Howto Create X509Certificate2 Instance From A Certificate Imported Into Db?

Nov 15, 2005


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Create Certificate

Dec 6, 2006

I am
having a weired issue(donno whether its weired or not.). I have a user
who has db_owner rights on a database. But when he is trying to create
a certificate he is getting error.
"Msg 15247, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
User does not have permission to perform this action."
Remember he is having db_owner rights on that particular database. is there any other permission that i have to give him.

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Create Certificate From Byte[]

Feb 4, 2008


Just wondering if anyone knows if you can create a certificate from a byte[]. For example, you can create an assembly using CREATE ASSEMBLY FROM 0x...; specifying the hex representation of it - can you do the same with a certificate? This means that you don't need to save the file to disk before loading it into the database.


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Create A Certificate From Hex String

Feb 7, 2008


Does anyone know if there's a way to create a certificate from a hex string rather than a backup file? i.e:

Code Snippet

create certificate from 0x123ABC...;

rather than

create certificate from 'C:mycert.cer' (or whatever the syntax is)
I know that you can do this for assemblies (and in fact I use this) - is there an equivalent for certificates? If not, why not?


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Create User From Certificate Problem

Feb 27, 2007


I'm trying to create a user (from certificate):
USE master
CREATE CERTIFICATE UnsafeSample_Certificate
ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'All you need is love'
WITH SUBJECT = 'Certificate for example_sp',
START_DATE = '20070201', EXPIRY_DATE = '21000101';
BACKUP CERTIFICATE UnsafeSample_Certificate TO FILE = 'C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentshunterSampleCert.cer'
WITH PRIVATE KEY (FILE = 'C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentshunterSampleCert.pvk',
ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'Tomorrow never knows',
DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'All you need is love');
CREATE USER UnsafeSample_Login
FROM CERTIFICATE UnsafeSample_Certificate;
TO UnsafeSample_Login;

But I'm getting error: "Cannot find the login 'UnsafeSample_Login4', because it does not exist or you do not have permission."

Where i should change rights? User (which i'm using to connect to server) has "sysadmin" server role...

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CREATE CERTIFICATE From Backup: Error Message

Jul 16, 2005


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SQL Server 2008 :: Bulk Import And Create New Table Based On Header Fields Of Imported File (XLXS)

Sep 11, 2015

I have a record in an Excel format (Excel 2010) and I would like to bulk import that into SQL Server 2008 and also while importing, SQL Server will automatically create a new table based on the header fields or row of the source file.

I am not sure if SQL Server 2008 has this capabilities.

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May 22, 2007

hi all,

i m trying to send message between different server instance using service broker.

and for security purpose i am trying to create certificate. for that i have used makecert.exe and get a certificate and a private key. but when i am creating certificate using that file it is showing error

the code is --

CREATE CERTIFICATE ctfSourceServerMaster

FROM FILE = 'C:SourceServer.cer'

WITH PRIVATE KEY ( FILE = 'C:SourceServer.pvk', DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'PrivateKeyPassword' )



i have created the file SourceServer.cer' and SourceServer.pvk' by using makecert.exe tool.

the idea behind creating the certificate ctfSourceServerMaster is to give transport security.

I am running the particular script in the master database.

but still i am getting error


The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key file does not exist or has invalid format.

If any body has any idea please help!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks a lot in advance

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Create A Named Instance On Top Of A Default Instance

Apr 13, 2007


I've never had to do this, but when I downloaded the Web Workflow Approvals Starter Kit, it requested that I install the database into a User Instance of .SQLEXPRESS.

Now the problem is, I've installed it onto a default instance, so I was wondering whether you can create a named instance on top of a default instance... and if so, how would you do that?



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Certificate Loading Issue - When Creating Certificate From SQL Server To SQL Server Express On The Same Machine

Jun 29, 2007

Hi, We are trying to implement Service Broker between SQL Server Express and SQL Server on the Same machine and we are having problems with certificates. We are creating a certificate on SQL Server, backing up the certificate on a file system and then loading certificate on the SQL Server Express from the file and we are keep getting the following error: Msg 15208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key file does not exist or has invalid format.

Following script runs fine on SQL Server.

Code Snippet

use master

Create Master Key Encryption BY Password = '45Gme*3^&fwu';

BACKUP MASTER KEY TO FILE = 'C:ServiceBrokerPrivateKeyMasterB.pvk'


Create Certificate EndPointCertificateC

WITH Subject = 'C.Server.Local',

START_DATE = '06/01/2006',

EXPIRY_DATE = '01/01/2008'



TO FILE = 'C:ServiceBrokerEndPointCertificateC.cer'

Following script runs on SQL Server Express:

Code Snippet

Create Certificate EndPointCertificateC

From FILE = 'C:ServiceBrokerEndPointCertificateC.cer'


FILE = 'C:ServiceBrokerPrivateKeyMasterB.pvk',



If we run the script other way around, it works fine. If we use the SQL Server on some other machine, the script works fine. But only on the same machine, it throws this error. We made sure the permissions and everything. Let us know if there is any work around or what are we doing wrong.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you,

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Is It Possible To Create More Than One Instance In SQL 7.0?

