I've Done A Very Silly Thing And Need Help

Mar 25, 2003

After being put in a position where I had to deal with a SQL problem without very little SQL knowledge I have screwed a clients main database up.

I backed up the transaction log and then deleted the log. The database is shown as suspect and won't let me restore.

Am I F&%ked?

Any help in sorting this out will be rewarded with much kudos and thanks

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The Whole Dbo.thing....

Dec 6, 2007

As a burgeoning SQL developer I have never really understood the need for SQL Server / Enterprise Manager to show us the whole dbo.Table name thing. What is dbo, and why do we need to know deal with it?With that said, in my SQL 2005 Express database all of my project tables for my project management demo were named guard.pgUsers for example and not dbo.pgUsers.How come? Why did they get named different on their own? 

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Group By Thing

Mar 31, 2008

I try to do:

@ThisMinute DateTime,
@ThisDay DateTime

SET@ThisDay = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, '20000101', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), '20000101')

row_number() over (order by MAX(HeadlineDate)) as Number,
COUNT(ArticleID) AS [Count],
MIN(DATEADD(dd, - (DAY(HeadlineDate) - 1), HeadlineDate)) AS HeadlineDate

MONTH(HeadlineDate), Year(HeadlineDate)
MAX(HeadlineDate) desC

Which works fine, but when I do:

@ThisMinute DateTime,
@ThisDay DateTime

SET@ThisDay = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, '20000101', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), '20000101')

row_number() over (order by MAX(HeadlineDate)) as Number,
COUNT(ArticleID) AS [Count],
MIN(DATEADD(dd, - (DAY(HeadlineDate) - 1), HeadlineDate)) AS HeadlineDate
Expiredate <> Null
MONTH(HeadlineDate), Year(HeadlineDate)
MAX(HeadlineDate) desC

it doesn't return anything....

How can I change that

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. (Einstein)

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Is There Such A Thing As Too Many Relationship?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have a corporate database with about 60 different tables that spansmanufacturing, accounting, marketing, etc.It is possible, but unwieldy, to establish a relationship for eachtable in the entire database through critical fields like customer_idor product_id.But should I do that?My question is: Is there such a thing as too many relationships? CanI establish referential integrity via relationships with criticaltables like Accounting, but leave the rest unconnected and simply useJOINS in my business code?Thanks,HC

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Is There Such A Thing As Table Name Wildcards?

Jan 8, 2007

Hey all,I have a datagrid with populated by this query: SELECT TABLE_NAME, TABLE_TYPE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE (TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE')I have paging, sorting and selection enabled.Now I am looking for a way to use a wild card as a placeholder for the table name in my select statements so I can use the valued selected from the datagrid.Example : SELECT * FROM %TABLENAME%TIAWOOHOO! my first post. 

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This Thing Gives Me Scaler Error

May 23, 2008

i got this stored procedure.
i tried to modify it and now its giving me this scaler error.
Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Procedure insertuser, Line 4
Must declare the scalar variable "@seller_id".
 USE [DBCars]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[insertuser] Script Date: 05/23/2008 20:44:37 ******/
ALTER procedure [dbo].[insertuser]
(@Make nchar(10),@Model nchar(10),@City nchar(10),@SellerID varchar(50),@MileAge nchar(10),@Year_Model int)
insert into tbcar values(@make,@model,@city,@seller_id,@mileage,@year_model);

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Are There Such A Thing As Arrays In TSQL?

Feb 10, 2004

I'm have a stored procedure that iterates through a list of numbers and adds an item for each number (user id) some of these ids are duplicates which is fine even necessary for the first part of my query but for the last I need to ensure that no duplicates id's are passed to the stored procedure, in this case called 'spInsertForBackupNote'. My thoughts here was to do something like this:

SET @Note_Buffer = @UserID -- @Note_Buffer being some kind of array?

