empty due to archiving of data.
So, what is the proper steps to adding new partitions to a table that is already partitioned?
I have 3 columns. I would like to update a table based on job_cd and permit_nbr column. if we have same job_cd and permit_nbr, reference number should be same else it should take max(reference number) from the table +1 for all rows where reference_nbr column is null
I have table having around 100 million rows.Everyday we have an ETL process in which table will be trucnated and relaoded. Will creating a partition on the table increase the inserting speed?