Dec 8, 2000

Hi everybody,

In Oracle, we can create any no. of instances on a single machine and each instance will have
a separate database. Like that, is it possible to create more than one instance on a single machine.
and also is it possible to create instances in SQL Server Version 7.0.

Any help would be appreciated.

tks in advance,

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Create Second Instance

May 8, 2007

Hi to every one,

i am pavan working as Oracle DBA. now i am learning sqlserver2000.
b cos i need to maintain one sqlserver database.

i have one doubt. i installed sql server 2000 in my machine. now i want to creace second instance on same machie. how can i do it.

i heared we can maintain 32 servers in single machine in sql server

how can i create second instance.
and any one send me pdf /documentation on sqlserver 2000


Associate Oracle DBA

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Create A New Instance

Oct 18, 2007


I have Ms project server 2007 and SQL Enterprise 2005. I want to create a OLAP cubes. I follow the installation guides but I don't have MSSQL.2 directory.

How i create this? I read it is necessary to create an instance, but how i do that? I'm not a expert in SQL.


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Can't Create A New Instance After SQL SP2

May 14, 2007

Hi I'm a newb with zero knowledge of SQL!

I have a SBS 2003 R2 Prem box with instances for Sharepoint, WSUS, MSFW and SBSMonitoring.

I have installed SP2 for SQL2005 but now I can't use the SBS CD to create a new instance or a default instance because it is an older version than SP2.

Can anyone advise how to create a default and/or new instance?

Many thanks in advance.

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Create New Instance

Nov 8, 2007

How i can create new instance for sqlserver 2005?

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When To Create A New Instance

Apr 25, 2007

I am using SQL Server 2005 and need to add a set of Database tables and other objects for each user of an application.

The simplest way seems to be to duplicate the database inside the same instance. What are the guidelines/pros/cons for determining when you should create a new named instance versus just adding more databases to the same instance.



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Help - How Do I Create A New Instance

Nov 16, 2006

Hi Guys

Im new to SQL and I need to create a new instance ???


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How To Create A New Named Instance

Feb 3, 2006


I did install SQL-server developer edition. During the installation it asked me the name of de instance. I let the installation create the default Named instance.

Now I want to add an instance with a new name. What is the best way to do this? Is this the same as creating a Notification service?


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How To Create Instance Name And Password

Dec 26, 2007

In a previous answer about beginning to use SQL Server 2005 Studio you say "Mention your Instance name /user name and password to connect to the server. "

Please advise where I should go to creat the instance name and password. It appears my Studio is running but I have not been asked for an "Instance Name" or password. What, exactly, does instance name mean and how can I tell if I have everything installed correctly?
Thank you.

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Create SQL Server Instance

Feb 19, 2008

I've uninstalled SQL Server Express and installed SQL Server Enterprise, all the tools where installed, but it didn't installed any server (instance?), and the old {local}SQLEXPRESS is still there, but it really doesn't exist.

- I look up at mipc/manage and there's no sql server running.
- I try to add an instance using the surface configuration, but it gave my this error:

Code Snippet

No SQL Server 2005 components were found on the specified computer. Either no components are installed, or you are not an administrator on this computer. (SQLSAC)
How do I completly remove sql server from my computer, or, how do I add an instance of sql server?

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How Can I Create A New Instance Under SQL 2005?

Aug 10, 2006

I have a clean SQL 2005 install, and would like to setup a new/empty instance for an application suite (3rd party) to reside in.

Is there any way to do this?

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How Can I Create New Instance In My Computer Or Any Server ?

Jun 26, 2007

If there is one instance in a server and I would like to create another instance, what should I do ?????
Or if my computer is not included any instance, How can I create new instance on my computer ? 
Please give me any suggestions ......

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How Do I Create A New Instance Of SQL Server 2005

Nov 27, 2007

I have access to a server with sql server 2005 workgroup edition. It runs an instance of sql server for this huge application we use. I would like to create a new instance of Sql server 2005 so I can play around with it and learn how to use the 2005 version. How can you create a new instance? I want this instance to run alongside the current instance.  I can't find out how to do this anywhere. I'm sure it's possible though.  Thanks 

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Could Not Create An Instance Of OLE DB Provider 'BULKIMPORTSTREAM'.

Feb 10, 2005

Run this script:

bulk insert viewdisp
from 'd:downloadsassessment05_preloadviewdisp.txt'
with (
datafiletype = 'widechar',
firstrow = 1,
maxerrors = 0

Get this error:

Could not create an instance of OLE DB provider 'BULKIMPORTSTREAM'.
OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: CoCreate of DSO for BULKIMPORTSTREAM returned 0x80040154].

SQL Server 2000 - SP3a
Logged in as sa with system admin, bulk insert admin, dbo, ddl admin, local admin, king of the world... you name it.

Is this a OLE DB Driver or MDAC issue?

Anyone else ever had this issue. You would think that Microsoft would have all of their error messages on their own WebSite, but that must be too much trouble for them.