IF @Note_Buffer = @UserID -- If its been added to the buffer we dont execute sp
Do Nothing here


EXECUTE spInsertForBackupNote @FK_UserID, @FK_NoteID

I know this would never work because it would always be false since I just added the same userid to the buffer that I want to add. But I think you see my problem. I know it should be an easy one but my TSQL is limited. I've posted the whole sp. Hope someone can help.

CREATE PROCEDURE spInsertAssignedNotesByList
@FK_UserIDList NVARCHAR(4000) = NULL,
@FK_NoteIDList NVARCHAR(4000) = NULL,
@By_Who INT,


DECLARE @Note_Length INT
DECLARE @Note_Buffer INT



SELECT @Note_Length = DATALENGTH(@FK_NoteIDList )

DECLARE @Temp_NoteLength INT

SET @TempFK_NoteIDList = @FK_NoteIDList
SET @Temp_NoteLength = DATALENGTH(@FK_NoteIDList )

-- IF @Length > @Note_Length -- If we have more users than notes


WHILE @Length > 0

IF @Length > 0

EXECUTE @Length = PopFirstWord @FK_UserIDList OUTPUT, @FirstUserIDWord OUTPUT

IF @Length > 0

SET @FK_NoteIDList = @TempFK_NoteIDList
SET @Note_Length = @Temp_NoteLength

WHILE @Note_Length > 0
EXECUTE @Note_Length = PopFirstWord @FK_NoteIDList OUTPUT, @FirstNoteIDWord OUTPUT

IF @Note_Length > 0
EXECUTE spInsertAssignedNoteDetail @FK_UserID, @FK_NoteID

SET @Note_Buffer = @UserID
EXECUTE spInsertForBackupNote @FK_UserID, @FK_NoteID, @By_Who, @UserID -- NEW HERE



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Is There Such A Thing As A Variable SUBSTRING?

Nov 27, 2001

I have this field in a table.

Johnson, Bill P.

I need to cut it up into this in another table:

Johnson Bill P

I can't use SUBSTRING command because the length of this field will change with every row.

Is there a way I can tell it to truncate past or prior to the comma or spaces?



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Localization In SQL Server- Is There Such A Thing?

Apr 30, 2007

Hello all,
I'm working on an ASP.NET with a SQL server for database. Some of the tables, for example, contain information such as different types of Fabrics (silk, cotton, etc..) . I'd like to have this table localizable (English and French for instance). Is this possible ? Is there an equivalent of resource files in SQL server ?
Or do I have to do this manually ? (have 2 separate fields in the table for those 2 locales)

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This Should Be The Easist Thing To Do... Have A Counter...

Apr 25, 2007

This should be so easy.

All I want to do is have a cumalative counter that counts from 1 to whatever.

any ideas how i can do this?

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DTExec Can This Thing Run In The Background?

Sep 24, 2007

I have a DTS Package that I am running from a command line via .bat file. Does anyone know if there is a command to have the command window minimized or running in the background? I used the /Rep N command but that still leaves the window open until the package has executed.


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One Surprise Thing When Use VarDecimal

Aug 3, 2007

Hi ALl,

When I open the VarDecimal option in our SAP R3P system, I found the space used is increased.

Before turn on the option:
Total space:528315.31MB
Fee Sapce:0.00MB

After trun on the option:
Total Space:733815.31MB
Free Space:119006.31MB

it is very interestion, anyone has this experience?


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How To Do The Same Thing In Mssql As Mysql?

Apr 13, 2006

in MySql:

SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 5,10

How to do this in MicroSoftSql?

