Hyperlink To Second Page Of Another Report

May 13, 2008

I've got a situation where a report I'm developing needs to have hyperlinks to another report. Easy enough. However, the hyperlink needs to land on Page 2 of the other report, instead of the default page 1. Any ideas??

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Page Header And Page Footer Not Loading Report Items In The Main Report When Subreport Called?

Apr 2, 2007

Hi All,

I am having a main report having two subreports, say M1,S1 and S2 respectively.

The issue is S2 normally tend to go beyond one page, for all pages except first page of the of the subreport I am getting the page header and footer blank,

Actually this is not loading the ReportItems that are used in main report but it shows text boxes containing strings for eg . "My Name" and date functions eg Today()

Any Solution?

Thanks and Regards


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Report Viewer In ASP.NET - Subreport Page 2 Goes Back To Main Report Page 2 On Paging

Nov 22, 2007

What we've found is that when you have two reports where one navigates to the other, if you click on the second page of the second report, it takes you to the second page of the original report. If you navigate over to the subreport again and click for the second page, it works appropriately. This is definitely a no-go for production code and this may delay our ship date because I would think this is definitely undesirable.


ASP.NET Report Viewer using Remote Reports
Report that links to another report
Both reports return more than one page
Reporting Services installed
Steps to Reproduce:

Download the source code here.

Follow the directions (near the bottom of the post) to get the project set up.

Run it and click on a link in the first report to go to the second report.

Click the arrow for page 2 of the second report.

Notice how it takes you back to page 2 of the first report (this doesn't happen when you are in preview mode in the Reporting Services project and I don't believe it does this in a smart client application).

Click on a link in the first report to go back to the second report.

Click the arrow for page 2.

Notice how it takes you to page 2 of the second report.

Here is a link with source code and a more detailed explanation: http://geekswithblogs.net/robz/archive/2007/11/21/Reporting-Services-2005-BUG-Report-Linking-and-Paging---ASP.NET.aspx

So what I am looking for is both a workaround for now and if this is determined to be a bug, to be fixed in the next service pack.

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Hyperlink In Report Services

Jan 22, 2008

Hello I have

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Version 8.0.50727.762 (SP.050727-7600)
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 2.0.50727

Installed it came with SQL Server 2005, and for awhile now I have been trying to create a hyperling to a folder with our scanned files on it. I go to the Jump URL and then I put in a link address like

=void(window.open('http:\gcsqlDataBaseReportsP atronsDisputeALFARO, FRANCISCO.pdf','_blank','toolbar=no,location=no,di rectories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbar=yes,re sizable=yes,copyhistory=no'))

but nothing happens it doesnt even recoginize it as a hyperlink

can someone help please

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Hyperlink:Jump To Report

Mar 14, 2008


I have a report that uses Jump to Report and passes Reportname with parameter. Is
there a way to suppress the parameter value in the URL so the user is unable
to manipulate the parameter and execute the changed URL?

This is what I have so far..


because when reports exported to excel, hyperlink path will be displayed and should not display to the user.

Or can we set Hyperline action dyamically?

Thank you.

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Hyperlink In The Report Description

Mar 1, 2007

Is it possible to add a hyperlink in the report description property?

Thanks in advance

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Report Builder: Display Hyperlink

Jun 25, 2007

Using the Report Builder, the users need to generate a report in which one of the columns should have a hyperlink that navigates to a particular aspx page.

Now, I am able to provide for a hyperlink enabled column from the static reports designed using the Report Server Project. I have used the Navigation --> Jump To URL property of TextBox for this.

But the users dont want to depend on static reports and need this to be available via Report Builder.

I tried to provide for the <a href="somepage.aspx">xxx</a> from the named query in the datasource view, but when I run the report, the Reporting Service HTMLEncodes the tags and displays everything as text.

Is there a way to generate a hyperlink using Report Builder.

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Issue With URL Encoding Report's Hyperlink Value.

Dec 12, 2005


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Adding Hyperlink Using Report Builder

Feb 7, 2007


I want to add Hyperlink to report, using report builder.

or to add it to report model

does any body has a clue


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Reporting Services :: Conditional Hyperlink To Another Report

Jul 3, 2009

We are trying to create a hyperlink to another report based in the value of the field..If the field is OK, then no hyperlink is placed, when the field is NOK, we want to put a hyperlink to another report.. Can we do this? How can we set a conditional acction for the column?

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Hyperlink Target In SharePoint Report Viewer Web Part

Jun 7, 2007

Has anyone been successful in configuring the Hyperlink Target property in the SSRS Sharepoint Web Part? I've tried every setting, including _blank, yet the behavior does not change.

Am I doing something incorrectly or is this not implemented correctly?

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Reporting Services :: Drill Down Report Hyperlink In SSRS

Sep 28, 2015

I'm new to the SSRS reports, I have a Drill Down report in that I had Customer data and its related Accounts are populating while expanding the (+) Customer now I need to add hyperlink to the associated Accounts .. How to achieve this.

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When Exporting To Excel Unable To Turn Of The Hyperlink Report Export

Sep 20, 2007

Hello, I have a report that enables drilldown to another report through the hyperlink jump to report option in the navigation properties of the cell. The thing is I need the report to only export what the users see on the screen, which means that if the report's cell is not expanded to another report then only the current report needs to be exported. The export option will currently export all data down to last drilldown. Any suggestions?

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Single Page Report In SSRS Is Printing With The Second Page Blank....URGENT

May 16, 2008

Hi All,
In my SSRS report. I have a report which has only one page. In preview it is showing as only 1 page but when I am printing the report. I am getting two printouts with the second page as a blank.. Please help me in printing the page that contains report. Intially I used a Page header, at that it used to print the blank page with a header only. Now as I removed the header it is printing the page without header i.e Blank Page.. So please help me in prinitng a single page that has the report. It is urgent,..