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Create Reporting Instance From Prod

Apr 25, 2008

Hi all,

I've got two SQL Server 2000 (SP ??) instances (on two separate machines; Win Server 2003 Standard) that I've inherited. I want to use one of them as a reporting instance of production for a single ~4GB database, updated nightly.

In other DBMS's I'd set up log shipping or a simple dump-and-load to keep the two in sync, but I'm not very familiar with SQL 2000 (I used to admin a SQL Server 7 back-in-the-day but have been on Sybase ASE, MySQL (blech) and 'Orable since).

Any suggestions to do this easily and (fairly) painlessly?

Would I want to set up replication between the two? If so, which flavor?
-- To me, this seems a bit overkill. Plus I hate to muck with production unless I really need to

Would I use DTS to do this?
-- Seems straightforward but as I understand it, DTS under-the-covers is a bcp-type process, which can be fairly slow.

Or a simple dump-and-load (with copy)?
-- This seems the best option as we're already doing a nightly dump. However, the data will have to be shuffled off to the other server (or some sort of network share set up that it can access) and then a script fired off when the dump is complete. This seems the most "brittle" of the three options (if the dump hasn't finished yet, then the script copy and import will fail, etc.)

Surely this has been done over and over again (searching the archives didn't tell me anything, but the site search tool isn't that great).


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Can Create Server Instance Through Script?

Jul 13, 2013

I am using SQL server 2008 standard edition. Is there a way to create a new server Instance by a scrip except the default instance.?

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Create New Database As A User Instance

Mar 2, 2007

Is there any way to create a new database directly as a user instance. I guess this means creating a new mdf/ldf pair which is detached from the server after its created.
Thank you...

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Cannot Create A New Instance In Sqlserver 2005

Jul 14, 2006

I have installed sqlserver 2005 and by mistake i have made a default instance. I previously had sqlserver 2000 installed on my machine. Now I want to create a new instance of sqlserver 2005 but dont know how to do it .... Please help me on this

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CREATE ENDPOINT To Expose A Single DB Instance

Feb 27, 2007

I have been looking at this statement for allowing access from a remote location to a specific database on my SQL Server (2005) from a client application.
Is it possible to do this using this method? I see lots of examples using this to expose Web Services of DB objects, however I need the client application to be able to authenticate to and access all objects in the database. If so, could some one provide a simple example of the arguments to use? For example, which protocol arguments are valid for this? I would like to use SQL Server Authentication. Is this possible?

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How Can We Create New SQL SERVER 2005 Database Instance

Feb 5, 2008

In my machine , we were used befour sql server2000 and now we are using sql server 2005 ,
So, I have both 2000 and 2005 installed on my machine ,
on my machine i am working on Custome Paging and one function ROW_NUMBER() is not working ,because of i think i am still working on 2000 instance on locally,
Can any one know how can we create an instance of sqlserver 2005 database and work with that?
I want to work with sql server 2005.

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Cannot Create Named Instance Virtual Directory

Jun 8, 2007

We regularly deploy our product to client's sites and install a named instance of SQL Server 2005 and Reporting Services on their Windows Server. We use the instance name "lgs" during SQL setup and it automatically ensures we have a http://server/Reports$lgs and http://server/ReportServer$lgs to work with.

A recent deployment had some trouble with their OS and we have needed to reinstall the Reporting Services component of SQL. After reinstalling, the virtual directories for Reports$lgs and ReportServer$lgs are gone. I have used the Reporting Services Configuration tool to create new virtual directories but when I enter Reports$lgs or ReportServer$lgs as the names I get an error. The error says that the virtual directories cannot

be created due to illegal characters in the names.

How can I create the same virtual dirs that would have normally been created during initial installation?


- Jason

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How To Tailor CREATE DATABASE For An Arbitrary Instance

Sep 20, 2006

Suppose the following:

As part of a product install (using InstallShield)...

I create a SQL Server Express instance (say "X") via a silent install
I supply a script to create a database in instance X.

The idea, of course, is to have a fully automated install. But there's one problem I can't quite see how to work around:

- the CREATE DATABASE statement needs the name of a file to contain the database, and that file needs to be in a folder that belongs to the instance (e.g. Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1, Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2, etc).

Is there a syntactic variant that allows me to avoid this problem?


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Cannot Create An Instance Of OLE DB Provider VFPOLEDB Object

Jan 23, 2007

Hi forum

I'm developing a report in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services based on a query from SQL Server tables joined with Visual FoxPro free tables. I created a Linked Server with Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro provider, whith VFPOLEDB.1 string provider. Everything runs ok
within a Business Intelligence Development Studio environment, but when I implement my report, at runtime an error occurs it said "Cannot create an instance of OLE DB Provider VFPOLEDB object". I swtched any combination of Linked Server security and Provider security pages without to solve the problem.

Navigating the web today, I read a similar thread posted by stephanielauym
at April 3, 2006 but I`m not clear if she passed the issue or not. In case of yes, I would like to know how she solved it. I'proved among other with "Allow inprocess" but don't.

Please, if Stephany or Cindy (that she answered) or anyone knows how to solve this error, I'll thank very much.

Arturo CarriĆ³n
at Tiempo Hard SA
Mendoza, Argentina

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