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This Is So Silly

Jul 1, 2004

I Imported a table over to sql 2000 server(through the DTS), then I exported the table to access 2000. After creating my forms my users were trying ot add data but couldnt, they kept getting an error message saying these records are not updateable. After some research I found that I never appointed a primary key, so after doing so the records became updateable. constant learning process adn I love it :)

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Sql Server Stored Procedures, Just One Thing After Another

Jul 2, 2007

 In a previous post, someone helped me with creating stored procedures, and I am grateful because I am transitioning from the Access World.
Anyway, I get an error at .ExecuteNonQuery in visual studio 2005 when I run the following code: 
Dim strsql As String        Dim strconn As String        strsql = "sp_Roster"        strconn = "server=xxxx; user=xxxx; pwd=xxxx; database=xxxx;"        With comm            .Connection = New SqlConnection(strconn)            .CommandText = strsql            .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure            With .Parameters.Add("TeacherID", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = "DawsMark@aol.com"            End With            With .Parameters.Add("ClassID", SqlDbType.Int)                .Value = classid            End With            With .Parameters.Add("sID", SqlDbType.Int)                .Value = ssID            End With            With .Parameters.Add("sLastName", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = lastname            End With            With .Parameters.Add("sFirstName", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = firstname            End With            With .Parameters.Add("sMiddleName", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = middlename            End With            With .Parameters.Add("Student", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = fullname            End With            With .Parameters.Add("Password", SqlDbType.Char)                .Value = password            End With            .Connection.Open()            .ExecuteNonQuery()            With comm.Connection                If .State = ConnectionState.Open Then                    .Close()                End If            End With        End With
The error was:  Error converting data type char to int.
The stored procedure in sql server was as follows 
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_Roster     -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here@TeacherID varchar(50),@ClassID  int,@sID int,@sLastName varchar(50),@sFirstName varchar(50),@sMiddleName varchar(50),@Student varchar(50),@Password varchar(50)ASBEGIN    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from    -- interfering with SELECT statements.    SET NOCOUNT ON;    -- Insert statements for procedure here    INSERT INTO Roster (TeacherID, ClassID, sID, sLastName, sFirstName, sMiddleName, Student, Password) VALUES (@TeacherID, @ClassID, @sID, @sLastName, @sFirstName, @sMiddleName, @Student, @Password)ENDGO
The error also says "sqlexception was unhandled by user code.
This is strange because this code worked perfectly when connecting to Access and when I used oledb. 
So how is it the code's problem?  Is the stored procedure causing the error or the code.  Can someone please help. thanks. 
<Edited by Dinakar Nethi>
Please mask your useird/pwd info in the connection string when posting to a public forum like this

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Array (or Similar Thing ) In Sql Server

Jul 4, 2005

I would like to write a fun or stored procedure to do some operation. It require me to know that what category is currently belong to certain people(people_table: category_table1               to           Many)However, when i use the select statement in stored proc, it return a set of result, not a scalar , therefore, i cannot use the variable to hold it. In addition, there are no array in SQL server.Question:1. Is there any way to hold the collection of result(like array)?2. Also, how to determine to use fun or stored procedure?(Since a integer is need to return by them)Thx

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SQL Server Sluggish First Thing In The Morning

Sep 15, 2005

Every morning our sql server runs very slowly which means our log on
page times out on a simple query. If we stop and start the sql server
everything runs fine for the rest of the day until the follwing
morning. the server is not used out of business hours excpet for a few
very small and simple jobs to delete records, These all run to
completion. Any help with this would be much aprreciated! Thanks.

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How Can I Select One Only To Display If There's Same Thing More Then One In Table.

Aug 20, 2003

Hi ..
i am SqL beginner. i having trouble output what i want from table.
table contain 3 columns
1.| Jimmy | pizza| TX |
2.| Joe | ball | CA |
3.| Joe | ball | WA |
4.| Jim | shoes| AZ |

i try to select all records out from this table. but column 2 and 3 contain same information in names and item only different is location. how can distinct one of them?? and display like the below, please advise.

1.| Jimmy | pizza|
2.| Joe | ball |
3.| Jim | shoes|

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JOINing... But Not With The Multiple Rows Thing.