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Reporting Services :: Page Break In Middle Of Two Page Report

Nov 11, 2015

How do I add a hard page break in the middle of a two page report? I use Microsoft reports for windows.

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Blank Page When Printing/Exporting Prior To Every Report Page

Jan 23, 2008

I'm hoping that someone can shed some light on this for me... I'm using SSRS SP2 and I have a basic report using a single list object which, at the moment, should print only two pages based on the results of the underlying query. When previewing the report, it shows the two pages. But when the report is printed or exported, there is a blank page before each report page.

What I've done so far:
1) Verified the properties of the list object and made sure that 'Insert a page break before this list' is not checked

2) Ensured that there are no hidden objects that could be causing this behavior
3) Ensured that the report size + margins are within the boudaries of an standard 8.5x11 paper size

Any suggestions on something that would solve this issue?


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Make Multip Page Report To Be Shown In One Page

Jan 23, 2008

I made a report that is 10 pages long. I like to show all the data in one page (after deployment). Any idea if this is possible?

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One Page Report - One Result Row In SQL = One Full Page Of Data

Feb 27, 2008

Hi - I am pretty new to Reporting Services. I need to create a report where a single result row from the Select Statement populates an entire page of data. The regular grid or Matrix reports don't fit this need. Is there a simple way to do this?

Thanks - Dave

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How To Display A Multiple-page Report In One Page

Dec 10, 2007

I have a report which is multiple pages in the report viewer. Now I want to make it shown in the webpage report viewer just in one page. Is there any ways to realize it?


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Rendering Report Page By Page Using Webservices

Apr 10, 2008

How can I get only one page of data each time when I call the render menthod from the SSRS webservice

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Change Page Title From Report Viewer/Manager To The Actual Report Name?

Jan 26, 2007

Can a person change the page title from "Report Viewer/Manager" to the actual report name?

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Report Builder Icon Is Not Showing Up On The Report Manager Home Page

Feb 1, 2007

HI, there,

I added a new windows user "ReportUser" which is a local user (not in administrator group). When I connect to the report manage's web page, I use reportuser to log in (when the anonymous access is disabled it will ask a log in). Report builder icon is not showing up on the report manager home page.

If I log in as a user in administrator group, the reportr builder icon shows up so I can download it and build report.

I have assigned reportuser "Content manager" and "repoter builder" access to the home folder. Is there anything else I have to do to make the report build icon show up on the home page?



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Reporting Services :: Repeat Line On Each Page Of Report On PDF While Using 2 Columns On Report

Jul 20, 2015

I want to repeat line on each page of report on PDF while using 2 columns on report. The problem is that if i use table border it will also repeat after second table. i want a line between two tables.

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How To Display Multiple Values On Report Page From A Multi-value Report Param

Nov 5, 2007

How do I display multiple parameter values on report page from a multi-value report parameter. For example, I have a report parameter where users can select multiple attendance codes and I want them displayed at the top of the report after it's run.

Currently, only the first value is showing on the report.


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Report Builder Not Appearing In Report Server 2005 Web Page

Sep 17, 2007

I have provided required permissions, still user not able to view report builder option in his console.

what could be wrong? what needs to be done to provide report builder to users.

Deleep P

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Non-Report Hyperlinks On Report Manager Home Page?

Feb 23, 2007

Is it possible to add hyperlinks to the Report Manager Home Page that link to other aspx pages? I have created some associated data entry aspx pages that I want to enable access to from the Report Manager Home Page (if possible).


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How Can I Add Report To Report Viewer In Asp.net Page

Feb 18, 2008

sorry but this is my first dayes to using sql report services i make 14 report in sql report services server and do't know how can i add this reports to my aspx page
and every report have parameters how can i send this parmeter to reports when he open or load in aspx page
like companyID and employeeID
my report have his datasource and dataset
sorry but i just start to using reports services

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Report Export To Excel - Report Header Is Not Appearing In Each Page Of Excel.

Feb 28, 2007

I've built a fairly straight forward report in RS that looks normal in preview mode and in PDF format with out any issues.But when I export it to Excel report header is not appearing in each page.Any ideas as to why this is occurring?thanks in advance,Ramesh KS

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Report Page Number

Mar 5, 2007

Hi all. how make a page number at the buttom of the report. I can't find it in Business Intelligence project.


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Printing Report In One Page

Sep 26, 2007

hello there,

i have created a report now i want to have the report print on one page instead of two pages which is doing now.how can i do that.i am using SSRS 2005.
please help


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Fit Report To Page Problem.....

Jun 5, 2007


when i am running the report and trying to export it ( acrobat for example) i get the report on 4 pages.

the report contain 4 small table.

i check the margins / padding and everything else......

don't know what to do, need HELP.......


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Trouble With One Page Report

Nov 4, 2007

Hello all:Here is my issue:I have a stored procedure that reads into Reporting Services with one parameter, 'id'. Once the user selects this id from the list, a one page report is generated that gives information (address, country, history, etc.) based on that id parameter. This report currently functions.Now, I've been trying to adjust this, to still produce a one-page report, however without a parameter. So ultimately there would be 110 pages reflecting info for 110 ids (pre-selected). I'm having issues when trying to run the report, for example in visual studio when I select 'view report', only one id appears and 120 'history details' appear. It's very strange, and I'm not sure how to fix it. I think an adjustement in the layout view needs to be made...I'm having great difficulty figuring out what that is. Help? Greatly appreciated!

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Fit A Report On One Single Page?

Oct 3, 2007

I have a report that is 8 pages. After I upload the report to the intranet, I always have to click on "next" to see the next page. This is very troublesome, is there a way that I can show all the data on one page so that I can look at it without having to click "next" several times?


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