Jul 19, 2006

My thread titles need work, I know. :o

Ok, lets say I've got:

documentName VARCHAR

userName VARCHAR

userID INT
documentID INT
approvalDate DATETIME

If I want to get a list of documents, and the users who've signed them off (if any), I'd do something like:

SELECT [tblDocuments].[documentName], [tblUsers].[userName ], [tblDocumentApprovals].[approvalDate ]
FROM [tblDocuments]
LEFT JOIN [tblDocumentApprovals] ON [tblDocumentApprovals].[documentID] = [tblDocuments.id]
INNER JOIN [tblUsers] ON [tblUsers].[id] = [tblDocumentApprovals].[userID]

...which is lovely. Except - I don't want a row returned for each user that's signed it off. I want one row for each document, with a field containing a list of the people who've signed it off.

I know that it's bad design. I was reading an article only yesterday on how they're putting this kind of thing into the latest version of Access, and how it's a bit of a kludge. But it'd really, really help me.

How do you do it?

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Strange Thing In All Examples At MSDN

Sep 18, 2007

I have seen many examples at MSDN library related to SQL Querries in all queries one thing is same the way they use tables in there queries. BUT wht is this really i am not getting this, can anyone tell me.. the code and the problem is as follows:

Code Snippet
FROM Purchasing.ProductVendor JOIN Purchasing.Vendor
ON (ProductVendor.VendorID = Vendor.VendorID)In the above code u see "Purchasing.ProductVendor", I want to ask that wht is this
Purchasing Stands for, If we suppose that purxchasing is the database name then also
normally we use database name as Purchasing.dbo.ProductVendor BUT I am not getting that
what is this,
Please if someone knows then explain it to me,

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Silly BAcKUp Log Is Too Big

Jun 11, 2001

Is there a way to restore just the data.mdf file and accept an existing log?

Current state: A client has a backup where the data file is 400mb and the log is 4.99gb. The avaiable hhd space is 6gb.

Restoring the backup to a test database fails.

Objective: Check the calendar file for missing data, and if found, update the live calendar with the missing items.

We don't need the database to be fully operational, we only need a particular table. I'll write a cursor if needed to update the live cal from the restored backup.

I suspect that the available diskspace is causing the retore to fail.


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This Is Probably A Silly Question

Jul 8, 2004

I wanted to create a table with an exsisting table, then create a relationship between the two. The table being created needs a DocID autonumbered primary key, is that possible to create through sql. An autonumber like access has, through a query or something. should I just have a insert into query or something?? how would I go about doing that.

Goodmorning Guys :)

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Silly Question

Jul 22, 2004

I can execute a stored procedure I created in the Enterprise manager cant I??

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Silly Question Here

Jan 23, 2006

Yes this is a silly question, but I don't know the answer!

I have developed a database using SQL Server 2K. I am now upgrading to SQL Server 2005. Can I still use my current database files in SQL Server 2005? If I can, do u have any idea how I can make SQL Server 2005 load up the old files and start working?

Also my hosting provider has NOT upgraded to SQL Server 2005. He will only accept the old SQL Server 2K files. Can SQL Server 2005 save files that will work on a SQL Server 2K server?

Thank you!!!

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Silly Question

Mar 16, 2007

Hi all. I think its a silly question to ask. What is better to use? I mean in terms of performance.
c.* or c.field1, c.field2, c.field3, c.lastfield..... ?


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Silly Question

Jul 20, 2005

HiI've not used SQL Server for a while, and I've forgotten how you hide allthose system procedures (beginning with dt_) in Enterprise Manager.Could some kind person please refresh my memory?ThanksCaptain Nemo

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May Be A Silly Question,but.....

Mar 3, 2008

In a situation when you have a power cut, and then sometime later 'most' of your sql servers come back on line, is it better to leave them all down unless they all come back online, or is it better to let some of them come back up knowing that the ones that do come up will have job failure issues with the ones that are down. I pose this question purely from the perspective of scheduled job problem as we do not have people on site when we have intermittent power cuts at weekends. What would scheduled jobs which are due to run , but miss their run time as we leave the servers down after a power cut till we get back in on Mondays do when we do actually re-power them up, would they just resume from their next scheduled point, or would they try to run as often as they should have run?


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Silly Question...

Apr 24, 2007

Hi everyone,

Inside a Script Task I€™ve got this line:

Dts.Variables("Var1").Value = Dts.Variables("Var2").ToString

After that, I get this value for Var1:
"Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Variable" {String}
String: "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Variable"

Does anyone have any idea about the hell is happening here?

Both of them has been defined at the same scope and own String as data type

Thanks in advance and regards,

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Silly Sql Problem

Oct 11, 2007

I will give you the simplest version of this I know if.

I have 3 tables.

Person Table
PersonID, Forename, Surname

Event Table
EventID, EventName

Involvment Table
PersonID, EventID

In this, the Person table's primary key is PersonID, the Event table's primary key is EventID and the Involvment table's primary key is PersonID, EventID.
There is also a foreign key constrant between Person.PersonID and Involvment.PersonID and a foreign key constraint between Event.EventID and Involvment.EventID.

The sql to create this would be

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Person](

[PersonID] [int] NOT NULL,

[Forename] [nchar](30) NOT NULL,

[Surname] [nchar](30) NOT NULL,



[PersonID] ASC



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Event](

[EventID] [int] NOT NULL,

[EventName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,



[EventID] ASC



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Involvment](

[PersonID] [int] NOT NULL,

[EventID] [int] NOT NULL,



[PersonID] ASC,

[EventID] ASC




ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Involvment] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Involvment_Event] FOREIGN KEY([EventID])

REFERENCES [dbo].[Event] ([EventID])


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Involvment] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Involvment_Event]


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Involvment] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Involvment_Person] FOREIGN KEY([PersonID])

REFERENCES [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID])


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Involvment] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Involvment_Person]

As so obviously stolen from SSMS.

Now what I am having problems with is if someone is involved with more than one event, then I only want them to get listed once.

If we have the following in the Person table.



the following in the events table



and this in the Involvment table




then when doing any select using the Involvment to get name and event information from their respective tables, there will be two entries for John Doe. I don't want this if it is possible. Although the same event multiple times is ok in this case.

So, if someone could help with this then it will be greatly appreciated. I'm still not that great with SQL so this is a problem which has been annoying me.

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Is This A Silly Way To Use SSIS?

Mar 1, 2006

I have typically done any ETL style manipulations I needed to do to data stored in SQL Server in VB.NET. I would use the IMPORT?EXPORT DTS wizard to import flat files, or mabe something from ACCESS every now and then.

I am looking at a situation in my current contract where I will be pulling flat files from a mainframe and quasi relational stuff from a DB2 instance via an ODBC connection. I will be using this stuff to build a datawarehouse for a manufacturing client.

My question is this. Is there really enough good stuff in SSIS for what I will be doing to justify my learning it or if I'm comfortable doing the manipulations in VB.NET will that work just as well for my client? After all, I can schedule VB.NET apps to write results to log files and to run at specified times, etc. It just sort of always seemed to me that DTS was for people that needed to manipulate data without necessarily having to know a lot about programming per se.

I'm looking for opinions from people that know SSIS well. Is there enough meat to make cooking the SSIS meal worth the trouble?

Thanks in advance for any info.

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Silly Question Please Help

May 7, 2007

As i am inserting data from textfile to sql server database i happened to have space Like a square appears in front of data for certain columns.How do i remove that????I use Trim(column) for all incoming columns but it does not work.

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A Silly Question!

Oct 19, 2007

What is the function of SQL Server Manager Studio Express?
Create Database and tables?
It seems that Visual Studio is already including the functions.
We can create database and table in Visual Studio 2005.

I am a new to SQL, sorry for the silly question.

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The Strangest Thing Of All Time (query Issue)

May 10, 2004

I have a query stack that uses local variables that I declare & set at the top. That stack takes a minute & runs the processor at 100%. If I substitute actual values in place of the variables the stack runs in 10 seconds! Why!?.. I need it to run that fast with variables!

-Brian Flynn

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